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1. The name “Anglican” took its root from one of the following: a. Episcopal Church of America
b. The Church of Nigeria c. The Church of England d. The Church or West Africa
2. Name seven from the seasons of the Christian year
3. What is a Creed?
4. There are three Creeds used in the Anglican Church, name them
5. Where can we find the Niece Creed in our prayer book?
6. “The Apostles Creed” why is it called so?
7. What is a Collect?
8. What is a daily office of a priest according to the Anglican Communion?
9. What is a pulpit?
10. What is a lectern?
11. What is the name of Bishop’s cap?
12. Who among the spiritual fathers in the Anglican Church wears a ring?
13. The big regalia won by Archdeacons and Bishops is called?
14. What is the name given to the main entrance to the Church?
15. What is the official name of the people that carries the cross and go in front of the Choir in a
16. What is the name of the cross being carried in front of the Choir?
17. Who is not qualified to celebrate Holy Communion among the people of the Holy Order?
18. What does bread represent in the service of Holy Communion?
19. What is the position of Godfathers and Godmothers in the baptism of an infants?
20. In Anglican Church, we do baptise infants, why do we do this as against the practice of some
other churches?
21. In whose name is one baptized?
22. What is required of a person to be baptized?
23. What do you understand by the word “Sacrament”?
24. How many types of Baptism do we have?
25. Give another name for the office of a Deacon
26. Who acts as God’s agent in Baptism?
27. Who acts as God’s agent in Confirmation?
28. The place reserved for the Choir during service is called?
29. The light put on the seat of the choir is called what?
30. Who is a Lay-reader according to the Anglican Church?
31. What is the official name of the Vicar of the Cathedral?
32. What is the name of the Official dress of the Wardens?
33. What is the Liturgical name for the big table on which the items for the Holy Communion
service are placed and celebrated upon?
34. What is the name of the Bishop’s seat in the Cathedral?
35. In the Anglican Church, we do ordain Priests, what do we do to a Deacon?
36. We ordain Priests, what do we do to a Canon?
37. We consecrate Bishops, what do we do to an Archbishop?
38. What is the lowest and highest grade in the Church hierarchy in the Anglican Church?
39. The Thursday preceding Easter is called what?
40. What is the importance of the three hours service on Good Friday?
41. What is a Synod?
42. Into how many houses is a synod divided?
43. Who is the Administrative head of a Diocese?
44. Who is the Administrative head of an Archdeaconry?
45. Who is the Administrative head of a Parish?
46. What is the difference between Statutory and honorary Canons?
47. Name three or four services that only the Bishop has right to conduct
48. Who is a Curate?
49. State the ladder of Church Hierarchy in the Anglican Church
50. How many books have the Bible?
51. The ministry of Jesus Christ is divided into three, name them
52. What is the name of the building housing the bell used for calling people for worship?
53. The name of the chairs used by the congregation of a church is?
54. Name the equipment’s used in Holy Communion
55. The Cross dangling on the chest of a Bishop is called-------------------
56. The Liturgical Colour for the Lenten Season is -----------------
57. We used Red as the Liturgical Colour for---------------
58. A Bishop is to a Diocese as an Archdeacon is to the ----------------
59. The word Advent means---------------
60. The people’s Warden is also the-------------
61. What is Doxology?
62. Lectionary means?
63. Ascension Day is how many days after Easter?
64. When do we normally celebrate the All Saints’ Day
65. Explain the term Epiphany
66. When do we normally recite the Nicene Creed?
67. The Church Calendar Year starts with------------
68. Write out the Apostles’ Creed
69. Yes or No, Jesus Christ went to hell before His resurrection?
70. What is a Preacher’s Book?
71. What is absolution?
72. What is an Acolyte?
73. Advent Sunday is ---------------- a. always the Sunday in July b. always the Sunday nearest to
November 30th c. always the 2nd Sunday in December
74. When was the Lord’s Super inaugurated?
75. Amen means------------ a. so I pray b. so be it c. yes, it is true
76. An Archbishop is ----------- a. A Chief Bishop who presides over a province or convocation of
Bishops. b. A Chief Curate who presides over a Diocese c. A general overseer in a Diocese.
