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Qld AIMO Preparation Program Stage 1 2023

Problem Sheet 2 - Geometry Due 6pm Tuesday May 2

Submit your answers via link. You will need your Program student ID from
the document called 2023 Term2 - Stage1 AIMO Prep Program Dates.
Link to submit:
All Number answers are integers between 2 and 1000. Submit 0 if you are unable to
solve and submit 1 if you did not attempt the question.
Students identified as Beginner must attempt Q1 to Q5 but can do more. Advanced
students must only attempt Q3 to Q8. Submit 1 for questions you do not attempt.

1. A triangle ABC is divided into four regions by three lines parallel to BC. The lines
divide AB into four equal segments. If the second largest region has area 225, what
is the area of ABC?
2. Let ABCD be a square with side length 24. Let P be the point on side AB with
AP = 8, and let AC and DP intersect at Q. Determine the area of triangle CQD.
3. The circumcircle of a square ABCD has radius 10. A semicircle is drawn on AB
outside the square. Find the area of the region inside the semicircle but outside the
circumcircle. You may need to google the term circumcircle.
4. Each of the interior angles of a heptagon (7-gon) is obtuse and the number of degrees
in each angle is a multiple of nine. No two angles are equal. Find in degrees the
sum of the largest two angles in the heptagon.
5. Let ABCD be a parallelogram. Point P is on AB produced such that DP bisects
BC at N . Point Q is on BA produced such that CQ bisects AD at M . Lines DP
and CQ meet at O. If the area of parallelogram ABCD is 192, find the area of
triangle P OQ.
The term produced means extended.
6. * Triangle ABC has AB = 90, BC = 50, and CA = 70. A circle is drawn with
centre P on AB such that CA and CB are tangents to the circle. Find 2AP .
7. * A circle with diameter P Q of length 10 is internally tangent at P to a circle of
radius 20. Square ABCD is constructed with A and B on the larger circle, CD
tangent at Q to the smaller circle, and √
the smaller circle outside ABCD. The length
of AB can be written in the form m + n, where m and n are integers. Find m + n.
8. ** The graphs of the equations
√ √
y = k, y= 3x + 2k, y = − 3x + 2k,
are drawn in the coordinate plane for k = −10, −9, −8, . . . , 9, 10. These 63 lines
cut part of the plane into equilateral triangles of side length √23 . How many such
triangles are formed?
Note: * indicates this question is slightly more difficult or ** is very difficult.

HINTS for all questions are on the second page. Please try to avoid looking for a
couple of days but if stuck they might help give you some inspiration.

Hint Q1: What are the ratios of the heights in the cascading triangles so formed?

Hint Q2: Look for some similar triangles to determine the height.

Hint Q3: The area you need is the difference of two other areas - perhaps one or
two of these can also be broken up further into smaller areas to calculate as well.

Hint Q4: What is the angle sum of a heptagon? Google this if you need to and
learn the formula for angle sum of an n-gon.

Hint Q5: Find lots of similar triangles each with areas that are easy to calculate.

Hint Q6: Look for similar triangles and the ratios of their lengths.

Hint Q7: You should only need a good diagram and Pythagoras to solve this.

Hint Q8: A diagram is essential, look for triangles on the inside but also a few just
on the outside of the obvious border too. One way to count them is to consider
their areas.

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