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GMR Group will be an institution in perpetuity that

will build entrepreneurial organizations making a
difference to society through creation of value.


1 | Pragyan - Policy Handbook


Dear Colleague,

It is indeed a privilege to have you as a member of our

GMR family.

It gives us immense pleasure to share this booklet

containing the essence of our HR Policies.

“Pragyan” provides us with an opportunity to learn about

our various HR policies and enhance our understanding
of these policies.

We are sure that this booklet will make it easy for you
to refer to these policies instead of relying on memory.

Happy reading!!

Aniruddha Ganguly
Group President - HR

Note: Policy & Processes are subject to change, for detailed & regular
policy update please refer to the policy portal.

2 | Pragyan - Policy Handbook

04 | Classification of Job Responsibility Level
06 | Employee Welfare Policy
- Marriage Gift
- Annual Health Checkup
- Employee Emergency Response Centre
- Merit Rewards to Employees children
07 | Flexible Compensation & Benefit Plan (FCBP)
08 | Governance
- Grievance Management Policy
- Whistle Blower Policy
- Policy against sexual harassment
11 | Grooming and Dress Code Policy
12 | GMR Information Security Policy
12 | HR4U
13 | Leave Policy
14 | Learning & Development
15 | Prerequisites/ Facilities
- Membership fee to professional institutions
- Mobile Reimbursement
16 | Performance Management Process
17 | Rewards & recognition
- Spot Awards
- Anushishta
- Suggestion Scheme - Idea Factory
21 | Skip Level Meeting
22 | Superannuation Scheme & Mediclaim Insurance
23 | Social Media
24 | Travel Policy
- Domestic Travel Policy
- Foreign Travel Policy
27 | Transfer & Relocation
28 | Talent Management
29 | Talent Acquisition

3 | Pragyan - Policy Handbook

All jobs in GMR Group are classified in to 4 bands. Direction,
Integration, Managerial & Execution
There are two streams of job roles in GMR Group: Managerial & Specialist
The bands and grades have been arrived at through a systematic
process of Job Evaluation (JE). It is a process of deriving the relative
worth of a job or role in an organisation in a fair and logical manner.
JE takes into account organizational context and complexities and
evaluates the role based on following 3 parameters using a well-
defined Job Description (JD)
• Know How, Problem Solving & Accountability
The following grades and bands are applicable for all regular employees.
• Managerial Grades and Bands: The managerial grades are
predominantly execution focused roles in the organization. Majority
of roles in the organization are classified in this category.
Band Description
Roles driving and impacting the strategy, overall top-line and
bottom- line of the entity (or GMR, as the case may be).
Direction LX
Cascading strategy into functional / sector level imperatives and
translating them into operative goals for generating
revenue/supporting the business.
LA Full-fledged professionals who will be heading verticals/ sub
Integration verticals within their sectors and will have proven expertise and
LB experience.
Delivery of results would be focused to sector/ functional goals.
LC Seasoned professionals who have deep expertise in a particular
Managerial function/area and will generally be leading / accountable for
LD specific area of work within the verticals/ sub-verticals.
LG Supervising others / Individual Contributor to achieve a
LH common department/ functional purpose

• Specialists Grades and Bands: The specialists grades are

predominantly ‘domain’ focused roles. These roles are few in
number and require high amount of know how / deep domain
expertise. These roles are classified based on the ‘Know How’ part
of the JE.
Band Description
1. Job demands advanced knowledge of a specialized technical
division which is deployed in the analysis and resolution of
problems and the provision of specialist advice that would have
a group / sector-wide impact
Direction PA
2. Jobs at this level require leading a department / business unit
(typically integrating a number of small technical/professional
teams) thereby requiring understanding of all related technical
disciplines within that department / BU
4 | Pragyan - Policy Handbook
Band Description
1. Jobs at this level would require in-depth understanding of the
technical discipline and will tend to be heads of specialist
functions within a sector
2. Jobs at this level are responsible for leading specialist team in
Integration PB
a technical discipline which must deliver specific, measurable
objectives through the management and coordination of
internal resources or the development of relationships and
coordination with external “partners”

1. The Job is primarily accountable for implementing and adapting

work plan in the light of operational events. Uses own personal
experience on improvements to ways of working, processes and
PC procedures, which will enhance efficiency and effectiveness.
2. Jobs in this level are recognized in the organization as having a
certain level of expertise in providing practical
solutions/implementation options based on Know How gathered
from extensive applied experience
3. Jobs at this level provide technical analysis and support within
a specific sub-function of the business. Applies technical
knowledge and expertise using standard techniques to provide
technical support which contribute to the development of wider
PD solutions to business issue
4. Roles at this level would have developed expertise through a
combination of direct relevant technical training and job
experience under guidance of specialists

1. Jobs at this level provide specialist technical support and

service within a business/company/project. Undertakes specific
technical/ support tasks of varying complexity to support in the
implementation of business processes/projects and analysis and
resolution of issues.
2. These Jobs are able to select and use appropriate procedures/
Execution PE
equipment/ techniques to analyse and interpret data and
produce required technical outputs.
3. Participate as part of a team to implement projects,
occasionally providing technical leadership to junior colleagues.
Jobs in this level are typically supervisor/individual contributors
who have experience on working within the area and are now
developing deeper expertise in the same

Note: The policy benefit equivalence of grades does not indicate role equivalence
(Ex. LD is not equal to PD)

