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I wish to acknowledge Almighty God whom is His infinite mercies and compassionate love

has been my refuse in this life struggle. I wish to acknowledge my supervisor, Mr. Imoter

Mark Shenge, who with many competing and tight schedules took his time patiently to read

through this manuscript and make useful corrections and suggestions which enabled the

successful completion of this project.

I also appreciate the Dean of Arts Prof. A. Doki and Head of Philosophy department, Thomas

Targuma Akpen, Ph.D. others to share in this appreciation are Prof. Aloysius Shaagee Ihuah,

Dr. Benedict Shamija Michael, Dr. (Fr.) Kenneth Angwe Agede, Dr. (Fr.) Joseph Penlong

Nietlong, Dr. Oliver Tersoo Agundu, Dr. Matthew Zaato Nor, Dr. Damian Tersoo Anyam,

Dr. Terfa Kahaga Anjov, Mr. Terzungwe Inja, Mr. Edoh Sunday Odum, Dr. Peter Akunoko,

Maashin Terhide Augustine, Mchia Terkura Thomas, Moses Torhemen and Daniel

Kwaghgande, may God bless you all richly.

Meanwhile, my appreciation goes to my late parents Mr. & Mrs. Aondofe Nevkaa for

morally standing by me during this educational pursuit, I also appreciate Engr. Timothy

Ahamgba Nevkaa, Mr. & Mrs. Msuega Zanzan, Torugh Youths, Mama Asoghya Agaigbe,

Late Mr. Torugh Numgu Torough may God bless and reward you abundantly.

My sincere appreciation also goes to Hon. Justice Masewanger Odinya, Mr. Tsetim Uzoh, Sp

John Anongo Poor (Rtd), Elder Ikyaagba Agoh, Ven. Felix I. Torto JP, Zaki Dehiin Oraza,

not forgetting the African Church Gungul for their all-round support.

Also to share in the appreciation are my friends, Aondongu Ijirgba, Annex Ternenge

Jookwen, and Geofrey Ushahemba Iorpuu.

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