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40 Things You Can Do To Grow Your Business

(last updated Oct, 2021 – Nisreen Slim)

So you’re frustrated and you want buyers? Of course you do, but I bet there’s a TON more
you can do to help your business grow that you’re not doing so start thinking outside the box
and try other things.

**Reminder: it’s not get rich quick, it’s a business that you are building, one important
stepping stone at a time**

And FYI, most of these don’t require a lot more time or money at all (the “I’m busy” excuse
doesn’t work – we’re ALL busy). Most stuck people are just thinking in a “limited” way.

This business flourishes with those who maintain a positive mindset and a growing business
mindset, those who apply the law of attraction and think and act in a limitless way.

 First, if you haven’t seen Mike Dreher’s go live about being an entrepreneur vs being a
‘want-a-preneur” you need to see it!

 Are you marketing your brand? Are you clear about what your brand is? If not get clear
on it to bring more focus on what content you’re creating.

 If you’re advertising and have a significant amount of leads in your funnel, then why not
get on the workshop even once to add it to your funnel! Or if they’re booked up and
there’s no spots available, see about getting on the stand-by list. Or sign up to be
webinar host! Even better to elevate yourself as a leader in the community so your leads
see you!

 How’s your vision board/vibrational business plan coming? Not done it? It’s a fun and
effective way to ‘’see’’ where you’re headed and what abundance you want to attract
into your life. Or maybe you have an older one but it could use an update?

 Speaking of attraction…ask yourself what are you attracting in your life right now? Look
at the people, your job situation. The truth is, what is in your life now is here because on
an energy level you’ve attracted it. So if you want to attract different things, start with
your mindset or any inner work that needs to be done.

 Have you read and applied The Magic?

 Are you setting goals? Writing them down? Did you know you’re 42% more likely to
reach your goals if you write them down?

 Are you utilizing the Google and YouTube Flock channels to help you with your ads?
How many ads have you tested so far? Are you testing? Running 1,2 or 3 ads is not
testing. Look at those who have a lot of success, they’re continually trying new ads but
also giving their ads enough time to optimize.
 Have you tried a YouTube video ad yet? If you haven’t, jump on it! Video is king! And
YouTube is not picky like FB, there are not the long list of flag words like on FB.

 Do you have buyers on the fence in the DT? When did you do a Go Live in the DT last?

 If you have FB ads with several people asking for info or even likes, you can add a
reminder post/video even right in the comments to hit your warm market! Because
they’ve liked/commented, they will see the notification as a reminder!

 Do you have another platform that you’re not making use of? Are you on Instagram but
not using it for your business? You can link your IG to your FB page!

 Is your landing page converting? We have so many new templates! Update your lander
if you need to.

 Share more posts from your biz page to your personal…again, who cares who knows at
this point! You want buyers right? And those on your personal page already like, know
and trust you.

 “Plug in posts” on webinar nights with your link (mentioning the workshop ESPECIALLY
in the form of a video) on a day we have a workshop stating the time when it starts.
When doing a video like this, try not to make it long. And whether a photo or video, plug
ins like these do better with some notice. Don’t do it 30 min before we go live and not at
6am when people have forgotten about it. Space it 2-3 hrs before maybe or mid day.

 For potential leads who you’re engaging in conversation with when they ask for info,
invite them to friend you perhaps so you can then tag them in powerful posts used to
leverage after the workshop. Or at least with your messages add your FB biz page link.

 Consistent posts on page daily (3X a day) – ads AND your page posts work together for

 Do you do Go Lives on your page? Did you know these can elevate your presence

 Have you tried making a team video? Test everything! And if your mentor/coach hasn’t
done a team video yet ask the group to pinch in, it really can bring you closer together
and some teams have seen good results with a team video.

 Have you been running ads according to the training? Google, YouTube, then Facebook
ads there’s Messages ads, Lead Gen and lastly Conversion (if you dare, very risky so
speak to your upline)? If you’re new, you should be learning Google and YouTube before
Facebook but this means really spending time to learn them. Check in with your mentor
too to discuss what isn’t working and to try what could be tested next. Do screen
sharing on your team zooms!

 Is your page is balanced? Not all family pics. Not all business pics. Make sure it’s not a
personal blog only OR neither just all business and posts that say “click this link” which
looks spammy. This will get you shut down.
 Have you tried doing interviews on your page? This can really bring up engagement just
make sure it’s not overkill. Your page still needs to remain balanced.

