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1 In pairs, watch these home-made videos based on fantastic two-sentence stories and answer: Which of
these videos reminds you of one of the stories on page 118? Discuss your answer with another pair.

2 In pairs, cut and order the lines to make two-sentence stories. The pair that finishes first is the winner.
Then add one more sentence to each story.

Story 1:

But Mom says that a man killed him.

My brother says that I don’t have a brother.

Story 2:

When she gets to the stairs, A girl hears her mom call her name from
her mom pulls her into her room the kitchen,

so she stands up and starts to run. and says, ‘I heard that, too and it wasn’t me.’

Story 3:

I woke up when I heard through the baby

Then I moved in bed and, by accident,

my wife’s voice singing a lullaby∆ to my child. my arm touched my wife’s, sleeping next to me.

lullaby: a song you sing to a baby when you want them to sleep
* baby monitor: a device transmitting sounds (and sometimes video images) from a baby’s room to elsewhere in a house

Note: All the web links included in these worksheets were retrieved on November 1st, 2016.

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3 In groups of three or four students, imagine you are judges for a competition of fantastic two-sentence stories.
Look for two-sentence stories on YouTube and choose the one you like the most. Share your story with your
classmates. Then vote for the best story as a class. If your story takes the first place, your group wins.

4 In pairs, read the definitions. Discuss the meaning with your teacher. Then read the two-sentence stories
below and underline the anticlimactic sentence in each story. Explain why they are anticlimactic.

What is an anticlimax?
An anticlimax is a conclusion that goes against the reader’s expectations.
What is a cliffhanger?
A cliffhanger is an abrupt end where the main character is left in a difficult situation.

1 3
I got home, tired after a long day’s work and The ugly face looks at me through my kitchen
ready for a relaxing night alone. I reached for the window. I live on the 19th floor.
light switch but another hand was already there.

2 4
This morning I found a photo on my cell phone of I go upstairs to check on my sleeping baby.
me sleeping comfortably last night. I live alone. The window is open and the bed is empty.

I’m in bed and with my feet out of the covers.
I feel a cold hairy hand touch my feet.

5 In small groups, write a fantastic two-sentence story. Remember to mention the setting (the place and
time of your story) in any of your sentences. Share your work with the rest of the class.

In this sentence mention your main character

(most important person in your story) and an
action your main character does. Everything must
be ordinary or everyday so that the reader does
not suspect what is going to happen next.

In this sentence, you mention an anticlimactic

action or fact that the reader does not expect. The
sentence must not tell us how the main character
solves the situation (cliffhanger).

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1 In groups of three or four students, complete the two parts of Robinson’s diary with the correct form of the
verbs in parentheses. Use the simple present, the simple past or going to for intentions.

Dear Diary,
My name (1) (be) Robinson Crusoe. I belong to a traditional family. My father
(2) (encourage) me to study law but instead, I (3) (go) to sea with
a friend. My first travel (4) (be) successful. On a second sea travel, some Moorish
pirates enslaved me and (5) (take) me to Africa first and then to Brazil.
I am in Brazil at the moment. I am the owner of a big plantation. Tomorrow, I (6)
(travel) again to Africa to get slaves.

Dear Diary,
Two days ago, in the Atlantic Ocean, there (7) (be) a terrible storm with
a hurricane and the crew (8) (decide) to get in a lifeboat. Unfortunately,
the lifeboat capsized in the sea and I (9) (be) the only survivor because
I (10) (reach) an island. I (11) (be) lucky. I was the only one
who knew to swim well. Tomorrow morning, I (12) (build) a place
where to live.

2 Robinson wrote a list of the objects he rescued from the ship. In pairs, complete the list with words from
the box.

I have...

hammock pistols • (1) to cut food,

• a (2) to sleep,
towels a parrot
• a (3) to read,
pens Bible • (4) to plant,
• (5) to get warm,
knives blankets
• (6) to build my house,
tools seeds
• (7) and (8) to hunt,
gunpowder ink • (9) and (10) to write with.

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3 Watch the trailer of Robinson Crusoe at Then write True (T)
or False (F).

