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Reinforcement Topics

Passages: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10
Compilation of Qur’an, 4 sources of Shariah, Allah in Himself or Allah’s Messengers.
Birth till Prophethood, early preaching, opposition and persecution, Visit to Taif, Pledges of
Al Aqaba, Migration to Madina, Experiences in the Caves, 1A.H, Battle of Uhad, Conquest of
Makkah, 4-Qualities
First four wives, Four Caliphs, Bilal, Abu Talib, Hamza, Zaid bin Harith. Zaid Bin Thabit, Role
of Scribes

Ahadith 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15

Use of Hadith in legal thinking, Compilation of Hadith, Isnad and Matn, Ahadith based Qs
Hazrat Ali, Hazrat Umar
Angels, Prophets, Predestination
Shahadah, Fasting/Zakat, Friday/Eid Prayers
Important Topics P1
Quranic Passages:
1. 96.1-5
2. 5.11
3. 2.21-22
4. 42.4-5
5. 6.101-103
History and Importance of Holy Quran:
1. Major Themes
2. First Revelation
3. Asbab-ul-Nuzool
Life of Holy Prophet:
1. The Battle of Hunayn/Muta/Tabuk/Khaybar
2. The Battle of Uhud
3. Qualities of the Prophet (PBUH)
4. The Treaty of Hudaybiyyah
5. The Migration to Madinah
6. The Conquest of Makkah
First Islamic Community
1. Daughters
2. 10 Blessed Companions (First 4)
3. Abu Talib/ Bibi Halima/Hazrat Jaffar/ Hazrat Muadh/ Zayd ibn Thabit/Zayd bin Harith
Important Topics P2

Hadith: 2,6,9,14,18,20
History and Importance of Hadith
1- Eras of Compilation 2- Legal Sources
3- Authenticity of Hadith
1- H.AbuBakar 2- H.Usman
1- Predestination 2- Angels
1- Zakat 2- Fasting
3- Shahadah
Key Points
• Revise the syllabus/ revision check list
• Prepare with the quotations
• Be focused
• Try to find your weakness then improve it
On exam day
• Enrich your paper with the following
a. Quotations
b. Names (area/city names, person name, tribe name etc.)
c. Add the digits (dates, years, distance, no. of army etc.)
d. The relevant details
• Be calm/ confident
• Read the Question paper
• Answer the required question
• Manage the time
• Recheck the paper
• Do not repent for the previous paper

Time management
Questions Time Topics P1 Topics P2
1st 3 mins to
Q1 16 mins Quranic passages Ahadith
Q2 22 mins (16+6) History and importance of History and
Quran importance of
Q3 22 mins (16+6) Biography of the Prophet Caliphate
Q4/Q5 22 mins (16+6) First Muslim Community Articles of faith,
Pillars of Islam
Last 5 mins to

Guess/ Practice paper 2023 Paper 1/2058, 0493

Paper 1, 1st paper

Q:1 Ayat –ul-Kursi, 112:1-4 , 99:1-8, 1:1-7, 42:4-5, 2:21-22 , 2:30-37

Q: 2
• God in Himself,
• God’s relationship with humankind.
• Revelation of Quran
• Preservation of Quran Q: 3 /4

• the Prophet’s night journey and ascension [‘Isra wa- mi’raj]

• the difficulties faced by the Prophet (SAW)
• Migration from makkah to madinah
• Prophet (SAW)’s relations with others
• Last sermon Q: 5 a)
• Decendants of the Prophet (SAW)
• Ansar and Muhajreen
• Companions (Hazrat Ali, Khalid bin waleed, Hamza, Bilal, )
Paper 2
Q:1 Hadith No. 2, 3 ,7 ,9, 11, 17, 19
• Hadiths about the conduct of Muslims in communal life.

