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Dela Pena, Richie Haze C.


A) What is the alternative hypothesis? Assume there is sufficient basis for a directional hypothesis.

B) What is the null hypothesis?

C) Using the Mann-Whitney U Test and a = 0.051 tail, what do you conclude?


Hypnosis Treatment Standard Treatment

20 42

21 35

33 30

40 53

24 57

43 26

48 37

31 30

22 51

44 62

30 59

A university counselor believes that hypnosis is more effective than the standard treatment given to
students who have high test anxiety.

• The alternative hypothesis is Ha is more effective than the standard treatment in reducing test anxiety.

• The null hypothesis is Ho is not more effective than the standard treatment in reducing test anxiety.
For computing, I used the Mann-Whitney U Test. The scores are grouped together and ranked. These
procedures have been carried out for the data and are entered in the table below:
Dela Pena, Richie Haze C.

Hypnosis Rank Standard Rank

Treatment Treatment

20 1 42 14

21 2 35 11

33 10 30 7

40 13 53 19

24 4 57 20

43 15 26 5

48 17 37 12

31 9 30 7

22 3 51 18

44 16 62 22

30 7 59 21

n1 = 11 R1 = 97 n2 = 11 R2 = 157

n1 (n1+1)
Uobt = 11 n1 n2 + – R1

n2 (n2+1)
Uobt = 11 n1 n2 + – R1

11 (11+1)
a = 11 x 11 + – 97 = 90

11 (11+1)
b = 11 x 11 + – 156 = 31

• Uobt = min (90,30) =31 and Uobt max (90,30) =90.

• Evaluating Uobt (31) < Ucrit (34) and Uobt (90) > U crit (87). Reject Ho and accept H1.

• I conclude that the hypnosis is more effective than the standard treatment in reducing test anxiety.

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