Every job is a
self-portrait of the
person who does
Autograph your work
with excellence.
• Gift cheque of ` 15,000/- is given to an employee on his/her
marriage. The amount will be paid through the monthly payroll
subject to deduction of tax at source.
• Below 45 years: Once in two years @ JRL LE & above and PE & above.
• Above 45 years: Once in a year.
• Employee’s spouse above 50 years of age is also covered under
annual health checkup.
• Employees should contact HR Department for fixing up the date
and time and collect a letter to submit it to the hospital on the day
of check-up.
• HR will make necessary arrangements for appointment at the Hospital.
• The employees have to make the payment directly to the hospital
and claim the same as reimbursement.
• EERC has been created for employees to avail assistance in dealing
with unforeseen emergencies.
• In the event of any emergency, an employee with proof of identify
for employment with GMR must contact the helpline number and
request for assistance.
• The center will ascertain whether the request for assistance comes
within the scope of the policy, before proceeding to do the
• The policy is applicable to all employees on regular rolls of the company.
• The reward will be given to employees’ children who secure
highest aggregate marks/ rank in Schools/ Colleges studying in SSLC (X
Standard), Pre-University and Graduation.
A cash prize/ Gift Cheque would be awarded to the employee’s children
who secure highest marks in Schools/ Colleges as indicated below:
• SSLC/ X Standard - Highest marks in the school (minimum 70%)- at
each school level - ` 1000/- per child.
• II PUC/ XII Standard - Highest marks in the school/ college
(minimum 70%) - at each school/ college level - ` 1500/- per child.
• BA/ B.SC/ B.Com - Highest marks in the college (minimum 70%) - at
each College level - ` 3000/- per child.
• All PG/ Professional Courses - Highest marks in the college
(minimum 70%) – at college level – ` 5000/- each
• All employees on regular roll of the Company including
probationers and trainees.
• Employee can opt for plan FCBP twice in a year.
• The window shall open in April and July.
• An employee can only change the flexible components falling under
the ‘My Plan’ (FCBP) category.
• The components classified as Fixed and Flexible are as under:
Fixed Components My Plan (FCBP)
Basic Pay (40% of Fixed CTC) House Rent Allowance (0, 50% of Basic Pay)
Special Pay Transport Allowance (` 1600 per month)
Sodexo Vouchers Children Education
Group Mediclaim Premium Medical Reimbursement (Monthly/ Annual)
Bonus/ Exgratia (10% of Basic Pay) Fuel Allowance
Provident Fund (12% of Basic Pay) Gift Voucher (Worth ` 5000/- per annum)
Superannuation (8% or 15% of Basic Pay) Leave Travel Assistance (LTA)

• The monthly gross salary will comprise of the following components:

» Basic Pay
» Transport Allowance
» Children Education
» Special Pay
• The eligibility limits for my Plan (FCBP) components are as follows:
LTA (Per Annum)
Level Petrol Allowance
(May choose any one amount)
` 16,000/- per month
(including driver salary)
` 16,000/- per month
(including driver salary)
` 12,000/- per month
LC to LE
(including driver salary)
` 1,00,000/ ` 75,000/
LF to LH ` 6,000/- per month ` 50,000/ ` 25,000/
` 16,000/- per month ` 15,000
(including driver salary)
` 16,000/- per month
(including driver salary)
` 12,000/- per month
PC to PE
(including driver salary)

7 | Pragyan - Policy Handbook

GMR Group believes that for an organization to succeed, grow and
excel, it needs to be anchored to its Values and Beliefs and motivate
all its employees to consistently display these values in the course of
their interactions.
The Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, articulated below, embodies
the Group’s Values and Beliefs and endeavors to lay down guidelines
for employees of the Group to follow to in their day to day work life.
All employees on regular rolls of the Company including Full Time
Directors, Principal Associates, Advisors, In-House Consultants,
Expatriates and employee on contract are governed by this Policy.
COBCE covers guidelines of Conduct for the below:
• National Interest
• Stakeholders
• Use of the GMR Brand
• Group Social Responsibility
• Competition
• Quality of Products and services
• Equal Opportunities
• Accurate and Complete Accounting
• Settlement of Expenses
• Protection of Intellectual Property
• Collaboration within GMR Companies
• Confidentiality and Non-disclosure
• Policy and Process Integrity
• Infrastructure
• Protecting Company’s Assets
• Unethical Transaction
• Gifts and Entertainment
• Stakeholder Relations
• Relationship with Government and Public Officials
• Compliance of Applicable Law by Expatriate Employee
• Public Representation
• Charitable Contributions
• Political Activity
• Regulatory Compliance
• Third Party Representation
• Sexual Harassment and Other Harassment Policy
• Other Harassment
• Whistle Blower Policy
• Ethical Conduct
• Dress Code
• Environment, Health and Safety
Individual Employee grievances and complaints which are primarily a
manifestation of their dissatisfaction on working conditions,
managerial decisions, if not promptly attended to may affect morale
and productivity. Hence, there is a formal on-line grievance process to
address such matters.
Employees can follow the link: > Grievance > Employment Grievance
for registering their grievance
• The aggrieved employee may raise the grievance to the Manager
(LD & above and PD & above), who must try to resolve the
grievance within 5 working days.
• In case the employee is not satisfied with the redressal of the
grievance she/ he may submit the grievance to the Head of
Department within 2 working days from the date of receipt of
grievance response from the manager
• The concerned HoD will record comments on the grievance form
within 5 working days after making necessary enquiries and discuss
with Business HR.
• In case the employee is not satisfied with the decision
communicated to him/ her or if she/ he fails to receive the reply
within the stipulated period, she/ he may submit the grievance
within a period of 2 working days from the date of receipt of
grievance response from the HOD to the CEO/ GCXO.

Think, decide, do what you KNOW is RIGHT

9 | Pragyan - Policy Handbook

• Constitutes of Malpractice, Impropriety, Abuse or Wrongdoing.
• To provide a platform for employees to disclose information
internally, without fear of reprisal or victimization.
• Any unlawful act, whether criminal (e.g. theft) or a breach of the civil
law (e.g. slander or libel) or abuse of power is some of the issues
which may be raised under this policy.
• The registration of the complaint could be through an e-mail to
[email protected]/ call at 1800-1020-467 or by way of a
written complaint to the Group Ombudsmen.
• The Concern shall be investigated by the Group Ombudsperson
either by himself or through any other person as deemed necessary
by the Group Ombudsperson.
• The Ombudsperson has to acknowledgement of the receipt - within
3 working days and closing of the matter within 30 days.


