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Chapter Five- Gebeta

A.12 holed Gebeta

The historical Origin of the game of Gebeta

According to the discoveries of archaeologists, different instruments that are connected

with the survival of man were found and of these playing materials were found in the
discoveries. According to the works of the researcher Professor Richard Pancrest on his
study, He cited foreign written documents that Ethiopian cultural sports were included.
The researcher described that a playing material which is made of stone was used for
Gebeta cultural game was widely used in Matara locality in Eritrea. According to these
archeological findings the cultural game of Gebeta is said to be played in the 6th and 7th
Century before Christ. The professor also explained that Hibolidof who is the founder of
the Ethiopian Research and Study in Europe has taken a note about the emergence and
activities of this cultural sport in his diary. He also noted that the founder is a friend of
Aba Gorgorios of Ethiopia and Gebeta was a common Ethiopian cultural game at that

Even before this time a close friend of Emperoor Tewodros during his regime named
Walter Plawdon in his report shows that the youths at Begemidir in Ras Alula Camp were
playing Gebeta with passion. Moreover, one of the British citizen among the foreigners
coming to Ethiopia whose name is Komwalsa Harisa in his report said that the kings and
judges of the showa areas were spending their time by playing Gebeta. This shows that
the game of Gebeta was common among the families of the kings and their servants at
that time.

On the other hand the expansion of triple Gebeta during the regime of Emperor Minilik
was characterized by the role of the king’s wife Empress Taytu Bitul. This was due to the
face that the Empress has opened a hotel on the time that people didn’t know about the
service and the benefits of a hotel. That time Empress Taytu Bitul used Gebeta
competition games to promote the hotel. The game that time was commonly played only
in and around the palace.
According to history the game of Gebeta has a deep rooted history beginning from the
birth of Christ in Ethiopia and shows progress in the Middle Ages by the kings and
judges of the time. It was a cultural common game which was played around the palace.

Nowadays also this historical game is being played and expanded throughout the country.
And various competitions are being held with the game throughout the country at the
The Rules and regulations of 12 holed Cultural Game of Gebeta

Rule One

Article 1: Definition/meaning/

1.1 The game of Gebeta/ Kinkibosh/ is a cultural game played by players of two
teams by setting the playing surface at their middle and play the game by picking
the gravel in the holes and putting one gravel at each of the holes so as to put
more gravel on the house of the opponent in a bid to win.
Rule Two
Article 2: Preparation and content of playing materials
2.1 preparation of playing materials
2.1.1 Gebeta board
The Gebeta board could be prepared from different materials based on
the environmental conditions. For example:-
By preparing it from the surface on the ground
By hollowing out a plank
By preparing the playing Gebeta through kneading/ mixing/ sand
and cement
By kneading / mixing / the mud and rolling in to a flat surface and
then after hallowing it out
It could be prepared from materials available and conducive

It is also possible to prepare the playing Gebeta by preparing holes for players not very
further or very closer in accordance with the environment for recreational games.
2.1.2 The playing Gravels
The playing gravels are made of materials found in the surroundings in a circular
form. For example:-

From tiny marbles

From gravels found in the river
From seeds of trees
From small metals
From different materials by shaping it
2.2 Size and content of the playing materials
2.2.1 Size and shape of the playing Gebeta The surface of the playing Gebeta has a length of 84 cm and a
width of 27 cm The holes of the surface has 6 holes in two rows each, and
prepared by having holes at the right and left for storing gravels. The breadth/ area / of the circular holes are 6 cm and their depth
is 2 cm The space between each of the holes should be 2cm in the height
and 5cm in its width The holes at the corner should have a circular breadth /area/ of
12 cm and 4 cm distance from the playing holes. All the holes should be prepared in a circular form The playing surface of Gebeta should be prepared in a
rectangular form for the purpose of the game Size and content of the playing gravel The playing gravels should be prepared in a circular form with a
circumference not less than 3cm and not more than 4cm The amount of the gravels should be 4 at each hole, that is,
12x4=48 gravels in total Additional 6 gravels at a minimum should be prepared as a
reserve A total of 54 gravels are needed for the game of Gebeta.

