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AFSB is a body in the Nigerian Defence Academy whose aim is to select
physically , medically and intellectually ft candidates for admission into the
various arm of services trained in the Nigerian Defence Academy. The Boad is
headed by a one star general, as he is regarded as the Board chairman.

There are many stages candidates need to pass successfully before the Boad
facing stage, these stages are;

1. Documentaton
2. Credentals Screening
4. Medical Screening
5. 3.2km Race
6. Writen Test( Apttude Test)
7. Obstacles crossing
8. And Lastly Psychology test Popularly known as Board
Each of these stages, must be done accordingly before another, successful
candidates at the Entrance examinaton now known as Screening test
examinaton will be invited for the AFSB interview which is always held each
year at the Academy old site now known as Ribadu campus, or Post graduate
school. This arena is located in Kawo, Kaduna State. Armed Force Selecton
Board selects a total of 1800 successful candidates for Interview afer the
Entrance Examinaton, which means each state of the Republic of Nigeria has a
total of 50 successful candidates for the interview.
AFSB selects best candidates out of the total candidates that sat for the exam
for the AFSB interview, AFSB selecton is strictly on merit, every candidate is
advice to prepare very well before going for the entrance examinaton because
the entrance examinaton is extremely compettve, your competton is
between you and your fellow stateman, so you are competng with people who
are actually from your state. In order to perform well in the entrance
examinaton you need to prepare very well and if you did very well emerging
the best in your department, you will be shortlisted for the interview.

AFSB is very professional in selecton of successful candidates for the interview,

their selecton is based on candidates's performance in their various courses
irrespectve of the Facultes










There are total of eight departments in the faculty of Art and Social
Science, and each department has a number of candidates they select
for AFSB Interview

Faculty of Art and Social Science selects a total of 20 best candidates

at the entrance examinaton for AFSB INTERVIEW.






This Faculty has about four departments and usually selects 10 best
successful candidates from the entrance examinaton.







This Faculty takes a total of 15 best well performed candidates in the

entrance examinaton for the AFSB interview. And there are fve
departments in the faculty of Science of the Nigerian Defence




This department doesn't take much of candidates for interview, this

department selects only fve best candidates from the entrance


This Faculty was newly introduced in 2020 Admission process
with about two Departments which are;



This selecton is done according to Defence Headquarter instructons,

and each state is expected to have 50 successful candidates or more
than 50 for the interview. So the selecton is according to candidates's
departments in their various states.

Afer the shortlist has been published, candidates that partcipated in

the entrance examinaton are to check their names in the shortlisted
names of successful candidates for AFSB Interview. The names of
those in the list are the successful ones in the entrance examinaton,
which means they did very well in the entrance examinaton
answering about 65%-90% of the examinaton questons correctly .
Once you merit the chance to be selected for the interview, surely
your name shall be among the successful candidates in your state
shortlisted for the AFSB Interview because it is strictly on merit,
Academy needs the best among all afer the entrance examinaton.

There is one thing you should know about Armed Force Selecton
Board Interview. Once your names appear in the AFSB Interview list
that moment your military career journey starts, so anything you start
doing from that moment you should be extremely careful because
one thing can eliminate you from the interview once you resume for
it. This stage cares for life and death, this means that Armed Force
Selecton Board selects the ftest candidates that do not have any
medical or physical problem for admission this is done properly and
carefully, during the Medical stage of AFSB Interview due to the
nature of training in the Academy.

So many cadets die afer reportng for training, in which when

autopsy is done it will be medical problem either blood pressure
problem or the other. So Academy brought the idea that each
candidate must be medical diagnosed properly to make sure they see
if candidates are medically ft for the military Academy journey, those
who are not medically and physically ft will be sent home to avoid
unwanted death during the course of training, which many people
don't understand how it is been done. Nigerian Defence Academy is
very kind in selecton of their cadets from ftest AFSB Interview
candidates, if a candidate is not medically and physically ft, such
candidates will be told their problem in order for them to go and treat
themselves properly and reapply anytme they are medically and
physically ft for the journey this can only be done if you are stll
within the age limit which is usually from 17years to 21years at month
of September. You shouldn't be less 17years old or higher than
21years old not even with a day, if such should happen you will
defnitely be disqualifed during the interview that's immediately afer
the credental screening. Don't be surprised that one thing can
eliminate you if you are not very careful.

Most candidates are very arrogant, and would like to show

themselves when once they report for the interview, mind you AFSB
is nobody's father's personal business, but Military Government
organizaton, which means nobody can break the rules guiding the
organizaton not even generals. So Candidates are advised to respect
themselves, and also respect all the ofcials, military personnel or
civilian personnel they see around the premises, if only they want to
know peace in the AFSB Interview, immediately they resume for the
interview. Note Candidates military recording start immediately they
report for the AFSB interview and fnish their documentaton

Here are the clarifcatons of this AFSB Journey

A date is being set by the Armed Force Selecton Board for each ch to
report for the interview, frst reportng batch is done accordingly,
irrespectve of the group of states. This means if group A should be in
batch A this year next year group B will be in frst batch to report for
the interview. And they're alphabetcally arranged.

AFSB Interview is divided into two Groups which are A and B.

But due to the recent COVID-19 out in 2020 in Nigeria the two
groups were extended to three groups making it three
batches, this was in line to observe the COVID-19 protocols
and avoid the spread of the virus. As soon as everything
returns back to normal the batches will stll return back to two
batches. As shown below;

Group A
This Group comprises 19 states of the Federaton these are;










11. KOGI




15. ONDO

16. OSUN

17. YOBE


19. FCT

Group B
This group has about 18 states which are;







9. IMO




13. OGUN

14. OYO





This is a total of Thirty six states(36) which will undergo the interview

Each state has their AFSB name and candidates from the each state
are named according to their state AFSB name together with their
serial numbers in the successful list for the interview.











11. KOGI. KG




15. ONDO. ON

16. OSUN. OS

17. YOBE. YB


19. FCT. FCT







9. IMO. IM




13. OGUN. OG

14. OYO. OY





In Armed Force Selecton Board Interview candidates are known by

their chest numbers

What's Chest number

Chest number is a number candidates fall in their state for the AFSB
Interview. It is writen with white colour on blue clothes which
signifes the colour of AFSB dressing code which is white round neck T-
shirt and blue short. The moment you resume for the interview you
are to take your chest number according to your serial number in your
state. Example AN01 which means Anambra number 1 and so forth.
This is how it is been arranged accordingly to avoid any mixed up
during the interview.


