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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : IX (Sembilan)
Hari/ Tanggal : Senin / 24 Januari 2022
Waktu : 120 Menit

The following text is for test items number 1 and 2.

1. What is the sender‟s relation to the receiver?

A. Child.
B. Sister.
C. Friend.
D. Confidante.

2. “…walking down the aisle to start a new life.”

The expression means that ….
A. the receiver is going to marry
B. the receiver is moving to a new place
C. the sender is taking a walk in an aisle
D. the sender is asking the receiver to walk

The following text is for test items number 3 – 5.

Let me tell you about my pet, Jersy. She is a Maine Coon Cat. It is dark brown
and black in color. She is quite active and playful. She spends most of her time with
me and is therefore more affectionate towards me than any of my other family
Jersy is extremely fond of playing while at the same time it is also quite well-
behaved. Many cats run around the house breaking things. However, Jersy makes
sure she does not cause any such damage. She also takes instructions. My mother
serves her lunch at sharp every day. Jersy goes and sits near her feeder around the
same time every day. She finishes her food and makes sure it does not spill around.

Jersy has won the heart of all my family members. She awaits my return from
the school every afternoon and is delighted to see me back. I am also eager to meet
her. We love and enjoy each other‟s company.
Adapted from

3. What is the writer‟s intention of writing the text?

A. To show how his pet is taken care.
B. To introduce his pet to the readers.
C. To persuade the readers to love his pet.
D. To let the readers know his pet‟s habits.

4. Which of the following statements describes Jersy‟s physical features?

A. She is quite active and playful.
B. She is extremely fond of playing.
C. She is good at taking instructions.
D. She is dark brown and black in color.

5. The writer thinks that Jersy loves her more because ….

A. they spend more time together
B. he always serves lunch for her
C. she follows him to school
D. he likes to play with her

The following text is for test items number 6 – 8.

Growing up as a teen, I fought with my parents all the time. Back then, I wished
my parents weren't from working class and we had more money to spend. One day, I
decided to run away after an argument with my mom. I vowed to never come back to
prove that I could live without them. I had about a couple hundred in my pocket at
that time. Funny how a couple of hundred note make you feel rich as a kid.
I told my parents I went to a friend's house. By the third day, my parents were
worried and lodge a police report. By the fourth day, I was home sick and my money
was running short. I remembered a group of boys bullying me in front of a
supermarket without anyone offering to help.
When I get back home, I realized how comfortable my life is despite not being
rich. My mom had spent her days worrying about me. For the first time I noticed she
has ageing lines around her eyes. I realized that she spent her youth working to feed
us when she could have fulfilled her dreams. My dad started growing grey hair. His
face looked beaten having to care for 3 kids.
I cried not because I was homesick, I cried because I realized I was a thankless
child. Being alone out there at such young age make me realize there's so much
more to life.
Adapted from

6. The text tells a story about a teen who ….

A. got bullied by her schoolmates
B. slept over at a friend‟s house
C. lost her pocket money
D. ran away from home
7. What did the writer‟s parent do when they realized that she ran away?
A. They gave her more pocket money.
B. They bought her some stuffs from a supermarket.
C. They made a missing person report to the police.
D. They reported the boys who bullied her to the police.

8. “I vowed to never come back to prove that I could live without them.”
The word “vowed” has closest meaning to ….
A. proposed
B. planned
C. forbade
D. swore

The following text is for test items number 9 – 11.

Adopted from

9. What is the recipe about?
A. Orange lemonade.
B. Caffein - free tea.
C. Turmeric juice.
D. Ginger milk.

10. What will probably happen if we don‟t infuse the ingredients less than 5 minutes?
A. The salt content in the mixture will decrease.
B. The flavor and the taste will be less strong.
C. The water will get a bright yellow color.
D. The mixture will be thicker.

11. Which of the following tools is needed in the recipe?
A. C.

B. D.

The following text is for test items number 12 – 14.

A long time ago, there lived a Brahmin with his wife and three daughters. He
loved them very much. The Brahmin worked hard and took good care of his family.
All of the sudden, the Brahmin died. His family was broken – hearted. His wife
cried with grief, “Oh, God! How will I support my children?” In the meantime, the
Brahmin was reborn as a beautiful golden swan.
On day, the swan wondered how his dear family was. He flew to his village and
was unhappy to find his family begging for their living. “I must do something to help
them!” the swan exclaimed.
When the wife saw the lovely bird, she wanted to catch it. The swan said, “My
wife, I‟, your husband!” Plucking one of his feathers he said, “Sell this feather and buy
some food and clothes!” Then, he flew away. Every week, he came to provide for his
Soon, the Brahmin‟s wife and their daughters were rich and lived in luxury.
However, the Brahmin‟s wife was greedy. She was not happy with getting just one
feather. She decided to pluck all of his feathers.
So, next time the swan arrived, she pounced on it. The poor swan begged her
not to pull off all his feathers but in vain. The swan cried to her, “Those feathers are
useless! Because you took them by force, they have changed into ordinary feathers.
You were greedy. Now you are left with nothing!” He flew away, never to return
Adapted from

12. Which of the following problems and their solutions can be found in the story?
Problems Solutions
I. The daughters wanted to be rich. They asked the swan to provide for the
II. The wife couldn‟t support her family. The swan gave her a golden feather to
III. The wife wanted to get more The golden feathers changed into
feathers. ordinary ones.
IV. The daughters missed their father so The swan turned into human again.

A. I and II
B. I and III
C. II and III
D. II and IV

13. From the story, we can tell that the Brahmin was ….
A. respectful and dependable
B. hard-working and honest
C. generous and unselfish
D. loving and accountable

14. What is the moral of the story?

A. Greedy people rarely recognize how greedy they are.
B. The happiest is the man who is not selfish at all.
C. When you have given nothing, ask for nothing.
D. Eagerness in greed leads to loss.

The following text is for test items number 15 and 16.

Amanda : I found this envelope in the front door. Here's a letter for you.
Ben : Let me see it.
Amanda : Who's the letter from?
Ben : It's a letter from UCLA about my acceptance.
Amanda : Turn down the TV volume. I can‟t hear you.
Ben : UCLA accepted me!
Amanda : Really?
Ben : I'm not joking. I got accepted!
Amanda : I'm so happy for you!
Ben : UCLA was my second choice, but I'm happy knowing I've been accepted.
Amanda : I am really proud of you. I hope your study goes well. Let‟s tell Mom and
Adapted from

15. What is the speakers‟ relation to each other?

A. Brothers.
B. Cousins.
C. Siblings.
D. Sisters.

16. The conversation most likely happens in a ….

A. dining room
B. living room
C. garage
D. kitchen

The following text is for test items number 17 – 19.

Online shopping is the activity or action of buying products or services over the
Internet. It means going online, landing on a seller‟s website, selecting something,
and arranging for its delivery. The buyer either pays for the good or service online
with a credit or debit card, digital money, or upon delivery.
In this article, the term „online‟ means „on the Internet.‟ The term does not only
include buying things online but also searching for them online. In other words, we
may have been engaged in online shopping but did not buy anything.
Online shopping has been around for about twenty-five years. It has grown in
popularity significantly. Today, we can purchase nearly anything online. In fact, retail
experts say that online shopping will soon overtake traditional shopping in monetary
Online shopping is part of E-Commerce, which stands for Electronic Commerce.
Online Shopping occurs when a customer buys through a digital platform. An
example of such a platform is, online biker ring store from
Thailand. You don‟t have to live in this country to get one of the products this store
sells. Global coverage is one of the major benefits of online shopping.
Adopted from

17. The last paragraph mainly discusses the … of online shopping.

A. terminology
B. coverage
C. definition
D. history

18. Which of the following shopping activities cannot be done via online?
A. Arranging.
B. Selecting.
C. Trying.
D. Paying.

19. “Today, we can purchase nearly anything online.”

What is the meaning of the word “purchase”?
A. Sell.
B. Pay.
C. Buy.
D. Order.

The following text is for test items number 20 and 21.

Lately I've been noticing
I say the same things he used to say
And I even find myself acting the very same way
I tap my fingers on the table
To the rhythm in my soul
And I jingle the car keys
When I'm ready to go
When I look in the mirror
He's right there in my eyes
Starin' back at me and I realize

The older I get

The more I can see
How much he loved my mother and my brother and me
And he did the best that he could
And I only hope when I have my own family
That everyday I see
A little more of my father in me

Adopted from

20. The writer of the lyrics is most likely a ….

A. daughter
B. bother
C. sister
D. son

21. “When I look in the mirror / He's right there in my eyes”
What do the lyrics mean?
A. The father advices the writer to follow his examples.
B. The writer thinks that he imitates his father‟s behavior.
C. The father always follows the writer wherever he goes.
D. The writer promises himself to always remember his father.

The following text is for test items number 22 and 23.

Cynthia : Hi, Victor, do you think it's possible for us to have a talk sometime
Victor : I'd love to, but I've got a pretty tight schedule today.
Cynthia : Oh, what have you got going on?
Victor : Well, I've got to finish a report by ten. Then I have to drive to the
airport to pick up a client of mine at eleven. After that, I'll have a
meeting with him over lunch. I guess I won't have a break until
two o'clock. But then from three until five, I have to attend a
senior staff meeting.
Cynthia : Wow, that's cutting it close.
Adapted from

22. Where does the conversation likely take place?

A. In a meeting room.
B. At a restaurant.
C. At an office.
D. In a library.

23. What will Victor most probably do right after the conversation?
A. Attend staff meeting.
B. Work on his report.
C. Go to the airport.
D. Have lunch.

The following text is for test items number 24 and 25.

Leo : How was your vacation, Cath?
Cathy : Oh, it was great! I had a great time on the beach!
Leo : No wonder you're so dark!
Cathy : Yeah. I had a lot of time to work on my tan.
Leo : What else did you do?
Cathy : Nothing really. It was good just to relax.
Leo : I wish I could get away like that. It sounds wonderful!
Cathy : Trust me. It was!
Adapted from

24. From conversation we can infers that ….

A. Leo spent his holidays alone
B. Cathy didn‟t enjoy her vacation
C. Cathy did a lot of beach activities
D. Leo didn‟t go anywhere during holidays

25. . “I had a lot of time to work on my tan.”

The underlined word means “… skin”
A. patchy
B. spotted
C. burned
D. brownish

The following text is for test items number 26 and 27.