1 Robinson writes in his diary.

2 Sharks swim near the ship.
3 Robinson is traveling alone on the ship.
4 Robinson finds many footprints.
5 Robinson sees many cannibals with their victim.
6 Robinson saves Friday.
7 Robinson and Friday become enemies.

4 Watch the trailers of the following Robinsonades and complete the table. Put a check mark (✔) next to the
objects you can see in the trailers and an X (✘) next to the ones that are missing.

Cast Away Survivor – Season 1
Life of Pi Lost – Season 1 fan-made
The Swiss Family Robinson Lord of the Flies

There is / The Swiss

Cast Away Life of Pi Family Survivor Lost Lord of the Flies
a shipwreck

a raft

an island


a fire

a hut


Note: All the web links included in these worksheets were retrieved on November 1st, 2016.

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5 Watch the trailers again and check (✔) the correct options in each column.

The Swiss
Cast Away Life of Pi Family Survivor Lost Lord of the Flies
(voice that yes yes yes yes yes yes
narrates the no no no no no no

yes yes yes yes yes yes

no no no no no no

slow slow slow slow slow slow

quick quick quick quick quick quick

yes yes yes yes yes yes

no no no no no no

yes yes yes yes yes yes

Special effects
no no no no no no

6 Complete the sentences with the Robinsonades you watched. Try not to repeat them.

In my opinion, is more entertaining than

is more boring than .

The most entertaining Robinsonade is .

The most boring Robinsonade is .

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1 In pairs, cut out the slips of paper and put Romeo and Juliet’s dialogue in order.

… If Romeo is no longer Romeo, he will still be perfect.

Romeo: What can I do? Hear or speak?

Romeo: I am not Romeo and I am not a Montague if you hate both.

Juliet: Oh, Romeo, Romeo! Where are you? Why is your name Romeo? Say you don’t want your
father and your name…

Romeo: I hate my name because it is your enemy.

… Forget about your family and change your name. If you don’t, I will not be a Capulet any longer.

Romeo: She speaks! Oh, speak again, angel!

Juliet: It is only your name that is my enemy. What is a name? When we use another name to call
a rose, it still smells sweet…

Juliet: Who is there? I heard very few words from you but I know the sound of your voice…

Juliet: Ah!

… Are you Romeo and a Montague?

2 In pairs, rewrite Romeo and Juliet’s conversation. Then say who says each sentence.

1 My will you if they you here!

2 The is me.

3 Who is you?

4 me.

5 If you me, it.

6 What can I do? or .

7 If you want to me, send me a tomorrow.

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3 Watch two different movie adaptations of the balcony scene at

and, and draw a comic of the scene. Remember to use speech
bubbles , thought bubbles and captions . Then show your comic strip to the class.

4 In pairs, read the definition and Gnomeo and Juliet.

What is a parody?
A parody is an imitation of a particular writer, genre or text that produces a comic effect. For example,
Gnomeo and Juliet is a parody.

O Gnomeo, Gnomeo,
Are we really doomed1, Gnomeo,
To never see each other again?
Why must you wear a blue hat?
Why couldn’t2 it be red like my father’s,
Or… or green like a leprechaun3?
Or purple like some um… like, uh…
Like some weird guy4?
I mean, what’s in a gnome? Because
You are blue, my father sees red5,
And because I’m red, I’m feeling blue6.

1 doomed: marked with bad luck 4 weird guy: strange man

2 couldn’t: past of can’t 5 to see red: to be angry
3 leprechaun: in traditional Irish stories, a very 6 to feel blue: to feel sad
small man believed to have magic powers

5 Watch a passage of Gnomeo and Juliet at Then, in pairs,

put a check mark (✔) next to the characteristics of parody that apply to the animation.

Why is Gnomeo and Juliet a parody?

1 imitation

2 play on words

3 ridicule

4 very formal language

5 exaggeration

6 drama
7 humor

Note: All the web links included in these worksheets were retrieved on November 1st, 2016.

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PROJECT – Level 2
Step 1
1 Sit in groups of three or four students and read the sentences. Discuss unknown
vocabulary with your teacher or look it up in a dictionary.

