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3rd Year MBBS


➢ Legal Procedure
➢ Medical Law & Ethics
➢ Identification
➢ Medico Legal Autopsy
➢ Death & Its Cause
➢ Post-mortem Changes
➢ Mechanical Injuries
➢ Regional Injuries
➢ ML Aspects of Wounds
➢ Thermal Injuries
➢ Mechanical Asphyxia
➢ Sterility & Virginity
➢ Sexual Offences
➢ Abortion & Infant Deaths
➢ Forensic Psychiatry
➢ Artefacts, FS Laboratory
➢ Toxicology

Legal Procedures
Short Notes
• Subpoena (6)
• Dying declaration (5)
• Magistrate inquest (3)
• Inquest (2)
• Cross examination (2)
• Medical Etiquette
• Police inquest
• Session court
• Cognizable offence
• Conduct money
• Medical evidence
• Documentary evidence
• Witness
• Expert witness
• Hostile witness
Medical Law and Ethics

• The functions of state medical council, professional misconduct / warning notice and
rules of consent (2)
• Define Medical negligence. Discuss a cause of medical negligence (2)
• Professional misconduct and procedure of disciplinary action in such a case with
• Define Medical negligence. Explain the various type of negligence with suitable
examples. What precautions a doctor has to take to prevent a charge of negligence

Short Notes
• Functions of Indian Medical Council (6)
• Consent, rules of consent (5)
• Privileged communication (4)
• Vicarious liability (4)
• Contributory Negligence (3)
• Infamous conduct (2)
• Res ipsi loquitur (2)
• Novus actus interveniens (2)
• Therapeutic misadventures (2)
• Euthanasia (2)
• State Medical Council
• Penal erasure
• Professional death sentence
• Professional misconduct
• Serious professional misconduct
• Warning notice
• Corporate negligence
• Medical indemnity insurance
• Malingering
Short Notes
• Dactylography (7)
• Gustafson’s method (4)
• Corpus delicti (2)
• Medico legal importance of age
• Tattoo marks (2)
• Hair
• Intersex
• Gonadal dysgenesis
• Inter sex and its medico legal importance
• Rule of Hasse
• Dermatography
• Chieloscopy
• Superimposition
• Application of X-ray in FM

Medico Legal Autopsy

Short Notes
• Medico legal autopsy (2)
• Objectives of medico legal autopsies (2)
• Exhumation (2)
• Air embolism
• Air embolism – cause and autopsy findings
• Undertaker’s fracture
• Method of examination of heart in autopsy
• Virtual autopsy
• Psychological autopsy
• Preservation of viscera for histopathological examination
Death and its Cause
Short Notes
• Obscure autopsy (3)
• Mode of death (2)
• Concept of brain death
• Anoxic blebs
• Syncope

Post-mortem Changes
• Various factors that help in establishing the time since death (3)
• Muscular changes in a Dead body (2)
• Rigor mortis
• Enumerate the changes that occurs in the body after death. Briefly describe Rigor
• The late changes occurring after death, discuss the changes taking place in
decomposition and the M.L significance
• What is post-mortem interval? Discuss in detail the various factors that are helpful in
determining the post-mortem interval
Short Notes
• Changes in the eye after death (3)
• Rigor mortis (3)
• Cadaveric spasm (3)
• Post mortem hypostasis (2)
• Suspended animation
• Infamous animation
• Algor mortis
• Post-mortem caloricity
• Livor mortis
• Cadaveric lividity
• Pseudo Bruisae
• Difference between hypostasis and bruisae
• Rule of 12
• Marbling
• Adipocere
Mechanical Injuries
• Mechanical injuries, Difference between Suicidal and homicidal / Difference between
laceration and inside wounds (2)
• Abrasion types and medico legal importance (2)
• Classify mechanical injuries. Write in detail on Abrasions
• Antemortem wounds and various causes of death from wounds
• Classify injuries and discuss cause of death, Difference between antemortem and post-
mortem wounds
• Classify injuries. Differentiate antemortem wounds from post-mortem wounds.
Discuss the cause of death from wounds
• Enumerate the effects of bomb explosive injuries, what are the methods to identify
mutilated bodies?

Short Notes
• Laceration (2)
• Abrasion collar (2)
• Difference between entry and exit Bullet wounds (2)
• Defence wounds (2)
• Weapon identification by examination of stab injuries
• Classification of laceration
• Difference between incised and stab wounds
• Determination of calibre of gun
• Bomb blast injuries

Regional Injuries
• Enumerate intracranial haemorrhages. Explain in detail about the extradural

Short Notes
• Contre – coupe injuries (3)
• Skull fracture (2)
• Lucid interval in Head injuries (2)
• Whiplash injury (2)
• Intracranial haemorrhage
• Types of intra-cranial haemorrhages
• Sub Dural Haemorrhages
• Primary impact injuries

ML Aspects of Wounds
• What is culpable homicide? Discuss on justifiable homicide

Short Notes
• Grievous hurt (6)
• Section 320 IPC
• Dowry death
• Sudden death

Thermal Death
Short Notes
• Rules of nine (2)
• Pugilistic attitude (2)
• Antemortem burns
• Scalds
• Joule burn
• Arborescent markings
• Difference between antemortem and post-mortem burns injury

Mechanical Asphyxia
• Define and classify hanging and discuss complete hanging (4)
• Classify asphyxia forms of death and difference between hanging and strangulation by
ligature (3)
• Various types of violent Asphyxial Death, signs, symptoms, treatment and post
mortem appearance of Drowning (3)
• Define drowning, Discuss in detail the types, pathophysiology and post-mortem
changes in drowning. Difference between antemortem and post-mortem drowning (2)
• Define asphyxia. Enumerate the types of hanging. Describe in detail the post-mortem
findings in case of hanging.
• Classify violent asphyxia deaths. Discuss about the specific autopsy findings in case of
• Classify violent asphyxia deaths. Discuss about the specific autopsy findings in death
due to hanging. Enumerate the causes of death in death due to hanging

Short Notes
• Traumatic asphyxia (4)
• Fracture of hyoid bone (3)
• Post mortem appearance of drowning (2)
• Diatoms test (2)
• Sexual Asphyxia (2)
• Caf
• Manual strangulation
• Post mortem finding in throttling
• Mugging
• Drowning in the sea water
• Acid digestion test
• Gettler’s test

Sterility and Virginity

• Define the definition and types of artificial insemination. Discuss the indication,
biological, legal aspects, and precautions of artificial insemination (5)

Short Notes
• Hymen (3)
• Signs of recent delivery in living (3)
• Artificial insemination – Legal problems (2)
• Surrogate motherhood
• Signs of Virginity
• Super foetation
• Pseudocyesis
• Signs of recent delivery
• Signs of recent delivery in the dead
• Lochia and its medicolegal importance

Sexual Offences
• Define rape and examination of victim (6)
Short Notes
• Sodomy (4)
• Section 375 of I.P.C
• Custodial Rape
• Genital examination of rape victim
• Collection of evidences in rape cases
• Indecent assault
• Sexual perversions
• Masochism
• Fetichism
• Masturbation
• Chemical examination of seminal fluids
• Precipitin Test