• GMR Group recognizes that sexual harassment violates fundamental
rights of gender equality, right to life and liberty and right to work
with human dignity as guaranteed by the Constitution of India.
• Sexual Harassment is a criminal offence and punishable under
relevant laws of the Country.
• Policy on Sexual Harassment applies to men and women.
• The Committee against sexual harassment is represented by
minimum 50% of members being women and the Committee Head
is also a woman.
• Any person who wants to complain on sexual harassment is
required to promptly inform the Committee against sexual
harassment of such complaint, in writing which is duly signed &
and same to be mailed at [email protected] or by way of a
written complaint addressed to the Head of the Committee. The
details of the committee members is available on gNet - HR Policy
• In case the employee who has made the complaint feels that the
Committee against sexual harassment has not provided her/him
due justice, the complaint can be escalated to GCM.
• The time frame for investigating and closing the case is 3 months
from the time it is brought to the notice of the Committee.
Grooming & Dress Code guidelines articulated below have been developed
in order to foster a professional environment in GMR Group and to
present an image of the Group consistent with its values and culture.
• It shall be applicable to all regular employees and employees on contract.
• All employees shall practice good personal hygiene, select attire
that is clean and in good condition and must present a professional
image at all times.
• When in office, or in business engagements outside office, the
following attire is expected:
» Monday to Friday: Smart business casuals, except for formal
occasions or meetings where formal western attire is expected
to be worn. Formal meeting invitations shall include dress code
» Saturday & Friday preceding 2nd Saturday: In addition to above,
one can also choose to wear smart casuals with matching
footwear and on festive weekends, one can choose ethnic wear
as well.
• When in office, or in business engagements outside office, the
employees are expected NOT to wear clothing with printed
message, slogan, or political message, picture or art depicting
drugs, alcohol, smoking, weapons, violence, or that is obscene or
disrespectful or having sexual connotations, tops & blouses that are
sleeveless, backless, strapless, or have spaghetti straps, sleeveless
shirts & kurtas, excessive visible body piercing or tattoos, short-
skirts ending above the knees, shorts, Bermuda pants, capris, flip-
flops, round neck T-shirts, body hugging clothes, neon coloured or
faded or frayed clothes etc. or any other sartorial
inappropriateness as decided by the management.

being well dressed

is a beautiful form
of politeness
11 | Pragyan - Policy Handbook

All the employees and vendors
GMR Information Security Policy provides framework and guidelines, in
short ensures the following:
• Information is protected against unauthorized access
• Confidentiality of the information is assured
• Integrity of the information is maintained
• Availability of the information is ensured
• Regulatory and legislative requirement are met
• Business continuity framework is maintained
• Information security training is available to all staff
• Minimize the extent of loss or damage from a security breach or exposure
• Ensure that the principles of information security are consistently
and effectively applied during the decision making and planning of
activities within the Group
• Ensure that adequate resources are applied to implement an
effective information security program
• All breaches of information security are reported to and
investigated by the Information Security team
• All users shall abide by GMR Information Security Policy
• Any employee found in violation to this policy shall be subjected to
disciplinary action as mentioned under Code of Business Conduct
and Ethics (CoBCE)
• Severe, deliberate or repeated breaches of the policy may be
considered grounds for instant dismissal; or in the case of a GMR
Group vendor, termination of their contracted services
• All employees and vendors are bound by these policies and are
responsible for their strict enforcement

HR4U is an Employee Self Service portal. Employees can access the

portal by following the link for
the purpose of viewing details on Benefits & Payments, Working Time,
Personal Information, COBCE, IJP, PMP, Grievance, HR Helpdesk, Learning
Portal, Reimbursements etc.

12 | Pragyan - Policy Handbook

Happiness results
from discipline.
Work life balance
is very essential
for happiness
• For the purpose of leave, “year” shall mean the calendar year
commencing from 1st January - 31st December.
• The privilege leave will be credited in advance, once in six months i.e.
on 1st January, and 1st July, every year. Casual & Sick leave shall be
credited on 1st January of every Year.
• Leave must be applied through electronic leave management in
HR4U Portal and sanction to be taken before proceeding on leave.
• Leave for Pricipal Associates and Advisors will be as per the contract
Type Eligibility Procedure
- 12 days per year; will lapse at the end of the year
Employees on regular
- CL can be availed for half day also
Casual Leave rolls, Consultants &
- Cannot be availed for more than 4 days at a
stretch including intervening holidays
- 6 days per year
Employees on regular - Medical Proof of leave exceeding 2 days to be
Sick Leave rolls, Consultants & submitted by the employees
Advisors - No limit on accumulation; Cannot be en-cashed
- SL can be availed for half day also
- 24 days per year; Maximum Accumulation is up to
180 days.
Employees on regular - PL can be encased only at the time of separation
Privilege Leave
rolls - Monthly basic salary will be considered for calculation
- PL can be availed for 1 day also
- PL can be either suffixed or prefixed to sick leave
- Maternity benefit will be 26 weeks of which not more
than 8 weeks shall precede the date of her expected
Maternity leave for adoptive and commissioning
mothers: 12 weeks of Maternity leave may be availed
by any female employee who:
(i) Legally adopts a child below three months of age;
Maternity Female Employees on or (ii)Is a commissioning mother
Leave regular rolls - Eligibility subject to a minimum of 80 days of working
in 12 months immediately preceding the date of
- Employee to report to duty for one day on completion
of Maternity Leave or avail LOP for one day before
proceeding on PL
- Female employees covered under the ESI act shall be
eligible for maternity benefit as per the amendment to
ESI act date 20th Jan 2017
Paternity Male Employees on
- 3 days (2 occasions) during the confinement of spouse
Leave regular rolls
- Up to 180 days of leave with pay in the entire
service, if there is no other leave in credit
Regular Employees - Applicable only in case of extraordinary
circumstances like accident while coming to office,
critical illness,
operations etc
- A maximum of 90 days leave without pay in a year
Leave without
Regular Employees (i.e. 90 calendar days inclusive of all holidays/
Sundays), in case all types of leave is exhausted

