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Task 1: Listen to ten texts (1-10). For each of them answer the question given.

Mark the correct answer (A-D).

You have 20 seconds to look through the task. You will hear each recording twice.

1. Where is the dialogue taking place?

A. At the theatre
B. At the airport
C. At the stadium
D. At the hotel

2. Who is waiting outside the theatre?

A. The woman’s friend
B. The woman’s brother
C. The man’s sister
D. The friend’s son

3. What will help the man to find a good job?
A. Having good ideas
B. Work experience
C. One extra course
D. The college diploma

4. What does the woman advise the man to do?

A. To listen to the song ‘Applause’
B. To buy the Album in the music shop
C. To buy the Album online
D. To buy the singer’s photo in the shop

5. Why was it easy for the man to get to the Sports Palace on time?
A. It was near the metro station.
B. The traffic wasn’t heavy.
C. He knew the direction well.
D. He used the Internet.

6. What is the text about?

A. Kharagauli National Park in general
B. The campsites of Kharagauli
C. Kharagauli as the most visited tourist site
D. Plants and birds of Kharagauli National Park

7. What is the text about?
A. Pandas’ home
B. The giant panda
C. Bamboo plant
D. Various rare animals

8. From where was wood imported to Venice?

A. Lido Island
B. North-east part of Italy
C. The European countries
D. Several islands

9. How many languages did Thomas Young know as a child?
A. Two
B. Ten
C. Four
D. Twelve

10. Why was Nana happy to go to the cinema?

A. She enjoys going to the cinema.
B. She loves watching history films.
C. She had nothing to do that evening.
D. She wanted to meet her friends.

Task 2: Read the statements (1-8). Then read the advertisements (A-F) on the next page and find which
statement corresponds to which advertisement. Some advertisements correspond to more than one statement.
1. Your sister lives in Europe and wants to learn web design techniques. You recommend a relevant training institution
to her.
2. Your special interest is contemporary American writers and you would love to spend some time in a relevant library
3. You are free in the summer and you would like to go to an educational institution where you will be able to do a short
course for future chemists.
4. Your cousin is finishing school this year. He wants to study at a university where he can learn how to keep the sea and
the environment clean.
5. Your brother has just started to work as a reporter for a private TV company. He would like to gain more skills and
knowledge in this field.
6. Your brother is looking for a short and intensive course in physics. You suggest a relevant website where he can find
more detailed information about this.
7. Your elder sister is a student of the faculty of design and wants to find out more about the works of designers who
received training at that faculty.
8. Your friend, who is taking the national exams next year, is interested in cultural studies. You advise him to apply to a
newly-established educational institution.

A. The University of Liverpool was B. The Institute for Cultural C. The School of Communications
founded in 1881 and is well-known Research has recently opened in Poti. is offering a summer school on press
for its high quality classes in The study programme includes courses and television journalism. Students
European and world literature. The in oriental and western culture. A will have access to a unique
University has an excellent library special course has also been designed collection of documentaries,
with a rich collection of classical and for those who are interested in marine newspapers and journals. Georgian,
modern literature and a collection of life and sea pollution. Discussions on British and American experts will
relevant documentaries about environmental issues are held for the hold practical workshops and
American authors. public every other weekend. presentations. For more information
please call (+995 32) 333 2222.
D. Birmingham School of Science E. Queen’s college, based in the heart F. The College of Design invites
is located in the very centre of the of Oxford, invites students from Eastern professional designers and students of
city. The summer school study European countries to a two-week design, as well as the general public,
programme includes short and long course in web design. Registration to an exhibition of designs by our
term courses in biology, physics and deadline is March 1. Discounts are graduates. If you choose our college
chemistry as well as intensive offered for early registration. The to study, you might be given the same
English language classes. For more course starts on May 10. More details chance one day. The exhibition will
information visit our website: on our website: www.queensscollege.uk be open for the first two weeks in
www.birminghamschool.uk February.