On Arrival for the Armed Force Selecton Board Interview, all
candidates will be Seated next to each other according to their state,
they will seat on the ground facing the military ofcial who will be
charged of searching their bags to make sure candidates do not smug
in any illegal objects and devices such as, cell phones, Sharp objects,
ear piece, radio,mp3 player and other devices which are prohibited in
the place during this interview. Candidates are to ensure they don't
go in with any of those things listed above to avoid being disqualifed
or atract damage to the device especially cell phones. Afer you have
been searched properly ,you will be directed to another line where
ofcials who are in charge of candidates states, Candidates will be
asked to say their names then the NDA ofcials who are incharge of
Candidate's NDA documental fles according to their states, all the
reported state's names will be writen on paper then tag it on the
front table of each of the ofcials who are in charge according to the
states, so candidates are to search for their state and follow the
instructon which is candidates must seat on the ground and wait for
their turn for the documentaton.

All candidates will be seated next to each other on the ground
according to their states, in this process, all the ofcials in charge of
this process will have the shortlisted list of successful candidates for
the AFSB Interview, in which each candidate will be asked to say his or
her names and also check his or her names in the list then show it to
the ofcials, the ofcials will then authorise them to pick a blue
coloured cloth containing numbers (chest number) according to their
serial numbers in the list and they are expected to wear the cloth
containing their chest number immediately they pick it and that's
they will contnue wearing it tll afer the interview because that's
their identty, afer that the ofcials will record each Candidate's chest
number in the fle which carry all their required credentals and every
actvity they will undergo during this interview. Afer that second
stage of the documentaton screening, another stage will be
introduced to every candidate who has fnished the frst and second
stages. The third stage is registraton, all candidates will be told to pay
a sum of two thousand fve hundred naria(N2,500) this money is to
used to verify candidates results online to see if they came for the
interview with authentc results.


Candidates will line up accordingly with their N2,500 and

acknowledgement form to show they actually came for the
interview. They will be directed to pay and sign their signatures in the
form used to record their payments.

Then Afer The Registraton, those through with all the

documentaton stages will be marched to the Drill Shed where
Credentals Screening and Assessment will take place that same day.


Since all those candidates who have been matched to the Drill Shed
for credentals screening have fnished their documentatons, so then
all ofcials will now carry their NDA Files which has their postcard
photograph, names, chest numbers, Arm of service, courses, State
and Local government area on the fles, the fles will be moved to
another Ofcials in the Drill Shed mainly Military Ofcers highest rank
is Captain in Army, Squadron Leader in Airforce, and Commander in
the Navy. These intelligent Ofcers will assess all candidates
credentals such as NDA acknowledgement form, Parents and
guardians form, Local government atestaton form, Birth certfcate
or Declaraton of Age, First school leaving certfcate and the primary
school testmonial, Secondary school certfcate Educaton Results
which are Neco, Waec, Nabteb or Gce, and the secondary school
testmonial. All the photocopies of these credentals must be
summited to them in which they will put them all into the candidate's
fles for fnal credentals judgement.

All candidates must also come along with Neco, Nabteb, Gce or Waec
scratch card which will be collected from them while those who don't
have, will pay an amount of money for the scratch card. Then
Candidates will be issued a form to fll. In which they will all have to
write their names, Waec or Neco Exam numbers, the grades they have
in their certfcates, Age, Jamb registraton numbers. And so forth.
Afer writng them, they will then submit the form along side with
the photocopies of their Certfcates to AFSB staf in charge of their
states. Candidates are advised to make sure all their certfcates are
complete and All their informaton provided are correctly flled
because this is where their Screening starts from.

All their certfcates and details from the day you reported will be
documented in their diferent fle which will later be passed on to the
board commitee if you eventually scale through all the eliminaton
stages successfully. Few days afer the credental screening is done all
candidates will be assembled in the parade ground to call out those
who didn't meet up the requirements according their credentals,
thereafer all those who fail the credental screening will be
eliminated immediately afer the credentals Screening Result has
been called . So those found guilty with their Certfcates will be sent
back home. This is how the processes are, very difcult and simple if
only you do the right things at the right tme. Immediately afer the
credental screening the next stage is Medical screening.

Candidates call this stage ALMIGHTY REMOVAL, because this stage is

capable of romoving all the candidates in a state if they are not
medically and physically ft. In this stage there are alot of medical
tests that will be conducted on each and every candidate to avoid
carrying along candidates that have medical problems which may lead
to death in the during course of training in the Academy.

1.The B.P Test(Blood Pressure)

As show above in the picture on how blood pressure test is
being conducted on the candidates to know their BP status .
BP Is the pressure of the blood in the circulatory system, ofen
measured for diagnosis since it is closely related to the force and rate
of the heartbeat and the diameter and elastcity of the arterial walls.

"heart failure is common in patents with high blood pressure" So

NDA wouldn't allow such thing to happen to any of their ofcer


Related problems of BP are ; High blood pressure and Low blood


High BP is a conditon in which the force of the blood against the

artery walls is too high.

Usually hypertension is defned as blood pressure above 140/90, and

is considered severe if the pressure is above 180/120. But in this case,
NDA don't accept Candidates with BP range above 130/80 or below
110/80. They considered that to be high or low and which can not be
accepted by the Armed Force Selecton Board due to the nature of
training in the Academy. Most ofen this conditon can be caused by
fear and anxiety too due to the actvites candidates undwego in the
academy, so candidates are advised to remain calm whenever they
want to check their BP status, why some are genetcally hereditary.

Requires a medical diagnosis

High blood pressure ofen has no symptoms. Over tme, if untreated,

it can cause health conditons, such as heart disease and stroke. So
that's why every candidate needs to be diagnosed Before it will show.

Treatment consists of self care and diuretcs

Eatng a healthier diet with less salt, exercising regularly and taking
medicaton can help lower blood pressure.


Physical exercise, Stress management, Quitng smoking, Home blood

pressure monitors, and Low sodium diet, eat banana, cucumber,
water melon, and moringa seeds.
2. Height And Weight

This is another simple stage but a Technical stage of the AFSB Medical
test. This is where all candidates's Height and Weight will be checked.
Candidates that fall short of this requirement will be disqualifed.
Alot of candidates were disqualifed also because of Height and
Weight. This Height and Weight is use to calculate your BMI(Body
Mass Index)
The minimum requirment of height for males is 1.68m while for
female is 1.55m.
3. Dental Test

This is the stage where Candidates's teeth will be examined to see if

there's any fault or problem in them and also to see if they are
properly Arranged. Your teeth will also be examined to know if they
are infected, as shown in the picture below
4. Eyes Test

This is the stage where candidates's Eyes will be tested to know if you
have any Eyes problem. They will be tested for Colour Blindness, long
sightedness And Short sightedness. Candidates should ensure they
read whatever leter they're asked to read very well. Candidates are
to call out loud the alphabet they see as instructed. Candidates are
expected not to allow fear to deprive their chance of passing that eyes
test, for any test they fail in this stage will be used to disqualify them
afer the Medical screening.