1 Shakespeare was born in London.

2 Shakespeare was the son of a glove-maker.
3 Shakespeare was married to Anne Hathaway.
4 Shakespeare wrote poems, novels and plays.
5 Apart from being a writer, Shakespeare was an actor and a businessman.
6 Shakespeare died the same day as Miguel de Cervantes, writer of
The Quixote.

2 Do an online search to find whether the sentences in Activity 1 are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false

Step 2
1 You can visit different houses connected to Shakespeare’s life in
Stratford-upon-Avon. In groups of three or four students, search this
web page and match
the houses below to the correct options. Then decide which house you
would like to visit and why.

1 Shakespeare’s birthplace a The house of Shakespeare’s mother

2 Mary Arden’s Farm b The house of Shakespeare’s wife

3 Anne Hathaway’s Cottage and Gardens c The house of a typical family in Shakespeare’s times

4 Hall’s Croft d The house of Shakespeare’s daughter and granddaughter

5 Harvard House e The house of Shakespeare’s childhood

Note: All the web links included in these worksheets were retrieved on November 1st, 2016.

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PROJECT – Level 2
Step 3
1 Shakespeare wrote three types of plays: comedies, tragedies and histories. Read the definitions.

A comedy is a play that ends happily, usually with a wedding, the promise of a wedding and the finding
of lost relatives.
A tragedy is a play that ends sadly, usually with one death or more deaths.
A history is a play that tells about the history of England.

2 Do an online search and answer: Are the plays in the table comedies, tragedies or histories? Complete
the table with C (Comedy), T (Tragedy) or H (History).

Play Type of play Play Type of play

Romeo and Juliet Henry V

Hamlet Othello

A Midsummer Night’s Dream The Tempest

Macbeth Julius Caesar

Richard III The Merchant of Venice

3 Choose one of the plays and write its summary without mentioning the name of the play. Use the summaries
on page 123 as a model. Then read out your summary and the rest of the class guesses what play it refers to.

Step 4
1 Most of Shakespeare’s plays were performed at the Globe Theater in London. This theater was pulled down
in 1648. A new construction of The Globe, called Shakespeare’s Globe, was opened in 1997. Check its web
page at and
complete the sentences.

1 If I want to stay in the yard, I must pay .

2 If I want to sit, I must pay .
3 If I have a child, he/she pays .
4 If I am disabled, I .
5 If we are a group of 10, we get .

Note: All the web links included in these worksheets were retrieved on November 1st, 2016.

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Answer Key – Creative Corner Worksheets
TWO-SENTENCE STORIES 2 This morning I found a photo on my cell phone of me sleeping
comfortably last night. I live alone.
1 Video number 2 The underlined sentence is anticlimactic because you imagine somebody
2 who lives with the speaker took the photo but he/she lives with no
Story 1: one. It is a cliffhanger because if no one lives with the speaker, then
My brother says that a man killed him. But Mom says that I don’t have a somebody entered his/her house or is still there.
brother. 3 The ugly face looks at me through my kitchen window. I live on the 19th
Story 2:
The underlined sentence is anticlimactic because you expect somebody
A girl hears her mom call her name from the kitchen, so she stands up
to be looking at the speaker from the garden or street but this is
and starts to run. When she gets to the stairs, her mom pulls her into her
impossible as he/she lives on the 19th floor. It is a cliffhanger as he/she
room and says, ‘I heard that, too and it wasn’t me.’
lives on the 19th floor; the ‘ugly face’ may be supernatural.
Story 3: 4 I go upstairs to check on my sleeping baby. The window is open and the
I woke up when I heard through the baby monitor my wife’s voice singing bed is empty.
a lullaby to my child. Then I moved in bed and, by accident, my arm The underlined sentence is anticlimactic because you expect the mother/
touched my wife’s, sleeping next to me. father to find their sleeping baby, but apparently somebody took him/her
4 1 I got home, tired after a long day’s work and ready for a relaxing night away. It is a cliffhanger because apparently somebody took him/her or
alone. I reached for the light switch but another hand was already there. the baby left in a supernatural way.
The underlined sentence is anticlimactic because the speaker makes it 5 I’m in bed and with my feet out of the covers. I feel a cold hairy hand
clear that he/she lives alone and there should be nobody in the house. touch my feet.
It is a cliffhanger because if no one lives with the speaker, somebody The underlined sentence is anticlimactic because the speaker is resting
entered his/her house. peacefully in his/her bed and, suddenly, a ‘cold somebody’ touches
him/her. It is a cliffhanger because the ‘cold somebody’ may be a ghost
or somebody dead.

