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City Council Meeting 08-2023

Tuesday, February 7, 2023 at 5:00 pm

in the Council Chamber at City Hall.
Council will resolve into the Committee of the Whole
“Closed Meeting” in the Councillors’ Lounge and will reconvene
as regular Council at 7:00 pm.


Call Meeting to Order 3

Roll Call 3

The Committee of the Whole “Closed Meeting” 3

Approval of Addeds 4

Disclosure of Potential Pecuniary Interest 4

Presentations 4

Delegations 4

Briefings 4

Petitions 4

Motions of Congratulations, Recognition, Sympathy, Condolences and Speedy

Recovery 4

Deferred Motions 4

Reports 5

Report Number 16: Received from the Chief Administrative Officer (Recommend) 5

Report Number 17: Received from the Planning Committee 7

Report Number 18: Received from Heritage Kingston 8

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Committee of the Whole 16

Information Reports 16

Information Reports from Members of Council 17

Miscellaneous Business 17

New Motions 19

Notices of Motion 20

Minutes 20

Tabling of Documents 21

Communications 22

Other Business 28

By-Laws 28

Adjournment 29
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(Council Chamber)

Call Meeting to Order

Roll Call

The Committee of the Whole “Closed Meeting”

1. That Council resolve itself into the Committee of the Whole “Closed Meeting” to
consider the following items:

a. Labour relations or employee negotiations – Kingston Professional Fire

Fighters’ Association (KPFFA) - Negotiated Settlement;

b. Litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative

tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board – Ontario Land Tribunal

c. Advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications

necessary for that purpose – Waterloo Encampment Decision;

d. A position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any

negotiations carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board –
Leon’s Centre Contract Negotiations – Update and Next Steps; and

e. A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the

municipality or local board – Employment Lands.
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Approval of Addeds

Disclosure of Potential Pecuniary Interest





1. A petition bearing approximately 74 signatures with respect to the increase in

break ins, property damage, and theft at 350 Wellington Street was delivered to
the City Clerk’s Department January 23, 2023.

Motions of Congratulations, Recognition, Sympathy, Condolences and Speedy


Motions of Congratulations, Recognition, Sympathy, Condolences and Speedy

Recovery are presented in order of category as one group and voted on as one motion.

Deferred Motions
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Report Number 16: Received from the Chief Administrative Officer (Recommend)

Report Number 16

To the Mayor and Members of Council:

The Chief Administrative Officer reports and recommends as follows:

1. Patio Application for 377 Princess Street

That Council authorize the Mayor and Clerk to enter into a license agreement, in a
form satisfactory to the Director of Legal Services, with Tommy’s Good Time
Incorporated for the lease of city property adjacent to their business on 377
Princess Street for the purpose of operating a serving sidewalk patio.

(The Report of the Commissioner, Transportation & Public Works (23-053) is

attached to the agenda as schedule pages 1-6)

2. 2023-2026 Strategic Plan – Selection of Facilitator

That Council approve the award of contract for the City of Kingston 2023-2026
Strategic Plan Facilitation Services to StrategyCorp for a cost of up to $65,000
plus applicable taxes.

(The Report of the Chief Administrative Officer (23-075) is attached to the agenda
a schedule pages 7-11)

3. Leasing of the Kingston Area Recycling Centre Facility

That Council approve conditional offers to lease for the Materials Recovery Facility
at 196 Lappan’s Lane for up to 10 years with companies intending to submit
proposals through the province-wide request for proposal process to provide
collection, transfer, and processing services in the Kingston region for the new
provincial Blue Box Program; and

That Council authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute any documents or
agreements required to give effect to such conditional offers to lease and the
resulting lease with the company that is awarded the RFP, on terms and
conditions satisfactory to the Director of Legal Services including, but not limited
to, fair market rent and fair market value for the sale of City-owned equipment.
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(The Report of the Commissioner, Transportation & Public Works and the
Commissioner, Business, Environment & Projects (23-061) is attached to the
agenda as schedule pages 12-18)
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Report Number 17: Received from the Planning Committee

Report Number 17

To the Mayor and Members of Council:

The Planning Committee reports and recommends as follows:

All items listed on this Committee Report shall be the subject of one motion. Any
member may ask for any item(s) included in the Committee Report to be separated from
that motion, whereupon the Report of the Committee without the separated item(s) shall
be put and the separated item(s) shall be considered immediately thereafter.

