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Foundation of Special and Inclusive Education

Chapter 6
Task No. 1

Name: Lovely Jane Grace R. Soriano Score: ____________

Course, Year, & Section: BSE Mathematics2 Date: April 20, 2023

Case Studies. Answer the questions that follow.

A. The Case of Jimmy: A Student with Visual Impairment

Jimmy is a 12-year-old student who is in the 6th grade. He lost his vision when he was
only 9 months old due to an accident. He was enrolled in an early intervention program, and
thus, has learned to orient himself and move safely about in a room. He has also been taught
necessary skills for independent living. He attended school with the assistance of a teacher of
blindness and low vision, and he spends most of his time with a general education class, where
he was able to compensate well with his blindness and has performed well academically. He
has been attending fully inclusive classes and is about to move to junior high school. Jimmy is
friendly and enjoys interacting with few students. However, most other students are still finding it
difficult to relate to his situation.

B. The Case of Jana: A Student with Hearing Impairment

Jana is a 16-year-old student who is currently on the 10th grade. She has moderate
hearing loss. She has difficulty and performs poorly on tasks involving vocabulary and language
skills. She lacks confidence in participating in school activities, and needs much support from
others in completing assigned academic tasks. She has difficulty understanding others and
often misinterprets information but she is too shy to ask for help or clarification. She is part of an
inclusive class. She wears hearing aids but this often becomes a subject of teasing from her
classmates. She has difficulty understanding the lessons and often misinterprets the teacher.
Because of this, she often feels frustrated and lacks the motivation to participate in class
activities. Nevertheless, she is very much interested in computers and technology.

C. The Case of Michael: A Student with Language Disorder

Michael is a 7-year-old student in the first grade that has difficulties understanding
language. Particularly, he struggles with long and complex sentences; certain words pertaining
to time and position (e.g., front, behind); understanding the meaning of new words and making
links between words (e.g., synonyms and antonyms); and has poor listening skills so he easily
gets distracted. He also finds it difficult to find the appropriate words to express what he wants
to say. His sentences are shorter than what would be expected of children his age. He likes to
socialize and join his classmates in games but has difficulty understanding the rules of games,
thus, he finds it difficult to participate in play with them.
D. The Case of Laura: A Student with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Laura is a 5-year-old girl who was diagnosed with autism. She is currently in preschool.
She is just starting to develop verbal skills as she speaks in single word sentences, but can put
up to four-word sentences occasionally. Behaviors such as hand flapping and making growling
sounds can be observed with Laura, especially when she is overstimulated. She likes collecting
toys and lining them up in a row. There are certain textures she does not like, like glue or paint,
and she is also sensitive to certain smells. She rarely interacts with other children but she often
engages in side-by-side play. Her lack of language skills also keeps her from interacting with
them. She enjoys playing with puzzles and has very sharp memory as she easily remembers
the pieces and where to place them. Nevertheless, her parents are hoping that through
education, Laura can be helped to live independently and become an active member of the
society someday, and 26 that her strengths and interests can be put into good use.

Answer the following questions for each of the cases. Use additional sheet for your
answers if necessary.

A. The Case of Jimmy: A Student with Visual Impairment

1. What features of the learner are characteristic of visual impairment/hearing
impairment/language disorder/autism spectrum disorder?
 He can't see pictures, films, or other objects as a result of an accident. With the aid of
the teachers, he attended a school for the blind. Due to his circumstances, he also
struggles to keep up in classes that require reading, writing, and doing physical tasks.

 The challenges of Jimmy is that he is unable to things around him but with the aid of a
Braille book, he is still able to work hard in the classroom. He can still receive and
transmit information by using his other senses. Because he knows he can handle the
circumstance and that he will always find a solution and skills to learn, he is fearless in
how he handles it.
3. What are the learner's strengths and how can they possibly be utilized in an
inclusive setting?
 These learners varies strength to each other. Jimmy's strength is that he became
independent and has performed well with his academics. He is also friendly and loves
interacting to new student despite of his impairment.

B. The Case of Jana: A Student with Hearing Impairment

1. What features of the learner are characteristic of visual impairment/hearing
impairment/language disorder/autism spectrum disorder?
 Jana struggles to learn and comprehend what others are saying since she suffers from
hearing loss. She finds it difficult to comprehend and engage in the discussion as a
result of her circumstance. Because of misunderstandings and misinterpretations, the
lesson does not instantly stick.
2. What challenges do these features pose for the learner and what are possible ways to
address these?
 Jana has a lack of confidence to participate and engage in the class, because of
her hearing impairment. She has a difficulty in understanding and interpreting the lessons that is
why she can't comprehend and analyze it. As a regular student we should also make some
adjustments like learning sign language so that we can also help those who have hearing
impairment like Jana so that they will be able to catch up or understand what we say. In that she
may feel belong and confident to engage and participate on the class.