26. Which of the followings are what the readers probably do after reading the text?
(1) Distribute the print out of the flyer.
(2) Try to find Princeton in their surroundings.
(3) Share the information via their social media.
(4) Contact the provided number for further information.

A. (1), (2) and (3).

B. (1), (2) and (4).
C. (1), (3) and (4).
D. (2), (3) and (4).

27. What is the writer‟s intention of writing the text?

A. To inform that her / his cat is stolen and missing.
B. To find out his / her pet which is stolen and missing.
C. To announce the reward for the one who found the cat.
D. To give clear description about his / her stolen and missing cat.

The following text is for test items 28 and 29
Monica : What‟s that Anthony?
Anthony : Oh … it is a registration form.
Monica : Registration? For what?
Anthony : For an English debate competition.
Monica : Do you want to apply?
Anthony : Yes, but I am not confident.
Monica : Oh, come on! Your English is really good. Just do it!
Anthony : Really? You think so?
Monica : Yes of course!
Anthony : Okay! I must go now to see our English teacher and headmaster to sign this
form. It must be submitted it today.
Monica : Yeah! Go!

28. Where does the dialogue probably take place?

A. In the classroom.
B. In the teacher‟s room.
C. In the headmaster‟s room.
D. In the English Competition.

29. “It must be submitted it this noon.”

The utterance means that it is …to submit the form on that day.
A. obliged
B. advised
C. suggested
D. recommended
The following text is for test items 30 to 32.
How To Use Microwave

1. Every brand and model has its own functionalities. Thus, it all starts with reading the
manual. Read the user‟s manual to know more about your microwave. It enlists the pre-
set programs, power usage, cleaning procedures, and various other useful things.
2. The next step is to plug in your microwave. Do not plug in several devices at once.
Having read the user manual, you‟d know what duration to set for what purpose. Set in
the timer by either pressing the number buttons or turning the knob as per your
Ensure there is nothing kept on top of the microwave, especially, a hot substance.
3. Put the food in a microwave-safe utensil only. The best thing to do is to use the utensils
that came along with the microwave if any. Ensure that the utensil is microwave-safe
otherwise it will cause damage to the microwave and food.
4. Use a thick, domed lid made of durable plastic that is designed for use in the microwave
to cover the food. This will restrict food splattering. You can purchase plastic microwave
safe covers online.
5. Let the food heat. It is advisable not to open the microwave until the program has run its
due course. However, use the start/stop button or pause button if you have to stop the
program in between. Ensure that the food is placed in the centre of the glass ring. The
centre of the ring heats up quickly.
6. Only heat the food that can be heated in the microwave. Salads and continental
appetizers should be avoided. Do not heat food older than four days as it would now be
home to bacteria and heating it will transmit them to the microwave resulting in
contamination of fresh food.
7. Regularly clean your microwave. Do not use gel or water spray inside the microwave.
Use a wet towel to clean the stains and wipe off the food remains. Use a dry cloth to
wipe off all the remaining dust.

30. The text will be most beneficial for those who ….
A. want to heat a frozen food for their meal
B. want to purchase an electric microwave
C. will use a microwave for the first time
D. will unbox a microwave packaging

31. What should we do after the program has run its due course?
A. Place the food in the canter.
B. Clean the equipment regularly.
C. Transmit the food to the microwave.
D. Use the start/stop button or pause button.

32. We must avoid heating the food older than four days using microwave since it will …
A. make the fresh food contaminated with the bacteria
B. make the equipment unable to work accordingly
C. damage the microwave and the taste of food
D. produce the bad smell when you open it

The following text is for test items 33 to 35.

The Fox & the Stork

The Fox one day thought of a plan to amuse himself at the expense of the Stork, at whose
odd appearance he was always laughing.

"You must come and dine with me today," he said to the Stork, smiling to himself at the trick
he was going to play. The Stork gladly accepted the invitation and arrived in good time and
with a very good appetite.

For dinner the Fox served soup. But it was set out in a very shallow dish, and all the Stork
could do was to wet the very tip of his bill. Not a drop of soup could he get. But the Fox
lapped it up easily, and, to increase the disappointment of the Stork, made a great show of

The hungry Stork was much displeased at the trick, but he was a calm, even-tempered
fellow and saw no good in flying into a rage. Instead, not long afterward, he invited the Fox
to dine with him in turn. The Fox arrived promptly at the time that had been set, and the
Stork served a fish dinner that had a very appetizing smell. But it was served in a tall jar with
a very narrow neck. The Stork could easily get at the food with his long bill, but all the Fox
could do was to lick the outside of the jar, and sniff at the delicious odor.

33. “You must come and dine with me today”

The expression means that ….
A. The fox started to play trick on the stork.
B. The fox had prepared dinner for the stork.
C. The fox asked the stork to prepare dinner.
D. The fox would like to dine in the stork‟s house.

34. How is the stork like?

A. Tricky.
B. Smart.
C. Reckless.
D. Uncontrolled.

35. What can we learn from the story?
A. Do not make others uncontrolled because of your behavior.
B. Do something good to others so that you can get it in return.
C. Do not do anything bad to others that you cannot stand on it.
D. Do not make others hurt because it will always be remembered.

The following texts are for test items number 36 to 38.

Text 1 Text 2
Penguins (order Sphenisciformes, family Great horned owls have long, feathered tufts
Spheniscidae) are a group of aquatics, called “plumicorns” which resemble horns, or
flightless birds living almost exclusively in cat-like ears. Males are 2.5 to 3 lbs. and
the Southern Hemisphere, especially in females are 3 to 4.5 lbs.
Like other raptors, their feathers are specific to
Highly adapted for life in the water, soundless flight, so that they can swoop down
penguins have counter shaded dark and silently on their prey. Their strong talons
white plumage, and their wings have require a force of 28 lbs. to open when
evolved into flippers. Most penguins feed clenched, they use this deadly grip to sever
on krill, fish, squid and other forms of sea the spine of larger prey. Their eyes are fixed in
life caught while swimming underwater. their sockets, but they can swivel their heads
They spend about half of their lives on land more than 180 degrees to look in any
and half in the oceans. direction.

Although all penguin species are native to They are highly adaptable birds living from the
the Southern Hemisphere, they are not Arctic to South America. They live in
found only in cold climates, such as woodlands, swamps, orchards, agricultural
Antarctica. In fact, only a few species of areas, wooded parks, suburban areas and
penguin live so far south. Several species even in cities. They have the most diverse diet
are found in the temperate zone, and one of all North American raptors, ranging from tiny
species, the Galápagos penguin, lives near rodents and scorpions to hares, skunks, geese
the equator. and other raptors and birds.

…. ….

36. The 4th paragraph of the texts will likely give the description of …
A. diet
B. habitat
C. appearance
D. reproduction

37. Which of the followings go with the texts?

Text 1 Text 2
(1) They are flightless birds. They are predatory birds.
(2) They are highly adapted for life in water. They are highly adapted for life on land.
(3) They swim underwater to catch the sea They swoop down silently for their prey.
(4) All penguins live the temperate zone. They live in cold climate in Antartica.

A. (1) and (3)

B. (2) dan (4)
C. (1), (2) and (3)
D. (2), (3) and (4)l

38. Owls can swoop down silently on their prey …. their feathers are specific to soundless
A. since
B. so that
C. because of
D. in order that
The following text is for test items number 39 to 41.

Once I lost my son in festival between hundreds of people and I couldn't find
him. After searching for a couple of hours I lost all hopes of ever finding him again.
The news of a boy getting lost spread like fire and everyone was helping me search
for him, we went to the security and they looked all over the place but he was
nowhere. It looked like he vanished into thin air. I live in Pakistan where police have
no control over crime. Kids are being kidnapped too often and there is only 20%
chance of ever getting them back, which is after paying hefty ransom. My son was
only 6 years old at that time and it was impossible for him to get home by himself
crossing two busy roads and walk for 15 minutes to home. I had my other two kids
with me too who were 8 and 4 years old. They were also scared and crying loudly. I
had to be strong for them.
After losing all hopes of ever finding him again when I got home the view I
saw there dumbfounded me. He was there standing in front of house and waiting for
me. I couldn't believe my eyes at first and I blinked several times to believe that it‟s
not an illusion. That was the most unforgettable moment for me and I can never
forget the happiness I felt at that moment. Until now I don't know how he got home
but he says he got home by himself.

39. The text tells us about the writer‟s experience of ... .

A. losing her child
B. joining a festival
C. kidnapping child
D. paying the ransom

40. How did the son get home back?

A. The security took him back.
B. The writer took him back
C. He got home by himself.
D. He got Help from his father.

41. “It looked like he vanished into thin air” The underlined word is closest in meaning to …
A. died
B. went
C. disappeared
D. passed away

The following text is for test items number 42 and 43.

42. Which statement does not go with the text?

A. In 6 months 3.5 million people die because of air pollution.
B. Every year 3.5 million people die from heart disease and stroke.
C. According to WHO almost 2 million people die from heart disease.
D. Air pollution is responsible for more than 5 million deaths from stroke.

43. What will likely happen if the air pollution is not handled accordingly?
A. More people will die from heart disease and stroke.
B. The air pollution will not be responsible for all deaths.
C. More people will recover from heart disease and stroke.
D. The number of deaths will not be affected by the air pollution.

The following text is for test items number 44 and 45.
Text 1

Text 2

44. What benefits can the readers get after reading the texts?
(1) A mother can provide appropriate medicine for her children.
(2) A pharmacist can recommend the best medicine for the customers.
(3) A mother can treat her sick children of cough or allergy appropriately.
(4) A doctor can prescribe the medicines without examining the patients.

A. (1) and (3)

B. (1) and (4)
C. (2) and (3)
D. (2) and (4)

45. Which statements go with the text?
(1) The product can be taken less than 6 times a day.
(2) The products are not indicated for use in children under 4.
(3) Children 6 – 12 years must take 2 teaspoonfuls once a day.
(4) Children 6 – 12 years must take the products more than 6 times day.