13 | Pragyan - Policy Handbook

- Employees in the JRL LI-LJ are eligible for C-
Compensatory Off, if you work on weekly off/ national holiday
Employees in JRL LI to
Off (C- Off) - C-Off shall have to be availed within 2 months following
the month in which it accrued, else it will lapse
OJT/ Social Learning
Good attitudes does
BLENDED result from good
LEARNING Coaching/ Mentoring positions or wealth. The
APPROACH fact is that people get
good positions because
CRT/ VMDC of their positive attitude.

14 | Pragyan - Policy Handbook

14 | Pragyan - Policy
• All employees on regular roll of the Company in JRL LH & above
and PE & above including probationers excluding trainees.
• The scheme provides reimbursement of annual membership fees
for a maximum of two approved institutions in JRL LC & above and
PC & above upto maximum of ` 5000/- per Institution and one
approved institution in JRL LD to LH and PD & below upto
maximum of ` 1000/-.
• Employee’s desirous of availing this reimbursement need to apply
in the prescribed format.
• To provide for communication facilities to employees so that they
can be reached for business needs / customer support & provide
for reimbursement of such expenses.
• All employees on regular rolls including probationers subject to the
approval of HOD and HR
• The amount would be paid as advance towards ‘Cellular Phone
Reimbursement’ every month.
• All eligible employees who receive this reimbursement, during the
year, would be required to submit supporting documents once only
(for all previous months) towards the closure of the financial year
to avail tax benefits admissible under the IT Act, 1961
• Telephone expense reimbursement for different levels is given below:

Level Cellular Phone Level Cellular Phone

LX ` 1500/- per month LH ` 250/- per month

LA ` 1500/- per month LI ` 150/- per month

LB ` 1200/- per month LJ ` 150/- per month

LC ` 850/- per month PA ` 1500/- per month

LD ` 700/- per month PB ` 1200/- per month

LE ` 700/- per month PC ` 850/- per month

LF ` 350/- per month PD ` 700/- per month

LG ` 350/- per month PE ` 700/- per month

15 | Pragyan - Policy Handbook

Goals have a Weightage of 100%. Annual Goals and individual
Weightages to be discussed between the Appraiser and the Appraisee
and signed off at the beginning of the year.
• Description of Goals: To be in line with the annual Goal Sheet
• Planned Target: Each Goal to be quantified for measurement, with
a timeline for completion.
• Weightage Score: Each Goal needs to have relative Weightage
score based on its importance to the Appraisee’s overall
• Mid - Year Dialogue: The purpose of the midyear dialogue is to
review progress and create mutual understanding on the direction
and support required.
• Annual Score: At the end of PMP cycle, the Appraiser and the
Appraisee, based on the midyear dialogue arrive at the Annual
• Rating Scale:
» OP – Outstanding Performer
» EP – Exceeding Performer
» VGP – Very Good Performer
» CP – Consistent Performer
» NP – Non Performer
• GMR Group follows a performance
distribution curve for awarding the above You must have
ratings Goals but Goals
must be
16 | Pragyan - Policy Handbook

One of the key aspects under the Business Excellence initiative is to

strive for continuous improvements, which can be achieved through
various Improvement Projects
• In order to ensure that Continuous Improvement is not a one - time
activity, a structure is being put in place to ensure long term
sustainability of the Process Improvement Culture.
The key elements of the structure are:
• Criteria for Selection of Projects in order to achieve
improvements in Business Performance
• Allocation of resources for the project
• A robust Project Review mechanism at each location supported
by measurement systems
• Enhancing people involvement in Improvement orientation
through Project R & R processes
Project Reward & Recognition Process:
• The main objective of team recognition is to spur the teams to
go the extra mile in order to achieve improvements.
• To celebrate Achievements and spread the Quality Culture
• To make the journey more exciting and motivating for the employees
• To bring out real improvements impacting the bottom line
• To accelerate business excellence movement
• Group (Apex Council) Level - Top Three completed projects. Each
project team to be recognized based on schemes announced by the
Apex Council.
• Business level - For best few completed projects in a business.
Green Belt Certificate to all members (awarded in the business
steering committee) + opportunity to present to the Group
Apex Council
• Other Completed Projects- Certificate for each team member

17 | Pragyan - Policy Handbook

Spot Award means one time token appreciation to the employees in
recognition of specific one time achievement that far exceeds either
performance expectations or the scope of individual’s job
• All the regular employees of the Company in JRL LC & below and
PC & below.
• A nomination for spot award is initiated as soon as possible after
the contribution occurs.
• The Immediate Manager acknowledges the contribution and initiates
the nomination in the prescribed format as soon as possible and
forwards to HOD, CEO for consideration and approval and BHR for
further necessary action.
• There is no set limit on the number of spot awards that an
employee can get in a calendar year.
• Each spot award is in the form of an Appreciation Certificate and a
Cash or Gift Coupons/ Vouchers or Gifts of equivalent eligible
• Mention of such spot awards may also be made in the annual
performance appraisal form of the employee.
• Spot awards must be given out in a public gathering either at the
departmental meeting or at the business gathering where all
employees are present.
• Spot Award Amount: The monetary quantum of award JRL wise is `
3000/- (Rupees Three thousand only)

