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Experimental Research I


The Effectiveness of Eggshells as an Organic Fertilizer for Tomato Plants

JHS, Department
Earth School



Eggshells are the exterior part of the egg and are commonly obtained from chicken
hatcheries, egg stations, etc. Due to eggs being of frequent use to billions of
households, it is only to be expected that the eggshells slowly accumulate because
of their lack of usability in terms of day-to-day use.
With that, eggshells are now causing environmental problems and it is one of the
researchers' goals to help reduce the problems caused by the eggshells. Thus,
implementing a fertilizer that uses eggshells to help the environment.
According to USDA (2022), eggshells are roughly made out of 94% calcium carbonate
with small amounts of magnesium, calcium phosphate, proteins, etc. Creating a
calcium-concentrated fertilizer for plants that specifically requires calcium,
could greatly benefit from this information.
Although calcium-concentrated fertilizers exist- they are mostly synthetic and
bring negative effects on the environment. The use of organic fertilizers like
eggshells may be more sustainable and environmentally friendly.
As experimentations would be required for this information to be proven, it is
essential for the study to have a test subject. The researchers later discovered
that tomatoes are one of the plants that greatly rely on calcium. “For tomato
plants especially, calcium can improve yield and plays a role in fruit development
and ripening. Lack of this nutrient in the soil can lead to blossom end rot, a
common tomato condition.” (Madison Moulton, 2023).
Blossom End Rot Disease (BER) is a common problem for tomato growers and is
characterized by a dark, sunken lesion at the base of the fruit. This disease can
lead to significant yield losses. BER is caused by a deficiency in calcium, which
can be exacerbated by fluctuations in soil moisture levels.
Though the probability of this fertilizer causing undesired effects is not high-
there’s still a risk. However, once handled properly - it could reduce the
likelihood of it producing difficulties, for the environment or the plant.
This study has the potential to make a significant contribution to the field of
sustainable agriculture and help promote a healthier planet for future generations.

Statement of the Problem

The study aims to determine the effectiveness of eggshells for tomato plants.
Specifically, it answers the following questions:
How effective are eggshells as fertilizers on the growth of tomato plants?
Is there a significant difference in the soil acidity levels in the tomato plant
sets prior to and after the experiment:
2.1 control group, and
2.2 experimental groups?
3. What is the attitude of the experimental groups towards the extracted and
grounded eggshell fertilizer treatment?

1.1 Soil Acidity
Soil pH is a measure of the acidity or basicity of soil. Soil pH affects the number
of nutrients and chemicals that are soluble in soil water, and therefore the number
of nutrients available to plants. Maintaining the level ofSoil acidity so as not to
harm the plants has become a challenge for now and it needs further study of the

The Hypothesis

HO: The eggshell fertilizer is not effective in terms of contributing to the growth
of the tomato plants that are defined by the length of roots and stems.

HO: There will be no significant difference in the soil acidity levels in the
tomato plant sets prior to and after the experiment in the control group, and in
the experimental groups.

HO: The experimental group did not benefit from the two eggshell fertilizer

HA: The eggshell fertilizer is effective in terms of contributing to the growth of

the tomato plants that are defined by the length of roots and stems.

HA: There will be a significant difference in the soil acidity levels in the tomato
plant sets prior to and after the experiment in the control group, and in the
experimental groups.

HA: The experimental groups are able to benefit from the two eggshell fertilizer

Conceptual Framework
Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the Study in a schematic diagram

The diagram shows the variables present within the study. This is connected to the
concept of utilizing eggshells as fertilizer. The application of this procedure can
benefit agriculture.
The eggshell provides valuable nutrients; calcium carbonate(CaCO3), phosphorus(P4),
and magnesium(Mg), also traces of sodium(Na+), potassium(K+), zinc(Zn),
manganese(MnO2), iron(Fe) and copper(Cu)— benefiting the tomatoes for good plant
quality and prevention of the occurrence of Blossom End Rot (BER).