 How often do you ask for your mentor’s help? (Of the people who have struggled the
most, stats show that those are the ones who rarely reach out for help…it’s not a
coincidence and it’s your responsibility to reach out when you need the help.)

 Have you leveraged the Dream Team on your page/social media accounts? Hitting 100k
people, our 5 year anniversary, the fact we see an average of 150 new members a day,
our system, our training…?

 Have you leveraged individual people? Please get their permission first but your upline
and downline’s success, your cross lines or even other people who give you permission.

 How creative have you been to get leads in your funnel? Do you have business cards?
Have you put up posters in your neighbourhood? Made T-shirts with your domain on
them? Got decals to put on your car?

 How resourceful have you been to create ad budget? Get a second part time job? Quit
smoking or drinking so much of that nice wine as often? Reduce the times you go out
for dinner or order take out and make more meals at home? Sell something you don’t
need in your house? Use credit, line of credit, get a loan. Whatever direction you go, you
need to create your own ad budget.

 Do you attend the Masterminds EVERY week? Or at least the replays? Do you know on
average about 10% (maybe less) distributors attend them live out of tens of thousands
every week? Many older Masterminds could hold information that could tip the scales
for you. Take a look in the archives.

 Do you take your mentor and coach’s advice? Or are you (sorry to say) stubborn,
prideful, shy or too independent for your own good? Listen it’s about balance. No
mentor wants to hand hold forever, we want you to learn to be self-sufficient but we
know we ALL need help especially in the first several months so reach out for help it’s
right there for you. But asking but then not taking their advice is just silly.

 Are you talking yourself out of leads/buyers when conversing with potential leads?
Some people do this by saying way too much. If you’re not sure, ask your mentor and
check in. If you’re telling your leads too much info you will lose them. Learn how to talk
to your leads. Lots of info in the training too.

 Following up with leads especially those who attending webby? Not everyone does this,
you don’t have to do this and we don’t teach this, it’s a personal choice. But now in DT
Admin you can see your leads that haven’t expired yet and reach out to them before
they do expire if you want to.

 Running a relevant likes campaign/engagement campaign for just $5 a day or less can
bring new people to your page and are almost like getting a lead! Ask your mentor when
you can do this if you’re new. And be careful, if you’ve put your link on your page you
cannot do this. This can only be done before you put your link on your page/posts at a
precise time. *Note* this is solely for the purpose of getting likes and not for continuing
to run FB ads especially if you’re new.

 Make posts showing you “mean business” (photos of you on your laptop or on your
phone). And if you have no one to take them for you, don’t let that stop you! Me
neither, did you know that 95% of my pics are taken by me?! Set up your phone
somewhere, use a tripod, use a stack of books and just ‘stage’ a pic.

 Take a close look at some other pages, let their posts inspire you to re-create ones of
your own. Please DO NOT share people’s posts as your own (please ask them first for
permission as some people will not want you to share them). DON’T change the photo
and copy their wording either. Lastly, NEVER copy someone’s ad. Inspiration means re-
creating something by making your own photo and re-wording things in your own

 Reach out to other business owners! Yes your mentor is your main go to person, but
they are not what will magically change the outcome of your business, YOU are! So for
goodness sake take advantage of the community and reach out to others you look up to.
People with success, people who may have struggled like you. Try to avoid reaching out
to the busiest people who are high up, but there’s thousands of people who are your
‘cross lines’. Cross lines are those who are roughly where you are but maybe doing a
little bit better, create some relationships. Just don’t sit in the dark waiting for things to

 Leveraging the community’s success! The size of our FB group, your upline’s success,
other people or cross lines, talk about the training and support….the main thing here is
to never show people’s faces without their permission, never show screenshots of the
training site and never show the DT name or logo.

 Book club! Not a reader? Not enough time? Do you take the bus to work? Can’t you
read on a break at work or get up 30min earlier for ‘’you’’ time? If it means nourishing
your mind for your business and potentially winning up to $300 usd, why not? Prizes
range from $100usd-$300usd every month.

 Give your business page a face lift – it’s where your leads will go to check you out. How
does your banner and profile photo look? Do you have a good post pinned to the top?
Do you have the right info about you at a glance?

 Facebook, Instagram and now LinkedIn all have the ‘’stories’’ feature and you can post
there too! Totally free!

 Have you had anyone review your ads? From the media, ad copy, targets etc? Are you
getting hands on help with the ads you’re running?

Feel pumped? Hopeful? I hope so! And the point of this cheeky reminder is because too many
people forget this. Now go and make some cool stuff happen one step at a time! You got this!

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