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Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 8

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:
1. identify the truth value of the converse, inverse, and contrapositive of a
2. show the equivalences of (a) the statement and its contrapositive, and (b) the
converse and inverse of the statement using the truth value; and
3. relate the equivalences of statements in real-life situations.
II. Subject Matter
` Topic: “Illustrating the Equivalences of (a) the Statement and its Contrapositive;
and (b) the Converse and Inverse of a Statement
References: LM: Emmanuel P. Abuzo. (2013). Mathematics 8
TG: Teacher’s Guide for Junior High School
Materials: Visual aids, calculator, laptop and LED Television
Value Focus: Cooperation
PPST: Domain 4 – Curriculum and Planning
Time Frame: 1 hour

III. Learning Activities

A. Preparatory Activities

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

1. Prayer
2. Checking of Attendance
3. Review

In order to refresh your memory from our

past lesson, answer the following questions.
There are four choices you will select; A, B,
C, and D. If you choose A, you will raise your
right hand, left hand for B, right foot for C and
you will raise your left foot when you choose
letter D.

1. Jessa says that the converse of the 1. B

statement “If a number has 1 and 2. A
itself as factors, then it is prime” is 3. C
“If a number does not have 1 and 4. B
itself as factors, then it is not prime”. 5. C
Which of the following reasons would
support her statement?
A. To write the converse, negate both
hypothesis and conclusion.
B. To write the converse, interchange
the hypothesis and conclusion.
C. To write the converse, interchange
the hypothesis and conclusion of its
D. To write the converse, interchange
and negate both hypothesis and

Refer to the statement below:

“If you were born in the Philippines, then
you are a Filipino.”
2. If you are not a Filipino, then you
were not born in the Philippines.
A. Contrapositive
B. Converse
C. Hypothesis
D. Inverse

3. If you were not born in the

Philippines, then you are not a
A. Conclusion
B. Contrapositive
C. Converse
D. Inverse

4. If you are a Filipino, then you were

born in the Philippines.
A. Contrapositive
B. Converse
C. Hypothesis
D. Inverse

5. Which of the following refers to an

inverse statement?
A. If p, then q
B. If q, then p
C. If not p, then not q
D. If not q, then not p

4. Motivation

Using pictures that I will be posting on the

board, determine the words which are related
to our previous lesson, the first person who
will raise their hand state the correct answer
will have an additional point.

1. Converse Sir.

2. Contrapositive Sir.


3. Inverse Sir

3. verse
Very good! Thank you for answering.
B. Developmental Activity

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

1. Presentation

Consider the statement: “If you are in

Mathematics Class, then you are in school
today”. If this statement is written this way: “If
you are not in school today, then you are
not in Mathematics Class”.

What do you observe with the two statements? If you will fully understand the statements,
the thoughts are the same.

Yes, you are correct. Statements like the two

above are said to be equivalent.

Here are the learning objectives that you

will attain after our discussion.

Please read the objectives: At the end of the lesson the we will be
able to:
1. identify the truth value of the
converse, inverse, and contrapositive
of a statement;
2. show the equivalences of (a) the
statement and its contrapositive, and
(b) the converse and inverse of the
statement using the truth value; and
3. relate the equivalences of statements
in real-life situations.

2. Discussion

To elaborate further, let us begin our new

lesson by recalling how to transform a
statement into its converse, inverse, and

Transform the following statements into its

converse, inverse and contrapositive. If a polygon has four
Converse: sides, then it is a
Statement: rectangle.
“If a polygon is a rectangle, then it has four If a polygon is not a
sides.” Inverse: rectangle, then it does
not have four sides
If a polygon does not
Contrapositive have four sides, then it
Remember that a conditional statement is : is not a
divided into two parts, which are? rectangle

And if-then statements there are four Hypothesis and Conclusion Sir.
implications, they are?
Conditional, contrapositive, converse, and
Very good! Normally, the truthfulness and inverse Sir.
falsehood of implications are validated through
formulating lengthy factual reasons.

Instead of writing lengthy factual reasons to

validate the truthfulness or falsehood of the
parts of the implication and the whole
implication itself, letters T and F, respectively
for True and False will be assigned, without
undermining reasons. These letters are called
Truth Values. When these values are written
into a table, the table is called Truth Table

Equivalent compound statements are made

up of the same simple statements and have the
same truth values for all true-false
combinations of these simple statements.

This mean that is one compound statement is

true, then its equivalent statement must also be

If a statement is false?

You are correct. Its statement must also be false.

The truth table of the 4 statement implications

differ from each other. Observe this truth table:



What can you observe about the truth tables of

the two? They have different truth value pattern.