77. Banns of marriage in a church is --------------- a. Joining together b. proclamation of an
intending marriage in the church c. blessing of Marriage
78. The word Canon means -------------- a. Eraser b. Rule c. Liturgy
79. The Cathedral is ------------- a. the principle Archdeaconry of the Diocese containing the
Bishop’s throne b. the principal church in the Province containing the Bishop’s throne c. the
principle church of the Diocese containing the Bishop’s throne
80. Eucharistic service means -------------- a. Dedication service b. Confirmation service c. Holy
Communion service
81. Who is a Communicant? a. committed member of the church who is eligible to take Holy
communion b. a baptised and confirmed member of the church in a good standing who is
eligible to partake of Holy Communion regularly c. An anointed member of the church is
eligible to take Holy Communion
82. The Diocesan refers to the -------------- a. Archdeacon b. Vicar general c. Bishop
83. A Bishop in the Anglican Communion is addressed as-------------- a. General overseer b.
President c. Right Reverend
84. A Clergyman retires at the age of---------------
85. The token paid to the clergy at the end of the month is called----------------- a. Allowance b.
Bonus c. Stipend d. Interest
86. Infant Baptism is Biblical. True or False
87. The Church of Nigeria, Anglican Communion is supportive of Homosexual and Lesbians’
activities. True or False
88. The least office of the Clergy is -------------- a. Deacon b. Priest c. Bishop d. Chaplain
89. Who presides over a Synod? a. An Archdeacon b. A Priest c. The Bishop d. The Canon
90. The rope used round the loins of a Priest is--------------
91. The Cassock worn by the Priest that reminds him as the defender of the Articles of faith is
sown with------------- a. 49buttons b.39buttons c. 29buttons d. 59buttons
92. The longest season in the Church calendar is ----------- a. Trinity b. Advent c. Epiphany d.
White Sunday
93. In what month of the year is the Vestry meeting of the Church of Nigeria (Anglican
Communion) held? a. January b. December c. February d. November
94. At the ordination service the Priest that chants the litany is called a. Choir Master b. Singer c.
Preceptor d. Leader
95. The grace is not meant to be said at the infant baptismal service because the service is not
completed until a. Confirmation b. Wedding day c. Thanksgiving
96. The reader of the Gospel at the Ordination service is called a. The Gospeller b. The Bible c.
The Speaker d. The Lay Reader
97. Money given to the vicar at the thanksgiving service of a woman after birth is called------------
a. Bonus b. Offertory c. Surplice fee d. Offering
98. In the Anglican Communion, what is the word used for the promotion of priest? a.
promotion b. preferment c. Ordination d. installation
99. The Jug into which the Communion wine is mixed is called ------------
100. Hood and Scarf are worn by a Priest during which service a. Martins Service b. Holy
Communion c. Marriage Service d. Burial Service
101. Which colour of stole will a Priest wear during marriage service? a. Red stole b. Black
stole c. White stole d. Green stole
102. Jesus Christ was crucified on which day? a. Maundy Friday b. Good Friday c. Bad
Friday d. Joyful Friday
103. What is Trinity season? a. The season we acknowledge the Trinity of the Godhead b.
The season Jesus Christ was made known to the Gentiles c. The season that precedes that
Easter period d. The season three persons are worshipped
104. How many weeks (Sundays) are there in Trinity season? a. 25Sundays or more
b.17Sundays c. 66Sundays d. 44Sunday
105. Who is the head or the President of Women’s Organisation in the Church of Nigeria?
a. The wife of the Primate b. The Lay Women c. The Wife of a Governor d. The Wife of a
106. What is Offertory? a. Money collected during Holy Communion Service b. Money
collected during Martins service c. Thanksgiving offering d. Building collection
107. The Priest in charge of a parish is called------------- a. The Curate b. The Reverend c.
The Pastor d. The Vicar
108. Easter is the day Jesus Christ -------------- a. Died b. Resurrected c. Was crucified d.
109. Anglicanism is ----------------- a. Reading of Prayers and singing Psalms b. The tradition
and practise of the Anglican Communion c. Leading of adult and children’s service d. making
life comfortable for Christians
110. How many Articles of faith do we have in the Anglican Communion?
111. State three Female Organisations you know strictly in Anglican Communion
112. Who is the Holy Spirit?
113. The colour for Trinity is --------------a. Red b. Violet c. Black d. Green
114. The full meaning of BCP is ---------------a. Book of Common Prayer b. Bible for
common people c. Bible is common for the people d. None of the above
115. Who is Martyr? a. One of the sisters of Lazarus b. A person who paid for the Gospel
with his blood c. A person who died prematurely d. A person involved in an accident
116. Bishops are addressed as Lord Bishop, how do we address the Archbishop?
117. A service which is conducted by Bishop is an Episcopal service. True or False
118. True or False Rochet, Chimeres, Pectoral cross and Crosier are some of the
ornament/vestment of a Bishop.