1. Approval of Zoning By-Law Plan Amendment – 16 North Bartlett Street

That the application for a zoning By-Law amendment (File Number D14-010-2022)
submitted by Fotenn Consultants Inc, on behalf of 2729260 Ontario Inc, for the
property municipally known as 16 North Bartlett Street, be approved; and

That By-Law Number 2022-62, entitled "Kingston Zoning By-Law", as amended,

be further amended, as per Exhibit A (Draft By-Law and Schedule ‘A’ to Amend
Zoning By-Law Number 2022-62) to Report Number PC-23-008; and

That Council determines that in accordance with Section 34(17) of the Planning
Act, no further notice is required prior to the passage of the By-Law; and

That the amending By-Law be presented to Council for all three readings.

(See By-Law Number (1), 2023-046 attached to the agenda as schedule pages
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Report Number 18: Received from Heritage Kingston

Report Number 18

To the Mayor and Members of Council:

Heritage Kingston reports and recommends as follows:

All items listed on this Committee Report shall be the subject of one motion. Any
member may ask for any item(s) included in the Committee Report to be separated from
that motion, whereupon the Report of the Committee without the separated item(s) shall
be put and the separated item(s) shall be considered immediately thereafter.

1. Applications Recommended for Approval by Heritage Kingston (Statutory


i. Application for Heritage Permit – 111 Norman Rogers Drive

That alterations to the property at 111 Norman Rogers Drive, be approved in

accordance with details described in the application (P18-126-2022), which was
deemed completed on December 6, 2022 with said alterations to include:

1. Replace the existing metal roof with a standing seam metal roof with 0.2
metre (20-inch) ribs, colour yet to be determined;

2. Replace vent stack flashing and cap, colour to match roof colour/material;

3. Remove most of the non-original chimney, minus one course, and cap the
chimney in a colour to match the roof colour/material;

4. Remove existing antenna and associated cables;

5. Replace cupola roofs with copper roofing/flashing/hip roll/drip edge, flashing

between cupola base and main roof to match roof colour/material;

6. Reinstate copper finial on cupolas based on historic photographs;

7. Restore the existing cupolas, as needed;

8. Replace cupola louvers, in approximately the same angle as existing, and

install water stops to address water infiltration;
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9. Replace snow guards, which will be made of metal/aluminum and emulate

roof colour;

10. Replace eavestroughs/downspouts with an approximately 0.03 metre (1-inch)

wider model to better control run off, colour to match roof;

11. Replace the existing mouldings, like-for-like;

12. Replace wood roll, like-for-like;

13. Repair masonry (potential limited replacements) in line with City’s Masonry
Policy; and

That the approval of the alterations be subject to the following conditions:

1. That the applicant provide photos of the finished cupola cladding/roofing,

main roof, moulding, wood roll and masonry works for record purposes;

2. That the existing soffit mouldings, wood roll and cupola louvers be assessed
for potential retention and restoration prior to replacement/replication;

3. That the applicant consult heritage services staff on the finalized roofing
colour and associated elements prior to finalization/purchase;

4. All masonry works shall be completed in accordance with the City’s Policy on
Masonry Restoration in Heritage Buildings;

5. Any replacement masonry units shall be sourced to match, as close as

possible, in colour, size and profile with the existing;

6. The construction team shall comply with O. Reg 278/05 & O. Reg 490/09 of
the Occupational Health and Safety Act;

7. A Tree Removal Permit shall be obtained;

8. A Building Permit shall be obtained, as necessary;

9. Heritage Planning staff shall be circulated the drawings and design

specifications tied to the Building Permit application for review and approval
to ensure consistency with the scope of the Heritage Permit sought by this
application; and
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10. Any minor deviations from the submitted plans, which meet the intent of this
approval and does not further impact the heritage attributes of the property,
shall be delegated to the Director of Heritage Services for review and

ii. Application for Ontario Heritage Act Approval – 67 Sydenham Street

That demolition on the property at 67 Sydenham Street, be approved in

accordance with details described in the application (File Number P18-124-2022),
which was deemed completed on December 13, 2022, with said demolitions to
include the removal of two mature Weeping Willow trees within the courtyard area
adjacent to Earl Street; and

That the approval of the application be subject to the following conditions:

1. When determined by an ISA Certified Arborist, using the “advanced tree risk
assessment protocols”, that the trees can no longer be safely retained, the
owner shall contact Heritage Services staff to inform them of their pending

2. An Encroachment Permit and/or a Temporary Access Permit shall be

obtained, as necessary;