Abortion and Infant Deaths

• Live birth, Difference between still and live birth (2)
• Define abortion and describe MTP
• Define and classify abortion. Write in detail about the diagnosis and evidence of
criminal abortion in a dead. Add a note on medico legal importance of criminal
Short Notes
• Medical termination of pregnancy (MTP act 1971) (7)
• Criminal abortion/Complications of criminal abortion (3)
• Maceration (3)
• Hydrostatic test (2)
• Battered baby syndrome (2)
• Rules of MTP
• Dead born foetus
• Signs of live birth
• Shaken baby syndrome
• Crib death (SIDS)
• Caffey’s syndrome
• Difference between respired and

Forensic Psychiatry
Short Notes
• Hallucination (5)
• Lucid interval (3)
• Civil responsibility of insane person (2)
• Testamentary capacity insanity (2)
• Mc Naughten’s rule (2)
• Impulse
• Obsession
• Kleptomania
• Psychopathic personality
• A.L.I Test
• Criminal responsibility of mentally ill person

Artifacts, FS Laboratory
Short Notes
• Lockard’s principle (4)
• Resuscitation artifacts (3)
• Test for blood stains
• Spectroscopy examination of blood stains
• Disputed paternity
• Polygraph
• Truth Serum
• Classify poisons and the duties of a doctor in case of poisoning / management of a
cause of acute poisoning (3)
• Stomach wash with diagrams and antidotes (2)
• OPC Poisoning (2)
• Methanol poisoning (2)
• Barbiturate poisoning (2)
• Enumerate the irrespirable gases. Discuss the pharmacological actions, signs and
symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and post mortem appearance of Carbon Monoxide
poisoning (2)
• Define poison. What are the characters of ideal homicidal poisoning? Describe the
duties of a doctor when a poisoning case was admitted in the casualty
• Classify agricultural poisons. Write in detail about the treatment and post mortem
findings in a case of organo phosphorous compound poisoning
• Insecticide poisoning
• Acute phenol poisoning
• Define poisoning. Write in detail about signs, symptoms and post mortem changes of
arsenic poisoning
• Describe the signs, symptoms, treatment and autopsy findings in a case of Chronic
mercury poisoning
• Define drunkenness and methanol poisoning
• Enumerate alkaloids and morphine poisoning
• Phenobarbitone poisoning
• Describe the signs, symptoms, treatment and autopsy findings in a case of Cyanide
• Hydrocyanic acid poisoning

Short Notes
• Duties of Medical practitioner of the cause of poisoning (3)
• Antidote (2)
• Ideal Suicidal poisons (2)
• Universal antidote (2)
• Plumbism (2)
• Hallucinogenic drug (2)
• Datura poisoning (2)
• Run amok (2)
• Ideal Homicidal poisons
• Penicillamine
• Treatment of OPC poisoning
• Metallic poisons
• Arsenic poisons
• Hydrargysism
• Chronic mercury poisoning
• Acute lead poisoning
• Post mortem appearance of copper sulphate poisoning
• Plant penicillin poisoning
• Phytotoxin
• Arbus precatorius
• Ecobolics
• Spanish fly
• Difference between Russel viper and Cobra
• Difference between poisonous and non-poisonous snake
• Ophitoxemia
• Viper bite
• Treatment of Viper snake bite
• First aid for snake bite
• Marihuana
• Stupefying agents
• Difference between drug addiction and habituation
• War gases
• Hydrocyanic acid poisoning
• Mushroom poisoning
• Consumer protection act

➢ Ear
➢ Nose & PNS
➢ Oral cavity & Salivary glands
➢ Pharynx
➢ Larynx, Trachea &Thyroid
➢ Oesophagus
➢ Clinical methods &Surgery

• Middle ear anatomy
• Aetiology, pathogenesis of conductive deafness? Type of tympanoplasty
• Conductive deafness
• Conditions producing conductive deafness? Explain ASOM
• Pain in one ear. Causes, clinical features of various conditions
• Causes- conductive deafness with intact tympanic membrane? 4-year child, otitis
media with effusion. Clinical features and management.
• Secretory otitis media
• Give an account of aetiology, clinical features and treatment of Glue Ear
• Cholesteatoma (4)
• Chronic suppurative Otitis Media (9)
• What are the complications of chronic otitis suppurative otitis media? Describe briefly
about the clinical features, investigations and treatment of lateral sinus
• 50-year-old male presents with history of left ear discharge for 3 years. What are the
routes of spread of infection to the intercranial structures in this patient? Enumerate
the intercranial complications expected. Describe in detail about otogenic brain
• Otosclerosis
• Bell’s Palsy
• Define Meniere’s disease. Discuss the etiopathology. Clinical features and
management of the same
• Causes -Deaf Child? Investigation- hearing assessment? About auditory training and
hearing aids?
Short notes
• Middle ear cleft (2)
• Stapes
• Semi-circular canals
• Theories of hearing
• Organ of corti
• Physiology of hearing
• ABC test (3)
• Rinne’s Test (3)
• Tuning fork tests for Non-Organic Deafness
• Pure tone audiometry
• Impedance audiometry
• Tympanoplasty (2)
• Ototoxicity (3)
• Causes and management of sudden sensorineural hearing loss
• Presbyacusis (2)
• Fistula test
• Optokinetic nystagmus
• Caloric test
• Kobrak test
• Swimmer’s Ear
• Furunculosis ear (2)
• Allergic Otitis Externa
• Malignant otitis Externa (5)
• Otomycosis (7)
• Cerumen
• Keratosis obturans (4)
• Eustachian tube (ET) (2)
• Functions of eustachian tube
• Acute otitis media
• Scarlet Fever
• Management of secretory otitis media
• Glue ear (3)
• Secretory otitis media (4)
• Cholesteatoma (2)
• Extra cranial complications of chronic suppurative otitis media
• Acute Mastoiditis
• Bezold’s abscess
• Labyrinthitis
• Gradenigo’s syndrome
• Otogenic brain abscess (2)
• Lateral sinus thrombosis (3)
• Otitic hydrocephalus
• Management of intracranial complications of CSOM (2)
• Otosclerosis (5)
• Complication – Stapedectomy
• Bell’s Palsy (5)
• Frey’s syndrome
• Endolymphatic hydrops
• Meniere’s disease (5)
• Glomus Tumour
• Deaf Mute (5)
• OAE (Otoacoustic Emission)
• Cochlear implant (2)
• Referred otalgia (3)
• MERI index (middle Ear Risk Index)

