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3 study guide
1. What was a result of liberal land grants?
2. Who was the leading explorer to the far East?
3. What two rivers did Marquette and Joliet discover?
4. How is silk made?
5. Ehen was ship island founded?
6. During the American Revolution, which group was supported by the settlers in the Natchez District?
7. What city was discovered in 1718?
8. Who was Hernando DeSoto?
9. What is cartography?
10. Who created a special school for seamen and explorers in Portugal?
11. What are colonies?
12. Who discovered the Mississippi River?
13. What did LaSalle discover?
14. What is an expedition?
15. What was the treaty of Paris of 1763?
16. Who discovered the Mississippi River for the French?
17. Where was the foundation of Natchez?
18. Who created the city of New Orleans?
19. What were the Black Codes?
20. What was the proclamation of 1763?
21. What is confluence?
22. What is the force of citizen soldiers?
23. Who was James Willing?
24. What treaty allowed Americans use of the Mississippi River?
25. Who were the Loyalist?
26. Who was Manuel Gayoso de Lemos?
27. What was the Treaty that ended the American Revolutionary War?
28. When the capital was moved who was appointed governor of the Louisiana province?
29. In 1716, what Fort was completed and became one of the major centers of French activity in the Louisiana
30. As the population of British West Florida increased, the colony was divided into_____________ districts.
31. What did the Englishment encounter as they pushed into the interior after the French and Indian war?
32. In 1789, what WAS Manuel Gayoso de Lamos was appointed to?
33. In 1795, what rumors circulated throughout the Natchez District.
34. In 1795, while _________________ was engaged in a war in _________________, America pressed its
claim to the land north of the 31° parallel.
35. Who was given the right of deposit in New Orleans.
36. When the French landowners moved to Louisiana from the Caribbean Islands, they brought their
_________________ with them.
37. List three parts of the Black codes passed in 1724.
38. Why was the Mississippi River so important in the early 1700’s?
39. List the different nations which controlled the Natchez District during the time period of 1540-1798
40. Briefly compare and contrast the expeditions of De Soto, La Salle, and Marguette and Joliet. Give three or
more items for each explorer.

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