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Introduction: (Sr.Vinnarasi)
Dear Friends,
I am sure that we all share mixed emotions this evening. We feel joy in our hearts at celebrating a
task well done over such a wide span of time but also our emotions are tinged with sadness as we
bid farewell to Fr.Leonard, the Rector of St. Joseph Jesuit community and our beloved Srs.Saveri,
Christina Bridget, Judy, Beena and Nithya from our community and our Parish. Innumerable are the
graces that the Lord has showered and uncountable are the blessings that we have received in and
through you.
Fr.Leo with Gentle in Approach
Sr.Saveri with Generous in Giving,
Sr.Bridget with Enthusiastic in Serving,
Sr.Judy with Youthful in Thinking,
Sr.Beena with Simple in Attitude
Sr.Nithya with humble in Behaviour
Are the gifts we brought this evening to the Lord, a medium of Heavenly Blessings to all of us.
Each time we come together to celebrate Eucharist we are remembering – remembering the words
and promises of Christ: remembering his life, suffering, death and resurrection, and the example of
love he left to us. This evening we remember in a double way. We remember the dedicated
missionary work of our Sisters and our brother Fr.Leo and their contribution to the children, youth,
and women, the poor and least ones of our society. Therefore, in our Eucharist this evening we go to
the root of that word – our Mass here now is also a thanksgiving. We are grateful and that is the
source and the motive for our celebration.
Let us give thanks to the Lord for the love, compassion, and dedication that our sisters and brother
have shown us and to all those whom they have served. Celebrating their exemplary life lived
among us and their spiritual presence in our Nazareth community, school, hostel and in the college,
I invite Srs………. to pin up the favour and express our gratitude by placing kumkum and sandle
As you are ready take a move from this beautiful and cherished place, we want to tell you dear
father and our beloved sisters that we will remember you fondly and will pray for you always.
Your spirit of selflessness and generosity in responding to God’s continued call inspire us and we
are here to pray for the outpouring graces in abundant upon you today and forever.

Sr.Vinnarasi Mathiyas Scc, Holy Cross Convent, Teppakulam, Trichy – 620002.