5. Physical Medical check up

In this stage candidates will be called to a room individually or in
group, here all the candidates who have been called into the
partcular room where medical practoners will be present to exam
each candidate's physical ftness, male candidates will face male
medical practoners where their tests will be checked if they are
complete, thesame process applicable to female candidates, in AFSB
Medical nothing is hidden, because anything you try to hide will be
revealed with medical facilites in the Academy.So AFSB Medical
screening test is 100% accurate. Other things will also be checked
properly such as fat foot, pile, For pile: candidates will have to open
their anus then bend down and cough very well, if your anus is
coming out while coughing then you have pile. They will also check for
Tatoos like those candidates that like fashion in case you all don't
know, if such should be found on your skin disqualifcaton is waitng
for you at the end of the medical, even a sttch can disqualify a
candidate, so Candidates have to be very careful the kind of actvity
they expose their body to, candidates's chest will also be measured, K
legs, and any surgical Scars or marks and other abnormality in your
body. If it is critcal you will be disqualifed immediately afer the
medical screening. This stage is one of the hardest and difcult stage
of AFSB Interview to scale through. Only the ftest will be selected
afer the medical screening.

6. Electrocardiograph(ECG)
In this very stage, some medical electrical wires will be placed on
candidates's chest as they lie down on a medical bed , place on the
surface part of their heart, it will also be placed on their legs and
hands. Then the machine will start reading their heart rates and the
pulses in their body. The essence of this test is to check if their heart
is functoning very well and if their breathing rate is absolutely
normal. This test is very critcal because the result is hardly tempered
with. Your godfather can't do anything here if you have any heart
problem so it is very advisable that candidates do the test before
going onward.

7 Blood And Urine Test

A smaple of candidates's blood and urine will be collected by NDA
Medical Laboratory Scientsts for laboratory test. The purpose of this,
is to check candidates's Blood group, Hepatts B, genotype, HIV
status, your sugar Level, if candidates are smokers, drug addicts and
any other Blood related diseases. This stage is also very vital and
critcal because candidates can't predict if their blood and urine is
completely pure and normal at that moment. So it is advisable for
candidates to be taking enough water every day to help eliminate
some minor problems in the body , when they urinate those dirtes in
the body can easily go out.

8. X-Ray
This is the stage where Candidates's chest and bone will be examined
in order to see if their bones are in good structure and also their
thoracic region which makes up the chest is in proper shape.
Candidates will be told to Breath in very well for the X-rays machine
to capture their thoracic region very well and then breath out afer
the capture. This the fnal stage of the medical, following the
announcement of the results few days afer. Successful Candidates at
medical screening those who are medically and physically ft will be
called out on that day of judgement. Many Candidates will leave the
AFSB Interview premises that day, about 70% or even more than of
the candidates that went for the medical will be disqualifed due one
medical problem or the other which might afect them during the
course of training in the Academy. Afer the disqualifcaton, those
that are medically and physically ft will be set for the endurance race
known as 3.2km race.


The above
pictures show example how the 3.2km race is being conducted.

Many candidates are always get frightened in this stage but it's one
of the simplest stage ever only if the Candidates are prepared for it
and follow the patern run the race. Male Candidates are expected
run this race in 18minutee while female Candidates is 22minutes. Any
tme higher than than will lead to disqualifcaton depending on the
numbers of Candidates lef in each state.

The 3.2km race is to determine how far you can endure pains even
when you are exhausted. Candidates can easily make the race only if
they go for regular road work(jogging) at least fve tmes per week
Candidates that always keep ft will never have any problem in this
stage. Candidates will be told to complete their race between 0sec-
18mins for the boys for frst Cage, while the girls are to complete their
race within 0sec- 22mins for frst Cage. Anytme high than this tme
will either place the candidates in second Cage, third Cage and Fourth
Cage. Don't run too fast immediately the race kicks of. Try to get
close to those at the front even if they are running faster than you like
Antelopes, do not allow them to give you a long space. Close your
mouth when running then when you begin to feel heaviness in your
heart, huh! just open your mouth a litle when you feel very very tred
as if you want to faint so that air can penetrate through your mouth
and nose in order to gain a proper breathing. Candidates will be given
a yellow plastc card as they are running then it will be collected from
them afer the race. This will enable them to know if they really
followed the right route during the race and to also prevent
candidates from using the short cut. Because candidates love that so


This stage is where candidates are required to write an ESSAY and also
answer some Objectve questons. The objectve questons is a
random queston coming from mathematcs, English, Government,
And Current Afairs such as football, latest news and event about
other foreign countries and so forth while for other courses you will
have to study their text books very well, Candidates will be given a
single Objectve answer sheet just like the one they issue to them
during the SCREENING Test Examinaton. While afer their objectve
questons Candidates will also be given a sheet of paper for their
Essay writng. You might be asked by the AFSB with this queston
NIGERIA A GREAT NATION" And so forth. Here is how to write the


Military is the combinaton of the Army, Navy, Airforce, Space force
and Marine.

The military is the group or groups of people that are given power to
defend a country. They are armed, so they are called the armed
forces. The military protects its country by defending it from the
armed forces of enemies, if there is a war. The military can also be
ordered by the government of the country to atack another country.
The word "military" comes from Latn miles, warrior.

Most recognized branches of the military are Army, Navy and


Army (land) – A military force of soldiers mainly on land or driving in

land vehicles. They also use helicopters.

Navy (sea) – A military force that uses ships and boats. They also
sometmes have planes. People in a navy are called sailors unless they
are ofcers or pilots.

Air force (air) – A military force that uses mainly airplanes.

Sometmes the military has more branches that do more specialized

work. For example, in the United States and United Kingdom there

Marines – Military forces that serve on ships, but are also trained to
fght on land when needed. Their main job is to atack by landing on
enemy beaches. They work closely with a navy, but are not sailors.
They may also have their own boats, planes, and helicopters.

Some big countries even have small units which perform special
actons which are very difcult. They are called special forces.