119. How many Provinces are there in Church of Nigeria?
120. How many Liturgical colours are there in Anglican Communion?
121. With what can you identify the Preacher in a procession of priests going in for Holy
Communion service?
122. The eastern part of the Church where the altar is, is called?
123. Name two Girl’s Organisations in the Anglican Church
124. Which of these girls’ organisation is peculiar to the Anglican Church in Nigeria?
125. Wine specially made for Holy Communion is called?
126. The bearer of staff of office who ushers the Vicar into the Church during services is?
127. How many commandments do we have?
128. What do you understand by the word “CHURCH”? a. The building of believers b. The
body of believers c. The religion building d. The building where people gather for prayers
129. In the 39 Articles of Religion, what does Article one say on Trinity? a. The three
unumfiable one in three b. The three separates beings coming together to form Godhead c.
The three in one substance, nature and eternity d. One in three location
130. The Anglicans believe that a. Holy Scripture contains all that is necessary for man’s
salvation b. The gospels only are necessary for man’s salvation c. The Old and New
Testament are not adequate for man’s salvation without the Apocrypha d. The Apocrypha
writings must be read for salvation
131. A Supplice is a. A shortened alb with wild sleeves b. A long alb with wide sleeves c. A
shortened alb with short sleeves d. A long alb with long sleeves
132. What does colour green stand for? a. Liveliness and growth b. Love and growth c.
Joy and growth d. Freedom and growth
133. When do we use purple in the Church? a. Christmas and Easter b. Matyrdom and
Saints c. Advents and Lent d. Trinity and Ascension
134. Vestry is place ------------- a. Where Vicars live b. Where Vicars stay c. Where
vestments are kept d. Where choir holds practise
135. What is an altar? a. The Lord’s table b. The Lord’s Prayer c. The Lord’s Sacrifice d.
The Vicar’s desk
136. What are the elements I communion? a. Bread and Wine b. Body and Blood c. Bread
and Water d. Wine and Water
137. What is the meaning of Matins? a. Evening Service b. Mid-day Service c. Morning
Service d. All of the above
138. Red is the Liturgical colour for ---------------- a. Christmas b. Pentecost c. Advent d.
None of the above
139. From whom did the Holy Spirit proceed? a. From the Father b. From the Son c. From
the Father and the Son d. From the Holy Ghost
140. The place where the Vicar stays inside the Church to pray for you during Sunday
services is called ----------- a. Altar b. Choir c. Pulpit d. Front
141. Those who made vows on your behalf at your baptism are called -------- a. My
Parents b. God Parents c. Elders
142. Who was the first African to become an Anglican Bishop? a. Bishop Abiodun
Adetiloye b. Bishop Ajayi Crowther c. Bishop Adebola Ademowo
143. Which of the commandments forbids disrespect to parents and elders? a. 1 b. 5 c. 7
144. The Sundays in which the resurrection of Jesus Christ is celebrated is ------------ a.
Christmas b. Pentecost c. Easter
145. What is the minimum time a marriage Bann must be published? a. 6 times b. 5 times
c. 4 times d. 3 times
146. Why do we say the prayer of Humble Access? a. To recognise the sacrifice of Jesus
Christ for us b. To ask Christ to intercede on our behalf c. To recognise our inadequacy and
ask God to make us worthy d. To recognise our right as a partaker of the Lord’s table
147. The washing of hands at Communion is called what? a. Ablution b. Cleaning c.
Washing d. Absolution
148. What is the heart of our doctrine in Anglican? a. Articles of Religion b. Lord’s supper
c. Matins d. The ten commandments
149. What is the liturgical colour used during burial service?
150. What is the full meaning of EFAC? a. Evans filter acquired course b. Evangelical
Fellowship in the Anglican Communion c. Eat and Fast at Communion d. Evangelical Fellow
