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Active and Passive Voice Examples and

Active and Passive Voice Sentence Structure Rules
Now, we must understand the formation of sentences in active and passive voice. We know that
Active voice starts with the subject or pronoun, whereas passive voice starts with the object. let's
understand the structure of active and passive voice with examples.

Active voice Structure - Subject+verb+object

Eg- I teach mathematics.
I wrote the letter.

Passive voice Structure- Object -verb - subject

Eg- Mathematics is taught by me.
The letter was written by me.

Active and Passive Voice- Forms of verbs

Let's see different types of passive voice and active voice one by one and their Structures. Before
when knowing about various rules about voice, first understand those three forms of verbs.
Those are- 1) Present form of the verb ( V¹ )
2) past form of the verb (V²)
3) Past participle form of the verb (V³)

Let's understand with some examples of verbs.

The basic The present The past
form of the form of the form of the
form of the
verb verb ( V¹ ) verb (V²)
verb (V³)

Be Be was, were been

See See Saw Seen

Fly Fly Flew Flown

Become Become Became Become

Rise Rise Rose Risen

Dig Dig Dug Dug

Eat Eat Ate Eaten

Go Go Went Gone

Active and Passive Voice Rules- Change in pronoun

when we change an active voice into a passive voice, we have to change the pronoun into an
objective form or vice versa. For example.

Active form-I helped them

passive from-They were helped by me.

Here is a list of some important pronouns with their subjective form as well as objective forms.

Subject form object form

He Him
She Her
It It
I Me
We Us
They Them
You You

Active and Passive Voice Rules and Examples- Voice &

• Simple present tense -
Active voice - subject + V¹ +object
Passive voice - object+am/ is/are + V³+by+ subject
Example -
Active-I watch television every night.
Passive-Television is watched by me every night.
Active- She plays hockey.
Passive- Hockey is played by her.
• Present continues tense -
Active voice - subject +am/is / are +V¹+ing +object
Passive voice - object+ am/ is/are +being + V³+by+ subject
Example -
Active- She is feeding the poor.
Passive- The poor are being fed by her.
• Present perfect tense-
Active voice - subject +has/have +V³ +object
Passive voice - object+has/have +been + V³+by+ subject
Example -
Active- Rishi has made the bed.
Passive- The bed has been made by Rishi
Active- She has performed her duty well
Passive- Her duty has been performed well by her

• Present perfect continuous tense-

Active voice - subject +has/have +V³ +object
Passive voice - object+has/have + V³+by+ subject
Example -
Active- Rishi has made the bed.
Passive- The bed has been made by Rishi
Active- She has performed her duty well
Passive- Her duty has been performed well by her

• Simple past tense

Active voice - subject + v²+object
Passive voice - object+ was/were + V³ +by+ subject
Example -
Active- He made a plan.
Passive- A plan was made by him.
Active- parul answered all the questions correctly.
Passive- All the questions were correctly answered by Parul.

• past continuous tense

Active voice - subject + was/were+ v¹ +ing +object
Passive voice - object+ was/were + being+ V³ +b + subject
Example -
Active- She was looking into the matter.
Passive- The matter was being looked into by her.
• Past perfect tense -
Active voice - subject + had+ v³ +object
Passive voice - object+had + been+ V³ +by+ subject
Example -
Active- A pilot had predicted such an accident.
Passive- Such an accident had been predicted by a pilot.

• Simple Future tense-

Active voice- Subject + will/shall+ V(base form) + object
Passive voice- Object +will/shall+be +V³+ by +subject.
Active- Your boss will question you
Passive- You will be questioned by your boss.

• Future perfect tense -

Active voice - subject + will/shall+ have +V³+object
Passive voice- Object +will/subject +have +been +V³+by +subject
Active voice- The shopkeeper will have given some discount.
Passive voice - Some discount will have given by the shopkeeper.
Active voice- Millions of people will have lost their jobs due to corona .u
Passive voice - Jobs will have been lost by millions of people due to corona.

•Imperative sentence

Sentences that express orders, requests, commands, suggestions, etc, are known as imperative
sentences. The passive form of imperative sentences starts with With or without an object.

Passive form (With object) - Let + object +be + past participle.

Passive form (Without object) - In case Sentences begins with 'You are ordered/requested/
advised?....... etc. For example-

active - Take medicine on time.

Passive - You are advised to take medicine on time.

Active voice - Let me play here.

Passive voice- I may be allowed to play here.

•Interrogative sentence -

Sentences that ask questions are known as interrogative. In voice, Interrogative sentences can be
two types - with wh family word or without wh family word. If "who" is present in an active
voice, it should change to "By whom " in passive form. In the case of without Wh word in active
voice, the helping verb will come before an object as the sentence is interrogative. For example,
Active - Who likes her?
Passive - By whom is she liked?

Active -Are you taking the exam?

Passive - Is the exam being taken by you?

Active and Passive Voice Examples with Answers

Q. Millions of people will have lost their jobs due to corona.
- Jobs will have been lost by millions of people due to corona.
Q. He made a plan.
- A plan was made by him.
Q. The Indian Army will have pushed back the Chinese Army by then.
- The Chinese Army will have been pushed back by the Indian Army by then.
Q. Why are you making noise?
- Why is noise being made by you?
Q. Did he understand the lesson?
-. Was the lesson understood by him?
Q. Shut the door.
- Let the door be shut.

Q.The man stole my purse.

- My purse was stolen by the man.
Q.We are demanding our rights.
-Our rights are being demanded by us.

Active and Passive Exercises

Direction- Change the voice
1. Please complete the work today.
2. I received a summons yesterday.
3. They will laugh at you.
4. Ram is to help his brother.
5. They are searching for the lost book.
6. He bought me a bike.
7. Are you reading the book?
8. Our task had been completed before sunset
9. Has anybody answered your question?
10. Gandhiji started the Quit movement in 1942.
11. Let us go now.
12. Obey your parents.
13. I am watching a movie.
14. What are you teaching?
15. You have cleaned all the clothes.
16. My brother has bought this car.
17. Somebody has stolen by books.
18. Today I accomplished my task successfully
19. The driver had predicted such an accident.
20. Rajesh was taking care of the old people.

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