Rule Three
Article 3: Description and types of the game of Gebeta/ Kinchibosh/
3.1 Types of the game of Gebeta /Kinchibosh/

3.1.1 One graveled Kinchibosh

3.1.2 Two graveled Kinchibosh
3.1.3 Three graveled Kinchibosh
3.1.4 Four graveled Kinchibosh/picking the four gravels at once/
3.2 Description of the game
3.2.1 The game of kinchibosh is started with a lottery or the agreement made
with the two players with one of the four types of the game. The player
starts by picking the gravel starting from his 6th hole from left to right. The
player starts the game with three gravels and fight with his remaining gravel
at the end.
3.2.2 The second player should start playing from left to right by carefully
thinking and starting from where he could effectively win the game through
picking the gravels and putting one gravel at each of the holes.
3.2.3 The two players use different technical skills that will enable them to win
one after the other.

Rule Four

Article 4: Number of players and their dressing

4.1 Number of players

4.1.1 One team should only bring a player in the game
4.1.2 A player who starts the competition at once will go through the game up to
the end.
4.2 The dressing of the players
4.2.1 Players of Kinkibosh/Gebeta/should wear the cultural cloth of their locality
during the competition.

Rule Five

Article 5: Rules of the Game

5.1 The two players should sit parallel putting the playing Gebeta surface in between
5.2 The players will divide 6 holes to each of them at their front and one hole on the
right and left.
5.3 The game of kinchibosh is started with a lottery or the agreement made with the
two players by the facilitation of the referee with the required types of the game.
The player who gets the lottery chance will start the game.
5.4 After the first play of the game the game will continue with a step for each of the
5.5 If a player thinks that he will loss if he throws three gravels on the house of his
opponent, he can stop the game by informing the referee.
5.6 Whereas if a player has three gravels in his own houses and if the player thinks
that he will benefit with the drop he first inform to the referee so as the player will
be forced to continue the game.
5.7 If the two players asked the referee for the throw of gravels together at once, the
referee tried to identify the one who uttered first, and if the referee has difficulty
in identifying who asked first, he/ she uses a lottery chance to decide and progress
the game.
5.8 If a player violates the inquiry and progress the game by passing the holes of his
opponent, the game will be liable to start again.
5.9 A player will request for a throw or to cease the throw if only there are 3 gravels
in the holes of one of the opponents. But it is not accepted if he asked through
assumption or predictions.
5.10 The game of Kinchibosh has four rounds
5.11 The houses and the number of gravels at each round will be counted
5.12 A player who gets additional gravels out of his/her 6 holes will be a winner of the
game after a continuous play.
5.13 The winner will be identified by adding the number of gravels and registered
houses on the four rounds.
5.14 If the two players registered the same number of gravels and houses during the
four rounds and if the game is a round game the players will get one point each.
Whereas if the game is a knock out game, one round will be added. If the two
players could not win to one another, one of them will be identified with a
5.15 The lottery will be held to start the game at the first round
5.16 All the four rounds should end with a constant type (one of the four types of
Kinkibosh) of game.
5.17 A player should show his throws of the gravels to the referees and the opponent
players during the competition.