The diagram displays the expected flow of the program. The factors or variables
that will be required to achieve the benefits and the main objective of utilizing
eggshells as an Organic Fertilizer for Tomato Plants are represented in the

The independent variable is the number of grams (g) of eggshells; the

number of eggshells affects the size, which is why it is linked to the mediator
variable. The mediator variables are uniformed size pots - providing for the plant
to expand, and the daily cultivations of the tomatoes will assist in protecting it
from harmful organisms. Tomatoes will receive the same amount of sunshine and
water, which will serve as our control variables. Our moderator variable is soil
acidity. Additionally, with the dependent variable being plant growth, every
variable is related to the dependent variable as each variable will be the cause of
the plant's development.

A remedy for Blossom End Rot (BER) disease, eggshells will be applied to the
tomatoes to enrich the plant with calcium and other nutrients to aid in the
prevention of diseases and improve plant quality.

Significance of the study

The study will contribute to better knowledge and comprehension of using eggshells
as tomato fertilizer. The data gathered in this research will be of use to the
following beneficiaries:

The study's most notable contribution is the agriculture research in reaching
improvements and goals in global food security, increased food quality,
agricultural productivity, and other areas.

They will be able to apply eggshells as an alternative fertilizer to reduce the
soil acidity or soil pH, as pest control, and replenish or provide the nutrients to
the soil used that it may lack. Through the employment of eggshells as fertilizer,
tomato crop yields will be much healthier.
Environment. Recycling eggshells will be more known to the people, which can help
reduce food waste and eggshell waste. The eggshell fertilizing method helps
increase the soil rates of fertility and thereby promotes better plant growth.

Future Researchers.
Future researchers that chose a similar research topic as this study, will gain
more knowledge and realizations about eggshells. Students who are interested or
looking for a similar subject can benefit from this study, that is in terms of
creating a research topic that makes it different from other research.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

Scope of the study

This research focuses on finding out the primary factors that produce the benefits
and the effectiveness of using eggshells as fertilizer for tomato plants.
Recent studies and research will be used as references to find out what makes
eggshells beneficial, with two different ways of testing their performance on
tomato plants.

Limitations of the study

This study is constrained by the need to wait until the tomato plants are
completely grown and by the lack of resources excluding eggshells.

Definition of Terms
                For clarification, the important terms used in this study have been

 Blossom-End Rot Disease (BER)

 - Physiological disorder of tomato in which the tissue of the blossom end of the
fruit breaks down and rots. It is caused by calcium deficiency.

- an essential plant nutrient, necessary for structural roles in cell walls and
membranes, and as an intracellular messenger.
- it is the capability of producing a desired result or the ability to produce the
desired output.
- The hard exterior covering of an egg. Eggshells typically contain about 95% of
calcium carbonate, .3% phosphorus, .3% magnesium, and traces of sodium, potassium,
zinc, manganese, iron, and copper.
- a chemical or natural substance added to soil or land to increase its fertility.

Tomato (solanum lycopersicum)

-  Flowering plant of the nightshade family (Solanaceae), cultivated extensively
for its edible fruits.

Plant Growth 
- is defined by the lengthening of roots and stems over time.



This chapter presents the relevant literature that the researchers considered in
strengthening the importance of the present study. It also presents the synthesis
of the art to fully understand the research for better comprehension of the study.

2.1.1 Foreign Literature

Greater consumption and utilization of chicken eggs worldwide prompts an expanded

amount disposed of of egg waste, mainly eggshell and eggshell membrane. The
significant challenge with the generation of these massive waste products is the
environmental impact. From an industrial point of view, when the production of
chicken eggs tempts to rise, the quantity of eggshell residue is also increased.
Being rich in organic and inorganic compounds, the eggshell wastes, which are
primarily considered waste and of no value, could be utilized in various forms
(Aditya, Stephen, Radhakrishnan, 2021)