1 1 is; 2 encouraged; 3 went; 4 was; 5 took; 6 am going to travel; 7 was; 8 decided; 9 was; 10 reached; 11 was; 12 am going to build
2 1 knives; 2 hammock; 3 Bible; 4 seeds; 5 blankets; 6 tools; 7 pistols; 8 gunpowder; 9 pens; 10 ink
3 1 T; 2 F: There are dolphins; 3 F: He is traveling with a crew; 4 F: He finds one footprint; 5 T; 6 T; 7 F: They become friends.

There is / The Swiss

Cast Away Life of Pi Survivor Lost Lord of the Flies
are… Family Robinson

a shipwreck ✘ ✔ ✔ ✘ ✘
(it doesn’t show)
✔ ✘
a raft ✔ ✔ ✔ ✘
(boat) (looks like a boat)
an island ✔ ✘ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

animals ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✘ ✔

a fire ✔ ✔ ✘ ✔ ✔ ✔

a hut ✘ ✘ ✔ ✔ ✘ ✘
✘ ✘ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

The Swiss
Cast Away Life of Pi Survivor Lost Lord of the Flies
Family Robinson
(voice that yes ✔ yes yes ✔ yes ✔ yes yes ✔
narrates the no no ✔ no no no ✔ no
yes ✔ yes ✔ yes ✔ yes ✔ yes ✔ yes ✔
no no no no no no
slow quick ✔ slow ✔ slow slow slow
quick ✔ (at moments it quick quick ✔ quick ✔ quick ✔
slows down a bit)
yes ✔ yes yes ✔ yes ✔ yes ✔ yes ✔
no no ✔ no no no no

Special yes ✔ yes ✔ yes ✔ yes yes ✔ yes ✔

effects no no no no ✔ no no

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Answer Key – Creative Corner Worksheets
ROMEO AND JULIET 2 1 Juliet: My family will kill you if they see you here.
2 Romeo: The night is hiding me.
1 Juliet: Ah! 3 Juliet: Who is helping you?
Romeo: She speaks! Oh, speak again, angel! 4 Romeo: Love guides me.
Juliet: Oh, Romeo, Romeo! Where are you? Why is your name Romeo? 5 Juliet: If you love me, please say it.
Say you don’t want your father and your name... 6 Romeo: What can I do? Hear or speak?
… Forget about your family and change your name. If you don’t, I will 7 Juliet: If you want to marry me, please send me a message tomorrow.
not be a Capulet any longer.
5 Students should check all the characteristics except for ‘very formal
Romeo: What can I do? Hear or speak?
language’ and ‘drama’.
Juliet: It is only your name that is my enemy. What is a name? When we
use another name to call a rose, it still smells sweet…
… If Romeo is no longer Romeo, he will still be perfect.
Romeo: I hate my name because it is your enemy.
Juliet: Who is there? I heard very few words from you but I know the
sound of your voice…
… Are you Romeo and a Montague?
Romeo: I am not Romeo and I am not a Montague if you hate both.

Step 1
2 1 F: Stratford-upon-Avon; 2 T; 3 T; 4 F: Just poems and plays; 5 T: In fact, he was a stockholder of his own company of actors; 6 T
Step 2
1 1 e; 2 a; 3 b; 4 d; 5 c
Step 3

Play Type of play Play Type of play

Romeo and Juliet T Henry V H

Hamlet T Othello T

A Midsummer Night’s Dream C The Tempest C

T (It is not a history T (It is not a history because

Macbeth because it tells the Julius Caesar it tells the history of the
history of Scotland.) Roman Empire.)

Richard III H The Merchant of Venice C

Step 4
1 1 £5; 2 £20–£45; 3 £3 off all seats; 4 can get discounted tickets; 5 one additional ticket free

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