Nose & PNS

• Atrophic Rhinitis (2)
• 50-year male C/o bleeding, fleshy mass nasal cavity. DD & Investigations .
• Describe the aetiology, clinical features and management of Rhinosporidiosis .
• Describe the anatomy of lateral wall of nose. Describe the types and management of
nasal polyps.
• Causes – Unilateral nasal obstruction? explain anyone.
• Enumerate in detail the various causes of epistaxis. How you manage epistaxis. How
will you manage epistasis in a 6 year old child (3)
• Acute frontal sinusitis
• Chronic sinusitis
• Chronic maxillary sinusitis
• Discuss aetiology, Pathology and management of Carcinoma of Maxilla (5)
• Chemotherapy and surgery for Carcinoma Maxilla
Short notes
• Surgery of snoring
• Lateral wall of nasal cavity
• Osteomeatal complex (3)
• Middle meatus
• Hiatus Semilunaris
• Rhinomanometry
• Physiology of nose
• Nasal cycle
• Mucous Blanket of nose
• Mucociliary clearance mechanism
• Rhinophyma (2)
• Deviated nasal septum
• Cottle test (2)
• Septal hematoma (3)
• Nasal septal perforation (2)
• Atrophic rhinitis & its management (5)
• Rhinitis Caseosa
• Rhinoscleroma (5)
• Fungal Polyposis
• Nasal myiasis (3)
• Rhinolith (5)
• CSF – rhinorrhoea
• Choanal atresia (3)
• Seasonal allergic rhinitis (2)
• Allergic rhinitis (2)
• Vasomotor rhinitis (3)
• Ethmoidal polyp
• Ethmoidal polyposis (2)
• Nasal polyp (4)
• Antro-Choanal polyp (8)
• Difference between antro choanal polyp and Ethmoidal polyp
• Little’s area (2)
• Epistaxis (2)
• Anterior nasal packing
• Nasal bone Fracture
• Le-fort Fracture
• Oro-antral fistula (2)
• Acute frontal sinusitis
• Rhinocerebral-Phycomycosis
• Allergic fungal sinusitis
• Fungal sinusitis
• FESS (4)
• Invasive fungal sinusitis
• Orbital complications of sinusitis
• Frontal mucocele
• Aetiology of Carcinoma maxilla

Oral cavity & Salivary glands

Short notes
• Submucous fibrosis
• Pleomorphic adenoma
• Leucoplakia
• Leucoplakia-palate (2)

• Juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma/ JGA (3)
• Discuss the aetiology, spread, clinical presentation and management of juvenile
nasopharyngeal angiofibroma
• Discuss in detail etiopathogenesis, clinical features and management of a patient with
nasopharyngeal carcinoma
• DD-Tonsil, conditions producing membranous lesion in throat? (2)
• Mention the different diagnosis of patch in tonsil
• Describe the diagnosis, complication and treatment of acute follicular tonsillitis (2)
• Peritonsillar abscess
• Disease producing Trismus- Explain QUINSY
• Retropharyngeal abscess

Short Notes
• Killian’s dehiscence (2)
• Waldeyer’s Ring (2)
• Pyriform fossa (2)
• Adenoid facies (4)
• Juvenile angiofibroma (2)
• JNPA (4)
• Vincent’s Angina
• Acute tonsillitis
• Differential diagnosis of membrane on the tonsil
• Cardinal features of chronic tonsillitis
• Faucial Diphtheria (2)
• Lingual tonsil
• Parapharyngeal abscess
• Ludwig’s Angina
• QUINSY (6)
• Potential neck spaces, acute Retropharyngeal abscess
• Chronic retropharyngeal abscess
• Retropharyngeal abscess (4)
• Eagle’s syndrome
• Pharyngeal pouch
• Sleep apnoea syndrome
• Polysomnography

Larynx, Trachea &Thyroid

• What are the causes of stridor in children? Discuss the management modalities of
stridor (5)
• Causes- Childhood stridor. Explain Tracheostomy (4)
A. Enumerate the cause of stridor in children
B. 50-year-old smoker with hoarseness and stridor – differential diagnosis.
C. Surgical management of stridor for this patient its procedure and its complication.
• Discuss aetiology, pathology and management of Carcinoma larynx (2)
• 55-year-old male C/o hoarseness of voice. Causes and investigations. Add a note on
role of Microlaryngeal surgery in papilloma larynx
• A male patient aged 60 yrs. chronic smoker, comes with hoarseness of voice of 1 year
duration. How do you investigate and treat him?
Short Notes
• Reinke’s space
• Functions of larynx
• Acute supraglottic laryngitis
• Acute epiglottitis (3)
• TB-Larynx
• Stridor (3)
• Vocal cord paralysis-Theories on position
• Left vocal cord paralysis
• Vocal cord paralysis
• Bilateral abductor palsy
• Benign tumour – larynx (2)
• Vocal nodule (3)
• VC – nodules (4)
• Vocal cord polyp
• Laryngeal papilloma
• Multiple papilloma (2)
• TNM classification
• Functional aphonia
• Tracheostomy (3)
• Bronchial foreign bodies

• Discuss in aetiology, clinical features, and management of stricture oesophagus
• Carcinoma Oesophagus
• 65-year adult, C/o Difficulty in swallowing. DD, Investigations & managements (2)
• Enumerate the causes of dysphagia. Describe about aetiology, clinical features,
investigations and treatment of Plummer Vinson syndrome
• Enumerate the causes of dysphagia. Write in detail about acute retropharyngeal

Short Notes
• Plummer Vinson syndrome
• Patterson Brown Kelly syndrome
• Achalasia cardia
• Aetiology of carcinoma oesophagus
• Investigations for Dysphagia (3)

Clinical methods &Surgery

Short Notes
• Indirect Laryngoscopy (2)
• Thyroglossal cyst (3)
• Myringoplasty (2)
• Antral wash
• Caldwel-luc surgery
• Septoplasty (2)
• Difference-SMR and Septoplasty
• Diagnostic Nasal Endoscopy
• Oesophagoscopy
• Lasers in ENT (2)
• Sluder’s Neuralgia
• Foreign body ENT
• Tonsillectomy
➢ Physiology & Refraction
➢ Conjunctiva and Cornea
➢ Sclera and uveal tract
➢ Lens and Glaucoma
➢ Neuro, Retina & Vitreous
➢ LA, Eyelid & Orbit
➢ Community Opth & Others

Physiology & Refraction


• Define hypermetropia. Discuss its clinical features and management

• Define Myopia. Enumerate the types, clinical picture, complications and management
of myopia (2)
Short notes

• Management of hypermetropia (2)