3. What are the learner's strengths and how can they possibly be utilized in an
inclusive setting?
 Jana's interest in computers and other technology, which allows her to seek and watch,
is one of her strengths. Since Jana is interested in the topic and conventional teaching
methods and technology have been combined, she will feel more comfortable engaging
in and contributing to the discussion now that we are in the 21st century.

C. The Case of Michael: A Student with Language Disorder

1. What features of the learner are characteristic of visual impairment/hearing

impairment/language disorder/autism spectrum disorder?
 Language is tough for him to understand. He has trouble understanding new words and
finding connections between them (such as synonyms and antonyms), struggles with
long and complex sentences, and is sidetracked easily. He also has trouble grasping the
meaning of new words. Additionally, he struggles to come up with the right words to
convey what he wants to say.

2. What challenges do these features pose for the learner and what are possible ways to
address these?
 One of the challenges of Michael is that he has difficulty to find the appropriate words to
express what he wants to say. His sentences are shorter than what would be expected
of children his age.

3. What are the learner's strengths and how can they possibly be utilized in an
inclusive setting?
 One of Macheel's strengths is that he enjoys interacting with people, which can be
beneficial because it helps him learn how to put words and sentences together. He
wants to interact with others so that he can use them in a welcoming environment to
help him comprehend language better.

D. The Case of Laura: A Student with Autism Spectrum Disorder

1. What features of the learner are characteristic of visual impairment/hearing

impairment/language disorder/autism spectrum disorder?
 Laura is a student who has autism spectrum condition and language delay. talents for
movement and learning. Laura struggles with interacting socially with people.
2. What challenges do these features pose for the learner and what are possible ways to
address these?
 Laura struggles with social contact, communication, and adjusting to environmental
changes. Giving the child activities, offering assistance or instruction in basic steps,
regularly rewarding positive conduct, and encouraging the youngster to pursue her
interests are viable solutions.

3. What are the learner's strengths and how can they possibly be utilized in an
inclusive setting?
 One of Laura's skills is that she enjoys assembling rows of toys. She enjoys solving
puzzles and has a strong memory because she can recall the pieces and their locations
with ease. And because the student will be able to participate in the activities in which
she is interested, the child's social skills and ability to learn will both increase.

Characteristics of learners with ;

 visual impairment
- not able to see things around them
 Hearing impairment
- suffers hearing loss
-struggles and does poorly on vocabulary and language task.
-often feels frustrated
- struggles with comprehension and frequently misinterprets the instruction
 Language disorder
-difficulties understanding language.
-struggles with long and complex sentences
-has poor listening skills so he easily gets distracted.
 Autism Spectrum Disorder
- sensitive to certain smell
-has very sharp memory and easily remembers the pieces and where to place them
- they exhibits behaviors like hand flapping and growling noises
- enjoys assembling rows of toys in a collection.

2. What challenges do these features pose for the learner and what are possible ways to
address these?
 Difficulty in socializing
- because of their impairments some students tend to ignore them and will not interact to
them which becomes a challenge for those individuals with impairments to make friends
who has a good intentions to them.
 Difficulties in communication
- these students with impairments are challenge to communicate with their peers. A
student with hearing impairment and language disorder are the most affected one
because they cannot express themselves to other people which sometimes lead to

* Here are some possible ways to address these challenges;

1. Make a research on how to handle such students with impairments
2. Make the classroom inclusive, which allows interaction for all
3. Supply the needs of learners with difficulties in communication. Allow them to express
themselves through dialogue and learn to understand their situation.

3. What are the learner's strengths and how can they possibly be utilized in an
inclusive setting?
 These learners varies strength to each other. Jimmy's strength is that he became
independent and has performed well with his academic regardless of his impairment.
Jana on the other hand who suffers hearing impairment has low on academics but is
interested in computers and technology. Laura with autism Spectrum's strength is that
she has a good memory that can easily remembers things and a good focus. Their
strengths can be utilized in a classroom setting by providing a supportive environment
which they can showcase their strengths regardless of their conditions. An environment
that will boost their self-esteem and enhanced their abilities.

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