Task 3: Read the text. Then read the statements which follow and decide whether they are True (T) or False (F).
Noah Webster – a famous lexicographer
Noah Webster was a famous American lexicographer and philologist, English-language spelling reformer, editor and
political writer. He is considered to be one of the founding fathers of the American nation. Noah Webster was born on October
16, 1758 in West Hartford, Connecticut. His father was a farmer, his mother worked at home. At that time, few people went to
college, but Noah’s parents sent him to Yale, one of the best universities in the USA. He entered Yale University when he was
16 and graduated it in 1778. Webster wanted to continue his education by studying law, but his parents could not afford to give
him more money for law school. After thinking about his opportunities, Webster began working as a teacher.
During his years as a student and then as a schoolteacher, Webster realised that the American education system needed
modernisation. Children of all ages were taught in one-room schoolhouses with no desks, low-quality books and untrained
teachers. American children were taught from British books and since Webster believed that Americans should learn from
American books, in 1783, he wrote his own textbook A Grammatical Institute of English Language. For over 100 years,
Webster’s book taught children to read, spell and pronounce words. It was the most popular American book of its time, which
sold 100 million copies.
In 1789, Noah married Rebecca Greenleaf, the daughter of a rich man from Boston. They had eight children and numerous
grandchildren. Initially the family lived in New Haven, but later moved to Amherst, Massachusetts. There, Webster helped the
local group of community members to found Amherst College. In 1801, Webster started to work on a dictionary in which he
defined the words that Americans used. Noah Webster was the first person to do this because Americans spoke and used words
differently than the English. He also wanted to help people who lived in different parts of the country to speak and spell the
same way. In his dictionary, Webster offered brief definitions and the origin of thousands of words. Webster also included
American words that weren’t in English dictionaries. It took him more than two decades to finish his dictionary, which he called
American Dictionary of the English Language. The dictionary included the definitions of exactly sixty-five thousand words.
Noah Webster completed this huge job when he was 70. Though it now occupies an honoured place in the history of
American English, Webster’s first dictionary only sold 2 500 copies then. Webster achieved many things in his life. He fought
for copyright laws, a strong government and universal education. He was a political writer, he wrote textbooks, edited
magazines and created his own version of an ‘American’ Bible but his name has become synonymous with the ‘dictionary’.
Webster has been called the ‘father of American scholarship and education’. In his lifetime he was already an American hero.
True (T) or False (F)?

1. Noah Webster studied at a very good university.

2. Noah Webster didn’t want to change the system of education in America.
3. In those days, British books were used in American schools.
4. Ten million copies of Noah Webster’s textbook were sold.
5. Webster set up Amherst College all alone.
6. The first American dictionary was written by Noah Webster.
7. Less than 65 000 words were defined in Webster’s dictionary.
8. Noah Webster’s first dictionary wasn’t an immediate success.
9. Throughout his long life Webster was involved in various activities.
10. The text is about the rules of writing a dictionary.

Task 4: Read the questions (1-8) and find the answers to them in the paragraphs (A-F) of the text. Some paragraphs
correspond to more than one question.

Which paragraph
1. states that a wrong fact was given in a popular publication?
2. gives the name of a very big organisation which does charity?
3. explains why Chuck Feeney spends all his money on charity?
4. states when Chuck Feeney started his career?
5. states how Chuck Feeney got his first billion?
6. explains why Feeney kept in secret giving away more than 1 billion dollars?
7. could have the title ‘The facts of modest style of life’?
8. could have the title ‘The generous boss’?

A billionaire without billions

A. Chuck Feeney is an American businessman and the founder of The Atlantic Philanthropies, one of the largest private
charity foundations in the world. Feeney has worked hard his whole life and has earned millions of dollars, but he is not known
for his money. He is rather known as a person who, in spite of owning millions, leads a very economical style of life: he doesn’t
own either a house or a car, wears a watch worth only 15 US dollars and flies economy class, which is the cheapest.