A. (1) and (2)

B. (1) and (4)
C. (2) and (3)
D. (3) and (4)
The following text is for questions 46 to 48.
What is a tornado?
Tornadoes are known as one of the most damaging disasters. What is the description of
tornadoes? A tornado is a very powerful column of winds which spirals around a center of
low atmospheric pressure. A tornado will look like a large black funnel which hangs down
from a storm cloud.
The name “tornado” derives from the Latin “tonare”. It means “to thunder.” While the
Spanish developed the word into “tornear” which means “to turn or twist”. This is why a
tornado is sometimes called twister or cyclone.
The winds inside a twister can spin around at speeds up to 500 miles an hour, but it usually
travels at roughly 300 miles an hour. This speed twisting makes a tornado the most
dangerous storm. The average tornado has a diameter of about 200 to 300 yards. The
smaller tornadoes are known as satellite tornadoes. These small offspring, about 50 yards
across, can be very fierce and do lots of damage.
The forming of a tornado can be very quick. Sometimes it can form in a minute or less. A
tornado can travel across the ground at high speeds, then it can suddenly vanish. Most
tornadoes last less than twenty minutes and travel less than 15 miles. However, the super
storms sometimes travel over 100 miles before they are exhausted.

46. What is the writer‟s intention of writing the text?

A. The explain about the formation of tornado.
B. To inform that a tornado is dangerous.
C. To give description about tornado.
D. To make people aware of tornado.

47. According to paragraph 3, what is the maximum speed of a tornado?

A. 50 miles per hour.
B. 200 miles per hour.
C. 300 miles per hour.
D. 500 miles per hour.

48. What will probably happen if a tornado travels at roughly 300 miles an hour?
A. A tornado will be formed in a minute.
B. It will be the most dangerous storm.
C. A smaller tornado will happen.
D. It will be a satellite tornado.

The following text is for test items number 49 and 50.

49. Why does the writer use the image in the text?

A. To ensure the readers that the medical equipments provided are best recommended.
B. To make the readers sure that the medical equipment makes them easy to mobile.
C. To persuade the readers to buy the mobility device with the best quality.
D. To ensure the elderly that the mobility device meets their need best.

50. The text will likely be interesting to read for the ones who ….
A. have problem with their health
B. need of home medical equipments
C. take care of the elderly at their home
D. want to make their elderly comfortable


Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : IX (Sembilan)
Hari/ Tanggal : Kamis / 26 Januari 2023
Waktu : 120 Menit

Petunjuk Umum
1. Isikan identitas Anda dengan benar!
2. Tersedia waktu 120 menit untuk mengerjakan paket tes tersebut.
3. Jumlah soal sebanyak 50 butir, pada setiap butir soal terdapat 4 (empat)
pilihan jawaban.
4. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum Anda menjawabnya dengan cermat!
5. Periksalah pekerjaan Anda sebelum dikirim submit!
6. Berdoalah sebelum mengerjakan!

Petunjuk Khusus
Jawablah dengan memilih jawaban yang paling benar!

Read the following text.

1. What is the sender’s relation to the receivers?

A. Aunt.
B. Sister.
C. Mother.
D. Daughter.

ppad2/sleman/bahasa inggris 1
Read the following text.

2. “It seems that I was born under a lucky star, ….”

The expression means that the sender ….
A. thinks she is the star in the family
B. brings good luck for her parents
C. feel blessed on her birthday
D. is grateful for her family

Read the following text.

Vanessa Nakate is a climate activist from Uganda. She cares about the Earth's
climate. She started a group called the Rise up Climate Movement to help people in Africa
share their thoughts and ideas about climate change. She helps other people in Africa talk
about it.
Vanessa helps people understand the dangers of climate change and how it affects
the world. She works to save an endangered forest in Congo. Her campaign spread to
other countries in Africa and Europe. She also works on a project to put solar panels in
Vanessa has a degree in business and marketing from Makerere University. She was
invited to speak at a meeting called COP25 in Spain about climate change. Vanessa also
wrote a letter to people at the World Economic Forum. She asked them to stop using fossil
fuels, which are bad for the climate.
Adapted from

3. What is the intention of writing the text?

A. To persuade people to join climate change campaign.
B. To describe an environmentalist’ achievements.
C. To introduce a climate activist from Uganda.
D. To tell how to work as an environmentalist.

Read the following text.

Vanessa Nakate is a climate activist from Uganda. She cares about the Earth's
climate. She started a group called the Rise up Climate Movement to help people in Africa
share their thoughts and ideas about climate change. She helps other people in Africa talk
about it.
Vanessa helps people understand the dangers of climate change and how it affects
the world. She works to save an endangered forest in Congo. Her campaign spread to
other countries in Africa and Europe. She also works on a project to put solar panels in
Vanessa has a degree in business and marketing from Makerere University. She was
invited to speak at a meeting called COP25 in Spain about climate change. Vanessa also

ppad2/sleman/bahasa inggris 2
wrote a letter to people at the World Economic Forum. She asked them to stop using fossil
fuels, which are bad for the climate.
Adapted from

4. From the text we know that Vanessa Nakate ….

A. asked the World Economic Forum to stop using fossil fuels
B. is a businessperson who cares about the Earth's climate
C. works to save an endangered forest in Spain
D. was invited to speak at COP25 in Congo

Read the following text.

Vanessa Nakate is a climate activist from Uganda. She cares about the Earth's
climate. She started a group called the Rise up Climate Movement to help people in Africa
share their thoughts and ideas about climate change. She helps other people in Africa talk
about it.
Vanessa helps people understand the dangers of climate change and how it affects
the world. She works to save an endangered forest in Congo. Her campaign spread to
other countries in Africa and Europe. She also works on a project to put solar panels in
Vanessa has a degree in business and marketing from Makerere University. She was
invited to speak at a meeting called COP25 in Spain about climate change. Vanessa also
wrote a letter to people at the World Economic Forum. She asked them to stop using fossil
fuels, which are bad for the climate.
Adapted from

5. Vanessa Nakate requested that the World Economic Forum discontinue their use of fossil
fuels because they ….
A. have a harmful effect on the climate
B. lead to the failure of the solar panel project
C. endanger most of the forest in Asia and Africa
D. make people aware about the dangers of climate change

Read the following text.

Back then, I was a shy teenager. I had always struggled with public speaking. I would
often get nervous and tongue-tied when I had to give a presentation in front of my
classmates. So, when my English teacher assigned a group project that required each
student to give a short speech, I was terrified.
But instead of letting my nerves get the best of me, I decided to take control. I
practiced my speech over and over again. I even recorded myself and played it back to
catch any mistakes. I also visualized myself giving the speech confidently and successfully.
On the day of the presentation, I felt more prepared than ever. When it was my turn to
speak, I stood tall and made eye contact with my audience. I delivered my speech with
poise and confidence. My classmates were impressed. I even received some compliments
I learned that with hard work, I was capable of overcoming my fear of public speaking.
I felt proud of myself. My newfound confidence boosted my self-esteem. From then on, I
was no longer afraid to speak in front of others. I even enjoyed the challenge of public

6. The story tells us about a student who ….

A. hated his English teacher
B. struggled with public speaking
C. was unable to perform a presentation
D. forced his classmate to give the speech

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Read the following text.
Back then, I was a shy teenager. I had always struggled with public speaking. I would
often get nervous and tongue-tied when I had to give a presentation in front of my
classmates. So, when my English teacher assigned a group project that required each
student to give a short speech, I was terrified.
But instead of letting my nerves get the best of me, I decided to take control. I
practiced my speech over and over again. I even recorded myself and played it back to
catch any mistakes. I also visualized myself giving the speech confidently and successfully.
On the day of the presentation, I felt more prepared than ever. When it was my turn to
speak, I stood tall and made eye contact with my audience. I delivered my speech with
poise and confidence. My classmates were impressed. I even received some compliments
I learned that with hard work, I was capable of overcoming my fear of public speaking.
I felt proud of myself. My newfound confidence boosted my self-esteem. From then on, I
was no longer afraid to speak in front of others. I even enjoyed the challenge of public

7. What happened when the writer was delivering his speech in the presentation?
A. He overcame his fear of public speaking.
B. He recorded his speech by using his phone.
C. He made eye contact with only his group members.
D. He visualized himself talking alone without audience.

Read the following text.

Back then, I was a shy teenager. I had always struggled with public speaking. I would
often get nervous and tongue-tied when I had to give a presentation in front of my
classmates. So, when my English teacher assigned a group project that required each
student to give a short speech, I was terrified.
But instead of letting my nerves get the best of me, I decided to take control. I
practiced my speech over and over again. I even recorded myself and played it back to
catch any mistakes. I also visualized myself giving the speech confidently and successfully.
On the day of the presentation, I felt more prepared than ever. When it was my turn to
speak, I stood tall and made eye contact with my audience. I delivered my speech with
poise and confidence. My classmates were impressed. I even received some compliments
I learned that with hard work, I was capable of overcoming my fear of public speaking.
I felt proud of myself. My newfound confidence boosted my self-esteem. From then on, I
was no longer afraid to speak in front of others. I even enjoyed the challenge of public

8. “I would often get nervous and tongue-tied ….”

What is the meaning of the underlined words?
A. Fond of talking.
B. Too shy to speak.
C. Skilled at speaking.
D. Confident in talking.

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Read the following text.

9. What is the text about?

A. A recipe of lemongrass tea.
B. The ingredients of lemongrass tea.
C. The total calories in a healthy drink.
D. How to make a non-sugar beverage.
Read the following text.

10. If we do not boil the liquid after adding the lemongrass, it will ….
A. have stronger taste
B. be less aromatic
C. have sour taste
D. be more bitter

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Read the following text.

11. Which equipment will we need to make the drink according to the recipe?

A. C.

B. D.

Read the following text.

Once upon a time, in a faraway kingdom, there lived a kind and gentle princess. She
loved nothing more than to explore the enchanted forest that surrounded her castle. One
day, as she was walking through the forest, the princess stumbled upon a mysterious
glowing mushroom.
As she reached out to touch it, a magical force flowed through her body. She felt her
senses heighten. The princess realized that the mushroom was a magical fairy dust. It
granted her special powers.
Excited by her discovery, the princess gathered as much of the fairy dust as she could
carry. She then returned to the castle. She shared the magic with her friends. Together,
they used the fairy dust to bring joy and happiness to the kingdom.
However, the princess's magic attracted the attention of an evil witch. The witch
coveted the fairy dust and plotted to steal it from the princess.
One night, while the princess was fast asleep, the witch snuck into the castle. She
stole all of the fairy dust. The princess and her friends were devastated and the kingdom
was plunged into darkness and despair.
Determined to save her kingdom, the princess set out on a quest to retrieve the stolen

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fairy dust and defeat the wicked witch. After many trials, the princess finally faced the witch
in a final showdown. With the help of her friends and the power of the fairy dust, the
princess emerged victorious and the witch was beaten forever.

