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Cataloguing and Analyzing Discourse Data

What is Cataloguing?

Cataloguing is the process of creating and maintaining bibliographic and

authority records in the library catalog, the database of books, serials, sound
recordings, moving images, cartographic materials, computer files, e-resources etc.
that are owned by a library. In other words, cataloguing is a way of describing
materials to make them easy to identify and locate.

Cataloging, traditionally, has been seen as comprising two specific

activities: Descriptive Cataloguing and Subject Cataloguing.

Descriptive Cataloguing
Descriptive Cataloging or Descriptive Cataloguing includes recording the
attributes of a library item, such as the name of author(s), contributor(s), title,
edition, publisher, distributor, date, the number of pages, its size, name of series,
etc. Descriptive Cataloging enables the user to find and identify a book, by the
name of the author, the title, variant titles, etc.

Subject Cataloguing
Subject cataloging is the phase of the cataloging process which is concerned
with determining and describing the intellectual or artistic content and the
genre/form characteristics of a resource, and translating that understanding into
subject headings and classification notations.

How to Catalogue Materials?

1. Author information

a) Look for the author (or editor or compiler).

b) Write the family name first, then the first name, separated by a comma.
Example: CARRINGTON, John

c) If the material has two or three authors, list all the authors’ names. Separate the
names with a space, semi-colon and another space.
Example: LANKASTER, Ted ; CAMPBELL, Ian D ; RADER, Alison

d) If the material has more than three authors, use the first name only, followed by
the words ‘et al’ (which mean ‘and others’ in Latin).
Example: AGYEPONG, Irene Akua et al.

e) If the material has an editor or compiler instead of an author, treat the editor or
compiler as the author, but add ‘Ed.’ or ‘Comp.’ in brackets.
Example: DHINGRA, Seema (Ed.)

f) If the author is an organization, write the name in full.

Example: World Health Organization

2. Title information

a). Look at the title page and back of the title page. The title here might not be
exactly the same as the title on the front cover. Write out the title in full. If there is
a sub-title, write this out, separated by a colon with a space before and after. The
spaces help to emphasize that the following text is a sub-title. A colon without
space can be easily missed or could be seen as part of the text.
Example: The malaria manual : guidelines for rapid assessment of social,
economic and cultural aspects of malaria

b). If the material is not a printed publication, note its format in square brackets
after the title.
Examples: [Braille] [Audio cassette] [CD-ROM] [Video]

c) If the material is a second or third edition, write this in abbreviated form after
the title, separated by a full stop, space, dash, and another space. This punctuation
helps the information to be easily identified.
Example: On being in charge. – 2nd Ed.

3. Series information

If the item is part of a series, write the series in brackets after the title.
Example: The malaria manual : guidelines for rapid assessment of social,
economic and cultural aspects of malaria (Methods of Social Research on
Tropical Diseases No. 2)

4. Publication details

a) Publication details include the place of publication, publisher's name and

date of publication. These are usually found at the bottom of the title page or on
the back of the title page. Separate the place and publisher with a space, a colon
and another space, and separate the publisher and date of publication with a
Example: London : Macmillan, 1994

b) Place of publication – Usually only the town needs to be written, but write the
country as well if it would not be obvious to your users. If several towns are listed,
write the first one only.

If no place has been given, write in square brackets: [place unknown].

c) Publisher – The publisher's name follows the place of publication. Write the
publisher's name in the shortest form. If the publisher is the same as the author or
editor, use an abbreviation. Separate the place of publication and the publisher with
a space, a colon and another space.
Example: Geneva : WHO, 1996

If there is no publisher, write in square brackets: [publisher unknown].

d) Date of publication – This follows the publisher's name. It is usually sufficient

to give the year. For project papers and reports, include the month as well, if given.
Example: [1999]

Otherwise, try to estimate the date from the information given in the publication,
and use a question mark.
Example: [1998?]

5. Number of pages/format/length

a) Write down the number of pages followed by 'p.'

Example: 145 p.

If there are no page numbers, estimate the number, and put this in square brackets.
Example: [150 p.]

b) To catalogue Braille materials, write down the number of pages or leaves (if
only one side of the page can be read), depending on the type of Braille used in the
Example: 34 leaves

c) To catalogue audiovisual materials, write down the format, and then the
length in brackets. If the length is not shown, time the tape when playing. It is not
necessary to watch or listen to the whole tape, only to note the time when it starts
and ends.
Example: Audio cassette (35 min.)

If audiovisual materials are accompanied by an information sheet, a trainer's

guide, or a booklet, this should be mentioned in the catalogue. Separate this from
the format and length information with a space, plus sign and another space.
Example: Audio cassette (35 min.) + booklet (23 p.)

6. Illustrations

It is often helpful for users to know whether a material contains illustrations,

before they start looking for the material on the shelves. If print materials contain
any illustrations that are important for understanding the material, this should be
mentioned in the catalogue. You can do this by adding the abbreviation ‘ill.’ after
the number of pages or length, separated by a space, semi-colon and another space.
Example: 23 p. : ill.

7. Notes

Put any notes needed to explain the content of the material.

Example: Tape and booklet to accompany the Healthy Woman Counselling
Guide radio programme

8. Keywords

Write the keywords, separated by a forward slash. Use enough keywords to

describe the content of the material.
Example: malaria / health education / radio

9. Accession number
Write the accession number at the bottom right-hand corner.

10. Classification number

Write the classification number at the top right-hand corner.
How to Analyze Discourse Data

Step 1: Decide on your discourse analysis approach.

There are many different approaches and techniques we can use to analyze.

a. Language-In-Use – this approach focuses on the finer details of language

used within the discourse, such as sentence structure (grammar) and phonology
(sounds). Analyzing discourse through language-in-use involves identifying the
key technicalities of language used in discourse and investigating how the features
are used within a particular social context. language has in the social context, and
vice versa.

b. Socio-political Approach – an approach that looks beyond the technicalities

of language and instead focuses on the influence that language has in the social
context, and vice versa.

c. Socio-cultural Approach – an approach to Critical Discourse Analysis that was

developed by Norman Fairclough. Socio-cultural analysis regards discourse as
interactional activities and emphasizes the social function of language.

d. Socio-Cognitive Approach – developed by Teun Van Djik (2001) this

approach shows that discourse can only be adequately described in terms of
notions of cognition such as information, knowledge, or beliefs of participants.
Step 2: Gather information and theory on the context.
Next, you must establish the social and historical context in which the
material was produced and intended to be received. Gather factual details of
when and where the content was created, who the author is, who published it, and
to whom it was disseminated to.

Step 3: Analyze the content for themes and patterns.

This step involves closely examining various elements of the material –
such as words, sentences, paragraphs, and overall structure – and relating them
to attributes, themes, and patterns relevant to your research question.

Step 4: Review your results and draw conclusions.

Once you have assigned particular attributes to elements of the material,
reflect on your results to examine the function and meaning of the language used.
Here, you will return to your research questions and compile your answers to them,
based on the analysis. Make sure that you can answer your research questions
thoroughly, and also substantiate your responses with evidence from your data.

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