B. Chuck Feeney was born in the state of New Jersey, the USA, in 1931. He came from a modest background of Irish-
American parents. Feeney graduated from Cornell University School of Hotel Administration. Many years later, in 2010, Feeney
received the Cornell University Award called Icon of Industry. Feeney served as a U.S. Air Force radio operator during the
Korean War and began his career selling duty-free* liquor to U.S. Naval personnel at Mediterranean ports in the 1950s.
C. Later, in 1960, together with one of his friends, Chuck Feeney co-founded the Duty Free Shoppers Group (DFS Group)
and made over a billion dollars as the owner of the world’s biggest duty-free retail chain. Somebody might think that Feeney
leads a very economical life because he has gone bankrupt or that he has invested his millions in some unsuccessful business.
But this is not so. What is the reason then? The answer is simple. Feeney has given his millions away for charity and plans to
continue this practice till the end of his life.
D. In 1988 Forbes magazine incorrectly listed Feeney as the 23rd richest person in America. They thought that Feeney owned
1.3 billion dollars, which, actually, he didn’t. Feeney had given away almost all of his money to different charitable
organisations, never mentioning this fact to anybody! When Feeney was asked why he didn’t make public his charity of 1.3
billion dollars, he answered that he didn’t want others to know that these organisations had received money from him.
E. Feeney has always kept his charity secret. Before 1997 no one knew of Feeney’s philanthropy. That year, in an article
published by The New York Times, Feeney decided to end his anonymity and spoke openly about different grants he had donated
to people and organisations. It was then that people learnt about his innumerable charity initiatives. For example, it became
known to everybody that after selling his DFS Group, Feeney gave 26 million dollars to 2,400 people - his former employees -
for serving his company honestly during many years.
F. Why does Feeney spend all his money on charity? He once explained this by saying: ‘I had one idea that never changed in
my mind - that you should use your wealth to help people.’ Though, making money in order to help others wasn’t Feeney’s goal
from the very start. He started his career with a different goal, ‘I set out to work hard, not to get rich,’ he said. Feeney’s
exceptional life has been the inspiration for a biographical book called Billionaire Who Wasn’t.
*duty-free: გადასახადისგან თავისუფალი
Task 5: Read the text and the questions which follow. For each question mark the correct answer (A, B, C or D).
This is a story of a woman who recalls how she admired ice-skating in her childhood.
I grew up in Long Beach, California in the 1950s. Not many families had a TV in those days, so children went to the movies to
have fun. In fact, every Saturday afternoon I went to the movies all by myself. Parents didn’t spend much time with their children then.
Going to the movies on Saturdays was a way children kept themselves busy and it also made them feel less lonely. As a little girl I loved
going to the movies, as I enjoyed the wonderful stories I saw there. I also learned a lot about the world in general.
One day, when I was at the movies, I learned all about Sonja Henie and ice-skating, also called figure skating. I watched in
fascination as I saw the beautiful young lady glide on a glassy ice surface in her white figure skates and a short skating dress. The 1950s
was the time when Sonja Henie was an ice-skating star and an Olympic Champion. She also appeared in ten Hollywood films which
increased the popularity of ice-skating throughout the world. Later she wrote a book called Wings on My Feet. It not only told the story
of her life and her skating, but also gave instructions on how to do the ice-skating moves I saw her do in the movies. At first, I went to
the library and borrowed Wings on My Feet. I kept the book as long as I could, but I wanted to read it all the time, so I saved money to
buy my own copy.
I tried all the moves in Sonja Henie’s book on roller skates as the nearest ice rink to my home was not nearby. I even practised ice-
skating moves on roller skates on my way to school! My school friends were very impressed to see me practising on the school
playground. I saved up my pocket money and bought myself a pair of figure skates and I saved up enough money to pay for group ice-
skating lessons. I was determined to learn ice-skating! I gave up going to the movies on Saturday and decided to spend all my free time
ice-skating. Every Saturday, I took a bus ride to the ice-skating rink. After my group lessons ended, I would stay behind to practise for
an hour or two on my own. Soon I was delighted to be able to practise with advanced ice-skaters!
I knew that one day I would grow up and have children. I decided to pass my love of ice-skating onto them. I didn’t know that one
day my children and grandchildren would become serious competitive ice-skaters!

შეკითხვაზე გადასვლა 1,2 3,4 5,6 7,8

1. The text is about
A. the most popular winter sport.
B. a girl – in love with ice-skating.
C. the history of ice-skating.
D. an ice-skating champion.

2. The writer went to the cinema

A. with her parents.
B. with her friends.
C. with an ice-skater.
D. on her own.

დაბრუნება ტექსტზე

3. When the writer first saw Sonja Henie in a film she was
A. proud.
B. bored.
C. impressed.
D. upset.

4. Sonja Henie’s famous ice-skating movies

A. made ice-skating popular.
B. increased the popularity of the star.
C. inspired the writer to write a book.
D. disappointed her fans.

დაბრუნება ტექსტზე

5. The writer learned ice-skating moves first from
A. her teacher.
B. her parents.
C. a friend.
D. a book.

6. The writer stopped going to the cinema because she

A. wanted to practise ice-skating.
B. could watch movies at home.
C. was not interested in films any more.
D. wanted to give ice-skating lessons.