12. Which of the following conflicts and solutions are in line with the story?
(1) To get the fairy dust, the witch stole it from the princess.
(2) To save her people, the princess gave fairy dust to the witch.
(3) To save her kingdom, the princess led her people to fight the witch.
(4) To get the fairy dust back, the princess beat the witch in the last fight.

A. (1) and (2)

B. (1) and (4)
C. (2) and (3)
D. (3) and (4)

Read the following text.

Once upon a time, in a faraway kingdom, there lived a kind and gentle princess. She
loved nothing more than to explore the enchanted forest that surrounded her castle. One
day, as she was walking through the forest, the princess stumbled upon a mysterious
glowing mushroom.
As she reached out to touch it, a magical force flowed through her body. She felt her
senses heighten. The princess realized that the mushroom was a magical fairy dust. It
granted her special powers.
Excited by her discovery, the princess gathered as much of the fairy dust as she could
carry. She then returned to the castle. She shared the magic with her friends. Together,
they used the fairy dust to bring joy and happiness to the kingdom.
However, the princess's magic attracted the attention of an evil witch. The witch
coveted the fairy dust and plotted to steal it from the princess.
One night, while the princess was fast asleep, the witch snuck into the castle. She
stole all of the fairy dust. The princess and her friends were devastated and the kingdom
was plunged into darkness and despair.
Determined to save her kingdom, the princess set out on a quest to retrieve the stolen
fairy dust and defeat the wicked witch. After many trials, the princess finally faced the witch
in a final showdown. With the help of her friends and the power of the fairy dust, the
princess emerged victorious and the witch was beaten forever.

13. How was the princess like?

A. Clever and obedient.
B. Generous and brave.
C. Cowardly and insecure.
D. Determined and talkative.

Read the following text.

Once upon a time, in a faraway kingdom, there lived a kind and gentle princess. She
loved nothing more than to explore the enchanted forest that surrounded her castle. One
day, as she was walking through the forest, the princess stumbled upon a mysterious
glowing mushroom.
As she reached out to touch it, a magical force flowed through her body. She felt her
senses heighten. The princess realized that the mushroom was a magical fairy dust. It
granted her special powers.
Excited by her discovery, the princess gathered as much of the fairy dust as she could
carry. She then returned to the castle. She shared the magic with her friends. Together,
they used the fairy dust to bring joy and happiness to the kingdom.
However, the princess's magic attracted the attention of an evil witch. The witch
coveted the fairy dust and plotted to steal it from the princess.

ppad2/sleman/bahasa inggris 7
One night, while the princess was fast asleep, the witch snuck into the castle. She
stole all of the fairy dust. The princess and her friends were devastated and the kingdom
was plunged into darkness and despair.
Determined to save her kingdom, the princess set out on a quest to retrieve the stolen
fairy dust and defeat the wicked witch. After many trials, the princess finally faced the witch
in a final showdown. With the help of her friends and the power of the fairy dust, the
princess emerged victorious and the witch was beaten forever.
14. Which of the following is the moral of the story?
A. Kindness and generosity are rewarded.
B. Adventure can lead to new discoveries.
C. It is important to be adventurous.
D. Evil should be defeated.
Read the following text.
Bryan : Hey, I heard you got straight A's on your report card! That's amazing!
Fionna : Yeah, I worked really hard this semester.
Bryan : I'm so proud of you. You deserve it.
Fionna : Thanks. I couldn't have done it without your help. You always knew just how
to motivate me.
Bryan : Aww, well it's not just me. You have a lot of natural talent and discipline. You
just needed to focus and apply yourself. Mom and Dad are going to be so
proud of you.
Fionna : I guess you're right. I'm just glad it paid off.
Bryan : You should be proud of yourself too. You've come a long way. Well, I’ve
finished the washing. Can you arrange these plates and glasses into the
drying rack? They need to dry out.
Fionna : Sure.
15. What is the relationship between the speakers?
A. Siblings.
B. Cousins.
C. Neighbors.
D. Schoolmates.
Read the following text.
Bryan : Hey, I heard you got straight A's on your report card! That's amazing!
Fionna : Yeah, I worked really hard this semester.
Bryan : I'm so proud of you. You deserve it.
Fionna : Thanks. I couldn't have done it without your help. You always knew just how
to motivate me.
Bryan : Aww, well it's not just me. You have a lot of natural talent and discipline. You
just needed to focus and apply yourself. Mom and Dad are going to be so
proud of you.
Fionna : I guess you're right. I'm just glad it paid off.
Bryan : You should be proud of yourself too. You've come a long way. Well, I’ve
finished the washing. Can you arrange these plates and glasses into the
drying rack? They need to dry out.
Fionna : Sure.
16. Where does the conversation likely happen?
A. At the yard.
B. At the kitchen.
C. In the living room.
D. In the dining room.

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Read the following text.
Cow racing is a popular traditional sport in Madura Island, Indonesia. It is held annually
during the dry season. It attracts thousands of tourists from all over the region.
In the race, two cows are harnessed to a wooden cart. They compete and people can
see which one can pull the cart the fastest. The cows are decorated with colorful ribbons
and bells and are accompanied by their trainers. They guide and encourage them as they
The race itself is quite intense, as the cows strain and strain to pull the cart as fast as
they can. The trainers cheer on their cows and the crowds cheer on their favorites. The
cows and carts fly down the course at breakneck speeds.
The cow racing is not only a thrilling spectacle, but it is also an important cultural event
that brings people together. It helps to preserve the island's traditions. It is an integral part
of Madura's rich history that has been passed down through the generations.

17. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

A. There is a cow racing tradition in Madura Island.
B. Cow racing is a special cultural event for Madurese.
C. The trainers prepare and guide the cows for the race.
D. The atmosphere of the event is exciting and energetic.

Read the following text.

Cow racing is a popular traditional sport in Madura Island, Indonesia. It is held annually
during the dry season. It attracts thousands of tourists from all over the region.
In the race, two cows are harnessed to a wooden cart. They compete and people can
see which one can pull the cart the fastest. The cows are decorated with colorful ribbons
and bells and are accompanied by their trainers. They guide and encourage them as they
The race itself is quite intense, as the cows strain and strain to pull the cart as fast as
they can. The trainers cheer on their cows and the crowds cheer on their favorites. The
cows and carts fly down the course at breakneck speeds.
The cow racing is not only a thrilling spectacle, but it is also an important cultural event
that brings people together. It helps to preserve the island's traditions. It is an integral part
of Madura's rich history that has been passed down through the generations.

18. From the text we know that the cow racing ….

A. is the celebration of the discovery of Madura
B. can attract many people to live in Madura
C. is held one a year in the dry season
D. can be in most parts of Indonesia

Read the following text.

Cow racing is a popular traditional sport in Madura Island, Indonesia. It is held annually
during the dry season. It attracts thousands of tourists from all over the region.
In the race, two cows are harnessed to a wooden cart. They compete and people can
see which one can pull the cart the fastest. The cows are decorated with colorful ribbons
and bells and are accompanied by their trainers. They guide and encourage them as they
The race itself is quite intense, as the cows strain and strain to pull the cart as fast as
they can. The trainers cheer on their cows and the crowds cheer on their favorites. The
cows and carts fly down the course at breakneck speeds.
The cow racing is not only a thrilling spectacle, but it is also an important cultural event
that brings people together. It helps to preserve the island's traditions. It is an integral part
of Madura's rich history that has been passed down through the generations.

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19. Cow racing is considered as a significant traditional event because it ….
A. provides rich information about the history of Madura Island
B. encourages the next generation to be richer than their elders
C. brings tourists from all over the country to come to the island
D. serves to pass down cultural values over generations

Read the following text.

I used to think
I had the answers to everything
But now I know
That life doesn't always
Go my way, yeah
Feels like I'm caught in the middle
That's when I realize

I'm not a girl

Not yet a woman
All I need is time
A moment that is mine
While I'm in between
I'm not a girl

There is no need to protect me

It's time that I
Learn to face up to this on my own
I've seen so much more than you know now
So don't tell me to shut my eyes

But if you look at me closely

You will see it in my eyes
This girl will always find
Her way

20. What role does the song writer play in the lyrics?
A. A kid.
B. A teen.
C. An elder.
D. An adult.

Read the following text.

I used to think
I had the answers to everything
But now I know
That life doesn't always
Go my way, yeah
Feels like I'm caught in the middle
That's when I realize

I'm not a girl

Not yet a woman
All I need is time
A moment that is mine
While I'm in between
I'm not a girl

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There is no need to protect me
It's time that I
Learn to face up to this on my own
I've seen so much more than you know now
So don't tell me to shut my eyes

But if you look at me closely

You will see it in my eyes
This girl will always find
Her way

21. “There is no need to protect me”

The expression means that the writer thinks that ….
A. she is capable to take care of herself
B. girls need more protection than boys
C. she faces so many challenges in life
D. the people around her are careless

Read the following text.

Announcement 1 Announcement B

22. Which statements go with the descriptions in the texts?

(1) Both announcements provide contacts for more information.
(2) Both announcements are addressed to students and their parents.
(3) Announcement 2 provides more details about how to get the missing stuffs back.
(4) Announcement 1 requires the addressees to get information about another event.

A. (1) and (2)

B. (1) and (4)
C. (2) and (3)
D. (3) and (4)

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Read the following text.
Announcement 1 Announcement B

23. The writers’ intention in writing the text is ….

A. to get the found stuffs back to the owners
B. to ask the owners to take their stuffs back
C. to tell students to keep their stuffs at home
D. to inform parents that they find missing stuffs

Read the following text.

24. Who will likely be more interested in reading the text?

A. Singers doing vocal practice.
B. Musicians editing their recordings.
C. Teachers preparing pictures for teaching.
D. Students working on digital audio projects.

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Read the following text.

25. What should we do to export the MP3?

A. Launch VLC player on the PC.
B. Drug and drop the MP3 file directly.
C. Play VLC and scroll around the starting point.
D. Click on Record again when it reaches to the end point.

Read the following text.

26. Why should we click on MediaOpen File?

A. To find the folder where we save the trimmed file.
B. To launch the MP3 cutter application on the PC.
C. To automatically save the trimmed file.
D. To choose the file that we want to trim.

