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English B

Paper 2 Questions

Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare

1. Twelfth Night has several characters who want to escape their reality. Write an essay in
which you describe how a major character tries to escape his or her reality. In this essay
you must also discuss the reasons why this character attempts to escape and examine one
dramatic technique that is used to explore escapism.

2. The theme of deception can be seen throughout Twelfth Night. Write an essay in which
you describe two incidents in which deception is evident. In this essay, you must also
discuss how deception impacts the lives of one of the characters mentioned above and
examine the use of one dramatic technique associated with the theme of deception.

3. Although Malvolio thinks very highly of himself, the other characters do not. Write an
essay in which you describe a situation where Malvolio’s conceit can be seen. In this
essay, you must also discuss how the actions of the other characters show their disrespect
for Malvolio and examine how humour is used to present Malvolio.

6. Twelfth Night explores the theme of unrequited love. Write an essay in which you
describe two incidents in which unrequited love is portrayed. In this essay, you must also
comment on how unrequited love impacts one character and examine the use of one
dramatic technique to explore unrequited love.

7. Except for Feste, all the inhabitants of Illyria strike us as being very foolish. Write an
essay in which you describe two foolish actions from two characters in the play. In this
essay, you must also comment on how one of the foolish actions mentioned above
impacts another character and examine how characterization is used to portray one of
these characters.

8. “Although Maria is insignificant in this society, she plays a significant role in Twelfth
Night.” Write an essay in which you outline the role that Maria has in the play. In this
essay you must also comment on how her role impacts the plot and examine one dramatic
technique that is used to portray Maria.

9. “The theme of appearance versus reality is quite evident in Twelfth Night. Write an
essay in which you describe two incidents in which things are not really what they appear
to be. In this essay you must also discuss one impact that one of these incidents has on as
aspect of the plot and examine the use of symbolism to portray this theme.

10. “Feste is no fool. He is one of the most insightful characters in the play.” Write an essay
in which you describe Feste’s interaction with two characters in the play. In this essay
you must also discuss the response of one of the characters you mentioned above to Feste
and examine one dramatic technique used by Shakespeare to present Feste.

Anansi by Alistair Campbell

1. “Conflict and tension are central to the development of this play.”

Write an essay in which you describe two incidents of conflict or tension between two
characters in the play. In this essay, you must also discuss how one character deals with
his/her experience of conflict or tension and examine one dramatic technique that the
playwright uses to present this situation.

2. Consider Anansi’s rap when he is first introduced in “Naming the Stories”.

Write an essay in which you describe how Anansi is presented in this rap. In this essay
you must also discuss one other occasion in which ONE of Anansi’s characteristics is
further developed and examine the dramatic significance of the rap.

3 Parent/child relationship is portrayed in this text between the father and the son.

Write an essay in which you describe the relationship between the father and son. In this
essay you must also identify and discuss one incident that highlights the nature of the
relationship between father and son and examine the use of one dramatic technique to
present the relationship between them.

4. The Woman and the girl share a very special relationship on the ship.

Write an essay in which you describe the relationship between them. In this essay you
must also discuss the role the woman plays in the life of the girl. Finally, you must
examine how foil is used to highlight their relationship.

5. Several characters in “The Good Ship Hope” and “The Forest of Stories” abuse their
Write an essay in which you explain how ONE human character and ONE animal
character abuses his power. In this essay you must also comment how ONE other
character responds to the abuse of power by ONE of the previously named characters and
discuss the use of ONE dramatic technique to highlight the theme of power and authority.

6. Consider the girl and the boy from the play Anansi who are affected by the actions of the adults
around them. Write an essay in which you describe the experience of both characters on board
The Good Ship Hope. In this essay you must also comment on how one character responds to
the situation in which he or she is in and examine the use of one dramatic technique that the
playwright uses to explore one of these characters.

7. The play Anansi highlights the impact of the oral tradition of story- telling to cope with the
horrors of the middle passage. Write an essay in which you outline two stories used in this
manner. In this essay you must also comment on the impact of one of these stories on the girl on
the ship and examine one dramatic technique used to explore this impact.

8. Alistair Campbell explores the positive and negative impact of the slave trade. Write an essay in
which you describe one positive and one negative impact of the slave trade. In this essay you
must also comment on impact of one of these on one character in the play and examine the use of
one dramatic technique that highlights either the positive or negative impact of slavery.

A World of Poetry

1. Choose two poems from the prescribed list in which a social issue is presented. Write an
essay in which you describe the social issue presented in each poem. You must also
discuss ONE speaker’s attitude to the social issue and examine the use of one poetic
device used to portray the issue.

2. The poems- “It is the Constant Image of Your Face” and “Dulce Et Decorum Est” are
poems which look at patriotism. Write an essay in which you describe the experience of
each persona. You must also discuss ONE speaker’s attitude towards patriotism and
comment on the use of one poetic device used to portray this theme.