3. The applicant shall maintain a minimum clearance of 3 metres from the high
voltage power lines. If work cannot be completed safely or if clearance
cannot be maintained from the lines, the applicant shall complete a service
request and submit to Utilities Kingston for isolation of the power lines;

4. The owner shall develop replanting plans, which shall include the use of
native tree species and those commonly found within the District, and
placement of trees shall be done in conjunction with the Electrical Safety
Authority’s Guidelines for Planning under or around Powerlines and Electrical
Equipment; and

5. Any minor deviations from the submitted plans, which meet the intent of this
approval and do not further impact the heritage attributes of the property,
shall be delegated to the Director of Heritage Services for review and
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2. Applications Supported for Approval by Heritage Kingston (Non-Statutory


i. Application for Ontario Heritage Act Approval – 47 Wellington Street

That alterations to the property at 47 Wellington Street be approved in accordance

with details as described in the application (P18-123-2022), which was deemed
completed on December 1, 2022 with said alterations to include:

1. The installation of a black granite plaque, approximately 0.23 metres (.75

feet) tall and approximately 0.3 metres (1 foot) wide, to commemorate the
HMCS Stone Frigate at 47 Wellington Street from 1943-1959 on the northern
flanking outer double-bay below a first storey window; and

That the approval of the alterations be subject to the following conditions:

1. All masonry works shall be completed in accordance with the City’s Policy on
Masonry Restoration in Heritage Buildings; and

2. Any minor deviations from the submitted plans, which meet the intent of this
approval and do not further impact the heritage attributes of the property,
shall be delegated to the Director of Heritage Services for review and

(Report HK-23-003 is attached to the agenda as schedule pages 22-46)

ii. Application for Ontario Heritage Act Approval – 85 King Street East

That the alterations on the property at 85 King Street East, be approved in

accordance with the details described in the applications (File Number P18-119-
2022), which was deemed complete on December 14, 2022, with said alterations
to include the construction of:

1. A two-storey, two-car, drive-thru attached garage with roof top patio,

connected to the main house by a covered arched breezeway;

2. A roof-top door structure on the rear portion of the main house;

3. Three (3) new window openings on the second storey, rear/south wall of the
main building to accommodate three metal-clad wooden sash windows;
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4. A vehicular opening in the stone and iron fence along King Street East,
including the installation of new vehicular and pedestrian gates; and

That the approval of the alterations be subject to the following conditions:

1. Details, including colour(s) and materials of the new windows, doors

(including garage doors), gates and fencing, wall cladding and roofing shall
be submitted to Heritage Planning staff, prior to installation, for review and
approval, to ensure they complement the heritage character and attributes of
the property and intent of this approval;

2. The Owner shall submit a separate heritage application for review of the
proposed elevator as the elevator noted in the submission is not included in
this approval;

3. The previous Ontario Heritage Act approvals, File Numbers P18-063-2019

and P18-002-2020, shall be withdrawn and considered not in effect;

4. The Owner shall remove the western concrete garden wall/fence or clad the
eastern side in local limestone and cap it to match the stone garden wall on
eastern perimeter;

5. The Owner shall consider the use of double windows in place of triple
windows on the King Street East elevation of the new garage;

6. The Owner shall consider salvage and reuse of the second-floor window,
which is to be removed;

7. All window works shall be completed in accordance with the City’s Policy on
Window Renovations in Heritage Buildings;

8. Any works that interface with the masonry of the building shall be completed
in accordance with the City’s Policy on Masonry Restoration in Heritage

9. Any intact or large stones removed from the existing building or fence or any
reusable iron portions of the fence, should be reused on-site wherever
possible and/or stored on-site for future use;

10. Any replacement stones needed for the new fence shall be sourced, cut and
dressed to match the original as close as possible;
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11. Building Permit(s) shall be obtained as necessary;

12. Heritage Planning staff shall be circulated the drawings and design
specifications tied to the Building Permit application(s) for review and
approval to ensure consistency with the scope of the heritage permit sought
by this application;

13. A grading plan prepared by a qualified professional, shall be provided to the

satisfaction of Planning Services to demonstrate no adverse impact on
adjacent properties;

14. The owner shall provide confirmation to the satisfaction of Planning Services
staff, that adequate space exists for vehicle queuing without obstructing the

15. All Planning Act approvals, shall be obtained, as necessary;

16. Utility locates shall be obtained, prior to any digging; and

17. Any minor deviations from the submitted plans, which meet the intent of this
approval and do not further impact the heritage attributes of the property,
shall be delegated to the Director of Heritage Services for review and

