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Summarize various text types

based on elements
Name: _____________________________________ Date: __________
Grade & Section: _____________________________ Score: __________

MELC: Summarize various text types based on elements
K to 12 BEC CG:EN5RC-Ic-2.23, EN5RC-Id-2.23

1. Summarize narrative texts based on elements (theme, setting, characters, plot –
beginning, middle and ending)

Module No. 5
Title of the Activity: Summarizing narrative texts

Most Essential Learning Competency: Summarize various text types based on

elements K to 12 BEC CG:EN5RC-Ic-2.23, EN5RC-Id-2.23
PART I: Introduction

When listening to a story being read, we should listen carefully and pay attention to
the details of the story. In this way, we can identify the elements of literary text.
We could also take down notes while listening and reading.
Here are the elements of a story or narrative.
Setting • the time and place of action
• can be described directly or can be interfered
Characters • main character – one whom the story focuses
• minor characters – one who serve to complement the major
characters and keep the action moving
Plot • Exposition – introduces the setting and characters
• Rising Action – introduces and develops the conflict
• Climax – serves as the highest point of interest or suspense
• Falling Action – draws the story to close
• Resolution – ties up the loose ends

Read the story “The Fox in the Well”. Then fill in the graphic organizer with the
correct elements of the story.


Aesop’s Fable

One day a fox fell into a well. He jumped and jumped but he could not get out.
The well was too deep. Soon he began to feel cold and hungry.
Suddenly there was a noise from above. A goat had come to drink from the well.
It looked in and saw the fox. “Why, what are you doing down there, Mr. Fox?” asked the
goat. The fox was very cunning. Quickly, he thought of a way to trick the goat.
“Oh, I’m drinking,” he said.
“Down there? But there’s water in the bucket up here.”
“Yes, I know,” said the fox. “But the water down here is much sweeter.
Why don’t you come down and taste it for yourself?”
“I think I will do that.” And the silly animal jumped into the well.
At once the fox leapt on to the goat’s back. And from there he soon jumped out of
the well.
“Hey! Where are you going?” cried the goat. “What about me? How am I going to
get out of here?”

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Plot Conflict
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Summarizing is defined as taking a lot of information and creating a condensed

version that covers the main points. An example of summarizing is writing a three or four-
sentence description that touches upon the main points of a story.

When you write a summary, you are retelling a story in your own words. A summary
should be short, about three sentences. This should include the elements of literary text;
theme, setting, characters, and plot.

How do you summarize?

When writing a summary, remember that it should be in the form of a paragraph. A summary
begins with an introductory sentence that states the text's title, author and main point of the text as you
see it. A summary is written in your own words. A summary contains only the ideas of the original


I. Read the selection then answer the questions that follow.

Saturday at the Carnival

Rynz, Ryna and Ryne went to the carnival on Saturday. They rode the merry-
go-round, the roller coaster and the Ferris wheel. Rynz ate popcorn and a hotdog,
Ryna drank iced tea and ate burger. Ryne ate pizza and drank milk tea. They saw
exciting shows. They were tired when they went home.

1.What is the main idea of the selection? Encircle the letter of your answer.
a. Rynz, Ryna and Ryne were hungry.
b. Rynz, Ryna and Ryne did many things at the carnival.
c. The merry-go-round was broken.
d. The carnival was closed on Sunday.

The Storm
The rain began early in the morning. The sky was full of dark purple clouds.
Thunder began as a soft rumble and became louder and louder. Lightning crashed
every few minutes, making the sky a brilliant white.

2.What is the main idea? Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
a. The farmers needed the rain.
b. The thunder hurt the people’s ears.
c. Lightning made the sky bright.
d. The storm was very strong.
(3-5)Direction: Write three supporting details of the story in the boxes


Directions: Read the selection then answer the questions that follow.

1. Cats are affectionate, cuddly, and independent. Unlike dogs, cats can stay on their
own if you go away overnight. They do not need to be walked, and can monitor their own
food so they don’t overeat. Also, cats do not bark, so your neighbors won’t have any noise to
complain about. If someone wants to have a pet, a cat is a great choice!