3. The poems “South” and “Sonnet Composed Upon Westminster Bridge” are poems with
the theme of nature. Write an essay in which you describe nature as presented by both
poems. In this essay you must also discuss each speaker’s reaction to nature and
comment on the effective use of ONE poetic device that conveys each speaker’s feeling.

4. “Little Boy Crying” and “The Woman Speaks to the Man Who Has Employed Her Son”
deal with issues of parenting.
Write an essay in which you focus on this theme in these TWO poems.
For EACH poem, describe a decision EACH parent has to make about his/her child. You
must also discuss how ONE of the decisions described impacts the parent. Finally, for
EACH poem you must examine ONE device the poet uses to portray the challenges of
parenting. (Jan 2019)

5. “Suffering, whether emotional or physical, is a common theme in literature.”

From the prescribed list, choose TWO poems you have studied which focus on suffering.
Write an essay in which you focus on this theme in TWO poems selected
For EACH poem, describe the situation that causes the speaker to suffer. You must also
discuss the impact of the suffering on ONE speaker’s outlook on life. Finally for EACH
poem, you must examine ONE device the poet uses to present the theme of suffering.
(Jan. 2019)

6. “Mirror’ and ‘Once Upon A Time” feature speakers who are dealing with uncomfortable
Write an essay in which you focus on this theme in these TWO poems. For EACH poem,
describe the uncomfortable situation with which the speaker is dealing. You must also
discuss how ONE speaker comes to terms with the situation. Finally, for EACH poem,
you must examine ONE device EACH poet uses to explore how the speaker grapples
with uncomfortable situations. (Jan. 2020)

7. “A Lesson for This Sunday and ‘An African Thunderstorm’ deal with man’s experiences
with the natural world.”
Write an essay in which you focus on this theme in these TWO poems. For EACH poem,
describe EACH speaker’s experience with nature. You must also discuss ONE speaker’s
attitude to the experience. Finally, for EACH poem, you must examine ONE device
EACH poet uses in the presentation of the natural world

8. “People sometimes have a desire to escape from their circumstances.”

From the prescribed list, choose TWO poems you have studied which focus on the desire
to escape. Write an essay in which you focus on this theme in the two poems. For
EACH poem, describe the situation from which the speaker desires to escape You must
also discuss the conclusion ONE speaker arrives at concerning the situation. Finally, for
EACH poem you must examine ONE device EACH poet uses to explore the desire to
escape. (May 2019)

10. “Survival is an important theme in ‘Dreaming Black Boy’ and ‘Ol’ Higue.”
Write an essay in which you focus on the theme of survival in the two poems.
For EACH poem, describe the situation in which EACH speaker attempts to survive.
You must also discuss ONE speaker’s attitude to the situation in which he or she has to
survive. Finally, you must examine ONE device EACH poet uses to portray the theme of
survival. (June 2021)

11. “Progress or growth may be hindered by seen or unseen forces.”

From the prescribed list, choose TWO poems you have studied which focus on this theme
and for EACH poem, describe the progress the speaker is seeking. You must also discuss
how ONE speaker responds to the seen or unseen force that hinders his/her progress.
Finally, for EACH poem, you must examine ONE device EACH poet uses to present the
quest for progress. (Jan. 2020)

12. “The poems ‘It is the Constant Image of Your Face’ and ‘South’ explore ideas about
Write an essay in which you focus on this theme in these TWO poems. For EACH poem,
describe how the speaker displays patriotism. You must also discuss how ONE speaker’s
patriotism influences his/her choices. Finally, for EACH poem, you must examine ONE
device EACH poem uses to explore the theme of patriotism. (Jan. 2021)

13. People react differently to challenges. “
Write an essay in which you focus on this theme.
From the prescribed list, choose TWO poems you have studied and for EACH poem,
describe ONE challenge the speaker faces. You must also discuss how ONE of the
speakers reacts to the challenge faced. Finally, for EACH poem, you must examine ONE
device EACH poet uses to explore challenges. (Jan 2021)

14. “Issues in society can have negative effects on individuals”

Choose TWO poems from your prescribed syllabus and for EACH poem, describe ONE
issue that has a negative effect on the speaker. You must also discuss how ONE speaker
deals with the issue. Finally, you must examine ONE device EACH poet uses to portray
the impact of societal issues on individuals. (June

15. “My Parents’ and ‘Dreaming Black Boy’ are poems in which the speakers yearn to be
Write an essay in which you focus on this theme in these TWO poems. For EACH poem,
you must describe ONE instance in which the speaker’s yearning to be accepted is
evident. You must also discuss how EACH speaker responds to this feeling. Finally, for
EACH poem, you must examine ONE device used to portray the speaker’s yearning for
(May 2018)

Animal Farm – George Orwell

1. “The vision of the animals at the start of the novel is a stark contrast to the ending.”
Write an essay in which you describe two of the visionary ideals outlined at the start of the novel
by Old Major. In this essay you must also comment on one response to one of the visionary ideals
and examine the use of contrast to portray this change in vision.

2. “All animals are equal but some animals are  more equal than others.”