2.1.2 Foreign Literature

The food waste is divided into three main categories in terms of edibility, namely
edible; inedible; and questionably edible (Hoover, 2017). One of the concerns of
food waste is on eggshell waste, which is one of the examples of inedible food
waste. In the egg production industry only, approximately 70 million tons of eggs
were produced in the year 2014 that led to 8 million of eggshell waste created (De
Angelis et al., 2017). The average consumption of egg for a person in 2011 is 8.9
kg and it’s estimated to increase to 10.3 kg in 2030 (Global Poultry Trends, 2015

2.1.3 Foreign Literature

Calcium is an essential plant nutrient for both leaf and root growth. Spotting
symptoms of calcium deficiency early on can help save your plants from going
bad. There are several primary causes of calcium deficiency in plants, usually
caused by some sort of imbalance in soil nutrients or a breakdown in transpiration
(the process by which water travels through plants to ultimately evaporate in the
Calcium is a cation (a positively charged ion) and needs room to bind with plant
cell walls. When other nutrients crowd out this ability, they prevent the uptake of
calcium. The transpiration process—the evaporation of water from plants’ leaves—can
break down when plants encounter adverse climatic conditions, leading to a lack of
calcium delivery to plant tissue. Calcium moves through the xylem of plants as
evaporation sucks up the nutrient through the leaves into the air alongside water.
By ensuring adequate irrigation below ground and the right balance of humidity
above ground, the transpiration process can prevent deficiencies from arising
(MasterClass, 2022)

2.1.4 Foreign Literature

Symptoms of calcium deficiency first appear on younger leaves and tissues, growth
is inhibited, and plants have a bushy appearance. The youngest leaves are usually
small and misshapen with brown chlorotic spots developing along the margins, which
spread to eventually unite in the center of the leaves. Veins are also brown,
making a typical feature of Ca-deficient plants the dark veins of completely
necrotic leaves. Leaves also may be wrinkled and torn (PennState, n.d).

2.1.5 Foreign Literature

A small water soaked spot appears near the blossom end of affected tomatoes and
enlarges, darkens and becomes sunken and leathery. Fruits are most commonly
affected when they are a third to half grown. BER often occurs on developing fruit
when plants have grown rapidly during the early part of the season and then are
subjected to prolonged dry weather (Oklahoma State University, n.d).

2.1.6 Foreign Literature

A common issue when growing your own tomatoes is blossom end rot (BER). With
blossom end rot, tomatoes begin to rot while still on the plant, opposite of where
the stem is connected to the fruit, and where the blossom was once attached. This
is where blossom end rot develops. This end of the tomato, at some point in its
development, starts to become discolored and finally rots. Unfortunately, blossom
end rot often happens to your tomato within weeks or even days of the harvest.
Peppers, squash, cucumbers, and melons can also suffer from BER. Because the fruit
is deficient in calcium, it weakens the cells within the fruit, which is followed
by secondary fungus or bacterial rot. Too little available calcium in the soil,
over-fertilization with nitrogen and not keeping the plant evenly watered are
common reasons for this condition (David Austin, 2020).

2.1.7 Foreign Literature

Tomato plants are tender warm-season crops that love the sun and cannot bear frost.
It’s important not to put plants in the ground too early. In most regions, the soil
is not warm enough to plant tomatoes outdoors until late spring and early summer
except in zone 10, where they are a fall and winter crop. Tomatoes take 60 days to
more than 100 days to harvest, depending on the variety. Due to their relatively
long growing season requirements (and late planting date), most gardeners plant
small “starter plants” or transplants instead of seeds after the weather has warmed
up in spring. Many gardeners purchase their transplants at a garden center or
nursery but you can certainly grow your own from seed indoors (almanac, 2023).


This chapter reveals the methods of research to be employed by the researchers to

conduct the study. It specifically includes the research design, research
environment, research procedure, research instrument, and the research organisms.