Brains like Hearts go where they are appreciated

18 | Pragyan - Policy Handbook

One of the key aspects under the Business Excellence initiative is to
strive for continuous improvements, which can be achieved through
various Improvement Projects. In order to promote this across the group,
ANUSHiSTA initiative is introduced aiming at Employee involvement
through Small Group Activity (SGA) for cost rationalisation.
To imbibe “Frugality” in the DNA of the organization - Not only about
costs, but all kinds of resources.
All the employees in the grades below LD/PD are eligible for the
rewards prescribed under the scheme
Under this scheme, the employees are encouraged to identify any project
by a group of employees sharing common process/ workspace/
working on same projects, identify improvement opportunities also
opportunities from various reviews aimed to promote cost consciousness
and frugality.
All completed projects in a business will be rewarded with a
certificate of honour by the CEO. A team can have a maximum of Six
Members. Best projects (3 in a quarter) will be rewarded with Cash Prize
as mentioned below:
» 1st Prize: Certificate of Honour and Cash Prize of ` 2000/ per team member
» 2nd Prize: Certificate of Honour and Cash Prize of ` 1000/ per team
» 3rd Prize: Certificate of Honour and Cash Prize of ` 500/ per team member
Top 3 certified Projects during each financial year would be rewarded at
Group Level as mentioned below. A team can have a maximum of Six
» 1st Prize: Certificate of Honour and Cash Prize of ` 5000/ per team member
» 2nd Prize: Certificate of Honour and Cash Prize of ` 3000/ per team
» 3rd Prize: Certificate of Honour and Cash Prize of ` 2000/ per team
19 | Pragyan - Policy Handbook

Start a positive thoughts factory. Good Ideas In and Good Ideas



• Employees in JRL LF & below are eligible for the rewards prescribed
under the scheme.
• Under the scheme the employees are encouraged to offer their
suggestions for improvements in:
» Operations
» Methods, processes
» Safety
» Reduction of waste
» Reduction in expenses/ cost
» Quality, systems and procedures
» Passenger/ customer experience
» Employee productivity
• Other suggestions which aims at improving efficiency and productivity
in the working of the Group.
• For every suggestion found prima facie worth of being
implemented (on recommendation of Empowered Committee), Sodexo
coupons/ Gift items/ Vouchers worth ` 250/- will be paid.
• On implementation of suggestion individually, the concerned employee
will be rewarded with Sodexo coupons/ Gift items/ Vouchers worth
` 1000/-.
• On implementation of suggestion by a team (comprising of 3 or
more employees), Sodexo coupons/ Gift items/ Vouchers worth `
4000/- will be presented to Team as reward.
• If the team comprises of 2 employees, on implementation of
suggestion, each employee will get reward coupons/ Gift items/
Vouchers worth
` 1000/- each.
• The employee/ team who successfully implemented the suggestion
along with the employee, who gave the suggestion, will also be
presented a certificate duly signed by CEO/ PHR as a token of
appreciation and recognition.
• These certificates will be presented to employees/ team members
during the Townhall meeting/ appropriate forums.
Skip level meeting provides a platform for employees to communicate
freely & openly by encouraging bottom up communication. It also
provides an opportunity to the manager’s manager to meet and know the
team members better and establish “We Care” approach.
• All employees on regular rolls of the Company excluding part time
Advisors/ Consultants.
• Skip Level Manager will be two levels above in the hierarchy of the
employees participating in the Skip Level Meeting.
• A group of employees (6-8 nos.) of the same department may be
invited to meet the Skip level Manager half-yearly, or it can be one-
on-one, which is sometimes more effective.
• The meeting is carried out without the presence of the employee’s
immediate reporting manager.
• Skip level Manager provides an opportunity for the employees to
suggest improvements in the work place, Business performance and
also seek clarity on existing/ new systems/ policy.
• Skip Level Manager takes direct responsibility to resolve the
queries/ clarifications raised during the meeting within two weeks.
• Some of the Do’s & Don’ts to be followed by the employees & Skip
Level Managers but not limited to the following are:

Do's Don'ts
Build rapport and trust amongst
the employees before starting
the skip meeting
Discuss broad themes/ concerns/
opportunities with the direct Make Commitments
Skip Level supervisor of the employees to the employees
Manager without stakeholder
Cover topics specified in the agenda check
& encourage employees to ask
questions & give feedback
Limit the discussion to
constructive criticism to bring out
positive climate
Be aware of the agenda Raise Questions
before attending the related to
Employee meeting salary disparity,
Be open and raise question performance reward
related to the agenda. Give & increments etc
suggestion and feedback

21 | Pragyan - Policy Handbook

Coming together is
a beginning; keeping
together is progress;
working together is
• Employees on regular rolls of the Company including probationers.
• Option to contribute 8% or 15% of the Basic.
• The fund is invested in LIC through GMR Group Employees
Superannuation Fund Trust.
• LIC declares interest every year. It ranges from 8% to 9% PA.
• Employee to continue his membership as long as he is on rolls of
the Company.
• The accumulations are transferable, provided if the prospective
employer has the similar scheme.
• Payment of accumulated amount will be done as per following
procedure and occasion:
» On cessation of employment at the request of the employee.
(Employee will not get full amount on cessation but certain
percentage by way of commutation is available (1/3 or 1/2). The
commuted portion is subject to tax.
» On retirement (commutation & monthly Pension).
» On death (monthly Pension)
• The commuted value on retirement is tax free.