Rule Six

Article 6: Point scoring

6.1 If a player wins the consecutive three rounds with a hole and the
number of gravel, he will get two points and the opponent will get 0
6.2 Two points will be registered for a player who wins one round
6.3 A player will get two points if the opponent is absent for the game
6.4 If the game is a round game and if the teams come out with an
equalizer, the two players will get 1 point each
Rule Seven

Article 7: Forbidden acts and the aligned penalties

7.1 Forbidden acts

7.1.1 Intentionally passing a hole without putting gravel/s/
7.1.2 Intentionally putting two or more gravels by hiding in the holes
7.1.3 Covering the holes in a bid to block players not to count/see/ the gravels in
the holes
7.1.4 Not clearly showing the last gravel by hiding it with a palm and collecting
the other gravels
7.1.5 Intentionally dropping gravels to the holes that are in front and behind the
hole that the gravels are collected.
7.1.6 Misleading the referee as if the player has gravel during the time that he is
collecting the gravels. It should also be clear at this point that a player needs
to have one gravel at the hand in a bid to collect the other gravels.
7.1.7 Being violent not to see a peaceful competition and creating unnecessary
dialogues that will lead to the breakup of the game.
7.1.8 Verbally abusing the referee and disgracing the referee and the decisions
made by him/ her.
7.1.9 Abusing, insulting, fighting or trying to fight with the referee
7.1.10 Abusing verbally or non-verbally the competitors, coaches, team leaders and
members of the committee. And fighting or trying to fight with them
7.2 Penalties
7.2.1 A player who violates the acts mentioned on the point 7.1.1 to 7.1.6 above
will be given an oral warning if he misconducts the acts three times and will
be given yellow card if he repeated that violation for the fourth time. And if
the player made that act again for the fifth time he will be given a red card
and suspended from the game.
7.2.2 A player who violates the acts mentioned on the point 7.1.7, 7.1.8 and
7.1.11 above will be given an oral warning after registered on the list for the
first misconduct and yellow card if he repeated that violation for the second
time. And if the player made that act again for the third time, he will be
given a red card and suspended from the game.
7.2.3 A player who violates the acts mentioned on 7.1.9 and 7.1.10 above will
directly be suspended from the game. And his case is seen by the technical,
competition and protocol committee and penalties will be forwarded based
on the magnitude of his misconducts.

Rule Eight

Article 8: Duties and responsibilities of coaches, team leaders and


8.1 Duties and responsibilities of Coaches

8.1.1 They should be present before 30 minutes to the game locality
8.1.2 When their players are needed they should present them with their ID
8.1.3 The should follow the games sitting with their players
8.1.4 They should advise and educate their players to play with the required sport
8.1.5 They are the first responsible bodies for the disciplinary misconducts
8.1.6 They should obey and abide to the rules of the game
8.2 Duties and responsibilities of Referees
8.2.1 The referees of Kinkibosh/Gebeta/cultural game are two in number. These
are: - A main referee and a point scorer.
8.2.2 Duties and responsibilities of the main referee The referee should be present before 30 minutes to the game
locality Checks and controls the appropriateness of players with the point
scorer referee Checks the playing material in line with the rules Checks the place where the players and the playing surface called
Gebeta should be situated. The referee enables facilities to start of the game with a lottery Checks weather the game is progressing in line with the rules of
the game Controls the aggravation of violence by spectators, coaches, team
leaders and others bodies. And if they do so he will displace them
from the area. If players or coaches disobeys the rules and misconducts forbidden
acts, he passes decisions based on the rules.
8.2.3 Duties and responsibilities of the point scorer referee The point scorer referee should be present before 30 minutes to the
game locality Registers the players by carefully looking at the competition cards
and carefully checking their names as to whether it is appropriate
or not. Keeps substituting gravels carefully fills missing gravels when the main referee approves that Puts a sign and a note on his list when the main referee shows
signs about the point of scoring. He replaces the main referee in a state of emergency and a point
scorer will be assigned for him in that case. Gives the list of the game to the responsible bodies after letting the
main referee and he himself sign on it.