A military ofcer is a member of an armed forces who holds a

positon of authority mostly commissioned into the Army, Navy or

Everyone has some aim in their life to become something. Some fail
and some succeed in achieving it. For instance, for the sake of Nigeria
many Ofcers sacrifced their lives to protect her . Therefore,
everyone is born with a purpose and should be aware of their

My aim in life is to become a military Ofcer and to serve my country.

I want to name, fame or money but power for my country. With

honesty, I want to serve my fatherland and with love and also praise
it everywhere. Being in the military is full of adventures which
interests me. Military protects many lives and well being of others.
Military are dutful, alert and punctual and I too possess these
qualites which qualifes me to become a military ofcer.

Just like Ofcers, my aim in life is to have a moto of 'do or die.' If I

become a military ofcer I will serve my naton in every best possible
way and with truth and honesty.
I sincerely believe that being in the military is the best thing on Earth,
with God who strengthens man and make all things possible should
grant me the strength to serve my naton and I shall serve, respect my
naton at all tmes. And I wish to be among those my country will be
proud of.

Candidates's Essay must be a good one which will describe the topic
they are asked to write about. This to enable them earn a good mark
in it. Don't use words you can't tell the meaning, just make is simple
and meaningful, and easy to read.

(Individual Obstacle Crossing)
What is required in this stage is candidates's Endurance and Agility.
Candidates are advised to drink enough water and do some exercises
before proceeding to face this stage. So, this is where those push up,
sit up, pull up that the
y have
been doing will be of great help to them. Candidates will be faced
with 10 diferent Obstacles .

1.The frst one is coloured red which candidates have to jump over
without touching it.

2.Then the next one is painted with green, candidates have to jump
this one with your Hand and Leg touching it because it is a bit higher
than that of the Red Pole.

3. The next on board is crawling with your stomach under some Metal

4. Leaping up with your hands and Legs in order for you to be able to
fy the fence(both male and female Candidates) some candidates can't
pass this stage due to their Height.
AFSB instructors will be there to score each candidate's performance
during these actvites. Candidates are advised to make sure they
cross each obstacle successfully.

5. Candidates will run across a shape that looks like triangle made
with block. You must ensure you land on the ground with your two
feet together.

6. Candidates will also come across an Obstacle were they will be

required to crossover with the rope in front of them. Is very easy to
cross, candidates Will have to hold the rope and swing themself to
the other side without your leg touching the Redrope ted across the
pole there.

7. Candidates will come across another stage which is called "The

Monkey Hand Bridge" candidate's push will really help them in this
stage because they will have to cross themself with the use of their
hands without their legs touching the ground. Most candidates always
fnd this part difcult to cross especially the female Candidates.
Candidates will also have to swing themselves very well without
touching the RedRope ted across the fnish point of this stage.

Candidates are to know that anything Red means Danger or Death

while the Green is Save and Friendly.

8. Candidates will come across two pits, one is wider than the other
one. The wider one is for the male candidates while the smaller one is
for the female Candidates. Candidates are advised to make sure they
run as fast as they can before jumping it especially for those that are
not that tall in height otherwise they may end up having a scratch or
injury on their legs.

9. Once candidates get to this stage successfully they're to have it in

mind that they are almost done. Candidates will come across eight
Tunnels which they will have to crawl inside and comeout from the
otherside. This is where candidates normally get stained Like beautful
bigs and also sustain Injury on the kneel or elbow.

10. This is the last stage which requires all that they have been
training themselves for and this stage carries high marks than others.
Alot of candidates always have problem in this stage especially the
female ones. Well its a bit easy only if they are constant in doing
exercises . It is all about endurance and brainwork it is not by muscles
or power. Immediately they get to this stage they are to make sure
their hands are totally dried. If they are not take a sand and rob it on
your hands or clean them very well with cloth for easy climbing and
gripping and also in order to avoid slippery when climbing the Last

Candidates will come across a very tall Pole with about fve to six
ropes ted on it. Grab one of them and start climbing. They are to hold
the rope frst then place their right hand at the upper part of the rope
above their head then do thesame to their lef hand and then pull
themselves up. It will be in this form 1 2 3 pull, 1 2 3 pull, that is
1(their right hands should frst go up when grabbing the ropes),
2(their lef hands should follow in alignment with their right hands
place upward before, then 3(then pull their body upward with their
hands holding the rope frmly) and with their legs wrapping the rope.
Repeat this procedure up to 8tmes then you will be very surprise to
see yourself at the fnish point.

Candidates must touch or kiss the upper cross bar before coming
down then the instructors there will give them full scores. Afer that
they can go and take pictures as they wish because you will be
certfed Physically ft. The essence of the pictures are to remind the
actvites of the AFSB Interview.

In this stage, your state will be divided into two Or Three groups
depending on the total number of candidates who made it out from
the Eliminaton stage. There are many group obstacles in the feld but
you will only be required to make use of three(3) or four(4) as the
Case maybe. The one I know of Is Retrieving the Rife, Retrieving the
Diamond and Retriving the scroll. This 3 group obstacles are very
technical so it required alot of thinking before you can do anything.
You and your team will be giving just 4mints each to Read each and
every obstacle problem there. That is the three. But your group will
have to fnish one obstacle before proceeding to the next one. In this
stage a Leader is Required who will have to give directves on who
should go in frst and what other actvites others in the group should
do. The Lightest person is always instructed to go in. But my Advice to
you my brothers and sisters is that you should not Stand there Like a
Forbidden tree watching. Make sure you do something or if possible
try and be the group leader because you will be given an Additonal
mark if you act as a Leader or partake in the Actvites. REMEMBER
THIS: your Fellow State Candidate is your Greatest Enemy as far as
AFSB Screening Exercise Is Concern that is just the truth Even right
from the Day you wrote your EE. So try and do all you can to make a
good point in order for you to have a high Chance of being Selected.

This stage is also a very technical stage where candidate's confdence
will be tested to know if you are capable of bringing quick soluton to
a possible situaton.

The modeling comprises of various populated and urbanized areas in

Kaduna State. And each of these town have there own various
problems that must be tackled urgently by candidates. Candidates will
fnd diferent Toys, colours, roads objects, etc there. All of these
representng real life Status. Such as Car, boats, houses, horses,
donkeys, tricycles, helicopters, humans, trees, rivers, Ambulance etc.
All these are found there.
Candidates will be instructed to pick a piece of paper from the rest
papers there with each of them containing the various problems of
each town in kaduna. Candidates will be given just 4minutes to read
what is inside the paper they choosed which contains the problem of
very area. Then afer that Candidates will be instructed to keep the
paper and step forward to explain and give a possible soluton to the
problem. In this stage Candidates might turn to stammerers when it
comes to this due to lack of confdence.

