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Lý thuyết thu gọn

Nhóm công thức cơ bản
1. Adj – Noun 4. The / A / An - ( Adj ) – Noun
2. Be – Adj 5. Be – Adv – Adj
3. Verb – Adv 6. Be – Adv – V3ed

Đuôi cơ bản: -able, -ible, -ous, -ive, -ent, - Đuôi cơ bản: -sion, -tion, -ment,-acy,-ance,
ful, -less, -ant, -ic, -ny, -al,… -er, or,-ist,-dom,-ty,-ness,-ship,-ism,-th
-able Comfortable, renewable, -sion, decision, instruction,
capable, noticeable -tion introduction, competition,

-ible Responsible, possible, flexible -ment government, environment

-ous Dangerous, mountainous -acy accuracy, privacy efficiency,
-ive Captive, active, attractive -ce intelligence, ignorance,
difference, importance,
-ent Intelligent, confident, -er, or trainer, competitor, doctor,
independent, different plumber, protractor

-ful Careful, beautiful, remorseful -ist biologist, scientist, motorist,

economist, pharmacist
-less Careless, homeless, childless -dom freedom, kingdom, wisdom,
-ant important, significant -ty activity, responsibility, ability,
-ic Economic, heroic, chronic, -ness beautifulness, shyness,
specific skillfulness, carelessness,

-y Funny, sunny, runny, rainy -ship Friendship, hardship,

-al national, physical, graphical, -ism capitalism, terrorism
-th Health, strength, length

3. Động từ: đuôi cơ bản –fy, -ize, -en,… DIVERSIFY mordenize widen


1. Question 1: Movie directors use music to complement the ________ on the screen.
A. actively B. active C. action D. act
2. Question 1: We receivedyour ________ of 11 March and are sorry to inform you that we
won't be attending the conference.
A. communicate B. communication C. communicative D. communicatively
3. Question 1: This is an interesting and highly ________ book.
A. inform B. information C. informatively D. informative
4. Question 1: The________ has been made to move UN troops in to try and stop the fighting.
A. decide B. decision C. decisive D. decisively
5. Question 1: How can I find the time to ________ courses when I have a full-time job?
A. attendantly B. attendant C. attendance D. attend
6. Question 1: The ________ of people to get involved has impressed the organizers of the
A. willing B. willingness C. willingly D. will
7. Question 1: Despite many recent ________ advances, there are parts where schools are not
equipped with computers.
A. technologist B. technologically C. technological D. technology
8. Question 1: We have the ________ in his ability.
A. confident B. confidently C. confidence D. confide
9. Question 1: I enjoy the course because it is ________.
A. interest B. interesting C. interested D. interestingly
10. Question 1: A ________ diet includes lots of green vegetables.
A. healthy B. health C. healthily D. healthiness
11. Question 1: She sent me a ________ letter thanking me for my invitation.
A. polite B. politeness C. politely D. impoliteness
12. Question 1: We have to fight against the ________ of our air and water.
A. poisonously B. poisonous C. poisoning D. poison
13. Question 1: We picked up some ________ material on holidaytours to Europe.
A. promotion B. promote C. promotional D. promotionally
14. Question 1: To my parents’ ________, I passed the exam with flying colors.
A. amazing B. amazed C. amaze D. amazement
15. Question 1: Light refreshments will be ________ at the back of the hall.
A. availably B. availability C. avail D. available
16. Question 1: We need to ________ the language in this report.
A. simplify B. simple C. simplicity D. simply
17. Question 1: Monica, his mother, agrees to _____ David, a robotic boy capable of human
A. activate B. activation C. active D. activator
18. Question 1: My car is very ________, it uses very little petrol.
A. economically B. economical C. economist D. economy
19. Question 1: The equator is an ________ line running around the center of the earth.

A. imagination B. imagine C. imaginary D. imaginarily
20. Question 1: The coronavirus, known as COVID-19, spreads from person to person in close
proximity, similar to other_______ illnesses.
A. respirator B. respiration C. respiratorily D. respiratory
21. Question 1: The house is _______ situated near the centre of town.
A. conveniently B. convenient C. convenience D. inconvenient
22. Question 1: She________ decided to walk home alone.
A. wise B. unwise C. wisdom D. unwisely
23. Question 1: More ________, can she be depended on?
A. importantly B. important C. importance D. import
24. Question 1: Phone calls are ___ cheap, with a mix of monthly packages and pay-as you-go
A. relative B. relate C. relation D. relatively
25. Question 1: Products in this shop were ________ arranged, displayed and presented on the
A. attract B. attraction C. attractively D. attractive
26. Question 1: In the near future, these devices will be ________ tested.
A. automation B. automatical C. automatic D. automatically
27. Question 1: This safe, ________ friendly city is like a paradise for its inhabitants who can
enjoy the highest quality of life.
A. environment B. environmental C. environmentally D. environmentalist
28. Question 1: You will be surprised at how ________ Joe is in French after a year.
A. fluency B. fluent C. fluently D. influence
29. Question 1: The two men were middle-aged and ________ dressed.
A. respect B. respectable C. respecter D. respectably
30. Question 1: A ________ endangered species is a species that is facing a very high risk of
extinction in the wild.
A. criticize B. critical C. criticism D. critically


1. As students, you are expected to be quiet and ________ during the lesson.
A. obedient B. disobedient C. obediently D. obedience
2. Some candidates failed the oral examination because they didn’t have enough ________
A. confide B. confident C. confidently D. confidence
3. Children with ________ parents often do better at school than those without.
A. support B. supportive C. supporter D. supportively
4. ________, Peter’s parents gave him permission to take up basketball.
A. Final B. Finalist C. Finally D. Finality
5. He became ________ as a writer at the age of 30.
A. success B. successfully C. succeed D. successful
6. We all have great ________ for the victims of the flood.

A. sympathetic B. sympathy C. sympathetically D. sympathize
7. The Prime Minister is to consider changes to sexually ________ laws to enforce equal
A. discriminate B. discrimination C. discriminatory D. discriminated
8. Can you tell me about the ________ process to tertiary study in Vietnam?
A. applies B. applying C. application D. apply
9. A letter of ________ is sometimes really necessary for you in a job interview.
A. recommend B. recommended C. recommender D.recommendation
10. Henry was a studious student. He needed no ________ to work hard.
A. encourage B. encouraging C. encouragement D. encouraged
11.Children who are isolated and lonely seem to have poor language and ________.
A. communicate B. communication C. communicative D. communicator
12. The lecturer explained the problem very clearly and is always _______ in response to questions.
A. attention B. attentive C. attentively D. attentiveness
13. Although my village is not far away from the city centre, we had no________ until recently.
A. electric B. electricity C. electrical D. electrify
14. Many countries’ cultural ____ is a result of taking in immigrants from all over the world.
A. diverse B. diversified C. diversify D. diversity
15. The plan was developed________ by a team of experts.
A. system B. systematical C. systemized D. systematically


1. Most of the eldest children seem to have high sense of ________ to their younger siblings
A. responsibility B. responsible C. responsibly D. responsiveness
2. In 2004 more than 40 national societies have worked with more than 22,000 ________ to bring
relief to the countless victims of the earthquake.
A. volunteer B. volunteers C. voluntary D. voluntarily
3. Singapore and Vietnam had ________ who were awarded the Most Outstanding Athlete titles in
the Swimming and Shooting events.
A. participates B. participations C. participants D. participate
4. Current extinction rates are at least 100 to 1,000 times higher than _______ rates found in the
fossil record.
A. nature B. natural C. naturally D. naturalness
5. The Vietnamese were very satisfied with excellent performances of the young and ___ athletes.
A. energetic B. energy C. energetically D. energize
6. Mark enjoys having fun by causing trouble. He’s a very ________ boy.
A. mischief B. mischievousness C. mischievously D. mischievous
7. Women's contribution to our society has been ______ better these days.
A. significant B. significance C. signify D. significantly
8. Try to act ________, even if you feel nervous.
A. confident B. confidently C. confidence D. confide
9. Many Vietnamese people ______ their lives for the revolutionary cause of the nation
A. sacrifice B. sacrificed C. sacrificial D. sacrificially
10. The course offers a range of ________ possibilities for developing your skills.
A. excite B. exciting C. excited D. excitement

Lý thuyết tóm gọn

Quy tắc chung
- Phần trước và phần đuôi luôn ở dạng đối nhau
+ Khẳng định, phủ định?
+ Phủ định, khẳng định?
Chú ý: Khi trong phần trước có từ phủ định như: seldom, rarely, hardly, no, without, never, no
one, nobody, nothing thì phần đuôi ở dạng khẳng định.
Eg: He seldom goes to the movies, does he?
- Động từ ở phần đuôi
+ Nếu động từ chính ở phần câu nói là động từ “tobe” hay động từ khuyết thiếu thì được lặp lại ở
phần đuôi.
Helen can speak English very well, can’t she?
+ Nếu động từ chính ở phần câu nói là động từ thường thì ta sử dụng trợ động từ “do/does/did” sao
cho phù hợp.
He often goes to the movies, doesn’t he?
Một số trường hợp đặc biệt
1. I am - aren’t I? / Am I not? 2. This/ That  It 3. These/ Those  They
4. Mệnh lệnh  Will you? 5. Let’s  Shall we 6. There be  be there?
7. –thing  It 8. –body, -one  they








1. Question 2: She’s happy, _________?
A. isn’t she B. doesn’t she C. didn’t she D. hasn’t she
2. Question 2. Let’s go out for dinner, _________?
A. do we B. don’t we C. will we D. shall we
3. Question 2. You’ve never had a girlfriend before, _________ you?
A. haven’t B. have C. had D. hadn’t
4. Question 2. You have tea for breakfast, _________ you?
A. didn’t B. haven’t C. don’t D. won’t
5. Question 2. You stopped at the traffic lights, _________ you?
A. don’t B. do C. did D. didn’t
6. Question 2. Many young people want to work for a humanitarian organization,
______ ?
A. doesn’t it B. does it C. didn’t they D. don’t they
7. Question 2. You haven’t met each other, _________?
A. have you B. do you C. did you D. will you
8. Question 2. John gave you the book yesterday, _________?
A. did she B. didn’t he C. did he D. didn’t it
9. Question 2. You don’t know where she is, _________?
A. don’t you B. do you C. isn’t she D. is she
10. Question 2. You can speak English, _________ ?
A. can’t you B. can you C. do you D. don’t you
11. Question 2. We should call Rita, _______________?
A. should we B. shouldn’t we C. shall we D. shall not we
12. Question 2. Monkeys can’t sing, ______________?
A. can they B. do they C. can’t they D. don’t they
13. Question 2. These books aren’t yours, ____________?
A. are these B. aren’t these C. are they D. aren’t they
14. Question 2. That’s Bod’s, ____________?
A. is that B. isn’t it C. isn’t that D. is it
15. Question 2. No one died in the accident, ______________?
A. did they B. didn’t they C. did he D. didn’t he
16. Question 2. The air-hostess knows the time she has been here, ______________?
A. does she B. hasn’t she C. doesn’t she D. has she
17. Question 2. This is the second time she’s been here, ______________?
A. isn’t this B. isn’t it C. has she D. hasn’t she
18. Question 2. I am one of your true friends, _____________?
A. am I B. am not I C. aren’t I D. are I
19. Question 2. It’s a beautiful dress, _________?

A. is it B. isn’t it C. was it D. wasn’t it
20. Question 2. John seldom goes to church, _______________?
A. does he B. doesn’t he C. has he D. hasn’t he
1. You are going to the party, _________?
A. is you B. are you C. aren’t you D. were you
2. You don’t know him, _________?
A. do you B. don’t you C. are you D. aren’t you
3. John has worked very hard, _________?
A. does he B. did he C. has he D. hasn’t he
4. You aren’t too busy to talk with us, _________?
A. are you B. have you C. aren’t you D. haven’t you
5. Claudia wasn’t in the class, _________?
A.was she B. wasn’t she C. did she D. didn’t she
6. You’ll be home before midnight, _________?
A. will you B. aren’t you C. are you D. won’t you
7. James owns a restaurant, _________?
A. does he B. is he C. doesn’t he D. isn’t he
8. The film is good, _________?
A. is it B. does it C. isn’t it D. doesn’t it
9. The tall man there can speak English, _________?
A. can he B. can’t he C. isn’t he D. is he
10. This isn’t Bill driving, _________?
A. is it B. is he C. isn’t this D. isn’t it
11. Let's go out tonight, _________?
A. shall we B. will we C. are we D. do we
12. I’m a bit late, _________?
A. am not I B. aren’t you C. are you D. aren’t I
13. Somebody has left these socks on the bathroom floor, _________?
A. have they B. haven’t they C. has he D. hasn’t he
14. He never acts like a gentleman, _________?
A. does he B. doesn’t he C. is he D. isn’t he
15. Nothing about me is true, _________? it B. isn’t it C. are they D. aren’t they
16. No one is a better cook than your mother, ______?
A. is she B.isn't she C. are they D. aren't they
17. Nobody was late for the meeting last night, _______?
A. wasn't he B. weren't they C. were theyD. was
18. I am writing a letter, _______ I?
A. are B. aren’t C. don’t D. am not
19. Nothing has changed in this town, _______?
A. has it B.doesn’t it C. hasn’t it D. does it
20. Let him go, _______?
A. shall we B. should you C. will you D. should we
21. There are a lot of wonderful books in this library, _______?
A. aren’t they B. are they C. aren’t thereD. are there
22. She will be flying to New York this time tomorrow, _______?
A. will she B. won’t she C. is she D. isn’t she
23. This shirt is too big for me, _______?
A. isn’t it B. isn’t this C. doesn’t it D. doesn’t this
24. You’re Cynthia, ______ you?
A. aren’t B. Are C. didn’tD. were
You are going to come to the party, ______?
A. aren’t you B. do you C. will you D. won’t you


Question 1: I’m getting better at this job,______?
A. am I B. am not I C. isn’t I D. aren’t I
Question 2: No one is absent today,______?
A. are they B. aren’t they C. is one D. isn’t it
Question 3: Linda, turn on the television,______?
A. doesn’t she B. don’t you C. will you D. will she
Question 4: He’d rather go to bed late and play video games,______?
A. wouldn’t he B. hadn’t he C. doesn’t he D. didn’t he
Question 5: I don’t think he will win the competition,______?
A. do I B. does he C. will he D. will I
Question 6: Everyone hopes to gain physical health,______?
A. doesn’t he B. hasn’t he C. haven’t they D. don’t they
Question 7: They hardly do the homework the teachers give them,______?
A. is it B. don’t they C. isn’t it D. do they
Question 8: You couldn’t give me a helping hand,______?
A. could you B. do you C. couldn’t you D. don’t you
Question 9: These cats look immensely lovely,______?
A. are these B. don’t these C. are they D. don’t they
Question 10: There is a party at your home,______?
A. isn’t there B. is there C. isn’t it D. is it
Question 11: Let’s go to the cinema to watch “End game”,______?
A. will you B. don’t you C. shall we D. don’t we
Question 12: You’ve never been punished of bad marks,______?
A. have you B. haven’t you C. do you D. don’t you
Question 13: You and I have to go home now,______?
A. haven’t we B. have we C. do we D. don’t we
Question 14: She’s recently been under the weather,______?
A. isn’t she B. isn’t her C. hasn’t her D. hasn’t she
Question 15: He’s never on time to fulfill the tasks,______?
A. isn’t he B. is he C. hasn’t he D. has he
Question 16: I’m not pronouncing that new word correctly,______?
A. amnot I B. am I C. are I D. aren’t I
Question 17: Mary had to look after her younger brother when her parents are on
A. hadn’t she B. didn’t she C. had she D. did she
Question 18: There’s something wrong with the stove,______?
A. isn’t there B. is there C. isn’t it D. is it
Question 19: She'd save money if she bought that old jeans,______?
A. didn’t she B. wouldn’t she C. hadn’t she D. did she
Question 20: Donald John Trump is the 45th President of the United States,______?
A. is he B. Is not he C. isn’t it D. isn’t he

Lý thuyết tóm gọn

1. Giới từ chỉ thời gian (Prepositions of time):
• IN (trong, vào) được dùng để chỉ các buổi trong ngày (ngoại trừ at night), tháng, năm, mùa, thập
niên, thế kỷ hoặc khoảng thời gian ở tương lai.
Ex: in the morning, in January, in 1990, in the summer, in the 1990s, in the 20th century,
in the Middle Age, in ten minutes
IN TIME: đúng lúc, kịp lúc
Ex: Will you be home in time for dinner?
• AT(vào lúc) được dùng để chỉ thời điểm hoặc các kỳ nghỉ (tòan bộ những ngày trong kỳ nghỉ)
Ex: at 6 o’clock, at night, at noon, at midnight, at bedtime, at dawn, at the weekend,
at Christmas, at New Year, at Easter
At : được dùng trong một số cụm từ chỉ thời gian: at the moment, at present, at the same time, at
once, at that time, at first, at last
• ON(vào) được dùng để chỉ ngày trong tuần, ngày tháng trong năm, ngày trong kỳ nghỉ hoặc các
buổi trong ngày cụ thể.
Ex: on Monday, on 5th January, on Christmas Day, on Monday morning, on one’s birthday
ON TIME: đúng giờEx: The train arrived right on time.
• FOR(trong) + khoảng thời gian: for two months, for a long time
• SINCE(từ, từ khi) + mốc thời gian: since last Monday, since 2002
• UNTIL/ TILL(đến, cho đến): until 5 o’clock, till midnight
• BEFORE(trước, trước khi): before lunchtime • AFTER(sau, sau khi): after luchtime
• DURING(trong, suốt): during World War II • BY(vào lúc): by the end of May
• FROM … TO(từ … đến): from morning to noon
2. Giới từ chỉ nơi chốn (Prepositions of place):
• AT(ở, tại) được dùng để chỉ vị trí tại một điểm.
Ex: at home, at school, at the bus stop, at the airport, at the office, at the cinema, at the seaside, at
the grocer’s, at the top/ bottom, at the beginning/ end, at the front/ back
* Lưu ý: arrive at the village/ the airport/ the railway station
But: arrive in Vietnam/ Ho Chi Minh City
• IN(trong, ở trong) được dùng để chỉ vị trí trong một diện tích, một không gian; dùng trước tên
đường, tên thị trấn, thành phố, quốc gia, miền, phương hướng hoặc dùng với các phương tiện đi lại
bằng xe hơi (car).
Ex: in a box, in a small room, in the countryside, in the world, in Oxford Street, in London, in
Vietnam, in the east, in a car/ taxi
• ON(trên, ở trên) được dùng để chỉ vị trí trên bề mặt, số tầng trong một tòa nhà, trước tên đường
(US) hoặc dùng với một số phương tiện đi lại.

Ex: on the table, on the wall, on the ground, on the first floor, on Albert Street, on a bus/ train/
plane/ (motor)bike/ horse, on foot
On còn được dùng trong một số cụm từ: on the left/ right, on the farm, on the coast/ beach, on TV/

1. The headquarters of the United Nations is ______ New York.

A. in B. on C. at D. by
2. In the most countries people drive ______ the right.
A. on B. by C. in D. at
3. I usually buy a newspaper ______ my way to work.
A. at B. by C. in D. on
4. Last year we had a lovely skiing holiday ______the Swiss Alps.
A. by B. at C. in D. on
5. San Francisco is ______ the west coast of the United States.
A. in B. on C. at D. by
6. She spends most of the day sitting ______ the window.
A. on B. by C. in D. at
7. The report about the accident was ______ the front page of the newspaper.
A. at B. from C. in D. on
8. In the theatre we had seats ______ the front row.
A. by B. at C. in D. on
9. Write the name and address ______ the front page of the envelope.
A. in B. on C. at D. by
10. It's dangerous to play football ______ the streets.
A. on B. by C. in D. at
11. I'll meet you ______ the corner of the street at 10.
A. at B. by C. in D. on
12. We got stuck in a traffic jam ______ the way to the airport.
A. by B. at C. in D. on
13. Look at the horses ______ that field.
A. in B. on C. at D. by
14. ______ the end of the street is a path to our house.
A. on B. by C. in D. at
15. Do you want sugar ______ your coffee?
A. at B. from C. in D. on
16. Her brother lives ______ a small town ______ the south coast of Spain.
A. by / at B. at / in C. in / on D. on / in
17. The sports results are ______ the back page of the paper.
A. in B. on C. at D. by
18. They got married ______ Birmingham.
A. on B. by C. in D. at
19. Vienna is ______ the river Danube.
A. at B. by C. on D. in
20. His office is ______ the third floor.
A. by B. at C. in D. on
22. We decided not to go ______ car.
A. by B. at C. in D. on
23. She studied ______ Paris for two weeks.

A. in B. on C. at D. by
24 The exhibition ______ the art gallery finished last Sunday.
A. by B. at C. in D. on
25. I saw Ken ______ Dave's wedding.
A. on B. by C. in D. at
1. Linda is a student ______ Cambridge University.
A. in B. from C. by D. at
2. The picture is ______ the wall.
A. on B. by C. in D. at
3. We meet ______ the station at 7.
A. by B. at C. in D. on
4. She was ill and stayed ______ bed.
A. at B. from C. in D. on
5. Are there any good films ______ the cinema this week?
A. with B. at C. in D. on
6. After some years he arrived back ______ Scotland.
A. by B. at C. in D. on
7. The train arrives ______ platform 3.
A. in B. on C. at D. by
8. What time did you arrive ______ the hotel?
A. by B. in C. at D. on
9. Turn left ______ the traffic lights.
A. at B. at C. in D. by
10. When are you going ______ Greece?
A. at B. to C. in D. on
11. He was tired and went ______ bed
A. to B. by C. in D. at
12. The train stopped ______ every station.
A. in B. on C. at D. by
13. I saw Bill this morning. He was ______ a bus which passed me.
A. on B. by C. in D. at
14. I missed the bus and had to go ______ foot.
A. at B. by C. in D. on
15. The easiest way to go there is ______ underground.
A. at B. from C. by D. on
16. Tom is sitting ______ an armchair.
A. in B. on C. at D. by


1. Let’s meet _____ Tuesday. 
2. Let’s meet ______ two hours. 
3. I saw him ______ 3:00 PM. 
4. Do you want to go there ________ the morning? 
5. Let’s do it _______ the weekend. 
6. I can’t work _______ night. 
7. I’ll be there _______ 10 minutes. 
8. Let’s meet at the park _______ noon. 
9. I saw her ________ my birthday. 
10. I like going to the beach _______ the summer. 
11. I’ll see you _________ next week. 
12. He was born __________ 1991. 
13. Did you see her _________ today. 
14. It starts ________ tomorrow. 
15. It was sunny ________ my birthday. 
16. The bus collected us ________ 5 o’clock early ________ the morning. 
17. What’s on the TV __________ midnight. 
18. The factory closed _________ June. 
19. _________ the winter, it usually snows. 
20. ________ Friday, she spoke to me. 
21. What are you doing _________ the weekend. 
22. They saw that car_________ half past ten. 
23. The anniversary is __________ May 10th. 
24. Where did you go _________ last summer. 
25. The movie starts _________ 20 minutes. 
26. _________ the moment, I’m busy. 
27. They were very popular __________ the 1980s. 
28. My appointment is __________ Thursday morning. 
29. We had the meeting _________ last week. 
30. Are you staying at home ________ Christmas Day. 
31. I was born ________ September 15th 
32. _________ 8 o’clock, I must leave. 
33. I have English classes ______ Tuesdays. 
34. Where were you ________Monday evening? 
35. The children like to go to the park ________ the morning. 
36. Henry’s birthday is ___________ November. 
37. Miss White gets up early, She has breakfast_____6.00, then she goes to work____half past six 
38. Justin Bieber was born __________ March 1, 1994. 
39. Leaves turn red, gold and brown _________ autumn. 
40. My friends like to go the movies __________ Saturdays. 
41. The pilgrims arrived in America _______ 1620. 
42. My sister likes to watch TV ___________ the evening. 
43. _______Tuesday morning, there is a meeting_______8.00 
44. I like to watch the parade ___________ Independence Day. 

45. Hippies protested against the war _________ the 1960s. 
46. We finished the marathon ________ the same time. 
47. I have no time _____ the moment. 

Lý thuyết tóm gọn

 Clauses and phrases of concession:
Although/ Even though/ though/even if/ in spite of the fact that/ Despite of the fact that +
Despite / in spite of/ regardless of + CỤM TỪ ( noun phrase/ V-ing phrase)
ADJ/ ADV/ N + though/ as + MỆNH ĐỀ
Although/ even though/ thoughhe took a taxi, Bill still arrived late for the concert.
I’m no better despite the fact that I’ve taken the pills
Despite / in spite ofbeing a millionaire, Henry’s friend hates spending money.

Because/ since/ as/ for/ seeing that/ in that / inas much as/ now (that) = because of the fact
that/ due to the fact that + MỆNH ĐỀ
Because of/ due to/ owing to/ thank to + CỤM TỪ ( noun phrase/ V-ing phrase)
Because/ since/ as pollution is something that other folk do, we’re just enjoying our day.
Unfortunately, my company does not produce recycle paper since/ because/ as it is more expensive
to make than regular paper.








1. ______ he didn’t have enough money, he refused to buy a new car.
A. Despite B. Because of C. Although D. Because
2. ______ the heavy rain, we couldn’t go camping.
A. In spite of B. Because C. Although D. Because of
3. ______ some German and British styles are similar, there are many different between them.
A. Despite of B. In spite of C. Because D. Although
4. I didn’t get the job__________ I had the necessary qualification
A. although B. because of C. in spite of D. because
5. He managed to win the race hurting his foot before the race.
A. in spite of B. despite of C. although D. because of
6. _________some Japanese women are successful in business, the majority of Japanese companies
are run by men.
A. But B. Even if C. If D. Although
7. Despite feeling cold, we kept walking.
A. Although we felt cold, but we kept walkingB. Although we felt cold, we kept walking
C. However cold we felt, but we kept walking D. However we felt cold, we kept walking
8.working very hard, he didn't pass the exam.
A. Despite B. Because C. Although D. Since
9. She can play the piano she never practises.
A. despite B. however C. although D. as though
10. _________ having the best qualifications among all the applicants, Justin was not offered the job.
A. Although B. While C. In spite of D. Because of
11. The government banned that movie________  the public opinion was against it.
A. because B. because of C. although D. in spite of
12. It looks like they’re going to succeed ________ their present difficulties.
A. despite B. because of C. even though D. yet
13. ________ the headache, I enjoyed the movie.
A. because B. because of C. although D. in spite of
14. Would you look after the children ________ I do the shopping
A. while B. when C. during D. as
15. The garden is wet, it must have rained a lot________ the night
A. while B. when C. during D. as
16. She was surfing the internet________ her friend was driving.
A. when B. while C. during D. as
17. I had scarcely sat down ________ the telephone rang.
A. when B. while C. during D. as
18. _______ he had enough money, he refused to buy a new car.
A. In spite B. In spite of C. Despite D. Although
19. I could not eat _______ I was very hungry.
A. even though B. in spite C. despite D. in spite the fact that
20. _______ they are brothers, they do not look like.
A. Although B. Even C. Despite D. In spite of

1. ________ you were all sitting at your desks working hard last week, we were sitting on the plane
bound for Hawaii.
A. Despite B. Although C. While D. Whenever
2. Doctor’s salaries have risen substantially ________ nurses’ pay has actually fallen.
A. however B. since C. despite D. whereas
3. He refused to give up work _______ he’s won a million pounds.
A. despite B. however C. even though D. because
4. ________ he had no money for a bus, he had to walk all the way home.
A. Although B. Because C. While D. When
5. ________ an accident in the High Street, traffic is moving very slowly on the London Road.
A. Despite B. Because C. Since D. Because of
6. ________ the wet weather, the football match went ahead.
A. Although B. Owing to C. But for D. In spite of
7. ________ the rise in unemployment, people still seem to be spending more.
A. Nevertheless B. Due to C. Despite D. Although
8. I’d like to go to Thailand ________ I am impressed by its cultures and customs.
A. because B. in spite of C. although D. because of
9. There’s no danger in using this machinery ________ you adhere the safety regulations.
A. because B. in case C. although D. as long as
10. She didn’t feel well, but ____________ this she went to work.
A. although B. because C. because of D. in spite of
11. He managed to win the race __________ hurting his foot before the race.
A. although B. because of C. despite of D. in spite of
12. Some snakes are poisonous, ________ others are harmless.
A. so B. for C. but D. despite
13. We are concerned with the problem of energy resources _______ we must also think of our
A. despite B. though C. as though D. but
14. _______ some German and British management styles are similar, there are many differences
between them.
A. In spite B. In spite of C. Despite the fact that D. Despite
15. I could not eat _______ I was very hungry.
A. even though B. in spite C. despite D. in spite the fact that
16. In spite _______, the baseball game was not cancelled.
A. the rain B. of the rain C. it was raining D. there was a rain
17. _______ he had enough money, he refused to buy a new car.
A. In spite B. In spite of C. Despite D. Although
18. _______ they are brothers, they do not look alike.
A. Although B. Even C. Despite D. In spite of
19. The children slept well, despite _______.
A. it was noise B. the noise C. of the noise D. noisy
20. _______ her lack of hard work, she was promoted.
A. In spite B. Even though C. In spite of D. Despite of
1. _______ he likes chocolate, he tries not to eat it.
A. As B. Though C. Since D. Despite

2. He is a very intelligent boy, _______he is very lazy
A. but B. and C. or D. so
3. _______I moved house, I haven’t had much contact with those friends
A. Though B. Since C. Because of D. So that
4. Last night we came to the show late _______the traffic was terrible.
A. although B. despite C. and D. because
5. Lan couldn’t pass the exam_______she was too lazy.
A. because B. because of C. although D. in spite of
6. _______ his broken leg, he didn’t come to class yesterday.
A. Because B. Because of C. Despite D. So
7. _______there is a lot of noise in the city, I prefer living there.
A. Despite B. In spite of C. Becacuse of D. Though
8. _______ the weather, we went sailing.
A. Despite B. In spite of C. Although D. A and B
9. _______Hudson led early, he lost the race.
A. Though B. Although C. Eventhough D. All are correct
10. Bruce was not praised_________ he was a hard worker.
A. despite B. in spite of C. although D. no matter how
11. It looks like they are going to succeed_________ their present difficulties.
A. despite B. although C. in spite D. even though
12. Mary usually goes to parties. She likes meeting people and crowded places ____she is rather shy.
A. In spite of B. Even though C. On the contrary D. In other words
13. ______ we were in town, we often met him.
A. For B. Although C. So D. When
14. __________it was so cold, he went out without an overcoat.
A. If B. Since C. Although D. Because
15. He went to work _____________ his headache.
A. despite B. although C. because D. because of
16. __________ rain or snow, there are always more than fifty thousand fans at the football games.
A. Despite B. Although C. Despite of D. Although
17. _____it was raining heavily he went out without a raincoat.
A. In spite B. In spite of C. However D. Although
18. _____he wasn’t feeling very well; Mr Graham went to visit his aunt as usual.
A. Although B. However C. Therefore D. Still
19. He was offered the job______his qualifications were poor.
A. despite B. in spite of C. even though D. Whereas
20. She didn’t get the job ____ she had all the necessary qualifications.
A. because B. although C. so D. but
21. ________ having the best qualifications among all the applicants, Justin was not offered the job.
A. Although B. While C. In spite of D. Despite of
22. ________ the internet is very popular, many older people do not know how to use it.
A. However B. Nevertheless C. Even though D. Despite
23. _________ he wasn’t feeling very well, David was determined to take part in the sports events.
A. Although B. While C. Whereas D. yet


Lý thuyết tóm gọn


 Opinion – tính từ chỉ quan điểm, sự đánh giá. Ví dụ: beautiful, wonderful, terrible…
 Size – tính từ chỉ kích cỡ. Ví dụ: big, small, long, short, tall…
 Age – tính từ chỉ độ tuổi. Ví dụ: old, young, old, new…
 Shape - tính từ chỉ hình dạng. Ví dụ: sphere ◯, round ◯, triangle △, square ⬡, rectangle ▭,
circle ◯, trapezium ⏢, parallelogram ▱, rhombus ◊,...
 Color – tính từ chỉ màu sắc. Ví dụ: orange, yellow, light blue, dark brown ….
 Origin – tính từ chỉ nguồn gốc, xuất xứ. Ví dụ: Japanese,American, British,Vietnamese…
 Material – tính từ chỉ chất liệu. Ví dụ: stone, plastic, leather, steel, silk…
 Purpose – tính từ chỉ mục đích, tác dụng. Ví dụ: making, washing, fishing,...


1. When I was going to school this morning, I saw a______girl. She asked me how to get to Hoan
Kiem Lake.
A. beautiful young blonde Russian B. beautiful young Russian blonde
C. blonde young beautiful Russian D. Russian young blonde beautiful
2. Indiana University, one of the largest ones in the nation, is located in a ______town.
A. small beautiful Midwestern B. beautiful Midwestern small
C. Midwestern beautiful small D. beautiful small Midwestern
3. Her father bought her______ scarf when he went on holiday in Singaporelast week.
A. a beautiful silk yellow B. a beautiful yellow silky
C. a beautiful yellow silk D. a beautiful yellow silk
When my parents traveled to Singapore, they bought me a______piano on my birthday.
A. precious grand ancient wooden B. wooden grand ancient precious
C. precious grand wooden ancient D. ancient grand precious wooden
My daughter likes playing with a(n)______rope to get lean in the early morning.
A. old black leather skipping B. leather black old skipping
C. skipping black old leather D. leather old black skipping
4. Peter’s wife gave him a(n)______bike as a birthday present last week.
A. blue Japanese cheap B. cheap Japanese blue
C. Japanese cheap blue D. cheap blue Japanese
5. I remember she wore a______dress to go out with her boyfriend last week.
A. cotton white Vietnamese B. Vietnamese white cotton
C. white Vietnamese cotton D. white cotton Vietnamese
6. “What is the groom wearing?” “He dresses in a______.”
A. light suit summer B. light summer suit
C. suit summer light D. summer suit light
7. There is a______table which was given to me by my best friends on my house warming.
A. large beautiful round wooden B. beautiful large round wooden
C. beautiful round large wooden D. wooden large round beautiful
8. They bought me a______toy to congratulate me on achieving high scores in the last exam.
A. strange round orange plastic B. plastic orange round strange
C. strange plastic orange round D. strange round plastic orange
9. Charles was wearing a______ tie at the Peter’s party.
A. funny wide red silk B. red silk funny
C. red silk funny D. red funny silk
10. Jane lost the______bicycle he bought last month and his parents were very angry with him
because of his carelessness.
A. Japanese beautiful new blue B. blue Japanese beautiful new
C. beautiful new blue Japanese D. beautiful Japanese blue new
11. “Can I help you, sir?” - “I’m looking for a______desk for my son.”
A. wooden round fashionable B. round fashionable wooden
C. wooden fashionable round D. fashionable round wooden
12. In the live show, Son Tung gave me some______cards, which made me so happy.
A. nice blue round B. round blue nice C. nice round blue D. blue nice round
13. His sister is not only a (n)______singer but also a distinguished painter.
A. famous opera Italian B. opera famous Italian
C. famous Italian opera D. Italian famous opera
14. They collected a lot of______stamps to exhibit at Tuan Chau festival.
A. postage Australia valuable B. valuable Australia postage
C. Australia valuable postage D. valuable postage Australia
15. There are______chairs in the class for students to sit on.
A. blue metal five B. five blue metal C. metal blue five D. five metal blue
16. It was a______journey with my boyfriend before we get marrieD.
A. boring long train B. long boring train C. boring train long D. long train boring
17. Please give me that______bucket to take out the trash.
A. green new plastic B. plastic green new C. new green plastic D. green plastic new
18. That poor man used to live in a______house with two dogs and a cat.
A. big brick old B. big old brick C. brick old big D. brick big old
19. She was wearing a______dress to dine out with her family.
A. dirty old flannel B. old dirty flannel C. old flannel dirty D. dirty flannel old
20. Look at that______ship! It is one of the biggest ships in the world.
A. huge wooden sailing B. wooden sailing huge
C. sailing huge wooden D. huge sailing wooden

21. Pass me the______cups to have my sister clean them.

A. red big plastic B. big red plastic C. red plastic big D. plastic big blue
22. There’s a______lamp in his room for him to read books every single day.
A. round small reading B. small reading round
C. reading round small D. small round reading
23. When she came home, she gave me a______to apologize to me for going home late at night.
A. delicious small cupcake B. small delicious cupcake
C. cupcake delicious lovely D. delicious cupcake small
24. It is a(n)______woman. I’m too lucky to work with her at the office.
A. English young intelligent B. young intelligent English
C. intelligent young English D. intelligent English young
25. He bought a______house as a gift for his new wife.
A. big pink beautiful B. beautiful pink big C. big beautiful pink D. beautiful big pink
26. Yesterday, my husband gave me a(n)______painting he bought when he went on a business trip.
A. French old interesting B. interesting old French
C. old interesting French D. French interesting old
27. We bought some______glasses for our children who like collecting glasses.
A. German lovely old B. old lovely German
C. German old lovely D. lovely old German
28.She has her______hair cut by her mother, who is very meticulous.
A. short black beautiful B. black long beautiful
C. beautiful short black D. short beautiful black
28. Visitors to the local museum are mostly attracted by______rocking chair.
A. an old wooden European beautiful B. a beautiful old European wooden
C. an old beautiful wooden European D. a wooden old beautiful European
29. In the kitchen there is a______table.
A. round large wooden beautiful B. large beautiful wooden round
C. wooden round large beautiful D. beautiful large round wooden
30. My friend bought______from a shop on Tran Phu street.
A. a nice brown leather belt B. a brown nice leather belt
C. a leather brown nice belt D. a nice leather brown belt
31. She has just bought______.
A. a French old interesting painting B. an interesting old French painting
C. a French interesting old painting D. an old interesting painting French
32. I have a______bag.
A. red Dior nice new leather big B. nice big new red Dior leather
C. big new red leather nice Dior D. nice new big red Dior leather
33. There is______in my bed room.
A. an old square wooden table B. a square wooden old table
C. a square old wooden table D. an old wooden square table
34. Yesterday my mother bought______.
A. beautiful Italian some cotton hats B. Italian some beautiful cotton hats
C. some beautiful Italian cotton hats D. some hats beautiful Italian cotton
35. This is a picture of a______bus.

A. red bright London B. bright red London C. London bright red D. London red bright
36. Jane bought me______handbag.
A. an ugly small old black plastic B. an ugly old small plastic
C. a small ugly black old plastic D. a black ugly plastic
37. Jane really loves the______jewelry box that her parents gave her as a birthday present.
A. wooden brown nice B. nice wooden brown C. brown wooden nice D. nice brown wooden
38. Paul has just sold his______car and intends to buy a new one.
A. black old Japanese B. Japanese old black C. old black Japanese D. old Japanese black
39. The only thing he bought on his trip to Italy was a______watch.
A. nice Italian new B. nice new Italian C. new Italian nice D. new nice Italian
40. I met a______girl at my friend's birthday party last Sunday.
A. pretty American tall B. tall pretty American C. tall American pretty D. pretty tall American
41. The man driving a (n)______is my father’s boss.
A. blue Japanese expensive B. expensive Japanese blue
C. Japanese expensive blue D. expensive blue Japanese
42. Lara goes to a (n)______temple every week.
A. great big ancient Buddhist B. Buddhist great big ancient
C. ancient great big Buddhist D. big great ancient Buddhist
43. They take their ______children to the park every day.
A. lovely African small young B. African small young lovely
C. small young lovely African D. young lovely African small
44. At first sight I met her. I was impressed with her______
A. big beautiful round black eyes B. beautiful black big round eyes
C. beautiful big round black eyes D. beautiful round big black eyes
45. This is a picture of a ______bus.
A. red bright London B. bright red London C. London bright red D. London red bright
46. During the winter I like having a ________ house.
A. pretty small red wooden B. wooden pretty small red
C. small pretty red wooden D. red wooden pretty small
47. I would like to have ________ sports shoes to run in the park.
A. grey medium leather comfortable B. comfortable medium grey leather
C. comfortable leather grey medium D. medium leather comfortable grey
48. The speaker is a ________ professor.
A. old short Spanish kind B. kind short old Spanish
C. Spanish kind old short D. kind Spanish short old
49. My sister lives in a _______ apartment.
A. nice wooden new B. new nice wooden C. nice new wooden D. wooden nice new
50. My cousin bought a _______ bowl.
A. blue ancient lovely small B. lovely blue small ancient
C. small blue ancient lovely D. lovely small ancient blue
51. They cook a ________ meal for their children.
A. delicious big traditional Vietnamese B. big delicious traditional Vietnamese
52. His brother presented her a ______ clock.
A. oval nice Japanese digital B. nice oval digital Japanese

Lý thuyết các cụm động từ cơ bản

Account for: giải thích lí do abide by: tuân theo
Amount to: lên đến appove of: tán thành
Add sth to sth : thêm cái gì vào cái gì base on : dựa vào
Agree with : đồng ý believe in: tin tưởng
Arrive at+ nơi chốn: đến ( nơi nhỏ, không tên) borrow sth from: mượn từ ai
Arrive in + nơi chốn: đến ( nơi lớn có tên riêng) bring back : mang trở lại
Ask for: xin, yêu cầu buy sth for S.O : mua cái gì cho ai
Be on: chiếu phim change sth into sth: đổi cái gì thành cái gì
Bear out: xác nhận, xác thực call for: ghé qua (để đón hay lấy casigif)
Blow out: dập tắt, thổi tắt (lửa) call in (on): ghé thăm, ghé qua
Blow up: phá hủy (bằng bom, thuốc nổ) call off; hủy bỏ
Break down: hư, hỏng (máy); phá vỡ (cửa…) call on: thăm, viếng thăm
Break in/ into: xông vào, đột nhập vào call up: goi điện thoại
Break out : bùng nổ; bùng phát carry on; tiếp tục
Break off: đột nhiên ngừng lại; kết thúc carry out: tiến hành
Break up: kết thúc ( khóa học, năm học …) close down: đóng cửa hẳn
Bring in: đưa ra, giới thiệu come about: xảy ra
Bring up:nuôi nấng, dạy dỗ come across: tình cờ gặp/ thấy ai/ cái gì
Burn down: : thiêu hủy, thiêu trụi come off: thành công
Burst out : bật (khó,cười) come along/ on: nhanh lên
Come over/ round: ghé nhà count on/ upon: tin vào/ dựa vào
Come up: xảy ra, xuất hiện cut down/ back (on): giảm bớt
Come up against: gặp phải, đương đầu cut off: cắt đứt, ngừng cung cấp cái gì
Come up (to): đạt được, đáp ứng được pick out; chọn, chọn ra; nhận ra
Check in: đăng kí Pick up: đón ai; cho đi nhờ xe
Check out: làm thủ tục ra Pull down: phá hủy, phá sập
Put in for: đòi hỏi, yêu sách, xin pull out: lôi raCheck up:kiểm tra
Put on: mặc, mang, đội, mở,tăng cân put into: đặt cái gì vào trong
Pay back: trả lại, hoàn lại come out: lộ, lòi ra;biến mất
Run across/ into: tình cờ gặp/thấy ai/ cái gì Put aside/ by: để dành, dành dụm
Run out of: hết, cạn kiệt Put forward: đề nghị, gợi ý
See off: tiễn ai Put up with; chịu đựng
See through: nhận ra; thấy rõ Put off:hoãn lại
Clear up: làm sạch, dọn sạch put out;làm tắt, dập tắt
Compare with: so sánh với queue up: xếp hàng
Complain about: than phiền về receive sth from S.O: nhận cái gì từ ai
Cook meals for S.O: nấu bữa ăn cho ai return to: trở lại đâu
Cut down: đốn xuống send sth to S.O; gửi cái gì cho ai
Depend on: phụ thuộc vào send sth from somewhere: gửi cái gì từ đâu
Devide into: phân chia thành separate sth from: tách ra
Devote to: cống hiến cho speak to S.O: nói chuyện với ai
Die out: mất hẳn, tuyệt chủng do away with: bỏ, hủy bỏ, bãi bỏ

Die for: chết vì (ai) set fire to: đốt, làm cháy
Die of: chết vì (bệnh) succeed in: thành công
Drop in (on): ghé thăm, ghé qua (thời gian ngắn) be fed up with: chán, buồn phiền,
End up: chấm dứt, kết thúc suck up; nịnh hót
Fall down: rơi xuống suitable for: thích hợp cho
Fill in: điền thong tin vào fix up: sắp xếp; thu xếp
Find out: tìm ra sum up: tóm lại, tóm tắt
Fly to somewhere: bay đến đâu take over: đảm nhận
Get out of: thoát khỏi, đi ra take note of: ghi chú
Get up: thức dậy take S.O to somewhere: dẫn ai đi đâu
Get by : xoay sở get down; làm chán nản, thất vọng
Get off: xuống( xe..), rời đi; khởi hành get on: lên (xe, tàu,…)
Get on with/ in: sống, làm việc …hòa thuận; xoay sở,làm (1 việc, 1 tình huống…)
Get over: vượt qua, khắc phục give out: phân phát
Go in for: tham gia (kì thi, cuộc thi) grow up: lớn lên, trưởng thành
Give up: từ bỏ talk about: nói về cái gì
Give way to: nhượng bộ talk to/ with: nói với ai
Go ahead: thực hiện, xảy ra talk to S.O about sth: nói với ai về cái gì
Go after: rượt đuổi theo thanks for sth:cám ơn ai về cái gì
Go along: tiến bộ, phát triển thanks to sth/S.O: nhờ có cái gì/ ai
Go away; rời khỏi, ra đi, tan đi, biến mất (cơn đau) think about/of: nghĩ về
Go back: trở lại, trở về turn off #turn on: tắt # mở (máy)
Go by: (thời gian) trôi qua turn up: đến; xuất hiện
Go down: giảm xuống (giá cả) turn down: từ chối; bác bỏ, loại bỏ
Go for a swim/ walk: đi bơi/đi tản bộ turn into: trở thành; biến thành;
Go off: nổ, reo vang turn up# turn down: tăng/ giảm âm lượng
Go on: xảy ra, tiếp tục wait for: đợi chờ
Go on a trip/ vacation: đi du lịch/ đi nghỉ wake up: thức dậy
Go over: xem kĩ, kiểm tra lại walk along: đi bộ dọc theo
Go up: gia tăng, đi lên wash up: rửa chén, giặt
Go out; tắt bị dập tắt work for S.O : làm việc cho ai
Hear about (of): nghe về work with S.O: làm việc với ai
Hand in: nộp; đệ trình hold on: đợi
Hold up: ngừng; hoãn lại Work out: tính toán
Help someone with sth: giúp ai với worry about; lo lắng về
Hundred of: hàng trăm write for: viết cho tòa báo
Insist on: nhấn mạnh write to S.O: viết cho ai
Interact with; ảnh hưởng; tác dụng stay away from: tránh xa
Join in = take part in = participate in: tham gia vào stay up late: thức khuya
Keep S.O awake: làm ai thức giấc stay with S.O: ở với ai
keep pace up/ with : theo kịp send out: gửi đi, phân phát
Fell pity for/ take (have) pity on: thương xót go in: đivào
Feel regret for: hối hận, ân hận set off/out : khởi hành
Fell sympathy for: thông cảm Sell off: bán giảm giá
Feel shame at: xấu hổ Send for: mời đến, gọi đến, triệu tập
fall in love with S.O: yêu 1 người nào đó set up: lập, thành lập