Rule Nine

Article 9: Don’t dos of coaches, team leaders and referees and the
prevailing penalties

9.1 Don’t dos for coaches and team leaders

9.1.1 If a team plays against a sport discipline, the referee should not go through
unnecessary dialogues and act violently rather he/she needs to report to the
responsible bodies.
9.1.2 Insulting or abusing and acting unethically with the referees
9.1.3 Aggravating the violent act of players instead of calming players who has
gone out of the sport discipline.
9.1.4 Verbally or non-verbally abusing the referees and members of the
committee. And fighting or trying to fight with them
9.1.5 Behaving and acting unethically.
9.2 Don’t do’s for referees
9.2.1 Showing impartiality to the decisions made between the teams.
9.2.2 Deciding in favor of a team after receiving bribes
9.2.3 Managing the game after using alcohols, Drugs and illegal stimulating
9.2.4 Talking without a manner to competitors, coaches, team leaders and other
officials and showing them disgrace.
9.2.5 Showing disrespect to teams, team leaders, referees and officials and
officials of the game
9.2.6 Deciding against the rules and regulations of the game
9.2.7 Abusing the competitors, team leaders and members of the committee.
And fighting or trying to fight with them
9.2.8 Behaving and acting unethically

9.3 Penalties
9.3.1 Penalties for coaches and team leaders A coach/team leader/ who violates the acts mentioned from 9.1.1
to 9.1.5 will get a penalty ranging from warning to suspension
from the game after seen by competition organizing committee.
9.3.2 Penalties for referees leading the game A referee who violates the acts mentioned from 9.2.1 to 9.2.8
will get a penalty ranging from warning to suspension from the
managing a game after seen by competition 0rganizing
committee considering the national referee rules and regulations.
Rule Ten
Article 10: The End of the game
10.1 The end of the game
10.1.1 If there are no playing gravels remaining in the holes after the players used
their gravels
10.1.2 If a player is suspended from the game on violating the rule/s/ of the game
10.1.3 If a player ceases playing with his will.
10.1.4 After the end of the four rounds, it will be the end of the game.
10.1.5 If a player couldn’t come to the locality where the game will be held for
over 10 minutes, the player who is absent will lose the game. In all the
above conditions the game will turn to an end.

B. 18 holed Gebeta

The historical Origin of the game of Gebeta

According to the discoveries of archaeologists, different instruments that are connected

with the day to day survival activities of man were found and of these playing materials
were the major findings. Researcher Professor Richard Pancrest on his study has cited
and included foreign written documents of Ethiopian cultural sports. The researcher
described that a playing material which is made of stone was used for Gebeta cultural
game and that was widely used in Matara locality in Eritrea. According to these
archeological findings, the cultural game of Gebeta is said to be played in the 6 th and 7th
Century before Christ. The professor also explained that Hibolidof, who is the founder of
the Ethiopian Research and Study in Europe, has taken a note about the emergence and
activities of this cultural sport in his diary. He also noted that the founder is a friend of
Aba Gorgorios of Ethiopia and Gebeta was a common Ethiopian cultural game at that

Even before this time a close friend of Emperoor Tewodros during his regime named
Walter Plawdon in his report shows that the youths at Begemidir in Ras Alula Camp were
playing Gebeta with passion. Moreover, one of the British citizen among the foreigners
coming to Ethiopia whose name is Komwalsa Harisa in his report said that the kings and
judges of the showa areas were spending their time by playing Gebeta. This shows that
the game of Gebeta was common among the families of the kings and their servants at
that time.

On the other hand the expansion of triple Gebeta during the regime of Emperor Minilik
was characterized by the role of the king’s wife Empress Taytu Bitul. This was due to the
face that the Empress has opened a hotel at that time that people didn’t know about the
service and the benefits of a hotel. That time Empress Taytu Bitul used Gebeta
competition games to promote the hotel. The game at that time was commonly played
only in and around the palace.

According to history, the game of Gebeta has a deep rooted history beginning from the
birth of Christ in Ethiopia and shows progress in the middle Ages by the kings and judges
of the time. It was a cultural common game which was played around the palace.