All the problems in each of the Town present in the Model is writen
on diferent papers among which Candidates will choose one of them
without knowing the partcular town they are about to choose.

Candidates are expected to understand the problem and also try and
view the town in the model as they are reading it so that they will
have a clear understanding of the situaton. If they can't understand it
then there is no way they can give any answer to the problem in that
case they will end up messing up at the stage. It requires brain and
mind work that's why it psychologically standard.

Candidates are to bold to face and talk to instructors during this stage,
your sense of reasoning and confdence are really needed in this
stage. Candidates are not to rush their words as if they have hot rice
burning in their mouth. If they are able to pass this stage!, then they
are fully prepared to face the Intelligent generals in the Board. Afer
this stage, next is Board facing, where high ranky military ofcers will
be present to as each candidate questons psychologically.
This last stage of the Armed Force Selecton Board, is very tactcal and
simple too if candidates prepare very well for. Boldness, Confdence,
and Neatness are really needed in this stage. It is very advisable for
candidates to go to the interview with four pairs of blue shorts and
four pairs of white round neck T-shirts and two white canvas,
preserve one pair of blue short and white T-shirt and one white
canvas, don't buy Chelsea blue short for board facing, buy a blue
material and see your blue shorts, Candidates are to iron the one they
will use to face the board and keep it separate together with the
white canvas.On day of Board facing candidates will be called
according to their chest numbers in their state.


This the stage of fnal judgement, all the successful candidates in the
previous stages will be called into a room individually to answer an
oral questons which might be psychological or current afairs
questons. Before going into the room candidates are expected to
look very neat and decent, Candidates must stock in their shirts
before going to face the board. In that room, there will be men on
diferent military ceremonial suit, these men are very intelligent and
tactcal in asking questons. So for a candidate to understand them he
or she has to be bold and fully prepared academically. Candidates will
be asked questons according to their departments. And afer this
stage Candidates will be allowed to go back home and wait for the
fnal results which is the admission list.
Here are some related questons Candidates are likely to be asked
during this last stage.












Candidates that are in this department irrespectve of their states, are

likely to be asked thesame questons, but must be answered
tactcally. There will be a chair in front of the board members ,
Candidate will seat and face them. On arrival to this room, looking
neat and decent. You're to greet them. Good morning sirs. You will be
told to seat down. Candidate will be asked his or her name, state and
local government, and course of study. Afer that the questons will

Candidates are to be very careful when answering their questons,

they might be two generals or more than that will ask questons at
the same tme, what you should do is to listen atentvely and know
the frst queston to be asked then answer it and afer the frst
queston then answer the second one. Candidates must be very bold
and also smart in this stage. Don't not use this words "No Idea Sir"
when answering questons in the baord even though you don't know
the answer to queston they ask. But try to say something relatng to
the queston been asked. Don't be a dumb. Because these are the
people that has the power to do and undo in this AFSB Interview.
They are very intelligent and smart, and for a candidate to understand
them he or she has to be fully prepared for the fnal stage

Remember Candidate's appearance to the board maters alot because

military is all about Boldness, Diligence, Discipline, Respect and

For candidates to pass through the hard tme in the military, they
must have the boldness to face any kind of challenges that will come
their way anytme any moment. Being present in the baord is for
them to determine your Boldness, as far you with stand challenges of
diferent forms, this where they know if Candidates are really
prepared to join any of the Armed forces, here they see if candidates
are capable of engaging in conservaton with higher ranky military
ofcers for mission clarifcaton. Surely candidates might get scared
seeing these generals, due their dressing, the way they talk, that's
because they are men of dignity, their dressing looks so charming due
to nature of clothes they are putng on. Don't be deceived by their
appearance those generals are very friendly. Candidates are advised
to behave themselves when they see these high ranking Ofcers in
the board, they should not allow fear to take over them, they are to
be courageous and very bold. This boldness is expected to show in all
the candidates when answering their questons, if they want their
names to be in fnal list which is the admission list. Don't forget to be
bold and self confdence when answering questons in the board, it
maters alot.

Like they say: "Hard work pays" Truly it pays, candidates are expected
to be fully prepared physically and academically before embarking on
the AFSB Interview journey, military is all about hard work, being
hard working in the military will earn such person alot of
recommendaton and respect and good positons too. During this
interview, especially the compettve parts of the interview,
candidates need to put in their best eforts in it inorder to perform
well in each of the stages startng from the 3.2km race, followed by
the rest, the last which is the board facing is the fnal judgement, here
in the board candidates records have been presented to them so the
boardmen know each candidate's performance startng from the
3.2km race to the fnal stage which Modeling. So Candidates that
performed well right from the race to the board will be welcomed
very well as soon Candidates step into the AFSB room, at the fnal
they like to see for themselves if what they saw in the candidates's
fle are true. If such candidates are able to answer the questons they
are ask correctly with boldness. Those candidates have made it
already, because military requires hard working people. There those
candidates have showed them their diligence, that means they were
fully prepared for the AFSB Interview and they are qualify to be in the
Armed forces

Good morals mater alot in the military, military ofcers are highly
disciplined. People with bad morals can't be allowed to join the
military. For candidates to be selected they have to be disciplined,
being self disciplined is good. This where you do the right thing at the
tme. Doing the right thing at the wrong tme is considered
indiscipline and such as atacking your enemies when they have
invaded you already. That's to show you were playing when training
was going on. In the military ground some places are restricted for
safe purposes, and some certain things are not allowed in the military
ground, those things are to be avoided. Rules and regulatons are to
be obeyed and followed properly to avoid atractng punishment. So
Candidates must be self disciplined and of good conducts.

Candidates must be respectul, the behave Candidates show during
the interview will be in their fles everything will be recorded in the
fle which will be presented to the board. Candidates are expected to
be of good character, respect everyone you see the interview group
military personnel, civilians and even your fellow Candidates. In the
military respect is the one thing that keeps the organizaton going,
juniors must respect and obey their seniors. Candidates must show
that they very respectul and obedient by obey the rules and
regulatons guiding the interview. In no account, will Candidates
engage in a fght for that might get them disqualifed at begin or at
the end of the interview.

In the military Neatness is a compulsory thing, personnel must look
neat all the tme. Most especially on service uniform. The Neatness of
military makes it looks so beautful and facisinatng. The beauty of the
Neatness atracts more people to join the work. So, Candidates must
look neat all the tme during this interview, most especially when
going to face the Board.


pictures above are used to show example it is.
On arrival to the room where those generals will be seated.
Candidates will be directed to seat down on a chair. Candidates are
expected to seat down confdently, without allowing their back touch
the chair, candidate is to seat upright with his or her hands restng on
his or her legs. Be bold and smart. Then kindly listen up atentvely for
their questons.