To take care of employees’ health and to assist them regularly to meet

unforeseen personal expenditure that may arise due to medical emergency.
• Mediclaim Insurance coverage is applicable for the employee and
her/is family members. “Family members” include spouse and two
dependent children. The employee has to declare her/is
dependents under this scheme in the prescribed format at the time
of joining
• Employee Spouse and two dependent children will be covered
under Group Medical Employees’ Insurance Policy along with
employee for a maximum coverage amount of ` 1,50,000/- (Rupees
One Lakh Fifty Thousand only) per annum. The premium for the
insurance coverage will be part of employee Cost to Company.
Additionally, employee can also opt for the coverage of parents/
in-laws under Group Medical Parents’ Insurance Policy for a
maximum coverage of ` 1,50,000/-(Rupees One Lakh Fifty
Thousand only) per annum. The premium for the insurance
coverage shall be borne by the employee
• Employees will be required to bear 10% of the total claim amount
22 | Pragyan - Policy Handbook
as co- payment under medical insurance policy
Social Media has become an intrinsic part of everybody’s life. In
today’s day and age, it has also become extremely relevant to
maintain a clear demarcation between one’s personal presence on
social media as against one’s professional presence on social media in
order to ensure that work ethics are upheld. Reason being that, other
members of social media who are aware of an employee’s association
with GMR, are likely to associate an employee’s conduct on social
media with his /her association with GMR.


• While we all undeniably enjoy the liberty of voicing our personal

opinion at various social media platforms, it is pertinent to maintain
ethical conduct on social media. The freedom of expressing one’s
views on social media meets a corresponding duty towards other
members of the social media as well as the professional
organization one is associated with.


• CONFIDENTIALITY: Avoid discussing any GMR Group related

information that is considered confidential and falls under the
category of trade secret(s), potential business strategy (ies) etc.

• IDENTITY: Ensure transparency and clarity as regards your identity

on social media. Refrain from using anonymity and pseudo-names
to carry out wrongful acts in terms of this Policy as well as under

• AUTHORITY: Refrain from posting personal comments in matters that

are sensitive or beyond the purview of public speculation (For e.g.
court cases in which GMR Group is a party).

• RESPONSIBLE BEHAVIOR: Ensure that you are polite, discreet,

respectful and sensible in your conduct on social media.

• ACCURACY: Refrain from making speculative, baseless and

unfounded comments or rumors that can offend other members on
social media.

• PRIVACY: Refrain from sharing any personal information about other

individuals. As regards personal details pertaining to self, refrain
from sharing such information on social media unless you expressly
want to publicize such details.

• MAKE UP FOR YOUR MISTAKES: If an error is made while sharing

any information on social media, be the first one to voluntarily admit
the error, correct it at the earliest


over social media activities and ensure that work commitments are not

• COMPLIANCE: At all times, comply with the law, including but not
23 | Pragyan - Policy Handbook

limited to law concerning intellectual property rights, information

technology, and basic tenets of civil and criminal law.
• This policy is applicable to all employees on the regular rolls of the
• These rules apply to tours up to 15 days.
• Tour period exceeding 15 days, prior permission needs to be taken
from the HOD, who will, in consultation with the HR Department,
determine the rules to be made applicable.
• All Air Domestic travel booking is permitted only in economy class.

JRL Eligibility limits

LX/LA At actual
` 10000/- + tax per day in case of A grade cities, ` 8000 + tax in case of
B grade cities and ` 5000/- + tax per day in case of C grade cities.
` 7500/- + tax per day in case of A grade cities, ` 5000 + tax in case of B
grade cities and ` 3500/- + tax per day in case of C grade cities.
` 5000/- + tax per day in case of A grade cities and ` 4000 + tax in case of B
grade cities and ` 2500/- + tax per day in case of C grade cities.
` 3500/- + tax per day in case of A grade cities and ` 2000 + tax in case of B
grade cities and ` 1500/- + tax per day in case of C grade cities.
A grade cities: ` 1500/- per day + taxes
Other cities (B&C grade): ` 1000/- per day + taxes
A grade cities : ` 1000/- per day + taxes
Other cities (B&C grade): ` 800/- per day + taxes
PA At actual
` 10000/- + tax per day in case of A grade cities, ` 8000 + tax in case of
B grade cities and ` 5000/- + tax per day in case of C grade cities.
` 7500/- + tax per day in case of A grade cities, ` 5000 + tax in case of B
grade cities and ` 3500/- + tax per day in case of C grade cities.
` 5000/- + tax per day in case of A grade cities and ` 4000 + tax in case of B
grade cities and ` 2500/- + tax per day in case of C grade cities.

Plan your travel in Advance

24 | Pragyan - Policy Handbook


JRL Incidental Food **

A Grade Cities B & C Grade A Grade Cities B & C Grade
Amount (`) Cities Amount Amount (`) Cities Amount
(`) (`)
LX - LB At actual At actual At actual At actual
LC 300/- per day 200/- per day 1000/- per day 800/- per day
LD - LE 200/- per day 150/- per day 700/- per day 600/- per day
LF - LH 175/- per day 125/- per day 600/- per day 500/- per day
LI - LJ 150/- per day 100/- per day 350/- per day 250/- per day
Others 125/- per day 90/- per day 250/- per day 200/- per day
PA - PB At actual At actual At actual At actual
PC 300/- per day 200/- per day 1000/- per day 800/- per day
PD - PE 200/- per day 150/- per day 700/- per day 600/- per day

Per Diem Allowance in case of own stay (without bills): If an employee

is availing Per Diem Allowance, then s/he will not be eligible to claim
expenses under Incidental & Food.
Amount in `

JRL A Cities Amount (`) B & C Cities Amount (`) Top of Form
LX - LB 2500/- per day 2000/- per day
LC 2000/- per day 1500/- per day
LD - LE 1500/- per day 1200/- per day
LF - LH 1200/- per day 1000/- per day
LI - LJ 600/- per day 500/- per day
Others 400/- per day 300/- per day
PA - PB 2500/- per day 2000/- per day
PC 2000/- per day 1500/- per day
PD - PE 1500/- per day 1200/- per day