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Read the following text.
Rima : Hi Galuh. Why are you still at home? Why don’t you join your friends going on a
Galuh : I don’t feel so well today. What should I do?
Rima : What about eating much nutritious food and taking some vitamins? Then, you
should take some rest.
Galuh : Thanks Rima. But I still have much assignment to do this week.
Rima : Oh no. You must take some rest or you won’t be able to do more things. Have
some medical check in a hospital if you need to.
Galuh : Quite reasonable. Thanks for your idea.

27. Where does the dialog probably take place?

A. In a hospital.
B. At Rima’s home.
C. At Galuh’s home.
D. In a tourism object.

Read the following text.

Rima : Hi Galuh. Why are you still at home? Why don’t you join your friends going on a
Galuh : I don’t feel so well today. What should I do?
Rima : What about eating much nutritious food and taking some vitamins? Then, you
should take some rest.
Galuh : Thanks Rima. But I still have much assignment to do this week.
Rima : Oh no. You must take some rest or you won’t be able to do more things. Have
some medical check in a hospital if you need to.
Galuh : Quite reasonable. Thanks for your idea.

28. “What about eating much nutritious food and taking some vitamins?”
The expression means that Rima ….
A. is giving suggestion to Galuh to be healthy
B. is asking for information about nutritious food
C. is giving an idea to Galuh to prepare some food
D. is asking for Galuh’s opinion about nutritious food

Read the following text.

Once upon a time, there was a goat crossing a bridge. There was a river under the bridge. In
the middle of the bridge, the goat met another goat from another direction. Since the bridge
was so narrow, there was only space for one goat to pass it.
'Go back,' said the first goat. 'No space for two.'
'Why should I?' said the second goat. 'You must go back.'
'You are the one that must go back', replied the first goat with anger, 'because you are not
as strong as me.'
'No one is stronger than me!' said the second goat.
'Let's see,' replied the first goat, and he positioned his horns to fight.
'Wait!' said the second goat. 'Both of us shall fall into the river and die of drowning if we
fight. What about if I lie down and you walk over me?'
Both agreed. The first goat walked over the second goat laying down on the bridge. They
went their ways without having to fight.

29. “Why should I?” The expression means that the second goat ….
A. agreed to go back first
B. denied to cross the bridge later
C. wanted to cross the bridge earlier
D. agreed to do what the first goat said

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Read the following text.
Once upon a time, there was a goat crossing a bridge. There was a river under the bridge. In
the middle of the bridge, the goat met another goat from another direction. Since the bridge
was so narrow, there was only space for one goat to pass it.
'Go back,' said the first goat. 'No space for two.'
'Why should I?' said the second goat. 'You must go back.'
'You are the one that must go back', replied the first goat with anger, 'because you are not
as strong as me.'
'No one is stronger than me!' said the second goat.
'Let's see,' replied the first goat, and he positioned his horns to fight.
'Wait!' said the second goat. 'Both of us shall fall into the river and die of drowning if we
fight. What about if I lie down and you walk over me?'
Both agreed. The first goat walked over the second goat laying down on the bridge. They
went their ways without having to fight.

30. What is the second goat like?

A. Sly.
B. Brave.
C. Smart.
D. Stubborn.

Read the following text.

Once upon a time, there was a goat crossing a bridge. There was a river under the bridge. In
the middle of the bridge, the goat met another goat from another direction. Since the bridge
was so narrow, there was only space for one goat to pass it.
'Go back,' said the first goat. 'No space for two.'
'Why should I?' said the second goat. 'You must go back.'
'You are the one that must go back', replied the first goat with anger, 'because you are not
as strong as me.'
'No one is stronger than me!' said the second goat.
'Let's see,' replied the first goat, and he positioned his horns to fight.
'Wait!' said the second goat. 'Both of us shall fall into the river and die of drowning if we
fight. What about if I lie down and you walk over me?'
Both agreed. The first goat walked over the second goat laying down on the bridge. They
went their ways without having to fight.

31. From the story we can learn that ….

A. the weak must be cooperative with the stronger
B. collaboration is a good way to solve a problem
C. patience is needed to overcome the problem
D. the stronger must be given the first priority

Read the following text.

Text 1 Text 2
Sunflower Jasmine
The sunflowers are annual plant in the family Jasmine is an evergreen semi-vining shrub
Asteraceae. They have large flower heads native to tropical areas of Southeast Asia,
(capitulum). Africa and Australia. The plants are usually
The stem can grow up to 3 meters tall, with a up to 3 meters high and 2 meters wide.
flower head that can be 30 cm wide. Other Jasmine is a climbing vine with oval, shiny
types of sunflowers include the California Royal leaves and tubular, waxy-white flowers. It
Sunflower, which has a burgundy (red + purple) has small white star-shaped flowers.
flower head. The Jasmine flower releases its fragrance
The flower head is actually made of hundreds at night after the sun has set and especially
or thousands of tiny flowers called florets. The when the moon is waxing towards fullness,

ppad2/sleman/bahasa inggris 15
central florets look like the center of a normal thus it is associated with soothing peaceful
flower, and the outer florets look like yellow night-time moods.
petals. The leaves are oval rich green and have
All together they make up a “false flower” or five to nine leaflets, each up to 2½ inches
pseudanthium. The benefit to the plant is that it long.
is very easily seen by the insects and birds The plant flowers from April to September.
which pollinate it, and it produces thousands of Jasmine is propagated by cuttings of nearly
seeds. ripe wood in summer. Cuttings are planted
The sunflower is the state flower of Kansas. in 3-inch pots within 4 weeks, then to 6-
That is why Kansas is sometimes called the inches when pot is becoming filled with
Sunflower State. roots.
….. ….

32. What will probably be the topic of the next paragraph of both texts?
A. How to grow it well.
B. How to propagate it.
C. What the plant looks like.
D. What the flower looks like.

Read the following text.

Text 1 Text 2
Sunflower Jasmine
The sunflowers are annual plant in the family Jasmine is an evergreen semi-vining shrub
Asteraceae. They have large flower heads native to tropical areas of Southeast Asia,
(capitulum). Africa and Australia. The plants are usually
The stem can grow up to 3 meters tall, with a up to 3 meters high and 2 meters wide.
flower head that can be 30 cm wide. Other Jasmine is a climbing vine with oval, shiny
types of sunflowers include the California Royal leaves and tubular, waxy-white flowers. It
Sunflower, which has a burgundy (red + purple) has small white star-shaped flowers.
flower head. The Jasmine flower releases its fragrance
The flower head is actually made of hundreds at night after the sun has set and especially
or thousands of tiny flowers called florets. The when the moon is waxing towards fullness,
central florets look like the center of a normal thus it is associated with soothing peaceful
flower, and the outer florets look like yellow night-time moods.
petals. The leaves are oval rich green and have
All together they make up a “false flower” or five to nine leaflets, each up to 2½ inches
pseudanthium. The benefit to the plant is that it long.
is very easily seen by the insects and birds The plant flowers from April to September.
which pollinate it, and it produces thousands of Jasmine is propagated by cuttings of nearly
seeds. ripe wood in summer. Cuttings are planted
The sunflower is the state flower of Kansas. in 3-inch pots within 4 weeks, then to 6-
That is why Kansas is sometimes called the inches when pot is becoming filled with
Sunflower State. roots.
….. ….

33. Which statements are in line with both texts?

(1) Both plants have the different way of propagation.
(2) Both plants have the maximum height of 3 meters.
(3) The fragrance of both flowers promotes good moods.
(4) The flowers of both plants have different size and color.

A. (2) and (3)

B. (3) and (4)
C. (1), (2) and (3)
D. (1), (2) and (4)

ppad2/sleman/bahasa inggris 16
Read the following text.
Text 1 Text 2
Sunflower Jasmine
The sunflowers are annual plant in the family Jasmine is an evergreen semi-vining shrub
Asteraceae. They have large flower heads native to tropical areas of Southeast Asia,
(capitulum). Africa and Australia. The plants are usually
The stem can grow up to 3 meters tall, with a up to 3 meters high and 2 meters wide.
flower head that can be 30 cm wide. Other Jasmine is a climbing vine with oval, shiny
types of sunflowers include the California Royal leaves and tubular, waxy-white flowers. It
Sunflower, which has a burgundy (red + purple) has small white star-shaped flowers.
flower head. The Jasmine flower releases its fragrance
The flower head is actually made of hundreds at night after the sun has set and especially
or thousands of tiny flowers called florets. The when the moon is waxing towards fullness,
central florets look like the center of a normal thus it is associated with soothing peaceful
flower, and the outer florets look like yellow night-time moods.
petals. The leaves are oval rich green and have
All together they make up a “false flower” or five to nine leaflets, each up to 2½ inches
pseudanthium. The benefit to the plant is that it long.
is very easily seen by the insects and birds The plant flowers from April to September.
which pollinate it, and it produces thousands of Jasmine is propagated by cuttings of nearly
seeds. ripe wood in summer. Cuttings are planted
The sunflower is the state flower of Kansas. in 3-inch pots within 4 weeks, then to 6-
That is why Kansas is sometimes called the inches when pot is becoming filled with
Sunflower State. roots.
….. ….

34. Sunflower can produce thousands of seeds with the help of insects and bird
as their pollinators … it is very easily seen by them to pollinate.
A. so
B. for
C. yet
D. but

ppad2/sleman/bahasa inggris 17
Read the following text.

35. Which statement is not in line with the text?

A. Every year about 7 million people die because of air pollution.
B. The number of deaths in South East Asia is the same as in Western Pacific.
C. The number of deaths in European is the same as in Eastern Mediterranean.
D. Over 1 million people die annually because of air pollution in Western Africa Region.

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Read the following text.

36. What will a country probably do after getting the information in the text?
(1) Make some policies related to the problem of air pollution.
(2) Provide better treatment for patients of respiratory system.
(3) Hold some programs to handle the problem of air pollution.
(4) Try to get the exact number of people died in their country.

A. (1) and (3)

B. (2) and (4)
C. (1), (2) and (3)
D. (2), (3) and (4)

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Read the following text.
Text 1 Text 2

37. What will the readers probably do after reading such kind of text?
A. Check the nutrition facts carefully.
B. Choose the best product to purchase.
C. Make sure that the product has not expired yet.
D. Ensure that the product consists a lot of vitamins.

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Read the following text.
Text 1 Text 2

38. Which of the followings are in line with both texts?

(1) Both products have different total weight.
(2) Product 1 has more servings than product 2.
(3) Product 1 contains more sugar than product 2.
(4) Both products can maintain our healthy heart.

