Present Simple Exercises Clasa A 3 A

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Present Simple-exercises

Prof. Radu Bogdan-Călin

Colegiul Național ”Preparandia-Dimitrie Țichindeal” Arad

I. Fill in the correct form of the verb:

1. I miss – he ........... 8. I buy – he ...............

2. I go – he .............. 9. I teach – he ............
3. I push – he ........... 10. I break – he ............
4. I cry – he ………. 11. I take – he ………..
5. I fancy – he ……. 12. I stop – he ………..
6. I say – he ……… 13. I catch – he ………
7. I enjoy – he …… 14. I try – he ………...

II. Fill in: do, does or doesn’t:

1. A: ………….. you like hamburgers?

B: No, I ……….. .

2. A: ………….. Carlos come from Spain?

B: Yes, he ……… .

3. A: Where ……………. they have breakfast?

B: In the kitchen.

4. A: ………….. he play any musical instrument?

B: Yes, he ……… . He plays the guitar.

5. A: What ……….. you collect?

B: We collect stamps.

6. A: ……….. he know the answer?

B: No, he ………….. .

III. Write questions as in the example.

What sort of films (you/prefer) ?

What sort of films do you prefer ?

1. Where (you/live) ?
2. How (you/travel) to school ?

3. (You and your friend/like) English ?


4. (He/want) to study History ?


5. Where (he/come) from ?


6. How (you spell) this word ?


7. (This man/know) your parents ?


8. (Mr. Cullen/teach) French ?


9. What (you/want) to eat ?


10. Where (this bus/go) ?


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