Keep S.O away: tránh xa ai lose sight of: mất hút
Keen on: tiếp tục leave out: bỏ qua, bỏ sót, bỏ quên
Keep up with: theokijp, bắt kịp let down: làm thất vọng
Laugh at: chọc ghẹo lose track of: mất dấu
Learn by heart: học thuộc lòng lose touch with: mất liên lạc với
Learn how to V: học làm cách gì make allowance for: chiếu cố đến
Listen to: lắng nghe make a fuss over/ about: làm ầm ỉ
Live apart: sống xa nhau make fun of: chế nhạo
Live on: sống nhờ vào make room for:dọn chỗ cho
Live with S.O: sống với ai make use of: sử dụng
Look after: chăm sóc pay attention to: chú ý tới
Look back (on): nhớ, nhớ lại put an end to: kết thúc
Look down on: coi thường put a stop to: chấm dứt
Look up to: coi trọng, kính trọng, ngưỡng mộ take account of: lưu tâm đến
Look at: nhìn ngắm take advantage of: lợi dụng
Look for: tìm kiếm catch sight of: bắt gặp
Look up: tra từ điển make out: hiểu, đọc, được; nghe, nhìn rõ
Look out: coi chừng! make up: bịa đặt, sáng tác; trang điểm
Look forward to: trông chờ, trông mong make up for: đèn bù, bù
Look into: điều tra Show affection for: có cảm tình
Look in: nhìn vào; ghé qua thăm, tạt vào show around / round: đưa đi tham quan
Look on/upon : đứng xem, xem như, coi như show off: phô trương, khoe khoan
Give place to: nhường chỗ show up: đến, xuất hiện
Give birth to: sinh con shut up: ngừng nói, làm cho ngừng nói
Take leave of: từ biệt stand for: thay thế cho, tượng trưng, đại diện
Make a contribution to: góp phần stand out: nổi bật
Try on: mặc thử (quần áo) take after: giống nhau
Get victory over: chiến thắng take off: cởi (quần, áo…), cất cánh
Take interest in: quan tâm, thích thú take on: nhận, đảm nhận
Have faith in: tin tưởng take up: chiếm (thời gian, sức lực…)
Play an influence over: có ảnh hưởng talk over: thảo luận, bàn luận
Wear out: làm mòn, làm rách; làm kiệt sức think over: suy nghĩ kĩ, cân nhắc
Prepare for: chuẩn bị cho throw away/ out: ném đi, vứt đi
Carry out: thực hiện, thi hành try out: kiểm tra
Put away: dẹp đi, đem cất đi lie down: nằm nghỉ
Turn round: ngoảnh lại hurry up: khẩn trương
Belong to: thuộc về put out: dập tắt
Bring about: mang lại quarrel with: cãi lộn
Go under: phá sản relate to: liên hệ đến
Hand in: nộp Rely on: tùy thuộc vào Turn in: giao nộp
Interfere with: cản trở Deal with: xử lí Finish off: kết thúc
Leave behind: để lại Let down: làm thất vọng Provide with: cung cấp
Build up: tích lũy Make up: tạo thành Cater for: phục vụ

1. Please turn________ the volume on the radio – it’s far too loud!
A. down B. up C. into D. on
2.Tickets go ______sale Friday through Ticketmaster, $20 in advance, $23 at the door.
A. out B. on C. down D. up
3.Please look _________ in the dictionary the meaning of these new words.
A. out B. into C. at D. up
4. When the alarm _________ off, she woke up and got out of bed.
A. took B. cut C. went D. got
5.It was hard, especially in winter when we didn't have a coat to ________ on our back.
A. go B. turn C. get D. put
6.I ____ up a story about exploring investment opportunities and having no contact yet.
A. make B. bring C. go D. turn
7. She ___outas one of the finest contemporary British novelists around at the moment.
A. makes B. comes C. stands D. hands
8.The interior ministry said it would set up a committee to _________ the tragedy.
A. look into B. hold up C. hand in D. turn in
9. I had to _________ a job offer from a theatre because the pay was too low.
A. turn out B. turn down C. turn up D. turn into
10. Look up your dictionary when you ________ difficult words.
A. come across B. cut down C. set out D. set off
11. Don't forget to ________ out the equipment before setting up the experiment.
A. turn B. try C. look D. give
12. We decided to ________the sports event as we’d only sold 20 tickets.
A. see off B. hand out C. call off D. turn out
13. After graduating from university, I want to _________ my father's footsteps.
A. follow in B. succeed in C. go after D. keep up
14.They've ________ down so many buildings around here it looks like a bomb site.
A. taken B. pulled C. put D. set
15. Two robbers broke ______ her home, held a knife to her throat and stole her savings.
A. off B. out C. up D. into
16.They put ___money little by little until they had enough to open their own garage.
A. aside B. down C. out D. on
17.People have known about the mess for quite a while and are trying to ___ out solutions.
A. work B. see C. put D. go
18.I was thinking of _ up scuba diving until I found out how expensive the equipment is.
A. taking B. turning C. looking D. setting
19.Scientists are trying to _________ out ways to reduce pollution from aircraft.
A. carry B. find C. put D. break
20. Environmentalists are ________ stricter controls on the use of leaded petrol.
A. cutting off B. putting out C. calling for D. calling off
21. If there’s one thing I could never _________, it’s my mobile phone.
A. do up B. drop off C. do without D. dress up
22. A majority of members wanted to put _____an election until they could be sure of winning it.
A. off B. on C. out D. up

1.The fridge gets hot next to the cooker because the cooker gives ______ a lot of heat.
A. in B. up C. away D. off
2.After careful consideration, I had my son's costume options _________ to three.
A. narrowed down B. run into C. seen through D. made up
3. Sports drinks have _________ as consumers have become more health-conscious.
A. caught on B. carried over C. boarded up D. backed up
4. I believe they're about to __ a law that bans people from public places if they're not smoking
A. figure out B. bring in C. cut out D. set in
5. These headphones _________ any other noise so all you can hear is the music.
A. chance upon B. build up C. cancel out D. ask out
6. The man, who is in his early 20s, was able to _________ in to the side of the road.
A. get B. take C. give D. pull
7. They won’t let him out of hospital until his health has _________ up quite a lot.
A. taken B. got C. picked D. played
8. We ___ all these factors and eventually that tends to work towards a particular player.
A. talk round B. come round C. back up D. back down
9. The national debt has _________up, growing to $1 trillion since Clinton took office.
A. mounted B. picked C. fixed D. come
10.It seems that the burglars ________off without being seen by dressing as postmen.
A. took B. got C. made D. let
11. I had to get a new pair of trainers because my old pair had _________out.
A. taken B. worn C. tried D. put
12. The doctors were really worried about Simon, but in the end he ________ through.
A. pulled B. put C. saw D. sailed
13. She is not really friendly. She does not get on well _______ her classmates.
A. from B. with C. for D. to
14. I do not use these things any more. You can _______ them away.
A. get B. fall C. throw D. make
15. Everything is _______ you. I cannot make _______ my mind yet.
A. out off / on B. up to / up C. away from / for D. on for / off
16. The explorers made a fire to _______ off wild animals.
A. get B. keep C. take D. go
17. When I get this report finished, I will knock _______ early and go to the pub for some drink.
A. up B. over C. on D. off
18. Boy! _______ away all your toys and go to bed right now.
A. Come B. Lie C. Put D. Sit
19. They were late for work because their car _______ down.
A. got B. put C. cut D. broke
20. The authority _______ down that building to build a supermarket.
A. knocked B. came C. went D. fell
21. Go _______ this book because it has the information you neeD.
A. over B. by C. off D. on
22. Frankly speaking, your daughter does not take _______ you at all.
A. after B. along C. up D. over

1. They had to delaytheir trip because of the bad weather.

A. get through B. put off C. keep on D. go over
2. It took me a very long time to recover from the shock of her death.
A. turn off B. take on C. get over D. put on
3. The bomb explodedin the garage; fortunately no one hurt.
A. put on B. went off C. got out D. kept up
4. If you do not understand the word "superstitious", find its meaning in the dictionary.
A. look it up B. write it down C. draw it out D. pick it up
4. He did not particularly want to play any competitive sport when he was young.
A. use up B. do with C. take up D. go on
6. John sometimes visits his grandparents in the countryside.
A. calls on B. keeps off C. takes in D. goes up
7. I couldn't make out what he had talked about because I was not used to his accent.
A. stand B. understand C. write D. interrupt
8. Within their home country, National Red Cross and Red Crescent societies assumethe duties and
responsibilities of a national relief society.
A. take on B. get off C. go about D. put in
9. The small white flowers are my favorite. They give off a wonderful honey smell that scents the
entire garden.
A. release B. stop C. end D. melt
10. They decided to postpone their journey because of the epidemic.
A. take up             B. turn round                C.   put off                  D. do with
11. Failure to win the championship will _______in the dismissal of the coach.
A. result B. happen C. affect D. cause
12. There was a hold-up on the road because a bridge had been_______away by the flooD.
A. washed B. flowed C. blown D. destroyed
13. He_______his life to helping the poor.
A. spent B. experienced C. dedicated D. used
14. She got angry when they started to_______her private life.
A. ask for B. enquire after C. ask about D. enquire with
15. She ran in a marathon last week but_______after ten kilometers.
A. dropped out B. closed down C. broke up D. made up
16. Gertrude takes_______her mother; she has blue eyes and fair hair,too.
A. in B. up C. after D. down
17. It took him a long time to _______the death of his wife.
A. take away B. get over C. take off D. get through
18. There were so many kinds of cameras_______, and I didn't know which to buy.
A. to choose B. choosing from C. chosen D. to choose from
19. Billy hasn't been working; he won't_______his examinations.
A. get off B. get through C. keep up D. keep off
20. They arrived_______the airport_______good time for the plane.
A. in/ on B. to/ in C. at/ in D. to/ for
21. Did Mr. Tan_______the class while Miss Fiona was ill in hospital?
A. take away B. take over C. take up D. take off
22. Paula applied for the post but she was_______
A. turned down B. checked out C. kept under D. pushed ahead
23. If orders keep coming in like this, I'll have to_______more staff.
A. give up B. add in C. gain on D. take on
24. Why do they_______talking about money all the time?
A. keep on B. side with C. take after D. work off
25. Go _______this book because it has the information you need.
A. over B. by C. off D. on
26. The passengers had to wait because the plane _______off one hour late.
A. took B. turned C. cut D. made
27. Frankly speaking, your daughter does not take _______you at all.
A. after B. along C. up D. over
28. She is not really friendly. She does not get on well _______her classmates.
A. from B. with C. for D. to
29. Boy! _______away your toys and go to bed right now.
A. Come B. Lie C. Put D. Sit
30. The music is too loud. Could you turn _______the volume, please?
A. down B. up C. round D. on
31. I do not use those things any more. You can _______them away.
A. get B. fall C. throw D. make
32. They were late for work because their car _______down.
A. got B. put C. cut D. broke
33. It took me a very long time to recover from the shock of her death.
A. turn off B. take on C. get over D. keep up
34.Be careful! The tree is going to fall.
A. Look out B. Look up C. Look on D. Look after
35. They decided to postpone their journey till the end of the month because of the epidemiC.
A. take up B. turn round C. put off D. do with
36. What does “www” _______ for? Is it short for “world wide web?”
A. Sit B. stand C. lie D. point
37. I didn’t get to see the end of that mystery movie on TV last night. How did it _______ out?
A. Go B. make C. bring D. turn
38. Jack is having his lawyer _______ up the contract to make sure that all of the legalities a properly
dealt with.
A. Go B. look C. get D. draw
39. When you are finished using the computer, can you please _______ it off.
A. Take B. turn C. do D. go
40. When the alarm went off, everyone proceeded calmly to the emergency exits.
A. Fell B. exploded C. called D. rang
41. Look out! There is a rattlesnake under the picnic table!
A. Listen B. Be careful C. Go D. Watch
42. Mrs. Jones’s husband passed away last Friday. We are all shocked by the news.
A. Got married B. divorced C. died D. were on business.
43. If you do not understand the word “superstitious”, look it up in the dictionary.
A. Find its meaning B. write it C. draw it D. note it
44. It took women a long time to struggle _______ the right to vote.
A. For B. with C. against D. upon
45. Women are increasingly involved _______ the public life.
A. Of B. in C. with D. from


Lý thuyết tóm gọn

Ghi nhớ một số cách kết hợp của thì dựa vào liên từ nối
- S + have/has + Vp2 + since + S + V(ed/2)

- Before + S + V(ed/2), S + had V3/ S + had Vp2 before + S + V(ed/2)

- After + S + had V3, S + V(ed/2)/ S + V(ed/2) after + S + had V3/ed

- When + S + V(ed/2), S + was/were + V_ing: xảy ra xen vào

- S + V(ed/2) while S + was/were + V_ing: xảy ra xen vào

S + was/were + V_ing while S + was/were + V_ing: xảy ra song song

- As soon as + S + V(ed/2), S + V(ed/2): xảy ra nối tiếp

- As soon as/ when/ before/ until/… + S + V(s/es), S + will + V

As soon as/ when/ before/ until/… + S + has/have V3/ed, S + will + V

Các cấu trúc đảo ngữ: No sooner than

Hardly had + S + V3/ed when S + V2/ed
Scarely when


Question 1: The manager______the store before I arrived.

A. closed B. had closed C. has closed D. was closed
Question 2: When we see Mr. Minh tomorrow, I______him of that.
A. will remind B. remind C. have reminded D. reminded

Question 3: When I got home I found that water______down the kitchen walls.
A. ran B. was running C. has run D. had been running
Question 4: After he______his English course, he went to England to continue his study.
A. has finish B. had finished C. was finished D. would finish
Question 5: While my father______a film on TV, my mother was cooking dinner.
A. watched B. was watching C. had watched D. watches
Question 6: I don't think he______in the thirty years I______him.
A. had changed/have known B. has changed/have known
C. had changed/had known D. has changed/knew
Question 7: When I came to visit her last night, she______a bath.
A. is having B. was having C. has had D. had had
Question 8: Tom______before we arrive there.
A. has left B. had left C. will have left D. leaves
Question 9: He______his Chinese course before he went to China to continue his business.
A. will finish B. has finished C. had finished D. will have finished
Question 10: Please send us a postcard as soon as you______in London.
A. will arrive B. is going to arrive C. arrive D. arrived
Question 11: I______you this book when I meet you tomorrow.
A. give B. will give C. is giving D. has given
Question 12: We______for going home when it began to rain.
A. were preparing B. are preparing C. will be preparing D. have prepared
Question 13: John______in the same house since he left school.
A. lived B. had lived C. was living D. has lived
Question 14: I had prepared dinner before I______to work.
A. went B. was going C. had gone D. is going
Question 15: When she came into the hall, she____her arms to the audience, smiled and bowed deeply.
A. opened B. had opened C. was opening D. is opening
Question 16: I have never played badminton before. This is the first time I______to play it.
A. try B. tried C. have tried D. am trying
Question 17: The car______ready for him by the time he comes tomorrow.
A. will be B. will have been C. will being D. are going to be
Question 18: He greeted her. She really______better than when he______her last. Yes, she______.
A. looked/saw/had changed B. looked/saw/changed
C. looked/had seen/had changed D. had looked/had seen/had changed
Question 19: When I last saw him, he______in London.
A. has lived B. is living C. was living D. has been living
Question 20: I sat down at the desk and______why my father's letter______yet. I______to ask him
to send me some money at once.
A. wonder/hasn’t arrive/wrote B. wondered/hadn’t arrived/wrote
C. wondered/hasn’t arrived/wrote D. wondered/hadn’t arrived/had written


Question 21: By Christmas, I______for Mr. Smith for six years.
A. will have been working B. will work
C. have been working D. will be working

Question 22: I will come and see you before I______for the States.
A. leave B. will leave C. have left D. shall leave
Question 23: By the age of 25, he______two famous novels.
A. wrote B. writes C. has written D. had written
Question 24: When her husband was in the army, Mary______to him twice a week
A. was writing B. wrote C. was written D. had written
Question 25: I have never played football before. This is the first time I______to play.
A. try B. tried C. have tried D. am trying
Question 26: Since Tom______, I have heard nothing from him.
A. had left B. left C. has left D. was left
Question 27: After I______lunch, I looked for my bag.
A. had B. had had C. will have had D. have had
Question 28: By the end of next year, George______English for two years.
A. will have learned B. will learn C. has learned D. would learn
Question 29: These were the highest words of praise they______from the old man.
A. ever heard B. have ever had C. had ever had D. will have ever heard
Question 30: He will take the dog out for a walk as soon as he______dinner.
A. finish B. finishes C. will finish D. finishing
Question 31: She______the children to her, and______the words she______to the others.
A. drew/said/had said B. was drawing/said/said
C. had drawn/had said/said D. draws/is saying/has said
Question 32: He fell down when he______towards the church.
A. run B. runs C. was running D. had run
Question 33: Within a week she knew the fearful mistake she______.
A. made B. has made C. had made D. was making
Question 34: They______table tennis when their father comes back home.
A. will play B. will be playing C. play D. would play
Question 35: Before she went to bed, she______her homework already.
A. finished B. is finishing C. had finished D. was finishing
Question 36: They are staying at the hotel in London. At this time tomorrow, they ______in Vietnam.
A. will have travelled B. will travel
C. will be travelling D. will be travelled
Question 37: There______something vaguely familiar about her face but I couldn't remember where
I______her before.
A. is/have met B. was/had met C. will see/meet D. was/met
Question 38: Another million people______unemployed by the time next year.
A. will have become B. will become C. will be become D. will be becoming
Question 39: She told me that her family______long in that town.
A. has lived B. had lived C. lived D. was living
Question 40: By the time he______out of jail, he will have forgotten how to functionin the real world.
A. got B. will get C. gets D. is getting
1. ________, we will leave.
A. As soon as it has stopped raining B. Once it stopped raining
C. When it had stopped D. While it was stopping raining
2. I will call you and we will go out for dinner_______.

A. after I had finished my report B. as soon as I finish my report
C. before I finished my report D. while I was finishing my report
3. ______, he will take the children for a work to a nearby playground.
Before he finished dinner B. After he had finished dinner
C. As soon as he has finished dinner D. While he was finishing dinner
4. _________, we will be able to leave for the airport.
A. Before the taxi arrived B. After the taxi had arrived
C. While the taxi was arriving D. As soon as the taxi arrives
5. I’m sorry about the delay, but I will be back ________.
A. after I had checked this B. as soon as I have checked this
C. while I was checking this D. when I checked this
6. ________, there will be great joy throughout the land.
A.After the war had been over. B. When the war was over
C. As soon as the war is over D. Once the war will be over
7. We’ll leave__________
A. as soon as the other passengers get on the bus.
B. when the other passengers got on the bus.
C. after the other passengers had got on the bus.
D. while the other passengers were getting on the bus.
8. _____________, his children will be playing in the yard.
A. Once Bill got home B. The moment Bill was getting home
C. After Bill had got home D. When Bill gets home
9. He will work at his desk ______
A. before he went to another meeting in the middle of the afternoon.
B. after he had gone to another meeting in the middle of the afternoon.
C. until he goes to another meeting in the middle of the afternoon.
D. till he go to another meeting in the middle of the afternoon.
10. Where will the refugees go ___________
A. after the camps have been closed? B. after the camps had been closed?
C. before the camps were closed? D. when the camps will be closed?
11. __________, relief supplies will be loaded on to the waiting aircraft.
A. Until we heard that the airport is open B. After we had heard that the airport is open
C. The moment we hear that the airport is open D. While we were hearing that the airport is open
12. You won’t want to leave ________
A. when you had been here for a few weeks. B. until you will have been here for a few weeks.
C. once you have been here for a few weeks.D. after you were here for a few weeks.
13. I came________
A. immediately I hear the news. B. as soon as I heard the news.
B. when I have heard the news. D. while I was hearing the news.
14. _________, the phone rang in the other room.
A.Just as I was getting out of the shower B. While I am getting out of the shower
C. When I get out of the shower D. After I have got out of the shower
15. There was nowhere to park, so I just drove round in my car_________.
A. when Tim is in the bank B. the moment Tim has been in the bank
C. while Tim was in the bank. D. once Tim was being in the bank
16. He will apply for a job_________________.
A. as soon as he has got a certificate in English B. after he had got a certificate in English
C. while he was getting a certificate in English D. before he got a certificate in English
17.I’ll send you a postcard _________________.
A. when I arrive in London B. before I arrived in London
C. after I had arrived in London D. while I was arriving in London
18. It will not be long ________________.
A. after he had been at the meeting. B. before he was at the meeting.
C. while he was being at the meeting. D. until he is at the meeting.
19. Mary will finish all her work ________________.
A. as soon as her boss returns B. after her boss had returned
C. while her boss was returning D. before her boss returned
20. ____________, can you tell him that I have a book for him, please?
A. While you were seeing Jason B. After you had seen Jason
C. Before you saw Jason D. When you see Jason
21. Jones will speak ________________.
A. after everyone had eaten up B. as soon as everyone has eaten up
C. while everyone was eating up D. before everyone ate up
22. We’ll let you know _____________.
A. after we had made our decision B. before we made our decision
C. while we were making our decision D. as soon as we have made our decision
23. Stay here _______.
A. before I came back B. until I come back
C. after I had come back D. while I was coming back
24. I will make all the preparations _____________.
A. when you come home tonight B. before you came home tonight
C. after you had come home tonight D. while you were coming home tonight.
25. I’ll give you my address __________________.
A. as soon as I have found somewhere to live B. after I had found somewhere to live
C. before I found somewhere to live D. while I was finding somewhere to live
26. I will lend you my book___________________.
A. before I finished reading it B. after I had finished reading it
C. as soon as I have finished reading it D. until I will finish reading it
27. Don't say anything _____________.
A. when you will be asked B. until you are asked
C. before you were asked D. after you had been asked
28. I will help you with your homework_________________.
A. before I did my own B. after I had done my own
C. as soon as I have done my own D. while I was doing my own
29. ________________, he will tell us about the results of the match.
A. When he arrives B. After he had arrived C. Before he arrived D. Until he arrived
30. Kate will come back home__________________.
A. after she had finished the last semester B. before she finished the last semester
C. when she will finish the last semester D. as soon as she has finished the last semester


Lý thuyết tóm gọn

Cách chuyển từ câu chủ động sang câu bị động:
Active: Chủ động S+V+O

Passive: Bị động S + be* + P.P + by + O

(* be chia theo thì của V)

Ex:They are painting the house.

→ The house is being painted.
They had destroyed all the documents when we arrived.
→ All the documents had been destroyedwhen we arrived.


Simple Present S + V1-s/es S + am / is / are + V3/ed
Present continuous S + am / is / are + V-ing S + am / is / are + being + V3/ed
Simple Past S + V-ed /V2 S + was / were + V3/ed
Past continuous S + was / were + V-ing S + was / were + being + V3/ed
Present Perfect S + have / has + PP S + have / has + been + V3/ed
Past Perfect S + had + PP S + had + been + V3/ed
Simple Future S + will + V1 S + will + be + V3/ed
Modal verbs can can
may may
must must
S + have to + V1 S + have to + be + V3/ed
should should
used to used to
be going to be going to
2. Causative forms(Thể nhờ bảo): have, get


Active S + have + O (person) + Vo + O (thing)

Passive S + have + O (thing) + V3/ed

Active S + get + O (person) + to V + O (thing)

Passive S + get + O (thing) + V3/ed
1. I had him repair my bicycle yesterday. I had my bicycle repaired yesterday.
2. I get her to make some coffee. I get some coffee made.
1. Their house _________ every year.
A. is painting B. was painted C. is painted D. been painted
2. Bananas ____________ in India.
A. are growing B. are grown C. have grown D. was grown
3. Thousands of cars ___________ every year.
A. are produced B. producing C. produced D. were producing
4. Our house ____________ by solar power.
A. heats B. is heating C. is heated D. was heated
5. I am sorry, I can't come with you. I __________ that party.
A. don't invite B. am invited C. invited D. wasn't invited
6. Some of my books __________ by my friends.
A. are borrowing B. were borrowed C. were borrow D. borrowed
7. A huge amount of money ___________ for that house.
A. was paid B. pays C. paid D. were paid
8. William Shakespeare __________ as the one of the greatest writers in English literature history.
A. is known B. knew C. known D. has known
9. Mona Lisa ____________ by Leonardo Da Vinci.
A. painted B. is painted C. paints D. was painted
10. Wine __________ from grapes.
A. makes B. is make C. is made D. was made
11. Vegetables ____________ in the market.
A. is sold B. are sold C. sell D. are selling
12. A report _______________ every Friday by Tom.
A. is written B. written C. are written D. writes
13. Milk ________________ in the mornings.
A. is delivered B. delivered C. are delivered D. deliver
14. English _____________________ in Australia.
A. are spoken B. spoke C. is spoken D. speak
15. Grammar rules ___________ by heart.
A. are learnt B. learn C. learns D. is learnt
16. The new computer system __________ next month. be installed B. is being installed by people
C. is been installed D. is being installed
17. Traffic rules _________ strictly.
A.followed B. must followed C. must be followed D. must follow
18. Over 1500 new houses __________ each year. Last year, 1720 new houses ______.
A. were built/were built B. are built/were built
C. are building/were built D. were built/were built
19. Many American automobiles______in Detroit, Michigan.
A. manufacture B. have manufacturedC. are manufactured D. are manufacturing
20. “When______?” - “In 1928.”
A. penicillin was invented B. did penicillin invented
C. was penicillin invented D. did penicillin invent

1. All bottles _________ before transportation.

A. frozen B. is frozen C. was frozen D. were frozen
2. Everything that _________ remained a secret.
A. had be overheard B.had been overheard
C. had been overheared D. would had been overheard
3. Everything ___________.
A. were forbidden B. is forbidden C. is forbidded D. are forbidden
4. All bottles_________ before transportation.
A. frozen B. were froze C. were frozen D. are froze
5. The telephones_________ by Alexander Graham Bell.
A. is invented B. is inventing C. inventedD. was invented
6. Lots of houses_________ by the earthquake.
A. are destroying B. destroyed C. were destroyedD. is destroyed
7. Gold_________ in California in the 19 century.

A. was discovered B. has been discovered C. was discoverD. they discover

8. The preparation_________ by the time the guest_________
A. had been finished- arrived B. have finished- arrived
C. had finished-were arriving D. have been finished- were arrived
9. The boy_________ by the teacher yesterday.
A. punish B. punishedC. punishing D. was punished
10. “Ms Jones, please type those letters before noon”_ “They’ve already __, sir. They’re on your desk.”
A. typed B. been being typed C. being typed D. been typed
11. Sarah is wearing a blouse. It___________ of cotton.
A. be made B. are made C. is made D. made
12. They had a boy _________ that yesterday.
A. done B. to do C. did D. do
13. We got our mail _________ yesterday.
A. been delivered B. delivered C. delivering D. to deliver
14. My wedding ring _________ yellow and white gold. made B. is makingC. made D. make
15. References _________ in the examination room.
A. not are used B. is not used C. didn’t used D.are not used
16. Laura _________ in Boston.
A. are born B. were born C.was born D. born
17. His car needs _________
A. be fixed B. fixingC. to be fixing D. fixed
18. Her watch needs _________.
A. repairing B. to be repaired C. repaired D. A and B
19. My mother is going _________ this house.
A. sold B. sell C. to be sold D. to sell
20. There’s somebody behind us. I think we are _________.
A. being followed B. are followedC. follow D. following
21. Have you _________ by a dog?
A. bite B. bit C. ever been bitten D. ever been bit

22. The room is being _________ at the moment.

A. was cleaned B. cleaned C. cleaning D. clean

23. It _________ that the strike will end soon.
A. is expected B. expected C. are expected D. was expected
24. It is _________ that many people are homeless after the floods.
A. was reported B. reports C. reported D.reporting
25. I’ll get Minh _________ this for you.
A. do B. done C. did D. to do
26. Those letters _________ now. You can do the typing later.
A. need typing B. needn't be typed C. need to typeD.needn't typing
27. “What a beautiful dress you are wearing”- “thanks, it_____ especially for me by a French tailor.”
A. is made B. has made C. made D. was made
28. The new computer system _________ next month.
A. is be installedB. is being installedC. is been installedD. is being installed by people
29. We can’t go along here because the road______.
A. is repairing B. is repaired C. is being repaired D. repairs
30. The story I’ve just read______Agatha Christie.
A. was written B. was written by C. was written from D. wrote by
31. Foods______into energy in the digestive system.
A. are broke down and converted B. are broken down and converted
C. break down and convert D. broken down and converted
32. Stephen William Hawking______on 8th January, 1942 in Oxford, England.
A. bom B. has bom C. is bom D. was bom
33. Mr. Snow______that course since 1985.
A. hasn’t taught B. haven’t taught C. have been taught D. taught
34. The acupuncturist decides which and how many needles will______.
A. be use B. be used C. use D. used
35. The teacher______the student for lying.
A. was punished B. is punished C. punished D. has been punished
36. As the patient could not walk, he______home in a wheel chair.
A. has carried B. was carrying C. was carried D. has been carried
37. The injured______to the hospital in an ambulance.
A. have taken B. was taking C. were taken D. were taking
38. It______that the painting is a fake.
A. believed B. is believed C. is believing D. was believing
39. Today many serious childhood diseases______by early immunization.
A. are preventing B. can prevent C. prevent D. can be prevented
40. Dynamite______by Alfred Bernard Nobel.
A. have been inventedB. inventedC. was invented D. was being invented
41. Vitamin C______by the human body. It gets into the blood stream quickly.
A. absorbs easily B. is easily absorbing
C. is easily absorbed D. absorbed easily
42. All bottles______before transportation.
A. frozen B. is frozen C. was frozen D. were frozen




Lý thuyết tóm gọn

Chủ động
Ving, S + V hoặc Having V3/ed, S + V
Bị động
V3/ed, S + V hoặc Having been V3/ed, S + V

Nếu 2 hành động ở 2 mệnh đề xảy ra đồng thời hay được chia cùng thì với nhau, ta lược bỏ chủ từ
ở 1 mệnh đề rồi sau đó chia động từ trong mệnh đề đó ở dạng V-ing.
Nếu 2 hành động ở 2 mệnh đề xảy ra theo thứ tự trước sau, ta lược bỏ chủ từ của mệnh đề có hành
động xảy ra trước rồi sau đó chia động từ trong mệnh đề đó ở dạng Having + V3/ Ved.
When I saw the dog, I ran away. Seeing the dog, I ran away.
After I had seen  the dog, I ranaway.Having seen the dog, I ran away.
Chọn đáp  án đúng

1.Having waited / waiting 5 months for the fridgeto be delivered, I decided to cancel the order.
2. The government plans to bring / have brought in new laws.
3. He denied  tell/ having toldher that story.
4. Before leaving / having left, she gave me a book.
5. I look forward toseeing / having seen you soon.
6. We are talking about having gone / going to HN next month.
7. I hate being kept waiting / having been kept waiting for her when we go out.
8. I hate being kept waiting / having been kept waitingfor her when we went out last night.


1. ______ for twelve hours, I felt marvelous.

A. Having slept B.Have slept C. Having been slept D.Have been slept
2. By the time their baby arrives, the Johnson hope ______ painting and decorating the new nursery.
A. having finished B. to have finished
C. having been finished D. to have been finished
3. She's angry about ______ to the farewell party last night.
A. not having invited B. not to have invited
C. not having been invited D. not to have been invited
4. We decided not to travel, ______ the terrible weather forecast.
A. having heard B. to have heard C. having been heard D. to have been heard
5. I'd love ______ to the party, but it was impossible.
A. having gone B. to have gone B. having been gone D. to have been gone
6. I don't recall ______ him at the conference.
A. having seen B. to have seen C. having been seen D. to have been seen
7. ______ in dark colors, the room needed some bright lights.
A. Having painted B. To have painted C. Having been painted D. To have been painted
8. The stockbroker denied ______ of the secret business deal.
A. having informed B. to have informed C. having been informed D. to have been informed
9. They now regret ______ their son by providing too many material possessions.
A. having spoiled B. to have spoiled C. having been spoiled D. to have been spoiled
10. ______ to the party, we could hardly refuse to go.
A. Having invited B. To have invited C. Having been invited have been invited
11. Tom made a bad mistake at work, but his boss didn't fire him. He's lucky _____ a second chance.
A. having given B. to have given C. having been given D. to have been given
12. Are you sure you told me? I don't recall ______ about it.
A. having told B. to have told C. having been told D. to have been told
13. _______ that he was poor, I offered to pay his fare.
A. Know B. Having known C. Knowing D. Knew
14. _______ that he wouldn’t be able to buy food on his journey he took large supplies with him.
A. Knowing B. Know C. Having known D. Knew
15. ______ a nurse, she knew what to do after the accident.
A. Being B. Be C. To be D. having been
16. _______ for twelve hours, I felt marvelous.
A. Having slept B. have slept C. Having been slept D. have been slept
17. _______ the instruction, he snatched up the fire extinguisher.
A. Have read B. To have read C. Have been read D. Having read
18. ______ twice, he didn’t want to try again.
A. Having fail B. Have failed C. Having failed D. To have failed
19. _______ in dark colors, the room needed some bright lights.
A. Having painted B. To have painted
C. Having been painted D. To have been painted
20. _______ the book, he had a holiday.
A. Having completed B.To have completed
C. having been completed D. To have been completed
21. _______ all the papers, Sarah put them back in the file.
A. To have photocopied B. Having photocopied
C. to have been photocopied D. Having been photocopied
22. ______ by the boy’ behavoir, she complained to the head teacher.
A. She annoyed B. Annoyed C. She was annoyed D. Annoying
23. ______ a hotel, we looked for somewhere to have dinner.
A. Finding B. We found C. Found D. Having found
1. ______ under normal clothes, a thermal layer keeps you warm in minus temperatures.
A. Wearing B. Having been worn C. To wear D. Worn
2. ______ by the boys' behaviour, she complained to the head teacher.
A. She annoyed B.Annoyed C. She was annoyed D. Annoying
3. ______ in hospital for several weeks, she was delighted to be home.
A. Being B. Been C. To be D. Having been
4. ______ for the final interview, the candidates were asked to prepare a short presentation.
A. Having been selected B. Selecting
C. To be selected D. Being selected
5. ______a lot of lessons, I needed to study hard to keep up with the rest of the class.
A. Missing B. As I miss C. Missed D. Having missed
6. ______trees around the house on the south and west sides, they can save up to about $300 a year.
A. To plant B. Having planted C. They have planted D. Being planted
7. ______by the changing information, they thought the plane was cancelleD.
A. Confused B. Having confused C. Confusing D. To confuse
8. ______ through difficult times together, they were very close friends.
A. After lived B. To live C. They lived D.Having lived
9. ______, the room needed some bright lights.
A. Painted in dark colors B. To be painted in dark colors
C. They painted in dark colors D. Having painted in dark colors
10.______from above, the Ha Long cliffs do resemble a dragon’s crest.
A. Seen B. We see them C. On seeing D.To see
11.____ by a local architect and artist, the house combines traditional materials with original design.
A. Building B. Having built C. Being built D.Built
12. Before______ Marriet, I never knew what real love was.
A. meeting B. I have met C. being met D.having met
13.On ______ her former owner, the dog ran across the room to greet him.
A. seen B. having seen C. see D.seeing
14.______quite intelligent, Matt hopes to get into a good university.
A. To be B. Being C. Having been D. Be
15.______to change his name by his agent, John Smith became Marvo The Magnificient overnight.
A. Made B. Having made C. Making D. To make
16.______ three times for an Oscar, he is one of today's most acclaimed film directors.
A.Having been nominated B. Having nominated
C. On nominating D. Being nominated
17.______in prisons throughout her twenties, she wrote her first play about life behind bars.
A. Worked B. After working C. To work D. Having been worked
18.______many trees in the area, now the people here have to suffer really hot summers.
A. To have cut down B. Have been cutting down
C. Having cut down D. Being cut down
19.______by all the attention, he thanked everyone for the cake and presents.
A. Embarrassing B. Embarrassed C. Embarrass D. Having embarrassed
20.______in India for two years, Kaleem could speak some Hindi.
A. Having lived B. Lived C. Living D. She has lived
21.______, Joe Limo’s dance troupe often toured abroad.

A. Sponsoring by the US State Department B. Having sponsored by the US State Department
C. The US State Department has sponsored D. Sponsored by the US State Department
22.______ at a low temperature, these jeans will keep their original colour for a long time.
A. Washing B. Washed C. Having washed D. To wash
23. ______ our attitude to nature, we started changing our behaviours as well.
A. Having changed B. Being changed C. To change D. Change
24. ______the car, I noticed a small scratch on the front right fender. 
A. Washed B. Having washed C. Having been washing D. To wash
25. ______lunch, the medical staff continued to discuss the problem.
A. Being served B. Having served C. Serving D. Having been served
26. ______ on the topic of the presentation, he started finding relevant information for it.
A. After decide B. To decide C. Having decided D. Having been decided
27 ______ in UNESCO’s World Heritage Sites in 2003, Phong Nha is noted for its cave and grotto systems.
A. Listing B. Having listed C. To have listed D. Having been listed
28. ______ to speak at the conference, Dr Clark prepared some notes.
A. Asking B. Being asked C. Having been askedD. Having asked
29. ______ in 1635, the Boston Latin School is the oldest public school in the United States
A. Founding B. Founded C. To found D. Having founded
30. ______ a scholarship, I entered the frightening and unknown territory of private education.
A. To award B. Awarding C. Having awarded D. Having been awarded
31.After ______ three hamburgers, it’s no wonder you feel sick!
A. Having eating B. having eaten C. to eat D. eaten
32.______ exactly what to do, I was pretty confident I wouldn’t embarrass myself.
A. Having been told B. Telling C. Being told D. To be told
33.______ the opportunity, would you like to spend a year abroad?
A. Given B. Giving C. To give D. Having given
34.______an advert in the paper, we decided to write off for more information.
A. Having seen B. Seen C. Being D. To see
35.______ a US citizen, Eleni knew it would be difficult to get a visa.
A. Not to be B. Not being C. Not been D. Being
36.After ______ a statement, I was allowed to leave.
A. made B. having made C. making D. to have made
37.______ how to use the software, Adrian quickly started designing his logo.
A. Showing B. Having been shownC. Having shown D. To have shown
38.______ from the top of the stairs, Jill and I could hear raised voices.
A. Listening B. Listen C. To have listened D. To listening
39.______, I had to ask someone the way.
A. Being lost B. Having lost C. To be lost D. Losing
40. ______ abroad, I missed the election.
A. Be B. Having been C. To be D. To have been
1.______ for many years, the painting turned up at an auction.
A. Being lose B. Having been lost C. Having lost D. To lose
2.______ from a distance, it resembled a cloud.
A. Being view B. Viewing C. Having viewed D. Viewed
3. ______ from this angle, the picture looks rather good.
A. Seen B. Seeing C. Having seen D. To see
4.______ her eyes, the baby began to cry.
A. To open B. Opening C. Having opened D. Opened
5.______ the book, he had a holiday.
A. Having completing B. Completing C. Having completed D. To have completed
6.______ close to extinction, the rhino is once again common in this area.
A. Having hunted B. Hunting C. Having been hunting D. Having been hunted
7.______ to drive a train all his life, he found this was an opportunity not to be missed.
A. To be wanted B. Having wanted C. To want D. Being wanted
8.______ at the party, we saw Ruth standing alone.
A. Arrived B. To arrive C. Arriving D. Having been arriving
9.______ carefully, the plant can live through the winter.
A. Looked after B. Looking after
C. Having looked after D. To look after
10.______ every major judo title, Mark retired from international competition.
A. Winning B. Having won C. To have won D. To win
11._____ her leg the last time she went, Brenda decided not to go on the school skiing trip this year.
A. Breaking B. To have broken C. Having broken D. To break
12.______ a credit card, I found it difficult to book an airline ticket over the phone.
A. Not having B. Having C. To have D. Having had
13.______ his childhood in Oslo, he knew the city well.
A. Spent B. To have spent C. Having spent D. Having spending
14.________ through the tunnel, I banged my head on the low roof.
A. Having walked B. Walked C. To walk D. To walking
15.________ out of the city, she felt much happier.
A. Moved B. To move C. Having moved D. To have moved
16.________ six months for the washing machine to be delivered, I decided to cancel the order.
A. Waited B. To have been waiting
C. Having waited D. Having been waiting
17.______ the car about a kilometer from the stadium, I walked the rest of the way.
A. Having parked B. Parked C. To park D. To have parked
18.______ from depression himself as a teenager, Kevin could understand how his son was feeling.
A. Suffered B. Suffering C. Having suffered D. To have suffered
19.______the promotion, I began to search for other goals.
A. Being attainedB. To attainC. Having attained D. Attained
20. ______through one ordeal, I felt better about coping with future problems.
A. Went B.Being goneC. Having gone D.To go



Lý thuyết tóm gọn

I. EQUALITY: ( So sánh bằng)Affirmative: AS + Adj / Adv + AS
Ex:Daisyis as tall asMary.
Negative:: NOTSO/AS + Adj/Adv +AS
Ex: This house isnot sobeautifulasthat one

II. COMPARATIVE:( Sosánhhơn)

ShortAdj / Adv +ER +(than ) Ex:Tam looksbigger thanhis brother
MORE+LongAdj/ Adv+(than) Ex:Shedrivesmore carefullythanher daughter

III. SUPERLATIVE; ( So sánhnhât)

THE+Short Adj / Adv+EST Ex: Thisisthetallest buiding inthecity
THEMOST + LongAdj / Adv Ex:Heis themostintelligetntinhis class

1/Comparative+And+Comparative (Càng ngàycàng)
Ex:-Theweather is gettingcolder and colder
- Theplay is becomingmore andmoreinteresting
2/The+Comparative……..,The+Comparative(Càng…................, Càng……)
Ex:-Themore hewrote, thebetterhis composition became.
- Theearlierwestart,thesooner wewillarrive.