• Employees using their own personal vehicles for official work (like
visiting clients, Government Officials, etc.,) are entitled to claim
conveyance reimbursement (for fuel and associated expenses) at the
following rates:
» For four wheeler: @ ` 11.00 per kilometer for LH & above and PE
& above
» For two wheeler: @ ` 4.00 per kilometer for LI to LJ
• Employees using public transport will be allowed reimbursement of
auto fare/ City taxi at actual.
In all cases of foreign travel, the approvals are to be routed as
mentioned in the table below:

Purpose of Visit Suggested approval - Business Chairman

Business - such as export
If the travel is as per AOP, CEO/ GCXO to
promotion, technical and/ or
approve If the travel is not as per AOP, BC/
commercial discussions, etc
CC to approve
The approval by Business Chairman/ Corporate
Training/ Seminar/ Conference Chairman Based on the Training Need and overall
Foreign Training Policy agreed with PHR

Travel, Accommodation and other Eligibility Limits will be as per the

table given below.

JRL Suggested approval - Business Chairman

Elapsed travel time exceeding 8 hrs - Business
LB & above
Class Elapsed travel time less than 8 hrs -
Economy Class
Elapsed travel time exceeding 8 hrs - Business
PB & above
Class Elapsed travel time less than 8 hrs -
Economy Class
Others Economy Class

In case of Foreign Travel, the eligibility will be as mentioned here


Group B
JRL Group A South East Asia; China; Latin American countries;
(North America; Japan; Europe; Hong Kong) South Africa; Australia, Bangladesh &
other countries

Food Incidental Food Incidental

Accommodation Accommodation
Expenses Expenses Expenses Expenses
($) ($)
($) ($) ($) ($)
LX & LA 205 70 45 165 55 35
LB 200 65 35 160 50 30
PA 205 70 45 165 55 35
PB 200 65 35 160 50 30
LC & below 180 60 35 150 50 30
PC & below 180 60 35 150 50 30

Note : Group B will be 80% of Group A.

• A kit allowance will be paid to the employees visiting abroad for
the first time.
» JRL LC & above and PC & above: ` 10,000/-
» JRL LD & below and PD & below: ` 5,000/-
Policy Eligibility Procedure Co-ordinator
Temporary stay @ - Employees on - Accommodation will be provided
new location regular rolls in Co. guest house for 15 days. In
case of non-availability of guest
house, accommodation in hotel
will be provided as per the
eligibility under the domestic
travel policy
Packing , Freight & - On actual - Packing and freight charges by
Insurance road and transit insurance for
transporting the household items BHR
will be reimbursed on actuals with
approval of HOD/CHRO
Brokerage Charges - Employees on - Request to be attached with
regular rolls one month's rent details and bill BHR
for the same
Transportation of - LD & above - Request to be attached with
Vehicle and PD & above the actual bill
- One 4 wheeler
- LE & below BHR
and PE - One
two wheeler

Reimbursement of - LD & above - Request to be attached with

registration and PD & above the actual bill
charges & road tax - One 4 wheeler
for 4 wheelers
Relocation - Not applicable - One-time relocation reimbursement
Reimbursement for new joinees (for each transfer) of 2 months gross
salary for LF & below and 1 month
gross for LE & above and PE & above
House Deposit - Employees on - Interest free advance upto max.
Advance regular rolls of 10 months' actual rent or 10
months of her/ his actual HRA
whichever is lower. If taken on lease
a maximum of One Lakh Rupees
can be availed as House Deposit
- Employees to produce a proof of
the agreement
- House Deposit Advance will be
recovered from employees salary
subject to max 20 Equated
monthly instalments
Reimbursement of - Employees on - Building fund fee/ donation paid
Building Fund regular rolls for admission of children into
fee/ Donation schools to a max of 2 children. The
quantum will
be one month gross per child or
actual whichever is less. The claim is
subject to submission of proof
Special Leave - Employees on - Upon relocation, employees will
regular rolls. Not be granted not more than 7
applicable for new working days to settle down at new
joinees place
Recovery - Applicable for - If an employee is terminated or
new joinees resigns within 12 months of joining,
the entire amount so
reimbursed will be recovered

27 | Pragyan - Policy Handbook

CDP Potential

Aquire Vs. Build

28 | Pragyan - Policy Handbook

Gain Rewarding Opportunities for Work

GROW (Gain Rewarding Opportunities for Work) – A Talent Acquisition

Transformation initiative, focussing on employee referral and IJP
processes through e – enablement.
• All the regular employees of the Company in JRL LC & below and
PC & below.

• Dedicated portal to leverage employee referral network and

seamless process flow for tracking of CV movement, feedback and
closure update:
• All the regular employees of the Company in JRL LC & below and
PC & below.

• Employee uploads her/ his updated profile with key Competencies

& achievements and creates the repository of profiles enabling the
Talent Acquisition team to tap the Talent for various open positions
across GMR Group for providing growth opportunities for the
employees horizontally, vertically and diagonally. This are designed to
facilitate group wide growth opportunities for potential internal
talent. This will help in supporting talent value chain and develop
internal talent ecosystem.
• GROW is accessible through the navigation path:
GNET > GROW > Select Employee Referral Portal > Position > Submit:
http:// hireform/er_portal/client/loginer.aspx
Objective: To standardize the recruitment and selection process and
provide guidelines to be followed at GGIAL.

Applicability: This policy is applicable to recruitment of regular

employees, trainees and principal associates


• Comply fully with the employment objectives of the policy on Staffing

• Conduct resource activity in a way that enhances the reputation of

GMR Group as a preferred employer within and outside the Group.