• Hypermetropia (6)
• Aphakia
• Psuedophakia (2)
• Myopia (6)
• Pathological myopia, Recent trends in myopia correction (2)
• Treatment for myopia
• Sturm’s conoid (3)
• Astigmatism (4)
• Presbyopia (3)
• Contact Lenses (3)
Conjunctiva and Cornea
• Purulent Conjunctivitis
• Trachoma (2)
• Herpetic Keratoconjunctivitis
• Herpes simplex keratitis
• Bacterial corneal ulcer (4)
• Describe aetiology, clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of hypopyon corneal
ulcer (7)
• Ulcus Serpens
Short Notes
• Pneumococcal Conjunctivitis
• Angular Conjunctivitis
• Causes for blindness – management of trachoma
• Trachoma (2)
• Pannus
• Follicular Conjunctivitis
• Vernal Conjunctivitis
• Verna keratoconjunctivitis
• Ophthalmia neonatorum (5)
• Allergic conjunctivitis
• Spring catarrh (8)
• Etiology, sings and treatment of phlyctenular conjunctivitis.
• Recurrent pterygium.
• Pterygium (2)
• Treatment for pterygium
• Describe anatomy of cornea
• Organisms invading normal corneal epithelium
• Hypopyon Corneal ulcer
• Prevention and management of corneal ulcer perforation
• Management of fascicular ulcer
• Cause and management of geographical ulcer
• Fungal keratitis (2)
• Fungal corneal ulcer (2)
• Keratomycosis
• Clinical features of viral keratitis (2)
• Clinical features and management of herpes simplex keratitis (2)
• Dendritic Ulcer (3)
• Disciform Keratitis
• Herpes Zoster ophthalmicus
• Acanthamoeba keratitis (3)
• Exposure keratitis (2)
• Interstitial Keratitis
• Keratoconus (5)
• Corneal Vascularisation
• Indications of keratoplasty
• Keratoplasty (2)

Sclera and uveal tract

• Anterior uveitis
• What is the differential diagnosis for acute red eye? Describe the clinical features and
management acute anterior uveitis (Iridocyclitis).
• Aetiopathogeneses of Acute iridocyclitis. How will you manage (8)
• DD for Red Eye?
Short notes
• Nodular episcleritis
• Episcleritis (2)
• Scleritis
• Scleromalacia perforans
• Staphyloma (4)
• Classify uveitis and describe the management of acute iridocyclitis (2)
• IOP in iridocyclitis (2)
• Keratic Precipitates (6)
• Aqueous flare
• Ring synechiae
• Red Eye
• Granulomatous uveitis- Clinical features and management
• Hypertensive iridocyclitis
• Endophthalmitis (11)
• What is evisceration? Give two indications for eviscerations (2)
Lens and Glaucoma
• Congenital cataract (2)
• Acquired Cataract? Describe the clinical features diagnosis and management of senile
cataract. (2)
• Mention the causes of gradual loss of vision and discuss the management of senile
cortical cataract (2)
• Causes for painless progressive loss of vision? Details about mature cataract?
• Uniocular Cataract?
• 59-year-old male c/o Gradual diminution of vision. Causes and investigations?
• Enumerate the pre-operative investigations for cataract surgery.
• Buphthalmos
• Chronic Simple Glaucoma
• Define Glaucoma – Describe the clinical features and investigations and treatment of
Primary Open Angle Glaucoma (POAG) (6)
• Causes for sudden painful loss of vision? Details about acute congestive stage of angle
of angle closure glaucoma (6)
• Differential diagnosis of red eye. How will you manage acute congestive glaucoma (3)
• Clinical features and management of acute congestive glaucoma
Short Notes
• Lamellar/ Zonular cataract (3)
• Nuclear cataract
• Brown cataract
• Complicated cataract (7)
• Clinical features of complicated cataract
• Retinal function test
• IOL (3)
• Post operative complications of cataract surgery (2)
• After cataract (4)
• Subluxation of lens (2)
• Circulation of Aqueous humour
• Clinical features and management of congenital glaucoma (2)
• Buphthalmos (2)
• Chronic Simple Glaucoma
• Siedel’s Scotoma
• Describe field defects in chronic simple Glaucoma with diagram
• Field defects in primary open angle glaucoma
• Medical treatment of primary open angle glaucoma (2)
• Acute Congestive glaucoma
• Iris Bombe
• Management of acute congestive glaucomatous attack (2)
• Management of absolute glaucoma (2)
• Lens induced glaucoma (6)
• Mech of Secondary glaucoma in iridocyclitis
• Iridectomy (3)

Neuro, Retina & Vitreous

• Describe the classification, clinical features of hypertensive retinopathy?
• Diabetic retinopathy (4)
• Retinitis pigmentosa (2)
• Define retinal detachment, Etiology types, clinical features, investigations and
treatment of Retinal detachment (4)
• 60 year old Male c/o unilateral sudden loss of vision investigations?
• DD for amaurotic cat’s Eye Reflex? Details about Retinoblastoma
• Ocular manifestations of common neurological disorders?
• Optic Neuritis
• Write an essay on optic atrophy & its management
Short notes
• Vitreous Hemorrhage (20
• Central Retinal artery occlusion (6)
• Fundus picture in central retinal artery occlusion
• Fundus picture in central retinal vein occlusion
• Central retinal vein occlusion
• Fundus picture of hypertensive retinopathy (3)
• Diabetic Retinopathy (5)
• Retinopathy of prematurity
• Stages of retinopathy of prematurity
• Photocoagulation
• Retinitis Pigmentosa (3)
• Describe the fundus picture in Retinitis pigmentosa (2)
• Retinal Detachment
• Retinoblastoma (3)
• Stages of retinoblastoma
• Leukocoria in children
• Discuss differential diagnosis of leukocoria
• Amaurotic cat’s eye reflex
• Pseudoglioma
• Pupillary reflexes
• How will you test pupil? Why it is important?
• Marcus Gunn Pupil
• Abnormalities of Pupillary reflex
• Optic neuritis (2)
• Retrobulbar Optic neuritis (3)
• Papillitis
• Toxic optic neuropathies
• Papilloedema (4)
• Optic Atrophies (2)
• Types of optic atrophy
• Fundus picture in Papilloedema
• Colour Blindness
• Extraocular Muscles
• Diplopia

LA, Eyelid & Orbit

• Etiology, clinical features and treatment of chronic Dacryocystitis (2)
• Acute Dacryocystitis
• Contusion injuries eye
• Blunt trauma Eye? Explain Traumatic Cataract (2)
Short notes
• Hordeolum (2)
• Draw cross section of the upper lid anatomy
• Applied Anatomy of Eye lids
• Orbicularis oculi muscle.
• Ulcerative Blepharitis
• Aeitology and complications of biepharoptosis
• Biepharaitis (3)
• Chalazion (4)
• Entropion (4)
• Ectropion (3)
• Symblepharon (2)
• Lagopththalmos (4)
• Ptosis (2)
• Malignant tumours of the eye lid
• Anatomy of lacrimal drainage system
• Dry Eye
• Chronic Dacryocystitis (4)
• Congenital Dacryocystitis
• Acute Dacryocystitis
• Proptosis
• Orbital cellulitis (6)
• Thyroid eye disease
• Blunt injuries eye – Effects
• Iridodialysis (2)
• Chalcosis
• Sympathetic Ophthalmitis (7)

