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Gramture Intermediate Part-II Composition: Essays


My Hero in History, Our National Poet
Hero is a man of sky-high personality with an ideal
character, unique deeds and genius ideas. He must possess
the charismatic leadership qualities to lead his people for
the ultimate destiny. The Muslim history is plentiful with
great leaders of marvelous achievements. Our national
poet, Allama Muahmmad Iqbal is one of the bright stars of
this galaxy. He was really a man worthy of the title 'hero'.
“The hero is one who kindles (‫ ) وحہلص ازفآیئ رک ان‬a great

light in the world, who sets up blazing torches in the dark

streets of life for men to see by.” Felix Adler
It was a historic day of 9 November, 1977 when Allama Muhammad Iqbal was born in
Sialkot. After the accomplishment of his primary education in his native city, unquenchable
thirst for learning brought him to Lahore. Getting M.A. in philosophy he taught for some time
in the government college. Then he went abroad, did his PhD, and returned home. It was the
time when British ruled subcontinent. The English with all their cunning and scam were
making utmost efforts to confine the Muslims to the stinking cages of slavery and ignorance.
Iqbal’s heart was ever throbbing for the service of his oppressed nation so he strived to infuse
a new spirit in the sleeping and sluggish soul of the Muslims. Through his lofty verses, he
embarked upon an auspicious mission that was the freedom of his nation from the yoke of a
terrible nation, the British.
The ordinary man is involved in action, the hero acts. (Henry Miller)
He not only inculcated passion but also, through inspiring letters, urged Muhammad Ali
Jinnah to fight for the freedom of the Indian Muslims. In the annual session of the Muslim
League at Allahabad in 1930, he revealed the solution of the unhappiness of India and
suggested a road map to secure peace for the nations, Hindu and Muslim.
Hero shows you how to solve the problem - yourself. (Jet Li)
He pointed out that the status of the Muslims is distinct and separate from those of other
nations. It is an undeniable fact that his heroic and philosophical poetry has won him the title
of "The Poet of the East". The distinctive feature of Iqbal's poetry is a permanent source of

Prof. Habib Ahmad Khan 0303-6660025 / gramture fb: Gramture 1

Gramture Intermediate Part-II Composition: Essays

joy, inspiration and dedication. It has an appealing urge for national sentiments. His scornful
verses, noble poetic instances, melodious songs for children and religious poetry made him
immortal poets. His poetry both in Urdu and Persian is supplied with the verses of the Holy
Some critics declare that his poetry is the true appreciation and interpretation of the Holy
Qur’an. So, his poetry is an illustrious and distinctive source of spiritual lighting for the gone-
astray people. Iqbal says:
Faith is like Abraham at the stake
Self honoring and God drunk
You whom this age’s way so captivate
To have no faith is worse than slavery
In this age, when the Muslims are being dishonoured and slaughtered everywhere, it is an
urgent need to get guidance and inspiration from his philosophy. Following his message
Muslims may regain the lost glory. Iqbal has persistently urged the Muslim youth to ponder
over the heroic achievements of their forefathers.
This great poet and philosopher died in 1938. He was buried beside the main gate of the
Badshahi Mosque. He is the national poet of Pakistan. His poetry is read not only in Pakistan
but also in the whole of the world. It has been translated in many languages of the world. His
important volumes of poetry are Bang-e-Dara, Bal-e-Jabril, and Zarb-e-Kaleem etc.
Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah truly says,
“ Iqbal was remarkable poet of worldwide fame and his work will live forever, his services
to his country the Muslims are so numerous that his record can be compared with that of
the Indian that ever lived.”
The name of Allama Iqbal is always on my lips and he lives in our thought. He is not only
my favorite personality but also favorite to the all Muslim of the world.
We may have thunder; we may have rain;
But great men once departed, will never come again.

Prof. Habib Ahmad Khan 0303-6660025 / gramture fb: Gramture 2

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