Ex:His teacher isthesameageashis father.
2/SỐ LẦN + (AS + Adj/Adv + AS)
Ex:Her houseistwiceas big as mine.
good/well –better –thebest
bad/ badly –wosre –the worst
many/ much –more – the most
little –less – the least
far-farhter/ further –thefarthest/ thefurthest


1. The more electricity you use, ______ your bill will be.
A. higher B. the higher C. highest D. the highest
2. The more tired you are, ______ it is to concentrate.
A. the harder B. harder C. hardest D. the hardest
3. The older the man gets, ______ he becomes.
A. the weakest B. weakest C. the weaker D.weaker

4. The more he earns, ______ he is.
A. the happier B. the more happier C. the most happiest D. the happiest
5. The warmer the weather gets, _______ the polar ice caps will melt.
A. fastest B. the fastest C. faster D. the faster
6. The more you practise speaking in your class, ______ you are at public speaking.
A. the best B. the better C. best D. better
7. ______ you take your medicine, the better you will feel.
A. The sooner B. Sooner C. Soonest D. The soonest
8. ______ objects are, the faster they fall.
A. The biggest B. Biggest C. Bigger D. The bigger
9. The more you study, ______ you will become.
A. the smartest B. the smarter C. smarter D. smartest
10. ______ it is, the worse I feel.
A. The hottest B. Hottest C. The hotter D. Hotter
11. ______ the apartment is, the higher the rent is.
A. The biggest B. Bigger C. Biggest D. The bigger
12. ______ the joke is, the louder the laughter is.
A. The better B. Best C. The best D. Better
13. ______she gets, the more tired she feels.
A. Fatter B. The fatter C. The fattest D. Fattest
14. ______ he gets, the less he wants to travel.
A. The oldest B. Older C. The older D. Oldest
15. ______people drive, the more accidents happen.
A. The fastest B. The faster C. Fastest D. Faster
16. ______I wait, the more impatient I become.
A. The longest B. Longest C. Longer D. The longer
17. ______ a student is, the fewer mistakes he makes.
A. The more careful B. More careful C. Most careful D. The most careful
18. _______ a car is, the more comfortable it is.
A. The expensive B. The most expensive
C. Most expensive D. The more expensive
19. The more difficult the games are, ______the children become.
A. the most excited B. more excited C. most excitedD. the more excited
20. ______ the environment is, the less safe it becomes for the animals.
A. The most polluted B. More polluted
C. The more polluted D. Most polluted
1. The more I tried to help her, _________she became.
A.less lazy B. the lazier C. the more lazier D. lazier
2. The younger you are, _________it is to learn a language.
A. the easy B. you are easier C. the easier D. the more easier
3. _________ the issue was debated, the more people became involved.
A. The more longer B. The longer C. The longest D. The long
4. The more I knew Tom, _________I liked him.
A. least B. the less C. the least D. the little
5. _________ we finish, the sooner we can leave.
A. The fastest B. Faster C. Fastest D. The faster
6. The longer Karen waited for the exam result, _________ she became.
A. the more anxious B. the most anxious C. most anxious D. more anxious
7. The more you practise speaking English, _________you can speak it.
A. the more fluently B. more fluently C. the most fluent D. the most fluently
8. _________ we save, the sooner we can buy a new house.
A. The much money B. More money C. More money D. The more money
9. The higher the cost of living is, _________ life becomes for workers.
A. the hardest B. the harder C. the more harder D. the most hardest
10. The harder you work, _________.
A. the better your study result will be B. you will get a better study result
C. you will get the best study result D. the best your study result will be
11. The more you practise your English, _________.
A. you will learn faster B. the faster you will learn
C. the fastest you will learn D. the faster will you learn
12. The better the weather is, _________.
A. the most crowded the beaches get B. the most the beaches get crowded
C. the more crowded the beaches get D. the more the beaches get crowded
13. _________ you study for these exams, _________ you will do.
A. The harder / the better B. The more / the much
C. The hardest / the best D. The more hard / the more good
14. The higher you climb, _________it is.
A. the more dangerous B. the most dangerous C. more dangerous D. the least dangerous
15. The more you talk about the matter, _________it seems.
A. the worse B. worse C. the worst D. worst
16. The more people you interact with, _________your risk of getting COVID-19 is.
A. the highest B. the higher C. higher D. highest
17. _________you work , the better results you get.
A. Harder B. The harder C. Hardest D. The hardest
18. The faster you drive, _________ petrol you use.
A. the more B. the most C. more D. most
19. The more demanding the job is, _________ I like it.
A. the most B. the more C. more D. most



1. Penny ________ a good impression on my parents. She is so polite.

A. did B. made C. created D. had
2.She tried to ________ the waiter's attention.
A. raise B. attract C. attain D. achieve
3.I'm planning to ________ a gap year and go backpacking in India.
A. take B. do C. give D. get
4.The operation should enable Bobby to ________ a normal life.
A. come B. act C. follow D. lead
5.The children should be ________ the opportunity to make their own choices.
A. received B. given C. achieved D. acquired
6.No one wants to ________ responsibility for the problem.
A. take B. make C. give D. get
7.Miley ________ a sudden strong desire to laugh.
A. did B. made C. created D. had
8.There are reports that the company cannot produce enough to ________ demand.
A. meet B. make C. give D. get
9.We want to ________ a project to computerize the library system.
A. raise B. launch C. begin D. set
10.She ________ for a position with the local newspaper.
A. required B. answered C. achieved D. applied
11.He suggested that I should ________ some experience in a related industry like travel.
A. raise B. gain C. attain D. prepare
12.The course is designed to help students ________ their knowledge of modern American literature.
A. raise B. broaden C. enlarge D. develop
13.Health officials have tried to ________ awareness about AIDS.
A. raise B. improve C. enlarge D. rise
14.I've ________ to the conclusion that he's not the right person for the job.
A. come B. reach C. go D. draw
15.We are ________ measures to improve the situation.
A. meeting B. doing C. working D. taking
16.The factory is ________ the threat of closure.
A. meeting B. doing C. facing D. taking
17.China has ________ considerable success in conserving water since 1983.
A. met B. made C. achieved D. led
18.If you ________ more attention in class, you might actually learn something!
A. paid B. made C. attracted D. called
19.Students ________ required courses in music theory and performance.
A. take B. make C. give D. get
20.He has ________ extensive research into renewable energy sources.
A. done B. made C. worked D. led
21.The company ________ into trouble when it tried to expand too quickly.
A. got B. made C. fell D. led
22.Little research has been ________ into the subject.
A. carried B. conducted C. worked D. built
23.They have ________ a campaign to end world poverty.
A. raised B. launched C. ran D. set
24.I met him when I worked in Madrid, and I’ve ________ in touch with him ever since.
A. remained B. stayed C. kept D. got
25.You can help prevent heart disease by ________ your lifestyle.
A. fixing B. doing C. changing D. taking
26.We finally found a house that seemed to ________ all of our requirements.
A. meet B. make C. give D. get
27.In some cultures, that men ________ eye contact with women is strictly forbidden outside the
immediate family.
A. send B. make C. do D. give
28.Some teachers have tendency to ________ preference to students with disadvantaged backgrounds
such as poor and handicapped students.
A. lend B. give C. deliver D. send
29.My sister tried her best and successfully ________ a place at university.
A. had B. won C. attained D. achieved
30.He hopes to ________ a fortune from his latest invention.
A. raise B. earn C. build D. succeed


1. In modern family, each member should give a hand to share the household _______
A. chores B. works C. duties C. charges
2. According to experts, practicing yoga is a good way to keep your ________.
A. temper B. mind C. relationship D. mood
3. Many people keep ______ by exercising at home because gyms have been forced to close.
A. health B. fit C. body D. shape
4. Viet Nam is one of the countries which are very rich in cultural ________.
A. heritage B. trace C. vestige D. remain
5.Vietnam ended a long wait to win their first-ever _______ in Sea games men’s football.
A. medal B. trophy C. title D. award
6.Viet Nam is exploiting four big sources of ________ energy including hydroelectricity, windpower,
solar power and biomass.
A. alternative B. non-renewable C. changeable D. adaptive
7.The WHO has played a primary ____ in directing international health within the United Nations’ system.
A. responsibility B. duty C. role D. aim
8.Vietnam has made great ________ to ASEAN solidarity and development.
A. donations B. assistances C. distributions D. contributions
9. A "rice ATM" ________ in Ho Chi Minh City has inspired similar actiities to help those in poverty.
A. explored B. discovered C. innovated D. invented
10.Villagers are hoping for rain this month after nearly a year of ________
A. hurricane B. landslide C. drought. D. erosion
11. Whenever Vietnamese national football team has a match, the stadium is full of excited ________
cheering eagerly.
A. spectators B. viewers C. audiences D. witnesses

12. That many endangered species are on the ________ of extinction is caused by both natural and
manmade factors.
A. side B. brink C. margin D. border
13. The new general educational ________ aims to reduce pressure on students.
A. course B. period C. lesson D. curriculum
14. It is necessary for the government to _____ to endeavour to stabilize the pricing of face masks.
A. interfere B. intervene C. interrupt D. interact
15.The director tries to set a(n) ____ for my employees by always arriving to work on time.
A. mirror B. identity C. example D. sample
16.Air quality ________ in major cities in March and April due to social distancing campaigns.
A. improved B. promoted C. developed D. encouraged
17.The government has invited the public to offer ideas for ________ development.
A. timeless B. sustainable C. immortal D. attainable
18.I hope that attending university might expand my students’ ________
A. lines B. vertical C. crossbar D. horizons
19.Hundreds of soldiers slept in the forest to make ________ for quarantined people.
A. room B. place C. house D. tent
20.Many teachers have ________ their personal life for the sake of education.
A. devoted B. dedicated C. sacrificed D. given
21.The photographer took a picture of the deer the moment it came into ________
A. place B. sight C. light D. scene
22. My family has recently taken a ____ against smartphones. The children play outdoor activities instead.
A. position B. place C. stand D. stage
23.Fines are _________on motorists and drivers who are under the influence
A. requested B. imposed C. offered D. compelled
24.Vietnam is the ________ of ASEAN 2020 with the theme “Cohesive and Responsive”
A. Table B. Chair C. Sofa D. Scale
25.Organizing the plastic waste collection network well can reduce the ________ of waste
discharged into canals and rivers.
A. volume B. series C. chapter D. range
26.Keeping track of ________ is one of the important examination skills.
A. trace B. check C. track D. pace
27.You'll be healthier and even ___ your life with the inclusion of aerobic exercise into your daily routine.
A. extend B. range C. lengthen D. prolong
28. A sudden _______ to temporary or long-term online learning poses a challenge for universities.
A. shift B. movement C. motion D. adaptation
29.Social ________ is an essential way to slow down the spread of COVID-19.
A. space B. position C. expanse D. distancing
30. Students taking a gap year after high school ___ a greater understanding of the world we live in.
A. grasp B. seize C. gain D. hold
1.The commission estimates that at least seven companies took _____of the program.
A. advantage B.use C.benefit D.dominance
2. Paul did his best to fix the faulty oven, but his ________ at repairing electrical devices wasn’t good
enough to succeed.
A. method B. technique C. skill C. craft

3The newspaper article which includes a gruesome description of the murder has ________a lot of
attention from the public.
A. paid B. confined C. drawn D. attracted
4.My ________ on life has changed since leaving university.
A.outlook B. attitude C. viewpoint D. opinion
5. Many plant and animal species are now on the _______ of extinction.
A. danger B. border C. verge D. margin
6. She made a big ________about not having a window seat on the plane.
A. fuss B. complaint C.attention D. excitement
7. Does anyone recognize the girl with a ________ of flowers in her hand?
A. range B. pack C. bunch D. heap
8. I’d like to take this ________ to wishyou all the best of luck with your exams.
A. chance B. opportunity C. occasion D. advantage
9. While you are planning, you must take into _______ how many people you are expecting.
A.mind B. attention C. consideration D. account
10.Sea levels are expected to ________ considerably in the next few decades.
A. lift B. rise C. raise D. arise
11. The boy was punished for playing ________ from his physics lessons.
A. joyride B. runaway C. absent D. truant
12.This training is _________ at those who prefer a heavy body workout.
A. aimed B. offered C. focused D. intended
13.The loan that we had received from our parents _____ us to buy a flat in the city center.
A. granted B. assisted C. fulfilled D. enabled
14. I’d like to ________ this old car for a new model but I can’t afford it.
A. change B. exchange C. sell D. replace
15.The Business Advisory Council has been specially designed for those in _________ of advice about
setting up new business.
A. absence B. duty C. want D. need
16. If you practice regularly, you can learn this language skill in short ________ of time.
A. phrase B. period C. span D. stage
17. Action movies may have a negative ________on children.
A. influence B. opinion C. dependence D.decision
18. Thanks to the help of the teacher, she is___________ encouraging progress in math.
A. doing B. making C. checking D. stopping
19. The kind-hearted woman________ all her life to helping the disabled and the poor.
A.spent B. lived C. dedicated D. sacrificed
20. That student was _____ of understanding the theory even after the lecture’s profound explanation.
A. incompetent B. incapable C. unsuccessful D. helpless
21. You'd better ________ a commitment to being a volunteer on a regular basis.
A. pull B. promise C. do D. make
22. Although the patient’s condition is serious. She seems to be out of ________ .
A. place B. control C. danger D. order
23.He tends to forget things very quickly and behaves more and more like the typical ____ professor.
A. clear-minded B. absent- minded C. narrow- minded D. right- minded
24. Population expansion seems to surpass the ability of the earth to meet ________ food.
A. the requirements of B. the command of C. the demand for D. the necessity for
25.I am not ________ nuclear power in view of accidents.
A. in favour of B. on account of C. in the sense of D. on the point of
26.We are prepared to overlook the error on this occasion _____ your previous good look.
A. in the light of B. thanks to C. with a view to D. with regard to
27. After my sister’s sickness, she had to work hard to ________ her classmates.
A. catch sight of B. keep pace with C. get in touch with D. make allowance for
28.Once people have given up their heritage, traditional beliefs and other aspects of their native culture,
they are about to lose their sense of ________ .
A. humor B. responsibility C. self D. honesty
29. When you get involved in a volunteer project, you are able to ______ your knowledge into practice.
A. take B. put C. bring D. push
30.She took a course in fine arts ________ starting her own business in interior design.
A. with a view to B. in terms of C. in order to D. with reference to


1. The name ______ a bell but I couldn’t remember where I had heard it before.
A. liked B. called C. rang D. pressed
2. Your second essay ______ improvements on the first one.
A. showed B. made C. cast D. presented
3. The students were worried that they wouldn't be able to ______ the deadline for the assignment.
A. answer B. match C. beat D. meet
4. We have been working hard. Let’s ______ a break.
A. make B. find C. do D. take
5. It is important that you ____ the ropes and know your father’s business well before you take it over.
A. study B. learn       C. give                        D. touch
6. I can see my daughter is ______ progress in math, even though it’s her least favorite subject.
A. doing B. taking C. leading D. making
7. Penny ________ a good impression on my parents. She is so polite.
A. did B. made C. built D. caused
8. They organize a campaign to __ people’s attention to the environmentally harmful effects of using cars.
A. raise B. draw C. attain D. achieve
9. There are many benefits for a student to _______ a gap year before they attend college.
A. take B. do C. give D. get
10. We certainly don’t _______ a life of luxury but we’re not poor either.
A. come B. act C. follow D. lead
11. Suffered an ankle injury, she _______ the opportunity to run in the qualifying heat.
A. received B. missed C. lost D. beat
12. The minister _________ full responsibility for the disaster and resigned.
A. took B. made C. gave D. got

13. Miley ________ a burning desire to go back to her country before she died.
A. did B. made C. created D. had
14. Farmers need to modernize their production to _______ the demands of a competitive market.
A. meet B. make C. give D. get
15. We are going to _______ a campaign to fight world hunger.
A. raise B. launch C. carry D. set
16. Environmental protesters have _______ common cause with local people to stop the motor way
being built.
A. had B. done C. taken D. made
17. As we _______ experience of intepreting the data, we were able to work faster.
A. raised B. gained C. attained D. prepared
18. I hoped that going to college might _______ my horizons and help me get some experience living
without my family.
A. rise B. broaden C. enlarge D. produce
19. The campaign has certainly succeeded in ________ public awareness of the issue.
A. raising B. producing C. enlarging D. rising
20. The new boss soon ________ to the conclusion that the German company could turn round the
ailing British subsidiary.
A. came B. reached C. went D. drew
21. What further measures can we _______ to help the refugees?
A. meet B. do C. work D. take
22. I think Phil has to _______ the fact that she no longer loves him.
A. meet B. do C. face D. take
23. Being involved in volunteer activities helps them to develop the personal skills that they need to
_______ a success of their lives.
A. meet B. make C. achieve D. lead
24. I’ve been ________ inquiries about the cost of a round-the-world ticket
A. making B. putting C. attracting D. calling
25. Why do so many boys ________ pleasure in touring insects and small animals?
A. take B. make C. give D. get
26. They are _______ some fascinating research into the language of dolphins.
A. doing B. making C. working D. leading
27. The company ______ into trouble when it tried to expand too quickly.
A. got B. made C. felt D. led
28. The US president Barack Obama ______ an official visit to Vietnam in May 2016, which is of
great significance to the comprehensive bilateral partnership.
A.delivered B. paid C. offered D. gave
29. The jury ______ her compliments on her excellent knowledge of thesubject.
A. paid B. gave C. made D. said
30. I met him when I worked in Madrid, and I’ve ______ in touch with him ever since.
A. gave B. found C. kept D. brought
31. You should ______ attention to what teacher is saying if you want to get high mark.
A. pay B. draw C. gain D. attract
32. It’s a rare piece of jewelry, but I wouldn’t like to ______ much value on it.
A. put B. spend C. raise D. give
33. These days, more and more teenagers ______ a crime at the early age.
A. make B. commit C. have D. do
34. Some teachers have tendency to ______ preference to students with disadvantaged backgrounds
such as poor and handicapped students.
A. lend B. give C. deliver D. send
35. My sister tried her best and successfully ______ a place at university.
A. had B. wonC. attained D. achieved
36. Does it ______ any difference to you where we go for dinner?
A. take B. do C. make D. go
37. Doctors have discovered that keeping a pet can ______ wonders for your health.
A. use B. do C. take D. apply
38. She left her hometown to ______ her dream to become a scientist.
A. pursue B. run C. fly D. come
39. He was given a dose of morphine to ______ his pain.
A. release B. repair C. retain D. relieve
40.In my company, the director deputy usually ______ the responsibility for organizing meetings
and conferences.
A. makes B. gets C. becomes D. takes
41. His works have ______ an influence on many modern writers.
A. did B. risen C. become D. had
42.She simply ___ it for granted that the check was good and did not ask him any questions about it.
A. took B. made C. had D. asked
43 .In order to ______ their goals in college, students need to invest the maximum amount of time,
money, and energy in their studies.
A. manage B. catch C. establish D. achieve
44.You'd better ______ a commitment to being a volunteer on a regular basis.
A. promise B. do C. make D. pull
45.Could you ______ me a favour? My bike’s front tyre is flat.
A. do B. help C. make D. take
46.Although Lan is ______ a cold, she is going to partake in outdoor activities.
A. learning B. going C. making D. catching
47.A football player was suspended for four matches after arguing with the ______.
A. audience B. spectator C. umpire D. referee
48.All the dancers come on stage during the grand ______.
A. final B. finale C. end D. ending
49.She is very tough and determined. She should go all the ______ to a medal.
A. street B. route C. lane D. way
50.The industry will continue to move in the ______ of more automation.
A. change B. direction C. solution D. orientation


1.Much of our knowledge about prehistoric animals comes from the study of ______.
A. artefacts B. ruins C. relics D. fossils
2.There was a sudden ______ of anger in the General’s eyes as he listened to the soldier’s report.
A. fire B. flash C. flame D. shade

3.Animals should be helped to survive in the wild, rather than kept in ______.
A. prison B. captivity C. seizure D. arrest
4.In college, he continued to excel, earning praise in the classroom almost as often as on the
basketball ______.
A. course B. pitch C. court D. track
5.We are going to build a fence around the field with a(n) _______ to breeding sheep and cattle.
A. goal B. outlook C. reason D. view
6.When there is a surplus electricity on the grid, these facilities use that power to pump water from
the lower ______ to the higher one.
A. reservoir B. lake C. puddle D. pond
7.I would rather tourists coming here stopped dropping so much ________on the ground.
A. rubbish B. litter C. waste D. garbage
8.You've got to stop making decisions about your business on the ______ of the moment like this, or
you'll end up running it into the ground!
A. current B. top C. desire D. spur
9.I can’t understand Juan’s Spanish because he speaks a regional ______.
A. jargon B. dialect C. accent D. slang
10.I think access to cinemas and theatres is the main ______ of city life.
A. amenity B. attraction C. leisure D. recreation
11.I hate the beginning of each year when all the _______ start coming in and I have to find the
money to pay them all.
A. bills B. accounts C. receipts D. estimates
12.I have a _____ on a classmate who is very near and dear to me.
A. crush B. desire C. flame D. passion
13.She worked really hard this year, so she was given a 10% pay ________.
A. increase B. decrease C. extra D. inflation
14.Nam is a student of high sense of _____. He always finishes his tasks on time.
A. humour B. duty C. dread D. work
15. A news _____ is broadcasting over a television in the waiting room about natural disasters
occurring nation-wide.
A. correspondent B. columnist C. anchor D. journalist
16.I’ll bring the situation to his ______ at the first opportunity.
A. attempt B. attention C. consideration D. notice
17.If you are told to take your______, you can choose anyone that you like from a group of things.
A. look B. luck C. route D. pick
18.I guess everyone at one time or another has read an enjoyable book and then daydreamed about
writing his own ______.
A. flop B. debut C. paperback D. best-seller
19.They are going to go round in ______ as they have made no progress in coming up with new ideas
for their marketing plan.
A. boundaries B. circles C. margins D. borders
20.I am not sure that David is telling the truth, but I am giving him the ______ of the doubt.
A. drawback B. advantage C. disadvantage D. benefit




1.Rowena ______ for joy when she heard that she’d won the first prize.
A. jumped B. cried C. screamed D. clapped
2. Little Johnnie’s parents were worried that he was very big, but the doctor told them not to worry as
it was only ______ fat.
A. kitten B. puppy C. piglet D. duckling
3. My neighbors’ loud music every night is driving me up the ______.
A. ground B. wall C. stair D. roof
4. Joe says what she thinks without worrying about whether she might be ruffling anyone’s ______.
A. brain B. skin C. feathers D. hair
5. Janny was left to carry a ______ when the project ended in failure although she didn’t have to take
any responsibility for this project.
A. bucket B. bag C. tray D. can
6. Can I have a glass of water? I have got a ______ in my throat.
A. duck B. frog C. chick D. goat
7. He was never seen again. He just seemed to disappear into ______ air.
A. thin B. light C. thick D. warm
8. They are going to go round in ______ as they have made no progress in coming up with new ideas
for their marketing plan.
A. boundaries B. circles C. margins D. borders
9. I am not sure that David is telling the truth, but I am giving him the ______ of the doubt.
A. drawback B. advantage C. disadvantage D. benefit
10. We were surprised at a coincidence as we bumped into our old teacher in Japan. It was a small __.
A. world B. earth C. house D. space
11.Lisa always makes a great effort in all projects she is responsible for. She never does anything by __.
A. chance B. hand C. halves D. mouth
12. Rub’s been trying to keep a ______ on his emotions, but every now and then his angers erupt.
A. lid B. cap C. top D. track
13. I prefer getting to the station early, but Lee always ______ things fine.
A. makes B. cuts C. takes D. breaks
14. Nick was a naughty little boy, but I couldn’t help having a soft ______ for him.
A. spot B. kick C. post D. kiss
15. Tooth decay can be kept at ______ by fluoride toothpaste and good dentistry.
A. gulf B. sea C. lake D. bay
16. The characters in Tony’s film are always larger than ______ as they are much more exciting and
interesting than any other actors.
A. life B. fine C. size D. great
17.We live simply during the year, but enjoy living in the ______ of luxury in a nice hotel for our
summer holiday.
A. time B. end C. rod D. lap

18.He paid too much for expensive items without thinking about it. He spent money like ______ and
I wonder where he got it all from.
A. paper B. waste C. water D. air
19.Don’t put all your ______ in one basket or put all your efforts or money into one project as, if it
fails, you may lose everything.
A. stones B. coins C. eggs D. gold
20. The police are reconstructing the crime to try to ______ the memory of possible witnesses.
A. walk B. jog C. run D. jot
21. He not only _______ the book but also spoke ill of the author.
A. cut up B. cut down C. come into D. cut out
22.Nam’s mother is about to _______ a fuse because he won’t get off the telephone.
A. make B. put C. curse D. blow
23.If the police think that I was involved in the train robbery, they are _______.
A. acquitting themselves of their duty B. throwing a baby out with bathwater
C. bitting off more than they can chew D. barking up the wrong tree
24.I had my ups and downs, but I have always tried to ______ and have a good time.
A. pull my weight B. pull myself together C. pull out D. pull my leg
25.From now on, I won’t be able to help you. You will have to ______.
A. raise you up B. shift the responsibility C. shift for yourself D. show up
26.Jane really _______ when I told her the gossip about Tom.
A. sat up B. sat down C. got up D. got down
27.To live happily in England, one must learn how to ______ the land-lady.
A. stand up with B. stay away from C. stand well with D. stand up to
28. I refuse to believe a word of it, it's a cock-and-______ story.
A. bull B. hen C. duck D. goose
29. I knew my mother would ______ a face the minute she saw my new hair cut.
A. drag B. lift C. pull D. race
30. As his whole family were doctors, it was in his ______ to take up that profession.
A. blood B. spirit C. soul D. heart
31. I’m very lazy. I only go to the gym once in a ______ moon.
A. full B. black C. new D. blue
32. They are having serious problems. Their relationship is on the ______.
A. rocks B. cliffs C. stones D. grass
33. I always wanted to work for that company but it took me 10 years to get a foot in the ______.
A. door B. house C. window D. villa
34. The police are warning the public to be on the ______ for suspicious packages.
A. guard B. care C. alert D. alarm
35.More and more people in many of the most vulnerable parts of the world will be on the ________
as the pandemic has spread worldwide.
A. breadline B. house C. ground D. list
1. Production has come to a ________ because of the Covid – 19 pandemic and the lockdown in
many parts of the world.
A. conclusion B. standstill C. total D. decision
2.Honey, you shouldn’t just snack – try to have at least one ________ every day.
A. light meal B. square meal C. simple meal D. quick meal
3.The waiter tried to be friendly to his customers but a ___ can't change its spots and he was still very rude.
A. lion B. cheetah C. wolf D. leopard
4.Mary has been ___________ the midnight oil trying to finish this report, so she must be exhausted.
A. hitting B. boiling C. burning D. heating
5.When Mrs. Thompson heard that her son and daughter – in – law were going to have a baby, it was
music to her ________.
A. eyes B. ears C. fingers D. hands
6.Mrs. Bingley’s quite fat even though she eats like a ________.
A. cat B. lamb C. bird D. horse
7. It is great to leave the ________ of the city at the weekend.
A. appealing B. state - of - the-art C. hustle and bustle D. high- rise
8.Katherine lived at home for a while, but ________ again and went off travelling for a year.
A. pulled her leg B. landed on her feet C. put her feet up D. got itchy feet
9.The company had some initial problems but now it is ________.
A. flying low B. flying high C. flying round D. flying open
10. That nice guy’s living________ if he thinks he’ll become a famous pop star.
A. in a dream world B. on the air C. on the ground D. in the clouds
11. I’m sick and ________ of eating the same thing for lunch every day.
A. conscious B. aware C. tired D. afraid
12.I’d like to get my mom a special birthday present, but nothing ________.
A. slips my mind B. springs to mind C. bears in mind D. broadens my mind
13. Hardship and hard work are very much part and _______ of student life.
A. package B. parcel C. total D. section
14. I think it’s time you ________ and told him you think things should be changed.
A. killed two birds with one stone B. put the cat among the pigeons
C. took the bull by the horns D. got out of the rat race
15.When I first saw Pat, my husband, at college, my heart missed a ________. I knew he would be
important to me.
A. beat B. chance C. moment D. minute
16.He’s a great guide as he knows the town like the back of his ________.
A. finger B. hand C. leg D. arm
17.It must be true. I heard it straight from the ________ mouth.
A. dog’s B. horse’s C. camel’s D. cat’s
18.Mai seems nice, but she keeps herself to ________, so we don’t know much about her.
A. ourselves B. herself C. myself D. himself
19.The car chase at the end of the film was ________ and furious.
A. fast B. quick C. vivid D. rapid
20.You mustn’t be afraid to ________ your mind; it’s important that everyone hear your views in our
class discussion.
A. say B. tell C. speak D. talk
21.I can’t say if I like the job or not. It’s ________ days yet.
A. only B. several C. early D. final
22.The manager has given the project the ________ light.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B. green C. blue D. spot
23.The characters in his films are always _______ than life.
A. greater B. bigger C. younger D. larger
24.If you don’t pull your ________ out, you’ll get the sack.
A. finger B. hand C. leg D. arm
25.A lot of workers would lose their jobs or see their incomes decline _____ of the corona pandemic.
A. in the wake B. at the beginning C. in the event D. at the height
26. The spelling bee is a level playing ______ because all of the kids are in grade nine.
A. meadow B. field C. ground D. garden
27. You can talk to him until you are ______ in the face, but he still won’t understand.
A. white B. green C. yellow D. blue
28. In his ________ days, he was adventurous and did not care about his safety.
A. salad B. green C. fruit D. vegetable
29. What’s wrong with you today? Did you get out of bed on the wrong ______?
A. edge B. foot C. side D. end
30.Having three sons under the age of five keeps Jana on her ________.
A. knees B. feet C. toes D. legs
31.It’s a good idea to make a ________ of switching off the lights when you leave a room.
A. routine B. habit C. custom D. rule
32. When it comes to the ______, Alice always support her friends.
A. point B. crunch C. mark D. crisis
33. Timmy dropped the ________ on doing this task again because of his carelessness. I can’t stand
him anymore.
A. pin B. needle C. bottom D. ball
34. The job wasn’t giving the ______ of the experience he wanted.
A. width B. depth C. length D. breadth
35.We’ll need all ________ on deck if we are going to be ready for the party on time.
A. fingers B. hands C. arms D. elbows
36.Our new IT manager had a baptism of ________ on her first day at work- all the computers
A. rain B. storm C. fire D. thunder
37.Winning the cup in 1998 was just a ________ in the pan- they haven’t won the match since then.
A. blaze B. flame C. light D. flash
38. After a momentary ______ of concentration, Simon managed to regain his focus and completed the test.
A. lapse B. fault C. failure D. error
39. I don’t feel like buying a ________ in a poke; we’d better check the content.
A. ox B. pig C. cow D. dog
40.After some sleep, Mary was as fresh as a ________ and continued to work.
A. daisy B. flower C. rose D. peach
41. Mary has set her ________ on becoming a ballet-dancer.
A. feet B. brain C. heart D. head
1.I ________ when my teacher told me I’d won the first prize in the English speaking contest.
A. got down in the dumps B. flew high
C. burst out laughing D. jumped for joy
2. The domestic gold price declined yesterday while global prices ________ in the open market amid
the ongoing novel coronavirus outbreak.
A. soared high B. flew high C. shot sky- high D. increased quickly
3.My father refused to eat meat that had been fried. He had ____ in his bonnet about it causing
A. a bug B. a bee C. a bull D. an ant
4.Minh advised his friend to enjoy the picnic and stop being such ________.
A. a wet blanket B. a bear with a sore head
C. wet pancake D. a dead duck
5.I’m not sure if I know her, but the name ________ a bell.
A. hears B. sounds C. rings D. answers
6. Sony Corporation has brought in some _________ to revise its fortunes.
A. fresh blood B. cold blood C. warm blood D. royal blood
7. Most of the time, playing classical music for high school students is like casting _____ before
A. crystals B. jewels C. diamonds D. pearls
8.The improvement has been across the ______, with all divisions either increasing profits or
reducing losses.
A. Bulletin B. board C. company D. newspaper
9.Vietnam makes many key containment decisions in a ______ of days, which may take weeks for
governments in other countries to make. 
A. matter B. trouble C. situation D. amount
10.The growth in employment and wages gives consumers some spending ______ to absorb the
higher cost of energy.
A. energy B.force C.ability D.power
11.It was obviously, however, a measure to be used only in the last __18.__ and with extreme reluctance.
A. attempt B. act C. resort D. measure
12.Anyone who swims in this part of the river does it at their own ______.
A. chance B. risk C. danger D. trouble
13. The dolphins drive a ______ of fish towards the shore where humans await with their nets
A. class B. show C. school D. academy
14.He gave me his ______ that the job would be finished on time.
A. thought B. speech C. talk D. word
15.Those who was born in the purple are destined to live in the public ______.
A. eye B. light C. service D. interest
16.The pandemic circulated three times in 18 months in the ______ of commercial air travel.
A. absence B. name C. abundance D. eyes
17.Inspector Moro was determined to get to the ______of the mystery.
A. ground B. tune C. bottom D. end
18.His mother's illness cast a ______ over his wedding day.
A. rain B. doubt C. cloud D. alarm
19.The distinction between right and wrong lies at the ______ of all questions of morality.
A. expense B. heart C. hands D. helm
20.The administrators worked in close ______ with teachers on the new curriculum.
A. terms B. competition C. vicinity D. collaboration
21.The company made big profits and the employees want a slice of the______.
A. cake B. pie C. cream D. cheese
22.It's coming down to the ______ to get these done on time.
A. cable B. wire C. coil D. line
23.Many factories seem to reach the ______ of disaster before anybody has tried to get something done.
A. side B. precipice C. edge D. brink
24.For a short while, she managed to catch ______ of the Principle entering the place.
A. vision B. notice C. view D. sight
26.Nuclear testing was resumed in ______ of an international ban.
A. need B. presence C. regard D. defiance
27.Although the patient’s condition is serious, he seems to be out of ______.
A. work B. control C. danger D. order
28.The team is conducting a wide ______of surveys throughout the region.
A. phenomenon B. range C. selection D. group
29.Nobody took any ______ of the warning and they went hiking in the extreme weather.
A. sight B. attention C.information D. notice
30.New research shows that up to 57 per cent of all tree species in the Amazon Rainforest are on the
______ of extinction.
A. verge B. risk C. order D. path
31. The thief took ______ of the chimney and got inside that way.
A. occasion B. chance C. opportunity D. advantage
32.She clearly joined the firm with a ______ to improving herself professionally.
A. view B. wish C. key D. dream
33.In fact, Mr. Jack is in ______ of 300 engineers and 180 workers.
A. pressure B. leadership C. impression D. charge
34.Tommy tried his best last year, but he couldn’t gain ______ to any university.
A. acceptance B. admission C. adoption D. entrance
35.He tries to break the ______ of this translation before the weekend.
A. back B. bone C. front D. core
36.Thelocal press has been pouring ______ on the mayor for dissolving the council.
A. scorn B. swear C. blame D. hatred
37. In a formal interview, it is essential to maintain good eye ________with the interviewers.
A. link B. connection C. touch D. contact
38. Paul did his best to fix the faulty oven, but his ________ at repairing electrical devices wasn’t
good enough to succeed.
A. method     B. technique                C. skill                 D. craft
39. My ________ on life has changed since leaving university.
A.outlook             B. attitude C. viewpoint D. opinion
40.Does anyone recognize the girl with a ________ of flowers in her hand?
A. range         B. pack               C. bunch                D. heap

1.If you practice regularly, you can learn this language skill in short ________ of time.
A. phrase B. period C. span               D. stage
2.It was the ______ that the fathers made the decision on whom their children were going to marry.
A. custom           B. superstition     C. fate D. religion
3.With the help of modern devices, those who suffer from hearing or visual ________ find life easier. 
A. disadvantage B. impairment C. inconvenience D. deficiency 
4. People usually look through travel ________ to decide on their holiday destinations. 
A. catalogs B. lists C. handbooks D. brochures 
5.They had a global ________ hit with their album concept about “The dark side of the Moon”.
A. top B. smash C. song D. popular
6.The Commission estimates that at least seven companies took ________ of the program.
A. advantage            B. use C. benefit D. dominance
7.The newspaper article which includes a gruesome description of the murder has   ________  a lot of
attention from the public.
A. paid         B. confined C. produced       D. attracted
8.Many plant and animal species are now on the ________ of extinction.
A. danger                B. border               C. verge D. margin
9.She made a big________about not having a window seat on the plane.
A. fuss               B. complaint                 C. attention         D. excitement 
10.I’d like to take this ________ to wish you all the best of luck with your exams.
A. chance               B. opportunity       C. occasion                   D. advantage
11. While you are planning, you must take into   ________ how many people you are expecting.
A. mind        B. attention           C. consideration         D. accountancy
12.Sea levels are expected to ________ considerably in the next few decades.
A. lift         B. rise               C. raise           D. arise
13.The boy was punished for playing ________ from his physics lessons.
A. joyride B. runaway              C. absent                D. truant 
14.This training is ________ at those who prefer a heavy body workout.
A. aimed              B. offered                 C. focused           D. intended
15.The loan that we had received from our parents   ________ us to buy a flat in the city center.
A. granted          B. assisted          C. fulfilled               D. enabled
16. I’d like to ________ this old car for a new model but I can’t afford it. 
A. change             B. exchange               C. sell            D. replace
17.The Business Advisory Council has been specially designed for those in ________  of advice
about setting up new business.
A. absence           B. duty            C. want             D. need
18.Action movies may have a negative ________ on children. 
A. influence         B. opinion C. dependence D. decision 
19.Thanks to the help of the teacher, she is ________ encouraging progress in math.
A. doing B. making C. checking D. stopping 
20.The kind-hearted woman________ all her life to helping the disabled and the poor.
A. spent B. lived C. dedicated              D. sacrificed

21.That student was   __________ of understanding the theory even after the lecturer’s profound
A. incompetent B. incapable C. unsuccessful D. helpless 
22.The COVID-19 disease ________ has been declared a public health emergency of international
A.outbreak B. outburst C. outset D. outcome       
23.He tends to forget things very quickly and behaves more and more like the typical   ________
A. clear-minded B. absent-minded    C. narrow- minded D. right-minded    
24.Professor Taylor’s talk has indicated that science has a very strong________ on the everyday life
of non-scientists as well as scientists.
A. impact B. motivation C. impression D. perspective
25.Passengers are advised to take all their personal ________ with them when they leave the plane.
A. estates B. items C. belongings D. baggage
26.One condition of this job is that you must be ________ to work at weekends.
A. available B. acceptable C. accessible D. capable
27.Not all the winners will receive great prizes, but nobody leaves ________.
A. blank-handed B. empty-handed C. clear-handed D. white-handed
28.Once people have given up their heritage, traditional beliefs, and other aspects of their native
culture, they are about to lose their sense of ________. 
A. humor                 B. responsibility C. self         D. honesty 
29.The judge said that there was no doubt about the outcome of the trial. The man was a ________
A. self-centered B. self-conscious C. self-contained D. self-confessed
30. We always unite and work together whenever serious problems ________.
A. devise B. encounter C. approach D. arise 
31.The government has made a serious attempt to raise the________ of living.
A. cost B. standard C. mode D. level
32.Be sure not to rely too________ on your mother tongue when you are learning a foreign language.
A. abundantly         B. severely          C. numerouslyD. heavily
33.They are always ________ about how smart their children are.
A. praising B. boasting C. complimenting D. congratulating 
34. A new campaign has already been ________ by all high schools in the district to help
disadvantaged children go to school.
A. stimulated    B. achieved           C. determined         D. launched
35.Because of the economic crisis, many workers are now in ________ of losing their jobs. 
A. worry B.warning C. danger D. threat
36.Many married women in the survey said they lacked time to  ________ an interest.
A. conduct            B. pursue C. chase D. seek



1. Two friends are talking in the classroom.
- Jack : “How long does it take you to go to school?”- John : “____________. I walk every day.”
A. My father drives me to school B. About 20 kilometres
C. About 5 minutes D. Let me see
2. A father and a son are talking on the phone
- The son: “Dad, I’ve won a scholarship to study in the USA.”- The father: “__________.”
A. Congratulations! I’m proud of you B. Good luck
C. Come on. You can do it D. Let’s have a party
3. At a post office, a customer is talking to a clerk.
- Customer: “I’d like some envelopes and stamps.”- Clerk: “___________”
A. Can I help you? B. Here you are
C. I’d rather you didn’t D. How much are they?
4. Tom and Tony, two school boys, are talking in the classroom.
- Tom: “Can I borrow your pen, Tony?”- Tony: “___________.”
A. Not at all B. You’re welcome C. Sure. Here you are D. Yes, I’d love to
5. Peter and David are on the way home after school.
- Peter: “Would you like to come to my house for dinner?” - David: “______, but I’m busy tonight.”
A. Not at all B. You’re welcome C. I’d like to D. Really?
6. Jane is talking to Alice at a party.
- Jane: You look really beautiful in this dress, Alice.”- Alice: “___________. I’m glad you like it.”
A. Thanks anyway B. Thank you
C. Can you say it again? D. I hope so
7. Tom and Tony, two primary students, are playing near the river.
- Tom: “Let’s swim across the river.”- Tony: “__________. It’s dangerous”
A. No, let’s not B. Can you swim? C. No problem D. Great idea
8. Tom and Tony are talking on the way home after school.
- Tom: “Why don’t we go swimming?”- Tony: “____________.It’s too hot here.”
A. Sorry. I’ve got to go B. How lovely it is!
C. Don’t do that D. That sounds great

9. Jack and David are talking at the school canteen.
- Jack: “Can I get you a soda?” - David: “___________.”
A. That would be nice B. I hope so
C. I’m sorry. I can’t D. I’m glad you like it
10. Mrs. Brown and Mrs.Smith are talking at a party.
- Mrs.Brown: “I can’t sleep well.” - Mrs.Smith: “_______________.”
A. Go to bed and sleep B. Stay at home and watch TV
C. Drink a glass of hot milk and relax before bedtime D. Help yourself
11. At Alice’s birthday party
- Mila: “Happy birthday, Alice. This is your gift.” - Alice: “___________. How nice it is!”
A. Thanks, Mila B. You’re welcome C. My pleasure D. Thanks anyway
12. A tourist is talking to a passer-by.
- Tourist: “Could you show me how to get to the nearest bus stop?” - Passer-by: “_______.”
A. Don’t worry. B. Can you repeat that?
C. Sorry. I’m a stranger here. D. Why not?
13. Tom is talking to John, who is sitting by the window.
- Tom: “Would you mind opening the window?”
- John: “__________. It’s hot today, isn’t?”
A. No, of course not B. That sounds great
C. It’s not your business D. I’d rather you didn’t
14. Nam and Long are talking after school.
- Nam: “Why don’t we play football, Long?” - Long: “___________.”
A.Wait for a minute B. Good job
C. See you later D. Great idea
15. The Browns are watching TV in the evening.
- Mr. Brown: “I like this talk show.” - Mrs. Brown: “_____________. The topic is interesting.”
A. So do I B. Neither do I C. Really? D. I am, too
16. In front of a classroom
- The student: “Sorry. I’m late because I’ve missed the bus.”
- The teacher: “_________. Come in and start the lesson.”
A. Sure B. Calm down C. No problem D. I’m worried
17. Two friends are talking in a swimming pool.
- Nick: “How often do you go swimming?” - Peter: “_________. I want to improve my height.”
A. Sometimes B. Almost every day C. Needless to say D. Certainly
18. In a meeting room
- A man: “Excuse me, is it Ok if I sit here?” - A woman: “________________.”
A. No, thanks B.Yes, I’m so glad C. Sorry. The seat is free D. Yes, that’s fine
19. At a birthday party
- Jane: “Thank you for your lovely present!” - Mike: “___________. I’m glad you like it.”
A. Go ahead B. Help yourself C. Come on D. Not at all
20. Two roommates are talking each other
- Mike: “I’ve got a job interview tomorrow.” - Peter: “______________.”
A. I hope so. B. Good luck! C. What time? D. Have a good time!

1. Mary is talking to John, who has just helped her with her homework.
- Mary: “Thanks a lot for your help.” -John: “________.”
A. My happiness     B. My excitement     
C. My delight           D. My pleasure
2.Linda is thanking Peter for giving her a book that she’s been looking for.
- Linda: “Thank you for the book. I’ve been looking for it for months.” - Peter: “________.”
A. You can say that again                         B. Thank you for looking for it
C. I like reading books                         D. I’m glad you like it
3. Kate is thanking Peter for giving her a present.
- Kate: “Thank you for the lovely present.” -Peter: “________.”
A. I'm pleased you like it         B. Oh, that’s right
C. Go ahead                    D. Come on
4. Trang is thanking Mai for visiting her.
- Trang: “Thank you very much for spending time with me.” -Mai: “________.”
A. It’s quite OK B. That’s right
C. I’d love to D. You’re welcome
5.John is talking to Tom about the result of the driving test.
- John: “I’ve passed my driving test.” -Tom: “________”
A. Congratulations! B. It’s nice of you to say so.
C. That’s a good idea. D. Good luck.
6. John is talking to Tom about the final exam tomorrow.
- John: “I’ll have the final exam tomorrow.” -Tom: “________”
A. Good luck! B. It’s wonderful.
C. That’s a good idea. D. You’re welcome.
7. Peter is talking to Mary about her skin.
- Peter: “You should eat more fruits and vegetables.” - Mary: “________”
A. No problem. B. I don’t agree.
C. Ok, thank you. D. It’s me.
8. Minh is very bored with his studying and he tells Tom about this.
-Tom: “You had better work harder.” - Minh: “________”
A. I have worked hard. B. I don’t agree.
C. Yes, I will. Thanks. D. You are wrong.
9. Peter and Marry are going across the road..
- Mary: “Peter, be careful! There's a car coming!” -Peter: “________”
A. Of course. B. Never mind.
C. Ok. I will. D. Thanks. You make my day.
10.Peter and Laura are walking in the park.
-Laura: "Hey, look out! The tree is falling down." -Peter: “________”
A. Thanks. B. Oh, how terrific.
C. Poor you. D. Really?

11.A manager is talking to his staff, Joe.
-Manager: “Joe, your sales are slow this month. You must get out there and hustle more!”-Joe: “____”
A. Don’t mention it B. That is a good idea.
C. Thank you, Sir. I will do it. D. I can’t agree with you more.
12. A tourist is asking Minh for the way to the post office.
-Tourist: “Where is the nearest post office?” -Minh: “________”
A. Don’t worry. B. I’m afraid not. C. It’s over there. D. I don’t think so.
13. An is asking Hoa for the way to the history museum.
-An: “Excuse me. Can you tell me how to get to the history museum?” -Hoa: “________”
A. Sure. It’s just 2 blocks from here. B. No, of course not.
C. I don’t think you can do this. D. Not at all. I love it.
14. John is talking to Mary about keeping in touch with him.
- John: “Don’t forget to drop me a line when you settle down in London.” - Mary: “________”
A. I drop you a line when I settle down. B. I don’t. I’ll keep you in touch.
C. I will. I’ll not keep you in touch. D. I won’t. I’ll keep you posted.
15. A customer is talking to a salesgirl at the clothes shop.
-Customer: "Can I try this skirt on?" -Salesgirl: “________”
A. No, the shop is closed in half an hour. B. Sorry, only cash is accepted here.
C. Yes, it costs one hundred and fifty dollars. D. Sure, the changing rooms are over there.
16. Paul and Miranda are in the screening room.
Paul: “Let me adjust the seat for you!” Miranda: “________”
A. That would be lovely. Thank you. B. Yes, I would do it for you.
C. You must be kidding. D. No worries. I can seat here.
17. George is in a coffee shop.
Waiter: “Would you like meto add some milk?” George: “________”
A. Actually, I’m fine. Thanks! B. Let me think.
C. Thanks but I’m up to my ears in work. D. I don’t like sweet.
18. Lauren and Thomas are studying in the library.
Lauren: “Do you need me to check your Math?” Thomas: “_______________”
A. Oh, that would be great.B. I’m trying to fix it.
C. What? Why? D. I can’t believe that.
19. Joe and Paul are in the office.
Joe: “Would you like me to fill up your water glass?” Paul: “____________”
A. Sure, no problem. B. I wish you said that earlier.
C. Thanks but I can handle it. D. I’m sorry but I can’t.
20. Mia meets Lana on her way home.
Mia: “I would be glad to give you a ride." Lana: “________”
A. Don’t worry. I’ll do it. B. Yes. I can help you.
C. I don’t think so. D. Thank you! That would be great.
21. Sarah and Nathan are at a party.
Nathan: “Can I get you another piece of cake?” Sarah: “________”
A. It’s time to dance, isn’t it? B. I can’t take it.
C. Thanks but I’m full. D. My parents must yell at me.
22.Carol and Jennifer are going to the cinema at weekends.
Carol: “Do you want me to pick you up?” Jennifer: “________”
A. You’re welcome. B. Sorry but I’m a bit busy.
C. If you don’t mind. D. I need to go now.
23. Kate is sick when Jonathan visits her.
Jonathan: “I’ll go to the pharmacy for you.” Kate: “________”
A. You’ll love it. B. I think it’s ok.
C. That’s a good idea. D. Thank you but I’m fine.
24.Mark and Barbara are in the office.
Mark: “I’ll do the photocopying if you like.” Barbara: “________”
A. Don’t worry. I’ll do it. B. Oh, let me think first.
C. The photocopier is broken. D. I’m fine.
25. James meets Laura at the train station.
James: “Can I help you?” Laura: “________”
A. I can make it. No worries.
B. Yes, please. I’d like to know what time the train leaves.
C. No way. I missed my train.
D. I can find where my train is, finally.
26.Both secretaries, Sarah and Michelle, are in the office.
Sarah: “Would you like me to answer the phone?” Michelle: “________”
A. Sure. If you don’t mind. B. Would you?
C. As your wish. D. I can’t answer the phone now.
27. Steven is at the clinic.
Receptionist: “Would you like a magazine to read while you’re waiting?” Steven: “________”
A. I can’t wait for long. B. Please. I’m thirsty.
C. Yes please. I’d love one. D. I need an eye exam.
28.Helen is at a clothes shop.
Assistant: “Good afternoon. How can I help you?” Helen: “________”
A. They fit fine. I’ll take them.
B. I’m looking for the bigger size.
C. It looks ok, but I think I’ll leave it.
D. No thanks. I’m just looking.
29.William and Janet have just finished the meeting with their customers.
William: “Shall I bring your laptop back to the office?” Janet: “________”
A. Thank you. That would be great. B. Oh, I can help you.
C. No. I forgot my laptop. D. I can’t carry it.
30. Tony is trying to repair his computer.
Edward: “Would you like me to help you with this?” Tony: “________”
A. It’s OK. I can do it myself.
B. I’ll call you later.
C. I’m sorry for damaging your computer.
D. I’ve just fixed it.

1. William and Stephanie have a date at the cinema today, but William arrives late.
- William: “I’m very sorry for keeping you wait for long.” Stephanie: “________”
A. Don’t apologize. I’ve just arrived here. B. Thank you. That would be great.
C. You’re welcome. D. My pleasure. Don’t worry about it.
2. At Mary’s birthday party, Sarah, by chance, spills a glass of water on her.
Sarah: “I’m sorry for getting you wet.” Mary: “________”
A. I can’t get the point. B. Actually, thanks!
C. Never mind. D. I couldn’t agree with you.
3. In a restaurant, the Browns find one mistake in the bill. Mr. Brown tells the waiter that he doesn’t
order steak.
- Waiter: “Oh! I'm awfully sorry about that. I'll take care of that.”
- Mr. Brown: “_______________”
A. Thank you. I hope it won’t happen again. B. I can’t wait more.
C. What? Why? D. Again? I don’t like steak.
4. Michael is a university student. Today he is late for the lesson, and he comes in the class while Dr.
Jones is giving his lecture.
- Michael: “I do apologize for this interruption, Dr. Jones.”
- Dr. Jones: “____________”
A. It doesn’t matter. Come in and sit down. B. Look at yourself first.
C. No, it’s okay. I can handle it. D. You’re a liar.
5. Ignoring his mom’s advice, Jeff came home late from his friend’s house yesterday.
- Jeff: “I’m awful sorry for being so naughty yesterday." Mum: “________”
A. Don’t worry. I’ll do it. B. If you don’t mind.
C. I don’t think so. D. Ok. Your apology is accepted.
6. Lisa is preparing for the project when Miranda comes and asks her to help with the homework.
- Miranda: “I’m sorry to bother you.” Lisa: “________”
A. Come in, please. B. You’re wrong.
C. What are you doing? D. That’s alright. Don’t mention it.
7. Anthony gets a D for his English mid-term test.
- Anthony: “I am terribly sorry to have disappointed you, Mum.” Mum: “________”
A. I feel unwell now. I need some rest. B. I’m so proud of you.
C. You should be, but I believe you will try harder next time. D. Oh, really?
8. Helen and her friends are playing games and leave stuff all over the place when her mum arrives home.
- Helen: “I’m so sorry. I’ve messed up.” Mum: “________”
A. No worries. I understand. B. Let me make you some cookies.
C. Sure. D. No, thanks.
9. Henry is in a rush, and he steps on Daisy’s foot by chance.
- Henry: “I’m so sorry. I didn’t see you.” Daisy: “_______”
A. Keep moving. B. I’m on my way.
C. I’d like a cup of coffee. D. No worries. It’s all fine.
10. Richard breaks Sandra’s vase in the office by chance.
- Richard: “I'm terribly sorry about the broken vase. How can I make this up to you?”
- Sandra: “________”
A. It doesn’t matter, honestly. B. My bad.
C. I’m headed out to have some flowers. D. I can’t think anymore.

Lý thuyết tóm gọn

Phát âm đuôi S/ES .Cần nhớ 3 nhóm phát âm khác nhau

Nhóm1:các từ có đuôi“th,p,k,f(gh/ph),t” +s/es.

Nhóm2:các từ có đuôi“s,x,ge, ch,ce,sh,z” +s/es.

Nhóm3:các từ có đuôi khác

Phát âm đuôi ED. Cần nhớ 3 nhóm phát âm khác nhau

Nhóm1:các từ có đuôi t,d.

Nhóm2:các từ có đuôi “th,p,k, f(gh/ph), s,ge,ch,ce, sh”

Nhóm3:các từ có đuôi khác

Dấu nhấn thường nằm trước các từ có đuôi: ion, ial, ical, ity, itive, tant, ic, ual.
mentionsocial practicial identity competitive important
romantic casual individual
Dấunhấn thườngở cách1 âm đốivới cáctừcóđuôi:fy,ate, ize
diversify simplify candidate modernize organize modify
Dấunhấn nằmở âmchính:oon,ese, ee,oo …….: bamboo,afternoon
Danhtừ képcó dấunhấn nằmở danhtừphíatrước:bookshop, welfare………..