The questons might go like this for candidates in Faculty Of Art and
Social Sciences.

Board member1: What is your name?

Candidate: Sir, my names are Ogbonna Oluwasegun Ibrahim, Sir!

Board member 1: what is your course of study?

Candidate: Sir, my course of study is politcal science and defense

studies, Sir!

Board member1: List, and explain the three arms of Government

Board member 2: What system of Government is Nigeria practcing?

Candidate: Sir, the three arms of Government are, one the Legislature,
two the Executve and three the Judiciary. The Legislaturatve arm of
Government is to make and pass laws

The primary functon of the executve is to enforce laws and to

maintain law and order in the state. Whenever a breach of law takes
place, it is the responsibility of the executve to plug the breach and
bring the ofenders to book.
While the Judiciary is to adjudicate and to interpret Acts of Parliament
and the common law. Sir!

Questons Number2.

Candidate: Sir, Nigeria is practcing a democratc system of

Government. Sir!

Board member: What is the diference between a Politcal party and a

Pressure group?


Board member: What is Public opinion?


Board member: When consttutonalism said to be in its simplest



Board member: What is the main duty of the Natonal Assembly?


Board member: How many Local government Areas are in Nigeria

Candidates: Sir, there are 774 Local government areas in Nigeria. Sir!

Board: The chief law of enforcement ofcer of the Federaton is?

Candidate: Sir the chief law enforcement ofcer of the Federaton is

the chief justce of the Federaton. Sir!

Board member: How members do the Nigerian Senate has?

Candidate: Sir, Nigerian Senate has 109 members.

Board member: What is Capitalism?

Candidate: Sir, capitalism is an economic and politcal system in which

a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for
proft, rather than by the state. Sir!

Board member: Which means are used to resolve a confict in a


Candidate: Dialogue, and Mediaton are used to resolve confict in a

society. Sir!

Board member: What is federalism in Nigeria?

Candidate: Sir, Federalism in Nigeria is the devoluton of self-

governance by the west African of Nigeria to its federated states, who
share sovereignty with the Federal Government. Sir!

Board member: What is the primary functon of a politcal party?

Candidate: Sir, the primary functon of a politcal party is to nominate

candidates for public ofce and to get as many of them elected as
possible. Sir!

Board member: Who is the new secretary general of United Natons?

Candidate: Sir, the ne secretary general of the United Natons is

Antonio Guterres

Board member: What is the diference between Terrorism and

Candidate: Sir, Terrorism is considered to be a method of pursuing a
politcal goal with Violence. While Insurgency is a politcal movement
aimed at realizing a specifc politcal goal which is generally to
overthrow a regime. Sir!

Board member: What is Indirect Rule?

Candidate: Sir, Indirect Rule is a system of government of one naton

by another in which the governed people retain certain
administratve, legal and other powers.Sir!

Answering the questons correctly and boldly too will excite the board
members and they will happily ask such candidates to go.

Candidates from another department in Faculty Of Art and Social


Candidate next must follow the same procedure the frst took.

Board member1: KD10

Candidate; Sir, yes sir!

Board member: What is your name and where are you from?

Candidate: Sir, my names are Dogara Michael, am from Birnin Gwari

in Kaduna state. Sir!

Board member2: What's your course of study?

Board member 3: Defne Economics

Candidate: Sir, my course of study is Economics, Sir!

Candidate: Sir, Economics can be defned as the social science that
studies the producton, distributon, and consumpton of goods and
services. Sir!.

Board member1: State the law of demand in Economics

Candidate: Sir, the law of demand states that conditonal on all else
being equal, as the price of a good increases, quantty demanded
decreases; conversely, as the price of a good decreases, quantty
demanded increases

Board member: When was the Nigerian Defence Academy


Board member2 : What is the name of your state Governor

Board Member:

Candidates: Sir , the Nigerian Defence Academy was established on

5th February, 1964.Sir!

Candidate: Sir, the name of my state Governor is Mallam Nasir Ahmad

El-Rufai, Sir!
Faculty Of Sciences
Faculty Of Engineering and Technology
Faculty Of Military Science
Candidates in these Facultes can be asked this questons in
respect to their departments (Courses). Candidates are
advised to read their books, especially their text books and
current afairs too in order to be used to them.
Candidates must follow the procedures given in the frst stage.

