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1. have you tried applying for a job

2. with all the good programs available it is difficult to make a quick decision

3. I think I will have one too

4. It is difficult to make a quick decision

5. the reason is not at all clear to me

6. where is the exit located

7. I have not seen her in over 10 years

8. they wrote down each other's phone numbers

9. the pay was too low for me to work there anymore

10. as a matter of policy Representatives May not give their names to customers

11. please join us next spring for our annual conference in New York City

12. I just wanted to check in and see if there has been any progress

13. the electrician said he would call back with an estimate

14. she must be in her 40s now

15. How long you have been studying in French.

Question- staying here how long are you

Answer- How long are you staying here.

Question- are they where going

Answer-Where are they going?

Question- you again to see I didn't expect

Answer- I didn’t expect to see you again.

Question- of many order will complete as he can

Answer- He will complete as many orders as he can.

Question- David for business travels frequently

Answer- David travels frequently for business.

Question- a local hotel the 30 discounts has agreed to offer

Answer- A local hotel agreed to offer 30 percent discount.

Question- what had occurred in their absence they discovered

Answer- They discovered what had occurred in their absence.

Question- Unfortunately our nearby Office become vacant

Answer- Our nearby office become vacant Unfortunately.

I'm a teacher

It I fun working with kids

what is the woman's job

Answer- The women is Teacher

do you do any volunteer work I do I help

out at the library once a week

that sounds great

where does the man volunteers

Answer- Man volunteers in Library.

do you want to come to the cafe with me

I can't I have to clean the house you

can always do that later

why can't the woman go to the café

Answer-Because she has to clean the house

do you want to borrow my pen yes that

would be great

what does the woman borrows

Anwer-The women borrows pen.

you should take a coat in case it gets

cold good idea thanks

what will the man take to the park.

Answer- Man take a coat to the park.

but you can't take pictures in the

gallery okay I'll put my camera away

thanks for understanding

what did the woman put away

Answer- The women put away her camera.

what are you studying for I'm taking my

driving test tomorrow good luck with that

what type of test is the man taking tomorrow

Answer- The man is taking driving test tomorrow.

what should I bring to your house

could you bring some tomatoes for the

salad sure how many do you need

what will the woman bring

Answer- The women will bring tomatoes with salad.

just wait to get home

actually I think walking might be faster

the bus is very slow you're probably right

how will the woman get home

Answer-The women will get home by walk.

they should be done painting the house

on Friday I don't believe that there's

so much left to do I know

What will be done on Friday?

Answer- Painting will be done on Friday.

someone go about getting a certificate

they have to pass the test

when can I sign up for the test

what do people get who pass the test

Answer – they will get the certificate.

where can I get more information about

the volunteer program this booklet

contains everything you need to know

about it great thanks for your help

what is the booklet about the

Answer- The book is about volunteer programme.

Sentence Completion
1. Should I turn right or ___at the corner.(left)

2. What ____is it? I don’t have a watch. (time)

3. I went shopping yesterday and spent all my ______(Money)

4. She was awarded a promotion based on her excellent _____on the


5. I need to write your first name. How do you ____it.(Spell)

6. a recent survey found that gadgets like phones and other small electronic_______
are very popular among online shoppers​(Devices)

7. In my company, it is the manager's job to divide work-------the team members


8. The money was ___amongst several people (Distributed)

9. since you have finished everything else,for the________of the week please focus
you attention on finishing the expense report​(Half)

10. I don’t ___what I wrote. I am going to rewrite it completely.(Remember)

11. She gets her supplies at a ___rate because she buys in milk.(Low)
12. Over three hundred people _____stores grand opening.( Attended)

13. My friend who has lived in a new York all his life took me on a personal _____ of the

14. My ____ are ringing because music was so loud at the concert.(Ears)

15. Recent studies have shown that the shopping _________ of customers have
changed dramatically in the past ten years.(Habits)

16. ____ making one last modification to the layout,the news letter was ready to send

17. The product is out of stock until the next____arrives.(Stock)

18. Finally, everything i had to do is finished now that project has


1. report any computer issues to technical support

2. it's raining at the moment

3. the company is having a party for all employees this weekend

4. speak with my assistant and she will schedule you

5. you can use the computer in a minute

6. the human resources department is doing everything it can

7. the company has grown too large over the past few years

8. the hotels are so noisy here

9. I turned down the offer because they needed someone who could travel

10. it's a good day for being outdoors

11. I'll see you on Thursday

12. the most practical choice is a policy that will cover your liabilities

13. I think I'll buy this hat too

14. He said that he would like a cup of coffee.

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