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Notes prepared by Shahid sir

Topic: Formation of Erstwhile Jammu

And Kashmir State And The Dogre Rule.
Chapter no. 11 ( History)
Class : 8th
Qno1. Match the following.
a, Ans: Gulab Singh: Regularised the Shali System
b, Ans: Ranbir Singh: Civil and Criminal code of law
c, Ans: Pratap Singh: State Council
d, Ans: Hari singh: Land Alienation Regulation of
1933 AD.
Qno2. Fill in the blanks:
a, Maharaja Gulab Singh.
b, Maharaja Ranbir singh
c, Begar
d,Walter Lawrence
e, Maharaja Hari singh
Qno3. State whether true or false
a, False
b, False
c, True
d, True
Qno4. Discuss the role of Maharaja Ranbir singh in
the field of Education.?
Ans: a, Eradication of illiteracy from the state and
promotion of education received due attention
during Maharaja Ranbir singh's reign.
b, Institutions such as the Raghunath Temple
Pathsala, a library and a Mahavidyalya were
c, Maharaja's unprecedented zeal for dissemination
of knowledge resulted in the establishment of
Ranbir Press in 1882 CE.
d, Maharaja Ranbir Singh believed in providing
education for all classes of its subjects and founded
a few state sponsored institutions.
Qno5. Briefly describe the steps taken by Maharaja
Hari Singh to ameliorate the position of women in
the state.
Ans: Maharaja Hari Singh on his accession to the
throne took stringent measures to ameliorate the
position of women. Some of them are as under;
a, A special trust called Dhandevi Memorial Trust
was created. This trust extended financial help to
the girls at the time of their marriage out of
Dhandevi Kanya Fund.
b, To prevent child marriage, Maharaja passed
Infant Marriage Prevention Regulation in 1928 AD.
c, Widow Remarriage Act and Property Regulation
of 1931 AD gave liberty to the widows to remarry
and live their lives according to their own will.
Qno6. Write a short note on the cultural
development in jammu during the Dogra period
with special reference to theatre and drama.
Ans: Dogra were great lovers of culture. Being
Hindus they took great interest in promoting and
patronising Hindu mythological culture. Annual
Ramleelas and Raasleelas were organised by them
for which theatre companies were brought from
Mathura and Vrindravan. During the 19th and 20th
century, Jammu region had active regional folk
theatres like Tamachra, Bhagtain and Haran.
Qno7. Highlight the major public welfare works
under taken during the Dogra period in jammu and
Ans: some of the major public welfare works
undertaken during dogra period in jammu and
kashmir are:
1.Establishment of local self govt : In this context,
Muncipal Act of 1886 was passed to give to give
representation to the common people in the local
bodies by establishing municipalities in capital
towns of jammu and Kashmir.

2.Roads and Railways: The construction of roads

and railways network was also taken up which
connected the state to the outer world and led to
the flourishing trade and commerce in the state,
such as Jhelum valley cart Road, Banihal cart road
and ladakh road and Establishment of railway
between jammu and sialkot in 1905.

3.Irrigation:In order to save the state from frequent

famines ,several irrigation projects such as Martand
canal, partial canal,Basantarpur canal,Ranbir canal
and upper jhelum canal were opened up.
4.public Health care: Establishment of modern
medical facilities came into existence during the
later period of dogra rule such as Dispensary in
srinagar, Drugjan hospital and SMHS etc. were

5.In order to Boost the economy of the region

strenuous efforts were taken to revive sericulture
and horticulture department.

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