(See Report HK-23-005 attached to the agenda as schedule pages 47-77)

iii. Application for Ontario Heritage Act Approval – 78 Gore Street

That alterations to the property at 78 Gore Street, be approved in accordance with

details as described in the application (P18-125-2022), which was deemed
completed on December 1, 2022 with said alterations to include:

1. Expand an existing rear facing dormer by enlarging the recessed dormer

portion from approximately 3.6 metres (1.33 feet) to 6.5 metres (21.33 feet);

2. Attach the side of the dormer to the existing stone chimney on multiple sides
and be setback approximately 0.4 metres (1.33 feet) from the southwestern
chimney face;

3. Create three new openings in the extended dormer, which will house three of
the four newly proposed metal clad wood windows that emulate the existing
wooden dormer windows;
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4. Replace one existing modern window in the existing dormer with a new metal
clad wood window;

5. Restore the two existing wooden dormer windows;

6. Continue the existing black roofing membrane across the expanded dormer;

7. Clad the side of the expended dormer with charcoal grey (or a similar dark
colour) cedar shingles;

8. Reclad both the northwest and northeast sides of the existing front facing
dormer with charcoal grey (or a similar dark colour) cedar shingles;

9. Relocate two existing roof vents away from public view to accommodate the
expanded dormer in consultation with Heritage Planning staff; and

That the approval of the alterations be subject to the following conditions:

1. Heritage Planning staff shall be circulated the finalized colour/design of the

cedar shingles, design/colour/location of the relocated roof vents, and
window design for the newly proposed dormer windows for review and
approval prior to installation;

2. Heritage Planning staff shall be consulted on the finalized attachment method

of the dormer to the stone chimney prior to installation;

3. All masonry works shall be completed in accordance with the City’s Policy on
Masonry Restoration in Heritage Buildings;

4. All window works shall be completed in accordance with the City’s Policy on
Window Renovations in Heritage Buildings;

5. All Planning Act approvals shall be obtained, as necessary;

6. A Building Permit shall be obtained, as necessary;

7. Heritage Planning staff shall be circulated the drawings and design

specifications tied to the Building Permit and Planning Act application for
review and approval to ensure consistency with the scope of the Heritage
Permit sought by this application; and

8. Any minor deviations from the submitted plans, which meet the intent of this
approval and does not further impact the heritage attributes of the property,
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shall be delegated to the Director of Heritage Services for review and


(See Report HK-23-007 attached to the agenda as schedule pages 78-111)

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Committee of the Whole

Information Reports

1. 2020 and 2021 Community Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventories and

Update on Community Focused Climate Initiatives

The purpose of this report is to provide Council with a summary of the 2020 and
021 Community Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory, as well as an update on
the progress of the Climate Leadership Division initiatives.

(The Report of the Commissioner, Business, Environment & Projects (23-041) is

attached to the agenda as schedule pages 112-157)

2. Report on Real Estate Transactions Completed from July 1, 2022 to

December 31, 2022 Under By-Law Number 2016-189

The purpose of this report is to provide Council with a list of real estate
transactions completed under delegated authority from July 1 to December 31,

(The Report of the Commissioner, Business, Environment & Projects (23-064) is

attached to the agenda as schedule pages 158-164)

3. Quarterly Report: Tourism Kingston – Q4 2022

The purpose of this report is to provide Council with detailed reporting on Q4 022
for Tourism Kingston.

(The Report of the Chief Administrative Officer (23-068) is attached to the agenda
as schedule pages 165-249)

4. Rural Commuter Transit Study for Kingston and Neighbouring Municipalities

The purpose of this report is to provide Council with an update on the steps taken
with respect to the Rural Commuter Transit Study

(The Report of the Chief Administrative Officer (23-069) is attached to the agenda
as schedule pages 250-259)
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Information Reports from Members of Council

Miscellaneous Business

Miscellaneous Business Items are voted on as one motion.

1. Moved by Councillor Osanic

Seconded by Councillor Oosterhof

That as requested by Courtney Murphy, August 7 – 11, 2023 be proclaimed as the

“75th Anniversary of Ongwanada” in the City of Kingston.”

(See Communication 08-233)

2. Moved by Councillor Stephen

Seconded by Councillor Boehme

That as requested by Stephanie Tudor, Girl Guides of Canada, City Council

proclaim February 22, 2023 as “World Thinking Day” in the City of Kingston.

(See Communication 08-242)

3. Moved by Councillor Chaves

Seconded by Councillor Ridge

That Brianne Franklin be affirmed as a community-based arts group

representative on the Arts Advisory Committee, appointed for a two-year term
ending on November 30, 2024.