Research Design
To conduct this study, a static group comparison design will be used. Tomato plants
will be grown in pots under controlled conditions and will be treated with either
eggshells or a control treatment. The number of eggshells used will be varied to
determine the optimal treatment dosage. There will be five set-ups. Two of five
set-ups: Set-up A and Set-up B will be receiving treatment of grounded eggshells in
varying amounts. To clarify, Set-up A will be receiving an amount of 30 grams of
ground eggshells while Set-up B will receive 60 grams of grounded eggshells.
The remaining set-ups: Set-up C and Set-up D will be receiving treatment of
extracted eggshell fertilizer in varying amounts while Set-up E will not be
receiving any treatment of eggshell fertilizer and is treated as the control group.
Similarly, Set-up C will receive an extracted eggshell solution consisting of 30
grams, and Set-up D containing 60 grams of the extracted eggshell solution. The
plants will be monitored for the presence of blossom end rot, as well as for their
growth and yield. The data collected in this study will be analyzed using
statistical methods to determine the effectiveness of eggshells as an organic
fertilizer for tomato plants as a potential treatment for blossom end rot in tomato

Research Environment
The researchers will be conducting the study at one of the schools located at
Philippines. The school offers Junior Learning Program (JLP) and Senior Learning
Program (SLP) for preschoolers, as well as four (4) levels in preschool, Nursery 1-
2, and Kindergarten 1-2.

Research Procedures
* Prepare 5 pots of soil to plant the tomato seeds. Each pot will receive
three tomato seeds.
* Check each soil’s pH level using litmus tests before and after the
For the crushed eggshell method:
* Use only 3 out of the 5 pots
* Prepare 30 grams of crushed eggshells.
* Place them on one of the pots labeled Set-up A.
* Prepare more than 30 grams of crushed eggshells.
* Place them on the second pot labeled Set-up B.

For extracted eggshell method:

* Use the rest of the 2 pots - labeled Set-up C and Set-up D.
* Extract the calcium from 5-6 eggshells and mix with water.
* Spray the mixture into the  less of the calcium mixture in one pot
* Put more calcium mixture in the second pot
* Water the plants with the extracted eggshell solution thrice a week.
Set-up C and Set-up D will be receiving treatment of extracted eggshell fertilizer
in varying amounts.
No treatment will be placed on the fifth pot - labeled Set-up E. For all of the
set-ups, plants will be watered daily and checked for any changes or harmful
organisms on the plant. We observe and record the plants’ growth in the next 10

Research Instrument
In this study, the researchers will be employing tests based on the topic of
Eggshells as Organic Fertilizer for Tomatoes. The tests include using pH test
strips, also called litmus tests to record each of the pot soil’s pH levels before
and after the experiment to determine if there is a significant gain between the
control and experimental groups. The experiment’s outcome is our respondent since
it can provide answers to research-related queries.
The researchers weigh the eggshells used in the study by using a digital weighing
scale. Five pots, around 18 in diameter, will be used to cultivate tomato plants.
Finally, a watering can will be utilized to contain rainwater for watering the
tomato plants. The researchers will use litmus tests to determine the soil pH

Research Organisms
The researchers will be using tomatoes as their organisms. A total of 15 seeds of
tomatoes will be used in the whole experiment. Tomatoes are one of the most studied
plants as they are easy to grow, they can benefit a lot from eggshells due to the
number of nutrients it gains.

(Teacher comments:
[a]Pls search for an article/study that support this statement. You may insert a
brief statement from that study but don’t forget to credit its author/s.

How to take credit of that author?

ex. add their name/s at the end of the sentence like this.
(Tombarkiewicz et al., 2022)
[b]did you change the concept as what sir Jay asked you to do?
[c]In this part my dear noh, mag butang mo unsay literature or study nga mo support
sa inyung research or related.
So, classify lang it kung Foreign Literature or Local Literature.
[d]pls. add one more sentence here my dear
[e]Also include, Research Procedure my dear.
Like how will you undergo your experiment.
[f]_Marked as resolved_

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