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Play-Hayavadana-Short Answer Questions(5 Marks)

Play-Hayavadana-Essay Type Questions(10 Marks)

Paragrapg writing based on the various types of writing (2X5=10 marks)

Business Communication -Letter Writing (1X10=10 marks)

Commerciacl Wrtiring - Advertisemet/Poster/Brochure/Product Manual


1 1 Hayavadana - short answer questions on characterization

1. What is the purpose of the character Hayavadana in the play? Explain.

2. Analyze Devadatta’s relationship with Padmini.
3. Comment on the abducted identities and confused role plays as portrayed in
4. Attempt a character sketch of Kapila.
5. Attempt a character sketch ofDevadatta

6. Attempt a character sketch of Padmini.

7. What does Devadatta do while after the transpositions of the heads,which

is unusual behavior for him and how does Padmini react to it?

8. Write a brief note on Goddess Kali.

9. Write a short note on the dolls in the play Hayavadana.

10. Explain the role of the Bhagavatha and the Actors Nata I and Nata 2.

11. Discuss the role of the dolls in the play Hayavadana.

1 2 Hayavadana short answer questions on episodes

1. How different is Padmini’s attraction to Kapila from that of her attraction

for Devadatta? Explain.
2. Explain the significance of the opening scene in the play.
3. Analyse any two humorous episodes in the play Hayavadana.
4. Write a short note on the invocation at the beginning of the play?
5. Why do Devadatta and Kapila kill each other?
6. What does Kapila say to Devadatta before cutting off his own head in Act I?
7. What strange thing do the dolls that Devadatta brought from the fair
discuss once Devadatta and Padmini leave?
8. What did Devadatta do after reaching the temple of Kali and why ?
9. Who do the three friends see to help find a solution to the problem of who
Padmini should marry and what solution is offered?
10. What do the dolls see Padmini dreaming about when she falls asleep after
singing her baby a lullaby?
11. Discuss the opening scene of the play Hayavadana.
12. How did the great rishi solve the problem of the three unfortunate friends ?
1 3 Hayavadana - Short answer question on themes/ symbols/background

1. How is the theme of identity crisis depicted in the play Hayavadana?

2. How are the conversations and motifs of folk tales and folk theatre used in
3. How is the theme of marriage and sexuality dealt in the play Hayavadana?
4. How is the theme of Incompleteness depicted in the play Hayavadana?
5. How is the conflict between Body and Mind portrayed in the play
6. What temples does Kapila point out while they are stopped on their way to
Ujjain and how does Devadatta react to hearing these names? Elaborate.
7. What does Padmini tell Devadatta after he asks her to prepare lime juice
for his guest and how does Devadatta react? Explain in detail.
8. How do the dolls enrich our understanding of the play ? Elaborate on the
technique used by the playwright.
9. How is Kapila instrumental in the wedding of Devadatta and Padmini ?
10. Where does Kapila live after the mix up of the heads and how does he
manage to purge himself to an extent ?

1 4 Hayavadana - Short answer questions on overall analysis and interpretation

1. Hayavandana represents the imperfections and incompleteness of human

existence. Elucidate.
2. How does the play Hayavadana depict Indian ethos? Explain.
3. How is class and identity portrayed in Hayavadana?
4. What do the two dolls discuss just before and just after the baby is born?
5. Comment on the role of Gods and Goddesses in the play.
6. Comment on the act of sati committed by Padmini.
7. Discuss the use of symbolism in the play Hayavadana.
8. Give a brief psychoanalytic interpretation on the play Hayavadan.
9. How does the beautiful friendship between Devadatta and Kapila begin to
sour ?
10. How does the playwright Girish Karnad deal with the theme of human
relationships in the play Hayavadana ?
2 1 Hayavadana - Essay type questions on characterization
1. Compare and contrast the characters of Devadatta and Kapila.
2. Examine the character of Hayavadana . What is his role and significance in
the play in relation to the plot.
3. The exposition of the character of Hayavadana is a precursor to the events
that unfold in the play. Explain.
4. How do the characters in the play Hayavadana suffer from their desires ?
How do they overcome their issues ?
5. Write a detailed note on the characterization in the play Hayavadana.
6. Write a critical note on Girish Karnad’s art of characterisation, with
reference to Hayavadana.
7. The Trio of Devatta, Padmini and Kapila are powerful characters created
by Karnad who reveal deep truths. Elaborate.
8. It is the characterization that is the real strength of the play Hayavadana.
9. The play Hayavadana is acclaimed for its wonder characterisation.
10. Write a detailed note on the major and minor characters of the play
2 2 Hayavadana - Essay type question on main plot and the sub plot and elements of
humour and satire
1. Recount the circumstances that lead to Devadatta and Kapila killing
themselves in Act I. Comment on the act.
2. Narrate the happenings on the journey to the Ujjain fair, taken by
Devadatta, Padmini and Kapila.
3. Recount the events that lead to the scene where Padmini exchanges the
heads of Devadatta and Kapila and the skirmish that ensues between them.
4. Write a detailed note on the plot construction of the play Hayavadana.
5. Bring out the elements of humour, irony and satire in the play Hayavadana.
6. Comment on the ending of the play Hayavadana ? How do the main and
sub-plots fall in place towards the end ?
7. Write a critical note on the identity criss that human beings face in relation
to the plot of Hayavadana.
8. Attempt a critical assessment of Girish Karnad’s play Hayavadana.
9. How is the plot of Hayavadana a wonderful mixture of folk theater and
modern drama ?
10. The play Hayavadana tells the harsh truths of life and incongruities of
human existence capsulated in fantasy. Elucidate.
2 3 Hayavadana - essay type question on the overall play/
analysis/interpretational/critical appreciation

1. Write an essay analyzing the role of sexuality in the play Hayavadana.

2. Write an essay analyzing the ending of Hayavadana, keeping the entire plot
in view. How do you think this ending reflects the themes of freedom,
friendship, or survival?
3. How are the mainstream and the subaltern traditions depicted in the play
4. Elaborate on the narrative technique in the playHayavadana.
5. What are the themes in the play Hayavadana ? Explain in detail.
6. How is the play Hayavadana a play about the quest for perfection ?
7. How is the play Hayavadana a multilayered play with a very powerful social
8. How does Karnad prove that humans live in a world of identity crisis and
tangled relationships ?
9. How does the play Hayavadana bring out the absurdity of life ? Explain.
10. How is the play Hayavadana a search for completeness ?
3 1 Paragraph Writing -Descriptive /Narrative

3 2 Paragraph Writing - Reflective / Argumentative

3 3 Paragraph Writing - Comparative writing

3 4 Paragrapn - Cause and Effect Writinh

4 1 Letter Writing - Job application with C.V

4 2 Letter Writing - Enquiry/order/letter of complaint and reply

5 1 Commercial Writing - Advertisement / (Poster)

5 2 Commercial Writing - Product Manual / (brochure)

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