Nowadays also this historical game is being played and expanded throughout the country.
And various competitions are being held with the game throughout the country at the

The Rules and regulations of an 18 holed Cultural Game of /Triplet/


Rule One

Article 1: Definition/meaning/

1.1. The games of /triplet/ Gebeta is a cultural game played by setting the
playing surface at their middle of the two players and play the game
by picking equal gravel at a time from the holes in their house and
putting and storing ones’ gravel as well as depriving opponents’
gravel in a bid to win.
Rule Two
Preparation and content of playing materials
2.1 preparation of playing materials
2.1.1 The playing Gebeta
The playing Gebeta could be prepared from different materials based on
the environmental conditions. For example:-
By hollowing out a thicker plank
By preparing it from the surface on the ground
From a wood cut
By preparing the playing Gebeta through kneading/ mixing/ sand and
By kneading / mixing / the mud and rolling in to a flat surface and
then after hallowing it out
2.1.2 The playing Gravels
The playing gravels are made of materials found in the surroundings
in a circular form. For example:-

From tiny marbles

From gravels found in the river
From seeds of trees
From small metals
From different materials like metals by shaping it
2.2 Size and content of the playing materials
6 cm in diameter

Figure 1: 18 holed Gebeta board
2.2.1 Size and shape of the playing Gebeta The surface of the playing Gebeta has a minimum length of 88
cm and a width of 30-34 cm The surface has 6 holes in three rows totally 18 holes in parallel
ordered in a regular pattern. The holes of Gebeta are prepared in a circular form. The storing holes are located at the right and left of the playing
surface at 5cm distance Each of the circular holes has 6 cm diameter and 2 cm depth the width of the holes used for storing gravels are 12 cm and
their depth is 2 cm The space between each of the holes should be 4cm in the height
and 5cm in its width The distance between the storing holes and the playing holes is
5cm The holes should have two different colors of which 9 of them
having one type and the rest nine with another color.

2.2.2 Size and content of the playing gravel The playing gravels should be prepared in a circular form with a
circumference not less than 3cm and not more than 4cm The amount of the gravels should be 3 at each hole, that is,
18x3=54 gravels in total Additional 6 gravels at a minimum should be prepared as a
reserve A total of 60 gravels are needed for the game of Triple Gebeta The playing holes of Triple Gebeta are prepared in a circular
Rule Three
Article 3: Number of players and their dressing
3.1 Number of players
3.1.1 One team should only bring a player in the game
3.1.2 A player who starts the competition at once will go through the game up to
the end.
3.2 The dressing of the players
3.2.1 A player of Triple Gebeta should wear the cultural cloth of their locality
during the competition.

Rule Four
Article 4: Rules of the Game
4.1 Order and processes of the Game
4.1.1 The two players should sit parallel by putting the playing Gebeta surface in
between them.
4.1.2 The players will divide 9 holes to each of them at their front and one playing
hole each.
4.1.3 The throwing of the gravels is held from left to right
4.1.4 One player should continue from his 9th house to the 1st house of his
opponent or from the 9th house of his opponent to his first house while
playing from left to right.
4.1.5 The game is started from where the players want to start with a help of the
referee while the players pick up equal number of gravels.
4.1.6 After the first play, the game will continue with a step for each of the
players. A player who comes in an empty hole will wait for the next turn of
the game.
4.1.7 The referee will make a lottery again to identify a player that will continue a
throw if the two players comes equally into their respective holes.
4.1.8 It is not allowed to play with the playing gravels by picking them from 1st to
3rd holes while there are gravels in the holes from 4th to 9th holes.
4.1.9 It is allowed to play with the gravels found in the 1st to 3rd holes starting
from the third to the first holes in a descending order.
4.1.10 A player could play in 4th to 9th playing houses or holes in the following
conditions: It is possible to play by picking any gravel from one of the 4th to
9th holes having only one gravel in the first level. If the holes from the 4th to 9th houses do not have one gravel but
if they have more than 3 gravel stores, it is possible to pick the
gravels from any of the holes and play in the second level. If the houses from the 4th to 9th holes do not have either one or
over three gravels, players could play by picking gravels from
holes except 1 to 3 having two gravels at the third level. Players could play by picking three gravels from 4th to 9th houses
at the time that there are no holes having one, two or over three
gavels at the fourth level. If there are no gravels at all from the 4th to 9th houses, players
are allowed to play by picking gravels from the 3rd to the 1st.
4.1.11 it is not allowed for a player to add a gravel to the holes of the opponent that
are having 3 holes
4.1.12 It is possible to score a point with gravel at the first house of an opponent.
4.1.13 it is possible to score a point after the 3 gravels of each players is destructed
and new 3 gravels are prepared
4.1.14 A player will score a point by dropping one gravel in his 9th house and
another one gravel on the first house of his opponent.
4.1.15 The second player will prohibit the preparation of three gravels in his
second house and enable the preparation of three gravels. The player will
put gravel in the 9th house and if two gravels remain on his/her hand he will
add one of the gravels on the first house and disband the second house
having three gravels. This way the game continues by making owning the
gravels of the opponent.
4.1.16 The first store of gravels will disband when the second striker plays for a
4.1.17 if a player rests with one gravel, the other player will continue
4.1.18 Triple Gebeta game has three rounds and a player who wins the two rounds
will be the winner.
4.1.19 If a player touches the gravels in the holes while picking the gravels in the
other holes, he should collect the gravels touched and continue the game. It
is not allowed to collect gravels from other holes.

