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Interchange 1 Units 3-4 Quiz

Name _________________________________ Class ______ Teacher ____________________ Date ________________


I- A woman is shopping for a watch. Listen and write check (✓) True or False. (4 points)
a) The woman wants to buy a watch. ✓True False
b) The woman wants to buy a computer. True ✓ False

1. The silver watch costs $7.99. True False

2. The man thinks that the silver watch is stylish. True False
3. The plastic watch costs $45.95. True False
4. The woman buys the plastic watch. True False


II- Select the best option to complete the sentence. (3 points)

1. Boris is __________ because Eliuddy has money and he doesn’t.

a. boring b. jealous c. cheap d. truthful
2. Robert Downey Jr. received __________ for best actor in the movie Avengers Endgame.
a. a gate b. a date c. an album d. an award
3. It’s important to wear __________ in cold weather.
a. sandals b. short pants c. a T-shirt d. a scarf
4. This leather jacket costs $25 dollars. I think that’s really ___________.
a. stylish b. pure c. reasonable d. whole
5. Those pants are very cheap, but the __________ is not fashionable.
a. price b. fun c. design d. customer
6. Yesterday, I didn’t go to the beach after school. I went __________ to my house and studied for this quiz.
a. almost b. directly c. usually d. sometimes

III- Circle the best word to complete the sentence. (3 points)

1. I really like that (leather / silk / plastic) tie.

2. My (plastic / cotton / rubber) socks are very beautiful.
3. This (silver / rubber / wool) necklace is perfect for me. But it’s $1,000!


IV- Circle the correct word. (4 points)

1. Can you please show me (those/this/these/that) blue jeans? They are over there, behind the black ones.
2. Those watches are very expensive. (They’re/Cost/It is/Are) $3,000.
3. Which car do you (like prefer/ more better/ prettier than/ like better)?
4. Is that shirt over there (more expensive than/cheap than/more than cheap/pretty) this one?
V- Complete the conversations with the correct questions. (4 points)

1. A: _________________________________________________
B: I’d like to go to the movies with you, but I have to study for my English quiz.
2. A: _________________________________________________
B: This ring is $39.24.
3. A: _________________________________________________
B: I prefer the green scarf, not the blue one.
4. A: _________________________________________________
B: My brother plays the piano.

VI- Transform the adjectives in parenthesis to compare. Include “more” and/or “than” if necessary. (3 points)
1. We think that Victoria is ______________________________ (intelligent) Silvia.
2. Which anime is _______________________________ (good), Death Note or Gantz?
3. Is a gold watch ___________________________________ (cheap) than a plastic one?


VII- Read the article. Then select the best option to answer the questions. (4 points)

Hilary Hahn is a famous young classical musician. She plays the violin. She lives in Philadelphia, in the United States, but
she travels to other countries like England, France, and Japan to play music. Sometimes she visits classes and teaches
music to children. In the summer, she doesn't play in concerts very much, but she studies a lot. She studies piano and

Hilary likes concerts and movies, but she doesn't like horror movies. But she sometimes plays the violin music for movies,
even horror movies like The Village. Hilary is in a video, called The Art of Violin.

Hilary also loves to read and write. She has her own Web site, and she writes about her life and her music.

1. What kind of music does Hilary play?

a. classical b. jazz c. classical and rock

2. Does Hilary live in the United States?

a. Yes, she does. She lives in New York. b. Yes, she does. She lives in Philadelphia.
c. No, she doesn't. She lives in England.

3. Would Hilary like to see a horror movie?

a. Yes, she would, but she has to study. b. Yes, she'd love to. She'd like to see The Village.
c. No. She doesn't like horror movies.

4. What video is Hillary in?

a. The Village b. Philadelphia c. The Art of Violin d. Web site

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