Write an essay in which you describe two incidents in which we see inequality among the
animals on the farm. In this essay you must also comment how one of these incidents impacts one
animal who is treated unfairly and discuss the use of one narrative technique to explore this

3. “Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

Write an essay in which you describe two examples of how the character Napoleon
illustrates this statement made by Lord Acton in 1887. In this essay, you must also
discuss one impact of this corruption through power on one other character and examine
the use of one narrative technique to explore the theme of absolute power.

4. Consider the Seven Commandments that define the principles of Animalism.

Write an essay in which you outline two of the seven commandments.  In this essay
you must also discuss why these laws were necessary in the first place and show how
ONE of these commandments was altered. ****

5. “Through Animal Farm, Orwell illustrates how language is an influential tool that
individuals use to seize power and manipulate others via propaganda.”
Write an essay in which you describe two incidents in which language is used to seize
power and or manipulate others via propaganda.  In this essay, you must also
comment on one response to this form of propaganda/manipulation and  discuss the
use of one narrative technique to explore language as a tool for power or

6. Write an essay in which you describe the events that spark the animals’ rebellion.  In
this essay you must also discuss Old Major’s role in effecting this significant event
and examine the use of symbolism to explore rebellion. 

7. Write an essay in which you describe any TWO of the following characters:
● Old Major
● Napoleon
● Boxer
● Mollie
In this essay you must also discuss a lesson learnt from ONE of the characters described.
Finally, you must examine ONE narrative technique that Orwell uses to portray characters.

For the Life of Laetitia – Merle Hodge

1. The environment in which a child is raised has a profound effect on the overall development of
the child.  Write an essay in which you describe TWO environments a major character
experiences.  In this essay you must also discuss ONE way in which ONE of these
environment affect the child and comment on how the writer uses a narrative technique to show
the impact of the environment.

2. “There is no greater pillar of stability than a strong, free and educated female.” Write an essay in
which you describe ONE character who tries to become a strong, free and educated female.  In
this essay you must also comment on how another character reacts to this quest for strength,
freedom and education  by the previously mentioned character and discuss the use of contrast in
the presentation of a female’s right to education.

3. “Writers often portray the social injustice of prejudice through their characters.”  Write an essay
in which you describe TWO incidents in which a form of prejudice is portrayed by Merle Hodge. 
In this essay you must also comment on the impact of this form or prejudice on ONE character
and discuss how point of view is used to highlight prejudice. 

4. “The novel presents females as a marginalized group.”  Write an essay in which you describe
TWO females who are marginalized. In this essay you must comment on how ONE of these
women copes with being marginalized and discuss the use of ONE narrative technique used by
Hodge to present these females. 

5. “Some readers find the novel For the Life of Laetitia appealing because it reflects the Caribbean
experience.”   Write an essay in which you describe TWO incidents that can be considered
Caribbean. You must also discuss why you find ONE of these incidents appealing or not
appealing and examine ONE narrative technique the novelist uses to explore Caribbean culture.

6. “People sometimes have a desire to escape from their circumstances.” Write an essay in which
you describe the situation from which ONE character desires to escape.   In this essay you must
also discuss the outcome of the situation and examine ONE narrative technique that the writer
uses to explore the desire to escape.

A World of Prose

1. Select two stories in which the narrators spend a great deal of time with their
grandmothers. Write an essay in which you describe the experience of EACH narrator
with ONE grandmother. In this essay you must also comment on the impact that ONE
grandmother has on ONE of the narrators mentioned above and examine the use of
setting to explore the impact.

2. Consider the stories “Raymond’s Run” and “To Dah Duh in Memoriam” in which the
narrators reach some level of maturity by the end of the story. Write an essay in which
you describe what happens in each story. In this essay you must also comment one

decision that ONE of these characters makes because of maturity and examine one
narrative technique from each story to show the change.

3. Select two stories from the prescribed list in which a major character experiences
disappointment. Write an essay in which you describe the disappointment experienced
by each character. In this essay you must also comment on the how ONE character
responds to the disappointment faced and discuss how point of view is used to
communicate each character’s feelings.

4. Racism is a theme portrayed in A World of Prose. Write an essay in which you describe
two incidents from two stories in which racism is portrayed. In this essay, you must also
comment on how racism impacts one of the characters involved in one of the incidents
mentioned above and discuss the effectiveness of one narrative technique to explore

5. The individual and his environment is an important theme in “What Happened and “To
Da Duh in Memoriam.” Write an essay in which you describe the new environment that
a major character from EACH novel finds him/herself in. In this essay, you must also say
how ONE character is affected by this new environment and examine the writer’s use of
contrast to portray this theme.

6. The stories “Blood Brothers” and “The Two Grandmothers” present young characters
who face internal struggles. Write an essay in which you describe ONE incident from
EACH story that highlights this issue. You must also comment on how ONE of these
characters tries to cope with the internal issue and examine the writers’ use of one
narrative technique to portray ONE of these characters.

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