1. A.neighbors B.friends C.relatives D.photographs

2. A.snacks B.follows C.titles D.writers
3. A.streets B.phones C.books D.makes
4. A.cities B.satellites C.series D.workers
5. A.develops B.takes C.laughs D.volumes
6. A.explains B.wakes C.phones D.names
7. A.phones B.streets C.books D.makes
8. A.proofs B.regions C.lifts
9. A.involves B.believes C.suggests D.steals
10. A.serves B.blocks C.banks D.tourists
11. A.remembers B.cooks C.walls D.pyramids
12. A.miles B.words C.accidents D.names
13. A.sports B.plays C.households D.minds
14. A.makes B.views C.reads D.decides
15. A.albums B.tanks C.shops D.plants
16. A.gets B.loves C.sings D.buys
17. A.collects B.cooks C.swims D.claps
18. A.stamps B.friends C.relatives
19. A.envelops C.books D.guitarists
20. A.washes B.flies C.catches


1.A.invited B.attended C.celebrated D.displayed

2.A.removed B.washed C.hoped D.missed
3.A.knocked B.watched C.stopped D.called
4.A.looked B.laughed C.moved D.stepped
5.A.wanted B.parked C.stopped D.watched
6.A.laughed B.passed C.suggested D.placed
7.A.believed B.prepared C.involved D.liked
8.A.lifted B.lasted C.happened D.decided
9.A.practiced B.ranged C.washed D.touched
10.A.collected B.changed C.formed D.viewed
11.A.walked B.entertained C.reached D.looked
12.A.watched B.stopped C.pushed D.improved
13.A.approached B.stocked C.developed D.painted
14.A.admired B.looked C.missed D.hoped
15.A.played B.admired C.liked D.called
16.A.collected B.discarded C.watched D.wanted
17.A.placed B.practiced C.stopped D.named
18.A.hoped B.attracted C.added D.participated
19.A.equipped B.delivered C.transferred D.received
20.A.worked B.pumped C.watched D.contented

1. Question: A.avoid B.remind C.visit D.involve

2. Question: A.effort B.factor D.device
3. Question: B.adapt C.prefer D.create
4. Question: A.couple B.research C.village D.language
5. Question: A.careful B.modern C.polite D.boring
6. Question: A.agree B. invent C.refer D.listen
7. Question: A.admire B.happen C.complain D.complete

8. Question: B. employ C.reduce D.answer
9. Question: A.offer B.believe C.maintain D.respond
10. Question: A.justice B.campaign C.parent D.knowledge
11. Question: A.tractor B.culture C.police D. country
12. Question: B.flower C.human D.canteen
13. Question: A.pollute B.enter C.correct D.provide
14. Question: A.follow B.relate C.reserve D.confide
15. Question: A.nature B.mountain C.mistake D.treatment
16. Question: A.success B.feature C.father
17. Question: B. study C.explain D.refuse
18. Question: A.achieve B. apply C.recruit D.shortlist
19. Question: A.promise B.protect C.damage D.comment
20. Question: A.extinct B.ideal C.sincere D. happy
21. Question: A.danger C.advice D.nature
22. Question: A.diverse B. lucky C.pretty D.special
23. Question: A.polite B.crowded C.equal D. friendly
24. Question: A.survive B.believe C.function D.donate
25. Question: A.begin B.appear C.finish D.become
26. Question: B.persuade C.agree D.threaten
27. Question: A.event B.device C.idea D.rescue
28. Question: A.attract B.practice C.allow D.result
29. Question: A.routine B.journal C.mission
30. Question: A.certain B.harmful C.careless D.mature


Question 1: A. enormous B. annoying C. similar D. dependent

Question 2: A. possible B. important C. difficult D. beautiful
Question 3: A. generous B. excited C. supportive D. romantic
Question 4: A. marvelous B. impressive C. fantastic D. domestic
Question 5 : A. humorous B. dynamic C. decisive D. existing
Question 6: A. attractive B. mischievous C. capable D. powerful
Question 7: A. specific B. amusing C. successful D. dangerous
Question 8: A. effective B. surprising C. wonderful D. polluted

Question 9 : A. entertain B. understand C. introduce D. establish
Question 10 : A. recognize B. dedicate C. develop D. separate
Question 11 : A. consider B. estimate C. remember D. determine
Question 12: A. holiday B. resident C. computer D. capital
Question 13: A. disaster B. summary C. loyalty D. cinema
Question 14: A. factory B. architect C. excitement D. applicant
Question 15 : A. government B. destruction C. century D. company
Question 16: A. imagine B. discover C. penalize D. contribute
Question 17: A. concentrate B. activate C. classify D. recommend
Question 18: A. medicine B. employment C. interview D. habitat
Question 19: A. confusing B. chemical C. expensive D. convenient
Question 20: A. accident B. tsunami C. disaster D. approval
Question 21: A.solution B. privacy C. residence D. willingness
Question 22: A.dominance B. discipline C. perspective D. partnership
Question 23: A.gathering B. emotion C. tendency D. signature
Question 24: A.military B. officer C. agency D. politeness
Question 25: A.commitment B. honesty C. applauder D. position
Question 26: A.solvable B. financial C. personal D. dominant
Question 27: A.committed B. regardless C. prominent D. responsive
Question 28: A.romantic B. cultural C. realize D. dramatic
Question 29 : A.informal B. optional C. attentive D. linguistic
Question 30 : A.regional B. pervasive C. sufficient D. illegal
Question 31: A.equalize B. contribute C. generate D. socialize
Question 32: A.interrupt B. sociable C. formalize D. educate
Question 33: A.encounter B. determine C. indicate D. demolish
Question 34 : A.medicate B. innovate C. satisfy D. recommend
Question 35: A.understand B. recommend C. contradict D. dominate

1. A. apply B. tailor C. career D. data

2.A. lake B. bay C. cane D. lack
3. A. chase B. tax C. wave D. play
4. A. ban B. mass C. cap
5.A. warm B. warn C. walk D. want
6.A.address B.allow C. traffic D. rural  
7. A.taste B. rank C. value D. talent
8. A. drama B. chart C. false D. card

9.A. share B.alike C. woman D.agree
10. A. absorb B. abroad C. urban D. access 
11. A. talent B. access C. apple D.ancient
13.A.various B. base C. ancient D. lane
14.A. amazing B. charge C. female D. taste
15.A.athlete C.walk D. talent
16. A. grace B. upgrade C. amend D. nation
17. A. talent B. claim C. adapt D. man
18. A. campus B. intact C. absorb D. candy
19. A. charm B. charter C. nature D. bargain 
20. A. anthem B. appear C. yoga D. attend 
21. A. manual  B. racial C. campfire D. laptop
22. A. carbon B. standard C. manage D. advent
23.A. police B. lighten C. childish D. advise
24.A. unite B. winter C. practise D. skimming
25.A. promise B. derive C. item D. invite
26.A. classic B. design C. tittle D. describe
27. A. high B. nice C. white D. fit
28.A. like B. kiss C. wish D. sit
29. A. give B. live C. find D. fill
30.A. rise B. lift C. miss D. knit
31. A. night B. tide C. kite D.inn
32. A. mind B. sing C. smile D. shine
33. A. hide B. drive C. bite D. pick
34.A. minus B. singer C. machine D. rabbit
35. A. third B. shirt C. will D. firm



1. But for your support, our band couldn’t have won the Grand Music competition.
A. show B. quiz C. contest D. tour
2.In a school year in Vietnam, there are two termscalled the first term and the second term.
A. grades B. levels C. semesters D. systems
3.It is advisable that everyone in the family share the household duties.
A. views B. ideas C. jobs D. chores
4.Despite her cries, no one came to provide assistance.
A. help B. suggestion C. requirement D. belief
5.Salt has been used for centuries as a method of preserving food.
A. displaying B. cooking C. conserving D. seasoning
6.When the game comes a tie, there are two overtime periods of three minutes each.
A. penalty B. draw C. score D. goal
7.School uniforms are compulsory in most of Vietnamese schools.
A. divided B. paid C. depended D. required
8. Setting and clearing the table or making bed are suitable chores for 8-to 10-years-old children.
A. appropriate B. improper C. unacceptable D. unreasonable
9. Men should sharehousehold chores with women in their families.
A. cover B. finish C. take D. split
10.Hunting for meat and burning forests for soil cause destruction to wildlife.
A. organization B. damage C. protection D. contamination
11.Many women sacrifice their career for their family.
A. work B. unemployment C. occupation D. interest
12.Mother Teresa devoted herself to caring for the sick and the poor.
A. spent B. contributed C. sacrificed D. dedicated
13. The old blood cells are broken down by the spleen and eliminated from the body.
A. cut out B. exhaled C. removed D. held
14.Ha Long Bay is well-known for its beauty. That’s why it receives many visitors every year.
A. famous B. responsible C. unknown D. ideal
15. The medical community continues to make progress in the fight against cancer.
A. improvement B. speed C. expectation D. treatment
16.That competition was sponsored by the host country.
A. limited B. finished C. financed D. planned
17.Computers are recent accomplishments in our time.
A. structures B. achievements C. calculations D. inventions
18. Those people who have enough courageare likely to be successful.
A. energy B. motivation C. bravery D. desire
19. It’s vitalthat our children’s handwriting should be clear.
A. required B. compulsory C. essential D. obliged
20. Young people are now getting more and more concerned about environmental problems.
A. worried B. nervous C. hopeless D. uneasy
21. In Western culture, it is polite to maintain eye contact during a conversation.
A. irresponsible B. courteous C. secure D. informal
22.The most important thing is to keep yourself occupied during the social distancing time.
A. relaxed B. comfortable C. free D. busy
23.The repeated commercials on TV distract many viewers from watching their favorite films.
A. advertisements B. game shows C. contests D. news
24.The differences between British and American English are comparatively small.
A. relatively B. extremely C. surprisingly D. straightly

25.Every month, the volunteer group go to remote and mountainous areas to help those in need.
A. empty B. faraway C. crowded D. poor
26.Whatever his shortcomings as a husband, he was a good father to his children.
A. strengths B. weaknesses C. abilities D. good sides
27.The government needs to seek a solution to prevent domestic violence as soon as possible.
A. recreation B. remedy C. decision D. technique
28. All of these treatments are supposed to cleanse your body and stimulate your immune system.
A. encourage B. generate C. increase D. expand
29.She has shown herself to be a highly competent manager.
A. ambitious B. unqualified C. proficient D. decisive
30.A popular way to relieve stress in today's busy lifestyles is practising meditation.
A. reduce B. relax C. repeat D. require
31.We're surprised to hear that his musical talent was nurtured by their loving parents when he was a
A. supported B. limited C. fostered D. restricted
32.This is the instance where big, obvious non-verbal signals are appropriate.
A. place B. situation C. time D. issue
33.Today’s scientists have overcome many of the challenges of the depth by using more
sophisticated tools.
A. common B. modern C. simple D. complicated
34. This game show has attracted many participants since it was aired in 2015.
A. stopped B. designed C. introduced D. broadcasted
35.In the 20th century, most of the traditional attitudes to remarriage are changing.
A. conventional B. contemporary C. latest D. new
36.The organization was established to better conditions for the disableD.
A. accept B. improve C. change D. prepare
37.They all encouraged my creativity and inspired me in many ways.
A. overlooked B. motivated C. rejected D. disappointed
38. Land erosion is mainly caused by widespread deforestation.
A. afforestation B. logging C. lawn mowing D. reforestation
39. Just by coincidence, I met my old classmate after 20 years.
A. sight B. surprise C. chance D. luck
40. I only applied for this business with a view to accumulating first-hand experience.
A. describing B. sharing C. lacking D. gaining
1. It wasn't a serious heart attack, but it gave him a terrible scare.
A. surprising B. sudden C. minorD. severe
2 . If tasks are too challenging, the end result is that learners are discouraged.
A. demanding B. fascinating C. stimulating D. encouraging
3.Flexible working hours could give working parents more time to spend with their children.
A. fixed B. unchangeable C. adjustable D. stable
4 . Few musicians are as versatile as he is: he plays, composes, arranges, and teaches.
A. skillful B. helpful C. flexible D. capable
5 . It's always difficult to come to a conclusion about portable computers because people buy them
for different reasons
A. available B. reliable C. transportable D. responsible
6. How the massive stones were brought here from hundreds of miles away is/remains a mystery.
A. heavy B. tiny C. hard D. minimal
7 . Ecotourism is making animals bolder and become less cautious about other animals.
A. foolish B. sensitive C. generous D. careful
8 . Hue is the ideal place to enjoy life; it's a beautiful and hospitablecity with its famous cultural heritage.
A. noticeable B. friendly C. generous D. well-known
9 . As the economy weakens, more and more jobs will be made redundant.
A. unnecessary B. unbalanced C. unfair D. unhealthy
10 . New books are displayed in aprominent position on tables at the front of the shop.
A. favourable B. noticeable C. spacious D. formal
11 . In Viet Nam, it is customary to choose a favourable day for occasions such as weddings,
funerals, or house-moving days.
A. favourite B. whole C. beautiful D. suitable
12 . As fossil fuel resources are running out, it is important for the government to find some types of
alternative energy.
A. practical B. possible C. irreplaceable D. substitute
13 . The balance andharmonious blending of various elements contribute to Taj Mahal's unique beauty.
A.fitting B. successful C. agreeable D. tasteful
14 . Taj Mahal is a giant mausoleum of white marble in Arga, India. It is considered to be an
outstanding work of art.
A. significant B. attractiveC. impressive D. fascinating
15 . As visitors explore this magnificent place, there are always new surprises for them.
A. strange B. impressive C. unusual D. interesting
16 . You can use earbuds to listen to music everywhere, even in public place, as nobody is disturbed.
A. annoyed B. connected C. involved D. interacted
17 . Personal electronic devices which distract students from their classwork are banned in most schools.
A. forbid B. prohibit C. disturb D. neglect
18 . The system is so sensitive that it can detect changes in temperature as small as 0.003 degrees.
A. categorize B. connect C. recognizeD. remind
19 . Only those who have the patience to do simple things perfectly ever acquire the skill to do
difficult things easily.
A. gain B. possess C. improve D. practise
20 . I like the general style of the building, but the chimneys are out of proportion—they're too big.
A. kind B. model C. structure D. way
22 . There is even more pollution caused by burning the fuels needed to generate the energy to make
new products.
A. bring B. produce C. benefit D. introduce
23 . Such policies may hinder attempts to achieve economic growth and may increase the level of
A. enforce B. pass C. deter D. ban
24 . Within twenty years there was a thriving industry in photographic prints, which included
impressive landscapes, views and still lives.
A. healthy B.prosperous C. modern D. green
25 . He was a hardworking and thrifty man who was saving to buy a small cottage from his employer.
A. sensible B. miserable C. poor D. economical

26 . I think hockey is a hazardous sport because you are constantly getting hit into the boards which
can lead to broken bones.
A. dangerous B. luxurious C. fascinating D. marvelous
27. Though he's not clever, he's adiligent worker and has often done well in the examinations.
A. clever B. studious C. practical D. helpful
28 . Nowadays, there have still been some decisions by sports referees which are likely to be either
unsatisfactory or problematic.
A. disapproved B. unacceptable C. dissatisfactory D. arguable
29 . Tennis wear has become a very lucrative business for both manufacturers and tennis stars.
A. expensive B. profitableC. risky D. illegal
30 . His new million-dollar luxury car is certainly an ostentatiousdisplay of his wealth.
A. admirable B. showy C. large D. expensive
31 . The way the care-taker treated those little children was deplorable therefore she must be
punished for what she did.
A. respectable B. satisfactory C. unacceptable D. mischievous
32 . In the polluted environment,infectious diseases can be passed easily from one person to another.
A. contagious B. serious C. mental D. fatal
33. After five days on trial, the court found him innocent of the crime and he was released.
A. innovative B. naive                   C. guilty                  D. benevolent
34. Mr. John Dopkin is a very generous old man. He has given most of his wealth to a charity
A. hospitable B. honest                 C. kind                    D. mean
35. In the first two decades of its existence, the cinema developed rapidly.
A. leisurely B. quickly           C. weakly                D. shortly
36. My little daughter would spend an inordinateamount of time in the shop, deciding exactly which
comics she was going to buy.  
A. excessive      B. limited                C. required              D. abundant
37. The policies of the government were beneficial to the economy as a whole.
A. harmless         B. crude                  C. detrimental         D. innocent
38. Fruit and vegetables grew in abundance on the island. The islanders even exported the surplus.
A. excess       B. large quantity     C. small quantity    D. sufficiency
39. If I take the pessimistic viewpoint, Tokyo won't be a safe place to live in.
A. negative B. optimistic            C. conservative       D. neutral
40. To reduce carbon emissions into the atmosphere, ways to limit the use of privatecars must be found.
A. public           B. personal              C. common             D. shared



1.She phoned me this afternoon at the office and we had a brief chat.
A. lengthy B. friendly C. short D. private
2. We ought to keep these proposals secret from the chairman for the time being.
A. lively B. attractive C. accessible D. revealed
3. The young are now far more materialistic than their precedents years ago.
A. industrious B. honest C. spiritual D. practical
4.Mary could not hide her dismay at the result of the final exam as it was not as expected.
A. disappointment B. depression C. happiness D. pressure
5.Certain courses in this university are compulsory; others are optional..
A. voluntary B. free C. stressful D. mandatory
6. The Red Cross is an international humanitarian agency dedicated to reducing the sufferingsof
wounded soldiers, civilians and prisoners of war.
A. sadness B. pain C. loss D. happiness
7.After five days on trial, the court found him innocent of the crime and he was released.
A. innovative B. naive C. guilty D. benevolent
8. Mr. John Dopkin is a very generous old man. He has given most of his wealth to a charity organization.
A. hospitable B. honest C. kind D. mean
9.In the first two decades of its existence, the cinema developed rapidly.
A. leisurely B. sluggishly C. weakly D. shortly
10.The earth is being threatened and the future looks bad.
A. endangered B. performed C. defended D. changed
11.My little daughter would spend an inordinateamount of time in the shop, deciding exactly which
comics she was going to buy. 
A. excessive B. limited C. required D. abundant
12.The policies of the government were beneficial to the economy as a whole.
A. harmless B. crude C. detrimental D. innocent
13. The doctor advised Peter to give up smoking.
A. stop B. continue C. finish D. consider
14.Fruit and vegetables grew in abundance on the island. The islanders even exported the surplus.
A. excess B. large quantity C. small quantity D. sufficiency
15.There is growing concern about the way man has destroyed the environment.
A. attraction B. consideration C. ease D. speculation
16.What time does the train from London depart?
A. arrive B. occur C. approach D. finish
17.The major stone sections in the historical complex remain intact thanks to the unique construction
A. attractive B. common C. picturesque D. ancient
18.If I take the pessimistic viewpoint, Tokyo won't be a safe place to live in.
A. negative B. optimistic C. conservative D. neutral
19.To reduce carbon emissions into the atmosphere, ways to limit the use of privatecars must be found.
A. public B. personal C. common D. shared
20.People who live in towns and cities live in an urban environment.
A. remote B. deserted C. suburban D. rural
21.Governments have to join hands to solve the environmental problems on a global scale.
A.worldwide B. nationwide C. local D. international
22.You need to do some warm-up exercise such as stretching before you start your yoga practice.
A. remaining B. declining C. developing D. shrinking
23.After hundreds of rejections by the employers, I decided that I need to do something about my obesity.
A. denial B. approval C. refusal D. encouragement
24.Until 1990 most companies in the world would not even allow women to take the exams, but such
gender discrimination is now disappearing.
A. unfairness B. injustice C. inequality D. equality
25.Poverty in many African countries increases the likelihood that people poach animals to earn their living.
A. chance B. prospect C. possibility D. improbability
26.The 21st century has witnessed the increasing formation of multicultural societies where a
varying number of ethnic people stay together.
A. emergence B. decrease C. vanishing D. appearance
27.Many manufacturing companies havesmart robots replace humans in stressful and hazardous jobs
and in assembly lines.
A. dangerous B. risky C. safe D. difficult
28.Professor Stephen Hawking thinks the primitive forms of A.I. which have been developed so far
will cause harm to human beings one day..
A. ancient B. modern C. original D. new
29.If the candidates can perform well and impress the interviewers during the interview, they can be
A. chosen B. dismissed C. employed D. trained
30.My brother was promoted last month for being such a committed worker.
A. trustworthy B. irresponsible C. unenthusiastic D. unreliable
31.There has been insufficient rainfall over the past two years in this region, farmers are having trouble.
A. adequate B.necessary C. abundant D. dominant
32. -“What’s the matter? You don’t look very well.”
- “I feel a little under the weather today.”
A. sick B. happy C. tired D. fine
33.The CD ran in a continuous loop, playing the same songs over and over.
A. infrequently B. repeatedly C. endlessly D. forever
34. My brother and his wife usually see eye to eye on the things that really matter.
A. respect each other B. disagree C. decide D. acknowledge
35. I made these all arrangements because I hardly get to see you. You come once in a blue moon.
A. once or twice B. once in a while C. rarely D. too often


1.Don’t mention soccer to Henry because he would go and play at the drop of a hat.
A. in no time B. unwillingly C. unquestionably D. immediately
2.She was a very busy manager. Such relaxed days were few and far between.
A. happening frequently B. highly appreciated
C. becoming irregular D. seldom occurring
3.Yes, I suppose she was but she’d changed so much. She used to be chubby, but now she was all skin
and bone.
A. quite poor B. hard up C. rather plump D. rather thin

4.My wife asked me to take our car to the mechanic because it’s acting up again.
A. operating in a strange way B. working awkwardly
C. running at an unruly speed D. functioning properly
5.I need to catch up on world events. I haven’t seen the news in ages.
A. go ahead with B. catch sight of C. watch the news D. become outdated
6.The misunderstanding will be cleared up as soon as he gets here.
A. resolved B. explained C. dealt with D. confused
7.The government kept back vital information concerning the oil spill.
A. revealed B. suppressed C. reserved D. maintained
8.The problems in this neighborhood need to be sorted out before things get worse.
A. solved completely B. left undone
C. give an explanation for D. classified clearly
9.- “Why do you suddenly have so much energy?”
- “I’m hyped up on life. Isn’t life great? Let’s go for a run?”
A. very excited about B. disappointed with
C. amused at D. really eager for
10. “If you had studied instead of goofing off all semester, then you wouldn’t be so worried about
tomorrow’s exam.”
A. behaving not very well B. passing time in a relaxed way
C. hardly trying to work D. passing time studying
11.You can’t bury your head in the sand – you need to face up to your own problems.”
A. stay indoors all the time B. ignore one’s duty
C. take notice of the situation D. get out of bed despite sickness
12.Laura was over the moon when she got her exam results – 8 grade As!”
A. delighted B. mostly hopeful C. really disappointed D. very happy
13.“I studied and studied for my driving test until I knew it by heart.”
A. learned as much as possible about it B. was ignorant of it
C. performed the best D. knew something very well
14.The wolves quickly melted into the dark forest, and were gone.
A. disappeared B. turned down C. came into sight D. froze
15.She’s laid up for nearly four months after the accident last year.
A. able to work despite illness B. unemployed for good
C. lying in bed because of illness D. dismissed for carelessness
16.Don’t put words into my mouth! I never said I hate roses
A. interrupt rudely B. mention wrongly C. quote exactly D. ask politely
17.I’m at a loss to how you are going to pass your subjects without studying. All you do is to play
video games all day.
A. lose the game B. completely understand
C. feel like a stranger D. try to understand
18.Wait until they’re out of earshot, then I tell you exactly what happened to them on their holiday
A. likely to disappear B. impossible to be seen
C. able to hear D. necessary to be told
19.The President came under fire for his inconsiderate decision to close the government.
A. was praised B. was criticized C. received thanks D. felt ashamed
20.Even though Derek had made up with Joan, the tension between them was still evident.
A. become friends again B. stopped the argument

C. had a quarrel D. ended a quarrel
21.Libraries are an investment for the future and they should not be allowed to fall into decline.
A. get over increasing B. make an decrease
C. be on the increase D. promote an increase
22. “I am nuts about computers. I have about seven in my house: four laptops and three desktop computers.”
A. need to sell something B. am sick of something
C. like something a lot D. am part of a fan club
23.Her son, who was reported dead more than three years ago, came out of the blue.
A. apparently B. purposely C. suddenly D. expectedly
24.“Hey Rachel, I think I sort of forget to thank you all for your help in the past week. Thank you.”
A. definitely B. by the way C. not really D. in some ways
25.He was in the very seventh heaven when the girl consented to be his wife.
A. utterly discontented B. amazingly dreamy
C. extremely depressed D. wonderfully imaginative
26. "I don't believe them. Their story doesn't add up.”
A. seem reasonable B. appear rational C. seem confused D. appear logical
27.The child went through a lot before recovering completely.
A. suffered B. experienced C. got over D. soothed
28.Despite his financial problems, he managed to hold on tohis fortune.
A. keep all B. hold tightly C. donate all D. lose possession of
29.I am in favour of keeping the environment clean.
A. approve of B. oppose to C. agree with D. rely on
30.Despite the heavy traffic, Harry could get to the airport in the nick of time.
A. long after the planned time B. with the little time to spare
C. in good condition D. with no luggage to handle
31.You’re 25 years old now, but you still haven’t cut the apron strings.
A. relied on others B. started doing well
C. become independent D. bought a new house
32.The first time I met my friend’s parents, I was walking on eggshells because I knew their political
views were very different from mine.
A. was talking nervously B. was given many eggs
C. had to be very cautious D. had a lot of pleasure
33.Since it is a surprise, don’t let the cat out of the bag.
A. let the bag away from the cat B. reveal the true story
C. keep the cat inside the bag D. hide the secret

Lý thuyết tóm gọn

Lý thuyết thu gọn

1. Can / Could / Be able to : Có thể ( Could quá khứ của Can)

2. May / Might : Điều gì đó có thể xáy ra hoặc không chác chắn ( May chắc chắn hơn Might)
3. May I………? Xin phép
4. Must = Be obliged: Phải ( ý bắt buộc)
5. Should / shouldn’t : Nên / không nên ( lời khuyên)
6. Mustn’t = Be not allowed to: không được phép ( ý cấm đoán)
7. Needn’t = Not necessary = Don’t / Doesn’t have to : Không cần thiết
8. Modal + Have + V3ED: có lẽ, ắt hẳn ( suy diễn ở quá khứ)
9. Must be: có lẽ, ắt hẳn ( suy diễn ở hiện tại)
10. So sánh giữa Must và Have to:Phải
Must: sự cần thiết hay bắt buộc có tính chủ quan
Ex: I’ve got a pain in my back. I must go to see a doctor
Have to: Sự cần thiết hay tính bắt buộc mang tính khách quan
Ex: She has to wear a raincoat because it’s raining very hard outside










1.Perhaps Susan know the address.
A. Susan may know the address. B. Susan must know the address.
C. Susan should know the address. D. Susan could know the address.
2. The report must be on my desk tomorrow.
A. The report will be able to be on my desk tomorrow.B. The report has to be on my desk tomorrow.
C. There have to be a report on my desk tomorrow. D. The report has to be there on my desk tomorrow.
3. I managed to finish all my work.
A. I can finish all my work. B. I must have finished all my work.
C. I could be able to finish all my work. D. I was able to finish all my work.
4.It was not necessary for Nancy to clean the flat.
A. Nancy didn't need to clean the flat. B. Nancy shouldn’t clean the flat.
C. Nancy should have cleaned the flat. D. Nancy mustn’t clean the flat.
5.The best thing for you to do is to sit down.
A. You are necessary to sit down. B. You are allowed to sit down.
C. You had better sit down. D. You should be able to sit down.
6.I think you should give up smoking immediately.
A. You had better give up smoking immediately. B. You shouldn’t smoke immediately.
C. You mustn’t smoke any more. D. You are obliged to give up smoking.
7.It’s obligatory for him to bring his passport.
A. He has to bring my passport. B. He dares to bring his passport.
C. He may bring his passport. D. He is supposed to bring his passport.
8.I am sure that John is not the thief.
A. John can’t be the thief. B. John mustn’t be a thief.
C. John might not be a thief. D. John isn’t be able to be a thief.
9.I am sure that the cat is somewhere in the house.
A. The cat must be somewhere in the house. B. The cat can be somewhere in the house.
C. The cat is believed to be somewhere in the house.D. Somewhere in the house is there a cat.
10.It's time we left for the disco.
A. We may leave for the disco now. B. We needn't leave for the disco now.
C. We should leave for the disco now. D. We must have leave for the disco now.
11.I’m sure you are very tired after working so hard.
A. You must be tired after working so hard. B. You are sure to be tired after working so hard.
C. You might be tired after working so hard. D. You are supposed to be tired after working so hard.
12. You are not allowed to take photographs in this place.
A. You mustn’t take photographs in this place.B. You don’t have to take photographs in this place.
C. You are let not to take photographs in this place.D. You mustn’t allow to take photographs in this place.
13. Every student is required to write an essay on the topic.
A.Every student might write an essay on the topic.
B.Every student must write an essay on the topic.
C.They require every student can write an essay on the topic.
D.Every student should write an essay on the topic.
14.If only you told me the truth about the theft.
A. Had you had told me the truth, there wouldn’t have been the theft.
B. You should have told me the truth if there was a theft.
C. Only if you have told me the truth about the theft.
D. You should tell me the truth about the theft.

15.It’s not necessary that you do your homework now.
A. You needn’t do your homework now. B. You have to do your homework now.
C. You must do your homework now. D. You cannot do no homework now.
16.Maybe I will do well in my next English test.
A. I will have to do well in the next English test. B. I must do well in the next English test.
C. I will surely do well in the next English test. D. I may do well in the next English test.
17.It is impossible to smile properly if you don’t feel like it.
A. If you like smiling, you should smile properly.
B. You can’t smile properly if you don’t feel like it.
C. If it is possible, you should smile properly.
D. You must know how to smile properly.
18.It's time they realised that they won't be able to finish the job by the deadline.
A. They may that they won't be able to finish the job by the deadline.
B. They have to realise that they won't be able to finish the job by the deadline.
C. They should realise that they won't be able to finish the job by the deadline.
D. They must realise that they won't be able to finish the job by the deadline.
19.I don’t think she is English. She doesn’t speak English at all.
A. She shouldn’t be English because she doesn't speak English at all.
B. She mustn't be English because she doesn't speak English at all.
C. She needn't be English because she doesn't speak English at all.
D. She can’t be English because she doesn’t speak English at all.
20.It’s prohibited to take dogs into the restaurant.
A. You must take dogs into the restaurants. B. You mustn't take dogs into the restaurant.
C. You may take dogs into the restaurant. D. You needn't take dogs into the restaurant.
21.It is against the law to drive on the left in Vietnam.
A. You must not drive on the left in Vietnam. B. You may drive on the left in Vietnam.
C. You will be able to drive on the left in Vietnam. D. You can drive on the left in Vietnam.
22. It is always advisable to drive slowly in the rain.
A. Everyone would rather drive slowly in the rain. B. Everyone will drive slowly in the rain.
C. Everyone should drive slowly when it rains. D. Everyone can drive slowly when it rains.
23. I think you should tell your father we’ll be late today or he’ll be worried.
A. Your father may not know we will be late today.
B. We will tell your father we’ll be late today.
C. Your father might know you will be late today.
D. You ought to tell your father we will be late today.
24. Persistence and patience are necessary for success.
A. We have to be persistent and patient to be successful
B. Successful people will be patient and persistent.
C. Success is persistence and patience.
D. Successful people can be patient and persistent.
25. It isn’t necessary to bring an umbrella. The weather is beautiful.
A. We mustn't bring an umbrella. The weather is beautiful.
B. We wouldn't bring an umbrella. The weather is beautiful.
C. We needn’t bring an umbrella. The weather is beautiful.
D. We can't bring an umbrella. The weather is beautiful.
26.It is essential that all new soldiers have a medical examination.
A. All new soldiers must have a medical examination.
B. All new soldiers might have a medical examination.
C. All new soldiers will have a medical examination.
D. All new soldiers needn't have a medical examination.
27. I'm absolutely sure that this is not the shortest way to the cinema.
A. This mightn't be the shortest way to the cinema.
B. This shouldn't be the shortest way to the cinema.
C. This can't be the shortest way to the cinema.
D. This mustn't be the shortest way to the cinema.
28. It’s possible that Tom won’t be able to come to the party tomorrow night.
A. Tom might come to the party tomorrow night. B. Tom can come to the party tomorrow night.
C. Tom needn’t come to the party tomorrow night. D. Tom mightn’t come to the party tomorrow night.
29.It’s against the regulations to use the mobile phone while the plane is taking off.
A. Passengers don’t have to use their mobile phone while the plane is taking off.
B. Passengers mustn’t use their mobile phone while the plane is taking off.
C. Passengers shouldn’t use their mobile phone while the plane is taking off
D. Passengers needn’t use their mobile phone while the plane is taking off.
30. The best thing for Nana to do now is to tell her friend the truth.
A. Nana should tell her friend the truth now. B. Nana must tell her friend the truth now.
C. Nana might tell her friend the truth now. D. Nana would tell her friend the truth now.


1. She is not allowed to meet her children until the operation has finished.
A. She may not meet her children until the operation has finished.
B. She shouldn’t meet her children until the operation has finished.
C. She needn’t meet her children until the operation has finished.
D.She mustn’t meet her children until the operation has finished.
2.It isn’t necessary for you to finish the project today.
A.You needn’t finish the project today. B. You may not finish the project today.
C. You had better not finish the project today. D. You can’t finish the project today.
3.You are obliged to show your ID card when you enter this place.
A. You may show your ID card when you enter this place.
B. You must show your ID card when you enter this place.
C. You had better show your ID card when you enter this place.
D. You can show your ID card when you enter this place.
4.It’s possible for us to borrow books in the school library.
A. We must borrow books in the school library.
B. We can borrow books in the school library.
C. We have to borrow books in the school library.
D. We should borrow books in the school library.
5.My grandfather was able to work on the field all day without eating.
A. My grandfather can work on the field all day without eating.
B. My grandfather may work on the field all day without eating.
C.My grandfather could work on the field all day without eating.
D. My grandfather would on the field all day without eating.
6.Her husband isn’t able to speak any words in English.
A. Her husband mustn’t speak any words in English.
B. Her husband can’t speak any words in English.
C. Her husband shouldn’t speak any words in English.
D. Her husband may not speak any words in English.
7.It is important to be hard working in any circumstances.
A. You should work hard in any circumstances.
B. You may work hard in any circumstances.
C. You must not work hard in any circumstances.
D. You can’t work hard in any circumstances.
8.It’s possible that we won’t go camping this weekend.
A. We will probably go camping this weekend. B. We might not go camping this weekend.
C. We should not go camping this weekend.D. We must not go camping this weekend.
9.There is no need for you to redecorate your room.
A. You needn’t redecorate your room. B. You didn’t have to redecorate your room.
C. You didn’t need to redecorate your room. D. You mustn’t redecorate your room.
10.You are not allowed to take photos in the museum.
A. You may take photos in the museum. B. You should take photos in the museum.
C. You mustn’t take photos in the museum. D. You needn’t take photos in the museum.
11.I’m sure you are very tired after working so hard.
A. You can’t be very tired after working so hard.
B. You may be very tired after working so hard.
C. You should be very tired after working so hard.
D. You must be very tired after working so hard.
12.Perhaps we will be late for the meeting.
A.We must get to the meeting on time. B.We should get to the meeting on time.
C.We needn’t get to the meeting on time. D.We may not get to the meeting on time.
13.It was wrong of you to criticize your son in front of his friends.
A. You could have criticized your son in front of his friends.
B. You must have criticized your son in front of his friends.
C. You mightn’t have criticized your son in front of his friends.
D. You shouldn’t have criticized your son in front of his friends.
14.The fish died. I’m sure he forgot to feed them.
A. He must have forgot to feed the fish. B. He shouldn’t have fed the fish.
C. He needn’t have fedthe fish. D. He may have forgot feeding the fish.
15.Smoking is not allowed in public places such as hospitals and schools.
A. You mustn’t smoke in public places such as hospitals and schools.
B. You needn’t smoke in public places such as hospitals and schools.
C. You will not smoke in public places such as hospitals and schools.
D. You may not smoke in public places such as hospitals and schools.
16.It’s necessary for students to do their homework before going to school.
A. Students should do their homework before going to school.
B. Students mustn’t do their homework before going to school.
C. Students may do their homework before going to school.
D. Students needn’t do their homework before going to school.
17.It’s compulsory for Korean men from the age of 18 to serve the army for two years.
A. Korean men from the age of 18 must serve the army for two years.
B. Korean men from the age of 18 may serve the army for two years.
C. Korean men from the age of 18 can’t serve the army for two years.
D. Korean men from the age of 18 needn’t serve the army for two years.
18.Students are not allowed to use dictionaries in the examination room.
A. Students mustn’t use dictionaries in the examination room.
B. Students needn’t use dictionaries in the examination room.
C. Students shouldn’t use dictionaries in the examination room.
D. Students might not use dictionaries in the examination room.
19.John brought along his sweater during his last trip to Japan, but he didn’t wear it.
A. John needn’t have brought his sweater during his last trip to Japan.
B. John couldn’t have brought his sweater during his last trip to Japan.
C. John might not have brought his sweater during his last trip to Japan.
D. John can’t have brought his sweater during his last trip to Japan.
20.John says that he’ll come here today, but I am not sure about that.
A. John may come here today. B. John must come here today.
C. John should come here today. D. John ought to come here today.
21.It’s possible that he is at home at the moment.
A. He may be at home at the moment. B. He must be at home at the moment.
C. He can’t be at home at the moment. D. He mustn’t be at home at the moment.
22.It was wrong of Judy to cheat in the last exam.
A. Judy shouldn’t have cheated in the last exam. B. Judy can’t have cheated in the last exam.
C. Judy might have cheated in the last exam. D. Judy could have cheated in the last exam.
23. It wasn’t necessary for Jane to book the concert tickets in advance.
A. Jane shouldn’t have booked the concert tickets in advance.
B. Jane can’t have booked the concert tickets in advance.
C. Jane might not need to book the concert tickets in advance.
D. Jane mustn’t book the concert tickets in advance.
24.The interviewee learns all the answers by heart, but it is unnecessary.
A. The interviewee needn’t learn all the answers by heart.
B. The interviewee couldn’t learn all the answers by heart.
C. The interviewee should learn all the answers by heart.
D. The interviewee might learn all the answers by heart.
25.It was a mistake of your mother to buy you that smart phone.
A. Your mother couldn’t have bought you that smart phone.
B. Your mother shouldn’t have bought you that smart phone.
C. Your mother needn't have bought you that smart phone.
D. Your mother might not have bought you that smart phone.
26.I’m sure he did this because I saw him standing there.
A. He must have done this because I saw him standing there.
B. He can’t have done this because I saw him standing there.
C. He shouldn’t have done this because I saw him standing there.
D. He might have done this because I saw him standing there.
27.It was careless of Mrs. Young to leave the door unlocked last night.
A. Mrs. Young can’t have left the door unlocked last night.
B. Mrs. Young must have left the door unlocked last night.
C. Mrs. Young shouldn’t have left the door unlocked last night.
D. Mrs. Young might have left the door unlocked last night. 
28.It was very bad of you to use my laptop without asking my permission.
A. You might have asked me before you used my laptop.
B. You shouldn’t have asked me before you used my laptop.
C. You could not ask me before you used my laptop.
D. You should have asked me before you used my laptop.
29.His parents complained about his absence from school. It was wrong of him not to tell them about that.
A. He should have told his parents about his absence from school.
B. He might not have told his parents about his absence from school.
C. He must have told his parents about his absence from school.
D. He couldn’t have told his parents about his absence from school.
30.I am sure he did not know that his brother graduated with flying colors.
A. He cannot have known that his brother graduated with very high marks.
B. He may not know that his brother is flying gradually up in a colorful balloon.
C. That his brother graduated with flying colors must have been appreciated by him.
D. He should not have been envious of his brother’s achievement.

Lý thuyết tóm gọn

MustHad to

today/tonight thatday/thatnight yesterday  thedaybefore
lastweek theweekbefore/thepreviousweek ago before
tomorrow thefollowingday/thenextday/thedayafter
nextweek thefollowingweek… now  then
this  that these  those
here there

Lý thuyết thu gọn


Câu tường thuật: (Chỉ áp dụng cho loại câu phát biểu và câu hỏi)

Kiểm tra các phương án trả lời để loại trừ:

- Nếu động từ tường thuật ở quá khứđộng từ trong câu ở hiện tại/tương lai: LOẠI

- Nếu trợ động từ (am/is/are-was/were, do/does/did, have/has/had, modals) đứng trước Chủ ngữ: LOẠI

Chọn đáp án:

- Kiểm tra (Lùi thì, thay đổi ngôi: I/we, me/us, my/our về người nói; he/she/it, him/her/it,
his/her/its về người nghe, thay đổi trạng từ chỉ thời gian/nơi chốn nếu có).








1. He said, “My wife has just bought a diamond ring.”
A.He said that his wife had just bought a diamond ring.
B. He said that my wife had just bought a diamond ring.
C. He said that his wife has just bought a diamond ring.
D. he said that his wife just bought a diamond ring.
2. “I will come with you as soon as I am ready”, she said to Philip.
A. She said to Philip he will come to see you as soon as he I am ready.
B. She told Philip she will come to see her as soon as she was ready.
C. She told Philip she would come to see you as soon as she was ready.
D.She told Philip she would come to see him as soon as she was ready.
3. “I wrote to him yesterday”

A. She said to me I wrote to him the day before. B. She told me she wrote to him yesterday.
C. She told me she had written to him yesterday.D.She told me she had written to him the day before.
4. “He is talking to your sister”, She said to me.
A. She told me he was talking to your sister. B. She told me she was talking to my sister.
C.She told me he was talking to my sister.D. She told me he was talking to her sister.
5. Miss White said to him, “ Why are you so late? Did your car have a flat fire?”
A. Miss White told him why was he so late and did your car have a flat fire
B. Miss White asked him why was he so late and did your car have a flat fire.
C. Miss White asked him why was he so late and if your car have a flat fire.
D. MissWhite asked him why he was so late and whether his car had a flat fire.
6. He said "If I had enough money, I could buy that dictionary."
A. He said if he had enough money, he could buy that dictionary
B. He said if he had had enough money, he could buy that dictionary.
C. He said if he had enough money, he could have bought that dictionary.
D. He said if he had had enough money, he could have bought that dictionary.
7. “I’ll tell you about this tomorrow, Mary.” said Tom.
A. Tom said to Mary that he will tell her about that the next day.
B. Tom told Mary that I would tell you about that the next day.
C.Tom told Mary that he would tell her about that the next day.
D. Tom told Mary that she would tell him about that the next day.
8. “I have something to tell you” Kerry said to Cheryl.
A. Kerry told Cheryl I had something to tell her.
B.Kerry told Chery he had something to tell her.
C. Kerry told Cheryl she had had something to tell him.
D. Kerry told Cheryl he had had something to tell her.
9. “It is the time to check what you have done”, the father said to the boys.
A. The father said to the boys it was time to check what they had done.
B.The father told the boys it was time to check what they had done.
C. The father told the boys it was time to check what they have done.
D. The father told the boys it is time to check what they had done.
10. “You will like my sister when you meet her”
A. He told me you will like her sister when you meet her.
B. He told me I will like his sister when I met her.
C.He told me I would like his sister when I met her
D. He told me I would be liked his sister when I met her.
11. “I didn’t meet Susan last week”
A. He said he didn’t meet Susan the week before. B. He said he hasn’t met Susan last week.
C. He said he hadn’t met Susan last week. D.He said he hadn’t met Susan the week before.
12. “I didn’t break your watch”
A.The boy told the girl he hadn’t broken her watch.
B. The boy asked the girl he hadn’t broken her watch.
C. The boy told the girl he didn’t break her watch.
D. The boy told the girl he hadn’t broken your watch.
13. “I found a lot of mistakes in your plan”. Catherine said to Kevin.
A. Catherine told Kevin she found a lot of mistakes in his plan.
B. Catherine told Kevin she has found a lot of mistakes in his plan.
C. Catherine told Kevin she had found a lot of mistakes in his plan.
D. Catherine told Kevin she had found a lot of mistakes in her plan.
14. “I have just seen your mother this morning”.
A. Laura told Lewis I have just seen your mother this morning.
B.Laura told Lewis she had just seen his mother that morning.
C. Laura told Lewis she has just seen his mother that morning.
D. Laura told Lewis he had just seen her mother that morning.
15. “We are ready to come with our friends”
A. They told us they are ready to come with their friends.
B. They told us they were ready to come with our friends.
C. They told us we were ready to come with our friends.
D.They told us they were ready to come with their friends.
16. “I couldn’t get into the house because I had lost my key”
A. He said he couldn’t get into the house because he had lost my key.
B.He said he hadn’t been able to get into the house because he had lost his key.
C. He said he had been able to get into the house because he had lost his key.
D. He said he hadn’t been able to get into the house because he lost his key.
17. “I was intending to meet you tomorrow”.
A. She told me she was intending to meet me tomorrow.
B. She told me she had intending to meet me the next day.
C. She told me she had been intending to meet me tomorrow.
D.She told me she had been intending to meet me the next day.
18. “Don’t make noise because I am listening music now”
A. He asked me not to make noise because I am listening music now
B. He asked me not to make noise because I was listening music then
C.He asked me not to make noise because he was listening music then
D. He asked me to make noise because I was listening music then

1.'' Where did you go last night''? she said to her boyfriend.
A. She asked her boyfriend where did he go last night.
B. She asked her boyfriend where he went the night before.
C. She asked her boyfriend where had he gone the night before.
D. She asked her boyfriend where he had gone the night before.
2. '' Remember to write to your aunt''. I said to Miss Linh.
A. I said to Miss Linh remember to write to her aunt.
B. I said to Miss Linh to remember to write to her aunt.
C. I told Miss Linh remember to write to her aunt.
D. I reminded Miss Linh to remember to write to her aunt.