Rule Five
Article 5: End of game and Point scoring
5.1 End of game
5.1.1 If there are no playing gravels remaining in the holes after the players has
possessed on the gravels
5.1.2 After the end of the rounds of the game, it will be the end of the game
5.1.3 If a player is suspended from the game on violating the rule/s/ of the game
5.1.4 after the end of the rounds of the game
5.1.5 If a player couldn’t come to the locality where the game will be held for
over 10 minutes, the player who is absent will lose the game.
5.1.6 If a player ceases playing with his will.

In all the above conditions the game will turn to an end.

5.2 point scoring

5.2.1 If a player wins one round, he will get two points and the opponent will get
0 points.
5.2.2 If a player wins 2-0, four points will be registered for the winner and 0 point
for the looser
5.2.3 If a player wins 2-1, four points will be registered for the winner and 2 point
for the looser
5.2.4 A player will get two points if the opponent is absent for the game

Rule Six
Article 6: Forbidden acts and the aligned penalties
6.1 Forbidden acts
6.1.1 Intentionally passing a hole without putting gravel/s/
6.1.2 Intentionally putting two or more gravels by hiding in the holes
6.1.3 Covering the holes in a bid to block players not to count/see/ the gravels in
the holes
6.1.4 Not clearly showing the last gravel by hiding it with a palm and collecting
the other gravels
6.1.5 Intentionally dropping gravels to the holes that are in front and behind the
hole that the gravels are being collected.
6.1.6 Misleading the referee as if the player has gravel during the time that he is
collecting the gravels. It should also be clear at this point that a player needs
to have one gravel at the hand in a bid to collect the other gravels.
6.1.7 Adding gravels on the three gravels during competition.
6.1.8 Being violent not to see a peaceful competition and creating unnecessary
dialogues that will lead to the breakup of the game.
6.1.9 Verbally abusing the referee and disgracing the referee and the decisions
made by him/ her.
6.1.10 abusing, insulting, fighting or trying to fight with the referee
6.1.11 Abusing verbally or non-verbally the competitors, coaches, team leaders and
members of the committee. And fighting or trying to fight with them
6.2 Penalties
6.2.1 A player who violates the acts mentioned on the point 6.1.1 to 6.1.7 above
will be given an oral warning if he misconducts the acts three times and will
be given yellow card if he repeated that violation for the fourth time. And if
the player made that act again for the fifth time he will be given a red card
and suspended from the game.
6.2.2 A player who violates the acts mentioned on the point 6.1.8 and 6.1.9 above
will be given an oral warning after registered on the list for the first
misconduct and yellow card if he repeated that violation for the second time.
And if the player made that act again for the third time, he will be given a
red card and suspended from the game.
6.2.3 A player who violates the acts mentioned on 6.1.10 and 6.1.11 above will
directly be suspended from the game with a red card. And his case is seen
by the technical, competition and protocol committee and penalties will be
forwarded based on the magnitude of his misconducts.