(See Communication 08-252)

4. Moved by Deputy Mayor Cinanni

Seconded by Councillor Glenn

That as requested by Margaret O’Brien, Fibromyalgia Association Canada, City

Council proclaim May 12, 2023 as “Fibromyalgia Awareness Day” in the City of

(See Communication 08-253)

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5. Moved by Councillor Stephen

Seconded by Councillor Tozzo

That the resignation of Kirsten Bland from the Equity, Diversity & Inclusion
Advisory Committee be received with regret; and

That in accordance with Section 3.3.2 d. of the Public Appointment Policy, Elliot
Chapple be appointed from the reserve pool to the Equity, Diversity & Inclusion
Advisory Committee for a term ending November 30, 2023.

(See Communication 08-254)

6. Moved by Councillor Hassan

Seconded by Councillor McLaren

That as requested by Aaliyah Strachan, Museum Assistant, City of Kingston,

Council designate the event, Beer & Bacteria, scheduled for Saturday, March 11,
2023 at the PumpHouse Museum at 23 Ontario Street, Kingston, as an event of
municipal significance, to which a Special Occasion Permit may be issued by the
Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario.

(See Communication 08-257)

7. Moved by Councillor Amos

Seconded by Councillor Tozzo

That the resignation of Lisa Oliveira from the Kingston & Frontenac Housing
Corporation Board be received with regret; and

That in accordance with Section 3.3.2 d. of the Public Appointment Policy, Denise
Cumming be appointed from the reserve pool to the Kingston & Frontenac
Housing Board for a term ending November 30, 2023.

(See Communication 08-275)

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New Motions

1. Moved by Councillor Tozzo

Seconded by Councillor Stephen

Whereas insects, especially bees, serve a significate role as pollinators of plants,

including agricultural plants; and

Whereas the pollinator bee population is in decline; and

Whereas the ideal pollinator-friendly habitat is one comprised of mostly native

wildflowers, grasses, vines, shrubs, and trees, blooming in succession throughout
the growing season; and

Whereas the foundational period for establishing pollinator and other insect
species, and urban wildlife species that depend on them, occurs in late spring and
early summer; and

Whereas Kingston’s City Council declared a climate emergency on March 5, 2019;


Whereas on December 20, 2022, Kingston’s City Council passed a motion

permitting pollinator gardens on private properties; and

Whereas “No Mow May” is an initiative that encourages residents to limit lawn
mowing practices during the month of May, to provide early season foraging
resources for pollinators that emerge in the spring; and

Whereas the Kingston Frontenac Rotary Club (“KFRC”) has offered to provide
lawn signage, to the first 1000 participants who contact KFRC, that wish to
participate in the “No Mow May” initiative: and

Therefore Be It Resolved That the City of Kingston encourage interested

residents to increase pollinator-friendly habitats by promoting pollinator-friendly
lawncare practices on their own properties from May 1, 2023 to May 31, 2023; and

That Council direct staff not to enforce Section 4.42.3 of By-Law Number 2005-
100, A By-Law for Prescribing Standards for the Maintenance and Occupancy of
Property Within the City of Kingston, as amended, from May 1, 2023 to May 31,
2023 and the month of May during this Council term; and
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That the City of Kingston use social media and other platforms to be one of the
leaders to actively promote and educate the community about “No Mow May” and
its benefits for generating crucial pollinator-supporting habitats; and

That Council recognize and express its appreciation to the Kingston Frontenac
Rotary Club for its support during this initiative.

2. Moved by Councillor Glenn

Seconded by Councillor Chaves

Whereas the City of Kingston is experiencing a housing shortage like many other
communities in Ontario and in Canada; and

Whereas Part IX.1 of the Ontario Municipal Act, 2001 contains provisions
permitting municipalities to impose a tax for vacant units that are classified in the
residential property class and that are taxable under that Act for municipal
purposes, if designated by the Minister of Finance through regulation; and

Whereas other municipalities in Ontario, such as Ottawa, Toronto and Hamilton,

have implemented or are considering implementing a vacant residential tax in
order to encourage property owners to rent or sell unoccupied units that could
increase the supply and affordability of housing; and

Whereas City staff have been reviewing options for removing discounted property
tax rates for commercial and industrial properties that are currently assessed in
vacant and excess land property tax subclasses and will be reporting back to
Council in the Spring 2023 on this work.