3. '' How long have you lived in Ha Noi''? said my friend.
A. My friend asked me how long have I lived in HaNoi.
B. My friend asked me how long had I lived in HaNoi.
C. My friend asked me how long I had lived in HaNoi.
D. My friend asked me how long I have lived in HaNoi.
4. ''Close the books, please'' said our teacher.
A. Close your book said by our teacher.
B. Our teacher asked us close our book.
C. Our teacher said us close our book.
D. Our teacher asked us to close our book.
5. “I didn’t break your watch” the boy said.
A. The boy told the girl that he hadn’t broken her watch.
B. The boy asked the girl that he hadn’t broken her watch.
C. The boy told the girl that he didn’t break her watch.
D. The boy told the girl that he hadn’t broken your watch.
6. “Don’t make noise because I am listening music now” he said to me.
A. He asked me not to make noise because I am listening music now.
B. He asked me not to make noise because I was listening music then.
C. He asked me not to make noise because he was listening music then.
D. He asked me to make noise because I was listening music then.
7. “I have just seen your mother this morning”. Laura said to Lewis.
A. Laura told Lewis I have just seen your mother this morning.
B. Laura told Lewis she had just seen his mother that morning.
C. Laura told Lewis she has just seen his mother that morning.
D. Laura told Lewis he had just seen her mother that morning.
8. “We are ready to come with our friends” they said
A. They told us they are ready to come with their friends.
B. They told us they were ready to come with our friends.
C. They told us we were ready to come with our friends.
D. They told us they were ready to come with their friends.
9. “I was intending to meet you tomorrow” she said.
A. She told me she was intending to meet me tomorrow.
B. She told me she had intending to meet me the next day.
C. She told me she had been intending to meet me tomorrow.
D. She told me she had been intending to meet me the next day.
10. Mrs Smith: “ Don’t play in front of my windows”
A. Mrs Smith told us not to play in front of her windows.
B. Mrs Smith told us not to play in front of my windows.
C. Mrs Smith told us to not play in front of her windows.
D. Mrs Smith said us not to play in front of her windows.
11. “I didn’t witness that accident. ”
A. He denied not having witnessed that accident. B. He denied having witnessed that accident.
C. He denied not having witnessing that accident. D. He denied not had witnessed that accident.
12. “You cheated in the exam. ” The teacher said to his students
A. The teacher insisted his students on cheating in the exam.
B. The teacher prevented his students from cheating in the exam.
C. The teacher advised his students to cheat in the exam.
D. The teacher accused his students of cheating in the exam.
13. " Don't forget to give the book back to Mary," he said to me.
A. He reminded me to give the book back to Mary.
B. He reminded me to forget to give the book back to Mary.
C. He advised me to give the book back to Mary.
D. He advised me to forget to give the book back to Mary.
14. "Would you like to go to the cinema with me tonight?" he said.
A.He invited me to go to the cinema with him that night.       
B.He offered me to go to the cinema with him tonight.
C.He asked me if I'd like to go to the cinema with him tonight.
D. He would like me to go to the cinema with him this night.
15. 'Remember to pick me up at 6 o'clock tomorrow afternoon," she said.
A.She told me to remember to pick her up at 6 o'clock tomorrow afternoon.
B.She reminded me to pick her up at 6 o'clock the following afternoon.
C.She reminded me to remember to pick her up at 6 o'clock the next afternoon.
D.She told me to pick her up at 6 o'clock the next day afternoon.
16. " Let's have a picnic next Saturday," Julia said.
A.  Julia said that let's have a picnic the next Saturday.
B.  Julia suggested having a picnic the following Saturday.
C.  Julia advised how about having a picnic the next Saturday.
D.  Julia told that why they didn't have a picnic next Saturday.
17. "If I were you, I'd tell him the truth," she said to me.
A.She said to me that if I were you, I'd tell him the truth.      
B.She will tell him the truth if she is me.
C.She suggested to tell him the truth if she were me.  
D.She advised me to tell him the truth.
18. “ Why don't you have your room repainted?" said Viet to Nam.
A.Viet suggested that Nam should have his room repainted.
B.Viet suggested having Nam's room repainted.
C.Viet asked Nam why you didn't have your room repainted.
D.Viet wanted to know why Nam doesn't have his room repainted.
19. "If I were you. Bill, I'd buy the house, " Stephen said.
A. Stephen suggested Bill to buy the house.                          B. Stephen advised Bill to buy the house.
C. Stephen promised Bill that he would buy the house.        D. Stephen forced Bill to buy the house.
20. “Don’t forget to feed the chicken twice a day. ”
A. He said don’t forget to feed the chicken twice a day.
B. He told not to forget to feed the chicken twice a day.
C. He reminded me to feed the chicken twice a day.      
D. He suggested me to feed the chicken twice a day
21. “Never borrow money from friends,” my father said.
A. My father told me never to borrow money from friends.
B. My father said to me never borrow money from friends.
C. My father suggested me never borrowing money from friends.
D. My father advised me not borrow money from friends
22. "Right. I'll take the brown pair, "Andrew said.
A.Andrew promised to take the brown pair.                     B. Andrew wanted to take the brown pair.
C. Andrew agreed to take the brown pair.                         D.Andrew asked to take the brown pair.
23. "I will ring you up after I get home. " Peter said to Mary.
A. Peter promised to give Mary a wedding ring after he got home.
B. Peter asked Mary to pay him a visit after he' got home.
C. Peter promised to visit Mary after he got home.
D. Peter promised to telephone Mary after he got home.
24. I suggested that he should paint the house light blue.
A."Shall we painted the house light blue?" I said to him.
B."How about to paint the house light blue?" I said to him.
C."Let's paint the house light blue," I said to him.
D."Why don't you paint the house light blue?" I said to him.
25. He reminded me to buy him some stamps.
A."Don't forget to buy me some stamps," he said.     B."Remember buying me some stamps," said he.
C."Remind to buy me some stamps," said he. D."Don't deny buying me some stamps.," he said.
26.   "I'll definitely return it to you tomorrow, " John said.
A.John said that he'll return it to me the next day.                 
B.John promised to return it to me the next day.
C.John told that he'll return it to me the next day.                  
D.John decided to return it to me next day.
27. "You mustn't call the police," he said to his wife.
A.He accused his wife of calling the police.            B.He warned his wife calling the police.
C.He stopped his wife from calling the police.        D.He apologized his wife for calling the police.


Lý thuyết tóm gọn


1. The last time I went to the museum was a year ago.
A. I have not been to the museum for a year. B. A year ago, I often went to the museum.
C My going to the museum lasted a year. D At last I went to the museum after a year.
2.The last time Susan met me was 2 weeks ago.
A. Susan has met me for 2 weeks ago. B. Susan has met me 2 weeks ago.
C.Susan hasn’t met me for 2 weeks. D.Susan hasn’t met me 2 weeks ago.
3.The last time Susan went to school by bike was one year ago.
A. Susan has gone to school by bike for one year.
B. Susan has gone to school by bike one year ago.
C Susan hasn’t gone to school by bike for one year.
D Susan hasn’t gone to school by bike one year ago.
4. He last visited London three years ago.
A. He has been in London for three years. B. He hasn't visited London for three years.
C He didn't visit London three years ago. D He was in London for three years.
5.The last time she saw the boy was last weekend.
A. She hasn’t seen the boy since last weekend.B. The boy hasn’t seen her since last weekend
C She last saw the boy two week ago. D She didn’t see the boy last weekend
6.I haven't visited my hometown for a few years.
A. I didn't visit my hometown a few years ago.
B. I have been in my hometown for a few years.
C. I last visited my hometown a few years ago.
D. I was in my hometown for a few years.
7.Mary started to chat with her friends five minutes ago.
A. It is five minutes ago since Mary started to chat with her friends.
B. Mary has been chatted with her friends for five minutes.
C Mary has been chatting with her friends for five minutes.
D Mary has chatted with her friends five minutes ago.
8.The last time I talked to Rose was three years ago.
A. I didn’t talk to Rose three years ago. B. I have talked to Rose for three years.
C. I hadn’t talked to Rose for three years. D. I haven’t talked to Rose for three years.
9.We haven’t been to the concert for two years.
A. We never used to go to the concert. B. We last went to the concert 2 years ago
C We didn’t go to the concert two years ago. D We are used to going to the concert.
10.It started to rain at 2 o’clock and it is still raining.
A. It has been raining at 2 o’clock. B. It has been raining since 2 o’clock
C It has been raining for 2 o’clock. D It has been raining in 2 o’clock.
11.I started studying English 3 years ago.
A. I have studied English for 3 years B. I haven’t studied English for 3 years
C I studied English for 3 years ago D The last time I studied English for 3 years ago
12.I last saw him when I was a student.
A. I haven't seen him since I was a student.
B. I have seen him since I was a student.
C The last time I saw him was since I have been a student
D I haven't seen him since I were a student.
13.The last time she went out with him was two years ago.
A. She hadn’t gone out with him for two years B. She has gone out with him two years ago
B. She hasn't gone out with him for two years. D She have gone out with him since two years
14.It's ten years since I last met him.
A. I last met him for ten years. B. I hasn’t met him for ten years.
C. I had met him ten years ago. D. I haven't met him for ten years.
14.When did you buy this villa?
A. How long have you bought this villa? B. How long had you bought this villa?
C. How long did you bought this villa? D. How long has you bought this villa?
16. This is the first time he has gone abroad
A. He has already gone abroad several times before. B. He has never gone abroad before.
C He has ever gone abroad some times. D. He had not gone abroad yet.
17.She started driving one month ago.
A. She has driven one month ago B. She has been driving since one month
C. She has been driving for one month D. She had been driving for one month
18.We began eating when it started to rain.
A. We have eaten since it started to rain. B. When it rained, we had begun eating.
C We have eating since it started to rain. D When it rained, we had been eating.
19.This is the first time I have had such a delicious meal.
A. I have ever had much delicious meal before. B. I had had such a delicious meal several times
C I haven't had such a delicious meal before. D I had ever had a delicious meal like this before
20.Robert and Catherine have been married for ten years.
A. It’s ten years since Robert and Catherine got married
B. It’s ten years when Robert and Catherine was married
C. Robert and Catherine’s marriage lasted 10 years.
D. At last Robert and Catherine lived together 10 years ago.
21. My father hasn’t smoked cigarettes for a month.
A. It’s a month since my father last smoked cigarettes.
B. It’s a month ago that my father smoked cigarettes.
C It’s a month that my father hasn’t smoked cigarettes.
D It’s a cigarette that my father smoked a month ago.
22. Mr. Brown bought this car five years ago.
A. Mr. Brown started to buy this car five years ago.
B. It has been five years when Mr. Brown bought this car
C. Mr. Brown has had this car for five years.
D. It is five years ago since Mr. Brown bought this car.
23. The famous actor was last seen in 2000.
A. The famous actor has not been able to see since 2000.
B. No one has seen the famous actor since 2000.
C The famous actor didn’t see anyone in 2000.
D No one saw the famous actor until 2000.
24.I came to live here three months ago.
A. It was three months since I lived here. B. I’ve been living here for three months.
C I lived here for three months. D I didn’t live here for three months.
25.We started working here three years ago.
A. We worked here for three years. B. We have no longer worked here for three years.
C We have worked here for three years. D We will work here in three years.
26.It’s a long time since we last went to the cinema.
A. We have been to the cinema for a long time. B. We haven’t been to the cinema for a long time.
C We don’t go to the cinema as we used to. D We wish we went to the cinema now.
27.He last had his eyes tested ten months ago.
A. He hasn’t had his eyes tested for ten months.
B. He had not tested his eyes for ten months then.
C He had tested his eyes ten months before.
D He didn’t have any test on his eyes in ten months.
28.I haven’t been here before.
A. Being here is a pleasant experience. B. This is the first time I have been here.
C I have wished to be here for long. D Before long I will be here.
29. The last time I saw Rose was three years ago.
A. I hasn’t seen Rose for three years. B. I haven’t seen Rose three years ago.
C I haven’t seen Rose since three years. D I haven’t seen Rose for three years.
30. The last time she saw her elder sister was in 1999.
A. She last saw her elder sister since 1999. B. She has seen her elder sister since 1999.
C She hasn’t seen her elder sister since 1999. D She saw her elder sister last 1999.
1.She has taught the children in this remote village for five months.
A.She started to teach the children in this remote village five months ago.
B. She was the teacher in this remote village for months ago.
C She started to teach the children in this remote village for five months
D The last time she taught the children in this remote village for five months ago
2.Someone knocked on the door during my lunchtime.
A. I had lunch when someone knocked on the door.
B. When I had had lunch, someone knocked on the door.
C I was having lunch when someone was knocking on the door.
D I was having lunch when someone knocked on the door.
3.She has known how to play the piano for 5 years.
A. She didn’t play the piano 5 yearsago. B. She started playing the piano 5 years ago.
C She played the piano 5 years ago. D The last time she played the piano was 5 years ago.
4.Steve left before my arrival.
A. When I arrived, Steve had already left. B. Steve left as soon as I arrived
C While Steve was leaving I arrived D Steve hadn’t left until I arrived
5.This is the first time I have attended such an enjoyable wedding party.
A. I had the first enjoyable wedding party.
B. I have never attended such an enjoyable wedding party before.
C My attendance at the first wedding party was enjoyable.
D The first wedding party I attended was enjoyable.
6.No one has seen Linda since the day of the party.
A. The party is going on without Linda. B. No one has seen Linda for ages.
C Linda has not been seen since the day of the party.D Linda is nowhere to be seen at the
7.Eight years ago, we started writing to each other.
A. We have rarely written to each other for eight years.
B. Eight years is a long time for us to write to each other.
C We have been writing to each other for eightyears.
D We wrote to each other eight years ago.
8.During our arrival, the children were playing “Hide and Seek”.
A. The children played “Hide and Seek” and then we arrived
B. While the children were playing “Hide and Seek”, we arrived
C We arrived at the same time the children played “Hide and Seek”.
D We didn’t arrive until the children played “Hide and Seek”.
9. The last time I went to Scotland was in May, when the weather was beautiful.
A. I haven’t gone to Scotland for May, when the weather was beautiful.
B. When the weather was beautiful I went to Scotland
C I haven’t gone to Scotland since May, when the weather was beautiful.
D I have been going to Scotland last May, when the weather was beautiful.
10. He last visited London three years ago.
A. He has been in London for three years. B. He hasn't visited London for three years.
C He didn't visit London three years ago. D He was in London for three years.

Lý thuyết tóm gọn


1. It isn't a lovely room. Its difficult view spoils it.

A. It would be a lovely room if its view were difficult.
B. Provided the room had a difficult view, it would be a lovely room.
C. Unless the room has a difficult view, it won't be a lovely room.
D. But for its difficult view, it would be a lovely room.
2.You help me every day. I can finish my work.
A. I could finish my work if you didn't help me every day.
B. If it weren't for your daily help, I couldn’t finish my work.
C. Unless you help me every day, I can finish my work.
D. In case you help me every day, I can't finish my work.

3.The children are not stuck at home. The teacher is very determined to help them.
A. The children would be stuck at home if the teacher were very determined to help them.
B. But for the determination of the teacher, the children would still be stuck at home.
C. Should the teacher be very determined to help them, the children will be stuck at home.
D. Had it not been for the teacher's determination, the children would have been stuck at home.
4.Our camping trip is not really wonderful. The hot weather spoils it.
A. Our camping trip would be really wonderful if the weather were hot.
B. But for the hot weather, our camping trip would be really wonderful.
C. Provided the weather were not hot, our camping wouldn't be really wonderful.
D. Unless the weather is hot, our camping trip won't really wonderful.
5.The company isn't in a mess. Jim helps it.
A. Without Jim's help, the company would be in a mess.
B. Unless Jim helps the company, it won't be in a mess.
C. In case Jim doesn't help the company, it will be in a mess.
D. If it were not Jim, the company wouldn't be in a mess.
6. Laura can't take part in the singing contest. Her bad condition prevents her from doing that.
A. But for Laura's bad condition, she could take part in the singing contest.
B. Without her bad condition, Laura wouldn't participate in the singing contest.
C. If Laura has a good health, she won't refuse to take part in the singing contest.
D. Unless Laura is in bad condition, she can't participate in the singing contest
7.Today isn't a pleasant day. The excessive humidity spoils it.
A. But for the excessive humidity, today would be a pleasant day.
B. The humidity is so excessive that today is a pleasant day.
C. If the weather is fine, today will be a pleasant day.
D. Today would be a pleasant as long as the humidity were low.
8.They don't get divorced. Their poor children refrain them from doing that.
A. If it weren't for their poor children, they would get divorced.
B. If their poor children refrained them from getting divorced, they would do.
C. They wouldn't get divorced without the poor children.
D. Unless they get divorced, their children won't be poor.
9.This is not an ideal place to live. Storms frequently hit it.
A. Provided storms frequently hit it, this would not be an ideal place to live.
B. Unless storms frequently hit it, this won't be an ideal place to live.
C. But for frequent storms, this would be an ideal place to live.
D. There are so many storms that this is an ideal place to live.
10.I don't buy the house. Its bad feng shui is the reason for that.
A. But for its bad feng shui, I would buy the house.
B. Provided its feng shui were good, I wouldn't buy the house.
C. I will buy the house if its fengshui is good.
D. Were its feng shui not bad, I would not buy the house.
11.The little girl isn't adorable. She behaves so badly.
A. The little girl is too adorable to behave so badly.
B. But for her bad behavior, the little girl would be adorable.
C. If the little girl behaved well, she wouldn't be adorable.

D. Unless the little girl behaves well, she won't be adorable.
12. Their trip to Italy isn't perfect. The outbreak of Covid 19 is the reason for it.
A. If it weren't for the outbreak of Covid 19, their trip to Italy would be perfect.
B. Unless there is an outbreak of Covid 19, their trip to Italy won't be perfect.
C. If there weren't an outbreak of Covid 19, they would go to Italy.
D. They can't go to Italy because of the outbreak of Covid 19.
13. The forest fire is not very serious. The heavy rain helps weaken it.
A. But for the heavy rain, the forest fire would be very serious.
B. Unless the heavy rain helps weaken it, the forest fire won't be very serious.
C. The forest fire is not very serious as long as it rains heavily.
D. Were it to rain heavily, the forest fire would very serious.
14. They are not a close-knit family. Serious arguments often occur among the members.
A. Without serious arguments among the members, they would be a close-knit family.
B. If the family members hadn't had serious arguments, they would be a close-knit family.
C. No matter how serious their arguments are, they are a close- knit family.
D. Unless they have serious arguments, they won't be a close-knit family.
15.David is unemployed, so he can’t book this flight by himself.
A. David could book this flight by himself if he were unemployed.
B. Provided David were unemployed, he could book this flight by himself.
C. If it were not for David’s unemployment, he could book this flight by himself.
D. If David booked this flight by himself, he would be unemployed.
16.I am not ready to take this job again. Her impolite comment discourages me.
A. Without her impolite comment, I would be ready to take this job again.
B. I would be ready to take this job again if her comment were impolite.
C. But for being ready to take this job again, her comment would be impolite.
D. If I were ready to take this job again, her comment would discourage me.
17.Linda is unable to say anything now. Everyone makes her anxious.
A. If everyone didn’t make Linda anxious, she would be unable to say something now.
B. Because Linda is unable to say anything now, everyone makes her anxious.
C. But for Linda’s anxiety, she would be able to say something now.
D. Without being able to say something, everyone would make Linda anxious.
18.We aren’t interested in this novel. Its plot is so complicated.
A. Because we aren’t interested in this novel, its plot is so complicated.
B. Provided the novel’s plot were complicated, we would be interested in it.
C. We would be interested in this novel but for its complicated plot.
D. Unless the novel’s plot is complicated, we won’t be interested in it.
19.My son really hates Math. Its complicated formulas are the reason.
A. If it were not for the complicated formulas, my son would like Math.
B. Unless Math has complicated formulas, my brother will hate it.
C. Since my son really hates Math, its formulas are complicated.
D. Math’s formulas would be complicated if my son didn’t hate it.
20.Nam behaves rudely. This prevents him from being loved by us.
A. Provided we loved Nam, he would behave rudely.
B. Nam would be loved by us if he behaved rudely.

C. Unless Nam were loved by us, his behavior would be rude.
D. We would love Nam if it weren’t for his rude behavior.
21.The manager’s plan is so unrealistic. The shareholders will disagree with it.
A. The shareholders would agree with the manager’s plan provided it were realistic.
B. But for the manager’s unrealistic, the shareholders would disagree with it.
C. The manager’s plan would be unrealistic if the shareholders agreed with it.
D. The shareholders would disagree with the manager’s plan unless it were unrealistic.
22. The book is popular worldwide. Its humanitarian value brings about this.
A. Unless the book had a humanitarian value, it would be popular worldwide.
B. The novel would have a humanitarian value if it were popular worldwide.
C. But for its humanitarian value, the book wouldn’t be popular worldwide.
D. Because the book is popular worldwide, it has a humanitarian value.
23.Students all admire Susan. She is so modest.
A. If it were not for Susan’s modesty, students wouldn’t admire her.
B. Provided students all admire Susan, she would be so modest.
C. Unless Susan were so modest, students would all admire her.
D. Students would all admire Susan if she weren’t so modest.
24.This car is not a good choice for you. It has limited speed.
A. If the car’s speed were unlimited, it would be a good choice for you.
B. Unless the car’s speed were unlimited, it would be a good choice for you.
C. Provided the car’s speed were limited, it would be a good choice for you.
D. The car’s speed would be limited if it were a good choice for you.
25.My father’s health is so bad. He is alcoholic.
A. My father’s health would be so bad if he were not alcoholic.
B. Provided my father were not alcoholic, his health wouldn’t be so bad.
C. Unless my father is alcoholic, his health would be so bad.
D. My father’s health would be so bad but for his alcoholism.
26.Workers in this company hate Tom. He is so arrogant.
A. If Tom weren’t so arrogant, workers in this company would hate him.
B. Provided workers in this company hated Tom, he wouldn’t be so arrogant.
C. But for Tom’s arrogance, workers in this company would hate him.
D. Without his arrogance, workers in this company wouldn’t hate Tom.
27.Marian is not a professional model. She lacks confidence.
A. But for her lack of confidence, she would be a professional model.
B. Marian wouldn’t lack confidence if she were a professional model.
C. Provided Marian were unconfident, she wouldn’t be a professional model.
D. If Marian were a professional model, she would lack confidence.
28.Her grandmother is forgetful, so her parents often grumble with her.
A. Unless her grandmother were forgetful, her parents would grumble with her.
B. If it were not for her grandmother’s forgetfulness, her parents would grumble with her.
C. Her parents wouldn’t often grumble with her grandmother if she were forgetful.
D. Without her grandmother’s forgetfulness, her parents wouldn’t often grumble with her.
29.Peter isn’t a famous singer. His voice is too light.
A. Unless Peter’s voice is light enough, he won't be a famous singer.
B. But for Peter’s light voice, he would be a famous singer.
C. If Peter has a light voice, Peter will be a famous singer.
D. Provided Peter were a famous singer, his voice would be light.
30. He helps us a lot. Thanks to this, we all survive.
A. But for our survival, he wouldn’t have helped us.
B. Without his help, we all survive.
C. If it weren’t for his help, we would all die.
D. If he had helped us, we wouldn’t have died.

Lý thuyết tóm gọn


1. The basketball team knew they lost the match. They soon started to blame each other.
A. Hardly had the basketball team known they lost the match when they started to blame each other.
B. Not only did the basketball team lose the match but they blamed each other as well.
C. No sooner had the basketball team started to blame each other than they knew they lost the match.
D. As soon as they blamed each other, the basketball team knew they lost the match.
2. Sue and Brian met. Shortly after that, he announced they were getting married.
A. As soon as Sue and Brian met, they announced they were getting married.
B. Right at the time Brian met Sue, he announced they were getting married.
C. Scarcely had Sue and Brian met when he announced they were getting married.
D. Until Sue and Brian met, they had announced they were getting married.

3.She had only begun to speak. People started interrupting.
A. She hardly had begun to speak when people started interrupting.
B. Hardly she had begun to speak when people started interrupting.
C. Hardly had she begun to speak when people started interrupting.
D. She hadn’t begun to speak when people started interrupting.
4.I had only just put the phone down. The boss rang back.
A. I put the phone down when the boss rang back.
B. Hardly had I put the phone down when the boss rang back.
C. No sooner had I put the phone down when the boss rang back.
D. Scarcely had I put the phone down than the boss rang back. 
5.He had done a lot of research. He soon wrote the book. 
A. Only after had he done a lot of research he wrote the book.
B. Not until he had conducted a lot of research did he write the book.
C. Only when he had done a lot of research he wrote the book.
D. It was not until he conducted a lot of research did he write the book.
6.The car turned the corner. The wheel came off.
A. No sooner has the car turned the corner than the wheel came off.
B. No sooner the car had turned the corner than the wheel came off.
C. No sooner had the car turned the corner, the wheel came off.
D. No sooner had the car turned the corner than the wheel came off. 
7.Maria just passed her driving test. Maria received a car right then.
A. Hardly had Maria received a car when she passed her driving test.
B. It was not until Maria got a car that she quickly passed her driving test.
C. Maria was not able to get a car until she passed her driving test.
D. No sooner had Maria passed her driving test than she was given a car.
8.We arrived at the airport. We realized our passports were still at home.
A. It was until we arrived at the airport that we realized our passports were still at home.
B. We arrived at the airport and realized that our passports are still at home.
C. Not until had we arrived at the airport, we realized our passports were still at home.
D. Not until we arrived at the airport did we realize that our passports were still at home.
9.The date of the conference was chosen. Invitations were sent out. 
A. After choosing the date of the conference, invitations were sent out.
B. Before sending out invitations, the date of the conference been chosen.
C. Hardly had the date of the conference been chosen when invitations were sent out.
D. Choose the date of the conference before sending out invitations.
10. Han told us about his investing in the company. He did it on his arrival at the meeting.
A. Only after investing in the company did Han inform us of his arrival at the meeting.
B. Not until Han told us that he would invest in the company did he arrive at the meeting.
C. Hardly had he informed us about his investing in the company when Han arrived at the meeting.
D. No sooner had Han arrived at the meeting than he told us about his investing in the company.
11.The plan may be ingenious. It will never work in practice.
A. Ingenious as it may be, the plan will never work in practice.
B. Ingenious as may the plan, it will never work in practice.
C. The plan may be too ingenious to work in practice.
D. The plan is impractical as it is ingenious.
12.He is very intelligent. He can solve all the problems in no time.
A. So intelligent a student is he that he can solve all the problems in no time.
B. So intelligent is he that he can solve all the problems in no time.
C. An intelligent student is he that he can solve all the problems in no time.
D. He is very intelligent that he can solve all the problems in no time. 
13. I had picked some roses. That was when I noticed my mother’s favorite vase was missing.
A. When I knew that my mother’s vase was missing, I picked some roses.
B. I picked some roses and only then did I notice that my mother’s favorite vase was missing.
C. Only when I had picked some roses that I noticed my mother’s favorite vase was missing.
D. It was not until I had picked someroses did I notice my mother’s favorite vase was missing. 
14.We started out for Seoul. It started to rain right after that.
A. No sooner did we start out for Seoul than it started to rain.
B. No sooner had we started out for Seoul when it started to rain.
C. No sooner had it started to rain than we started out for Seoul.
D. No sooner had we started out for Seoul than it started to rain.
15. He left school. He soon started computer programming. 
A. No sooner had he started computer programming than he left school.
B. Hardly had he started computer programming when he left school.
C. No sooner had he left school than he started computer programming.
D. After he left school, he had started computer programming.
16.The rain stopped. We could see the view of the ocean right after that.
A. Not until had the rain stopped we could see the view of the ocean.
B. Not until the rain stopped could we see the view of the ocean.
C. Not until did the rain stop we could see the view of the ocean.
D. Not until had the rain stopped could we see the view of the ocean.
17.I had turned on my new iPad Pro. There was a strange noise right after that. 
A. As soon as there was a strange noise, I turned on my new iPad Pro.
B. Scarcely had I turned on my new iPad Pro when there was a strange noise.
C. Hardly I had turned on my new iPad Pro, there was a strange noise.
D. I had hardly turned on my new iPad Pro than there was a strange noise.
18.Maria sings well. She writes good songs, too.
A. Maria can either sing well or write good songs.
B. Maria can neither sing well or write good songs.
C. Not only does Maria sing well but she also writes good songs.
D. Well as Maria sings, she writes good songs.
19.The boy got out of his house. It soon started to rain heavily.
A. It had rained heavily before the boy got out of his house.
B. Hardly had it started to rain heavily when the boy got out of his house.
C. No sooner had the boy got out of his house than it started to rain heavily.
D. Not until it started to rain heavily did the boy got out of his house.
20.He died in 1960. He received the bravery award in 1970.
A. Only after his death did he receive the bravery award in 1970.
B. Because he died in 1960, he received the bravery award in 1970.
C. He died in 1960 so he received the bravery award in 1970.
D. Before his death, he received the bravery award in 1970.

21. You can feel more at ease by taking part in group dating. It’s the only way.
A. By taking part in group dating can you only feel more at ease.
B. Only by taking part in group dating can you feel more at ease.
C. The only way you are by taking part in group dating can feel more at ease.
D. The way you can feel more at ease is taking part in only group dating.
22.Nancy failed to understand what the story was about. She saw the film based on it.
A. Nancy doesn’t understand what the story is about.
B. Not until she saw the film based on it did Nancy understand what the story was about.
C. It was until she saw the film based on it that Nancy understood what the story was about.
D. Nancy went to see the film before she read the story.
23. Tom didn’t understand the meaning of the comment. He soon saw his wife’s avatar. 
A. Only when Tom saw his wife’s avatar did he understand the meaning of the comment. 
B. Hardly had Tom understood the meaning of the comment than he saw his wife’s avatar.
C. Scarcely had Tom seen his wife’s avatar than he understood the meaning of the comment.
D. Soon after Tom had understood the meaning of the comment did he see his wife’s avatar.
24. Laura practised playing the instrument a lot. She could hardly improve her performance.
A. Hardly had Laura practised playing the instrument a lot when she could improve her performance.
B. Had Laura practised playing the instrument a lot, she could have performed much better.
C. However much Laura practised playing the instrument, she could hardly perform any better.
D. As soon as Laura practised playing the instrument a lot, she could perform much better.
23. The teacher had only just come in the room. Then the fire alarm rang.
A. While the teacher was coming in the room, she heard the fire alarm rang.
B. As soon as the fire alarm had rung, the teacher came in the room.
C. Before the teacher came in the room, the fire alarm rang.
D. Hardly had the teacher come in the room when the fire alarm rang.
24.She immediately turned up. Everything changed.
A. As soon as everything changed, she turned up. B. Upon appearing, everything changed.
C. Soon after she turned up did everything change.D. No sooner had she appeared did everything change.
25.A new pay was offered. The workers stoppedthe walkout right after that. 
A. Not until a new pay was offered, the workers stop the walkout.
B. A new pay was offered, which made the walkout stop.
C. The workers stop the walkout only when a new pay offer.
D. Not until a new pay was offered did the workers stop the walkout.
26.They didn’t discover that the picture had been stolen. They soon came back home.
A. Until they came back home that they discovered that the picture had been stolen.
B. It is not until they came back home did they discover that the picture had been stolen.
C. Not until they came back home had the picture been stolen.
D. Only after they came back home did they discover that the picture had been stolen.
27.We had reached the top of the mountain. We realized how far we had come.
A. Not until we had reached the top of the mountain did we realize how far we had come.
B. Hardly had we reached the top of the mountain than we realized how far we had come.
C. Scarcely we had reached the top of the mountain did we realize how far we had come.
D. No sooner had we reached the top of the mountain when we realized how far we had come.
28. Ms. Diem had turned up at the party. She soon called home.
A. Calling home, Ms. Diem said that she had turned up at the party.
B. No sooner had Ms. Diem arrived at the party than she called home.
C. Ms. Diem turned up at the party sooner than he had expected.
D. Ms. Diem arrived at the party and called me to take her home.

Lý thuyết tóm gọn


1. Last month, my mother makes more than 20 dresses and sold all of them.
2. Did you invited them toyour wedding party last week?
3. Honestly, I didn’tused to work in a marketing company after I had graduated.
4. In the past, people don’t tend to pay much attention to leisure time activities, which is very
different from now.
5. She turned on her computer, reads the message on Facebook and answered it.
6. People use to lead a hard life in the past; however, recently, life in many rural areas
has been improved a lot.
7.The deadly Covid-19 pandemic has a severe impact on Rolls-Royce’s 2020 performance and its
near-term outlook.
8. Hand sanitiser category surges 16 times in 2020 compared to 2019 while the hand wash category
grew 1.5 times.
9.The White House says the program could create tens of thousands of new jobs while moving
the country toward clean energy.
10.Officials made a similar case on Monday, saying offshore wind deployment will create 44,000

new jobs directly in the offshore wind sector.
11. Tom was seeing the accident while he wascatching the bus.
12. Mickey Mouse gainedwidespread popularity soon after he appears in a short cartoon entitled
Steamboat Willy.
13. While I stronglydisapproved of your behavior, I would help you this time.
14. Donald Trump met with senior officials on Thursday and has agreed to greenlight
the plan to bar California from setting its own vehicle greenhouse gas standards.
15.Fast and Furious 10, which had been originally planned to air in 2020, has been delayed due to
the coronavirus outbreak.
16.Mary had left home to start an independent life, then she realises how much her family meant to her.
17.In the early years, green builders were a small minority, and their goals of reducing the
environmental impact of buildings are considered unrealistic.
18.Jenny gives a great performance at the festival yesterday, we now know she has artistic talent.
19. The amount of sand in the air is less than that during two sandstorms in northern Chinalast month,
but the wind speed was higher.
20.Beijing is hit by severelevels of pollution at least once every week, according to the 2012Blue
Paper for World Cities report.
21.Only because she had to support her family does Amy decide to leave school.
22.The national soccer team make every effortto win the match yesterday.
23.She will go back to work in her country after she had finished her course on Fashion Design
Academy in Paris.
24.We firsthave meteach otherin San Diego in 2018.
25.I could be in timefor work, if I live near my office.
26. Each of the members of the group is made to write a report last week.
27. I met him three days ago, he was looking sad because he had failed the oral test.
28. I see two ladies arguingwhen I was waiting for a bus.
29. Last night, I found the door locking when I came to see her.
30.Sarah speaks in Norweigianwith Miranda before the show.
31. I lose my pink pastel pursewhen I was waiting for a taxi.
32. Even though there was no electricity yesterday, she still celebrates her birthday party on the ship.
33. It ishigh time we have to do something about our house plan.
34. A car accident was happenedherelast month.
35. The bomb went off in the crowded street, but fortunately no one isseriously hurt.
36.Yesterday afternoon, Vanessa had submitted the research paperearlyfor the first time.
37. I have hurt my leg. I fall off a ladder when I was painting the ceiling of the kitchen.
38.Am I an astronaut, I would enjoy beingweightless.
39. She couldn’t speak English until she goes to a foreign language center.
40. At the age of thirty-three, he becomes a psychology lecturer.


Question 1: Many living organisms depend largely on the environment for the
satisfaction of its needs.
Question 2: All the judges paid the dancer compliments on their excellent performance
in the competition.
Question 3:Unlike the old one, this new car can perform their functions in half the time
Question 4: All the candidates for the scholarship will be equally treated regardless of
her age, sex, or nationality.
Question 5: A beaver uses the strong front teeth to cut down trees and peel off its bark.
Question 6: Research has proved that a baby can distinguish their mother's voice from the womb.
Question 7: The Joshua tree is marked by their sword shaped leaves and greenish white flowers.
Question 8: An octopus has three hearts to pump blood throughout their body.
Question 9:Kiwi birds mainly eat insects, worms, and snails and search for food by
probing the ground with its long bills.
Question 10: The library at the university is new and has taken her name from the wife
of the first president of the university.
Question 11:Deciduous trees are ones that lose its leaves in the autumn and grow new ones in the spring.
Question 12: Some of us have to study their lessons more carefully if we expect
to pass this examination.
Question 13: Every scientist knows that gravity is the force that maintains the earth and
the planets in its orbits around the Sun.
Question 14: The Gray Wolf, a species reintroduced into their native habitat in
Yellowstone National Park, has begun to breed naturally there.
Question 15: The international Red Cross, which has helped so many nations, won
the Nobel Peace Prize three times for their efforts to reduce human suffering.
Question 16: Genetic engineering is helping researchers unravel the mysteries of
previously incurable diseases so that they can get to its root causes and find cures.
Question 17: Each of the students in the accounting class has to type their own research
paper this semester.
Question 18: Animals like frogs have waterproof skin that prevents it from drying out
quickly in air, sun, or wind.
Question 19: Children learn primarily by directly experiencing the world around it.

Question 20: Since poaching is becoming more serious, the government has imposed
stricter laws to prevent them.
Question 21: Those of us who have a family history of heart disease should makeyearly
appointment with their doctors
Question 22: The sea horse is unique among fish because the female deposits their eggs in
a pouch that the male carries until the small sea horses are hatched.
Question 23: Sloths spend most of its time hanging upside down from trees and feeding on
leaves and fruit.
Question 24: Before the report is finalized, the information in their notes and our must be

Question 25:The weather in the mountains this weekend will be extremely cold, so please
take yours heavy jackets.
Question 26: Helicopters are being used more and more in emergency situations because of
its ability to reach out-of –the-way places.
Question 27: Many different kinds of aspirin are on the market, buttheirs effectiveness
seems to be equal.
Question 28: When children experiencetoo much frustration, its behavior ceases to be integrated.
Question 29:Almosthalf of the Pilgrims did not survive theirsfirst winter in the New World.
Question 30:The latest medical report indicated that the patient’s temperature was near
normal and their lungs were partially cleared.
Question 31:Our company offered them a jobbut they turned it down claiming that their is better.
Question 32: He’s got into trouble at work on several occasions because oftheir
unconventional way of dealing with clients.

Question 33: Life is getting more and more expensive, so women’s salaries are becoming
important to her household budgets.
Question 34: While the childrenwere playing on the beach, Peter trod on a broken bottle
and cut their foot rather badly.
Question 35:Before TV, the common man never had the opportunity to see and hear
his leaders express his views.
Question 36:The villagers are highly appreciative of the volunteers’ efforts in
reconstructingtheirs houses after the devastating storm.
Question 37:Every student must make up their own study list of the classes he is going
to take at the beginning of the quarter.
Question 38: One can only live without water for about ten days because almost
60 percent of their body is water.
Question 39: A good artist, like a good engineer, learns as much from their mistakes
as from successes.
Question 40: According to the latest Speak Up survey, sixty percent of students are using
mobile devices for anytime research, 43 percent for educational games and 40 percent for
collaboration with its peers.
Question 1: I have been completelytrustworthy. Everything I have told you is what really happened.
Question 2: Generally speaking I don't read film reviewsbecause I like to bebroad-minded when I
go to the cinema.
Question 3: People with liberate views will welcome changes in policy that do not
follow traditional standards.
Question 4 : Much more satisfied as evidenceare some 5th century torsos of Athena found at Athens.
Question 5: Everyone wasrespectable towards him, listening carefully to his longexplanations.
Question 6: He claimed that he could provide numerateother examples of her incompetence.
Question 7: It is said that these good life skills will make young people become more
Question 8: Today's students also appear more formerly dressed and conservative-looking
these days.
Question 9: I’m becoming increasinglyforgettable. Last week, I locked myself out of the
house twice.
Question 10: Favourite market conditions helped him to make a big profit.
Question 11: The therapy aims to make thyroid cancers more responsible to treatment with
radioactive iodine.
Question 12: She criticizes what she sees as discriminating treatment of overweight people
Question 13: The whole matter is farther complicated by the fact that Amanda and Jo refuse to
speak to each other.
Question 14: The automatic industry has regulations with cyber security standards that
manufacturers must meet.
Question 15: The things that stand out in an especial teacher are enthusiasm and innovation.
Question 16: Experience in the development and delivery of innovative curriculum
programmes would be a distinctive advantage.
Question 17: The Nile river provided a dependent source of water that was used for everything
from irrigation, transport, cooking, hunting and fishing to waste disposal.
Question 18: Free trade ensures that exporters are not handicapped by restricted customs
regulations and prohibitive import tariffs.
Question 19: Invented by Roger Bacon, the magnifying glass led to the creation of other
scientific tools which have produced immeasured scientific progress.
Question 20: The big computer companies are very worried about industrialisedespionage.
Question 21: Adults worry about their offspring getting into trouble, becoming distracted by
sexuality,damaged by drugs, lured by idealistic charlatanry.
Question 22: The company had better develop more rapid and reliant systems for
handling customers’ complaints.
Question 23: There is a distinctive difference in the perception of wearing face masksbetweenthe
West and the East.
Question 24: Color chalk is frequently used for highlighting the main points by teachers of English.
Question 25: Her elder brother broke the rules of the game so he was unqualified to run
the race and had to watch his competitors on TV.
Question 26: There is no denying that personal information about clients is to betreated as confident.
Question 27: She is worried about her two teenage sons because they're at such an impressive age.
Question 28: A new dead virus has been detected in Wuhan City recently.
Question 29: The later half of the twentieth century saw huge growth in air travel.
Question 30: She sticks to the principal that everyone should be treated equally.
Question 31: The situation is getting worse, so we need to take immediate activity to
solve this problem.
Question 32: We can warm up the room quite quickly with this electrical fire.
Question 33: With a population of over 1.3 billion, India ranks as the second most
popular country in the world.
Question 34: The headmaster described shortlyabout the planto all the students.

Question 35: She’s a conscious judge, who does not let personal prejudicesinfluence her decisions.
Question 36:There has been a considerate number of social media users in the last few years.   
Question 37:I don’t understand why a boy like him can be that intolerable. He never listens to
Question 38:You need to have a work permission before you can work.
Question 39: Onceyou’ve lied, all your commitment will be worthy.
Question 40: Boyle's Law describes the principal that an enclosed gas's pressure and
volume are inversely related.
Question 41: The theory is based on a series of wrong presumptions.
Question 42: After seeing how many families struggle with poverty, I feel that I should
be more appreciable of my parents and my own family.
Question 43: In the recruitment interview, his abilities were highly appreciated by the personalmanager.
Question 44: She arrived at the correct answer by a procession of elimination.
Question 45: Children are expected to be respectabletowards their grandparents.
Question 46: We can therefore ensure at the very least that there are some objectionable
proofs of the existence of “dark energy”.
Question 47: I spent a whole week writing my report but it turned out that my boss was
completely disinterested.
Question 48: The actorhas received many complementary remarks from the audience.
Question 49: A person’s valuation does not lie in his appearance, but in his achievements and
contributions to the community.
Question 50: The wedding guests who gatheredaltogether in the garden came from many provinces.


Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 1 to 5.
It is easy in these days for a boy or a girl to have a book to enjoy. Today books are light and portable.
Try to imagine a time when there were (1)______ books. There was such a time.
When man first began to draw, he used the walls of his caves; later he made marks on other
(2)______ objects such as large pieces of stone and bricks of clay. Indeed, man thought of using the
smooth sides of animal hides to write on. You see, paper didn’t yet exist. Without paper, books as
we know them could not be made.
Paper was first produced by the Egyptians many hundreds of years ago. (3)______ there grew in the
valley of the Nile River in Egypt a reedy plant called the papyrus. In endeavoring to find material
suitable for writing, the Egyptians found a (4)______ to use this plant. The stem of the plant,
especially its center or pith, was cut up and laid out in layers (5)______ were processed by soaking,
pounding, and drying into thin, flexible, writing sheets. A wonderful development of great
importance to mankind had been done.
(Adapted from 40 bộ đề kiểm tra trắc nghiệm Tiếng Anh 11-Vĩnh Bá, page 162)
Question 1. A. some B. no C. any D. many
Question 2. A. interminable B. boundless C. endless D. numerous
Question 3. A. In addition B. On the other hand C. At that time D. In this period
Question 4. A. method B. way C. technique D. manner
Question 5. A. which B. where C. whose D. when

Read the following passage and blacken the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 6 to 10.
The popular writer J K Rowling has agreed to end her part in the destruction of the world’s forests
by having her books printed on paper which is environmentally friendly. The multi-millionaire
author, (6)______ novels about a teenage wizard have consumed 6.5 million trees so far; is one of
(7)______ high-profile authors who have pledged their support for the environment by stipulating
that only recycled paper should be used for their books. Techniques pioneered in Canadian mean
that, for the first time, paper made from such materials as office waste paper can be used to make
books. The Canadian edition of Rowling’s last book was printed without chopping down a single
tree, saving an estimated 40,000 of them.
In the past, it was difficult to print books on recycled paper because the paper was not strong
enough to (8)______ a lifetime’s reading. Technological advances mean that paper which is
manufactured from waste materials is now just as durable as paper made from virgin fiber in terms
of quality and strength.
(9)______ the high cost of developing recycled paper that has the required strength and whiteness
needed for books, there will not (10)______ be a price rise for the reader. Instead, publishers are
likely to compensate for the higher paper cost by using cheaper book covers, as happened in
(Adapted from Tuyển tập đề thi Olympic 30.4 lần thứ 22 năm 2016, page 25)
Question 6. A. whose B. that C. which D. what
Question 7. A. the number of B. a number of C. most of D. a great deal of
Question 8. A. experience B. withstand C. confront D. encounter
Question 9. A. Although B. Much as C. Because D. Despite
Question 10. A. certainly B. naturally C. necessarily D. absolutely
Read the following passage and blacken the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 11 to 15.
Many parents believe that they should begin to teach their children to read when they are scarcely
more than toddlers. This is fine if the child shows a real interest but forcing a child could be counter-
productive if she/he isn't ready. Wise parents will have a (11)______ attitude and take the lead from
their child. What they should provide is a selection of stimulating toys, books and other activities.
Nowadays there is plenty of good material available for young children, and of course, seeing plenty
of books in use about the house will also encourage them to read.
Of course, books are no longer the only source of stories and information. There is also a huge range
of videos, which can reinforce and extend the pleasure a child finds in a book and are (12)______
valuable in helping to increase vocabulary and concentration. Television gets a bad review as far as
children are concerned, mainly because (13)______ spend too much time watching programs not
intended for their age group. Too many television programs induce an incurious, uncritical attitude
(14)______ is going to make learning much more difficult. (15)______, discriminating viewing of
programs designed for young children can be useful. Just as adults enjoy reading a book after seeing
it serialized on television, so children will pounce on books which extend their favorite television
characters, and videos can add a new dimension to a story known from a book.
(Adapted from Tuyển tập đề thi Olympic 30.4 lần thứ 22 năm 2016, page 36)
Question 11. A. relaxed B. cheerful C. contented D. hopeful
Question 12. A. properly B. worthily C. perfectly D. equally
Question 13. A. too much B. so much C. a lot of D. too many
Question 14. A. what B. that C. whichever D. whose
Question 15. A. However B. Therefore C. Moreover D. As a result

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 16 to 20.

When people talk about biodiversity, they usually mean the range and variety of species of all living
things. (16) ______ there are about 1.5 million named species on the planet, we know that many
unnamed species exist, and the total number is probably between 5 and 15 million, many of (17)
______ are now at risk. Most of the evidence for this comes from studies of tropical forests, where
new species of exotic birds, strange insects and fragrant plants are constantly (18) ______to
light.The tropical rainforests are home to possibly as many as 90 per cent of all the species that
exist, but over the last 100 years, almost half of the forests on earth have disappeared. At the
current rate of (19) ______, there will be only tiny patches of rainforest left by the middle of the
21st century, and biologists estimate that in the next 75 years, more than half of (20) ______
species will become extinct.
(Proficiency:Masterclass – Students’ Book)
Question 16. A. Although B. Because C. But D. So
Question 17. A. which B. when C. where D. who
Question 18. A. come B. emit C. catch D. reflect
Question 19. A. destruction B. diffusion C. diminution D. distortion
Question 20. A. several B. all C. other D. every
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 21 to 25.
In the early twentieth century, an American woman named Emily Post wrote a book on etiquette.
This book explained the proper behavior Americans should follow in many different social (21)
______ from birthday parties to funerals. (22) ______ in modern society, it is not simply to know the
proper rules for behavior in your own country. It is necessary for people (23) ______ work or travel
abroad to understand the rules of etiquette in other cultures as well.
Cultural (24) ______ can be found in such simple processes as giving or receiving a gift. In Western
cultures, a gift can be given to the receiver with relatively little ceremony. When a gift is offered, the
receiver usually takes the gift and expresses his or her thanks. However, in some Asian countries,
the act of gift-giving may appear confusing to Westerners. In Chinese culture, both the giver and
receiver understand that the receiver will typically refuse to take the gift several times before he or
she finally accepts it. In addition, to show respect for the receiver, it is common in (25) ______ Asian
cultures to use both hands when offering a gift to another person.
(Source: Reading Advantage by Casey Malarcher)
Question 21. A. situations B. locations C. positions D. conditions
Question 22. A. Because B. Although C. So  D. But
Question 23. A. which  B. who C. where D. whose
Question 24. A. different B. differences C. differently D. differ
Question 25. A. each B. every C. several D. all

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 26to 30.
When we think of antisocial behaviour, we usually think about people (26)______act in a
destructive and aggressive manner. Antisocial acts, such as intimidating behaviour, vandalism of
public spaces and generally showing a disregard for public safety, can negatively impact on the
quality of life or other people.
(27)______ examples of antisocial behaviour are most common in adolescents and young adults. It
is this age group, in fact, that often comes under a lot of scrutiny, particularly from the media. Young
people are constantly in the (28)______ for defacing public property with graffiti or for carrying out
senseless acts of violence. Yet all the media attention on youth crime seemingly forgets an
important detail.
It is worth (29)______ that, from a statistical point of view, many of the people that complain about
antisocial behaviour actually behaved in much the same way during their own adolescence. In fact,
it is not at all unusual to go through a short period of antisocial behaviour, (30)______ most people
grow out of it, maturing as they reach full adulthood.
(Adapted from Improve your Skills: Use of English for Advanced)
Question 26. A. which B. whom C. who D. what
Question 27. A. Many B. Another C. Much D. Every
Question 28. A. spotlight B. headlight C. stage D. shade
Question 29. A. understanding B. estimating C. finding D. noting
Question 30. A. but B. so C. and D. as
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35
The “birth” of a word?
Language is constantly developing in response to the changing world around us, (31)______ when
Larry Page and Sergey Brin hit upon the idea of calling their fledgling company ‘Google’, they could
not have imagined they were also creating a new entry for the dictionary. ‘Google’ is a play on the
word ‘googol’, in itself a relatively young word. Coined by Milton Sirotta in the mid-twentieth
century, googol (32)______ to the number one followed by 100 zeros. The company chose the term
as its trademark to highlight its aim to organise information on the Internet.
The success of Page and Brin’s search engine was so great that their form of the word, ‘google’,
began to be used in a variety of ways. Now it has followed its (33)______ into the dictionary, and
the entries for it seem to be expanding fairly rapidly. Webster’s New Millenium Dictionary gives two
definitions of google as a transitive verb. Wiktionary goes a step further, including not only an entry
for google as an intransitive verb, but also two definitions of google as a transitive verb, along with
an impressive list of derived terms such as ‘googledork’ and ‘googlicious’. ‘Google’, the company,
has taken exception in (34)______ cases to what it calls ‘inappropriate usage of its trademark’, but
can it really hope to curb the tide? The words are already listed, and the fair amount of ‘googling’
(35)______ went into searching this article proves the point!
(Adapted from Spotlight on CAE by Francesca Mansfield and Carol Nuttall)
Question 31. A. because B. yet C. so D. although
Question 32. A. refers B. connects C. implies D. develops
Question 33. A. development B. position C. predecessor D. descendant
Question 34. A. every B. another C. much D. some
Question 35. A. when B. whose C. who D. that

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 36 to 40.
While the rest of the world continues to grapple with the coronavirus pandemic, one continent has
managed to remain entirely free of the infection. Antarctica, the coldest place on Earth, is now
considered the "safest place in the world," with no confirmed cases at all.