Rule Seven
Article 7: Duties and responsibilities of coaches, team leaders and
7.1 Duties and responsibilities of Coaches
7.1.1 They should be present before 30 minutes to the game locality
7.1.2 When their players are needed, they should present them with their ID
7.1.3 They should follow the games sitting with their players
7.1.4 They should advise and educate their players to play with the required sport
7.1.5 They are the first responsible bodies for the disciplinary misconducts
7.1.6 They should obey and abide to the rules of the game
7.2 Duties and responsibilities of Referees
The referees of Triplets Gebeta cultural game are two in number. These
are: - A main referee and a point scorer.
7.2.1 Duties and responsibilities of the main referee The referee should be present before 30 minutes to the game
locality Checks and controls the appropriateness of players with the point
scorer referee Checks the playing material in line with the rules Checks the place where the players and the playing surface/
Gebeta/ should be situated. The referee facilities the start of the game with a whistle Checks weather the game is progressing in line with the rules of
the game Controls the aggravation of violence by spectators, coaches, team
leaders and others bodies. And if they do so the referee will
displace them from the area. If players or coaches disobeys the rules and misconducts forbidden
acts, he passes decisions based on the rules.
7.2.2 Duties and responsibilities of the point scorer referee The point scorer referee should be present before 30 minutes to the
game locality Registers the players by carefully looking at the competition cards
and carefully checking their names as to whether it is appropriate
or not. Keeps substituting gravels carefully fills missing gravels when the main referee approves Puts a sign on holes that a point is scored and controls the process. He replaces the main referee at a state of emergency and a point
scorer will be assigned for him in that case by the organizing
committee of the competition. Gives the list of the game to the responsible bodies after letting the
main referee and he himself sign on it.

Rule Eight
Article 8: Don’t dos of coaches, team leaders and referees and the
prevailing penalties
8.1 Don’t do’s for coaches and team leaders
8.1.1 If a team plays against a sport discipline, the referee should not go through
unnecessary dialogues and act violently rather he/she needs to report to the
responsible bodies.
8.1.2 Insulting or abusing and acting unethically with the referees
8.1.3 Aggravating the violent act of players instead of calming players who has
gone out of the sport discipline.
8.1.4 Verbally or non-verbally abusing the referees and members of the
committee. And fighting or trying to fight with them
8.1.5 Behaving and acting unethically.
8.2 Don’t do’s for the referees
8.2.1 Showing impartiality to the decisions made between the teams.
8.2.2 Deciding in favor of a team after receiving bribes
8.2.3 Managing the game after using alcohols, Drugs and illegal stimulating
8.2.4 Talking without a manner to competitors, coaches, team leaders and other
officials and showing them disgrace.
8.2.5 Showing disrespect to teams, team leaders and officials and officials of the
8.2.6 Deciding against the rules and regulations of the game
8.2.7 Abusing the competitors, team leaders and members of the committee. And
fighting or trying to fight with them
8.2.8 Behaving and acting unethically
8.3 Penalties
8.3.1 Penalties for coaches and team leaders A coach/team leader/ who violates the acts mentioned from 8.1.1
to 8.1.5 above will get a penalty ranging from warning to
suspension from the game after seen by competition organizing
8.3.2 Penalties for referees leading the game A referee who violates the acts mentioned from 8.2.1 to 8.2.8 will
get a penalty ranging from warning to suspension from the
managing a game after seen by competition 0rganizing committee
considering the national referee rules and regulations.

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