A. (1) and (2)

B. (1) and (3)
C. (2) and (3)
D. (2) and (4)

ppad2/sleman/bahasa inggris 21
Read the following text.

39. Why does the writer use the image in the text?
A. To make the text easy to understand.
B. To convince the readers to use the service.
C. To give complete information to the readers.
D. To make the readers interested to read the text.

Read the following text.

ppad2/sleman/bahasa inggris 22
40. Who will probably be interested in reading the text?
A. A person who wants to have a very special house.
B. A mother who looks for a job as a cleaning service.
C. A busy woman who has no time to clean her house.
D. A person who wants her house comfortable to live in.

Read the following text.

On my first time traveling to Indonesia, I had misjudged everything. I had planned
to spend the first five days in Lombok; but when I booked the flights, I booked them to
the Bali airport, not knowing there is an airport in Lombok.
So, my sister and I flew into Bali and arrived at 1pm. I was a little bit concerned as
the last ferry left at 4pm and we still had to take a 1.5-hour taxi journey to the ferry port
to take the ferry over to Lombok. As we got in the taxi, I told our driver the situation. He
immediately called his friend at the port. He told us the waters were rough this day and
the last ferry was leaving in an hour. We probably wouldn’t make it.
I started to panic about where we would spend the night as well as the other
accommodation but our driver was determined to make it work. His ring tone rang
probably 15 times with talks between him and his friend. It was touching to see him put
so much effort to help us. When we were about 10 minutes away, his friend informed
him that they would hold the boat for us — but we had to rush!
From there on it was madness. It was pouring rain and there was no road to get
to the port. So, we pulled over, the driver grabbed my suitcase and started running in the
rain. The suitcase was huge but he was adamant about carrying it for us.
We arrived just in time to get a ticket and jump on the last boat. I have never been
more relieved and thankful for someone’s kindness and his positive demeanor.

41. From the text we can infer that the writer mostly felt ….
A. panicky
B. relieved
C. thankful
D. regretful

Read the following text.

On my first time traveling to Indonesia, I had misjudged everything. I had planned
to spend the first five days in Lombok; but when I booked the flights, I booked them to
the Bali airport, not knowing there is an airport in Lombok.
So, my sister and I flew into Bali and arrived at 1pm. I was a little bit concerned as
the last ferry left at 4pm and we still had to take a 1.5-hour taxi journey to the ferry port
to take the ferry over to Lombok. As we got in the taxi, I told our driver the situation. He
immediately called his friend at the port. He told us the waters were rough this day and
the last ferry was leaving in an hour. We probably wouldn’t make it.
I started to panic about where we would spend the night as well as the other
accommodation but our driver was determined to make it work. His ring tone rang
probably 15 times with talks between him and his friend. It was touching to see him put
so much effort to help us. When we were about 10 minutes away, his friend informed
him that they would hold the boat for us — but we had to rush!
From there on it was madness. It was pouring rain and there was no road to get
to the port. So, we pulled over, the driver grabbed my suitcase and started running in the
rain. The suitcase was huge but he was adamant about carrying it for us.
We arrived just in time to get a ticket and jump on the last boat. I have never been
more relieved and thankful for someone’s kindness and his positive demeanor.

ppad2/sleman/bahasa inggris 23
42. Why did the writer finally feel relieved?
A. The driver grabbed his suitcase.
B. It was raining heavily in the port.
C. There was no road to get to the port.
D. He could get the ticket of the last ferry.

Read the following text.

On my first time traveling to Indonesia, I had misjudged everything. I had planned
to spend the first five days in Lombok; but when I booked the flights, I booked them to
the Bali airport, not knowing there is an airport in Lombok.
So, my sister and I flew into Bali and arrived at 1pm. I was a little bit concerned as
the last ferry left at 4pm and we still had to take a 1.5-hour taxi journey to the ferry port
to take the ferry over to Lombok. As we got in the taxi, I told our driver the situation. He
immediately called his friend at the port. He told us the waters were rough this day and
the last ferry was leaving in an hour. We probably wouldn’t make it.
I started to panic about where we would spend the night as well as the other
accommodation but our driver was determined to make it work. His ring tone rang
probably 15 times with talks between him and his friend. It was touching to see him put
so much effort to help us. When we were about 10 minutes away, his friend informed
him that they would hold the boat for us — but we had to rush!
From there on it was madness. It was pouring rain and there was no road to get
to the port. So, we pulled over, the driver grabbed my suitcase and started running in the
rain. The suitcase was huge but he was adamant about carrying it for us.
We arrived just in time to get a ticket and jump on the last boat. I have never been
more relieved and thankful for someone’s kindness and his positive demeanor.

43. “ … for someone’s kindness and his positive demeanor.”

The word “demeanor” has the closest meaning to ….
A. action
B. manner
C. thought
D. conception

Read the following text.

Lawang Sewu was built by the Dutch in the early 20th century, designated as an office
and dormitory for Railway department. But when Japan colonized Indonesia in the year
1942 - 1945, Lawang Sewu basement was converted into a dungeon. With so many
tragic incidents going on here, do not be surprised if history of Lawang Sewu often
spiced with mystical stories. After the renovation, Lawang Sewu look more polished,
without (too much) losing its identity. When coming there, I personally recommend to
hire a guide at a very reasonable rate. Interestingly, most guides at Lawang Sewu can
see supernatural things, so the "adventure" through this historic building will be more

Besides the mystical atmosphere, Lawang Sewu architecture is also a feast to the eye.
Plenty of gorgeous stained glass, sink, toilet, and objects are other attraction of this
building which is more than a hundred-year-old. It was designed with lots of large
windows and natural cooling system using water in the basement, so it's always cool.

If you come during the day, go down to see the dungeon. I recommend that you bring a
flashlight or torch from cellphone because it is quite dark. Prepare your heart because
besides the air was cold and damp, tragic story about Japanese atrocities in the prison
can gave you goose bumps. You can also take a night tour everyday around 7 - 9 pm.
The route is similar to day tour (except the dungeon), but the atmosphere is certainly

ppad2/sleman/bahasa inggris 24
more gripping. But better check the latest info before going, because sometimes the
night tour schedule changes.

44. The second paragraph provides us with the description of …

A. the mystery
B. the atmosphere
C. the architecture
D. the cooling system

Read the following text.

Lawang Sewu was built by the Dutch in the early 20th century, designated as an office
and dormitory for Railway department. But when Japan colonized Indonesia in the year
1942 - 1945, Lawang Sewu basement was converted into a dungeon. With so many
tragic incidents going on here, do not be surprised if history of Lawang Sewu often
spiced with mystical stories. After the renovation, Lawang Sewu look more polished,
without (too much) losing its identity. When coming there, I personally recommend to
hire a guide at a very reasonable rate. Interestingly, most guides at Lawang Sewu can
see supernatural things, so the "adventure" through this historic building will be more

Besides the mystical atmosphere, Lawang Sewu architecture is also a feast to the eye.
Plenty of gorgeous stained glass, sink, toilet, and objects are other attraction of this
building which is more than a hundred-year-old. It was designed with lots of large
windows and natural cooling system using water in the basement, so it's always cool.

If you come during the day, go down to see the dungeon. I recommend that you bring a
flashlight or torch from cellphone because it is quite dark. Prepare your heart because
besides the air was cold and damp, tragic story about Japanese atrocities in the prison
can gave you goose bumps. You can also take a night tour everyday around 7 - 9 pm.
The route is similar to day tour (except the dungeon), but the atmosphere is certainly
more gripping. But better check the latest info before going, because sometimes the
night tour schedule changes.

45. It is not surprising that the history of Lawang Sewu is often spiced with mystical stories
… many tragic incidents went on there.
A. so
B. but
C. since
D. though

Read the following text.

Lawang Sewu was built by the Dutch in the early 20th century, designated as an office
and dormitory for Railway department. But when Japan colonized Indonesia in the year
1942 - 1945, Lawang Sewu basement was converted into a dungeon. With so many
tragic incidents going on here, do not be surprised if history of Lawang Sewu often
spiced with mystical stories. After the renovation, Lawang Sewu look more polished,
without (too much) losing its identity. When coming there, I personally recommend to
hire a guide at a very reasonable rate. Interestingly, most guides at Lawang Sewu can
see supernatural things, so the "adventure" through this historic building will be more

Besides the mystical atmosphere, Lawang Sewu architecture is also a feast to the eye.
Plenty of gorgeous stained glass, sink, toilet, and objects are other attraction of this
building which is more than a hundred-year-old. It was designed with lots of large
windows and natural cooling system using water in the basement, so it's always cool.

ppad2/sleman/bahasa inggris 25
If you come during the day, go down to see the dungeon. I recommend that you bring a
flashlight or torch from cellphone because it is quite dark. Prepare your heart because
besides the air was cold and damp, tragic story about Japanese atrocities in the prison
can gave you goose bumps. You can also take a night tour everyday around 7 - 9 pm.
The route is similar to day tour (except the dungeon), but the atmosphere is certainly
more gripping. But better check the latest info before going, because sometimes the
night tour schedule changes.

46. Who will probably think the text beneficial to read?

A. A tourist.
B. A journalist.
C. A tour agent.
D. A tour leader.

Read the following text.

John : Good afternoon, Sir. What can I help you with?

Maxi : I need some new shoes for running in size 10.
John : Yes, I can help you with that. What type of running do you do, track, road
or trail?
Maxi : I run on the road mostly, after the class usually.
John : Have you had any injuries in the past?
Maxi : I had some knee pain when I had my sport lesson two months ago.
John : I think you will need a shoe with good support and cushioning.
Maxi : Which shoes would be most suitable?
John : I’ll get you a model in size 10. You can try them on.
Maxi : Okay, thank you.
John : Here’s a model. Try them on and go for a walk around the store.
Maxi : Okay, this pair feels quite secure on my feet and soft to walk in.
John : Do you feel any movement of the shoe when you’re walking around?
Maxi : No, they feel great. I’ll just do another lap of the store and then I’ll decide
to take them or try another model.
John : Okay, would you like to take them or try another model?
Maxi : No. I just like this model. I’ll take them.
John : Great, I’ll pack them up for you and you can pay at the cash register.
Maxi : Thank you for your help.
John : You’re welcome, have a nice day.

47. What are John and Maxi talking about?

A. Types of running.
B. Shoes for running.
C. Maxi’s past injuries.
D. Trying the shoes on.

Read the following text.