Community Ophth & Others

• Causes for night blindness? Explain Keratomalacia.
• Common causes for blindness? NPCB
Short notes
• Anti glaucoma drugs (2)
• Timolol Maleate
• Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors
• Viscoelastics
• Describe uses of fluorescein in ophthalmology
• Lasers in ophthalmology
• Cryo
• Xerophthalmia (3)
• Ocular manifestations and management of vitamin A deficiency
• Clinical features, prophylaxis and management of vitamin A deficiency
• Ocular Manifestations of Vit A deficiency
• WHO Classifications of Vit A deficiency
• Keratomalacia (2)
• Night Blindness (2)
• Nyctalopia
• Legal blindness (2)
• Types of blindness? WHO definition?
• Common causes of blindness in India.
• Ocular morbidity in school children
• Vision 2020 (5)
• WHO classification of Trachoma
• National Programme for control of blindness (2)
• District blindness control society
• Corneal blindness
• Eye campus
• Eye banking
• Functions of eye bank
• Tonometry
• Automated perimetry
• Cherry Red spot (3)
• Homoatropine
• Atropine
• Mydriatics and cycloplegics
• Indirect Ophthalmoscopy
• Indications for Enucleation

➢ Men And Medicine

➢ Health And Disease
➢ Epidemiology
➢ Screening For Disease
➢ Communicable Disease
➢ OG, Pedia & Geriatrics
➢ Non-Communicable Disease
➢ Health Programs & SDG
➢ Demography
➢ Mental Health
➢ Nutrition & Health
➢ Social Science
➢ Environment & Health
➢ Waste Management
➢ Disaster Management
➢ Occupational Health
➢ Genetics And Health
➢ Medical Statistics
➢ Communication For H.E
➢ Planning & Management
➢ Health Care of Community
➢ International Health
➢ Health Programs & MDG
Men and Medicine

Short Notes
• Changing concepts in public health (2)
• Social therapy
• Health for all

Health and Diseases

• Health? Details about health and indicators (2)
• Epidemiological triad? Agent, host, Environmental factors? (2)
• Level of prevention with intervention with examples
• Describe various levels of prevention and interventions with examples
Short Notes
• PQLI (5)
• International classification of diseases (4)
• Human development index (3)
• Primordial prevention (3)
• Determinants of Health (2)
• Natural H/o diseases (2)
• Epidemiological triad (2)
• Iceberg of disease (2)
• Ice-berg phenomenon (2)
• Concepts of Prevention (2)
• Disease Surveillance (2)
• Rehabilitation (2)
• Positive health
• Human poverty index
• Health indicators
• Sullivans index
• Hospital performance indicators
• Control, elimination, eradication of diseases
• Control vs Eradication of diseases
• Sentinel Surveillance
• Levels of Prevention
• What are the modes of intervention in various levels of prevention?
• Primary prevention
• Modes of Intervention
• Disability limitation

• Details about “Case control study” (6)
• Discuss in detail the steps involved in conducting a cohort study (6)
• Define epidemic. Discuss the steps in investigation of epidemic (5)
• List and Define the various mortality indicators. What are the uses and limitation of
mortality data? Which mortality indicator would you choose to decide the relative
importance of a disease as a cause of death in community (2)
• Epidemiology? It’s methods? With example and uses (2)
• Analytical epidemiological study-Types (2)
• Source, reservoir of infection? Dynamics and modes of disease transmission (2)
• Define disinfectant. Detail about different types of disinfectant (2)
• Various trends of distribution of diseases in duly illustrating with examples
• Descriptive epidemiological studies
• Non randomized controlled trials? Any three with examples and advantages
• Associated factor, causative factor – Difference, Relative risk, and its applications in
public health
• Modes of transmission of communicable diseases
• Classify acute events following immunization (AEFI). Describe the steps in the
investigation of AEFI
• National immunisation program
• Define Pandemic. Discuss the phases of Epidemic when an entire population that is
susceptible to the infection is exposed to a case
• Enumerate the types of analytical epidemiological study. Describe the steps involved
in conducting a cohort study with example. Mention the advantages and disadvantages
of this study design
Short Notes
• Cold chain system for storage of vaccine (6)
• Relative risk & attributable risk (5)
• Epidemiology uses (5)
• Describe the National immunization schedule (5)
• Tools of measurement of epidemiology (4)
• Biases and advantages of Case control study (4)
• Cohort study - merits and demerits (4)
• Isolation and quarantine (4)
• Epidemic curve (3)
• Basic steps in randomized control trial (3)
• Herd immunity (3)
• Proportional mortality rate (2)
• Direct standardization (2)
• Incidence rate and its uses (2)
• Spot maps in epidemiological investigation (2)
• Bias of epidemiological studies (2)
• Chronic carrier state (2)
• Epidemiological investigation (2)
• Emporiatrics (2)
• Case fatality rate
• Standardized Death rate
• Measurement of morbidity
• Incidence and prevalence
• Define migration studies. Discuss its use in epidemiology
• Descriptive epidemiology uses
• Steps in case control study
• Odds ratio in cohort study
• Discuss the sources of bias in case-control studies and methods of over-coming it.
• Cohort study
• Retrospective cohort indices
• Elements of cohort study
• Population attributable risk
• Relative risk
• Association and causation
• What are the international health regulations in use for disease control?
• Monitoring and surveillance
• Common source epidemic
• Carrier
• Uses of incubation period
• Vaccine vial monitoring
• Adverse event following
• Immunization
• Pratique
• Types of disinfection
• Discuss the steps in the investigation of an epidemic
• Surveillance measures at ports for control of infectious disease
Screening for Disease
Short notes
• Types, evaluation, multiphasic, qualities of screening test (10)
• Difference between screening test and diagnostic test (5)
• Criteria for screening test (2)
• Sensitivity and specificity (2)
• Discuss the advantages and limitations of using a test with HIGH SENSITIVITY as
screening test with an example

Communicable Diseases
• Epidemiology, prevention, control of TB, Add a note on RNTCP (4)
• Vaccine preventable disease? Epidemiology of Polio-Myelitis? Pulse polio
programme? Prevalence, incidence, Eradication, surveillance of Polio? (3)
• Insect borne diseases? Explain lymphatic filariasis, add a note on its control
programme (3)
• Common zoonotic diseases? Epidemiology and prevention of RABIES (3)
• List of the arboviral diseases. Explain the epidemiology, clinical features, control of
Japanese encephalitis (3)
• Describe in detail the post-exposure prophylaxis of human rabies (2)
• Epidemiology of Tetanus (2)
• Epidemiology, prevention of Leprosy ? National Leprosy Eradication programme(2)
• Epidemiology, Prevention of measles
• Epidemiology of Poliomyelitis, Strategy of Polio eradication in India and globally, add
a note on monovalent and bivalent polio vaccine
• Epidemiological outbreak Hepatitis A in PH area - How will you control
• Epidemiology, prevention and control of HEP - B
• Epidemiology and control of acute diarrheal disease?
• Epidemiology and prevention of Typhoid fever
• Epidemiology, prevention, control of ankylostomiasis
• Epidemiology of hook warm infection, prevention and its control measures
• Classify Arbo Viral disease ? Epidemiology, control of Dengue fever
• Management of dengue haemorrhagic fever
• Describe in detail the epidemiology, clinical features and diagnosis of dengue
• Epidemiology - malaria? Add a note on national programme on malaria.
• Epidemiology, type, features, mode of transmission of Malaria
• Modified plan of action for malaria control
• Common disabilities seen in a case of Leprosy, various disability limiting and
rehabilitate measures in leprosy
• Vertical transmission of HIV infection. Various modalities of prevention of vertical
transmission under NACP
• Epidemiological features, four categories, criteria, control of AIDS, Its Control
programme of govt of INDIA
• Discuss the occupations that have a higher risk of exposure to COVID disease.
Explain the essential measures of prevention undertaken to protect them .