of Anglican Council
151. During the Procession for service, who comes first? a. Vicar b. Choir c. Verger d.
152. Name the component groups that make up the Women’s Organisations of a Diocese
153. How many Sundays are in Lent?
154. The Primate and Archbishop are addressed as ------------
155. Name the Headquarters of Mothers’ Union World Wide a. The Archbishop’s palace,
Abuja b. The Archbishop’s palace, Canterbury c. Mary Sumner’s House, London
156. The most sacred part of the Church is the ------------ a. Lectern b. Pulpit c. Altar d.
157. What is the religious meaning of light or candles at the altar?
158. The Bishop’s staff is a symbol of -------------- a. Authority b. Righteousness c. What did
Bishop uses to draw the flock close to him as shepherd
159. What is the name of the white plastic material worn on the neck of a priest clerical
160. What is the colour of Bishop’s cassock?
161. The full meaning of PCC is ---------------
162. Which liturgical colour is used during confirmation service? a. Green b. White c. Red
d. Purple
163. What does the Church Commemorate on Palm Sunday?
164. What is the name that is given to the man that carries the Bishop’s Staff or Cross?
165. Who is a Laity? a. Member of society b. Member of Parish Council c. Vicar’s
Nominee d. Congregation of the Church
166. The priest who celebrates the Holy Communion is a. The officer in charge b. Priest in
charge c. The Celebrant d. The Holy Communist
167. For you to take the Holy Communion, You must be --------------- a. Baptized b.
Regular in attendance c. Pay Your Children due d. Baptized and Confirmed
168. The used of -------------- is to invite people to the service a. Sound System b. Belfry c.
Computer d. Music
169. What is the Bishop’s Residence called? a. Bishopscourt b. Bishop’s House c. Bishop’s
Palace d. Bishop’s Court
170. The long black or white robe worn by Priest is called? a. Surplice b. Robe c. Cassock
171. The Legal Officials of a Diocese are ------------ a. Chancellor and Registrar b. Provost
and Dean c. Lawyer and Advocate d. Legal adviser and Legislator
172. The body of people elected annually to perform executive functions under the
chairmanship of the Vicar is called ----------------
173. The official choir robe in the Anglican Church is --------------- a. Gown b. Skirt and
Blouse c. Adire (Top & Down) d. Cassock
174. Where is the baptismal font located in the church?
175. The hymn sang in between the reading of the Epistle and the holy Gospel is called----
176. The collection collected in aid of the needy during the service of Holy Communion is
177. Traditional colour of Anglican Communion is ---------------
178. In the Church there are two wardens called---------------
179. The most senior Archdeacon in the Diocese is called ------------
180. A priest in charge of the Cathedral is called------------
181. Explain the term Confirmation
182. What is required of person to be baptised?
183. What is the Anglican belief of God the Father?
184. Which church festival determines the fixing of the rest of the Christian year? a.
Advent b. Christmas c. Pentecost d. Lent
185. The stainless steel plate which is used to serve waver bread is called-----------
186. How many sessions make a complete Synod? a. 3 b.1 c. 7 d. 10 e. 5
187. The word “collect” means-------------- a. To collect something b. To connect c. To
meet d. Written prayers in Anglican Book of Common prayer e. None of the above
188. A missionary lives in a mission field while a vicar lives in a ------------------- a. Vicar’s
field b. Stadium c. Mission House d. Vicarage
189. Write in Full A.Y.F a. Adult Youth Fellowship b. Anglican Yours Fellowship c. Anglican
Youth Fellowship d. none of the above
190. What is Catechism?
191. The 39 Buttons in the Priest’s robe represent---------------
192. What is the Church of Nigeria?
193. What is Penitence?
194. When do Christians fast?
195. What form of sin does the bible say cannot be forgiven?
196. Who is an Ordinand?
197. Name the 10 Ecclesiastes Provinces in the Church of Nigeria
198. State the Anglican Administrative structure
199. What is the colour of the stole that is used for Ordination?
200. What is the source of the “ash” that is used during the Ash Wednesday service?
1. C
2. Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, Epiphany, Ascension, Pentecost, Trinity
3. Statements of affirmation of our faith in God
4. Apostles, Nicene and St. Athanatious Creed
5. In the service of Holy Communion
6. Because it contains the teaching of the first Apostles
7. Collect is a prayer
8. Morning and Evening services Matins and Evensong
9. Special object where the preachers go up to preach
10. Big stand object for reading lesson
11. Mitre
12. The Bishop
13. Cope
14. West door
15. Cross bearer
16. Choir Processional Cross
17. A Deacon
18. Body Christ
19. Sponsor
20. Because their sponsors they made promises, and so they can share in the citizenship, in the covenant