John : Good afternoon, Sir. What can I help you with?
Maxi : I need some new shoes for running in size 10.
John : Yes, I can help you with that. What type of running do you do, track, road
or trail?
Maxi : I run on the road mostly, after the class usually.
John : Have you had any injuries in the past?
Maxi : I had some knee pain when I had my sport lesson two months ago.
John : I think you will need a shoe with good support and cushioning.

ppad2/sleman/bahasa inggris 26
Maxi : Which shoes would be most suitable?
John : I’ll get you a model in size 10. You can try them on.
Maxi : Okay, thank you.
John : Here’s a model. Try them on and go for a walk around the store.
Maxi : Okay, this pair feels quite secure on my feet and soft to walk in.
John : Do you feel any movement of the shoe when you’re walking around?
Maxi : No, they feel great. I’ll just do another lap of the store and then I’ll decide
to take them or try another model.
John : Okay, would you like to take them or try another model?
Maxi : No. I just like this model. I’ll take them.
John : Great, I’ll pack them up for you and you can pay at the cash register.
Maxi : Thank you for your help.
John : You’re welcome, have a nice day.

48. What does John probably do?

A. A professional athlete of running.
B. A collector of running shoes.
C. A customer of a shoe store.
D. A shop assistant of a shoe store.

Read the following text.

49. What will parents probably do after reading the text?

(1) Make sure that their children put their footwear on.
(2) Ask their children to leave the playground when wet.
(3) Let their children play in the playground unattended.
(4) Take their children in the playground in the afternoon.

A. (1) and (2)

B. (2) and (4)
C. (1), (2) and (4)
D. (1), (3) and (4)

ppad2/sleman/bahasa inggris 27
Read the following text.

50. Which of the following statement is not in line with the text?
A. The internet security started to become a serious issue in 2000.
B. The first Apple computer was readily available for public in 1976.
C. The first cell phone using technology to better life started in 2010.
D. The revolutionary started with the birth of World Wide Web in 1990’s.

ppad2/sleman/bahasa inggris 28
PELAJARAN 2022/2023

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : IX (Sembilan) PAKET A
Hari dan Tanggal : Rabu, 26 oktober 2022
Pukul : 12.30 – 14.00 (90 Menit)

1. Isikan identitas Anda dengan benar!
2. Tersedia waktu 90 menit untuk mengerjakan paket tes tersebut.
3. Jumlah soal sebanyak 40 butir, pada setiap butir soal terdapat 4 (empat) pilihan jawaban.
4. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum Anda menjawabnya dengan cermat!
5. Periksalah pekerjaan Anda sebelum dikirim / submit!
6. Berdoalah sebelum mengerjakan!

Pilihlah jawaban di bawah ini yang paling benar!

Text for items number 1 and 2.

1. Aunt Rosa sent the card to Amanda in order to ….

A. chase Amanda‟s dream
B. show her achievement to Amanda
C. congratulate Amanda on her success
D. motivate Amanda to look for a hard job

2. From the card, we know that Amanda is most probably Rossa’s ….

A. aunt
B. nephew
C. daughter
D. niece

Bahasa Inggris 1
Text for items number 3-5.
Laura is my elder sister. She is 17 years old. She is tall and slim. She has long, curly
black hair, and dark brown eyes. She is very pretty and she has a really nice smile.
Laura is cheerful. She smiles a lot. Even early in the morning, she is always smiling
and in a good mood. I don‟t know how she does it!

Laura is also straightforward. It means that she is honest. She says what she thinks,
but not in a rude way, and she doesn‟t keep secrets and gossip about other people. She is
easy to understand, and easy to feel comfortable around her. She is also warm. She shows
positive feelings to others, and makes other people feel good. That‟s why she has many
great friends.

Laura likes dancing, reading books, playing volleyball, and cooking in her spare time.
Her favourite colour is red, that‟s why she loves wearing red clothes.

Laura is the best sister for me. She is reliable. I can depend on her to keep her promise
and be with me when I need her. My family and I love her so much.

3. What does the text mainly tell about?

A. A pretty young girl.
B. Laura‟s elder sister.
C. Laura‟s daily activities.
D. The writer‟s best sister.

4. What is Laura like?

A. She is beautiful and has a nice smile.
B. She is cheerful, smart, and shy.
C. She doesn‟t keep her promise.
D. She likes to speak rudely.

5. Why does Laura get many friends?

A. She always feels good.
B. She has good characters.
C. She has a nice appearance.
D. She loves wearing red clothes.

Text for items number 6-8.

I woke up one morning because of a loud voice from my mother. She was overjoyed
and asked me to come. She said that we were going to the Maldives for vacation. I was very
surprised and excited. It was surprising to go on vacation outside the town, especially to the
Maldives with my parents.

Our trip to Maldives by ferry was so stunning. We could see the beauty of turquoise
sea water. It was so clear in the sunny day.

We decided to stay in Mali island. It is one of the beautiful places in Maldives with
some amazing spots. We visited Isidhu restaurant and resort in the evening for dinner and
spent all the night there. It was very cool, with candles near the water. We sat on the floor
while enjoying our dinner and the view around. Everything was great. We felt satisfied with
the place, meals, and drinks.

Bahasa Inggris 2
The next day, we enjoyed a lot of swimming in the wonderful turquoise water. Then,
after having lunch, we ended our vacation by taking many pictures and videos.
The vacation to Maldives was a great experience that I have ever had. I hope I can go
there again someday.

6. What is the topic of the text?

A. The writer‟s wonderful vacation in Maldives.
B. The writer‟s feeling on the way to Maldives.
C. The wonderful dinner in Mali island.
D. How to take vacation in Maldives.

7. What did the writer and his family do at the end of their vacation?
A. Taking pictures and videos.
B. Swimming on the beach.
C. Enjoying their dinner.
D. Sitting on the floor.

8. … the family were crossing the sea by ferry, they could see the beauty of
turquoise sea water.

A. Although
B. Because
C. While
D. If

Text for items number 9-11.

 1 cup sweetened red bean paste
 1 cup glutinous rice flour
 1 teaspoon green tea powder (matcha)
 1 cup water
 ¼ cup white sugar
 ½ cup cornstarch, for rolling out the dough

1. Wrap red bean paste in aluminum foil and place in the freezer until solid, at least 1 hour.

2. Mix glutinous rice flour and green tea powder thoroughly in a microwave-safe bowl. Stir
in water, then sugar; mix until smooth.

3. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and microwave for 3 minutes 30 seconds.

4. Take red bean paste from the freezer and divide into 8 equal balls. Set aside.

5. Take rice flour mixture from the microwave. Stir and heat for another 15 to 30 seconds.

6. Dust a work surface with cornstarch. Roll about 2 tablespoons of hot rice flour mixture
into a ball. Flatten the ball and place one ball of frozen red bean paste in the center.
Pinch and press the dough around the bean paste until completely covered. Sprinkle with
additional cornstarch and place mochi, seam-side down, in a paper muffin liner to
prevent sticking.

7. Repeat Step 6 to make remaining mochi.

Bahasa Inggris 3
9. After reading the text, what benefit can the readers likely get?
A. They know the ingredients needed to make mochi.
B. They understand the procedure to make mochi.
C. They get the detailed information about mochi.
D. They realize how easy to make mochi.

10. Study the following statements.

(1) We should heat the flour before mixing it with green tea powder.
(2) We should microwave the rice flour mixture twice.
(3) Corn starch is used to make mochi tastier.
(4) The red bean paste should be put in a freezer to make it solid.

Based on the text, the correct statements are ….

A. (1) and (2)
B. (1) and (3)
C. (2) and (4)
D. (3) and (4)

11. “Wrap red bean paste in aluminum foil…” (Step 1)

The word “wrap” has the similar meaning to …

A. cover
B. apply
C. put
D. take

Text for items number 12-14.

Once upon a time, in Sunda land, there was a kingdom named Pasir Batang. The king
was Tapa Agung. He had seven daughters: Purbararang, Purbalaras, Purbakencana,
Purbaningrat, Purbajati, Purbasekar, and the last is Purbasari. They were all beautiful, but
Purbasari was the most beautiful, kind, and smart.

One day, Tapa Agung announced that he would resign as the king. Unexpectedly,
Pasir Batang people chose Purbasari to replace the King. It made her six sisters jealous,
especially Purbararang.

One night, Purbararang entered Purbasari‟s room while she was sleeping. She rubbed
something on Purbasari‟s body. Suddenly, her skin became black like a monkey. In the
morning, Purbasari was shocked to see her body. Purbararang asked the guard to expel the
monkey to the jungle.

In the jungle, Purbasari met a black monkey named Lutung Kasarung. He served
Purbasari and cured Purbasari by scrubbing her body using some herbal leaves.
Surprisingly, Purbasari became beautiful again, and they became good friends.

Purbararang heard the news about Purbasari. She challenged Purbasari. She offered
Purbasari to be the Queen if Purbasari had a groom. Lutung Kasarung offered himself to be
her groom, and she agreed.

“Yes, I have a groom. He is Lutung Kasarung”.

Bahasa Inggris 4
Suddenly, a thunderclap split the sky. Purbasari‟s words changed the curse. Lutung
Kasarung turned into a handsome prince. He is actually Prince Guriang.

Finally, Purbararang let Purbasari to be the Queen. With Prince Guriang, she led the
kingdom. All people lived peacefully and prosperously.

12. Study the following statements.

(1) The king had seven daughters, so he decided to resign from the kingdom.
(2) Purbararang made an evil plan in order to expel Purbasari.
(3) Purbasari‟s skin was cured by Lutung Kasarung.
(4) Lutung Kasarung was cursed by Purbararang.

Which statements are in line with the story?

A. (1) and (2)
B. (2) and (3)
C. (3) and (4)
D. (1) and (4)

13. Based on the story, which one is the main conflict?

A. Purbasari was the most beautiful princess.
B. Purbararang expelled Purbasari to the jungle.
C. Purbararang offered Purbasari to be the Queen.
D. Pasir Batang people chose Purbasari to replace the king.

14. “Lutung Kasarung offered himself to be her groom, and she agreed.” (Paragraph 5)
What does the word “himself” refer to?

A. Lutung Kasarung.
B. Prince Guriang.
C. The groom.
D. The King.

Bahasa Inggris 5
Text for items number 15 and 16.

