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Parts of Speech Exercises with Answers

Exercise 1 – Identify the Adverb

1. We have seen this before.
2. The postman comes to her daily.
3. The man repeated the same thing thrice.
4. Your friend called again.
5. Please walk forward.
6. The horse ran away.
7. My brother writes clearly.
8. The army fought bravely.
9. The mangoes are almost ripe.
10. Are you keeping well?

Exercise 2 – Use the Appropriate Pronoun

Fill the blanks with correct pronouns.
1. Shyam is my brother. ___ study in the same class
2. Between Ritu and me, __ am the younger one.
3. Do you see this book with my name on it? It is ___ .
4. Miss Gwen is our new class teacher. ___ is very sweet.
5. While cutting vegetables, Mitu cut ___ .
6. The jury got divided among ___ .
7. I’m coming too. Please wait for __ .
8. Nobody but ___ was present.
9. ___ book is better than the other.
10. Is the mug ___ ? It was on your table.

Exercise 3 – Underline the Preposition

Identify the prepositions in the following passage.
Goldilocks used to live with her parents in a cabin near the forest. One day, she decided
to go for a walk. She strolled down the lane that led to the forest and came across a
cottage. Feeling intrigued, she decided to check whose house it was. She knocked on
the door, but no one answered. Then she decided to go in and check. Once she came
into the cottage, she saw three soup bowls kept on the table. Feeling hungry, she drank
the soup out of the smallest bowl. She saw a flight of stairs that led to a room above.
She decided to go and see the rooms. On reaching the rooms, she saw there were three
beds. Feeling sleepy with all the walking and hot soup, she decided to take a nap and
slept on the smallest bed. When she woke up, she saw three bears standing in front of
her, and the smallest bear among them crying loudly. Terrified, she started screaming
and ran past the bear family to reach her home.
Exercise 4 – Identify the Part of Speech
Go through the following sentences and identify the part of speech of the underlined
1. Namitha is not coming today.
2. My mom will be leaving to Bangalore tomorrow.
3. The teacher asked the students to stand.
4. He is my brother.
5. There is a cat under the table.
6. The clothes did not dry as it was raining all night.
7. Sheena and her sister dance well.
8. I am wearing a green dress for the party.
9. Oh! That is really sad.
10. She is coming with me.

Identify the part of speech for the word specified in bold in the following sentences.
1. The horse pranced down the road. _________________
2. Put the pen in the red box. _________________
3. Hurrah! We have won the match. _________________
4. Seema has got a new job. _________________
5. I saw an apple hanging on the branch. _________________
6. Wait here until I return. _________________
7. Honesty is the best policy. _________________
8. The old man shouted angrily at the noisy children. _________________
9. Abhuv and Jacob are running a race. _________________
10. They are all going to Anita’s birthday party. _________________
11. This is just another remix. _________________
12. Who let the dogs out ? _________________
13. The red rose wilted over time. _________________
14. They went in through the garden. _________________
15. The sun shone through a gap in the dull grey clouds. _________________
16. The knife edge was dulled over time. _________________
17. Please hold my hand. _________________
18. Who will release your hold on my hand ? _________________
19. I wished him, “Good morning!”. _________________
20. The freshly made tea smelt nice. _________________
Change the gender in the sentences
Identify the nouns in the following sentences and then rewrite after the changing the
1. The duck dived into the water.
2. The bride rode a mare to her wedding.
3. The hen has found a worm.
4. The empress was angry with her maid servant.
5. The husband of this lady is an actor.
6. The bull chased the boys.
7. The ewe chased the lad.
8. The fox caught a lamb.
9. He worshipped the God in the temple.
10. The tiger and lion had a fight.

Punctuation worksheet for class 5

Exercise: Rewrite the following sentences using punctuation marks and capital letters.
1.  my brothers watch has been lost
2. he doesnt go with him TO party
3. she is watching her favourite show
4. myra and sia  dont have any choclates
5. she is feeling sick but going to a party
6. dr ankush has not opened his clinic
7. it was not suhanis mistake to break it
8. yeh we are going for a picnic
9. prachi asked to bring a glass of water
10. tomorrow we are going to attend a debate with ms rawat
11. congratulation you won a prize
12. does she completed her task for today
13. dont talk to me i am busy
14. i am so happy to meet her
15. max john and peter are going to a show
16. she said she likes ice-cream
17. lets go for playing badminton
18. she and i had not completed the homework
19. he is a actor singer and dancer
20. where he is going now
Identify the subject and the predicate in the following sentences.

1. The man was standing under the shadow of the mango tree.
2. Johan and Sanem missed the train.
3. She is travelling by a bus.
4. My younger brother serves in the Indian army.
5. Emili and his wife were joining a yoga competition.
6. My Father and my mother are working in an MNC company.
7. You should keep away from electric wires.
8. I will wear the pink frock to Rahul’s birthday party.
9. The little baby was hungry.
10. The cat was very thirsty.
Underline the nouns in the following sentences and state whether they are proper,
common, collective or abstract.
1. The jury has announced its verdict.
2. My family live in different parts of Kerala.
3. We are waiting for the results.
4. Rishi has won the first prize.
5. This house was built in 1996.
6. Holi is the festival of colours.
7. India is the land of festivals.
8. He drinks milk every morning.
9. I am going to the cinema tonight.
10. The lion is the king of beasts.
11. A spider has eight legs.
12. Julia wants to be a writer.
Her house is near the bus stop.
Pihu returned to her work on Friday.
Miss Sneha is teaching second-class students.
Reeta is very curious about her mother’s health.
My neighbor has painted their house.
Neha is going to spend vacations with her family.
He is going to spend vacations in mountains.
She shifted to Jaipur last year.
The grass of the garden has increased long.
Riya has a fear of her results.
The cricket team is ready for the match.
Suhani likes to have gossips with her friends.
The clothes are there on the chair.
He purchased a diamond for her wife.
Myra will attend the wedding on Sunday.
Rama distributes some food among the needy.
Sia always speaks the truth to her parents.
Rani gave a bouquet of flowers to her parents.
The man helps an old lady.
Her birthday comes in the month of March.

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