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Sydney International Student Award

Personal Statement

Student ID – Nadhifa Aisha Putri – Master of Commerce (Extension) – Semester 1, 2023

Q1. Tell us about yourself

I was raised in a family with a business and accounting background which impacted
my education and degree choice. In 2017, I was admitted to the Accounting undergraduate
program at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) without having to take a national admission
examination due to my outstanding academic record in high school.
During my undergraduate years, I was particularly interested in the managerial
accounting-related courses as I enjoyed working with numbers while providing decisions,
leading me to dive into sustainability issues as I used it as my undergraduate thesis topic. I
successfully graduated cum laude. As a student, I actively participated in some organizations to
enhance my leadership and problem-solving skills. One of my experiences was becoming a
general secretary on the Student Executive Board of my faculty. I initiated a management
strategic coaching session for the staff. I also handled the organization budget where I
implemented activity-based budgeting to replace the traditional system.
Currently, I serve as lecturer assistant at UGM, responsible for giving tutorial
sessions to Intermediate Accounting class participants. I have to equip myself with advanced
accounting proficiency to become a lecturer which is why I am determined to pursue my
study at the University of Sydney.

Q2. Tell us what has inspired you to apply to the University of Sydney
My primary motivation for applying for the Master of Commerce (Extension) in
accounting specialization at the University of Sydney is due to its comprehensive courses.
For instance, the Managerial Accounting and Decision Making module provides weekly
'business practicals' where I could enrich my decision-making techniques and enhance my
understanding of strategic management accounting as I solve real-world cases in
organizational contexts. The program’s courses discuss specific topics that will broaden my
business proficiency especially in accounting. Moreover, the program offers multiple
internship opportunities in a local and multinational firm in Sydney. The courses offered and
internships will be helpful to advance my career as a lecturer as I have to be exposed to
contemporary accounting issues in the actual industry.
Another reason is with the tailor-made mixed master's program, I could
accommodate my intention to write a business dissertation as well as improve my research
proficiency. Undoubtedly, the University of Sydney has notable lecturers who can
competently supervise and give insights for me to create impressive research. Furthermore,
the University of Sydney manages the Critical Perspective on Accounting journal and Abacus
which may be a great place to publish my research.

Q3. Tell us what you want to achieve with your studies at the University of Sydney or how
it will help you achieve your goals
After completing my studies, I will return to Indonesia to become an Accounting
Lecturer at my alma mater. The Master of Commerce (Extension) program will help me
equip myself with outstanding analytical and critical thinking from its courses.
In the long run, I plan to become a sustainability practitioner so that I will be able to
raise sustainability awareness in Indonesia. During my study, I would like to conduct
research on corporate sustainability issues. The research will mainly focus on the impact of
sustainability reporting implementation because in Indonesia, sustainability reporting is not
mandatory and just below 100 public companies outside the banking sector provide
accurate sustainability reports. However, in international practice, sustainability reporting
Sydney International Student Award
Personal Statement

no longer becomes supplementary and has become a trending topic in this volatile and
uncertain environment. Hence, I would like to comprehend my knowledge in sustainability
reporting to be implemented in my country. It would be an honor if I could do research and
be supervised by Associate Professor Geoff Frost as he has written many sustainability
management and accounting publications. I am sure my enrollment at the University of
Sydney would enable me to contribute more to my country.

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