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Important dates ch-1

 1848: Frederic Sorrieu a French artist prepared a series of four paintings visualising his
dream of a world made up of democratic and socialist republics.
 1789: the French Revolution
 1833: emergent travelling in 1833 from Hamburg to Nuremberg to sell his goods would
have to had to pass through 11 customs barriers and pay a custom duty of about 5% at
each one of them
 1834: a customs Union of Zollverein was formed
 1815: Napoleon was defeated
 1815: the representatives of the European powers like Britain Russia prussia and Austria
who had collectively defeated Napoleon made at Vienna to draw up a settlement for
 1815: Vienna Convention
 1807: Giuseppe Muzziniwas born.
 1830: the first upheaval took place in France in July 1830
 1821: the struggle of the greeks for their Independence began.
 1824: English poet Lord Byron died in 1824
 Treaty of Constantinople: 1832
 1848: Paris was in a great trouble
 After the year 1848: the autocratic monarchies of Central and Eastern Europe began to
introduce changes that had already taken place in western Europe before 1815
 1867: the habsburg rulers granted more autonomy to the Hungarian
 1871: the prussian king William 1 was proclaimed German emperor
 1831 and 1848: the failure of Revolutionary Uprising
 1859: sardinia and piedmont succeeded defeating the Austrian forces
 1861: Victor Emmanuel II was proclaimed the king of United Italy.
 1707: the act of union between England and Scotland

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