and membership in Christ
21. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit
22. Repentance of sins, and acceptance of Jesus as Lord and Saviour
23. Outward visible and inward spiritual signs given unto us
24. Two, immersion and sprinkling
25. Servant
26. A Priest
27. The Bishop
28. Choir stall
29. Pew Lamp
30. One who is not ordained but by authority is allowed to conduct services or assist priests in reading
scriptures during divine service
31. Provost/Dean
32. Warden’s Gown
33. Altar
34. Bishop’s Throne
35. We make Deacon
36. We install a Canon
37. We present an Archbishop
38. Deacon and Archdeacon/Primate
39. Maundy Thursday
40. It reminds us the day Jesus Christ made sacrifice of Himself to atone for our sins and His suffering on
the cross
41. Assembly of representatives of all Churches in the Diocese, with the clergy and the Bishop as the
42. Three houses; Bishop, Priests and Laity
43. An Archbishop
44. The Bishop
45. The Archdeacon
46. A Vicar
47. Statutory Canon has a stall into which he was installed in the Cathedral, honorary Canon has none
48. Confirmation, Dedication, Ordination, Installation, Consecration. etc
49. An ordained Priest to assist a Parish Vicar
50. Church Agents, Trained Catechists, Deacons, Priests, Canons, Chairman, Archdeacons, Provosts
Assistant Bishop, Bishop or Diocesan, Archbishop and Primate
51. 66 (O.T 39 & N.T 27)
52. Preaching, Healing and Teaching
53. Belfry
54. Pews
55. Chalice, Paten, Flagon, Veal and Burses
56. Pectoral Cross
57. Violet or Purple
58. The Saint’s Days
59. Archdeaconry
60. Coming
61. Treasurer of the Church
62. Short formula of praise to God e.g Gloria, Glory be to God
63. A book containing all lessons for everyday and for holy days printed together
64. 40 days
65. November 1st of every year
66. Revelation of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles
67. During Communion
68. Advent
69. I believe in God………………………
70. Yes
71. A book in the Church where the text of a sermon, the preacher’s name, the attendance, the offering
and offertory are recoded at every service
72. B
73. C
74. B
75. B
76. B
77. A
78. B
79. B
80. C
81. C
82. B
83. C
84. C
85. 70
86. C
87. True
88. False
89. A
90. C
91. Girdle
92. B
93. A
94. C
95. C
96. C
97. C
98. C
99. B
100. Flagon
101. A
102. C
103. B
104. A
105. A
106. A
107. A
108. D
109. B
110. B
111. 39 Articles
112. Mother’s Union (ii) Women Guild (iii) Girl’s Guild
113. The Holy Spirit is the third Person of the Trinity
114. D
115. A
116. B
117. Your Grace
118. True
119. Yes
120. Ten
121. The Preachers wears a scarf and Hood without Stole
122. The Chancel
123. Gild’s Guild and Girl’s Brigade
124. Gild’s Guild
125. Sanctuary Wine
126. The Verger
127. Ten
128. B
129. C
130. A
131. A
132. A
133. C
134. C
135. A
136. A
137. C
138. D
139. C
140. A
141. B
142. B
143. B
144. C
145. D
146. C
147. A
148. A
149. Purple
150. B
151. B
152. B
153. Five
154. Most Revd. / His Grace
155. C
156. C
157. Divine Presence/ Spiritual enlightenment
158. A
159. Collar
160. B
161. Parish Church Council
162. B
163. The Triumphant Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem
164. Bishop’s Chaplain
165. D
166. C
167. D
168. B
169. A
170. C
171. A
172. Parish Councillors
173. D
174. At the right hand side of the entrance to the Church
175. Gradual Hymn
176. Offertory
177. Black
178. People’s Warden and Vicar’s Warden
179. Provost
180. Canon in Residence/ Canon Residential
181. This is a sacrament in which through the imposition of the Bishop’s hand and prayer, baptized
person receives the Holy Spirit. The rite is called Confirmation because the recipient thereby confirms
or strengthens his promises made at baptism
182. Repentance, whereby they forsake sins
183. The maker of Heaven and Earth
184. A
185. Paten
186. A
187. D
188. D
189. C
190. A teaching resource expressing the basic Christian beliefs and cast in traditional question and answer
191. 39 Articles of faith
192. The Church of Nigeria is a self- governing, self-supporting and self-propagating Church in the
Anglican Communion. It proclaims and holds fast the doctrine and ministry of the One Holy, Catholic
and Apostolic Church
193. Penitence is the confession of our sins and making of restitution, petition, medication and
194. Christians fast on Ash Wednesday, during Lenten period, days of self- denial and other Fridays
except Fridays that falls on Christmas day, Easter and Ascension days
195. Sins against the Holy Spirit
196. A Priest in training
197. 1. Lagos 2. The Niger 3. Ibadan 4. Ondo 5. Kaduna 6. Owerri 7. Niger Delta 8. Bendel 9. Jos 10. Abuja
198. 1. Parish 2. District 3. Archdeaconry 4. Diocese 5. Province 6. General synod 7. Anglican Consultative
Council 8. Primate’s Meeting
199. White
200. The ash is from the palm leaves reserved from Palm Sunday of the previous that are burnt

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