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A Detailed Lesson Plan

English 3

Prepared by: Roselyn A Cabansag


I. Objectives
At the end of one hour, the students should be able to:
1. Define subject and predicate
2. Identify subject and predicate
3. Construct examples of sentences using basic parts of sentences

II. Subject Matter

o Topic: Subject and Predicate
o References: textbook
o Materials: Power point, Pictures, Laptop,

III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Learners’ Activity
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
- Before we start let us all stand and pray
In the name of the father and of the sun
and of the holy spirit Amen!
-Good morning class
-Good Morning too Ma’am!

-Before you take your seats, may I request

everybody to raise your hands, shake it in the
air, to your sideward, and down. -(students shake their hands)

Okay you may now take your seats.

-Thank you Ma’am!

Before we formally start our class, I have

three pictures that indicates our classroom

Be quiet when someone is talking. Be quiet when someone is talking.

Listen carefully to your teacher.

Listen carefully to your teacher.

Raise your hands if you have questions to

Raise your hands if you have questions to

Yes Ma’am, it is all about verb.

3. Review Verb is a word that shows an action.

Class do you still remember our last lesson?

Very good, what is verb again class? Crying ma’am.

Very good, a verb indicates an action. Dancing ma’am.

Who can give an example of a verb? Yes Mia

What else?

Very good class. You really understand our

topic last meeting.
B. Motivation
Let’s have an activity entitled “use me.” As
you can see I have here a box that has folded
papers inside and I will distribute it all to
you, before passing the papers I will play a
music and all you have to do is to pass the
papers and if the music stops I will pick a
number and whoever have that number will
read the word written on the paper and use it Yes Ma’am
in a sentence.

Do you understand class?

I drive the car to the mall.
Let’s start.
She is swaying her hips


Very good class you are all excellent in the

given task, lets clap 5 times for everyone.

Please arrange your chairs

C. Presentation
Now I have here some pictures.

Sheila is sleeping Ma’am.

This is shiela, what is she doing?

Very good, Shiela is sleeping.

What about this?

He is swimming.
The gift is pink.

Aaron is eating fruits.

They are dancing.

What do you see in the picture?

Sentences Ma’am.

A sentence is group of word that forms a

complete thought.

D. Discussion
So, the things you have said are called what?
A subject can be a name of a person, thing
Very good, it is a sentence. Alaiza can you or place Ma’am.
please read what a sentence is?

A sentence is group of word that forms a

complete thought.

Thank you Alaiza, a sentence is a group of

words that contain subject and predicate.

What do you think is a subject? Yes ma’am.

That is correct. The subject is Arianne Ma’am.

The Subject of the sentence is what or whom
the sentence is all about. It can be a person,
place, or a thing.

In the sentence, Sheila is sleeping, the subject Is it the action ma’am?

is Sheila because she is the one who is doing
the action, and do you understand class?

Arianne eats a lot. Who can identify the

subject? Yvonne?

Very good Yvonne the subject is Arianne.

Predicate ma’am.
Now let’s proceed to predicate, do you have
any idea what predicate is?

Yes that is correct!

A predicate of the sentence is the part that tell Is sleeping ma’am.

us something about the subject.

In the sentence, everything other than the

subject is the predicate

For example, Sheila is sleeping. The

underline word is what we call?

Very good class

1. Gopal eats two bananas every day.
Arianne eats a lot. Who can identify the 2. Tom ran after jerry.
predicate? Mia? 3. Mama Bear brought a honey
4. Ana is lying.
Very good Mia. 5. The teacher is reading.
6. I sat in that corner.
I have here another examples.
1. Gopal eats two bananas every day.
2. Tom ran after jerry.
3. Mama Bear brought a honey
4. Ana is lying.
5. The teacher is reading.
6. I sat in that corner.

Direction: encircle the subject and color it

E. Application by yellow, and underline the predicate.
Now I will group the class into 5 and for you
to know which group do you belong let’s 1. Joe waited for the train.
count of. 2. The train was late.
3. Mary and Samantha took the bus.
Direction: encircle the subject and color it by 4. They don't go to school tomorrow.
yellow, and underline the predicate. 5. My Dad never works on the
1. Joe waited for the train. 6. Cats hate water.
2. The train was late. 7. He doesn’t teach math.
3. Mary and Samantha took the bus. 8. I love my new pets.
4. They don't go to school tomorrow. 9. My mom cooks dinner.
5. My Dad never works on the 10. The music teacher is angry.
6. Cats hate water.
7. He doesn’t teach math. It is a group of word that forms a complete
8. I love my new pets. thought ma’am.
9. My mom cooks dinner.
10. The music teacher is angry.
The two parts of a sentence are subject and
predicate ma’am.

It tells the doer of the action ma’am.

It tells something about the subject ma’am.

F. Generalization
What is a sentence again class? Yes airah

I love reading books ma’am, the subject is

Very good, who can give me the two parts of I and the predicate is love reading the
a sentence? books.

And what is a subject?

How about the predicate?

Very good class.

Who can give a sentence and tell which is the

subject and the predicate? Yes patricia?

Very good.

IV. Evaluation

A. Direction: Underline the subject and double underline the predicate in the
1. The dog loves the child.
2. Does the child love the dog?
3. The hunter caught the hare.
4. Where does the hare live in winter?
5. What a timid little fellow the hare is!
6. The vessel was a magnificent five-master.
7. Who commanded the vessel?
8. The girl plays the piano well.
9. How the people crowd the station!
10. Why are so many people gathered here?
B. Direction: Write 5 sentences and underline the subject.

V. Assignment
Direction: Write a short paragraph about your favorite place and encircle the subject
in every sentence.

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