• Encourage external recruitment on a selective basis to bring-in

fresh talent and required new skill sets.

• Identify and select individuals to ensure the best suitability for the
current job level, experience and expertise for future needs.

• Give preference to bonafide Goans for all the jobs in the Airport.

• Only graduate & above shall be employed on permanent rolls of the

company and undergraduates and below will be employed through
contract/outsourcing rolls based on the business requirement


• Respect for each other.

• Commitment to provide a work environment free from

discrimination based on race, language, religion, gender etc.

• Trust and benefit that satisfy the expectation of all the concerned parties.

• Strict compliance with applicable human rights and employment norms.

• GMR Group as a value proposition will not negotiate.

• Relationship building for a long-term association (with internal and

external customers/vendors).


• The HODs will prepare their department’s Manpower plan and

organogram for the financial year and get them approved by their
CEO/GCXO as a part of their business Annual Operating Plan (AOP).
The positions budgeted based on the JRLs will go through the
staffing process as mentioned in this chapter. The HODs of a
business will discuss with their BHR about the likely vacancies that
are to be filled after an approval through the AOP. The BHR will
give the detailed cost of staffing, cost of compensation and other
direct/ indirect expenses for each position, which will be included in
the AOP by the HODs.
30 | Pragyan - Policy Handbook
• Each resource is treated as a Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) and all
the departments of various businesses will make provisions through
budget and take approval from the GHB through the AOP.

• All resources approved, need to be requisitioned to HR for sourcing

and staffing through the ERF.


• BHR/CHR department is responsible for coordinating the entire

staffing activity and will ensure that all requirements of the
staffing process are met.

• The requirement for resources is initiated/approved by the

respective CEO/GCXO.

• BHR/CHR Department aggregates and collates the requirements

and ensures that the right candidates are selected.

• The process of selection will be based on merit, ability,

competence, experience, expertise and potential of the candidate.

• BHR/CHR Department would examine and explore the possibility of

filling up the vacancy through internal resources while simultaneously
looking for other recruitment methods. However, should there be
an internal candidate who fits the requirements squarely; preference
should be given to the internal candidate, through the IJP process.


• The BHR/CHR department will identify the suitable profiles from

the internal database and shortlist the candidates who meet the
requirements of the vacancy.

• Internal database consists of pool of resumes that are available

with the HR departments, CVs of Employee Referrals,
advertisements, CVs of internal candidates, CVs received by
e-mail/post and GMR GGIAL Portal.

• Recruitment & positions will be as per the Manpower Plan and the
Organization Structure signed off and approved by the GHB.

• Recruitment of Management and Graduate Engineer Trainees from

campus will be from reputed Business Schools, Engineering Colleges
and other premier National/ International Institutes. Tier 1, Tier 2,
Tier 3 categorization of Academic Institutes.


• The Business/Unit/Functional Head will identify the resource need,

which may have been triggered off, due to new projects coming up,
business growth, attrition etc.
• AOP will reflect Staffing on zero basis every year.

• The information will be sent to HR for resourcing activities.

• The Staffing process starts with a clear Head Count approval

including need for replacement for an existing job.

• ERF will be raised in the format provided in Annexure IA which will

be presented to HR for initiating resourcing activities. The ERF has
to be raised even if the position is already included in AOP. The
user dept. has to send the ERF to HR within 3 working days of
receipt of resignation for replacement position


• The CEO/GCXO is the authority for staffing with the prior consent
of GHB for recruitment of GM and above as per the AOP. For other
levels, the business head follows AOP.

• Any resource requirement in view of the business exigencies over

and above the approved structure and AOP needs approval as per
the following process:

» GM and below level of positions not budgeted/planned through

AOP as per the organogram can be approved by the CEO/GCXO.

» VP and above level of positions not budgeted/ planned through

AOP as per the organogram needs to be approved by BCM/BCM-


• On receipt of the ERF, the existing database of resumes and on job

sites will be checked for suitable profiles.

• Recruitment may be taken up through external Placement

Consultants; advertisements (Newspapers and magazines) direct
application, employee reference, internally identified candidates,
Campus recruitments, etc. BHR/CHR Department will evaluate and
decide the option.

• The hierarchy of preference of the source of recruitment methods will be:

» Internal Job Posting (IJP)

» Employee Referrals

» Advertisements

» Job Portals

» Consultants

• The BHR/CHR Department will do the initial screening & short

listing of resumes for the position.

• BHR/CHR Department during the short listing will focus on:

Education, Experience, Current role/responsibilities, Salary level,
Technical/ Functional/Domain Knowledge, Culture fit, etc.

• The short listed resumes are sent to the concerned Business/Unit/

Functional Heads for evaluation requesting them to indicate the
action to be taken. As far as possible (depending on the availability),
reasonable number of candidates will be provided for final


• Based on the experience of the candidates, applicable tests are

conducted as part of the selection process, to short-list the

• Candidates who qualify will be called for interview as the next step of
the selection process.

• Psychometric Tests/Tools may play an important part of the

selection process for recruitments in the JRL of LD/PD and above
to assess competencies required for the job, to develop & evolve a
career and to make developmental plans for career growth in the
company. For all engineer and management trainees, prescribed
Psychometric Tests will be conducted in addition to assessment of
knowledge and skills.

• The applicant will give her/his consent for the Psychometric Test in
writing in the format.


• All selected candidates need to undergo a pre-employment medical

check-up before joining GGIAL. Company has a tie up for Medical
check up with the Hospital which has network of Hospitals all over
India. A letter will be issued for pre-employment medical check-up,
to a new recruit which s/he has to produce in the hospital for
medical checkup.

33 | Pragyan - Policy Handbook

GMR Goa International Airport
Ltd Survey No. 381/3, Mathura One, 1st
Floor NH 17, Porvorim, Goa – 403 501


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