15. What is probably the relationship between Indy and Elsa?

A. Classmates.
B. Siblings.
C. Cousins.
D. Sisters.

16. Study the following statements.

(1) Elsa wishes for Indy‟s good luck.
(2) Elsa will participate in the contest with her mom.
(3) Indy asks Elsa to practice singing well.
(4) Indy hopes that she will be the winner of the singing contest.

Which statements are in line with the text above?

A. (1) and (2)
B. (1) and (4)
C. (2) and (3)
D. (3) and (4)

Text for items number 17-19.

Gorillas are the largest animals of the group called primates.After chimpanzees and
bonobos, gorillas are the closest living relatives to humans. Movies often show gorillas as
fierce creatures, but they are actually peaceful and gentle animals.

Gorillas live in rainforests in Africa. There are four kinds of gorilla. The two western
gorillas are the western lowland gorilla and the Cross-River gorilla. Both are found in
western Africa. The two eastern gorillas are the eastern lowland or Grauer‟s gorilla and the
mountain gorilla. Both are found in east-central Africa. All gorillas are endangered, or at

Bahasa Inggris 6
risk of dying out. The mountain gorilla has become especially rare.
Adult male gorillas may be 1.7 meters tall and weigh 140 to 270 kilograms. The
females weigh about half as much as the males. Adult gorillas have long, strong arms and
short, stocky legs. The chest is very thick and strong. The males have a bony crest on top
of the head. Gorillas have a coat of black hair except on their faces, hands, and feet.

Gorillas live in family groups of about 6 to 30 animals. One or two older males lead
the group. Gorillas use their arms and legs to walk. They support part of their weight on the
knuckles of the hands. They rarely stand up straight. Gorillas spend most of their time on
the ground. But they may also climb trees to sleep and feed. Gorillas eat plants, including
fruits, leaves, stalks, and shoots.

17. “All gorillas are endangered, or at risk of dying out.” (Paragraph 2)

The word “endangered” has the similar meaning to ….
A. scared
B. terrified
C. threatened
D. frightened

18. From the text, we know that gorillas ….

A. are fierce, peaceful, and gentle
B. have short arms and strong legs
C. have black coat at the whole body
D. have thick and strong chests

19. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

A. Gorillas are endangered animals.
B. There are a few mountain gorillas.
C. There are four kinds of gorilla living in Africa.
D. Cross-River gorillas live in Western Africa.

Text for items number 20 and 21.

I'm standing on a bridge
I'm waitin' in the dark
I thought that you'd be here by now
There's nothing but the rain
No footsteps on the ground
I'm listening but there's no sound

Isn't anyone tryin' to find me?

Won't somebody come take me home?

It's a damn cold night

Trying to figure out this life
Won't you take me by the hand?

Take me somewhere new

I don't know who you are

Bahasa Inggris 7
But I, I'm with you
I'm with you

20. What is the topic of the song lyrics?

A. The bridge was dark and it rained hard.
B. Someone was in a trouble and needed a help.
C. The night was so cold and nobody passed the bridge.
D. Someone was caught in the rain while listening to music.

21. “I’m with you” in the song lyrics means that the writer ….
A. took someone to a place
B. needed to know someone
C. found someone on the way
D. wanted to follow someone

Text for items number 22 and 23.

22. What is the purpose of writing the text?

A. To inform the readers about the school condition.
B. To tell the parents how to send their children to school.
C. To help parents take care of their children‟s health.
D. To remind the parents about the rules at school.

23. Which statements go with the information in the text?

1. Fever is one of the symptoms of Covid-19.
2. Parents should motivate their children to express their feeling.
3. Children should stay at home when they are in a good condition.
4. Washing hands shows the importance of being kind to each other.

A. 1 and 2
B. 2 and 3

Bahasa Inggris 8
C. 3 and 4
D. 1 and 4

Text for items number 24 to 26.

YouTube Shorts is a way for anyone to turn an idea into a chance to connect with
new audiences anywhere in the world. All you need is a smartphone and the Shorts
camera built right in the YouTube app.
The latest Shorts creation tools make it fast, fun, and easy to be a creator on
You can upload short videos you created without YouTube‟s short-video creation

To upload a Short from a computer:

1. Sign in to YouTube Studio.
2. In the top-right corner, click CREATE Upload videos .
3. Select a short-video file:
 Up to 60 seconds.
 With a square or vertical aspect ratio. To make sure YouTube automatically
categorizes your video as a Short, make sure you stick with a 9:16 or 1:1
aspect ratio.
4. (Optional) Include #Shorts in the title or description to help our system recommend
your short videos across YouTube.

You can choose up to 15 short videos at a time but be sure to click EDIT DRAFT to
complete your video details before publishing. Learn more about video settings.
Note: The default video privacy setting for creators aged 13–17 is private. If you are 18 or
older, your default video privacy setting is set to public. Everyone can change this setting
to make their video public, private, or unlisted.

24. What does the text explain to us?

A. How to be a YouTube content creator.
B. How to upload a video in a YouTube.
C. How to choose a video to upload.
D. How to create YouTube shorts.

25. How long is the maximum duration of a short video?

A. More than 60 seconds.
B. Less than 60 seconds.
C. 60 seconds at most.
D. Over 60 seconds.

26. Why should you click “edit draft” before publishing?

A. To complete the video details.
B. To change the video settings.
C. To create a setting for privacy.
D. To ensure the content.

Bahasa Inggris 9
Text for items number 27 and 28.
Restu : Hi, Amara. I didn‟t see you at school this morning. Are you okay?

Amara : Hi, Restu. I got a little accident on the way to school. Someone hit my
bike and I fell. I broke my left arm. Now I am in a hospital.

Restu : Oh, I‟m sorry to hear that. I wish you a speedy recovery, Restu.

Amara : Thanks a lot. But I must submit the Math task tomorrow. Tomorrow is
the deadline to submit it. What should I do then?

Restu : I think you‟d better focus on your health. I am sure Mr. Ihwan will permit
you to submit it later. I hope everything will be better.

Amara : Alright, please tell Mr. Ihwan about it. Thanks in advance, Restu.

Restu : Sure, I will.

27. Where does the dialog probably take place?

A. At school.
B. In the hospital.
C. On the telephone.
D. At Restu‟s house.

28. From the dialog above, we may infer that Mr. Ihwan is ….
A. Amara‟s father
B. Restu‟s brother
C. Amara‟s brother
D. the Math teacher

Text for items number 29 to 32.

People in Yogyakarta have been familiar with a traditional ceremony of Grebeg
which is usually held three times a year. Formerly, it was held to spread and protect the
Islam religion by Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono I. The term Grebeg is often referred to
Sultan‟s exit to send the „gunungan‟ or a mountain-like pile of kinds of harvest, to his
people at the north square or the Palace field. The „gunungan‟ of various crops is as the
symbol of prosperity of the Yogyakarta Palace that will be distributed to people. People
will try to grab the crops from the mountain-like pile. It is believed that the crops are full of
blessing for the people.

The three Grebeg ceremonies held every year are Grebeg Syawal, Grebeg
Maulud, and Grebeg Besar. They are all held in relation to religious ceremonies of Islam.
Grebeg Syawal is performed as a form of thanksgiving by the palace after the Ramadhan
month. It is also to welcome the coming Syawal month. Grebeg Maulud is held to
commemorate the birthday of Prophet Muhammad. While Grebeg Besar is held to
celebrate Eid Adha in Zulhijah month.

29. What is the topic of the text?

A. Kinds of traditional ceremonies.
B. Traditional ceremonies of Grebeg.
C. The celebration of Yogya Palace.
D. Yearly Sultan‟s ceremonial events.

Bahasa Inggris10
30. When does the palace hold Grebeg Maulud?
A. On the birthday of Prophet Muhammad.
B. On the Eid Adha in Zulhijah month.
C. At the end of Ramadhan month.
D. On the thanks giving day.

31. The topic of the second paragraph is ….

A. The definition of Grebeg.
B. The meaning of Grebeg.
C. The history of Grebeg.
D. The kinds of Grebeg.

32. “… is held to commemorate the birthday …” The word “commemorate” has the
same meaning as ….

A. reserve
B. honour
C. remind
D. retell

Text for items number 33 and 34.

33. One of the major sources of air pollution is ….

A. Wasteful means of transportation.
B. Some pesticide in agriculture.
C. The water contamination.
D. The compost heaps.

Bahasa Inggris11
34. What is the writer’s intention in writing the text above?
A. To explain some pollution in the air.
B. To describe some kinds of pollution.
C. To explain the effect of pollution on earth.
D. To give information about the sources of air pollution.

Text for items number 35 and 36.

35. Where do you probably find the notice above?

A. At public places.
B. At private areas.
C. At school only.
D. At home.

36. What should you do when getting sneezing?

A. Clean the mouth with alcohol – based soap.
B. Cover your mouth using your flexed elbow.
C. Close your nose using your palms.
D. Protect your face using tissue.

Bahasa Inggris12
Text for items number 37 and 38.
Product A Product B

37. After reading both texts carefully, people will probably ….

A. consume it for those who are allergic to wheat and flour
B. get the products when they need Vitamin A and D
C. cook the products as the source of cholesterol
D. store the products in a fridge to stay fresh

38. Which statements best describe the texts above?

1. Both products contain much saturated fat.
2. Both products should be kept in a fridge.
3. Both products are source of some vitamins.
4. Both products might be consumed by those who need calories.

A. 1 and 2
B. 2 and 3
C. 3 and 4
D. 2 and 4

Bahasa Inggris13
Text for items number 39 and 40.

39. Why does the writer emphasize the information above rather than other?
A. To persuade the readers to visit the online shop.
B. To highlight the special feature of the product.
C. To inform the procedure of using the product.
D. To show the affordable price of the product.

40. Who will be probably interested in reading the text?

A. People who need time efficiency to do house chores.
B. Housewives who like to cook fresh vegetables.
C. Hospitalized patients who need nutritious fruits.
D. Those whose hobby is cooking on electric stoves.

Bahasa Inggris14

No Kunci No Kunci No Kunci No Kunci

1 C 11 A 21 D 31 D
2 D 12 B 22 C 32 B
3 D 13 D 23 A 33 A
4 A 14 A 24 D 34 D
5 B 15 C 25 C 35 A
6 A 16 B 26 A 36 B
7 A 17 C 27 C 37 D
8 C 18 D 28 D 38 D
9 B 19 C 29 B 39 B
10 C 20 B 30 A 40 A

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