Short Notes
• National intensified pulse polio immunisation programme (5)
• Oral Rehydration therapy (5)
• Congenital rubella Syndrome (3)
• BCG vaccine (3)
• Strategies for polio eradication in India(3)
• Surveillance in malaria (3)
• MDT for leprosy (3)
• Natural history of measles (2)
• Diagnosis, prevention of Swine flu (2)
• Multidrug therapy (2)
• Acute flaccid paralysis (2)
• Guidelines for assessing dehydration following diarrhoea (2)
• Food poisoning - Investigations (2)
• Malaria metric measures (2)
• Filarial indices (2)
• Anti- rabies vaccine (2)
• Scrub typhus (2)
• Prevention of neonatal tetanus (2)
• Neonatal Tetanus (2)
• Social pathology in leprosy (2)
• Syndromic approach in sexually transmitted disease (2)
• Control and prevention of HIV (2)
• Epidemiological factors that have lead to eradication of smallpox in world
• Measles vaccination
• Control measures Measles
• Influenza vaccines
• Diagnosis and prevention of swine flu
• Cases and carriers of Diphtheria
• Domiciliary treatment of TB
• Vaccine associated paralytic polio
• Prevention of Hepatitis B
• Cultural factors in diarrheal disease
• Primary Prevention in Diarrheal diseases
• Detection of typhoid carrier
• Investigation of food poisoning
• Soil transmitted Helminthes
• Dengue fever
• Man made malaria
• Radical treatment for malaria
• Modified plan of operation for
• malaria (2)
• Elimination of Lymphatic filariasis
• Current strategy of filaria control
• Yellow fever vaccine
• Describe the control and prevention of yellow fever
• Control of JE
• Case Definition of Acute
• Encephalitis syndrome, How is it managed in PHC level
• Epidemiology of Leptospirosis
• Blocked Rat flea and its control measures (3)
• Rat flea indices
• Salmonellosis
• Echinococcus granulosis
• Trachoma
• Agent and host factors in Leprosy
• Case finding methods in Leprosy
• Elimination of Leprosy
• Tertiary Preventive measures of
• Leprosy
• Contact tracing
• Window period
• Opportunistic infections in AIDS
• Epidemiology and Prevention of
• Ebola
• Nosocomial infection
• Universal precaution to prevent
• Discuss resurgence of diphtheria disease and its control.
• Amoebiasis
• Newer drugs introduced in ART under NACO.

OG, Pedia and Geriatrics

• Causes, prevention, social measures to reduce infant mortality in India (6)
• Causes, measures, Programs to reduce maternal mortality in India (4)
• Objectives, functions of School health programme / clinic (4)
• Objectives, principles, risk approach of ANC (2)
• Risk approach in MCH? Who are at risk? Preventive measures of maternal mortality
• Maternal mortality rate? Invention with examples (2)
• Indicators of MCH care? Detail the factors affecting Infant Mortality
• (2)
• Infant mortality rate (2)
• ICDS scheme (2)
• Antenatal care? Healthcare services rendered to achieve ANC
• Mention the objectives of the antenatal care. What are all the clinical, laboratory and
counselling services you will provide for ante natal mothers attending health facilities?
• Advantages of breastfeeding. How can breast feeding can be assessed? Note on baby
friendly hospital initiative
• Role of multipurpose health care worker(female) in delivery of MCH service in rural
• Briefly explain the common MCH indicators used. Define perinatal mortality.
Describe the services to be strengthened to bring down this mortality.
• Common causes of Under 5 mortality in India? Classify and treat diarrhoea at the
community level? Home available fluids?
• Levels of prevention with examples. How they applied to vit A Deficiency prevention
in young child
• Nutritional problems in public health series delivered by IDS
• Mention the objectives of the integrated child development services scheme. What are
all the services provided by the anganwadi worker for pre-school children and ante
natal mothers in the centre?
• Various health problem of aged? Suggest remedial measures
• Health / psycho social problem of aged (3)
• Describe the diagnosis and management of a one-year-old child with acute respiratory
infection as per the IMNCI guidelines. Enlist the vaccines that can be used in its
• What are the indicators of MCH care? Discuss causes and interventions to reduce
perinatal mortality

Short Notes
• Growth chart and its uses (7)
• Objectives of school health services / programme/ healthful school environment (6)
• Causes for LBW (4)
• Under 5 clinics (4)
• Child guidance clinic (4)
• Breast feeding, advantages (3)
• Road to health chart (3)
• Indicators of maternal and child health Services (3)
• Classify the health problems of the aged (3)
• Describe briefly the essential newborn care (2)
• Causes and prevention of maternal mortality (2)
• Causes and prevention of perinatal mortality in India (2)
• Juvenile Delinquency & prevention (2)
• Lifestyle and health (2)
• High risk pregnancy
• Risk approach in maternal and child health care
• Approaches for measuring
• Maternal Mortality
• High risk pregnancy
• High risk strategy
• Warning sings of pregnancy
• Prenatal screening
• Write any two objectives of post natal care
• Birth weight
• Differentiate between preterm and small for date babies and mention the social and
biological causes for the same
• Principles of artificial feeding
• Baby friendly hospital Initiative
• Define MMR (Maternal Mortality Rate)
• Factors affecting infant mortality
• Congenital malformation
• Role of teachers in school health
• Health problem among school children
• What are the preventive measures applicable for child labour?
• Integrated child development service scheme (ICDS)
• Healthy Ageing

Non Communicable Diseases

• Epidemiology, natural history, prevention, prevention and Control of Cancer (3)
• Classify Accidents? Epidemiology, prevention of RTA in India (2)
• Prevention of CAD
• Discuss the epidemiology and prevention of coronary heart disease. Discuss the
contributions of national program for its prevention
• Modifiable and non modifiable risk factors and prevention of CHD
• Natural History, Prevention, control of HT? What is tracking?
• Industrial accident - Causes, prevention and control?
Short Notes
• Primordial prevention, risk factors of CHD(4)
• Risk factors in HT (4)
• Modifiable risk factors in HT (3)
• Prevention of Rheumatic fever (3)
• Warning signals of Carcinoma (3)
• Obesity assessment and hazards (3)
• Preventable blindness (3)
• Industrial accidents (3)
• Tracking of BP (2)
• Environmental Factors in cancer causation (2)
• Describe diabetic diet (2)
• Assessment of obesity (2)
• Vision 2020 (2)
• Nutritional factors in cardiovascular disease
• Risk factors in IHD
• Explain the rule of halves in epidemiology of hypertension and suggest methods to
overcome it (3)
• Prevention of Stroke in community
• Prevention of Rheumatic Heart disease
• Diet and carcinoma
• Early signs of Carcinoma
• Screening for Carcinoma
• Control measures in Carcinoma cervix
• Apply the levels of prevention and modes of intervention to diabetes
• V BMI & Broca index
• Changing concepts in eye health care
• Discuss in detail the consequences of untreated Hypertension and its control as per the
National Program of NPCDCS.