The region had a close brush with Covid-19 when (36)______ hit the final cruise ships of the season,
but the virus didn't reach its frozen shores. And, because it's currently descending into winter, when
it's completely cut off, it should stay that way for now. (37)______ there's no official native
population here -- unless you count the many penguins, whales, seals and albatrosses, around 5,000
people, (38)______ scientists and researchers, currently reside in its 80 or so bases.
Keri Nelson, an administrative coordinator at Anvers Island's Palmer Station, the most northerly US
station in Antarctica, is one of them. "I really don't think there's a person here right now (39)______
isn't grateful to be here, and to be safe," she tells CNN Travel via email. Some people are ready to
head back home. To help people they love, and to be of use in (40)______ ways during this time in
(Adapted from “”)
Question 36. A. outbreaks B. outcome C. outlook D. output
Question 37. A. Because B. However C. Although D. Therefore
Question 38. A. most B. foremost C. almost D. mostly
Question 39. A. who B. which C. when D. where
Question 40. A. other B. another C. others D. each
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 41 to 45.
The (41)______of COVID-19 is an unprecedented public health crisis, touching nearly all countries
and communities across the world. The health impacts of COVID-19 are (42)______ in the forefront
of our minds, across our media, and impacting people’s lives and livelihoods across the world.
One of the most tangible outcomes of COVID-19 is the ever-increasing socio-economic gap between
learners. Over 365 million children are missing out on important school feeding programmes
(43)______ keep them healthy and motivated to learn. Moreover, families may be pushed to resort
to negative coping mechanisms to meet their needs, including child labour or reducing the number
and quality of meals at a time when staying healthy and keeping a strong immune system are
particularly important.
Home learning may itself be a source of stress for families and learners, with pressure to take on
new responsibilities. Many children are suffering from anxiety, living without access to the internet
or (44)______ means required to benefit from distance learning. Some older children are stressed
about missing months of education (45)______ they have to care for younger children in the home
while parents and caregivers are working.
Question 41. A. outbreak B. beginning C. risk D. danger
Question 42. A. mitigating B. devastating C. deteriorating D. terrifying
Question 43. A. who B. when C. which D. what
Question 44. A. another B. the other C. all D. other
Question 45. A. although B. as C. so D. but

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word that best fits each of the numbered blanks from(46) to (50).
We need to attend to the tree loss because of the following tree benefits. Firstly, trees provide
shade for homes, office buildings, parks and roadways, cooling surface temperatures. They also take
in and evaporate water, (46)______ cools the air around them. Secondly, trees absorb carbon and
remove pollutants from the atmosphere. Trees also reduce energy costs by $4 billion a year,
according to Nowak's study. "The shading of those trees on buildings (47) ______ your air
conditioning costs. Take those trees away; now your buildings are heating up, you're running your
air conditioning more, and you're burning more fuel from the power plants, so the pollution and
emissions go up." (48)______, trees act as water filters, taking in dirty surface water and absorbing
nitrogen and phosphorus into the soil. Last but not least, (49)______ studies have found
connections between exposure to nature and better mental and physical health. Some hospitals
have added tree views and plantings for patients as a result of these studies. Doctors are even
prescribing walks in nature for children and families due to evidence that nature exposure lowers
blood (50)______ and stress hormones. And studies have associated living near green areas
with lower death rates.
Question 46. A. which B. whose C. that D. what
Question 47. A. reduces B. increases C. pays D. values
Question 48. A. However B. Consequently C. Besides D. Afterwards
Question 49. A. much B. every C. each D. many
Question 50. A. stream B. pressure C. line D. drop
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 51 to 55.
A Laser Pointer Is Not a Toy
A middle school student in Texas had to appear in front of a judge. (51) ______ weeks ago, the
student aimed a laser pointer at his teacher’s eyes in science class. The angry teacher asked him to
stop, (52) ______ the student persisted. As a result, the teacher suffered from eye problems. He
took the student to court.
It is generally believed that looking directly into a laser is as dangerous as looking into the sun.
Lasers really can (53) ______ your eyes because they are very bright. From a long distance you can
see the spots from the small laser pointers that people use. There are lasers that are bright enough
to damage or even blind your eyes. The light can harm the retina, (54) ______ is the back portion of
the eye. The teacher made the student of this at the time. The student knew he could be hurting the
teacher. The judge replied, “Laser (55) ______ are not toys. They can be harmful.” The student was
fined for knowingly hurting the teacher.
(Adapted from TOEFL Reading Basic, by Timothy Hall, et. all)
Question 51. A. A few B. A little C. Little D. Few
Question 52. A. so B. but C. however D. then
Question 53. A. brighten B. hurt C. detroy D. improve
Question 54. A. who B. that C. whom D. which
Question 55. A. sights B. lines C. pointers D. beans

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 56 to 60.
Approaches to learning
People appear to learn in different ways. Some people expect to make mistakes in their studies and
are capable of benefiting from their mistakes. They don't mind being corrected by their teacher and

indeed often ask to be corrected. Others, (56)______ dislike making mistakes. They try to avoid
doing anything (57)______ they might do badly. They would rather perfect something in small steps
and be sure they have got it right than attempt to do a task based on a subject they don't feel they
have finished exploring yet.
(58)______ ways of learning seem to be equally valid, but a combination of the two may be the best
solution. In order to learn (59)______, students have to remember to take risk sometimes. But they
also have to feel comfortable and secure with what they're doing so as not to become (60)______.
All students should at least think about questioning the way that they approach learning.
(Adapted from Destination B2, by Malcolm Mann & Steve Taylore knowles)
Question 56. A. therefore B. however C. but D. because
Question 57. A. which B. whom C. whose D. who
Question 58. A. Both B. All C. Many D. Some
Question 59. A. carefully B. suiltably C. effectively D. creatively
Question 60. A. demotivated B. disappointed C. frustrated D. interested
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word that best fits each of the numbered blanks from (61) to (65).
Amy Tan was born on February 19, 1952 in Oaldand, California. Tan grew up in Northern California,
(61)______ when her father and older brother both died from brain tumors in 1966, she moved
with her mother and younger brother to Europe, where she attended high school in Montreux,
Switzerland. She returned to the United States for college. After college, Tan worked as a language
development (62)______ and as a corporate freelance writer. In 1985, she wrote the “Rules of the
Game” for a writing workshop, which laid the early foundation for her first novel The Joy Luck Club.
Published in 1989, the book explored the relationship between Chinese women and their Chinese-
American daughters, and became the longest-running New York Times bestseller for that year. The
Joy Luck Club received (63)______ awards, including the Los Angeles Times Book Award. It has been
translated into 25 languages, including Chinese, and was made into a major motion picture for
(64)______ Tan co-wrote the screenplay. Tan’s (65)______ works have also been adopted into
several different forms of media.
Question 61. A. however B. moreover C. so D. but
Question 62. A. consultant B. instructor C. manager D. employee
Question 63. A. numerate B. numeral C. numerous D. numerable
Question 64. A. whom B. that C. what D. which
Question 65. A. other B. others C. another D. one

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 66 to 70.
Combining visual channels of facial expression and body gesture is a (66) ______ way to accomplish
effective affect analysis. The psychological researchers (67) ______ studied about body language
suggests that the integration of facial expression and body gesture is a mandatory process occurring

early in human processing stream. So the two modalities should be processed in a joint feature
space, rather than fused at the decision-level. (68) ______ of the main difficulties for the feature-
level fusion is that the features from different modalities may be incompatible, and the (69) ______
between different feature spaces is unknown. Our motivation is that, as facial expression and body
gesture are two sets of measurements for the affective state, conceptually they are correlated. (70)
______ ,this analysis can establish their relationship, deriving a semantic “affect” space, in which the
face and body features are compatible and can be effectively fused.
(Adapted from ‘Beyond Facial Expressions: Learning Human Emotion from Body Gestures’ by Caifeng
Shan, Shaogang Gong, and Peter W. McOwan.)
Question 66. A. adequate B. potential C. veracious D. effectual
Question 67. A. who B. that C. which D. whose
Question 68. A. Another B. One C. Other D. Every
Question 69. A. relationship B. effectiveness C. capability D. expertise
Question 70. A. Moreover B. However C. Therefore D. Besides
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 71 to 75.
What is happiness
How happy were you yesterday? This is a question that happiness researchers ask. And they have
discovered that happiness does not necessarily come with more wealth or possessions. In the West
there has been an improvement in our (71)______ of living, but there is evidence that being richer
doesn't make us happier. Firstly, we soon get used to pleasure, so a new car or a holiday only gives a
short term increase in happiness. Secondly, we compare our lives with other people's, (72)______
can cause dissatisfaction.
According to psychologists, the happiest people have supportive social relationships. Friendship is
more important than earnings, and even (73)______ our immune system. Love and marriage also
make people happier, although strangely having children doesn't increase our sense of well-being!
Having worthwhile goals and doing meaningful work contributes to life satisfaction. (74)______ if
your job doesn't fit with your strengths and abilities you become less happy. However, the loss of
your job can affect you for years, even after you get a new one. (75)______ areas which are
important to happiness are your spiritual life, your values and your health.
(Adapted from “Achievers B1” by Heien Halliwell)
Question 71. A. standard B. level C. class D. status
Question 72. A. which B. who C. where D. whose
Question 73. A. boosts B. raises C. enhances D. generates
Question 74. A. So B. Although C. But D. And
Question 75. A. Other B. Each C. Another D. One

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 76 to 80.
A different kind of education
‘Alternative' schools exist in most countries, but they are in the minority. They are often privately
funded and have a particular focus. Many are residential, as children travel some distance to attend

them. Some aim to encourage creativity, with a large amount of time spent on subjects (76)______
are artistic like music or performing arts. Some have few rules on attendance and allow children to
decide for themselves how and when they study. This may result in children valuing and
acknowledging the relevance of education along with a true willingness to learn, but it may also be
(77)______. In mainstream schools, there will be an awareness of the range of abilities and levels of
competence that can be expected from (78)______ student in each subject. (79)______, there is a
more limited number of possibilities available for offering specialized programmes as these schools
usually have to (80)______ a conventional curriculum and may not have insufficient funds.
(Adapted from "Complete Advanced" by Laura Matthews and Barbara Thomas)
Question 76. A. which B. who C. what D. whom
Question 77. A. disastrous B. effective C. adequate D. doubtful
Question 78. A. each B. other C. every D. some
Question 79. A. However B. Therefore C. Despite D. Because
Question 80. A. follow B. adapt C. carry D. lead
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 81 to 85.
Study habits
We all have heard that good study habits involve sitting somewhere quiet, sticking to a schedule and
setting yourself targets. (81)______, such habits don't work for everyone and cognitive scientists
have come up with some new findings. In fact, the brain makes subtle associations between what is
studying and the background sensations it has at the time. Restricting study to one place may
therefore have (82)______ effects because when the context is varied, the information being
studied is enriched and forgetting is slowed down. In effect, the information is given more support
from the multiple associations. Evidence also shows that varying the type of material studied in a
single sitting leaves a deeper impression on the brain than does concentrating on (83)______ skill at
a time. Musicians have known this for years, as have athletes (84)______ routinely incorporate
strength, speed and skill drills into their workout. These ideas seem to work when applied to any
subject so it seems time for this (85)______ to studying to be taken more seriously.
(Adapted from "Complete Advanced" by Laura Matthews and Barbara Thomas)
Question 81. A. Although B. Moreover C. However D. Therefore
Question 82. A. detrimental B. destructive C. potential D. favorable
Question 83. A. little B. other C. some D. one
Question 84. A. whom B. who C. which D. whose
Question 85. A. theory B. procedure C. approach D. concept

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 86 to 90.
The importance of internships
Recent research indicates that graduates applying to some of the UK's leading employers stand a
much better chance of being offered a job if they have already had (86)______ work experience
with the same organization - either through internships, industrial placements or vacation work.
(87)______ three quarters of graduate vacancies are likely to be snapped up by graduates
(88)______ already had some work experience with the same employer. This latest research
confirms that taking part in work placements or internships whilst at university is now just as
important as getting a good degree. A separate study warns that almost six in ten students finish
university without a graduate job, highlighting the (89)______ competition for graduate jobs. It is
not (89)______ that employers are going to be interested in your previous work experience and
while this does not have to have been a glamorous internship with an investment bank, using your
time at university to gain work experience is going to have a major impact on your future job
(Adapted from "Complete Advanced" by Guy Brook-Hart and Simon Haines)
Question 86. A. some B. other C. few D. each
Question 87. A. In fact B. On the contrary C. As a result D. However
Question 88. A. who B. which C. whose D. that
Question 89. A. intense B. immense C. considerable D. massive
Question 90. A. surprising B. astonishing C. amazing D. shocking
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 91 to 95.
Be a better listener
Listening is the most important of all skills for successful conversations at work, college or in social
situations. Generally, people are very poor listeners. The reason for this is that when talking to a
colleague or a friend, they are often already preparing their (91)______while the colleague or friend
is still speaking. But effective listening requires that you listen (92) ______there were nothing else in
the world more fascinating to you than what that person is saying.
Even in the middle of an extremely noisy party, the very best listeners seem to have acquired the
gift of making the person (93) ______ is speaking feel as if he or she were the only person in the
room. They do this by paying close attention and asking lots of questions.
One very useful technique to get the conversation going is to ask, ‘what do you mean, exactly?’ It’s
impossible for the other person not to (94)______more detail. You can then follow up with
(95)______open-ended questions and keep the conversation rolling along.
(Adapted from “Gold Advanced” by Sally Burgess, Amanda Thomas)
Question 91. A. response B. reaction C. speech D. expression
Question 92. A. if B. and C. as though D. but
Question 93. A. whom B. who C. what D. why
Question 94. A. provide B. participate C. contribute D. attach
Question 95. A. other B. each C. one D. another

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 96 to 100.
Making the right choice
The decision as to which university to apply to is often taken on the basis of a university’s position
on the world rankings table. Yet, (96)______ considerations, such as whether the course is
theoretical or offers hands-on experience and the amount of time that students will need to work
independently should be taken into (97) ______. The fact is that some undergraduates (98) ______
express their dissatisfaction with their university experience base their complaints on poor
organisation, the lack of support received and on having fewer contact hours than expected.
As higher education providers come under increasing pressure to meet (99) ______ targets and to
maintain or improve their status, course guidelines should clarify what participants can expect from
the course and what the course expects from them. This should ensure a reduction in student drop-
out rates. Inevitably, (100)______, no matter how much the content and structure is spelt out, some
students will turn up with unrealistic expectations that can never be met.
(Adapted from “Cambridge English Exam Booster for Advanced” by Carole Allsop, Mark Little and
Anne Robinson)
Question 96. A. other B. another C. others D. every
Question 97. A. interest B. detail C. account D. importance
Question 98. A. which B. who C. where D. why
Question 99. A. formed B. founded C. settled D. established
Question 100. A. though B. as a result C. therefore D. in addition


Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 1 to 5.
Evaporation and recondensation of water entail an important step in purification called distillation.
During evaporation, water molecules rise from the surface of a solution, but the salts and other
minerals that had been dissolved in it crystallize and precipitate from the solution, forming
sediment. As water is heated, its molecules acquire sufficient energy to break the weak pull
between them and rise in the form of vapor. As the vapor temperature falls, the attractive force
between molecules grows to hold the molecules together, resulting in condensation. When water
vapor recondenses, it consists only of water. Pure water used in chemical laboratories is obtained
by this process. Water from the ocean and other sources is perpetually evaporated, purified, and
eventually recondensed in the atmosphere.
Water can be purified by distillation or other methods. The hydrological cycle of the earth consists
of water vapor that enters the atmosphere through evaporation and comes back via condensation
and precipitation. Since oceans occupy approximately 70 percent of the planet's surface, the largest
amount of water in the cycle is derived from the evaporation of water from the ocean surfaces. A
secondary source of water vapor lies in rivers, lakes, and soil. Plant transpiration occurs in areas
with heavily vegetated land and adds to the vapor in the cycle.
(Source: TOEFL Reading)

Question 1. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?
A. Distillation in the Hydrological Cycle B. Purification of Water in Large Quantities
C. Evaporation of Molecules for Purification D. The Physical Consistency of Water Vapor
Question 2. Why does sedimentation develop?
A. Recondensation dissolves salts and minerals.
B. Distillation makes water rise.
C. Solid water condenses at low temperatures.
D. Salts and minerals solidify and accumulate.
Question 3. The word “important” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ______.
A. significant B. wonderful C. fantastic D. impressive
Question 4. The word "that" in the second paragraph refers to ______.
A. distillation B. water vapor
C. hydrological cycle D. atmosphere
Question 5. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT mentioned as a source of water
A. oceans B. lakes C. rivers D. wells
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 6 to 10.
Most of us have asweet tooth. We love to eat a cookie, a donut or a piece of chocolate. But have
you noticed what often happens when you eat one? When we eat or drink sugary foods, the sugar
enters our blood and affects part of our brain. We may feel better, but the good feeling stops and
we just want another one. All tasty foods do this, but sugar has a particularly strong effect. This is
why many scientists believe that our love of sugar might be an addiction. In the body, sugar acts like
an addictive drug, one that doctors recommend we all cut down.
It seems obvious now that too much sugar can harm us, but why is it harmful? In early human
history, the body began storing sugar as fat to use as energy. Our bodies are efficient, so they need
very little sugar. Today, the Western diet has the highest amount of sugar in history. There are also
more high blood pressure and diabetes in the world. Some researchers believe that too much sugar
may be the culprit.
How do we battle our sweet tooth? Doctors advise us to cut down on sweets. They recommend that
we choose healthy foods for snacks. Nuts, dark chocolate and yogurts are some of them. Yet even
healthy foods can have too much sugar. Yogurts that are advertised as low-fat can have 17 grams,
about half the daily allowance. However, the less sugar you eat, the less you want. Exercise helps,
too. Using facilities such as walking tracks and gymnasiums can help control our desire.
(Adapted from Reading Explorer 2, Paul MacIntyre et al., 2015)

Question 6. What is the main idea of the reading?

A. types of healthy food B. our sugar addiction
C. sugar makes us sick D. what not to eat
Question 7. The word "effect" in paragraph 1 could be best replaced by ______.
A. addiction B. disease C. measure D. influence
Question 8. The word "that” in paragraph 3 refers to ______.
A. yogurts B. nuts C. sweets D. foods
Question 9. What would be a good title for the second paragraph?
A. Research on Sugar Addiction B. Reasons why we are addicted to sugar
C. How Sugar Can Harm the Body D. The Western Diet Today
Question 10. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT mentioned as healthy foods?
A. sweets B. Nuts C. dark chocolate D. yogurts
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 11 to 15.

In most families, conflict is more likely to be about clothing, music, and leisure time than about more

serious matters such as religion and core values. Family conflict is rarely about such major issues as

adolescents' drug use and delinquency. Nevertheless, it has been estimated that in about 5 million

American families (roughly 20 percent), parents and adolescents engage in intense, prolonged and

unhealthy conflict. In its most serious form, this highly stressful environment is associated with

many negative outcomes, including juvenile delinquency, moving away from home, increased school

dropout rates, unplanned pregnancy, membership in religious cults, and drug abuse.

Many of the changes that define adolescence can lead to conflict in parent-adolescent relationships.

Adolescents gain an increased capacity for logical reasoning, which leads them to demand reasons for

things they previously accepted without question, and the chance to argue the other side. Their

growing critical-thinking skills make them less likely to conform to parents' wishes the way they did

in childhood. Their increasing cognitive sophistication and sense of idealism may compel them to

point out logical flaws and inconsistencies in parents' positions and actions. Adolescents no longer

accept their parents as unquestioned authorities. They recognize that other opinions also have merit

and they are learning how to form and state their own opinions.

(Adapted from

Question 11. What is the passage mainly about?

A. A satisfactory explanation for family conflict.
B. The conflict in parent-adolescent relationship.
C. The dramatic changes in puberty and adolescence.
D. How to solve conflicts in families.
Question 12. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT mentioned as the conflict in
most families?
A. clothing B. music C. shopping D. leisure time
Question 13. The word "associated" in paragraph 1 could be best replaced by ______.
A. discontinued B. linked C. separated D. increased
Question 14. The word "them” in paragraph 2 refers to ______.
A. parents B. reasons
C. critical-thinking skills D. adolescents
Question 15. Adolescents become less likely to conform to their parents’ wishes the way they did in
the past because of ______.
A. parents' actions B. the stressful atmosphere in the family
C. their growing critical-thinking skills D. drug abuse
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 16 to 20.

Smallpox was the first widespread disease to be eliminated by human intervention. In May, 1966, the
World Health Organization (WHO), an agency of the United Nations was authorized to initiate a
global campaign to eradicate smallpox. The goal was to eliminate the disease in one decade. At the
time, the disease posed a serious threatto people in more than thirty nations. Because similar projects
for malaria and yellow fever had failed, few believed that smallpox could actually be eradicated but
eleven years after the initial organization of the campaign no cases were reported in the field.
The strategy was not only to provide mass vaccinations but also to isolate patients with active
smallpox in order to contain the spread of the disease and to break the chain of human transmission.
Rewards for reporting smallpox assisted in motivating the public to aid health workers. One by one
each smallpox victim was sought out, removed from contact with others and treated. At the same
time, the entire village where the victim had lived was vaccinated.
By April of 1978 WHO officials announced that they had isolated the last known case of the disease
but health workers continued to search for new cases for additional years to be completely sure. In
May, 1980, a formal statement was made to the global community. Today, smallpox is no longer a
threat to humanity. Routine vaccinations have been stopped worldwide.
(Source: Super 10 Practice Sets for SSC)

Question 16. Which of the following could be the best title for the passage?
A. The World Health Organization B. The Eradication of smallpox
C. Smallpox Vaccination D. Infectious Disease
Question 17. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT mentioned as the strategy to
eradicate smallpox?
A. to supply mass vaccinations B. to give people money and food.
C. to isolate victims with active smallpox D. to report smallpox suspected cases
Question 18. The word “threat” in paragraph 1 could best be replaced by ________.
A. debate B. humiliation C. bother D. risk
Question 19. How was the public motivated to help the health workers?
A. by rewarding them for reporting cases B. by educating them
C. by isolating them from others D. by giving them vaccinations
Question 20. The word “they” in bold in paragraph 3 refers to ______
A. health workers B. victims C. officials D. cases
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 21 to 25.
When naming a child, some parents seem to choose a name based simply on their personal
preference. In other families, grandparents or professional name-makers come up with a child’s
name. In some cases, the time of a child’s birth influences how the child’s name is determined.
In many European cultures, names are typically chosen by parents. Parents’ choice for their child’s
name may be based on names of their relatives or ancestors. For example, in Italy, children are
traditionally named after their grandparents. The parents generally use the father’s parents’ names

first. If they have more children, then they will use the mother’s parents’ names. Similarly, some
people in Eastern Europe name their children after relatives who have died. This tradition is seen as a
meansto protect the child from the Angel of Death.
Traditionally in some Asian countries, a child’s grandfather or a fortune-teller chooses the child’s
name. In contrast to the tradition of naming children after relatives, the child’s name is chosen to
influence the child’s character. For example, names may be based on a connection to certain elements
such as fire, water, earth, wood, or metal. Or the name might include a written character meaning
beauty, strength, or kindness...
No matter where the name comes from, a child’s name is the first gift in life. Whether the name is
chosen according to preference or dictated by tradition, itreflects something about a child’s culture.
For that reason, all names should be treasuredand respected.
(Source: Reading Challenge 2 by Casey Malarcher & Andrea Janzen)

Question 21. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. How names reflect a person’s culture B. How Asian people name their children
C. Choosing traditional names D. Choosing names in Italian culture
Question 22. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT mentioned as someone who
names the new-born child?
A. ancestors B. parents C. fortune-tellers D. grandfathers
Question 23. The word “means” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ________.
A. sign B. symbol C. route D. way
Question 24. What is a common belief in some Asian countries concerning the tradition of naming a
A. A child’s name must include a written character meaning beauty, strength, or kindness.
B. The choice of a child’s name is believed to have an impact on his or her personality.
C. A child’s name shouldn’t be connected with certain elements of nature.
D. The choice of a child’s name should be based on names of his or her relatives.
Question 25. The word “it” in paragraph 4 refers to ________.
A. preference B. culture C. name D. tradition
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 26 to 30.
Plastic and the environment
Plastic is a material we use every day. The first plastics were made more than 100 years ago from
parts of plants. Plastics are now made from oil, coal and natural gas. We are using up these things so
fast that the Earth’s supplies may run out. Because of this, scientists are investigating new ideas for
making plastics from plants such as sweet potato, bamboo and flax.
Things made from plastic can be useful for people but bad for the planet. Some plastics can last for a
long time without wearing out, and can be difficult to get rid of when they are not needed. They can
remain in rubbish dumps called landfill sites for hundreds of years. Landfills can be smelly, ugly, and
harmful to our planet.

Recycling is a good way to get rid of unwanted plastics. Recycled waste materials can be used again
to make new products. This can be difficult as different types of plastic need to be recycled in
different ways. Some kinds of plastics can be melted down and used to make new things such as bags
and bottles. Others can be made into fibres (strands of material) for clothing.
Another way to protect the environment is to use canvas bags for shopping rather than plastic ones. A
lot of plastic objects can also be reused. Plastic bottles can be refilled many times, rather than
throwing them away once they are empty. Unwanted plastic goods such as CDs and toys can be sold
or given away to charity shops.
(Adapted from:

Question 26. What is the passage mainly about?

A. Plastic: effects and solutions to the problem
B. The history of plastic and its usefulness
C. The ways to reduce the harm of plastics on the environment
D. Materials that plastic is made of
Question 27.  The phrase “get rid of” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ________.
A. remove B. create C. keep D. make
Question 28. According to the passage, things made from plastic are bad for our environment
because ________.
A. plastics can exist for a long time without decomposing.
B. they are very convenient for people to use in different purposes.
C. they are a danger to marine life such as whales, turtles and so on.
D. people reuse plastic objects before recycling them.
Question 29.  The word “They” in paragraph 2 refers to ________.
A. Plastics B. Things C. People D. Rubbish dumps
Question 30.  According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?
A. Plastics and plastic objects can be recycled or reused.
B. Plastics and plastic objects can be thrown away to tidy the room.
C. Some kinds of plastics can be melted down, then released into the river.
D. Plastic objects are useful for people without negative impacts.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 31 to 35.
Urbanization programmes are being carried out in many parts of the world, especially in densely
populated religions with limited land and resources. It is the natural outcome of economic
development and industrialization. It has brought a lot of benefits to our society. However, it also
poses various problems for local authorities and town planners in the process of maintaining
sustainable urbanization, especially in developing countries.
When too many people cram into a small area, urban infrastructure can’t be effective. There will be a
lack of livable housing, energy and water supply. This will create overcrowded urban districts with
no proper facilities.
Currently, fast urbanization is taking place predominantly in developing countries where sustainable
urbanization has little relevance to people's lives. Their houses are just shabby slums with poor
sanitation. Their children only manage to get basic education. Hence, the struggle for survival is their

first priority rather than anything else. Only when the quality of their existence is improved, can they
seek for other high values in their life.
Thus, sustainable urbanization in different regions should start from different levels. For more
developed regions, the focus could be on achieving a more sustainable urban life. But for less
developed regions, urban development should really start with the provision of the basic human needs
such as sufficient energy, clean water, housing with proper sanitation, and access to effective social
(Adapted from: Workbook 1 - Tieng Anh 12 - Unit 2 - Urbanization)

Question 31.  What is the best title of the passage?

A. Urbanization history B. Causes and effects of urbanization
C. Challenges of sustainable urbanization D. Benefits of urbanization
Question 32.  According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?
A. The struggle for survival is the most important thing for poor people in developing countries.
B. The advantages of urbanization outweigh its disadvantages.
C. Slum dwellers in developing countries understand the meaning of sustainable urbanization.
D. The children of the poor can get higher education easily with high results.
Question 33.  The word “outcome” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ________.
A. product B. input C. problem D. lack
Question 34.  According to the passage, all the followings are caused by the trend that too many
people move into a small area EXCEPT ________.
A. a shortage of livable housing B. a shortage of energy
C. a shortage of water supplies D. a shortage of health services
Question 35.  The word “Their” in paragraph 3 refers to ________.
A. People living in developing countries B. People living in developed regions
C. People living in urban areas D. People living in densely populated regions
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 40.
Would you believe that your diet can make a big difference in keeping a youthful appearance? It
seems strange to think that the food we take in could result in fewer wrinkles. Wouldn’t it be better to
put things on our skin rather than in our mouths?
Well, according to one scientific theory, our bodies start aging because of oxidation. This is caused
by certain oxygen-containing molecules in our cells, called free radicals. They have the capability to
attach to and damage parts of our cells. Our bodies have the ability to repair this damage. However,
as we get older, these repair mechanisms start to break down, resulting in signs of aging, such as
wrinkles. Free radicals are actually produced by our bodies, but their numbers can also increase
because of the food we eat.
Besides avoiding foods that could potentially produce more free radicals, eating foods that contain
certain vitamins and micro-nutrients can also keep us looking young. These vitamins reduce the
production of free radicals. Common antioxidants, like vitamins A and E, can be found in many dark-
colored vegetables. For example, carrots, seaweed, spinach, and broccoli are all excellent sources of

these vitamins. Also, you can eat orange-colored fruits. Vitamins A and E are particularly good for
helping your skin remain young-looking.
More recently, green tea has also been tentatively added to the list of youth promoting substances.
Scientists certainly believe that it is good for us, but they are cautious about predicting its ability to
keep us looking youthful. In fact, green tea works even better if you apply it directly to your skin as
an ingredient in facial cream.
“You are what you eat.” The more we find out about how our bodies work, the more this old proverb
seems to be true.
(Source: Reading Challenge 3 by Casey Malarcher& Andrea Janzen)

Question 36. What is the main idea of the reading?

A. Our bodies are aging. B. Carrots are good for us.
C. Food affects aging. D. We should use facial cream.
Question 37. According to the passage, what does the word “They” in paragraph 2 refer
A. Cells B. Free radicals C. Molecules D. Bodies
Question 38. Free radicals can be increased in number by _______
A. the way we act B. the food we eat
C. the calories we spend D. the production of cells
Question 39. Which word is closest in meaning to the word “apply” in paragraph 4?
A. ask for B. be related to C. use well D. spread on
Question 40. Which is probably true about people who look younger than their age?
A. They eat a lot. B. They drink green tea every day.
C. They eat food that helps their skin. D. They only eat vegetables.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 41 to 45.
Clara Barton is well known for her endeavors as a nurse on the battlefield during the Civil War and
for her role in founding the American Red Cross. She is perhaps not as well known, however, for her
role in establishing a bureau for tracing missing soldiers following the Civil War.
At the close of the Civil War, the United States did not have in place any agency responsible for
accounting for what had happened to the innumerable men who had served in the military during the
war, and many families had no idea as to the fate of their loved ones. Families were forced to agonize
endlessly over where their loved ones were, what kind of shape they were in, whether or not they
would return, and what had happened to them.
Clara Barton developed a system for using print media to publish the names of soldiers known to
have been wounded or killed during various battles of the Civil War. She was prepared to publish
names that she herself had gathered on the battlefield as well as information gathered from others.
However, it was not until Henry Wilson, a senator from the state of Massachusetts, took up her cause
and presented her plan to President Lincoln that her plan was implemented.
With Lincoln's assistance, Clara Barton was set up in a small government office with funding for a
few clerks and the authority to examine military records. She and her clerks gathered and compiled

information from military records and battlefield witnesses and published it in newspapers and
magazines. Clara Barton operated this missing persons bureau for four years, from 1865 until 1869.
During this period, she and her staff put out more than 100,000 printed lists, answered more than
60,000 letters, and accounted for more than 20,000 missing soldiers.

Question 41. What can be the best tittle of the passage?

A. The American Civil War B. The angle of the Battlefield
C. The American Red Cross D. The International Cross
Question 42. The word close in paragraph 2 could best be replaced by ________.
A. near B. battle C. end D. shut
Question 43. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as one of Clara Barton’s accomplishments?
A. That she treated wounded Civil War soldiers.
B. That she was integral to the establishment of the American Red Cross.
C. That she served as an elected government official.
D. That she continued to work for the good of soldiers and their families after the Civil War.
Question 44. The pronoun it in the last paragraph refers to ________.
A. information B. authority C. funding D. bureau
Question 45. Which of the following did Clara Barton and her staff accomplish, according to the
A. They searched military records. B. They responded to 100,000 letters.
C. They printed a list with 100,000 names. D. They talked with 20,000 missing soldiers.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 46 to 50.
The concept of traffic-free shopping areas goes back a long time. During the Middle Ages, traffic-
free shopping areas known as souks were built in Middle Eastern countries to allow people to shop in
comfort and safety. As far back as 2,000 years ago, road traffic was banned from central Rome during
the day to allow for the free movement of pedestrians, and was only allowed in at night when shops
and markets had closed for the day.
The modern, traffic-free shopping street was born in Europe in the 1960s, when both city populations
and car ownership increased rapidly. Dirty exhaust fumes from cars and the risks involved in crossing
the road were beginning to make shopping an unpleasant and dangerous experience. Many believed
the time was right for experimenting with car-free streets, and shopping areas seemed the best place
to start.
At first, there was resistance from shopkeepers. They believed that such a move would be bad for
business. They argued that people would avoid streets if they were unable to get to them in their cars.
When the first streets in Europe were closed to traffic, there were even noisy demonstrations as many
shopkeepers predicted they would lose customers.
However, research carried out afterwards in several European cities revealed some unexpected
statistics. In Munich, Cologne and Hamburg, visitors to shopping areas increased by 50 percent. On
Copenhagen’s main shopping street, shopkeepers reported sales increases of 25-40 percent.
Shopkeepers in Minneapolis, USA, were so impressed when they learnt this that they even offered to
pay for the construction and maintenance costs of their own traffic-free streets.
With the arrival of the traffic–free shopping street, many shops, especially those selling things like
clothes, food and smaller luxury items, prospered. Unfortunately, it wasn’t good news for everyone,
as shops selling furniture and larger electrical appliances actually saw their sales drops. Many of
these were forced to move elsewhere, away from the city centre. Today they are a common feature on

the outskirts of towns and cities, often situated in out- of-town retail zones with their own car parks
and other local facilities.
(adapted from COMPLETE IELTS band 4-5 by Rawdon Wyatt-p19)
Question 46. What can be the best tittle of the passage?
A. Removing cars and other vehicles from streets in towns and cities
B. How traffic-free shopping streets developed
C. The difference between towns and cities now, and towns and cities in the past
D. How towns and cities are planned and built
Question 47. The word pedestriansin paragraph 1 could best be replaced by ________.
A. motorists B. shops C. walkers D. roads
Question 48. According to the passage, there was resistance from shopkeepers because _____
A. they disagreed with an idea and refused to accept it.
B. they were unable to get in their cars.
C. they were trying something in order to discover what it is like.
D. they wanted to experiment with car-free streets.
Question 49. The word “these” in the last paragraph refers to ______.
A. things B. clothes C. shops D. appliances
Q50. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as one of traffic-free shopping areas’
A. There was a 50% increase in the number of shoppers in Munich, Cologne and Hamburg.
B. Shopkeepers in Minneapolis, USA even offered to pay for the construction and maintenance
costs of their own traffic–free streets.
C. Many clothing, food, or smaller luxury item stores thrived.
D. Shops selling furniture and larger electrical appliances saw their sales growths.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 51 to 55.
One morning in 1945, a crowd of 5,000 people jammed the entrance of Gimbels Department Store in
New York. The day before, Gimbels had placed a full-page advertisement in the New York Times for
a wonderful new invention, the ball point pen. The advertisement described the pen as ‘fantastic’ and
‘miraculous’. Although they were expensive, $12.50 each, all 10,000 pens in stock were sold on the
first day.
In fact, the 'new' pen was not new at all. In 1888, John Loud, a leather manufacturer, had invented a
pen with a reservoir of ink and a rolling ball. However, his pen was never produced and efforts by
other people to produce a commercially successful one failed too. The main problem was with the
ink. If it was too thin, the ink leaked out of the pen. If it was too thick, it didn’t come out of the pen at
Almost fifty years later, in 1935, a newspaper editor in Hungary thought he spent too much time
filling his pens with ink. He decided to invent a better kind of pen. With the help of his brother, who
was a chemist, he produced a ballpoint pen that didn't leak when the pen wasn't being used. The
editor was called Ladislas Biro, and it was his name that people would associate more than any other
with the ballpoint pen.
By chance, Biro met Augustine Justo, the Argentinian president. Justo was so impressed with Biro's
invention that he invited him to set up a factory in Argentina. In 1943, the first Biro pens were
produced. Unfortunately, they were not popular, since the pen needed to be held in a vertical position
for the ink to come out. Biro redesigned the pen with a better ball, and in 1944 the new product was
on sale throughout Argentina.
It was a North American, Milton Reynolds, who introduced the ballpoint pen to the USA. Copying
Biro's design, he produced the version that sold so well at Gimbels. Another American, Patrick
Frawley, improved the design and in 1950 began producing a pen he called the Papermate. It was an
immediate success, and within a few years, Papermates were selling in their millions around the

(Adapted from: “COMPLETE IELTS band 4-5 by Rawdon Wyatt-p25”)

Question 51. What can be the best tittle of the passage?

A. Writing tools in the past B. The most popular ballpoint pen
C. The pen innovation D. The ballpoint pen
Question 52. The word “efforts” in paragraph 2 is closest meaning to ________.
A. determinations B. struggles C. attempts D. gains
Question 53.  Why were early ballpoint pens not produced commercially?
A. Nobody wanted to buy one. B. It cost too much to produce them.
C. They used too much ink. D. They didn't work properly.
Question 54. According to the passage, Ladislas Biro's pen is better than earlier models
A. It didn’t need to be filled with ink as often
B. It was designed by a chemist.
C. The ink stayed in the pen until it was needed.
D. It was easier to use.
Question 55. What does the word “he” in the last paragraph refers to______?
A. Patrick Frawley B. Milton Reynolds. C. Augustine Justo D. Ladislas Biro
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 56 to 60.
The nuclear family is the traditional family structure in the West. This term, originating in the 1950s,
describes families consisting of a father, a mother, and their offspring. Under this structure, the
family is seen as the basic unit in society; the father functions as the breadwinner and the mother as
the homemaker. Nowadays, alternative family types are becoming more prevalent, such as single-
parent families, families headed by same-sex parents, and extended families where families live with
their kin, which may include several generations. Extended families are less common in North
America, where it is not uncommon to place grandparents in retirement homes.
A Social Trends survey in 2009 reported radical changes in child rearing and marriage practices in
the United Kingdom. Figures showed that while 30 percent of women under thirty had given birth by
the age of 25, only 24 percent had tied the knot. This marked the first-time childbirth had become the
first major milestone in adult life, ahead of marriage. In 1971 in the U.K, 3/4 of women were married
by the age of 25 and half were mothers.
Judging by the high rates of divorce and the increasing number of children born out of wedlock, it
would appear that the family as an institution is in decline. American sociologist Stephanie Coontz
believes so too, but for different reasons. Coontz points out that marriages are no longer arranged for
political or economic reasons, and children are no longer required to contribute to the family income.
Marriages nowadays are founded on love. She believes this shift towards love and free choice has
actually weakened both the family by making it optional and the bond between the husband and wife
by making it contingent on emotional fulfillment.
(Adapted from: “”)

Question 56. What is the passage mainly about?

A. Changes in types of family in the world
B. Types of family in the world
C. Types of family in the West
D. Changes in child rearing and marriage practices in the United Kingdom
Question 57. According to the first paragraph, all of the following are types of family EXCEPT
A. single-parents family B. nuclear family
C. same-sex family D. prevalent family
Question 58. The word “their” in the first paragraph refers to ___________.
A. generations B. families C. parents D. grandparents
Question 59. According to the second paragraph, the phrase“tied the knot” close meaning to______?
A. became mother B. got married
C. got divorced D. became single mother
Question 60. According to the last paragraph, what weakens both the family and the bond between
husband and wife?
A. Romantic marriages B. Political marriages
C. Economic marriages D. Family income
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 61 to 65.
Out of Rainforests
Have you ever entered a tropical rainforest? It’s a special, dark place completely different from
anywhere else. A rainforest is a place where the trees grow very tall. Millions of kinds of animals,
insects, and plants live in the rainforest. It is hot and humid in a rainforest. It rains a lot in the
rainforest, but sometimes you don't know it's raining. The trees grow so closely together that rain
doesn't always reach the ground.
Rainforests make up only a small part of the Earth's surface, about six percent. They are found in
tropical parts of the world. The largest rainforest in the world is the Amazon in South America. The
Amazon covers 1.2 billion acres, or almost five million square kilometers. The second largest
rainforest is in Western Africa. There are also rainforests in Central America, Southeast Asia,
Northeastern Australia, and the Pacific Islands.
Rainforests provide us with many things. In fact, the Amazon Rainforest is called the "lungs of our
planet" because it produces twenty percent of the world's oxygen. One fifth of the world's fresh water
is also found in the Amazon Rainforest. Furthermore, one half of the world's species of animals,
plants, and insects live in the Earth's rainforests. Eighty percent of the food we eat first grew in the
rainforest. Twenty-five percent of the drugs we take when we are sick are made of plants that grow
only in rainforests. Some of these are even used to fight and cure cancer. With all the good things we
get from rainforests, it's surprising to find that we are destroying our rainforests. The forests are being
cut down to make fields for cows, to harvest the plants, and to clear land for farms. Along with losing
countless valuable species, the destruction of rainforests creates many problems worldwide.
(Adapted from “Reading Challenge 2”- Second Edition”)


Question 61. What is the focus of this reading?

A. Kinds of forests B. Where rainforests are located
C. Facts about rainforests D. How much oxygen rainforests make
Question 62. The word “humid” in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to _______.
A. cool B. moist C. dehydrated D. dry
Question 63. Why is the Amazon Rainforest called the “lungs of the planet”?
A. It helps us breathe. B. It uses much of the world’s oxygen.
C. It helps circulation. D. It provides much of our air.
Question 64. You would NOT find a rainforest in______?
A. Hawaii B. Canada C. Australia D. Brazil
Question 65. What does the word “these” in the last paragraph refers to______?
A. the food B. rainforests C. plants D. the drugs
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 66 to 70.
There are many different metaphors used to describe culture. My favorite one is the iceberg. I think, it
demonstrates so vividly what can happen to us if we believe only in the visible and ignore or
underestimate the invisible part. The hidden part of our culture is that part which we know
instinctively because we absorbed it from childhood on. It's handed down to us from generation to
generation. We could also say, it's the "thinking" and "feeling" part of culture: habits, assumptions,
attitudes, desires, values, tastes, etc.
Now, if we are in a new culture, our customary evaluations and interpretations are likely not to be on
target because we see everything through our own cultural glasses. Imagine yourself in a new city
trying to get around with a map from your own hometown. It wouldn't take long for you to get lost
and completely frustrated! When we experience an encounter in the new culture that puzzles us, the
most common reaction is to judge it through our own cultural glasses.
I want to propose an alternate approach to our initial gut reaction. Instead of immediately and
instinctively judging a situation through our own glasses, we might first just pause and notice what is
happening and then realize that this is a cultural learning situation. Remember the iceberg metaphor!
The new culture becomes your mirror that shows you a hidden part of your own culture. What an
opportunity for personal growth and new insight! You can compare two different approaches, that of
the new culture and of your own culture. This gives you a choice. Now you can decide what fits best
for you or even take the best from both sides.
(Adapted from: “”)

Question 66. What does the passage mainly discuss?

A. The simplicity of culture. B. The personal definition of culture.
C. Culture as a socializing tool. D. The open surface of culture.
Question 67. The word “vividly” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ______.
A. clearly B. vaguely C. boringly D. warmly
Question 68. According to paragraph 2, what is the most common reaction when experiencing
cultural differences?
A. People accept the cultural distinction with modern open-mindedness.
B. People imitate the behaviors and patterns of the observed local citizens.
C. People use a map and ask around for more information.
D. People continue to apply their own cultural norms on the newly met situations.
Question 69. The word “it” in paragraph 2 refers to _______.
A. map B. culture C. reaction D. encounter
Question 70. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT mentioned?
A. attitudes B. colors C. desires. D. assumptions
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 71 to 75.
In today's fast-paced industry, learning will most likely involve seeking new skills in ways that
challenge the norm. But thankfully, there is promise for such lifelong learning online - a promise that
will save you time and money while helping you earn more of both.
Provided you have access to a decent computer and the Internet, the barrier to getting started is
probably lower than it ever has been. And with those things in place, it is a matter of finding the
content you wish to learn. So, to help others who may be looking to maximize their own learning
efforts, I have listed some quick tips below.
First, set achievable goals. When you start learning, it is a good idea to set goals about what you want
to learn or what you might do with your newly acquired knowledge. It might be landing that new job,
building a tangible product, or impressing your current management. The goals may vary in size and
complexity, but do revisit these goals throughout your learning process. Within a couple weeks ask
yourself, "Am I getting closer to my goal?" or "Am I learning the skills necessary to reach my goals?"
If you are not, then you may need to look elsewhere.
Second, learn with others. By yourself, learning anything has a high propensity to become frustrating.
Try teaming up with friends or colleagues. They can often be your best resource for maintaining
motivation while you learn.
Third, make it a habit. Online habits often include scrolling through social media or watching videos
on YouTube. If you have the downtime for such activities, then you could spend that downtime
learning something. And why not learn something? If you do, then you will have plenty more to talk
about on social media anyways. So, make learning your new online habit by making a commitment
to learn something new each day.
(Adapted from: “//”
Question 71. What is the passage mainly about?
A. Tips for lifelong learning B. Advantages of the Internet
C. Changes of technology D. Effects of social media
Question 72. What does the word "both" in Paragraph 1 refer to______?
A. Time and money B. Lifelong and online learning
C. New skills and ways D. Industry and technology
Question 73. According to the passage, what are the basic condition for learning online?
A. A smart phone and a 4-G sim card B. A computer and the Internet
C. A goal and learning efforts D. A content and the wish to learn
Question 74. According to the passage, the first step of learning online is _______?
A. Buying a computer and having it checked every two weeks.
B. Landing a new job and building a tangible product.
C. Setting practical goals and checking them regularly.
D. Varying your goals in size as well as complexity.
Question 75. The word “commitment” in the last paragraph closest in meaning to______?
A. a rule B. a chance C. a need D. a situation
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 76 to 80.
Although most universities in the United States are on a semester system, which offers classes in the

fall and spring, some schools observe a quarter system comprised of fall, winter, spring, and summer

quarters. The academic year, September to June, is divided into three quarters of eleven weeks each

beginning in September, January, and March; the summer quarter, June to August, is composed of

shorter sessions of varying length.

There are several advantages and disadvantages to the quarter system. On the plus side, students who

wish to complete their degrees in less than the customary four years may take advantage of the

opportunity to study year round by enrolling in all four quarters. In addition, most students begin their

programs in the fall quarter, but they may enter at the beginning of any other quarters. Finally, since

the physical facilities are kept in operation year round, the resources are used effectively to serve the

greatest number of students. But there are several disadvantages as well. Many faculties complain

that eleven-week term is simply not enough for them to cover the material required by most college

courses. Students also find it difficult to complete the assignments in such a short period of time.