დაბრუნება ტექსტზე

7. How did the writer influence her children and grandchildren?
A. Taught them how to practise on the ice rink
B. Trained them to become professional ice-skaters
C. Shared her love of ice-skating with them
D. Forced them to become world champions

8. Which of the following would be the best title for this text?
A. Sonja Henie – an ice-skating legend
B. A story from the past
C. Useful advice for a new hobby
D. Ice-skating classes at school

დაბრუნება ტექსტზე

Task 6: Read the text and fill the gaps with the words given (A-N). Use each word only once. Two words are extra. Do
not copy the extra words from the text on the answer sheet.

ago (A) beginning (B) clear (C) communicate (D) compared (E) demonstrates (F) favourite (G)
holidays (H) millions (I) older (J) postcards (K) realised (L) seaside (M) technology (N)

In old times people used to receive picture postcards of places their friends and families visited. Initially it was only rich
people who started sending postcards because they were the people who could afford travelling. Sea resorts were ….. (1) places
for the rich people. Later, because of the opening of the railways, ordinary people decided to go to the ….. (2) too. Soon
photographers ….. (3) that people wanted to take home a picture of the place where they had a holiday. So they started to offer
photographs for sale which had the view of the place and they sold ….. (4) of them. People brought the photos home and
showed them to their friends. This was the ….. (5) of the picture postcard industry. Today those old photographs give us a very
….. (6) idea of what holidays were like over a hundred years ….. (7).
Postcards became very popular at the end of 20th century. In those days younger holidaymakers liked sending postcards
home more than ….. (8) generation. However, new research shows that now holidaymakers prefer to ….. (9) with their family
and friends back home more through text messages than through the old-fashioned method of a postcard. This ….. (10) how
much technology is now a key part of our holidays. The research showed that, ….. (11) to old times, the number of postcard fans
is dramatically reducing. It is interesting to note that though sending postcards by post is becoming more and more outdated, the
hobby of collecting ….. (12) is becoming more and more popular.
Task 7: Read the text and fill the gaps with one of the following: article, preposition, conjunction or relative pronoun.
Insert only ONE word. Do not copy the extra words from the text on the answer sheet.

The story of Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day, also known as Saint Valentine’s Day, is celebrated in many countries around .…. (1) world, although it is
not a public holiday in most .…. (2) them. In early Christian times St Valentine was a holy man .…. (3) was imprisoned and
then killed .…. (4) performing weddings between people who were forbidden to marry. Before he died he wrote a message on
the prison wall. The message was for the woman he loved ….. (5) he signed the message ‘Your Valentine’.
St. Valentine’s Day, .…. (6) is celebrated on the fourteenth of February, became the festival of lovers. According .…. (7) the
tradition, young men used to write poems to give to young women. If the men weren’t good at writing poetry, they would copy
one poem .…. (8) a poetry book. Girls made cards and gave them to the young men. The name of the sender of the card was
….. (9) secret. People never signed those cards. Today you can buy lots of cards and presents to send on Valentine’s Day.
Valentine’s Day symbols, .….. (10) are used today, include the heart-shaped objects, doves and the figure of the winged Cupid.

Task 8: Read the text and put the verbs in brackets in the correct form. Do not copy the extra words from the text on
the answer sheet.

Hi Kate,
Guess who I met yesterday! It was Saba, our old classmate. I was surprised to see him as I haven’t seen him since his family
….. (1. move) to a new district and he had to change his school. Saba asked me thousands of questions about our school and
common friends, about you too. He told me that he got interested in astronomy and ….. (2. read) lots of books and articles on it.
He himself started writing articles on astronomy. One of his articles .…. (3. publish) in ‘Young Scientists’ recently. Saba told
me that he ….. (4. put) a big modern telescope on the roof of his house next Sunday. He invited me to his house and promised to
show me his new telescope. I took down his new address and I ….. (5. go) to his place next Sunday. It’s really interesting to see
how the telescope ….. (6. work). If you ….. (7. be) here, we would go there together.
How are things with you? I ….. (8. get) your letter quite some time ago and I am really sorry I haven’t been able to reply. I
.…. (9. work) hard for the last month and I feel really tired. My parents decided to give me some money as a reward and I want
to use it for my summer holidays. I .…. (10. plan) to go to the seaside with two of my best friends. My friend’s grandmother
lives in a nice village not far from Kvariati. So, we won’t have to spend money on a hotel. It ….. (11. agree) that we will go
there next August. I hope that you and your family .…. (12. feel) well too.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
With love,
Task 9: The advertisement given below is taken from an online newspaper. Read the advertisement and write an
email to the Summer School asking for more information about the details which are indicated. The beginning is given
on the answer sheet. Do not write your or anybody else’s name or surname in the letter.

Which month?
Are you interested in literature? If yes, read this advert carefully.
The Summer School in Liverpool offers short courses to literature
lovers. The school is open only one month. Participants will live
and study at the University campus. Classes start in the morning
and last several hours. The fee is not high. For details please
email at: [email protected]

What time exactly?

How much exactly?

Task 10: Read the essay task and write between 120-150 words.

Some people think that only the government should keep streets and parks clean. Do you agree or disagree with this
opinion? State your opinion and support it with reasons and examples.


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