Therefore Be It Resolved That Council direct staff to review options for a tax on
vacant residential units, including an analysis of best practices, and report back to
Council in the Spring 2023 on the feasibility and viability of implementing such as
tax for a potential implementation in 2024.

Notices of Motion


That the Minutes of City Council Meeting Number 04-2023, held Tuesday January 17,
2023, Special City Council Meeting Number 05-2023, held Thursday, January 19, 2023,
Special City Council Meeting Number 06-2023, held Tuesday, January 24, 2023 and
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Special Council Meeting Number 07-2023, held Tuesday, January 31, 2023 be

(Distributed to all Members of Council on February 3, 2023)

Tabling of Documents

2023-08 Kingston Police Services Board Meeting Number 23-02 Agenda. The
meeting is scheduled for Thursday, January 19, 2023 at 12:00 pm in a virtual
electronic format.

(Distributed to all members of Council on January 12, 2023)

2023-09 Kingston Police Services Board Minutes from the meeting held Thursday,
December 15, 2022 at 12:00 pm.

(Distributed to all members of Council on January 12, 2023)

2023-10 Kingston Police Services Board Meeting 23-02 Addendum. The meeting is
scheduled for January 19, 2023.

(Distributed to all members of Council on January 19, 2023)

2023-11 Kingston Police Services Board Meeting 23-02 Addendum 2. The meeting is
scheduled for January 19, 2023.

(Distributed to all members of Council on January 19, 2023)

2023-12 Cataraqui Conservation Full Authority Board Meeting Agenda – AGM. The
meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, January 25, 2023 at 7:30 pm in a
hybrid format.

(Distributed to all members of Council on January 23, 2023)

2023-13 Cataraqui Source Protection Authority Agenda. The meeting is scheduled for
Wednesday, January 25, 2023 at 7:30 pm in a hybrid format.

(Distributed to all members of Council on January 23, 2023)

2023-14 Kingston Police Services Board Special Meeting Number 23-03 Agenda. The
meeting is scheduled for February 2, 2023 at 9:15 am in a virtual electronic

(Distributed to all members of Council on January 26, 2023)

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That Council consent to the disposition of Communications in the following manner:


08-250 Notice of Technical Consent with respect to Consent to Create an Easement at

160 MacDonnell Street and 162 MacDonnell Street. Written comments must be
received by 4:30 pm on Friday, February 3, 2023.

(Distributed to all members of Council on January 20, 2023)

08-276 Notice of Technical Consent with respect to Consent to Create an Easement at

2268 Princess Street. Written comments must be received by 4:30 pm on
Tuesday, February 14, 2023.

(Distributed to all members of Council on January 31, 2023)

Referred to All Members of Council

08-227 News Release received from Cataraqui Conservation with respect to Water
Safety Statement for Inland Lakes and Streams, dated January 11, 2023.

(Distributed to all members of Council on January 12, 2023)

08-228 Correspondence received from Tracy McDonough, Public Health Dietitian,

Healthy Communities, FKL&A Public Health, with respect to 2022 Cost of
Eating Healthy report and infographic, dated January 11, 2023.

(Distributed to all members of Council on January 12, 2023)

08-229 Correspondence received from H. Keller with respect to Trespass Notice

Extended, date January 11, 2023.

(Distributed to all members of Council on January 12, 2023)

08-230 Resolution received from the Town of Greater Napanee with respect to support
for City of Kingston resolution regarding the opposition to Bill 23, More Homes
Built Faster Act, dated January 12, 2023.

(Distributed to all members of Council on January 12, 2023)

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08-231 Resolution received from the Township of Faraday with respect to support for
City of Kingston resolution regarding Resource Recovery and Circular Economy
Act, 2016, dated January 11, 2023.

(Distributed to all members of Council on January 12, 2023)

08-233 Proclamation Application received from Courtney Murphy, Ongwanada, that

Council proclaim August 7 – 11, 2023 as “75th Anniversary of Ongwanada”.

(Distributed to all members of Council on January 13, 2023)

08-234 Resolution received from the Town of Marathon with respect to support for City
of Kingston resolution regarding Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act,
dated January 12, 2023.

(Distributed to all members of Council on January 13, 2023)

08-235 Resolution received from the Township of O’Connor with respect to support for
City of Kingston resolution regarding Resource Recovery and Circular Economy
Act, 2016, dated January 12, 2023.

(Distributed to all members of Council on January 13, 2023)

08-236 Correspondence received from Ceredwyn (Kerry) Hill with respect to Request
for a Federal Impact Assessment, dated January 16, 2023.