Board member: State the Newton's three laws of moton
Candidate: Sir, the frst law of moton states that the object
will be in its state of rest or contnue to move with a uniform
moton on straight line unless acted by external force. Second
law of moton states that the rate of change of momentum of
a body is directly proportonal to the applied force and it takes
place in the directon of force. Third law of moton states that
acton and reacton are equal and opposite. Sir!
Board member: what is the diference between Mass and
Candidates: Sir, Mass is defned as the quantty of mater a
body posses. While Weight is the Earth pull of the body. That's
the force actng on objects due to gravitatonal pull of the
Earth. Sir!
Board member: What is Simple pendulum?
Candidate: Sir, a simple pendulum is an instrument used in
the laboratory to measure tme. Sir!
Board member: What is fundamental and derived quanttes
list fve examples in each of them.
Candidates: Sir, Fundamental quanttes are the basic
quanttes which provide the standard units of measurement.
Examples are Time, Length, Temperature, Pressure and
Current. While Derived quanttes are quanttes goten from
the fundamental quanttes when they are combine together.
Examples are Force, Velocity, Momentum, Work and
Acceleraton. Sir!
Board member: Defne moton and list the types of moton.
Candidate: Sir, Moton can be defned as the change of
positon of a body with tme. It also involves how things move
and what makes them to move. There are fve types of moton
namely Random moton, Translatonal moton, Rotatonal
moton, Oscillatory moton and Relatve moton. Sir!
Board member: State the law of electrostatc
Candidate: Sir, the law of electrostatc states that like charges
repel each other while unlike charges atract each other. Sir!
Board member: What is Gold-leaf electroscope.
Candidate: Sir, Gold-leaf electroscope is an instrument used
for measuring, indicatng and detectng charges. Sir!
Board member: What is Conductor and Insulators give three
examples in each.
Candidate: Sir, conductors are substances, or materials mostly
metals that allow electricity to pass through them. Examples
are Human body, water, and metals
While Insulators are materials which do not allow the passage
of electricity. Examples are paper, wood and plastc. Sir!
Board member: What is capacitor and give two functons of
Candidate: Sir, Capacitor is a device for storing electrical
charges. It is made of two conductors which are parallel to
each other.
Sir, capacitor is used to separate a.c from D.C
It is also used to control current in an a.c. Sir!
Board member: What is Lightning conductor
Candidate: Sir, Lightning conductor is used to prevent a tall
building from being damaged when it is struck by lightning.
Mostly especially when there is thunder lightning during
rainfall. Sir!
member: What is electric current?
Candidate: Sir, electric current is the rate of fow of charges
through a conductor. Sir!
Board member: What is potental diference?
Candidate: Sir, Potental diference is the amount of work
done in moving a unit positve charge from a point to another,
mostly from a point of lower potental to the point of higher
Candidates in these Facultes are advised to study their
physics text book very well, most especially Electrical
engineering and Physics Candidates.
Board member: Defne Chemistry
Candidate: Sir, chemistry can be defned as the study of
nature , compositon and propertes of mater and changes
mater goes under diferent conditons. Sir!
Board member: List fve separatng techniques in chemistry
Candidate: Sir, 1 Sieving,2 Filtraton, 3 Distllaton, 4
Sublimaton and 5 Fractonal Distllaton. Sir!
Board member: What is an Atom?
Candidate: Sir, An Atom is the smallest indivisible partcle of
an element which can take part in a chemical reacton. Sir!
Board member: State the law of conservaton of mass
Candidate: Sir, the law of conservaton of mass states that
mater can neither be created nor destroyed in the course of
chemical reacton. Sir!
Board member: List two chemical bonding you know and
explain them
Candidate: Sir, one is Electrovalent it is also known as ionic
bond, this principle is called donor- acceptor, in which there is
a complete transfer of electron.
two is covalent bond. In this bond electrons are shared
between atoms such that each of the atoms in the the
molecule has the electron arrangement of a noble gas. Sir!
Board member: State Charles law
Candidate: Sir, Charles law states that at constant pressure
the volume of agiven mass of gas directly proportonal to it's
absolute temperature. Sir!
Candidates in these Facultes are advised to read their
chemistry text books because questons can come from any
topic , especially candidates that applied Chemistry.
Candidates will be asked to solve some problems in chemistry,
physics and mathematcs most especially Mathematcs and
Engineering Candidates. Questons can be repeated too.
Board member: Defne Cell
Candidate: Sir, cell can be defned as the smallest unit of living
organizaton. Sir!
Board member: What is photosynthesis?
Candidate: Photosynthesis is the process by which green
plants manufacture their on food making use of carbon
dioxide and water in the presence of sunlight. Sir
Board member: Defne Catabolism
Candidate: Sir, Catabolism can be defned as the breaking
down of complex organic molecules ingested as food into the
body. Sir!
Board member: What is Enzyme and list types of Enzymes
Candidate: Sir, Enzyme is an organic catalyst usually
proteinous in nature which promotes or speed up chemical
changes in living cells but are not themselves used up in the
process. Sir!
There are two types of enzymes namely Intracellular enzymes
and extracellular enzymes. Sir!
Board member: list eight ways of improving food producton
Candidate: Sir, Food producton can be improved with these
following ways
1. By proper tming of plantng
2. By use of manures and fertlizers
3. By control of pets of crops
4. By control of diseases of crops
5. By use of resistant varietes
6. By use of good crop varietes
7. By control of weeds
8. By crop improvement methods. Sir!
Board member: What is Osmosis
Candidate: Sir, Osmosis is the movement of water molecules
from a region of higher concentraton to a region of lower
concentraton through a semi permable membrane. Sir
Board member: List fve factors that afect populaton
Candidate: Sir, factors that afect populaton are
1. Less availability of food and water
2. Natural disasters
3. Birth rate or Natality
4. Death rate
5. Drought. Sir!
Board member: Defne Ecology
Candidate: Sir, Ecology can be defned as the study of plants
and animals in relaton to their environment. Sir!
Board member: List six Ecological Concepts you know
Candidate: Sir, 1. Environment, 2. Biosphere, 3. Lithosphere, 4.
Hydrosphere, 5. Atmosphere, and 6. Habitat. Sir!
Board member: How many Local biotc communites are in
Nigeria and name them
Candidate: Sir, there are two biotc communites in Nigeria,
these are 1. Forest zone and 2. Savanna zone. Sir!
Board member: Defne soil and list types of souls
Candidate: Sir, soil is defned as the uppermost layer of the
Earth crust which provides support and nutrients for plant
growth, and a habitat for some animals. Sir!
There are three types of soils which are
Sandy soil, Clay soil, and Loamy soil. Sir!
Candidates are advised to study their biology text book
because questons can be picked from any topic. Mostly
especially candidates that applied psychology , Biology and
Biotechnology. All candidates irrespectve of their courses are
advised to study the current afairs, candidates must be asked
questons from the current afairs during this board facing.
Endeavor to buy current afairs book when going for the AFSB

Board member: Nigeria is divided into how many geopolitcal

Candidate:Sir, Six geopolitcal zones

Board member: What was the frst capital city in Nigeria?

Candidate: Sir,Calabar. Sir!

Board member: What Capital City of Nigeria?

Candidate: Sir, Abuja is the capital city of Nigeria. Sir

Board member: Who is the current Nigerian Deputy Senate


Candidate: Sir, Obarisi Ovie Omo-Agege. Sir!

Board member: What is the name of Nigerian senior natonal
team in
football (men team)?
Candidate:Sir, the Super Eagles. Sir!

Board member: When did Nigerian Golden eaglets win the

world under-17
FIFA world cup
Candidate: Sir , in the year 1985, 1993, 2007, and 2013. Sir!

Board member: Who was the frst female vice chancellor in

Candidate: Sir, Mrs Grace Alele Williams. Sir!

Board member: Who gave Nigeria her name?

Candidate: Sir, Miss Flora Shaw. Sir!
Board member: Who designed the Nigerian fag?
Candidate: Sir, Michael Taiwo Akinkunmi.sir!

Board member: Who was the frst man to buy a car in Nigeria?
Candidate: Sir, Bob Jensen. Sir!

Board member: Who was the frst woman to buy a car in

Candidate: Sir, Mrs Funmilayo Ransome Kut. Sir
Queston: Where was crude oil frst discovered in Nigeria?
Answer: Oloibiri Oilfeld, located in Oloibiri in Ogbia LGA of
Bayelsa State

Queston: Who was the frst Nigerian to become a Noble

Answer: Wole Soyinka
Queston: Who is the Nigerian current speaker of house of
Answer: Femi Gbajabiamila

Queston: What is the premier university in Nigeria?