Health Programs and SDC

• Risk approach in reproductive and child health Programme (3)
• National Vector borne disease control programme? Explain national antimalarial
programme (2)
• National rural health mission (2)
• National health programme? National eradication programme, critical analysis of
setbacks in programme which resulted in resurgence of Malaria and suggested revised
strategy for its control
• Describe the various strategies used in national vector borne diseases control
• Various indices to assess TB, problem in India? National TB Control Programme and
its components
• RNTCP, Control TB in India
• Various community nutrition
• Programme in India
• National health policy
• Detail the reproductive and child health Programme in India
• Millennium development goals
• Describe the epidemiology and prevention of pulmonary tuberculosis. Add a note on
National Tuberculosis Elimination Program (NTEP): Objectives, strategies and newer
Short Notes
• Basic services of Urban and family welfare Centre (2)
• Guinea worm eradication Programme (2)
• Minimum needs of Programme (2)
• National malaria Eradication Programme
• Elimination of leprosy
• Universal Immunization Programme
• Child survival and safe motherhood Programme
• Components of RCH
• Diseases screened for children and new born under Rashtriya Bal Swathya Karyakram
• Adolescent Health care services under RMNCH+A Programme
• Swachh Bharat Mission.

Demography and FP
• Reasons for population explosion in India? Different family planning methods taking
recent advances contraception
• National population policy 1986, Govt of India? Common fertility related statistics
used in family welfare Programme?
• Classify hormonal contraceptives? Risks and benefits ? Add a note on depot
Short Notes
• Demographic cycle (5)
• Ideal candidate for IUD Insertion (3)
• Oral contraceptives (3)
• MTP (3)
• Age pyramid (2)
• Sex ratio (2)
• Urbanization (2)
• Factors responsible for higher fertility in India (2)
• Factors affecting & “Fertility” (2)
• Fertility indices, factors increasing the fertility (2)
• Fertility related statistics (2)
• Injectable hormonal contraceptives(2)
• Post - Conceptional contraceptive methods (2)
• MTP Act (2)
• Natural FP methods (2)
• Pearl index (2)
• Voluntary health agencies (2)
• Stages of demographic cycle and its importance
• Sex Ratio? Measures taken by the Govt pertaining to Sex ratio
• Significance of net reproduction rate
• Eligible couples
• Small family Norm
• National demographic goals and revised national population policy
• Couple Protection Rate
• National demographic goals
• Condoms
• Advantages and contraindications of IUD
• What are the types of oral contraceptives used in public health?
• Post Coital Contraception
• Menstrual regulation
• Provisions under MT Act 1971
• No Scalpel Vasectomy
• Incentives and disincentives in family planning
• Postpartum Programme
• All India Hospital postpartum Programme
• Population education
Mental Health
Short Notes
• Crucial points in the life cycle of man (4)
• Types of mental illness and causes - (3)
• Drug Dependence (3)
• Warning signals of poor mental health
• Causes of mental ill health
• Drug abuse
• Factors associated with high risk for drug abuse
• Prevention of alcoholism in adolescents
• Prevention of drug dependence
Nutrition and Health
• Assessment of nutritional status of community <5 yr. child) ? add a note on diet survey
• Nutritional anemia? Add a note on micro malnutrition (2)
• Aetiology, levels of prevention, clinico social assessment in PEM (2)
• Give an account of commonly occurring food toxicants in India and their prevention
• Balanced diet ? Nutritional programme of government of India?
• iodine deficiency disorder and its control
• Nutritional factors in causation of i) Cardio vascular diseases ii) Diabetes iii)
• Balanced diet? Nutritional programme of government of India?
• Iodine deficiency disorder and its control
• Nutritional factors in causation of i) Cardio vascular diseases ii) Diabetes
• What is nutritional assessment? Write in detail how you would assess the nutritional
status of the community?
• Prevention of PEM
• What is the statutory body which regulates the food quality and safety in India? What
is food fortification and common food fortification permitted? Add a note on food
Short Notes
• Nutritional anaemias (4)
• Iodine deficiency disorders (4)
• Fluorosis (4)
• Lathyrism (4)
• Aflatoxicosis (4)
• Methods of diet survey and their advantages and disadvantages (3)
• Food adulteration (3)
• Food fortification (3)
• Mid meal programme (3)
• Dietary fibre &amp; Health (2)
• Balanced diet (2)
• Dietary goals (2)
• Health problems in urban slums (2)
• Clinical manifestations of malnutrition (2)
• Diet surveys (2)
• Pasteurization milk (2)
• Food toxicants (2)
• Vit A prophylaxis programme (2)
• Essential fatty acids
• Vitamin A
• Nutritional blindness
• Keratomalacia
• Prevention of nutritional blindness
• Water soluble vitamins and deficiency manifestations of Thiamine.
• Antioxidants
• Factors affecting energy requirements
• Prudent diet
• Xerophthalmia
• Difference between marasmus &amp; kwashiorkor
• Ecological factors - Malnutrition
• Endemic Goitre
• Growth monitoring and nutritional surveillance
• Food taboos during pregnancy
• Epidemic Dropsy
• National nutritional policy
• Anganwadi centre
• Explain the anemia control programme
• Goitre prevention
• Discuss about inclusion of WHOLE CEREALS in diet

Social Sciences
• Cultural factors affecting health
• Families - Function, role in health and disease, advantages and disadvantages of joint /
nuclear family (3)
Short Notes
• Acculturation and health (8)
• Medico social worker (6)
• Health problems due to industrialization (3)
• Cultural factors in health and disease (2)
• Types of Learning (2)
• What is consumer protection act? (2)
• Art of interviewing (2)
• Operational Research (2)
• Drug addiction (2)
• Social factors influencing Diseases
• Social stress
• Role of emotion in health and disease
• Temporary social groups
• Family in health and diseases
• Define joint family system in our society and mention its advantages and
disadvantages related to health
• Role of medico social worker in hospital
• Consumer Protection Act
• Enlist the rights of the Patient
• Health economics
• Importance and measures of MOTIVATION required for workers
• Discuss family cycle and Health Hazards at each phase.