There are many spiritual teachings and traditions associated with the natural elements found in the
world around us. Here are five elements of nature and their spiritual meanings represent the very
lives of our dear sisters, whose life we celebrate this evening.
Air: (Sr.Jeyanthi)
The element of Air is associated with intellect, communication, and the breath of life. In the
spiritual world, it represents the realm of thought and ideas and is often connected to the power of
the mind and imagination. It also symbolizes the free-flowing and constantly changing nature of
The element of air could be compared to the life of our dear Sr. Saveri in several ways. Just as air is
essential for human life, she played a vital role in giving life to our community through generous
contribution and your true interest in shaping the lives of the teachers and students in the school. We
appreciate your unwavering commitment to provide a safe and nurturing learning environment for
all students and staff. Your ability to think high, your sensitive heart to the minute details of the
students and staff and your courage to deal with civil authorities and common people are
remarkable. Your efforts to foster a culture of inclusivity and support have been experienced by
every member of this community and we are proud to have you as a part of this community.
As you surrender yourself to the Lord with this symbolic offertory, we pray that the Lord may
refresh you day in and out in milieu you are going to serve.
Earth: (Sr.Mary Lizzy)
The element of Earth is often associated with stability, grounding, and foundation in spiritual
teachings. It can represent the material world, physical existence, and the body. It also symbolizes
the nurturing and protective qualities of the Divine Feminine. This element is very much fitting to
dear Sr. Christina Bridget.
You are a born animator that our community mission in the college has become a thriving place of
learners, with a reputation for academic excellence and a commitment to innovation and growth.
Sister your focus on improving the quality of education, inserting new technical and innovative
courses gave a shining idea about the college to the common and elite. Your integrity, deep
commitment and creative and energetic mind is always an inspiration to all of us.
As you offer this earth symbolising yourself to the Lord we pray that He may always water you
with His Risen joy, peace and love.
Fire: (Sr. Lilly Mary)
The element of Fire is often associated with transformation, passion, and spiritual illumination. It
represents the power of will and the energy of change. In spiritual teachings, it can symbolize
purification, courage, and the divine spark that exists within all living beings.
The element of fire is very much connected with the life of our dear Sr. Judy. Just as fire can be
both a source of warmth and comfort, her life has also been a source of comfort for those around
her. As you prepare to move on to new adventures, we want to take a moment to express our
appreciation for your exceptional service to this community. You have made an indelible impact on
Sr.Vinnarasi Mathiyas Scc, Holy Cross Convent, Teppakulam, Trichy – 620002.
the lives of everyone in the community. Dear sister, your dedication to teaching and your passion
for learning have inspired countless people and your guidance have been a source of strength and
comfort for so many. You have been a shining example of faith, kindness, and compassion, and we
are grateful for the time we have had with you.
As you move to another place, we wish you all the best. May God be pleased with the offering of
yourself and May He continue to flame the fire in you and the people around you, and may you find
joy and fulfilment in all that you do.
Water: (Sr.Bridget)
The element of Water is associated with emotions, intuition, and the flow of life. It represents the
power of the subconscious mind and the realm of dreams and visions. In spiritual teachings, it can
symbolize healing, purification, and the uncertainty of existence. The element of water can be
compared to the life of our dear Sr. Beena. Water is a powerful force, capable of creating life and
Dear sister, your commitment to manage the financial affairs of the community with integrity,
transparency, and accountability has been an instrumental in enabling the community to fulfil its
mission and serve its members. We are witnesses of your tireless efforts and unwavering
commitment to ensure that the community's resources are used wisely and responsibly. You have
been a shining example of what it means to serve with humility and grace.
Your kind and compassionate touch to heal those in your care is a true testament to your call as a
sister nurse. Your interest in every member’s health and need is amazing. As you march towards
your new community, we want to wish you God’s blessings in your future endeavours. May God
bless and help you continue to inspire others with your unwavering faith, dedication, and
Space: (Sr. Jasmine)
The element of space is associated with the divine essence that permeates all existence. It represents
the realm of pure consciousness and the infinite potential that exists within all things. In spiritual
teachings, it can symbolize the ultimate reality and the source of all life and existence.
Similarly, our dear Sister Nithya has also been a source of life for many. Her quiet nature and
calmness in any circumstance show her deep faith in God. Dear Nithya, we express our sincere
gratitude for your selfless animation of the young girls in the hostel and your generous contribution
to needs of the community are marvellous. We really appreciate the tireless efforts you have taken
to ensure that the hostel runs smoothly and that all residents feel comfortable and secure. Your
humble, simple and charitable presence help anyone to feel comfortable with you and find true
friendship in you. You are kind, respectful relating with the co-workers and students. As we are
thankful for all that you are to us and we invite you to make this symbolic offering of yourself to
Lord, we pray that May He unveil the infinite potentials in you to cater to many in need.
After Communion:
(We request our beloved Srs. Saveri, Christina Bridget, Judy, Beena and Nithya to come
forward and receive the blessings from the Lord)

Sr.Vinnarasi Mathiyas Scc, Holy Cross Convent, Teppakulam, Trichy – 620002.

Dear Sisters, someone needs your SMILE, someone needs your LISTENING EAR, someone needs
your ENCOURAGEMENT and gentle words of cheer, someone needs your HELPING HAND, and
someone needs your CHEERFULNESS to make their life brighten up. So go to the destined place
as a representative of God.
As we offered you to the Lord and prayed for you in this Eucharistic Celebration, we bless you this
evening and continue to pray that God may give you a rainbow in every storm, Smile in every tear,
Promise in every care, Blessing in every trial …and an answer in every prayer.
God bless you now and always, here and everywhere. May your mission flourish with God’s grace.
Let us now sing a hymn to the Holy Spirit as we pray for the outpouring of his grace upon our
sisters and our Fr.Leo. Meanwhile, Sr.Lilly Mary, the animator of our community would gift them
light and rosary as a sign of God’s presence and the intercession of Mother Mary.

Sr.Vinnarasi Mathiyas Scc, Holy Cross Convent, Teppakulam, Trichy – 620002.

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