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4500 Pts - Dwarven Holds Roster

Unit Name ## Adv Mar Dis HP Def ResArm Spe Att Off Str AP Agi Type Cost
Field Artillery - Dwarf Ballista 1 3 3 9 5 1 4 5+ 3 4 3 0 2 SCo 85
Standard Construct (Large if Catapult); War Machine; Stubborn; Move or Fire;
Engineering Rune: Adds +4 to any rolls on the misfire table.; Dwarf Ballista (4+);
Heavy Armour
Option Footnotes:
Dwarf Ballista (4+) Artillery Weapon: Range 48", Shots 1, Str 3[6], AP 10, [Multiple Wounds (D3)],
Area Attack (1×5)
Heavy Armour Armour Save (+2)

Total 85

Models in Army: 1

Validation Results using Rule-Set 'Primary Rule Set':

Army must have one General.
Composition group 'Core' does not satisfy requirements (>=25%).

Troop Type Count Unused Points Unused Percent

Characters (<=40%) 0 n/a 0 1800 0%
Core (>=25%) 0 n/a 0 4500 0%
Special (<=100%) 0 n/a 0 4500 0%
Clans_Thunder (<=35%) 0 n/a 0 1575 0%
Engines_of_War (<=20%) 1 n/a 85 815 1%
Other (<=100%) 0 n/a 0 4500 0%
Magic Item Summary 0 n/a 0 n/a 0%

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