(Source: How to prepare for the TOEFL - Barron’s)

Question 76. Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?
A. Universities in the United States B. The Academic Year
C. The Quarter System D. The Semester System
Question 77. According to the passage, how many terms are there in a quarter system?
A. Four regular terms and one summer term B. Three regular terms and one summer term
C. Two regular terms and two summer terms D. One regular term and four summer terms
Question 78. The word “customary” in paragraph 2 could best be replaced by______.
A. agreeable B. limited
C. traditional D. lengthy
Question 79. When may students begin studying in a school that uses a quarter system?
A. Summer semester only B. at the beginning of the academic year
C. at the beginning of any quarter D. September
Question 80. The word “them” in paragraph 2 refers to______.
A. materiaL B. courses
C. faculties D. weeks
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 81 to 85.

Marriage nowadays is a choice people make on their own, but this has not always been the case in
society. Thousands of years ago, the average lifespan was shorter than it is today. A man usually
lived until he was about 40 years old, while women died even sooner because of childbirth. There
were many wars and illnesses, and people had to protect themselves by having more children while
they were still young. The parents lived through their children.
Marriage was not so much a romantic love story but a business transaction, or deal. Most marriages
were arranged between parents while their children were still very young. It was the custom that the
fathers made the decision on whom their children were going to marry. The mothers had little say in
it since they rarely made any decisions outside the household. The fathers would meet to arrange the
wedding date and the money given for the bride on her wedding date. The more money and land a
girl had, the more chances she had to marry well. Therefore, it was important that her father choose
the bridegroom very well. Usually, it was someone who came from a good family or who was rich
too. It was very unlikely that people married outside their social class. A few well-off and rich
merchants got to marry poorer noblewomen and became King’s business advisors. In a way, poor
peasants had an easier choice as it was less important whom they married.
The practice of arranged marriage is still common in some countries in the Middle East, such as India
or Pakistan. Here, social classes are still strongly divided and very well-kept. Often, however,
arranged marriages are a sign that people do not want to let go of the past, which gives them comfort
and security in an ever-changing world.
(Adapted from Longman’s Essence Reading, Vol. 2)

Question 81. What does the passage mainly discuss?

A. Marriage as a business transaction today B. Mothers' roles in their children's marriage
C. Marriage practices in modern society D. The practice of arranged marriage
Question 82. According to paragraph 1, women died even sooner than men because of_______.
A. wars B. illnesses C. childbirth D. marriage
Question 83. The word “they” in paragraph 2 refers to______.
A. mothers B. fathers C. children D. decisions
Question 84. The author mentions all of the following in the passage EXCEPT _____.
A. People tended to marry outside their social class
B. Men made almost all decisions inside the family
C. Marriage used to be a deal between two families
D. The wedding date was decided by the fathers
Question 85. The word "bridegroom" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to _____.
A. bridesmaid B. bride C. daughter-in-law D. son-in-law
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 86 to 90.
Facebook is a for-profit online social media and social networking service. The Facebook website
was launched on February 4th, 2004. Since 2006, anyone aged 13 and older has been allowed to

become a registered user of Facebook though variations exist in the minimum age requirement,
depending on applicablelocal laws.
Over 25 million people in the UK use Facebook. That's 45% of the population! And on average, each
user spends over six hours a month on Facebook. Though not highest, this is a considerable number.
Is Facebook a dangerous obsession or just harmless fun? Seventeen-year-old Bethan has written on
her blog about what it was like to stop using Facebook.
“I think I am a Facebook addict. I log on to Facebook every day to chat to my friends - real friends
and loads of online friends. Sometimes I have ten conversations going at the same time, and I update
my Facebook profile all the time. But recently I've started to feel worried if I am offline for more than
a few hours. And then last week I forgot to meet a real friend because I was online! I've realized I
could have a problem. So I've decided to give it up for a while.”
“I found it really hard. Facebook and my friends demanded to know why I had left. I spent the first
few evenings wondering what everyone was chatting about on Facebook. I even phoned a couple of
friends to find out. The fourth night wasn't so bad. I actually concentrated on my homework better,
and I spoke to my friends during the day at school. At the end of the first week, I reactivated my
accounts. I think Facebook is fun and it's useful for posting messages to friends and sharing photos.
But I'll try not to spend so much time on it in the future.”
(Adapted from Solutions (2012), Tim Falla, Paul A Davies, Pearson)

Question 86. What does Bethan conclude about Facebook?

A. Facebook is not as good as TV.
B. Users should spend more time on Facebook.
C. Facebook is great as long as not too much time is spent on.
D. The best use of Facebook is to share photos and messages.
Question 87. When she decided to give up Facebook, __________.
A. she found it difficult to continue B. her friends didn't care much
C. she couldn't focus on her homework D. she made progress after some days
Question 88. The word "applicable" in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to __________.
A. relevant B. opposite C. unsuitable D. different
Question 89. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about Facebook users in the UK?
A. More than 25 million of Brits use Facebook.
B. 45% of the country's population used Facebook.
C. Averagely, 6 hours per month are spent by British users.
D. The amount of time British users spent on Facebook is highest.
Question 90. The word "it" in paragraph 4 refers to ________.
A. message B. Facebook C. sharing photos D. posting messages
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from (91) to (95).
Instructors at American colleges and universities use many different teaching methods. Some
instructors give assignments every day. They grade homework. Students in their classes have to take
many quizzes, a midterm exam, and a final test. Other instructors give only writing assignments.
Some teachers always follow a course outline and usually use the textbooks. Others send students to
the library for assignments.
The atmosphere in some classrooms is very formal. Students call their instructors “Professor Smith”,
“Mrs. Jones”, and so on. Some teachers wear business clothesand give lectures. Other classrooms
have an informal atmosphere. Students and teachers discuss their ideas. Instructors dress informally,
and students call them by their first names. American teachers are not alike in their teaching styles.
At most American colleges and universities, facilities for learning and recreation are available to
students. Students can often use recorders, video machines, and computers at libraries and learning
centres. They can buy books, notebooks, and other things at campus stores. They can get advice on
their problems from counsellors and individual help with their classes from tutors. Students can relax
and have fun on campus, too. Some schools have swimming pools and tennis courts. Most have snack
bars or cafeterias.
(Source. Adapted from

Question 91. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Teaching methods in American universities
B. American university life
C. How American students entertain
D. The informal relationship between professor and students
Question 92. What does the phrase "business clothes” in paragraph 2 mean?
A. trendy clothes B. casual clothes
C. formal clothes D. clothes for business people
Question 93. Where do students and teachers discuss their idea?
A. At learning centers B. In classrooms with formal atmosphere
C. In classrooms with informal atmosphere D. At libraries
Question 94. What does the word “They” in paragraph 3 refer to?
A. Centres B. Stores C. Books D. Students
Question 95. Which of the following statements is NOT true about schools in America?
A. They offer sports and leisure facilities for students.
B. They have no recreation facilities.
C. They are well-equipped.
D. They have stores on campus.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 96 to 100.
There are many different metaphors used to describe culture. My favorite one is the iceberg. I think it
demonstrates so vividlywhat can happen to us if we believe only in the visible and ignore or
underestimate the invisible part. The hidden part of our culture is that part which we know
instinctively because we absorbed it from childhood on. It's handed down to us from generation to
generation. We could also say, it's the "thinking" and "feeling" part of culture: habits, assumptions,
attitudes, desires, values, tastes, etc.
Now, if we are in a new culture, our customary evaluations and interpretations are likely not to be on
target because we see everything through our own cultural glasses. Imagine yourself in a new city
trying to get around with a map from your own hometown. It wouldn't take long for you to get lost

and completely frustrated! When we experience an encounter in the new culture that puzzles us, the
most common reaction is to judge it through our own cultural glasses.
I want to propose an alternate approach to our initial gut reaction. Instead of immediately and
instinctively judging a situation through our own glasses, we might first just pause and notice what is
happening and then realize that this is a cultural learning situation. Remember the iceberg metaphor!
The new culture becomes your mirror that shows you a hidden part of your own culture. What an
opportunity for personal growth and new insight! You can compare two different approaches, that of
the new culture and of your own culture. This gives you a choice. Now you can decide what fits best
for you or even take the best from both sides.

Question 96. What does the passage mainly discuss?

A. The simplicity of culture. B. The personal definition of culture.
C. Culture as a socializing tool. D. The open surface of culture.
Question 97. The word “vividly” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ______.
A. clearly B. vaguely C. boringly D. warmly
Question 98. According to paragraph 2, what is the most common reaction when experiencing
cultural differences?
A. People accept the cultural distinction with modern open-mindedness.
B. People imitate the behaviors and patterns of the observed local citizens.
C. People use a map and ask around for more information.
D. People continue to apply their own cultural norms on the newly met situations.
Question 99. The word “it” in paragraph 2 refers to _______.
A. map B. culture C. reaction D. encounter
Question 100. According to paragraph 3, what is the advice for people facing unfamiliar cultural
A. Making friends with local people helps people familiarize with the culture better.
B. It’s advisable to learn about a culture before travelling to exotic places.
C. It’s a real win-win situation to combine the knowledge from different cultures.
D. Sometimes it is wise to judge from your own cultural lens and sometime it isn’t.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 101 to 105.
We first learn about loving and caring relationships from our families. Family is defined as a
domestic group of people with some degree of kinship - whether through blood, marriage, or
adoption. Ideally, each child is nurtured, respected, and grows up to care for others and develop
strong and healthy relationships. This does not mean that it is always easy to make and keep friends;
it just means that we share the goal of having strong relationships.
"Family" includes your siblings and parents, as well as relatives who you may not interact with every
day, such as your cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and stepparents. These are probably the people
you are closest to and with whom you spend the most time. Having healthy relationships with your
family members is both important and difficult.
Families in the 21st century come in all shapes and sizes: traditional, single parent, blended (more
than one family together in the same house), and gay and lesbian parents - just to name a few. No
matter the "type" of family you have, there are going to be highs and lows - good times and bad.

Many times, however, families become blocked in their relationships by hurt, anger, mistrust, and
confusion. These are natural and normal, and few families do not have at least a few experiences with
them. The worst time for most families is during a divorce. By making a few simple changes in the
way we look at the world and deal with other people, it is possible to create happier, more stable
relationships. Families need to be units of mutual caring and support; they can be sources of lifelong
strength for all individuals.
(Adapted from

Question 101. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. The importance of sharing housework in a family.
B. The importance of having children in a family.
C. The role of members in the family.
D. The healthy relationships among members in the family.
Question 102. Ideally, each child is nurtured, respected, and grows up ________?
A. to keep in touch with the people around them.
B. to keep a track of the people around them.
C. to be familiar with the people around them.
D. to be concerned about the people around them.
Question 103. Which of the following is closest in meaning to "siblings" in paragraph 2?
A. brothers and sisters B. husband and wife
C. children D. friends
Question 104. What does the word "These" in paragraph 3 refer to?
A. good and bad times B. feelings
C. relationships D. highs and lows
Question 105. According to the passage, which example below is probably NOT true about the
definition of family?
A. wife and husband relationship B. step-father and daughter relationship
C. nanny and baby relationship D. god-mother and god-son relationship
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 106 to 110.
Table manners differ around the world. If you visit a friend’s home for a meal, it’s good to know
about the customs they follow.
If you are invited to a Moroccan’s home, bring a gift of sweet pastries, nuts, figs, dates, or flowers to
the hostess. In many traditional homes, people often sit on the floor to eat a meal. Often, everyone
shares food from the same plate. The plate is put in the centre of the table. Usually, everyone also
drinks water from the same glass. Only eat the food in front of you. Don’t reach across someone for
food. It is common to use your fingers and small pieces of bread to eat food. Use only your right hand
to eat. Don’t say “no” to food. If the host of the meal offers you food or drink, take some and try a
little. In many Moroccan homes, it is common to take off your shoes.
Tanzania is known for its fresh fish and spices. Don’t act scared if your meal comes with its head still
on the plate. It is polite to try a bite of everything. In many Tanzania homes, people sit at a table on
small stools to eat. It is OK to eat with your right hand, using bread or chapati to pick up food.
Everyone may take food from the same plate, but it is not usual for people to share drinks. You may
compliment the cook on a delicious meal, but don’t exaggerate. In some parts of Tanzania, men and

women still sit at different tables. Also remember: it is common to take off your shoes in the home,
but it is rude to show the bottom of your foot.
(Adapted from Active Skills for Reading Intro by Neil J Anderson)

Question 106. Which best serves as the title for the passage?
A. Table Manners across some cultures in the world.
B. Tips for foreigners when having meal in Tanzania
C. Table Manners in Morocco - things to do for everyone
D. Table Manners - Ultimate Guide to Dining Etiquette
Question 107. The word "they" in paragraph 1 refers to ________.
A. customs B. manners C. meals D. friends
Question 108. According to the passage, why does the writer think it is good to know about customs
in other countries?
A. You can know how to eat healthily. B. You can act in a proper way.
C. You can order food in a restaurant. D. You can learn the language.
Question 109. The word "offers" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ________.
A. exchanges B. attends C. receives D. provides
Question 110. According to paragraph 3, which of the following should NOT do in Tanzania?
A. eat with your hands B. take food from the same plate
C. show the bottom of your foot D. take off your shoes
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 111 to 115.
Over the past 600 years, English has grown from a language of few speakers to become the dominant

language of international communication. English as we know it today emerged around 1350, after

having incorporated many elements of French that were introduced following the Norman invasion of

1066. Until the 1600s, English was, for the most part, spoken only in England and had not expanded

even as far as Wales, Scotland, or Ireland. However, during the course of the next two century,

English began to spread around the globe as a result of exploration, trade (including slave trade),

colonization, and missionary work. Thus, in small enclaves of English, speakers became established

and grew in various parts of the world. As these communities proliferated, English gradually became

the primary language of international business, banking, and diplomacy.

Currently, about 80 percent of the information stored on computer systems worldwide is in English.

Two thirds of the world's science writing is in English, and English is the main language of

technology, advertising, media, international airport, and air traffic controllers. Today there are more

than 700 million English users in the world, and over half of these are non-native speakers,

constituting the largest number of non-native users than any other language in the world.

(Source: “Reading Power”- Beatrice S.Mikulecky &Linda Jeferies, Longman, New York)

Question 111. What is the main topic of the passage?

A. The number of non-native users of English.
B. The French influence on the English language.
C. The expansion of English as an international language.
D. The use of English for science and technology.
Question 112. According to paragraph 1, English began to be used beyond England approximately
A. before1066 B. around 1350 C. before 1600 D. after 1600
Question 113. The word “these” in paragraph 2 refers to________.
A. air traffic controllers B. native speakers
C. non-native speakers D. English users
Question 114. According to the passage, all of the following contributed to the spread of English
around the world EXCEPT ________.
A. the slave trade B. the Norman invasion
C. missionaries D. colonization
Question 115. In the second paragraph, the word "stored" is closest in meaning to ________.
A. bought B. saved C. spent D. valued
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 116 to 120.
Most people go to a doctor in their own town or suburb. But people in the Australian outback cannot
get to a doctor quickly. The nearest doctor is sometimes hundreds of kilometers away so they have to
call him on a two-way radio. This special doctor is called the "flying doctor". He visits sick people by
When someone is sick, the doctor has to fly to the person's home. His plane lands on a flat piece of
ground near the person's house. Sometimes the doctor has to take the patient to hospital. Flying
doctors take about 8,600 people to hospital each year.
However, most of time the person isn’t very sick, and the doctor doesn’t have to visit. He can give
advice on the radio from the office at the flying doctor center. He can tell the patient to use some
medicine from a special medicine chest. There is one of these chests in every home in the outback.
Each bottle, tube and packet in the chest has a number. The doctor often says something like this,
"Take two tablets from bottle 5 every four hours.”
A man called John Flynn started the Royal Flying Doctor service in 1927. He had only one plane.
Today there are 14 flying-doctor centers, 29 planes, 14 full-time doctors and several part-time
doctors, nurses and dentists.
(Extracted fromOxford Guide- Oxford Advanced Learner’s Compass)


Question 116. What is the main topic of the passage?

A. Medical Care in Australian Outbacks B. Australian Health Workers
C. Treating Patients on Planes D. Australian Health Staff
Question 117. The flying doctors mentioned in this article treat their patients ________.
A. in clinics B. by old methods
C. over great distances D. by telepathy
Question 118. The word “his”in paragraph 2 refers to ________.
A. the doctor B. the patient C. the person D. the landlord
Question 119. According to the passage, which of the following happens first ?
A. The doctor flies to the sick person’s home.
B. The sick person or his family calls the doctor on a two-way radio.
C. The plane lands near the patient’s house.
D. The doctor treats the sick person on a two- way radio.
Question 120. The word “chest” in paragraph 3 probably means _________.
A. a body part B. a machine C. a remote control D. a small box
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 121 to 125.
One of the greatest advantages of robots is that they can work in situations that are dangerous or
harmful for human workers. For example, the continuous smell of paint has a harmful effect on
painters, but it doesn't bothera robot. Robots can work in nuclear power plants and in undersea
research stations that might be dangerous for humans. Already, robots are working in the plastics
industry and in chemical and industrial equipment industries. One of the most common uses of robots
is still in automobile factories. They can do the heavy, unpleasant, or dangerous work. These kinds of
industrial robots are not usually mobile. The work they need to do is brought to them, like cars on an
assembly line, for example.
The robot industry is a big business. By the middle of the 1990s, Japan led the world in robot
production with more than 71,000 industrial robots at work. Both the United States and Japan, as well
as other countries, continue to develop more advanced robots. Robots can now be made to perform
more complex jobs. Robots can make decisions while they are working and learn from their mistakes.
Robots can now see with the TV camera ‘eyes’. They can easily hear and can even speak using a
voice made by a computer. But it is difficult to make a robot ‘understand’. Thinking and
understanding are very human qualities. The robots of the future will probably be very complex.
They will be able to perform many humanlike tasks. Robots and other technologies will make the
future a very interesting place.
(Source: Concepts and Comments)


Question 121. Which best serves as the title for the passage?
A. Robots: Common uses of robots B. Robots: Advantages and Disadvantages
C. Roles of Robots in Life D. Benefits of Robots
Question 122. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT trueto the work of the
A. Robots can work in nuclear power plants.
B. Robots are working in the plastics industry.
C. One of the most common uses of robots is still in automobile factories.
D. They can’t do the heavy or dangerous work.
Question 123. The word ‘mobile’in paragraph 1 mostly means ________.
A. stationary B. movable C. unthinkable D. repairable
Question 124. According to paragraph 2, which of the following countries had the most robots in
industrial production in the middle 1990s?
A. Japan B. China
C. The US D. Both Japan and the US
Question 125. The word ‘they’ in paragraph 2 refers to ________.
A. the robots of the future B. the robots of the factories
C. the robots of the computer D. the robots of the past
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 126 to 130.
Exchange a glance with someone, and then look away. Do you realize that you have made a
statement? Hold the glance for a second longer and you have made a different statement. Hold it for 3
seconds, and the meaning has changed again. For every social situation, there is a permissible time
that you can hold a person’s gaze without being intimate, rude, or aggressive. If you are on an
elevator, what gaze-time are you permitted? To answer this question, consider what you typically do.
You very likely give other passengers a quick glance to size them up and to assure them that you
mean no threat. Since being close to another person signals the possibility of interaction, you need to
send out a signal telling others you want to be left alone. So you cut off eye contacts that sociologist
Erving Goffiman ( 1963 ) calls “a dimming of the lights”. You look down at the floor, at the
indicator lights, anywhere but into another passenger’s eyes. Should you break the rule against staring
at a stranger on an elevator, you will make the other person extremely uncomfortable, and you are
likely to feel a bit strange yourself.
If you hold eye contacts for more than 3 seconds, what are you telling another person? Much depends
on the person and the situation. For instance, a man and a woman communicate interest in this
manner. They typically gaze at each other for about 3 seconds at a time, and then drop their eyes
down for 3 seconds, before letting their eyes meet again. But if one man gives another man a 3-
second-plus stare, he signals, “I know you”. “I am interested in you.” or “You look peculiar and I am
curious about you.” This type of stare often produces hostile feelings.
(Adapted from

Question 126. The passage mainly discusses ________.

A. the limitations of eye contacts
B. the exchange of ideas through eye contacts
C. proper behavior in situations
D. the role of eye contacts in interpersonal communication
Question 127. The word “them” in paragraph 1 refers to _________.
A. other passengers B. the questions
C. signals D. social situations
Question 128. According to paragraph 1, if you change your way of glancing at others, you can make
A. a different statement B. a different interest
C. a new situation D. a new contact
Question 129. If you want to be left alone on an elevator, the best thing to do is ________.
A. to look into another passenger’s eyes B. to avoid eye contacts with other passengers
C. to signal you are not a threat to anyone D. to keep a distance from other passengers
Question 130. The word “hostile” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to _________.
A. impolite B. unfriendly C. emotional D. passive
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 131 to 135.
It is very difficult to succeed in the music business; nine out to ten bands that release a first record fail
to produce a second. Surviving in the music industry requires luck and patience, but most of all it
requires an intricateknowledge of how a record company functions. The process begins when a
representative of a company's Artists and Repertoire (A & R) department visits bars and night clubs,
scouting for young, talented bands. After the representative identifies a promising band, he or she will
work to negotiate a contract with that band. The signing of this recording contract is a slow process.
A company will spend a long time investigating the band itself as well as current trends in popular
music. During thisperiod, it is important that a band reciprocate with an investigation of its own,
learning as much as possible about the record company and making personal connections within the
different departments that will handle their recordings.
Once a band has signed the contract and has finished recording an album, the Publicity and
Promotions department takes over. This department decides whether or not to mass produce and
market the band's album. Most bands fail to make personal contacts in this second department, thus
losing their voice in the important final process of producing and marketing their album. This loss of
voice often contributes to the band's failure as a recording group.
(Adapted from Pre-Essence Reading by Rachel Lee, Longman)

Question 131. Which of the following statements best expresses the main idea of the passage?
A. Nine out of ten bands fail to produce a second album.
B. It is important for a band to have an intricate knowledge of how a recording company works.
C. Making personal connections will help the band in the final decisions about the promotion of
their album.
D. The main factors in a band’s success are luck and patience.
Question 132. According to the passage, the initial contact between a band and a recording company
is made by ______.
A. the band’s manager B. a band member
C. an A&R representative D. the Publicity and Promotions department
Question 133. The phrase “an intricate” in paragraph 1 could best be replaced by ______.
A. a feeling B. a straightforward
C. an extraneous D. a detailed
Question 134. The phrase ‘this period’ in paragraph 1 refers to______.
A. waiting for the signing of a recording contract
B. scouting for young, talented bands
C. waiting to represent the A & R department
D. preparing to have the second album
Question 135. The author mentions that a band’s success is dependent on all of the following factors
EXCEPT ______.
A. having patience
B. making personal contacts with people in the company
C. understanding how a record company functions
D. playing music that sounds like music of famous bands
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 136 to 140.
Traditions, sayings, beliefs, languages, and values are just a few things that make up our culture.
Culture is the framework in which families are structured. It shapes our expectations and ideals.
Culture plays a part in the meaning of marriage and our roles as husbands, wives, children and
Understanding cultural differences and similarities related to marriage is important. Culture affects
the roles that spouses take within marriages, the age at marriage and number of children a couple
have, the meaning of divorce, cohabitation and non-marital childbearing, and the way parents raise
children. Understanding how relationships and marriages vary across cultural contexts, and how they
are similar, we will be able to identify the unique ways that marriages and family life affect people of
various cultures. As a result, we will be able to help families and sustain happy marriages.
A cross cultural marriage or similar love relationship can be extremely exciting. The cultural
background, visits to the other country, the language of the country and learning to speak it, the
different habits and ways of doing and saying things that people from other cultures have, are all very
exciting indeed. What of the disadvantages of a cross cultural marriage or love relationship with
someone from another country or cultural background? No matter how much you love your husband
or wife, no matter how high your level of cross cultural awareness, cross cultural communication and
respect for differences, misunderstanding seems to be unavoidable.
(Adapted from “Lovebook”, Original source unknown)

Question 136. The passage is about ______.

A. the effects of cultures on love and marriage
B. the definition of culture
C. the role of spouses in the family
D. cultural differences
Question 137. The word “It” in paragraph 1 refers to ______.
A. culture B. family C. framework D. structure
Question 138. The word “spouses” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ______.
A. mother and father B. husband and wife
C. brother and sister D. parents and children
Question 139. According to the writer, cross-cultural marriage ______.
A. does not have advantages B. does not have disadvantages
C. has both advantages and disadvantages D. does not exist through time
Question 140. According to the passage, which of the following is not affected by culture?
A. The age to get married B. Child-raising
C. How much spouses love each other D. The roles of spouses
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 141 to 145.
Social workers are often the first people met by a person in need of human services. Social workers
spend part of their day in an office setting or group residence and the rest of it going to people's
Children welfare workers help children and teens in abusive situations. They investigate and report
instances of neglect or abuse and take action if necessary to place children in foster homes.
Medical social workers help patients and their families when diseases such as AIDS or Alzheimer's
cause suffering. They help a patient and his family adjust to the new situation.
School social workers work within school systems to help children who have emotional problems.
These students are often put into special education classrooms simply because they can’t control their
behaviors. A school social worker works with the family of such a student to try to integrate him or
her back into the general school population.
Industrial or occupational social workers work within a personnel department of a business to help
employees cope with job pressures or personal problems that affect the quality of their work.
Gerontology social workers run support groups for the elderly. They also advise the elderly and their
family members on the subjects of long-term housing and health care.
A bachelor's degree, and often a master's degree, is the minimum requirement for a professional
position in social work. However, small agencies may accept some community college courses in
psychology or sociology. In such places, you may find a position available as a record keeper or an
aide to one of the social workers on the staff. Salaries usually start at $18,000.
(Basic IELTS reading – Zhang Juan – NXB Tổng hợp TP HCM – p. 26)

Question 141. What is the passage mainly about?

A. How to become a social worker B. Different types of social workers
C. Responsibilities of a social worker D. Roles of social workers in society
Question 142. The phrase adjust to in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ________.
A. adapt to B. fix C. arrange D. face up to
Question 143. The word they in paragraph 4 refers to ________.
A. school social workers B. children
C. special education classrooms D. these students
Question 144. Which of the following social workers deal with children’s emotional troubles?
A. children welfare workers B. medical social workers
C. school social workers D. gerontology social workers
Question 145. To become a professional social worker in big agencies, one needs at least ________.
A. a community college course in sociology B. a community college course in psychology
C. a bachelor degree D. a master’s degree
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 146 to 150.
On March 1, 1961, President John F. Kennedy issued an order creating the Peace Corps program.
Its mission was to promote world peace and friendship by providing qualified volunteers
to interested countries all over the world. Today it sends an average of 6,000 U.S. citizens abroad
each year. Volunteers live at a local level in their host countries. They are paid in local currency.
Each month they receive a small sum of money that covers basic living expenses, and varies
with the local economy. For example, volunteers in Micronesia make the equivalent of
$300 per month, while those in Turkmenistan make $75. Most volunteers live with host
families. This is a great chance to learn the language and the culture.
For each month that they spend overseas, volunteers receive a sum of about $200. This
money helps them to get back on their feet in the United States.
Serving countries all over the world, the Peace Corps livesupto its promise as “the
toughest job you'll ever love”. Volunteers do everything, ranging from teaching English to sharing
tips on growing food to provide preventive health care. However, the application process
to become a Peace Corps volunteer is very competitive. Specifically, you must be a U.S. citizen, at
least eighteen years old, in good health, and willing to serve for two years. Nearly all volunteers
have a bachelor's degree in their chosen field, and about 18 percent have their master's or
doctorate degrees. Knowing a language, especially French and Spanish, helps.
(Basic IELTS reading – Zhang Juan – NXB Tổng hợp TP HCM – p. 12)

Question 146. What is the topic of this passage?

A. The mission of the Peace Corps
B. How to become a volunteer for the Peace Corps
C. The Peace Corps program
D. Volunteering activities of the Peace Corps
Question 147. The word they in paragraph 1 refers to ________.
A. U.S. citizens B. interested countries
C. host countries D. volunteers
Question 148. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A. All volunteers stay with a family in the host countries.
B. Apart from a small sum of money, each volunteer is given $200 monthly while in the US.
C. Volunteers’ monthly salaries vary depending on where they live.
D. The Peace Corps has a total of 6,000 volunteers.
Question 149. The phrase lives up to in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ________.
A. fulfils B. makes C. shows D. breaks
Question 150. To become a Peace Corps volunteer, one needs all of the following criteria
A. being eighteen years old or above B. having at least a bachelor’s degree
C. holding U.S. citizenship D. being in excellent health

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 151 to 155.
A letter of application is a sales letter in which you are both salesperson and product, for the purpose
of an application is to attract an employer's attention and persuade him or her to grant you an
interview. To do this, the letter presents what you can offer the employer, rather than what you want
from the job.
Like a résumé, the letter of application is a sample of your work and an opportunity to demonstrate
your skills and personality. If it is written with flair and understanding and prepared with professional
care, it is likely to be very effective. While the résumé must be factual, objective, and brief, the letter
is your chance to interpret and expand. It should state explicitly how your background relates to the
specific job, and it should emphasize your strongest and most relevant characteristics. The letter
should demonstrate that you know both yourself and the company.
The letter of application must communicate your ambition and enthusiasm. Yet it must be modest. It
should be neither aggressive nor compliant: neither pat yourself on the back nor ask for sympathy. It
should never express dissatisfaction with the present or former job or employer. And you should
avoid discussing your reasons for leaving your last job.
Finally, it is best that you not broach the subject on salary. Indeed, even if a job advertisement
requires that you mention your salary requirements, it is advisable simply to call them "negotiable".
However, when you go on an interview, you should be prepared to mention a salary range. For this
reason, you should investigate both your field and, if possible, the particular company. You don't
want to ask for less than you deserve or more than is reasonable.
(Adapted from “Select Readings-Intermediate” by Linda Lee and Erik Gundersen)
Question 151. What is the passage mainly about?
A. Differences between a résumé and a letter of applicationB. Dos and don’ts in a job interview
C. The importance of salary in job huntingD. Tips for writing an effective letter of application
Question 152. The word “grant” in paragraph 1 mostly means ______.
A. refuse to offer B. consider assuring
C. approve of giving D. agree to sponsor
Q153. According to the passage, the applicant should ______ when in writing a letter of application?
A. mention salary as the foremost affair
B. reveal his or her ambition and enthusiasm about the job as much as possible
C. exclude his or her reasons for quitting the last job to the employer
D. conceal their understanding on the company
Question 154. The word “it” in paragraph 2 refers to __________.
A. the letter of application B. your work
C. an opportunity D. the résumé
Question 155. Which of the following is TRUE, according to the passage?
A. The applicant should draw up whatever he or she wants from the company in the letter of
B. The résumé must be written in just a few words, but in formal style.
C. The employer would decide on the applicant’s salary based on his or her résumé.
D. The applicant must avoid describing his or her background concerning the job in the letter of
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 156 to 160.
Scientists know that there were wolves on Earth about one million years ago. Dogs, on the other
hand, have not been on Earth nearly as long. The oldest dog remains, found in Germany, are about

14,000 years old. Scientists have proven that dogs are descended from wolves. Though wolves and
dogs share some of the same genes, they are not exactly alike. In fact, there are as many differences
as there are similarities between the two.
First, there are physical differences between the two. Wolves have longer legs, larger feet, and a
broader skull than dogs. They also walk differently from dogs. A wolf runs on its toes with its heels
raised up from the ground. This is more similar to a cat’s walk than a dog’s.
Second, there are mental differences between the two. Dogs have been domesticated. This means that
dogs have been brought under the control of humans in order to provide companionship. Wolves have
not been domesticated. They are wild animals. Having a dog as a pet is like having a juvenile wolf. A
young wolf will turn into a mature adult, while a young dog does not mature. A dog might seem
smart by performing tricks for people. Wolves need to be smart to survive in the wild. While it may
not be impossible to have a wolf as a pet, scientists are of the opinion that a wolf could never be
domesticated in the same way as a dog.
It’s important to keep in mind that the differences between the two are great, and each should be
appreciated in its own habitat or home.
(Source: Paul Edmunds, Nancie McKinnon, Developing skills for TEOFL iBT)

Question 156. The passage mainly discusses ______.

A. the differences and similarities between wolves and dogs
B. the great differences between the wolf and the dog
C. the similarities between the wolf and the dog
D. the way to distinguish between a wolf and a dog
Question 157. The word “they”in paragraph 1 refers to ______.
A. wolves B. dogs
C. scientists D. both wolves and dogs
Question 158. The word “mature” in paragraph 3 almost means ______.
A. fully grown B. early rise
C. full blossom D. completely evolve
Question 159. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true about the dog?
A. Dogs provide human beings with companionship.
B. A dog might be smart enough to perform tricks.
C. A dog walks the same way as a young wolf does.
D. Dog shares some genes with those of wolves.
Question 160. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT mentioned about the wolf?
A. Wolves have been living on Earth for about a million years.
B. Wolves have better genes than dogs, so they are stronger.
C. Wolves could not be domesticated the way dogs have been.
D. Wolves may not be kept as pets the way dogs have been.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 161 to 165.
Medellin, Colombia’s second city, used to have one of the highest crime rates in the world, but thanks
to a variety of initiatives, crime has dropped by 80 percent. Surprisingly, one part of the solution is
cable cars. Since 2004, the city has invented over $60 million during a system of cable cars to
connect the so-called “barrios” to the centre of the city. The barrios – poorer residential areas – are

located in the hills around Medellin and the cable cars, which are efficient and affordable, have
reduced some journey times from two hours to seven minutes.
The radical thinking behind the cable car is to integrate the poor into the city, rather than forcing them
to the edge of it and thereby excluding them. Libraries and crèches have been built around the cable
car stations, allowing mothers to leave their children close to home while they go to work in the city.
The side effects of this project have been to reduce pollution and crime, and to turn what was
previously a no-go area into a tourist destination.
The cable cars are, of course, not the only reason for Medellin’s renaissance. New and impressive
public buildings, designed by local architects, have restored a sense of pride in the city and even the
poorest slum housing is now being adequately supplied with water and electricity. Medellin still has
challenges to overcome but already it is being seen as an example to other cities around the world of
how to cope with the problems of urbanisation.
(Adapted from Cutting Edge – Advanced by Sarah Cunningham et al.)

Question 161. Which could be the best title of the passage?

A. Cable Cars – Medellin’s invention
B. Medellin’s Renaissance
C. How To Improve The Life Of The Poor In Medellin
D. Medellines’ Challenges
Question 162. The word "they" in paragraph 1 refers to _______.
A. stations B. the poor C. children D. mothers
Question 163. The word "crèches" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to _______.
A. hospitals B. orphanages C. nurseries D. retreats
Question 164. According to the passage, cable cars ________.
A. is very reasonable and convenient.
B. is the most effective measure to decrease crime and contamination.
C. makes the barrios become tourist destinations.
D. excludes the disadvantaged people into the city.
Question 165. Which of the following is TRUE about Medellin’s answer to the problems of
A. Crime rates decreased by 80 percent thanks to cable cars.
B. Impressive new buildings have restored pride to the city.
C. Libraries were established around the car parks.
D. No place in the city, even the poorest slum housing, lacks water and electricity.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 166 to 170.
It used to be that people would drink coffee or tea in the morning to pick them up and get them going
for the day. Then cola drinks hit the market. With lots of caffeine and sugar, these beverages soon
became the pick-me-up of choice for many adults and teenagers. Now drink companies are putting
out so-called “energy drinks”. These beverages have the specific aim of giving tired consumers more
One example of a popular energy drink is Red Bull. The company that puts out this beverage has
stated in interviews that Red Bull is not a thirst quencher. Nor is it meant to be a fluid replacement
drink for athletes. Instead, the beverage is meant to revitalize a tired consumer's body and mind. In
order to do this, the makers of Red Bull, and other energy drinks, typically add vitamins and certain

chemicals to their beverages. The added chemicals are like chemicals that the body naturally
produces for energy. The vitamins, chemicals, caffeine, and sugar found in these beverages all seem
like a sure bet to give a person energy.
Health professionals are not so sure, though. For one thing, there is not enough evidence to show that
all of the vitamins added to energy drinks actually raise a person's energy level. Another problem is
that there are so many things in the beverages. Nobody knows for sure how all of the ingredients in
energy drinks work together.
Dr. Brent Bauer, one of the directors at the Mayo Clinic in the US, cautions people about believing
all the claims energy drinks make. He says, “It is plausible if you put all these things together, you
will get a good result.” However, Dr. Bauer adds the mix of ingredients could also have a negative
impact on the body. “We just don't know at this point,” he says.
(Adapted from Reading Challenge 2)

Question 166. What is the main idea of this passage?

A. Energy drinks may or may not work. B. Caffeine is bad for people to drink.
C. Red Bull is the best energy drink. D. Teenagers should not choose energy
Question 167. The beverages mentioned in the first paragraph aim to give consumers ______.
A. more energy B. sugar C. caffeine D. more choice
Question 168. The word “it” in the second paragraph refers to ______.
A. Red Bull B. the company C. one example D. thirst quencher
Question 169. The word “plausible” in the passage is closest in meaning to _______.
A. reasonable B. impossible C. typical D. unlikely
Question 170. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A. It has been scientifically proved that energy drinks work.
B. Bauer does not seem to believe the claims of energy drink makers.
C. Colas have been on the market longer than energy drinks.
D. The makers of Red Bull say that it can revitalize a person.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 171 to 175.
For many American university students, the weeklong spring break holiday means an endless party
on a sunny beach in Florida or Mexico. In Panama City Beach, Florida, a city with a permanent
population of around 36,000, more than half a million university students arrive during the month of
March to play and party, making it the number one spring break destination in the United States. A
weeklong drinking binge is not for anyone, however, and a growing number of American university
students have found a way to make spring break matter. For them, joining or leading a group of
volunteers to travel locally or internationally and work to show problems such as poverty,
homelessness, or environmental damage makes spring break a unique learning experience that
university students can feel good about. Students who participate in alternative spring break projects
find themvery rewarding. While most university students have to get their degrees before they can
start helping people, student volunteers are able to help people now. On the other hand, the
accommodations are far from glamorous. Students often sleep on the floor of a school or spend the
week camping in tents. But students only pay around $250 for meals and transportation, which is
much less than some of their peers spend to travel to more traditional spring break hotspots.
Alternative spring break trips appear to be growing in popularity at universities across the United
States. Students citea number of reasons for participating. Some appreciate the opportunity to
socialize and meet new friends. Others want to exercise their beliefs about people’s obligation to
serve humanity and make the world a better place. Whatever their reason, these students have
discovered something that gives them rich rewards along with a break from schoolwork.
(Adapted from Active skills for reading)

Question 171. What is the passage mainly about?

A. Students’ alternative spring breaks B. A traditional approach to spring breaks
C. American students’ social life D. Students’ travelling preferences
Question 172. How many university students travel to Panama Beach City every March for spring
A. Around 500, 000 B. Around 36, 000 C. Around 10, 000 D. Around 50, 000
Question 173. The word “cite” in paragraph 2 probably means ______.
A. list B. get C. avoid D. invent
Question 174. The word “them” in paragraph 1 refers to ______.
A. projects B. people C. degrees D. students
Question 175. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a problem that alternative spring break
trips try to help solve?
A. Overpopulation B. Homelessness
C. Poverty D. Environment damage
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 176 to 180.
Recently fans of top soaps, dramas and reality shows in the USA have started to get angry about the
number and frequency of the adverts in the middle of the programmes. Sometimes it seems that the
adverts are more important than the programmes themselves. For example, American dramas aren't as
long as they were in the past. Nowadays in the US, an ‘hour-long’ drama lasts about 40 minutes,
whereas in the 1980s theprogrammes lasted 48 minutes. The rest is adverts.
The ABC channel had slightly more adverts than other channels. But recently they've changed, which
is even worse than before! Before, all their dramas had four sections. But now its producers separate
each programme into six sections. Usually the first section is approximately ten minutes long. Then
they have the first break. When people have watched a programme for ten minutes, it’s much less
probable that they will stop watching or change channels. But then, in the next 45 minutes, there are
four more commercial breaks. Each break is about three and a half minutes long.
All of this makes it much more difficult for dramas’ writers to write good stories. Quiet scenes make
no impact because there are more and more adverts which are longer and longer. 'It's OK for game
shows or more exciting adventure series.' says American TV producer David Kelley. ‘But for
programmes that don’t depend on violence or melodramatic scenes, it's more difficult to make a story

with six sections. The only thing you can do is be more aggressive, either with the music or the visual
impact, just to attract people's attention after the adverts.’
(Adapted from Gateway B1)

Question 176. Which could be the best title of the passage?

A. Adverts turn TV viewers off. B. TV commercials are no longer in favour.
C. Modern advertising is an advantage. D. Commercial breaks increase productivity.
Question 177. The phrase “theprogrammes” in paragraph 1 refers to ________.
A. American dramas B. reality shows C. the adverts D. the ABC
Question 178. The word “probable” in paragraph 2 mostly means ________.
A. likely to happen B. causing worry
C. very difficult to deal with D. unable to believe
Question 179. According to the passage, previously all of the ABC channel’s dramas ________.
A. consisted of 4 parts B. had six segments
C. were divided into 5 separate parts D. lasted 40 minutes
Question 180. Which of the following is TRUE about game shows as stated in the passage?
A. It is possible to make them as six-part programmes.
B. They rely neither on violence nor melodramatic scenes.
C. They attract TV viewers by adverts lasting for three minutes.
D. Quiet scenes in game shows are important factors in attracting people’s attention.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 181 to 185.
Innovation in mobile phones has been happening so fast that it's difficult for consumers to change

their behaviour. Phones are constantly swallowing up other products like cameras, calculators, clocks,

radios, and digital music players. There are twenty different products that previously might have been

bought separately that can now be part of a mobile phone. Mobiles have changed the way people talk

to one another, they have generated a new type of language, they have saved lives and become style


Obviously, the rich have been buying phones faster than the poor. But this happens with every

innovation. Mobile phone take-up among the poor has actually been far quicker than it was in the

case of previous products, such as colour television, computers and Internet access. Indeed, as mobile

phones continue to become cheaper and more powerful, they might prove to be more successful in

bridging the gap between the rich and the poor than expensive computers.

There are obviously drawbacks to mobiles as well: mobile users are two and a half times more likely

to develop cancer in areas of the brain adjacent to their phone ear, although researchers are unable to

prove whether this has anything to do with the phone; mobile thefts now account for a third of all

street robberies in London, and don't forget about all the accidents waiting to happen as people drive

with a mobile in one hand. But, overall, mobile phones have proved to be a big benefit for people.

(Adapted from “Oxford Exam Excellence” - OUP)

Question 181. Which could be the best title of the passage?

A. Mobile Revolution B. The Future of Mobile phones
C. Benefits of Mobile phones D. A Drawback of Mobiles
Question 182. The phrase “theyin paragraph 1 refers to_________.
A. mobiles B. people C. the way D. language
Question 183. The word “adjacent” in paragraph 3 mostly means_________.
A. near B. far C. harmful D. contrasting
Question 184. Among the poor, the demand for mobile phones _________.
A. has grown faster than the demand for computers
B. is higher than among the rich
C. follows the pattern of similar innovations
D. has created more of a gap with the rich
Question 185. Which of the following is NOT one disadvantage of mobile phones as stated in the
A. High operating costs. B. Higher crime rate.
C. Possible health risk. D. Increased danger to road users.

Question 1:A.complained B.roared C.existed D.decayed
Question 2:A.creature B. creamy C.creative D.crease

Question 3:A.struggle B.answer C.confide D.comfort

Question 4:A.inflation B.maximum C.applicant D.character

Question 5:Tom invited us to come tohis party, ?