(Distributed to all members of Council on January 17, 2023)

08-237 Correspondence received from Laura Phillips with respect to “Thank you &
important decolonizing report Re: Urgent – protect human rights – Stop the
January 11 eviction!”, dated January 13, 2023.

(Distributed to all members of Council on January 17, 2023)

08-238 Correspondence received from Chris Emberley with respect to “Welcome Newly
Elected”, dated January 16, 2023.

(Distributed to all members of Council on January 17, 2023)

08-240 Correspondence received from Rural Ontario Municipal Association with

respect to “See You at ROMA!”, dated January 16, 2023.

(Distributed to all members of Council on January 18, 2023)

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Tuesday, February 7, 2023
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08-241 Proclamation Application received from Paola Hunter, Kingston Health Sciences
Centre, requesting Council proclaim March 15, 2023 as “Dietitian’s Day” in
Kingston, dated January 16, 2023.

(Distributed to all members of Council on January 18, 2023)

08-242 Proclamation Application received from Stephanie Tudor, Girl Guides of

Canada, requesting Council proclaim February 22, 2023 as “World Thinking
Day” in the City of Kingston, dated January 13, 2023.

(Distributed to all members of Council on January 18, 2023)

08-243 Correspondence received from Association of Municipalities Ontario with

respect to AMO 2023 Registration Opens January 17, dated January 17, 2023.

(Distributed to all members of Council on January 18, 2023)

08-244 Correspondence received from Ontario Human Rights Commission with respect
to OHRC launches new three-year strategic plan, dated January 17, 2023.

(Distributed to all members of Council on January 18, 2023)

08-245 Correspondence received from Rural Ontario Municipal Association with

respect to 2023 ROMA: Local Media/Social Media Toolkit, dated January 17,

(Distributed to all members of Council on January 18, 2023)

08-246 Resolution received from the City of Belleville with respect to support for the
City of Kingston resolution regarding Resource Recovery and Circular Economy
Act, 2016, dated January 11, 2023.

(Distributed to all members of Council on January 18, 2023)

08-247 Resolution received from The Corporation of the Town of Thessalon with
respect to support for the City of Kingston resolution regarding Resource
Recovery and Circular Economy Act, 2016, dated January 18, 2023.

(Distributed to all members of Council on January 18, 2023)

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Tuesday, February 7, 2023
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08-249 Correspondence received from Association of Municipalities Ontario AMO

Events with respect to AMO Training Session: Navigating Conflict Relationships
as an Elected Official, dated January 19, 2023.

(Distributed to all members of Council on January 20, 2023)

08-251 Resolution received from the City of Kitchener with respect to Bill 23, More
Homes Built Faster Act, 2022, dated January 20, 2023.

(Distributed to all members of Council on January 20, 2023)

08-252 Correspondence received from Esmé Rottschafer, Tett Centre for Creativity and
Learning Board Chair with respect to reappointment of technical representative
to the Arts Advisory Committee, dated January 23, 2023.

(Distributed to all members of Council on January 23, 2023)

08-253 Proclamation Request received from Margaret O’Brien, Fibromyalgia

Association Canada requesting Council proclaim May 12, 2023 as
“Fibromyalgia Awareness Day” in Kingston, dated January 24, 2023.

(Distributed to all members of Council on January 24, 2023)

08-254 Correspondence received from Kirsten Bland with respect to resignation from
the Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Advisory Committee, dated January 20, 2023.

(Distributed to all members of Council on January 25, 2023)

08-255 Resolution received from Conmee Township with respect to support for City of
Kingston resolution regarding Resource Recovery & Circular Economy Act,
dated January 10, 2023.

(Distributed to all members of Council on January 25, 2023)

08-256 Proclamation Application received from Ann Lablans, Myeloma Canada

requesting Council proclaim March 2023 as “Multiple Myeloma Awareness
Month” in Kingston, dated January 23, 2023.

(Distributed to all members of Council on January 25, 2023)

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08-257 Correspondence received from Aaliyah Strachan, Museum Assistant, City of

Kingston, with respect to Alcohol & Gaming Commission of Ontario Special
Occasion Permit for Beer & Bacteria event taking place at the PumpHouse
March 11, 2023, dated January 25, 2023.

(Distributed to all members of Council on January 25, 2023)

08-258 Correspondence received from Association of Municipalities Ontario with

respect to “Reminder of Call for Applications: 2022-2024 AMO Board of
Directors”, dated January 24, 2023.

