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Understanding your

Key Stage 3
(Years 7, 8 & 9)
Go4Schools is an online database where we record academic information about your child. Formal
assessment data is made available shortly after the assessment rather than having to wait for a
summary at an end of term report.

At the end of the winter, spring and summer terms we will also take a “Snapshot” report of the
assessment data so you can see what progress is being made. Behaviour and attendance information
is shared via Classcharts.

Logging on for the first time.

1. Go to the Go 4 Schools website:
2. Click on the “Parents” icon top right.

3. Click “First-time User” then enter the email address we hold on record for you and click
“New password.” If you need to provide us with an email address, please call the school
office with the relevant details. Go4Schools will update overnight and you will be able to try
logging on the following day.

4. Go4Schools will email you a link to set a password.

5. If you do not receive a welcome email from Go4Schools, this is because we do not have your
current email address on record. Please call the school office and they will update our
records with the correct address. The server refreshes overnight so you will be able to log on
the following day.

Finding your reports

Once you have logged in, click on this icon: (on the left toolbar) to view detailed
information about each subject.

Click on this icon: to view reports.

Grades used in your report
Current Grade

The first column shares the standard of your child’s “current” work. Their teacher will have decided
this from all the work completed this term.

All subjects use the mastery scale below.

These expressions are intended to help students focus on their development as an independent
learner to prepare effectively for GCSE courses in Year 10 & 11.

To reach the “strong pass” standard of GCSE Grade 5 by the end of Year 11, students should be
working to at least “Secure” level. To be confident of reaching Grade 5 students will need to work at
“Mastery” level. To reach the highest grades 7 to 9 they will need to be working at Mastery and
Expert level throughout their time at the academy.

Students who have the same grade all year will be making good progress as the curriculum they
study will get more complex as time goes on.

The expressions are:

In class.. What you should do next is..

you work independently and in depth using

higher order thinking and learning skills at 5% of students across the country reach
all times. You regularly teach others and Grade 9. Will you be one of them?
show leadership.

you apply your learning in new and

unfamiliar situations, in greater depth, add greater depth to your learning by
using higher order skills in a range of working more independently, read more
contexts over time. You support others widely, take more of a lead in your own
which helps you summarise and retain learning and in class.
information better.

you complete all main tasks each lesson aim to deepen your learning by improving
Secure and your skills and knowledge are mostly the quality of your work and/or going
secure. into more depth.

you complete most main tasks each lesson make sure all your class and homework is
Developing and your skills and knowledge are nearly finished to a good standard to secure
secure. your knowledge and skills

you complete tasks with some help from aim to make your learning secure by
others. completing more tasks with less support.

make good use of all the support given to

you complete basic tasks with lots of help
Foundation you so that you are able to complete
from others
more of the tasks in class with less help.

Detailed Progress, Engagement and Homework

We use a simple RAG rating to give feedback on Progress, Engagement and Homework. In short,
students should aim to be green which indicates they are doing everything properly. Amber shows
that they are a little way off but with some adjustments could quickly catch up. Red shows that there
is a problem and they need to make some big improvements. Purple is reserved for a small number
of students in each class who are doing exceptionally well compared to the rest of the class.

The criteria for each grade is shared on the report key but for ease is below:

Purple Making more than expected progress at this point.
Green Making expected progress, taking into account their starting point.
Amber Progress is slightly lower than expected at this point.
Red Progress is well below expected for this point.

Purple Exemplary conduct. Is always engaged and takes a lead in their own learning. Is always
enthusiastic about their work, takes pleasure in their success and is inquisitive about
new knowledge.
Green Consistently well behaved. Engages well, takes part, offers ideas, confidently answers
questions and makes a good effort in class.
Amber Behaviour can be poor. Is sometimes reluctant to engage, may try to make excuses not
to take part, may be reluctant to answer questions and doesn’t always make a good
enough effort. Not quite achieving their potential.
Red Poor behaviour or is regularly disengaged from work and needs a lot of prompting from
the teacher to complete work. Rarely takes part in activities or answers questions
willingly. Makes little effort and is not meeting their potential.
Purple Always hands homework in on time and work is exceptional.
Green Always hands homework in and it is usually done to a good standard.
Amber Has missed several deadlines and work is sometimes unsatisfactory or incomplete.
Red Very poor record of homework completion or is regularly not done well enough.

In addition, detailed Behaviour information is available via

I hope you find this guide helpful. If you have any questions please email
[email protected]

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