• Checking the authenticity of hadith

• Hadith relationship with other sources
• Main events of Caliphate of Abu Bakr
• Major events took place during the caliphate of ‘Uthman
• caliphate of Hazrat Umar Expansion, The administrative
measures Q4/5
• Shahadah
• Prayer
Fasting (method and benefets)
Paper 12: Quranic passages – (1-5)
History and Importance of Quran
1. Theme [Allah with created world]
2. Ways in which Holy Quran was revealed to the Prophet (S)
3. Ijma [Explanation, kinds, examples]
Life of Prophet (S)
1. How Prophet (S) was treated by Quraish before and after the revolution.
2. Persecutions [on Prophet (S) and Followers]
3. Israh and Miraj
4. Pledges of Aqaba.
5. Battles [Uhad, Khyber, Mutah].
6. Conquest of Makkah.
Character Qualities of Prophet (S)
1. Self-Reliance/Patience
2. Generosity/Humbleness, Trustworthiness.
Islamic Community
1. Hazrat Khadija, Ayesha, Hafsa
2. Hazrat Amna, Halima, Abu Talib
3. Hazrat Zaid bin Thabit, Bilal, Hamza
Paper 22: Ahadith: 11 – 20
History and Importance of Hadith:
1. Stages of Compilation
2. Classification of Hadith
3. Quran and Hadith together in legal law
4. Hadith in Communal life
Articles of Faith
1. Angels
2. Predestination and Divine Decree
Pillars of Islam
1. Prayer
2. Zakat
1. Hazrat Abu Bakr [RA]
2. Hazrat Uthman [RA}
1. Kinds and Rules. .
Guess paper Islamiyat 2058

Guess P1

Q2) History and compilation of Quran

Allah's relation with messengers, Allah in Himself. compilation and revelation of Quran.
Q3&4) Life and importance of Holy Prophet(PBUH)
Events of early years, stages of preaching, persecutions, migration to Abyssinia, isra and mirage,
battles(very important),treaty of hudaiybia, last sermon, outstanding qualities.
Q5) first islamic community
Hazrat Khadija, Hazrat Sawdah, Hazrat Ayesha, Hazrat Hafsa, Hazrat Maria, Hazrat Zainab bint Jash,
Hazrat Zainab bint Khuzaima
Grandsons and Daughters
Hazrat Hamza,Hazrat Abu talib,Abusufyan,Hazrat Bilal,Hazrat Salman Farsi,Hazrat Abu huraira,Hazrat
Khalid bin waleed,Hazrat Zaid bin Sabit(role played by scribes) may also come, Zaid bin harith, Muaz
bin Jabal, Hazrat Abdul Mutlib, Hazrat Abubakr, Hazrat Umar, Hazrat Usman, Hazrat Ali, Hazrat
Talha, Hazrat Zubair.

Guess P2

Q2) History and importance of Hadith

Compilation during and after the lifetime of Prophet(PBUH),specially the compilation in the 3rd
century, isnad and matn (very important),role of hadis in the communal and individual life, types of
Q3)Rightly guided caliphs
Election, administration important events of Hazrat Abubakr's caliphate(refusal to pay zakat, apostacy
movement, false prophets),Hazrat Abubar as the saviour of Islam. Hazrat Umar's administrative
reforms, battles against the Persians and the Byzantines. Hazrat Usman's election, expansion, charges
Hazrat Ali's battles, camel, siffin, Neherwan
Reseruction,Prophets,oneness of Allah,angels
Expected Topics for May 2023
Islamiyat Paper-1

Q2: Compound question on Theme2; also prepare Themes 1 & 3

Four sources of legal thinking, especially primary sources in relation with Qiyas
General reading of “ History of revelation “
Qualities of the Prophet
Early life
Migration to Abyssinia
Night journey of Isra & Ma’raj
Pledges of al-Aqaba
Treaty of Hudaibiya
Last year of the Prophet’s life
Scribes: collectively their work
Roles of 1st four of the 10 Blessed Companions, especially Hazrat : Umar & Uthman during
the life Prophet’s life
Hazrat: Ja’far, Salman Farsi, Zayd bin Haritha, Fatimah

All 3 stages of Hadith compilation: during the life of the Prophet and his Companions
Age of Taba’een
Age of Taba’ Taba’een
Types of Hadith
How are Hadith used for legal thinking ( if a question on legal thinking is not set in P1)
Caliph Abu Bakr and Uthman
Kharijites and arbitration during Hazrat Ali’s caliphate
Shahada, Fast , Zakat: observance and benefits
Benefits of Salat: general reading
Belief in prophets and books
Benefits of Tawhid

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