Environment and Health

• Air Pollution? Source of air pollution, strategies regarding the preventive measures of
air pollution in our country (4)
• Water Pollution? Its related diseases? (2)
• Define sewage. Enlist the various methods of disposal of sewage in unsewered areas.
Discuss briefly about water seal latrine (2)
• Water related diseases. How is water purified in large scale?
• Solid waste? Sources - Refuse? Methods of disposal of refuse in India
• Methods of refuse disposal
• Detail about integrated vector control
• Modes of transmission - Arbo viral disease? Arthropod control?
• Agent, vector, mode of spread, prevention of ANY five insect born disease
Short Notes
• Indices of thermal comfort (9)
• Soakage pit (6)
• Prevention of noise pollution (6)
• Sanitation barrier (6)
• Sanitary well (5)
• Prevention, control, indicators of air pollution (4)
• Integrated approach in vector control(4)
• Mosquito control measures (4)
• Principles of chlorination (3)
• Overcrowding(3)
• Biological transmission (3)
• Cyclops (3)
• Purification of water on large scale (2)
• Rapid Sand filter feature (2)
• Discuss the sources and hazards of indoor air pollution (2)
• Green house effect &amp; global warming (2)
• Septic tank (2)
• Oxidation pond (2)
• Suitable measures of portable water supply to rural area
• Describe the attributes of a sanitary well
• Sources of water pollution, how they affect health
• Free residual chlorine
• Disinfection wells
• Describe the steps in the chlorination of a well
• Bacteriological standards of drinking water
• Bacteriological quality of drinking water
• Surveillance of drinking water quality
• Hardness of water
• Removal of hardness of water
• Defluorination
• Swimming pool sanitation
• Comfort zones
• Indices of thermal comfort
• Hazards of environmental pollution
• Air pollution and measures to control it
• Types of ventilation
• Effects of atmospheric pressure on health
• Heat Stroke
• Causes and effects of Global warming
• Inter - relation between housing and health
• Housing standards
• Enlist the minimum standards of housing in an urban area
• Enumerate the indicators of housing
• Enlist the principal methods of refuse disposal. Describe the method used in
metropolitan cities and highlight the environmental hazards associated with it
• Refuse Disposal
• Incineration
• Methods of disposal of solid wastes
• Refuse disposal methods in rural areas
• Composting
• Bio chemical oxygen demand (BOD)
• Sanitary methods of disposal of Sewage in rural areas
• Secondary treatment of sewage
• Biological transmission of arthropod borne disease
• Paris green
• Discuss the vector control methods of malaria. Add a note on its limitations
• Sand fly
• Control of Scabies
• Anti-rodent measures
• Discuss the small-scale measures that can be practiced for making water potable
• Enumerate arthropods of medical importance and discuss integrated vector control.

Waste Management
• Health care waste - Hazards and methods of disposal?

Short Notes
• Health hazards of hospital waste
• Biomedical waste management
• Define the categories, colour coding and containers used in biomedical waste
• Safe injection practices (2)
• Explain biomedical waste management of wastes associated with COVID disease

Disaster Management
Short Notes
• Disaster management
• Triage in disaster management
• Disaster preparedness (3)
Occupational Health
• Define Pneumoconiosis. Explain the various measures for prevention of occupational
diseases (3)
• Social security? Measures provided to factory workers? Benefits under ESI scheme
• Social security? Its measures for organized sectors
• ESI scheme (2) ,
• Benefits under ESI act (3)
Short Notes
• Lead poisoning and its prevention (9)
• Occupational cancers (9)
• ESI Benefits (4)
• Silicosis (3)
• Asbestosis (3)
• Ergonomics (3)
• ESI Scheme 1984 (3)
• Pneumoconiosis (2)
• Bagassosis (2)
• Farmer’s lung (2)
• Occupational hazards in agriculture workers (2)
• Sickness absentism (2)
• Anthracosis
• Describe respiratory diseases common among farmers with causes, prevention and
• Pre-Placement, periodic examination
• Medical measures of prevention of occupational disease
• Preplacement examination
• The Factories Act
• Maternity leave under the ESI act
Genetics and Health
Short Notes
• Turner syndrome
• Chromosomal Abnormalities
• Sex linked inheritance
• Factors influence the gene frequencies in human population
• What is Eugenics? (2)
• Prevention of genetic disorders (2)
• Genetic counselling (9)
• In utero diagnosis
• Explain advantages and dangers of Genetic Engineering

Medical Statistics
• Statistical data - various method of presentation?
• What is sampling? Random sampling methods with suitable examples
• Chi square test? Uses

Short Notes
• Criteria for selection of sampling and methods registration system in India (8)
• Measures of central tendency (5)
• Sampling methods (5)
• Chi square test(5)
• Name different source of health information (3)
• Medical record linkage (3)
• Histogram (3)
• Standard deviation (3)
• Measures of dispersion (3)
• Normal distribution(3)
• Test of significances (3)
• Census (2)
• Population surveys (2)
• Statistical averages (2)
• Normal curve (2)
• Source & uses of statistics
• Uses health information
• Registration of vital events
• International death certificate
• Presentation of statistical data
• Data presentation
• Uses of standard deviation
• Define sampling, different random sampling methods
• Standard error
• Enlist the probability sampling methods. Elaborate on any two methods
• Sampling Error
• Describe the steps of Chi square test with example
• Correlation and regression

Communication for H.E

• Health education? Barriers of communication? (3)
• Discuss in details the principles of health education (3)
• Define health education. Discuss various methods used in delivering health education.

Short Notes
• Principles and obiectives of health education (11)
• Health education? Barriers of communication? (7)
• Types and main component of communication (4)
• Group discussion (2)
• Principles of group education (2)
• 2 way methods of communication
• ALMA ATA declaration
• Behaviour change communication and its uses
• Approach to health Education
• Health education Vs Health propaganda
• Models of Health Education
• Content of Health Education
• Audio-visual aids
• Barrier of health Education
• Role play
• Discuss workshop as a method of education
Planning and Management
• Health planning, management, various steps involving “Planning cycle” (3)

Short Notes
• Planning cycles (5)
• Network analysis (4)
• Quantitative management techniques (3)
• Recommendation of “Bhore Committee” (3)
• Cost benefit analysis (2)
• Shrivastav committee (2)
• Mention the steps in health planning
• Cost effective analysis
• What is health economics and describe the cost effective analysis
• Cost Effectiveness
• Programme Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) in health.
• Panchayat Raj
• ARI Control programme

Health Care of Community

• Principle, essential Elements of Primary health care? Primary Health care delivery in
rural areas of India. Organogram of health care delivery in India (6)
• Define primary health care. What are the principles of primary health care? Enumerate
the functions of medical officer of primary health centre
• Health care systems in India
• Explain the role of health care worker (Male) in providing primary care and its
Short Notes
• Elements &amp; Principles of Primary health care (12)
• Health problem of urban dwellers (3)
• Elements of primary health care (2)
• Function of primary health centre (2)
• Types of health care systems in India
• 10 Health care
• Rural Health problem
• Job description of village health guide
• Role of ASHA
• functions of sub - Centre
• Community health centre
• Job of MPHA (female)
• Functions of Health worker female
• Role of non-Govt organization in health care
• Components determining QUALITY of Health Care
• Initiatives under national program for health care of elderly

International Health
Short Notes
• Functions of WHO (6)
• UNICEF (6)
• Functions of UNICEF (4)
• WHO (3)
• Indian Red Cross Society (3)
• Food and agricultural organization
• Voluntary health agencies in India
• World health day
• Role of UNICEF in child health

Health Programs & MDG

Short Notes
• Analyse the challenges to adolescent health and the government action for facilitating
health of adolescents.

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