The Summary of this passage is:

A. Cats are independent.
B. Dogs are a lot of work.
C. Cats are great pets.
D. Pets are hard work.

2. Nila watched the ants as they carried small crumbs down the trail to the anthill.
She thinks ants are very hard working and industrious little creatures. They always seemed
busy, and you never saw an ant just laying around doing nothing. They were carrying food,
building tunnels, or defending the anthill. One thing you could say about ants is that they sure
aren't lazy.

The Summary of this passage is:

A. Ants carry many things.
B. Some ants may bite you.
C. Ants are hard workers.
D. Some ants help take care of the queen.

3. Many people buy lotto tickets, but not many win. Even fewer give away their
prize. Renato Carani, a fast food assistant manager, won Php 15,000,000.00 in the lotto and
decided to give the money to a charity that adopts homeless and abandoned children. The
charity director could not believe Renato’s generosity. Renato didn’t think it was any big
deal. “The kids need it more than I do,” he said.

The Summary of this passage is:

A. The lotto
B. The dangers of gambling
C. Pick the winning number
D. One man’s generosity

4. Carlo was lost. He didn’t know where he was, or how to get where he was going.
He had left the directions at home and he didn’t have a map. Now, he was in a strange
neighborhood and he was confused. If he could find a familiar landmark, he might figure
things out.

The Summary of this passage is:

A. Wanting a map
B. Carlo was lost
C. Getting directions
D. On his way to the party

5. Tomorrow is Jill's birthday. She is excited because she gets to pick where she will
eat dinner. Will it be fried chicken at the XYZ Resto, or a big cheeseburger at ABC’s
Hamburger Plaza. She just couldn't decide. Then there was always the Pizza Shop with that
great pepperoni pizza. How would she ever decide? Maybe she would just flip a coin.

The Summary of this passage is:

A. Jill has many restaurants to choose from for her birthday.
B. Jill loves chicken.
C. The Pizza Shop has the best pizza in town.
D. Jill will choose a place by flipping a coin.


A. Directions: Read the story and summarize in four to five sentences the story “Quick
History of Chocolates”. Be guided by the 5 Wh-questions (Where, Who, What, When,
Why, How)

Quick History of Chocolates

The ancient people of Central America began cultivating cocoa beans almost three
thousand years ago. A cold drink from beans was served to Hernando Cortes, the Spanish
conqueror when he arrived at the Aztic Court of Montezuma in 1519. The Spaniards to the
beverage home to their king.
He like it so much that he kept the formula a secret. For the next hundred years, hot
chocolate was the private drink of the Spanish mobility. Slowly, it made its way into
fashionable courts of France, England and Austria. In 1657, a French man living in London
opened a shop where blocks for making the beverage were sold at a high price. Soon,
chocolate houses appeared in cities throughout Europe. Wealthy clients met in them sipped
chocolate, conducted business, and gossip.
During the 1800, chocolate became a chewable food. The breakthrough came in 1828,
when cocoa butter was extracted from the bean. Twenty years later, an English firm mixed
the butter with chocolate liquor, which resulted in the first solid chocolate. Milton Hershey’s
Candy came on the scene 1894; the Tootsie Rolls hit the market two years later. The
popularity of the chocolate bar soared during World War I when they were given to soldiers
for past energy. M & M’s gave the industry another boost during World War II; soldiers need
candy that wouldn’t melt in their hands.
On the average, Americans today eat ten pounds of hard chocolate a year. The
average Dutch person eats up more than fifteen pounds a year, while Swiss packs away
almost twenty pounds. Chocolate is obviously an international favorite.


B. Directions: Write the summary of the following selections.

1. Bamboo is called a tree. It really belongs to the grass family. It is used to make
furniture, kitchen utensils and musical instruments.
2. The typhoon came and spoiled the picnic. Since I had to stay indoors, I amused
myself cutting out paper dolls. I played with as if we were in a picnic. Make believe picnic
can be lots of fun.

3. Polluted air causes death to people with heart and respiratory diseases. Animals and
plants also suffer from polluted air. They might die from exposure to polluted air. Polluted air
is truly harmful to both living and non-living things.

4. A dolphin looks like a very large fish, but it is not a fish. It does not breath through
its gills but through a hole on its head. Fish are cold while dolphins are warm.

5. There are different kinds of soil. Some are made of rich black loam, some are
sandy and some are mostly clay. Each kind of soil has these advantages for the healthy
growth of certain kind of crop.

3-5.answer may vary


3. D
4. B

Prepared by:

Teacher III

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