Answer: University of Ibadan

Queston: Who is the minister for educaton in Nigeria?

Answer: Adamu Adamu

Queston: Who is the current chief justce of Nigeria?

Answer: Ibrahim Tanko Muhammad

Queston: When did Nigeria have her independent?

Answer: 1st October 1960

Queston: When Nigeria did become a republic?

Answer: 1st October 1963
Queston: When was the frst military coup carried out in
Answer: 1966

Queston: How many local Government do we have in

Answer: 774

Queston: Who is the frst Nigerian president?

Answer: Dr Nnamdi Azikiwe

Queston: Who was Nigerian frst executve president?

Answer: Alhaji Shehu Aliyu Shagari

Queston: Who was the Nigerian frst prime minister?

Answer: Abubakar Tafawa Balewa

Queston: What is the largest contnent in the world?

Answer: ASIA with populaton of 3,641,000,000 while
Australia &
Oceania is the smallest contnent

Queston: What are the fve Oceans in the world?

Answer: Pacifc Ocean, Atlantc Ocean, Indian Ocean, Southern
Ocean, Arctc Ocean

Queston: What is the full meaning of UNICEF?

Answer: United Natons Internatonal Children’s Emergency

Queston: Who is the current Senate President in Nigeria?

Answer: Sen. Ahmed Ibrahim Lawan

Queston: Which country’s fag is called the Union Jack?

Answer: Great Britain

Queston: What is centenary?

Answer: 100 years

Queston: What is Nigeria?

Answer: Nigeria ofcially the Federal Republic of Nigeria, is a
consttutonal republic comprising 36 states and its Federal
Territory, Abuja. Nigeria is located in West Africa and shares
borders with the Republic of Benin in the west, Chad and
Cameroon in the east, and Niger in the north.

Queston: Nigeria’s Chief of Defence Staf

Answer: General Abayomi Gabriel Olonishakin

Queston: Who is Nigeria’s Chief of Army Staf?

Answer: Lt-General T.Y. Buratai

Queston: Who is Nigeria’s Chief of Naval Staf?

Answer: Vice Admiral Ibok-Ete Ekwe Ibas

Queston: Who is Nigeria’s Chief of Air Staf?

Answer: Air Chief Marshal Sadique Abubakar

Queston:. Who is the current INEC chairman?

Answer: Mahmood Yakubu

Queston: Who is the current NAFDAC Director General?

Answer: Olusola Adeyeye

Queston: Who is the current Inspector General of police?

Answer: IGP Mohammed Adamu

Queston: Current chairman of the African Union

Answer: Abdel Fatah el-Sisi
Queston: Who is the secretary General of the united natons
Answer: António Guterres

Queston: Menton fve rivers in Nigeria that share their

names with a
Answer: Rivers – Benue, Niger, Osun, Kaduna, Ogun, Sokoto,
River, Imo

Queston: What does the eagle in the Nigerian coat of arm

Answer: Strength

Queston: Menton 5 past senate presidents of Nigeria.

Answer: Dr Nnamdi Azikiwe, Evan Enwerem, Chuba Okadigbo,
Anyim Pius Anyim, Adolphus Wabara, Ken Nnamani, David
Queston: What do the two horses on the Nigerian coat of arm
Answer: Dignity

Queston: What was the black shield in the Nigerian coat of

arm stand
Answer: Nigerian’s fertle soil

Queston: What does the white colour in Nigerian fag stand

Answer: Peace

Queston: What does the green colour in Nigerian fag

Answer: Forests and abundant natural wealth of Nigeria

Queston: Who is the current minister of fnance?

Answer: Zainab Shamsuna Ahmed
Queston: Who is the current minister of defence?
Answer: Monsur Dan-Ali
Queston: Traditonal rulers were restricted to ceremonial
rules by the
local government reforms of
Answer: 1976

Queston: A parliamentary system, who ensures that

members are in
the house to vote on major issues
Answer: Whip

Queston: A system in which no single person serves as the

executve is known as
Answer: Parliamentary
Queston: A social system in which power is derived from
control over
land is called
Answer: Feudalism

Queston: “Rule of Law refers to situaton in which

Answer: Laws are supreme

Queston: An important principle of the civil service is

Answer: Anonymity

Queston: Which of these consttuton recognized local

government as
the third ter of government
Answer: the 1979 consttuton

Queston: A conditon for judicial independence is the

appointment of
judges by the
Answer: Judicial service Commission

Queston: The minorites Commission appointed in Nigeria in

recommend that
Answer: More states should be created in the federaton

Queston: The second military coup in Nigeria took place on

Answer: July 29, 1966

Queston: One of these was in existence before the outbreak

of the
second world war
Answer: The League of Natons

Queston: An important advantage of creatng more

consttuton in a
federal state is to
Answer: Enhance the People partcipaton
Queston: Under the Presidental system
Answer: c. The president may come from any of the partes

Queston: Public opinion is important because it

Answer: Lets government know what the people want

Queston: Bicameral legislature exists

Answer: To prevent the concentraton of power on legislatve

Queston: Africans were frst elected to the legislatve council

Britsh West Africa in
Answer: Ghana

Queston: One of the functons of the Ministry of external

afairs is the
Answer: Promoton of natonal interests
Queston: The leader of the Northern People’s congress was
Answer: Ahmadu Bello

Queston: The idea of democracy started with the

Answer: The earliest democracy in the world began with the
work of a
man named Cleisthenes, in Athens (Greece), in 510 BC.

Queston: In the Marxist theory, those who live by selling their

are called
Answer: Proletariats

Queston: Which of the following is NOT an acceptable means

achieving democracy?

Answer: Riots 22 The branch of government responsible for

implementng laws is the

Queston: In a democracy, sovereignty is vested in

Answer: The community

Queston: Universal Adult Sufrage means all

Answer: Qualifed citzens can vote

Queston: A bill that applies to the whole populaton and is

to promote the general welfare is called
Answer: An Appropriaton bill
Candidates are advised to study their current afairs book very
well, questons can come from any angle in it. Also study
internatonal current afairs too.
I strongly believe that this artcle will go a long way
in helping candidates to perform well during the
Armed Force Selecton Board Interview.
Some Pictures of the interview in the Academy.
Nigerian Defence Academy is a very beautful place to
be, must it is not easy to be here. Only the ftest can
survive in the Academy.
It is not easy for one to be invited for Armed Force
Selecton Board Interview, and it is not also easy
for one to scale the through the Screening
actvites. Only takes God's grace and also hard
working and ftness keeping to pass AFSB

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