(Distributed to all members of Council on January 26, 2023)

08-259 Correspondence received from Steve Clark, Minister of Municipal Affairs and
Housing with respect to the Streamline Development Approval Fund, dated
January 24, 2023.

(Distributed to all members of Council on January 26, 2023)

08-260 Correspondence received from Association of Municipalities Ontario with

respect to AMO Policy Update: ROMA 2023 Conference, Federal Disaster
Mitigation and Adaptation Fund, RED Funding Intake Open, dated January 24,

(Distributed to all members of Council on January 26, 2023)

08-261 Resolution received from the Township of Lanark Highlands with respect to
Violence Against Women, dated January 25, 2023.

(Distributed to all members of Council on January 26, 2023)

08-262 Correspondence received from Rural Ontario Municipal Assocation with respect
to New ROMA Board Elected at #ROMA2023, dated January 25, 2023.

(Distributed to all members of Council on January 26, 2023)

08-263 Correspondence received from the Town of Ajax with respect to City of
Kingston New Motion 2 – Bill 23, More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022, dated
January 25, 2023.

(Distributed to all members of Council on January 26, 2023)

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Tuesday, February 7, 2023
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08-264 Resolution received from the City of Thunder Bay with respect to Bill 42 –
Gender Reaffirming Healthcare Act, dated January 24, 2023.

(Distributed to all members of Council on January 26, 2023)

08-265 Association of Municipalities Ontario AMO WatchFile, dated January 26, 2023.

(Distributed to all members of Council on January 26, 2023)

08-266 Resolution received from The Township of Montague with respect to World
Thinking Day, dated January 17, 2023.

(Distributed to all members of Council on January 26, 2023)

08-267 Resolution received from The Township of Montague with respect to support for
County of Lanark resolution regarding Renfrew Inquest Recommendations,
dated December 20, 2023.

(Distributed to all members of Council on January 26, 2023)

08-268 Resolution received from the County of Lennox & Addington with respect to
support for City of Kingston resolution regarding Resource Recovery & Circular
Economy Act, 2016, dated January 26, 2023.

(Distributed to all members of Council on January 30, 2023)

08-269 Resolution received from the County of Lennox & Addington with respect to
support for City of Kingston resolution regarding More Homes Built Faster Act,
Bill 23, dated January 26, 2023.

(Distributed to all members of Council on January 30, 2023)

08-270 Resolution received from the Town of Halton Hills with respect to Repeal Bill 23
– The Build More Homes Faster Act, dated January 26, 2023.

(Distributed to all members of Council on January 30, 2023)

08-271 Resolution received from the Corporation of the Town of Coburg with respect to
The Right of Passage, dated January 25, 2023.

(Distributed to all members of Council on January 30, 2023)

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Tuesday, February 7, 2023
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08-272 Correspondence received from Kade Medd with respect to Tannery Proposal,
dated January 27, 2023.

(Distributed to all members of Council on January 30, 2023)

08-273 Resolution received from the City of Hamilton with respect to Impacts of Bill 23,
More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022, dated January 27, 2023.

(Distributed to all members of Council on January 30, 2023)

08-274 Correspondence received from Kerry Hill with respect to Kingston Frontenac
Hockey Club Memorial Cup Bid, dated January 29, 2023.

(Distributed to all members of Council on January 30, 2023)

08-275 Correspondence received from Lisa Oliveria with respect to resignation from
Kingston Frontenac Housing Corporation Board, dated January 18, 2023.

(Distributed to all members of Council on February 1, 2023)

Other Business


a) That By-Laws (1) through (3) be given their first and second reading.

b) That By-Laws (1) through (3) be given their third reading.

1) A By-Law to Amend By-Law Number 2022-62, “Kingston Zoning By-Law Number

2022-62” (Introduction of Exception Number E108, (16 North Bartlett Street))

Three Readings Proposed Number 2023-046

(Clause 1, Report Number 17)

2) A By-Law to Amend By-Law Number 2022-62, “Kingston Zoning By-Law Number

2022-62” (Removal of Holding Overlay, Riverview Subdivision Phases 4-2 & 2,
1509 Scarlet Street, 950, 952, 954, 956,958, 962, 966 & 970 Stonewalk Drive)

Three Readings Proposed Number 2023-047

(Delegated Authority)

(See schedule pages 260-262)

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Tuesday, February 7, 2023
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3) A By-Law to confirm the proceedings of Council at its meeting held on Tuesday

February 7, 2023

Three Readings Proposed Number 2023-048

(City Council Meeting Number 08-2023)


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