Yes sir. Converse and Inverse have the

Contrapositive same true values. And the truth values of
contrapositive and converse have the
Did you observe something similar on the truth same truth values.
This implies that the conditional statement
and contrapositive are equivalent
statements. And the converse and inverse
What can you conclude about this? are equivalent statements.

Well done! Your assumption is correct.

Let use read these statements for concrete

If a polygon is not a square, then it is also
Conditional Statement: a quadrilateral
If a polygon is a square, then it is also
quadrilateral. If a polygon is not a quadrilateral, then it is
also not a square.
If a polygon is a quadrilateral, then it is also a

What will be the inverse of the statement? False Sir.

What will be the contrapositive of the


Going through the statements, the truth value of

the conditional statement it TRUE. Yes sir. The equivalent of conditional is
The truth value of the converse of the contrapositive and the equivalent of
statement is? converse is inverse.

The truth value of the inverse is FALSE. None Sir.

And lastly the truth value of the contrapositive

of the statement is?

Do you understand it now?

Another example,

It is Coca-cola Sir.

“If you open a coke, then you are happy.”

And the equivalent statement is “If you are
not happy, then you don’t open a coke.”

Do you know this product?

“If you are happy, then you open a coke.”
That’s right! The Coca-cola’s tagline is “Open a And its equivalent is “If you don’t open a
coke, open happiness.” coke, then you are not happy.”

Now, try to make a conditional statement and

its equivalency. “If you are happy, then you open a coke.”
And its equivalent is “If you don’t open a
coke, then you are not happy.”

Very good. Now make a converse statement

and its equivalent.

Well done! To quickly memorize their

Con-Con: Contrapositive and Conditional
Verse-verse: Converse and Inverse We learned about the equivalences of a
3. Generalization
We must understand the statement before
To sum up our lesson for today, what have you transforming it to its equivalence
learned from our discussion?

Very good. Who can give other realization? None Sir.

Do you have questions and clarifications

regarding to our topic?

If there’s none, prepare for a quiz.

IV. Evaluation

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

Directions: Consider the paragraph below. Fill in

the blanks or the missing values with the correct
answer which you can choose from the box
below. I know that two if-then statements are equivalent
if their corresponding truth values are the
same. I also know that an if-then statement and
I know that two if-then statements are equivalent its contrapositive are equivalent. So, to fill in the
_____________. I also know that an if-then blank of the first column, I need to look for its
statement and its _____________are equivalent. corresponding truth value in the contrapositive
So, to fill in the blank of the first column, I need to column. From the table, it can be seen that in the
contrapositive column the third row has a truth
look for its _____________ truth value in the value of F, therefore the missing truth value of the
contrapositive column. From the table, it can be first column should be F also. And then, I also
seen that in the contrapositive column the third know that the converse and inverse of an if-then
row has a truth value of _____________, statement are equivalent. Thus, to find the
therefore the missing truth value of the first missing truth values of the converse and inverse,
I just have to compare the corresponding truth
column should be _____________ also. And values of the converse and inverse columns.
then, I also know that the converse and Following this concept, I finally found out that the
_____________ of an if-then statement are missing truth values for the converse column are
equivalent. Thus, to find the missing truth values _T_and_F_,, while on the inverse column the
missing truth values are T and T.
of the converse and inverse, I just have to
_____________columns. Following this concept,
I finally found out that the missing truth values for
the converse column are
_____________and_____________, while on the
inverse column the missing truth values are
_____________and T.

V. Assignment

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

Direction: Use the table below to answer the

questions that follow.

If-then Statement: If you study, then your score

will improve. Converse (𝐼𝑓 𝑞, 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝑝): If your
score does improve, then you did study.

1. Which of the following best describes the

truth table?
A. The conclusions of implications 1, 2, 3,
and 4 are validated as False, True, False,
and True respectively.
B. The conclusion of implications 1, 2, 3
and 4 are validated as True, False, True,
and False respectively.
C. The hypotheses of implications 1,2,3
and 4 are validated as True, True, False,
and False respectively.
D. The hypotheses of implications 1,2,3
and 4 are validated as True, False, True,
and False respectively.
2. What decision can you make to an
implication of a converse if both
hypothesis and conclusion are false?
3. What decision can you make to an
implication of a converse if the hypothesis
is true and the conclusion is false?
4. What are the truth values can be validated
to a converse given an implication
“Your score did not improve, that is why
you study”?
5. What is the implication of the converse if
the hypothesis is true and the conclusion
is false?

Prepared by: Checked by:


Substitute Teacher Department Head

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