A.couldn't he B.wasn't he C.hadn't he D.didn'the
Question 6: The injured ———————- to the hospital in an ambulance.
A. were taking B. was taking C. were taken D. have taken
Question 7:Sometimes she doesnotagree her husband about child rearing but they
soon find the solutions.
A.with B.for C.on D.of
Question 8:The greaterthe demand, the price.
A.the highest B.the high C.higher D.thehigher
Question 9: Indiana University, one of the largest in the nation, is locatedina town.
A.smallbeautifulMidwestern B.beautiful Midwesternsmall
C.Midwesternbeautifulsmall D.beautiful smallMidwestern
Question 10:I broke my teeth when I dinner.
A.had B.was having having having
Question 11:_____ I’d like to help you out, I’m afraid I just haven’t got any spare money at the moment.
A.Although B.However C.Despite D.In spite of
Question 12:John will look for a job __________.
A. after he had passed his exams B. as soon as he passes his exams

C. while he was passing his D. before he passed his exams
Question 13:___ a scholarship, I entered one of the most privileged universities of the United Kingdom.
A. To award B. Being awarded
C. Having awarded D. Having been awarded
Question 14:Euthanasia, also a mercy killing, is the practice of ending a life so as to release an
individual from an incurable disease or _________ suffering.
A. tolerated B. tolerant C. tolerate D. intolerable
Question 15:There are other problems of city life which I don't propose to ____ at the moment.
A.go into B.go around C.go for D.go up
Question 16:The government should take somemeasuresto that tourism develops in harmony with
A.promote B.ensure C.facilitate D.improve
Question 17:With a good _________ of both Vietnamese and English, Miss Loan was assigned the
task of oral interpretation for the visiting American delegation.
A. insight B. knowledge C. command D. proficiency
Question 18:Jimmy always takes the ________ by the horns at every chance in order to become a
famous pop star, which is why he is so successful now.
A.bull C.cow D.buffalo
Question 19: Tourism is changing rapidly as nature, heritage, and recreational destinations become more
important, and as conventional tourism is forced to _______ tougher environmental requirements. B.impose C.lay D.set
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 20:The protesters were angry with the council’s plan to do away witha lovely old building
and put a car park there instead.
A.destroy B.replace C.remain D.keep
Question 21:There are many TV commercialswhich distracting viewers from watching their favorite
A.economics B.businesses C.contests D.advertisements
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 22:Many people perishedin the Kobe earthquake because they were not prepared for it.
A.survived B.departed C.lost their lives D.declined
Question 23:The writer was really hot under the collarwhen his novel was mistaken for another.
A.angry B.worried C.calm D.curious

Question 24:Mai and Lan are friends.Lan asks Mai about Mai's plan. Select the most suitable
response to fill in the blank.
Lan: “Are you going to see the live show by Son Tung today?”
Mai: “__________”.
A. Yes, I enjoyed it very much B. Maybe I'll be out
C. Yes, I'm going to stay in D. I think so
Question 25:Mary invited her friend, Sarah, to have dinner out that night and Sarah accepted.
Choose the most suitable response to fill in the blank in the following exchange.
Mary: “Shall we eat out tonight?” - Sarah: “___________.”
A. It's kind of you to invite B. You are very welcome
C. That's a great idea D. That's acceptable

In such a costly and competitive society and world, no one of us can live without money. We need
money to fulfill our basic needs of the life such as buying food, and (26) ________ many basic
necessities of life which are almost impossible to buy without money. People in the society
(27)______are rich and have property are looked as honourable and respectful person of the society
however a poor person is seen as hatred without any good impression.
Money increases the position of the person in the society and (28)______a good impression to him.
All of us want to be rich by earning more money through good job or business in order to fulfil all the
increasing demands of the modern age. (29)______, only few people get this chance of completing
their dreams of being a millionaire.
So, money is the thing of great importance all through the life. Money is required by everyone
whether he/she is rich or poor and living in urban areas or rural areas. People in the urban areas are
earning more money than the people living in backward or rural areas as the people of the urban areas
have more (30)______to the technologies and get more opportunity because of the easy sources.
(Adapted from
Question 26:A. other B. some C. many D. few
Question 27:A. where B. what C. who D. which
Question 28:A. gives B. does C. takes D. draws
Question 29:A. Besides B.Therefore C. Moreover D. However
Question 30:A. way B. exit C. access D. order
In 2007, at a heavilyhyped press event in San Francisco, Apple co-founder Steve Jobs stood on stage
and unveiled a revolutionary product that not only broke the mould but also set an entirely new
paradigm for computer-based phones. The look, interface and core functionality of nearly every
smartphone to come along since is, in some form or another, derived from the original iPhone’s
innovative touchscreen-centric design.
Among some of the ground-breaking features was an expansive and responsive display from which to
check email, stream video, play audio, and browse the internet with a mobile browser that loaded full
websites, much like what is experienced on personal computers. Apple’s unique iOS operating
system allowed for a wide range of intuitive gesture-based commands and eventually, a rapidly
growing warehouse of downloadable third-party applications.
Most importantly, the iPhone reoriented people’s relationship with smartphones. Up to then, they
were generally geared toward businesspeople and enthusiasts who saw them as an invaluable tool for
staying organized, corresponding over email, and boosting their productivity. Apple’s version took it
to a whole other level as a full-blown multimedia powerhouse, enabling users to play games, watch
movies, chat, share content, and stay connected to all the possibilities that we are all still constantly
(Adapted from
Question 31: Which best serves as the title for the passage?
A. Apple co-founder Steve Jobs B. press event in San Francisco
C. Apple’s unique iOS operating system D. Apple’s iPhone
Question 32: The word “paradigm” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ______.
A. media B. pattern C. role D. area
Question 33: Which is NOT mentioned in paragraph 1 as a characteristic of the new iPhone?
A. new look B. interface C. excellent sound D. core functionality
Question 34: The word “that” in paragraph 1 refers to ______.
A. mobile browser B. internet C. email D. audio
Question 35: The iPhone reoriented people’s relationship with smartphones and geared toward ____.
A. businesspeople B. organizers C. producers D. gamers

Today, Snyder is seeingthe fruits of the collaboration. In a recent issue of the Journal of Comparative
Psychology (Vol. 117, No. 3), the research group published the first study of giant panda cub-rearing
and separation. The study is the first step in examining the impact of a common breeding practice in
China: separating captive cubs before they are six months old so that the mothers will be able to
reproduce again sooner. Cubs in the wild stay with their mothers for 1.5 to 2.5 years.
Snyder and her co-authors, including Maple and psychologist Mollie Bloomsmith, PhD, theorize that
separating cubs from their mothers too early may harm their social development, and could underlie
why so many captive pandas fail to breed. Captive males often show little sexual interest in females
or are too aggressive.
The research team has also conducted urinary and behavioral analyses of female giant pandas during
the breeding season, which is generally in the spring, and is examining the behavior of giant panda
mothers. Graduate student Megan Wilson, who also has worked in Chengdu, is investigating
sequences of play-fighting for her dissertation. And former graduate student and Chengdu researcher
Loraine Tarou, PhD, examined giant panda cognition.
Tarou, now an assistant professor at Grand Valley State University in Michigan, is the first to
examine how captive pandas forage for food and learn to adapt to changes in their environment. She
compared her findings with the cognition of the spectacled bear and found that while both use spatial
memory to find food, the spectacled bears used visual cues the pandas did not pick up on.
The finding indicates that giant pandas' reliance on spatial memory alone may cause them to have
difficulty when their food sources are abruptly changed or moved--a big problem for an animal that
consumes nearly 30 pounds of bamboo a day.
While such basic research may not have immediate application, says Tarou, it is contributing to
scientists' growing knowledge of the species.
(Adapted from
Question 36: Which of the following best serves as the title for the article?
A. Learning about pandas B. Understanding breeding practice of pandas
C. Snyder and her co-authors’ theory D. How captive pandas forage for food
Question 37: Naturally, panda cubs stay with their mothers for ______.
A. 1 to 1.5 years B. 1.5 to 2.5 years C. 2.5 to 3 years D. 3 to 4 years
Question 38: The word “underlie” in paragraph 2 most probably means ______.
A. obtain B. generate C. explain D. develop
Question 39: What analyses has been done on female giant pandas during the breeding season?
A. spatial memory analyses B. environment interaction analyses
C. food analyses D. urinary and behavioral analyses
Question 40: The word “conducted” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ______.
A. look for B. carry out C. get on D. set off
Question 41: Which of the following is infered according to the article?
A. Captive panda cubs in China are often separated from mothers before they are six months.
B. Separating cubs from their mothers early may be beneficial to their social development.
C. Megan Wilson and Loraine Tarou examined panda breeding season.
D. A panda consumes nearly 300 pounds of bamboo a day.
Question 42: The word “them” in paragraph 5 refers to ______.
A. difficulties B. memories C. food sources D. giant pandas

Question 43: Many studentstook part in the entrance examination at university highly every year
Question 44:Many successful film directors are former actors who desire to expand his
experience in the film industry.
Question 45: I don’t think it would be political to askfor loan just now
Question 46:It has been a long time since they met.
A. They haven’t met since a long time. B. They haven’t met for a long time.
C. They didn’t meet for a long time. D. They didn’t meet a long time ago.
Question 47:“I will pay back the money, Gloria.” Said Ivan.
A. Ivan apologized to Gloria for borrowing her money. B. Ivan offered to pay Gloria the money back.
C. Ivan promised to pay back Gloria’s money. D. Ivan suggested paying back the money to Gloria.
Question 48:My children are possibly in the living room.
A. My children will be playing in the living room.
B. My children cannot be in the kitchen.
C. I do not know whether my children are in the living room.
D. My children might be in the living room.

Question 49:I regret not booking the seats in advance.

A.I wish I book the seats in advance. C.If only I booked the seats in advance.
B.I wish I have booked the seats in advance.D.If only I had booked the seats in advance

Question 50:We arrived at the cinema. Then we realized our tickets were still at home.
A. No sooner had we realized that our tickets were still at home than we arrived at thecinema.
B. Not until we arrived at the cinema that we realized that our tickets were still athome
C. Only after we arrived at the cinema did we realize that our tickets were athome.
D. Hardly had we arrived at the cinema than we realized that our tickets were still athome.
Question 1: A. shortlist B. temporary C. afford D. accordingly
Question 2: A.talked B.naked C.likedD.asked
Question 3: A. confide B. gather C. divide D. maintain
Question 4 : A. compulsory B. certificate C. category D. accompany

Question 5:Let’s begin our discussion now, ________?

A. shall we B. will we C. don’t we D. won’t we
Question 6:My sister _________ for you for an hour.
A.was looking looking C.has been looking D.looked
Question 7:Susan is fed ________ with the housework.
A.of B.up D.on
Question 8:The more he slept,_____________ irritable he became.
A. the most B. the vey more C. much more D. the more
Question 9:There are many ______ in our library.
A.old American interesting history books B.interesting old American history books
C.interesting American old history books D.American interesting old history books
Question 10:Before I ___________ for that job, I _________________ my parents for advice.
A.applied/ had asked B.applied/ asked
C.had applied/ asked D.applied/ have asked
Question 11:_______ he had enough money, he refused to buy a new car.
A.In spite B.Although C.Despite D.In spite of
Question 12:, . his employees will have worked for two hours.
A. By the time the boss arrives B. when the boss arrives
C.after the boss arrives D. only when the boss arrives
Question 13: every major judo title, Mark retired from internationalcompetition.
A.Whenhe won B.Havingwon C.Onwinning D.Winning
Question 14:Judo players are_____to their opponents and bow to each other before and after a
A.respectfully B.respectful C.respectable D.respect
Question 15:Lucy was late for school this morning because the alarm didn’t __________as usual.
A. ring off B. get off C. go off D. take off
Question 16:________ these books to the library, as they will soon overdue.
A. Bring B. Take C. Fetch D. Leave
Question 17:He sent his children to the park so that he could have some______.
A.fresh and quiet B.quiet and peace C.peace and quiet D.fresh and peace
Question 18:I’ve never really enjoyed going to the ballet or the opera; they’re not really my_______.
A.piece of cake B.sweets and candy C.biscuit D.cup of tea
Question 19:______ are that they'll be late anyway, so we’d better wait for them for another moment.
A.Opportunities B.Chances C.Fortunes D.Lucks
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to
the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 20:When the protestor entered the meeting clad only in a beach tower, the audience was
A. speechless B. excited C. content D. applauding
Question 21:She is always diplomatic when she deals with angry students.
A. strict B. outspoken C. tactful D. firm
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 22:Ships crossing the oceans can receive signals from satellites that enable them to
calculate their position accurately.
A. carelessly B. imprecisely C. uneasily D. untruthfully
Question 23:He is very absent – minded . He is likely to forget things or to think about something
different from what he should be thinking about.
A. retentive B. unforgettable C. old – fashioned D. easy – going

Question 24:Maria: "It was very kind of you to help me out, John."– John: “_______.”
A.You can say that again. B. I’m glad you like it.
C.That was the least I could do. D.Thanks a million
Question 25:Customer: "Can I try this jumper on?" Salesgirl: "_____"
A. No, the shop is closed in half an hour B. Sorry, only cash is accepted here
C. Yes, it costs one hundred and fifty dollars D. Sure, the changing rooms are over there

Some people return to college as mature students and take full- or part-time training courses in a skill
will help them to get a job. The development of open learning, (26)______ it possible to study when
it is convenient for the students, has increased the opportunities available (27)_______ many people.
This type of study was formerly restricted to book-based learning and (28)________ course but now
includes courses on TV, CD-ROM or the Internet, and self-access courses at language or computer
Americans believe that education is important at all stage of life and should not stop (29)________
people get their first job. About 40% of adults take part in some kind of formal education. About half
of them are trying to get qualifications and skills to help them with their jobs, the (30)_________ are
taking recreational subjects for personal satisfaction. Schools and community colleges arrange
evening classes, and a catalog of courses is published by local boards of education.
Question 26: A. making B. keeping C.enabling D.finding

Question 27: A. about B. with C. to D. by
Question 28: A. corresponding B. corresponded C. correspondent D. correspondence
Question 29: A. whereas B. that C. when D. otherwise
Question 30: A. remains B. rest C. excess D. left

The relationship between Britain and the US has always been a close one. Like all close relationships
it has had difficult times. The US was first a British colony, but between 1775 and 1783 the US
fought a war to become independent. The US fought the British again in the War of 1812.
In general, however, the two countries have felt closer to each other than to any other country,
and their foreign policies have shown this. During World War I and World War II, Britain and the US
supported each other. When the US looks for foreign support, Britain is usually the first country to
come forward and it is sometimes called “the 51st state of the union”.
But the special relationship that developed after 1945 is not explained only by shared political
interests. An important reason for the friendship is that the people of the two countries are very
similar. They share the same language and enjoy each other's literature, films and television. Many
Americans have British ancestors, or relatives still living in Britain. The US government and political
system is based on Britain's, and there are many Anglo-American businesses operating on both sides
of the Atlantic. In Britain some people are worried about the extent of US influence, and there is
some jealousy of its current power. The special relationship was strong in the early 1980s when
Margaret Thatcher was Prime Minister in Britain and Ronald Reagan was President of the US.
(Adapted from Background to British and American Cultures)
Question 31:What is the passage mainly about?
A.The strong friendship between the UK and the US.
B.The close relationship between Britain and the US.
C.A special relationship the UK developed during the World Wars.
D.A special influence the US had on the UK during the World Wars.
Question 32:The phrase "come forward” in paragraph 2 mostly means _______. willing to help able to help reluctant to help eager to help
Question 33:The word “They” in paragraph 3 prefers to __________.
A.countries B.people C.political interests D.British ancestors
Question 34:Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a reason for the special relationship
between Britain and the US?
A.The people of the two countries are very similar.
B.Many Americans have British ancestors.
C.British Prime Minister and the US President are close friends.
D.Many Anglo-American businesses are operating in the two countries.
Question 35:Britain and the US are close to each other NOT because of their ___________.
A.foreign policies B.power C.political interests D.language

There are two basic types of glaciers, those that flow outward in all directions with little regard for
any underlying terrain and those that are confined by terrain to a particular path.
The first category of glaciers includes those massive blankets that cover whole continents,
appropriately called ice sheets. There must be over 50,000 square kilometers of land covered with
ice for the glacier to qualify as an ice sheet, when portions of an ice sheet spread out over the
ocean, they form ice shelves.

About 20,000 years ago the Cordilleran Ice sheet covered nearly all the mountains in southern
Alaska, western Canada, and the western United States. It was about 3 kilometers deep at its
thickest point in northern Alberta. Now there are only two sheets left on Earth, those covering
Greenland and Antarctica.
Any domelike body of ice that also flows out in all directions but covers less than 50,000 square
kilometers is called an ice cap. Although ice caps are rare nowadays, there are a number in
northeastern Canada, on Baffin Island, and on the Queen Elizabeth Islands.
The second category of glaciers includes those of a variety of shapes and sizes generally called
mountain or alpine glaciers. Mountain glaciers are typically identified by the landform that controls
their flow. One form of mountain glacier that resembles an ice cap in that it flows outward in
several directions is called an ice field. The difference between an ice field and an ice cap is subtle.
Essentially, the flow of an ice field is somewhat controlled by surrounding terrain and thus does not
have the domelike shape of a cap. There are several ice fields in the Wrangell. St. Elias, and
Chugach mountains of Alaska and northern British Columbia.
Less spectacular than large ice fields are the most common types of mountain glaciers: the cirque
and valley glaciers. Cirque glaciers are found in depressions in the surface of the land and have a
characteristic circular shape. The ice of valley glaciers, bound by terrain, flows down valleys,
curves around their corners, and falls over cliffs.
Question 36:what does the passage mainly discuss?
A. Where major glaciers are located B. How glaciers shape the land
C. The different kinds of glaciers D. How glaciers are formed
Question 37:The word “terrain” in paragraph 1 could best be replaced by____________.
A. the seabed B. area of land C. countryside D. prairie
Question 38:It can be inferred from paragraph 2 that ice sheets are so named because_____
A. they are thicker in some areas than the others
B.they are identified by the landform that controls their flow
C. they cover large areas of land
D. they are confined to cirque glaciers
Question 39: According to the passage, where was the Cordilleran Ice Sheet thickest?
A. Alaska B. Antarctica C. Greenland D. Alberta
Question 40: The word “subtle” in paragraph 5 could best be replaced by____________.
A. slight B. substantial C. regional D. obvious
Question 41: The word “their” in last paragraph refers to____________.
A. ice fields B. cirque glaciers C. valley glaciers D. valleys
Question 42: All of the following are alpine glaciers EXCEPT____________.
A. cirque glaciers B. ice caps C. ice fields D. Valley glaciers

Question 43:My brother usually asked me for help when he has difficulty with his homework.
Question 44: They are havingher house painted by a construction company.
Question 45:I’m becoming increasinglyforgetable. Last week I locked myself out of the house twice.
Question 46: We have been cooking for the party for four hours.
A. We didn’t start cooking for the party until four.
B. We started cooking for the party four hours ago.
C. We have four cooks for the party
D. Cooking for the party will be done in four hours
Question 47: "Don't forget to submit your assignments by Thursday," said the teacher to the students.
A. The teacher reminded the students to submit their assignments by Thursday.
B. The teacher allowed the students to submit their assignments by Thursday.
C. The teacher ordered the students to submit their assignments by Thursday.
D. The teacher encouraged the students to submit their assignments by Thursday.
Question 48:I’m sure that they had practiced hard for the games as they won a lot of medals.
A.They couldn’t have practiced hard for the games as they won a lot of medals
B.They must have practiced hard for the games as they won a lot of medals
C.They shouldn’t have practiced hard for the games as they won a lot of medals
D.They might have practiced hard for the games as they won a lot of medals.
Question 49:Jenifer rejected the job offer. She now regrets it.
A. Jenifer regrets not having rejected the job offer.
B. If only Jenifer didn’t reject the job offer.
C. Jenifer wishes she hadn’t rejected the job offer.
D. Jenifer regrets to reject the job offer.
Question 50:We couldn't solve the problem until our teacher arrived.
A. Not until we solved the problem could our teacher arrive.
B. When our teacher arrived, we solved the problem.
C. Until our teacher arrived, we were able to solve the problem.
D. Not until our teacher arrived could we solve the problem.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.
Câu 1. The last time Susan met me was 2 weeks ago.
A. Susan didn't meet me 2 weeksago. B. Susan hasn't met me for2 weeks.
C. Susan has met me 2weeks ago. D. Susan met me for2 weeks.
Câu 2.It's possible that we won't go camping this weekend.
A. We need not go campingthisweekend. B. We should not go campingthisweekend.
C. We must not go campingthis weekend. D. We might not go camping thisweekend.
Câu 3."Don't forget to buy me some fruits" Marysaid to me.
A. Mary reminded me to buy her some fruits. B. Mary suggested buying her some fruits.
C. Mary advised me to buy her some fruits. D. Mary promised to buy me some fruits.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the option that best completes each
of the following exchanges.
Câu 4.Ted and Kate are talking about the school curriculum.
Ted: "Swimming should be made part of the school curriculum."
Kate: "________. It is an essential life skill."
A. Not at all B. You can make it
C. I can't agree with you more D. Oh, that's a problem
Câu 5. Tom is talking to John, his new classmate, in the classroom.
Tom: "How did you get there?"
John: "__________."
A. The train is so crowded B. I came here by train
C. I came here last night D. It is not far from there

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 6 to 10.
The first device that technically qualifies as a smartphone was simply a highly sophisticated (for
its time) brick phone. You know one of those bulky, but fairly exclusive status-symbol toys flashed
in '80s movies like "Wall Street?" The IBM Simon Personal Communicator, released in 1994, was a
sleeker, more advanced, and premium brick that sold for $1,100. Sure, a lot of smartphones today
cost about as much, but remember that $1,100 in the 1990s was nothing to sneeze at.
IBM had conceived of the idea for a computer-style phone as early as the '70s, but it wasn't until
1992 that the company unveiled a prototype at the COMDEX computer and technology trade show in
Las Vegas. Besides placing and receiving calls, the Simon prototype could also send facsimiles,
emails, and cellular pages. It even had a nifty touch screen for dialing numbers. Extra features
included apps for a calendar, address book, calculator, scheduler, and notepad. IBM also
demonstrated that the phone was capable of displaying maps, stocks, news, and other third-party
applications, with certain modifications.
Tragically, the Simon ended up in the heap pile of being too ahead of its time. Despite all the
snazzy features, it was cost-prohibitive for most and was only useful for a very niche clientele. The
distributor, BellSouth Cellular, would later reduce the price of the phone to $599 with a two-year
contract. And even then, the company only sold about 50,000 units. The company took the product
off the market after six months.

Câu 6. Which of the following is TRUE about BellSouth Cellular's product as stated in the passage?
A. The Simon had too many things to do with the product.
B. The product was not smart enough to attract clientele.
C. The product was prohibited by the government.
D. It was too expensive and not useful for most of customers at that time.
Câu 7. Which could be the best title for the passage?
A. COMDEX Computer and Technology Trade Show B. Highly sophisticated Brick Phone
C. Who Invented Smartphones? D. The Phone and Third-party Applications
Câu 8. The word "It" in paragraph 2 refers to ______.
A. idea B. trade show C. the Simon prototype D. computer-style
Câu 9. The phrase "bulky" in paragraph 1 mostly means ______.
A. cheap B. simple C. big D. small
Câu 10. According to the passage, functions in the Simon prototype do not include ______.
A. sending facsimiles B. nifty touch screen C. voice control D. address book

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Online identity: is authenticity or anonymity more important?
Before Facebook and Google became the megaliths of the web, the most famous online adage
was: "on the internet, no one knows you're a dog". It seems the days when people were allowed to be
dogs is coming to a close. The old web, a place where (11)_______ could remain separate from real
life, is rapidly disappearing from the computer screen.
The pursuit of authenticity is creeping into the heart of most social media models and in the
current internet landscape is playing an important role in how we engage with one (12)_______ and
with web content. For many people, Facebook and Google products are the sum total of their web
interaction, and the value in creating a platform that provides confidence that a person is who they
say they are, rather someone pretending to be them, is critical to a social network's success.
Within this model, authentic identity is non-anonymous. Facebook profiles and Google IDs are
(13)_______ to a person's real name and real connections, and increasingly to their activities across
cyberspace. According to Sheryl Sandberg, (14)_______ is a Facebook's chief operating officer , it
surely accelerates the cost. (15)_______ , he believes the benefits of authentic identity outweigh the
Câu 11.A. identity B. security C. facility D. personality
Câu 12.A. others B. other C. another D. the other
Câu 13.A. revealed B. contributed C. addicted D. tied
Câu 14.A. who B. which C. whose D. when
Câu 15.A. However B. Because C. Although D. Moreover

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Câu 16. The majority of people overwhelmingly support our agricultural policies.
A. respectively B. tremendously C. inattentively D. insignificantly
Câu 17.The way they conducted the interview left a bad taste in my mouth. I don't think I'd accept
the job even if they offered it.
A.raised my hope B.made it clear to me
C. gave me a positive impression D.avoided misunderstanding

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.

Câu 18. Being helpful is good, but don't allow others to ______ advantage of your generosity.
A. make B. get C. take D. use
Câu 19. ______ calories you consume, the more exercise you need to do to burn them.
A. The most B. The more C. Most D. More
Câu 20. Just to turn the ______ a little, he told me he'd seen my old girlfriend with her new man.
A. tables B. knife C. leaf D. page
Câu 21.This restaurant is _______ with those who like Vietnamese food.
A. popular B. popularity C. popularise D. popularly
Câu 22.______ to an end, the students will have finished several assignments andtests.
A.By the time the school yearcomes B. After the schoolyear had come
C. As soon as the school year had come D. When the school yearcame
Câu 23.Most of the 700 protesters the police arrested at Mexico's largest university ______ within days.
A. were freeing B. were freed C. freed D. free
Câu 24.The game was ______ because of bad weather.
A. called off B. turned on C. taken off D. put on
Câu 25.Your younger brother is determinedto succeed, ______?
A. wasn'the B. isn't he C. won't he D. doesn't he
Câu 26.______ in the car, the children were not aware of what was happening.
A. Sleeping B. To be slept C. Having been slept D. Since slept
Câu 27.______ there is not enough information on the effects of smoke in the atmosphere, doctors
have proved that air pollution causes lung diseases.
A. In spite of B. Because C. Because of D. Although
Câu 28.In England, schoolingiscompulsory all children from the age of 5 to16.
A. to B. over C. with D. for
Câu 29.It's the first time she has enjoyedsucha ______ cake.
A. chocolate Christmastasty B. tastychocolate Christmas
C. tasty Christmaschocolate D. Christmastasty chocolate
Câu 30. He fell downwhenhe towards thechurch.
A. runs B. is running C. ran D. wasrunning
Câu 31.My personal ______ is that the students should do more work outside the classroom.
A. view B. sight C. vision D. scene
Câu 32. The suspect's statement is not in ______ with the information witnesses have given us.
A. doubt B. accordance C. addition D. response

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
Câu 33. William James, the general manager, started with some complementary remarks about the
organisers of the conference.
A. complementary B. started C. organisers D. general
Câu 34. I'm becoming increasingly forgetful. Last week I lockmyself out of the house twice.
A. myself B. the C. lock D. forgetful
Câu 35.Ordinary Americans are friendly and not afraid to show its feelings.
A. are B. Ordinary C. not D. its

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other
three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Câu 36.A. enhance B.pursue C.listen D.allow
Câu 37.A. contrary B. stimulate D. beautiful

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 38 to 44.
It feels can feel like, with all the new responsibilities involved in being a new parent, there's
simply no time to worry about your relationship as a couple. For many new mums and dads, this side
of things simply falls the bottom of their priority list.
And while this is understandable, it can also make things harder in the long run. Because - far
from being something that can simply be put to the side until there's time to give it proper attention -
your relationship together is going to be at the heart of how effectively you're able to take on the role
of being a new parent.
If you and your partner are able to support each other through what will probably be a fairly
challenging time in your lives, you're much more likely to be able to deal with your new
responsibilities as a team. If you can keep your connection strong, you're more likely to feel this is
something you're facing together - not just as two individuals.
Paying attention to your relationship is also important because the challenges of being a parent
are going to put pressure on you as a couple. You may find certain things your partner is doing
annoying or frustrating, and there may be areas where you wish they would support you more.
Being able to bring these things up and talk about them properly will be key in navigating things
And finally, it's also important you're able to find the occasional bit of quality time together so
you can stay in touch with the fun, affectionate side of your relationship. Remember: fun isn't just a
frivolous thing - it's a really important part of staying close and feeling connected to your partner.
On a practical level, this can mean trying to put aside a little time to reconnect regularly. It
doesn't have to be lots. It might be 30 minutes before you go to bed, or 20 minutes over breakfast.
The point is to find a little bit of time when you can talk, make sure you're both ok, express anything
that's on your minds - or just to be affectionate and cuddle.

Câu 38.Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 6?

A.Trying to put aside all pressure is not always possible.
B.A little time to reconnect regularly is crucial to the relationship as a couple.
C. 20 to 30 minutes after the breakfast seems too little for a talk.
D.It's necessary for the couple to make sure that everything in the house is ok.
Câu 39.The word "that" in paragraph 2 refers to ______.
A.attention B. side C.something D.long run
Câu 40.The word "priority" in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ______.
A.preparation B. precedence C.champion D. presence
Câu 41.The word "frustrating" in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to ______.
A. encouraging B.heartbreaking C.moaning D.irritating
Câu 42.In paragraph 2, the relationship between mums and dads can ______. harder to understand in the long run too far from something they can understand
C.seriously affect the effectiveness of their role of being parents
D. be put to the side until there's time to give it proper attention
Câu 43. Which best serves as the title for the passage?
A.A Little Time to Reconnect Regularly B. Something You're Facing Together
C. Early Challenges to Your Relationship D.Things Harder in The Long Run
Câu 44.Which of the following is NOT true, according to the passage?
A.Supporting each other through challenging time gives couple ability to work as a team.
B.A new parent has no time to worry about the relationship as a couple.
C. Fun is just a frivolous thing, and it isn't really important in the relationship with the partner.
D.Being a couple, the challenges of being a parent will create certain pressure.

Câu 45. A. passed B. wished C. realized D. touched

Câu B. table C. cake D. face

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each
pair of sentences in the following questions.
Câu 47.They didn't stop arguing about the exercise. Then, the teacher explained it.
A. But for the teacher's explanation about the exercise, they could have stopped arguing aboutit.
B. Hardly had they stopped arguing about the exercise when the teacher explained it.
C. Only after they stopped arguing about the exercise did the teacher explain it.
D. Not until the teacher explained the exercise did they stop arguing aboutit.
Câu 48. My brother is away on business. I really need his help now.
A. If only my brother had been at home and could have helped me.
B. I wish my brother were at home and could help me now.
C. If my brother is at home, he can help me now.
D. As long as my brother is at home, he will be able to help me.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Câu 49. A series of programs have been broadcast to raise public awareness of healthy living.
A. understanding B. confidence C.development D. assistance
Câu 50.These orang-utans are critically endangered due to habitat loss.
A. threatened B. wild C. protective D. cruel
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 1: A. developedB. ignoredC. laughed D. washed
Question 2: A. confide B. conceal C. concentrate D. convention

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer to indicate the word that differs from the other three
in the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 3: A. focus B. notice C. absorb D. enter
Question 4: A. memoryB. advisor C. designer D. computer

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
Question 5:The more science books she reads, __________ knowledge she will have.
A. the better B. best C. better D. best of
Question 6:The flowers ___________ for two days.
A. are watered B. have been watered C. watered D. were watering
Question 7: WHO's objective is ___________ by all people of the highest possible level of health.
A. attainment B. advance C. acquisition D. approach
Question 8:My sister lives in a ___________ apartment.
A. nice wooden new B. new nice wooden C. wooden nice newD. nice new wooden
Question 9: The man was innocent; it was a case of mistaken ___________ .
A. identically B. identity C. identified D. identification
Question 10: Tony will go out with his friends __________.
A. as soon as he finished his project B. while he was finishing his project
C. after he had finished his project D. when he finishes his project
Question 11:Do you think you could ___________ this work with me some time, Peter?
A. go on B. go out C. go off D. go over 
Question 12:My favorite television programme begins ___________6:30 every evening.
A. in B. at C. on D. of
Question 13: They ____________ sacrifices so that their only child could have a good education.
A. did B. made C. provided D. lent
Question 14:A strong wind is spreading the flames, __________?
A. isn’t it B. wasn’t it C. doesn’t it D. is it
Question 15: Some English words have the same pronunciation _______ they are spelled differently,
for example, dear and deer.
A. because B. even though C. unless D. since
Question 16: I was told by my friends not to believe __________ girl’s tears.
A. the B. some C. a D. x (no article)
Question 17: Now that the scandal is in the _________, the Minister will have to resign.
A. swing B. offing C. spring D. string
Question 18:_________ that there were ants in the grass, I didn’t sit down.
A. Have known B. Having known C. Having been known D. Having been
Question 19:My mother _________ when she heard the explosion last night.
A. is cooking B. was cooking C. cooked D. cooks
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
Question 20: - "Hi. You must be new here." - “_____________“
A. Yes, this is my first day on the job. B. Yes, am you surprised?
C. Are you new here, too? D. No, I’m very old here.
Question 21: - "Excuse me. Where’s the parking lot?" - “ ___________ “
A. Why do you ask me? I don’t know. B. You are wrong. It's not here.
C. Do you get lost? I do too. D. You missed the turn. It’s back that way.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to
the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 22: The architect was let down that his new city plan had been turned down.
A. emotional B. optimistic C. disappointed D. satisfied
Question 23: You must drive it home to him that spending too much time playing computer games
will do him no good.
A. allow him to stay B. give him a lift home
C. make him understand D. let him drive his car

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 24: When people are angry, they seldom act in a rational way.
A. impolite B. dissatisfied C. unreasonable D. inconsiderate
Question 25: Experts often forecast an upswing in an economy after a protracted slowdown.
A. inflation B. a decline C. an improvement D. a reform

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
Question 26: The baby and her sister wake up quite late yesterday morning.
Question 27: Although Mark has been cooking for many years, he still doesn’t know how to prepare
French foods in the tradition manner.
Question 28: Amy seems like a bright student. She's always the first finishing her work.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Every year thousands of people travel to Britain in order to improve their standard of English.
For many, (29)_________, this can be a painful experience due to the fact that it involves attending a
strange school, staying in sometimes unpleasant accommodation and living in an unfamiliar culture.
One (30)_________ to these problems is the Homestay method. With this, students are each assigned
a teacher suited to their language requirements and interests. As well as giving individual tuition, the
teacher provides the student with information about what activities (31)_________ are available
locally, and takes them on trips. Students get between ten and twenty hours of tuition a week and are
also expected to join in the family’s daily activities. The students speak English at all times and
therefore learn how to use the language in everyday (32)_________ . Homestay programs usually last
for up to four weeks. Although costs are higher than (33)_________ of regular language schools,
students can feel confident that they will be receiving top - class language teaching in a safe and
pleasant environment.

Question 29: A. although B. moreover C. however D. therefore

Question 30: A. argument B. reaction C. requirement D. answer
Question 31: A. where B. who C. that D. why
Question 32: A. occasions B. chances C. situations D. positions
Question 33: A. thoseB. thisC. thatD. these

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions.
Newsapers and television news programs always seem to report about the bad things happening in
society. However, there is a place where readers can find some good news. That place is the website
called HappyNews.
The man behind HappyNews is Byron Reese. Reese set up HappyNews because he thought other
news sources were giving people an unbalanced view of the world. Reese said about HappyNews,
“The news media gives you a distorted view of the world by exaggerating bad news, misery, and
despair. We're trying to balance out the scale."
Not everyone agrees with Reese's view, though. Many people think that news sources have a
responsibility to provide news that is helpful to people. People need to know about issues or problems
in today's society. Then they are better able to make informed decisions about things that affect their
daily lives. Reese said that HappyNews is not trying to stop people from learning about issues or
problems. HappyNews is just trying to provide a balanced picture of today's world.
By the end of its first month online, HappyNews had more than 70,000 unique readers. About 60
percent of those readers were women. Something else unique makes HappyNews different from any
of the other news or information websites that are on the Internet. Unlike many other websites,
HappyNews gets fan mail from its readers on a daily basis.

Question 34: What is another possible title for the reading?

A. "Byron Reese Tells People How to Be Happy" B. "Why Women Like Happy News"
C. "Good News for a Change"D. "Newspapers vs. Online News"
Question 35: How is HappyNews different than other news sources?
A. Its stories are not about bad things. B. Happy News does not exaggerate its stories.
C. The website only has stories about women. D. All of the stories are written by Reese.
Question 36: The pronoun “they" in paragraph 2 refers to__________.
A. problems B. issues C. people D. sources
Question 37: The word "unique" in paragraph 4 could be best replaced by __________.
A. interesting B. awful C. one of a kind D. different
Question 38: Which of the following is NOT true about HappyNews after its first month online?
A. Reese used it to create other websites.B. It had thousands of readers.
C. Readers sent in nice letters about it every day D. Most of its readers were women.

The number of people accessing the State’s and community’s priority policies and programmes is
increasing, said Minister of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs Dao Ngoc Dung. Vietnam has
around 6.2 million people over the age of two with disabilities, making up 7.06 per cent of the
country’s population. Of those, 28 per cent are severely disabled, 58 per cent female, 28 per cent
children and 10 per cent living in poverty. Most live in rural areas and many are victims of Agent

Minister Dung said in the past, the State, the Party and Vietnamese people had paid much care to
people with disabilities. Vietnam ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of People with
Disabilities in 2014. In March this year, the country ratified the International Labour Organisation’s
Convention 159 about jobs for people with disabilities. It strongly confirmed Vietnam’s commitment
to ensuring the disabled would not be discriminated against at work.
Last month, the Secretariat Committee issued Instruction 39 about the Party’s leading work on affairs
related to people with disabilities. The National Assembly later ratified the amended Law on Labour
with many adjustments relating to disabled people. Dung said that every year, millions of disabled
people receive an allowance from the State and all provinces and cities had rehabilitation centres.
Attending the event, Truong Thi Mai, head of the Party Central Committee’s Commission for Mass
Mobilisation, said besides the achievements, Vietnam still sees many obstacles. Infrastructure is still
limited in demand for people with disabilities and many life below the poverty line depending heavily
on their families.
Mai asked organisations to improve education to raise people’s awareness of the meaning of
supportive work to people with disabilities. This year, more than VNĐ17 trillion (US$735.4 million)
from the State budget was allocated to provinces and cities to implement policies for people with
disabilities, according to the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs.
The Ministry of Planning and Investment on Thursday launched the programme “White stick for
Vietnamese visual impaired people”. Its aim is to present one million white sticks to visually impaired
people across the country. Training to use the device will also be provided. Minister of Planning and
Investment Nguyen Chi Dung said the ministry will listen to disabled people’s demands and wishes and
put them into its policies. Deputy chairwoman of the National Assembly Tong Thi Phong said Vietnam
has committed to developing socio-economy, taking care of social equality and improving social
management ability.

Question 39: Which best serves as the title for the passage?
A. The healthier the people, the stronger the nation.
B. The plight of overflowing number of the handicapped.
C. Generous financial support for the visually impaired.
D. More disabled people access to supportive policies.
Question 40: The word “Invalids” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to _______.
A. Valetudinarian B. Convalescents C. Sufferers D. Bedridden patients
Question 41: The word “It” in paragraph 2 refers to ________.
A. Commitment B. Country C. Disability D. Convention
Question 42: According to paragraph 3, what was the view of Vietnam’s governing bodies towards
the disabled?
A. They displayed an entirely altruistic and selfless act.
B. They aimlessly enacted laws in the interest of the people.
C. They tried their best but handled situations nonchalantly.
D. They expressed a philanthropic and supportive attitude.
Question 43: The word “implement” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to _______.
A. follow B. prepare C. clarify D. establish
Question 44: According to paragraph 5, what did the Ministry of Planning and Investment have in
mind when launching the project?
A. Fulfilling the responsibility as a part of the nation.
B. Improving the overall image of the government.
C. Ensuring no people in need would be left behind.
D. Encouraging the handicapped to be confident.
Question 45: Which of the following statements is TRUE, according to the passage?
A. Dao Ngoc Dung is the current Minister of Planning and Investment of Vietnam.
B. Sectors and localities have drafted policies for their sustainable development strategy.
C. The matter concerning the disabled’s welfare has only gained recognition in recent years.
D. The handicapped are annually supported by the government financially and physically.

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.
Question 46:My grandmother last visited her home village 2 years ago.
A. My grandmother didn’t visit her home village 2 years ago.
B. My grandmother hasn’t visited her home village for 2 years.
C. My grandmother has 2 years to visit her home village.
D. My grandmother has visited her home village for 2 years.
Question 47: Fansipan is the highest mountain in the Indochinese Peninsula.
A. There are some mountains in the Indochinese Peninsula higher than Fansipan.
B. The Indochinese Peninsula includes one of the highest mountains on earth.
C. The highest mountain in the Indochinese Peninsula is exclusive of Fansipan.
D. No mountains in the Indochinese Peninsula are higher than Fansipan.
Question 48: You can take some photos at the park.
A. You are allowed to take some photos at the park.
B. You may have taken some photos at the park.
C. You need to take some photos at the park.
D. You mustn’t take some photos at the park.
Question 49: She has much money. She can buy a big house in the city.
A. If she had had much money, she could buy a big house in the city.
B. Without much money, she couldn’t buy a big house in the city.
C. Unless she has much money, she can’t buy a big house in the city
D. If she had much money, she could buy a big house in the city.
Question 50: Mike became a father. He felt a strong sense of responsibility towards his parents.
A. Only after Mike had become a father himself did he feel a strong sense of responsibility towards his parents.
B. Had Mike become a father himself, he would have felt a strong sense of responsibility towards his parents.
C. Were Mike to become a father himself, he would feel a strong sense of responsibility towards his parents.
D. Not until he felt a strong sense of responsibility towards his parents did Mike become a father himself.
Question 1. A. save B. lake C. space D. smart
Question 2. A. shocked B. coped C. watched D. planted

Question 3. A. demand B. social C. submit D. detect

Question 4. A. motivate B. quality C. apprentice D. optional

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate underlined part that needs correction
in each of the following questions.
Question 5. Strangely, no one believes us when we told them we'd been visited by a creature from Mars.
A. Strangely B. believes C. by D. creature
Question 6. In a recent survey, a number of students asked responded that it wanted to drop out of
school because of the pressure put on them.
A. survey B. responded C. it D. because of
Question 7. It is my happy privilege once again to facilitate a number of speakers upon their maiden
A is B. privilege C. facilitate D. upon

Question 8. He went to the second-hand shop and bought a ______ machine.

A. old Japanese washing B. old washing Japanese
C. washing Japanese old D. Japanese old washing
Question 9.The more time you spend playing badminton, ______ you like it.
A. more B. the most C. the more D. most
Question 10. Some people are ______ aboutspilling salt on the table.
A. superstitiously B. superstitious C. superstition D. superstize
Question 11. She isn't an early ______ by nature, but she's been up before dawn every day for the
past month.
A. tiger B. bird C. pig D. horse
Question 12. The journey was quite quick ______ the road was clear.
A. although B. because C. despite D. because of
Question 13. There are a lot of ______ options for those going to leave school.
A. career B. work C. task D. profession
Question 14. She made it clear that her comments were strictly off the ______.
A. notes B. record C. track D. peg
Question 15. I saw a car crash into a tree when I ______ to school.
A. was going B. goes C. is going D. went
Question 16. I will have finished the report, ______
A. after my friends had come back B. before my friends will come back
C. as soon as my friends came back D. by the time my friends come back
Question 17. They all made the same comment, quite independent ______ each other
A. of B. with C. on D. to
Question 18. My computer ______ at this time yesterday.
A. was being installed B. installed C. was installing D. installs
Question 19. You can do the job by yourself, _______ ?
A don’t you B. won't you C. can’t you D. shouldn't you
Question 20. _______ the training course, I had a lot of experience for the job.
A. Attended B. Having attended C. After being attended D. To attend
Question 21. Children who ______ are regarded as cheeky and disrespectful.
A. go on B. keep up C. talk back D. get on
Question 22. If we could all ______ an effort tokeep this office tidier it would help.
A. put B. take C. strike D. make

Mark the letter 4, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 23. Unemployment, inflation and greater inequality are often the downside of a market
A. advantage B. drawback C. disadvantage D. feature
Question 24. He broke his back to get the project done on time.
A. worked hard B. worked lazily C. destroyed his back D. tried his best

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to
the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 25. My schedule is quite flexible - I could arrange to meet with you any day next week.
A. changeable B. fixed C. thorough D. effective
Question 26. After his heart attack, he abandoned his ambitionto becomePrime Minister.
A. effort B. interest C. dream D. achievement

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.
Question27. It’s not good for Ann to be rude to her teacher.
A. Ann shouldn’t be rude to her teacher. B. Ann need to be rude to her teacher.
C. Ann may not be rude to her teacher. D. Ann must be rude to her teacher.
Question28. “I will take the course in environment conservation next week,” Selena said.
A. Selena said that she took the course in environment conservation the next week.
B. Selena said that she would take the course in environment conservation the following week.
C. Selena said that I would take the course in environment conservation the next week.
D. Selena said that I had take would take the course in environment conservation the next week.
Question29. This is the first time I have ever attended such an enjoyable wedding party.
A. I have never attended such an enjoyable wedding party before.
B. I attended such an enjoyable wedding party long time ago.
C. I didn’t attend such an enjoyable wedding party for a long time.
D. I have ever attended such an enjoyable wedding party before.

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each
pair of sentences in the following questions.
Question 30. Peter is not here with Jane.She can’t solve the problem by herself.
A. If only Peter had been here with Jane, she couldn’t have solved the problem.
B. Jane couldn’t have solved the problem if Peter had been here with her.
C. Providing Peter is here with Jane, she can solve the problem.
D. Jane wishesPeter were here with her so that she could solve the problem.
Question 31. You had better keep away from that man. He is very dangerous.
A. Under no circumstances should you approach that man.
B. At no time should you have approached that man.
C. By no means should you avoid that man.
D. On no occasion should you avoid that man.

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following changes.
Question 32. Peter and David are on the way home after school.
David: “Can I borrow your bike for a while?” - Kathy: “ _______ .”
A. About 15 minutes B. Here you are C. Not at all D. Never mind
Question 33. Ted and Kate are talking about the food at Kate’s home.
Ted: “Thank you for the delicious meal tonight.” - Kate: “ _______ .”
A. Of course, yes B. It’s so good. C. I’m glad you like it D. I don’t think so.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 32 to 36.
When you first arrive in a foreign culture, often your first reaction is completely positive. Everything
seems exciting, different and fascinating. It’s an adventure. If you are just on a short holiday, you will
probably never leave this(34)_________..
(35)_________, if you stay longer, your attitude can start to change. As you start to realize how
(36)_________ you really understand the new culture, life can get frustrating.Peoplemisunderstand
what you are trying to say, or they may laugh at you when you say something incorrectly. Even
simplethings,likepostingaletter,canseemverydifficulttoyou.Thus,youarelikelytogetangry or upset
when things gowrong.
With time, though, you startto(37)_________ to become more comfortable
withthedifferencesandbetterabletohandlesituations (38)______ are frustrating.Yoursense of humor
mayfeelenthusiasticaboutthecultureonceagain,enjoylivinginit,andevenprefercertainaspects of the
culture to yourown. (Adapted from Navigate – Course book, OUP 2015)
Question 34. A. phase B. time C. feeling D. situation
Question 35. A. Therefore B. Moreover C. However D. Thus
Question 36. A. few B. little C. many D. some
Question 37. A. replace B. maintain C. adjust D. keep
Question 38. A. who B. that C. where D. what

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or A to indicate the correct answer to each
of the following questions.
What do you imagine cities will be like in the future? Will we have smart buildings and flying cars?
Or robots that will pick up our rubbish? What about schools? Will we still travel to school or will we
study online from home? Perhaps all the buildings and roads will be underground and we'll just have
parks and cycle lanes above.
What we do know is that in the future, cities are going to have more and more people living in them.
More than half the world's people already live in cities, and by 2050, cities will become home to
about 6.5 billion people. That's a lot of people and very little space! More people means that we're
going to have more pollution, traffic and noise. It also means that we'll need more homes, schools,
hospitals, jobs and transport. We'll need more resources, like water and energy, and more ways to
grow food.

Many cities are already planning for the future. For example, Bristol is a cycling city in England. You
can hire a bike (instead of taking a car or bus) and ride in cycle lanes which are separated from the
traffic. In Singapore, people are looking 'up' to grow food! To save space, they grow vegetables in
lots of layers in special tall buildings, called 'vertical farms'. And in Amsterdam in the Netherlands,
there are 'floating houses' built on water instead of on land!

Question 39. What is the best title for the passage?

A. Cities in the future B. Resources for the cities
C. ideas for the future D. More people, little space
Question 40. The word lanes in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to ______.
A. support B. vehicles C. roads D. areas
Question 41. The word them in paragraph two refers to ______.
A. jobs B. people C. cities D. houses
Question 42. According to the second paragraph, how many people will become city dwellers by
A. fewer than 6 billion B. about 7 billion C. more than 6 billion D. half of 6 billion
Question 43. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in paragraph 3 as a plan for the future?
A. floating houses B. smart car park C. cycling city D. vertical farm

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to
each of the following questions.
Grandparents are becoming the forgotten generation, with youngsters now too busy to listen to their
stories from the olden days.
A study of 1,000 five to 18 year-olds reveals just 21 per cent will visit their older relatives to hear
about how their lives were different in the past; such as where they worked, how it was living in the
war, and how they met the love of their life. More than half of youths have no idea what job their
grandparent did before retirement - admitting they'd never thought to ask. Sadly, one in 10 admitted
they are simply not interested in their grandmother's or granddad's previous job or talents and
interests, and a quarter only turn up to see them for pocket money. But 23 per cent claim the reason
they don't know anything about their older relatives is because they don't really get the chance to talk
Geoff Bates, spokesman for McCarthy & Stone's Inspirational Generation campaign, said: “We know
this generation have lived full lives with heroic tales to tell and so much to offer, but how many of us
have actually thought to ask these questions of our older family members? We want to shout about
the amazing feats retirees have achieved in their lifetime and put the spotlight on the wonderfully
colorful lives of today's older people. We are calling on parents and children to talk to their
grandparents, to find out what they have done in their lives - and continue to do, and tell us all about
it so we can give them the credit they deserve.”
Researchers found that although 65 per cent of youngsters do see their grandparents every single
week, 37 per cent claim this is only because their parents want them to. And while 39 per cent talk to
their grandparents on the phone, Facebook or Skype at least once a week - 16 per cent once a day -
conversation is rarely focused on what they are doing or have done in the past. Four in 10 kids have
no idea what their grandparents proudest achievements are, while 30 per cent don't know if they have
any special skills or talents. And 42 per cent don't spend any time talking about their grandparent's
history -and are therefore clueless about what their grandmother or granddad was like when they
were younger. Perhaps due to this lack of communication and respect, just six per cent of children say
they look up to their grandparents as a role model and inspiration. However, grandchildren are agreed
their grandparents are both loving and friendly, while 43 per cent think they're funny - with 23 per
cent admitting they often have more fun with their elderly relatives than their parents.
Question 44. Which of the following could be the best title of the passage?
A. Young people now do not concern much about their grandparents.
B. Grandparents are outdated people of the society.
C. Grandparents are not interested in telling stories about their life in the past any more.
D. Young people are too busy to take care of their grandparents.

Question 45. According to paragraph 2, 23 % of youngsters attribute their knowing nothing about
their older relatives to the fact that ______.
A. they get little chance to talk properly
B. they never thought to ask
C. they are not interested in their grandparents’ previous job
D. they seldom visit those relatives
Question 46. The word "tales" in the third paragraph is closest in meaning to______
A. stories B. people C. books D. trips
Question 47: What does the word "them" in paragraph 4 refer to?
A. youngsters B. parents C. colorful lives D. grandparents
Question 48. The word "clueless" in paragraph four is closest in meaning to ______
A. having no knowledge B. having no concern
C. having no influence D. having no worry
Question49. Which of the following is NOT true, according to the passage?
A. The study involves 1000 people who are 18 and above.
B. Geoff Bates is the representative McCarthy & Stone's Inspirational Generation campaign.
C. 37 % of those asked in the study say they only visit their grandparents at their parent’s
D. A number of youngsters respond that they often have more fun with their elderly relatives
than their parents.
Question50. The author implied in the last paragraph that______.
A. youngsters nowadays are too indifferent with their grandparents' lives in the former times.
B.more youths use modern technology to keep in touch with their older generation.
C. grandchildren do not have much time to care for their elderly relatives' special skills and talents.
D.lack of communication and respect is the main reason why youngsters are not interested
in what their grandparents have done in the past.



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