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Kinetic Impactor

Andy Cheng
15 Nov 2018

DART Mission Update

Goddard Space Flight Center
Johnson Space Center
Langley Research Center
Glenn Research Center
Marshall Space Flight Center
Planetary Defense Coordination Office

Regimes of Primary Applicability for Planetary Defense Mitigation

Defending Planet Earth

(2010) Zero PHAs
National Academy of
Sciences Deep Impact

“the first priority for a space
About 150 PHAs
mission in the mitigation
area is an experimental
test of a kinetic impactor”

About 5,000 PHAs

DART is the first kinetic DART
impact test at a realistic
Too small to be
scale for planetary Defending Planet Earth (2010) considered PHAs

June 15, 2021

March 6, 2022 IMPACT: October 5, 2022

2001 CB21 flyby
S-type, 578 meters,
3.3-hour rotation rate

(Light Italian Cubesat
for Imaging of Asteroids)
ASI contribution, under

DART Spacecraft 65803 Didymos

560 kg arrival mass Didymos-B (1996 GT) Didymos-A
12.5 m × 2.4 m × 2.0 m 163 meters 1,180-meter separation 780 meters, S-type
6 km/s closing speed 11.92-hour orbital period between centers of A and B 2.26-hour rotation period

Earth-Based Observations
• Target the binary asteroid Didymos system
0.07 AU range at impact
Predicted ~8-minute change • Impact Didymos-B and change its orbital period
in binary orbit period • Measure the period change from Earth

DART – Double Asteroid Redirection Test 3

DART Program Update

DART mission confirmed by NASA in

August, 2018. DART is in PHASE C-D
NASA has re-affirmed decision to use NEXT-
C ion propulsion system for DART
Autonomous navigation
NASA will procure launch services for DART using imager to guide to
through NLS; LV selection is in process
─ DART will have dedicated LV
LICIACube, an ASI-contributed cubesat
─ Letters exchanged between NASA and ASI
─ Studying operations concept and cubesat NEXT-C ion propulsion
accommodations on DART first flight

DART Ion Propulsion Mission
First flight of NASA NEXT-C ion engine

 Launch Period Open:

15 Jun 2021
 2001 CB21 Flyby:
06 Mar 2022
 Didymos Impact:
05 Oct 2022
Didymos Impact Conditions
DART Impact Speed 5.975 km/s
DART Mass at Impact 558 kg
Impact angle to orbit velocity* 164.185°
Impact angle to orbit plane** 15.803°
Solar phase angle 60.05°
*approximately opposite to orbit velocity
**from Didymos southern hemisphere

NEXT on gimbal,
without cover

Deployed Configuration

within DRACO imager
cover HGA (inside PAF)
on gimbal PAF


Stowed Configuration
DRACO Imager
Panchromatic Visible Narrow-Angle Camera

Primary Secondary
Mirror Mirror

DRACO Summary
Aperture 208 mm
f/ 12.6
FOV 0.29° × 0.29°
Telescope Ritchey-Chretien with field-
flattening lens, composite-Zerodur
Passband 400 nm - 1000 nm
Detector array BAE CIS2521F sCMOS
Bench Lens
Detector Front side illuminated,
characteristics rolling/global shutter, 2560 × 2160  DRACO acquires images at 0.5
format, 6.5 µm pixel pitch m/px by 17 sec before impact, 2x2
SNR (30 days out) >7 binned images
SNR (final) >100  Characterize boulders and surface
features of 1 m size
DRACO is based on New Horizons LORRI  Locate impact site to within 1 m

ASI cubesat for DART
LICIA Cube based on the ArgoMoon 6U
cubesat for the NASA EM-1 mission
ArgoMoon has dual imaging systems,
propulsive capability, onboard imaging
ArgoMoon stowed
processing and target recognition configuration

LICIA Cube carried by DART until close to

Didymos and then released to perform a
flyby of Didymos after DART impact
─ LICIA Cube images impact ejecta
LICIA Cube downlinks images direct to ArgoMoon deployed
Earth after the Didymos flyby configuration

Science Objectives
 Multiple (at least 3) images of the ejecta plume taken over a span of
time and phase angle, that, with reasonable expectations concerning
the ejecta mass and particle size distribution, can potentially

 Allow measurement of the motion of the slow (< 5 m/s) ejecta

 Allow estimation of the density structure of the plume

 Multiple (at least 3) images of the DART impact site having sufficient
resolution (< 1 m/pixel) to allow measurements of the size and
morphology of the crater; and taken sufficiently late after impact that
the plume can be reasonably expected to have cleared

 Multiple (at least 3) images of Didymos B showing the non-impact

hemisphere, that can potentially increase the accuracy of the shape
and volume determination

DART Team Meeting –
please come


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