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STUDENT’S NAME: Nacho de Vicente-Tutor

Title and author: Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen

Publishing date: 29th January, 1813 Century: XIX

Synopsis: (copy it from the book’s back cover)

Elizabeth Bennet and her sister Jane are young, beautiful and intelligent. When wealthy bachelor Charles
Bingley arrives in the neighborhood, he and Jane are immediately attracted to each other. His friend, Mr.
Darcy, handsome, wealthy but arrogant, is impressed by Elizabeth but she does not return his feelings, at
least at first. But the Bennet girls are poor – a huge disadvantage in the social scene of the time. Can love
triumph in the end?

Use to write the definition for both terms:

PRIDE: he state or quality of being properly proud about something good that one has or has done

PREJUDICE: an act or instance of prejudging, esp. against a racial, religious, or national group

Do you consider yourself a proud person? No I don’t

If yes, in what situations? Explain

Do you think you tend to have prejudices against some people? Sometimes yes

If yes, to whom? Sometimes to people’s appearance

Have you ever been aware of other people’s prejudices against you? No, I have never been


Watch the video LITERATURE- JANE AUSTEN and copy the information you hear and read in the first minute.

Jane Austen is loved as a guide .She was an ambitious and moralist.

About the author:

She wanted through novels to make people less selfish and more reasonable. She was
born in 1775 and died in 1817. She grew up in a small village in Hampshire.She has
never married. Some of the main things she wants to teach you is:Let your lover educate
you, we shouldn’t stop judging people; but we have to judge more carefully. The
satisfaction we feel when we read Austen Jane is really because she wants the world in a
certain way, and we find that immensely appealing. That is the reason why she is such a
lover writer.

Design (you mustn’t copy and paste) Austen’s timeline about her birth, death, books writing and publishing.

Austen’s Timeline

1775 born Steventon, Hampshire, the seventh of eight


1795 writing "Elinor and Marianne" (which became

Sense and Sensibility ).

1796-7 writing "First Impressions" (which became Pride

and Prejudice).

1798 writing Susan (which became Northanger Abbey ).

1801 family moves to Bath. Jane and Cassandra meet Rev.

Blackall; he dies before he and Jane can become
formally engaged.

1803 Susan sold to a publisher, but remains unpublished.

1804 father dies.

1806 family moves to Southampton.

1809 Jane, Cassandra, and their mother move back to

Hampshire, to a comfortable cottage provide by
their brother Edward.

1811 Sense and Sensibility published

1811-3 writing Mansfield Park.

1813 Pride and Prejudice published.

1814 Mansfield Park published.

1814-5 writing Emma.

1815-6 writing Persuasion.

1816 Emma published. Henry Austen goes bankrupt; Jane

contracts her fatal illness.

1817 dies

1818 Northanger Abbey and Persuasion published


The opening line of Pride and Prejudice is one of the most famous in literature. Browse online to find out and
copy it here:
It’s a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a god fortune, must be in want of a

Now surf the Internet to discover why is it so famous:

Because according to some people it is a universally recognised truth that a single man, possessor of a great
fortune, needs a wife

Use wordreference to add the definition for irony:

the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of their literal or actual meaning.
Do you usually use irony when you communicate?
Yes I am used to use it with close people


The characters:
Elizabeth Bennet
-She is the protagonist
-She is the second of five daughters
-She is pragmatic
-She is independent
-She is her father’s favorite
-She thinks Caroline didn’t like her
- She knows Caroline likes Darcy
-She is not in love with Mr.Wickham.
-She is sad because Charlotte had married Mr.Collins
-She refused Mr.Darcy's marriage proposal
-She returned to London and explained a lot of things to Jane.
-She was worried about her sister Lydia.
-She went to Derbyshire.
-She met Georgin for the first time
-She thinks Georgin is shy, young and also a good person
-She hasn’t got a bad feeling about Charles
-She was concerned about Lydia
-She began loving Darcy.
-She finally married Darcy and they went to live at Pemberley with Georgina.

Jane Bennet
-She is the prettiest of her sisters
-She is also the oldest sister.
-She got Bingley’s attention
-She and Elizabeth are good friends.
-Elizabeth thought that she was the most beautiful girl.
-Elizabeth said that she always thinks the best of people.
-Elizabeth thinks that she is a good person.
-She is delighted to see Bingley.
-She accepted Bingley’s marriage proposal.

Mary Bennet
-She is the quietest of her sisters
-She sings and plays the piano very well
-She doesn't enjoy dancing.
-She loves attentionfrom male.
-She is planning how she would enjoy Netherfield Park.

Kitty Bennet
-She enjoys dancing
-She is Bennet’s daughter
-She loves male attention.

-She is Bennet’s daughter

-She loves male attention

Lydia Bennet
-She enjoys dancing
-She is 16 years old
-She loves male attention.
-She asked her father if she could go to Brighton with her friend.
-She isn’t very intelligent and she usually acts stupidly. She left for Brighton with Mrs Foster. She
goes to London with Wickham.

Mrs Bennet
-She wants to marry one of Charles Bingley’s daughters
-She likes the idea that Mr Bingley likes Jane.
-She was angry because Elisabeth doesn’t want to marry Mr. Collins
-She is married to Mr Bennet
-She has five daughters
-She was liked that Mr.Bingley likes Jane
-She was angry because Elizabeth doesn’t want to marry Mr.Collins
-She detest Mr Darcy
-She thinks she is an intelligent mother
-She becomes ill because Lydia goes with Wickham
-She was happy about Jane and Bingley's wedding
-She was very happy because 3 of her daughters were married

Mr Bennet
-He thinks that he has poor and uneducated daughters
-He respects that Elisabeth doesn’t marry Mr. Collins
-He married Mrs Bennet
-He has five daughters
-He wants peace and quiet in the house
-He is going to London to look after Lydia.
-He regretted allowing Lydia to go to Brighton
-He agreed to Wickham's conditions about Lydia and Wickham.

Mr and Mrs Gardiner

-Uncle and Aunt of the Bennet’s family
-They live in London
-Mrs. Gardiner is worried because Elizabeth is involved with Wickham.
-Then they are happy because Elisabeth isn’t involved with Wickham
-Mrs Gardiner tells all about Darcy in the Lydia and Wickham wedding.

-He doesn’t have a good behavior
-He looks bored
-He doesn’t treat well people
-He isn’t unfrendly to anyone
-He likes Elizabeth
-He is the best friend of Mr Bingley.
-He misses his sister Georgina
-He said to Elizabeth that he loves her and he declarated her
-His parents are dead
-He is a very good person
-He had problems with Wickham in the past
-He finally married Elizabeth and
-They went to live at Pemberley with Georgina.

-She is Mr.Darcy’s sister
-She is beautiful, elegant and talented in many ways
-Her parents are dead
-She is a young shy girl.

Charles Bingley
-He is a very rich young man
-He is handsome
-He is pleasant and charming
-He makes a good impression on everyone
-He thinks that Jane is beautiful
-He is intelligent and handsome for Jane
-He is perfect for Jane
-Jane thinks he is perfect, intelligent and good-humored
-He is worried about Jane
-He loves Jane
-He left Jane because he believed she didn’t love him
-He asked Jane to marry him
-They went to live on an estate near Pemberley

Caroline Bingley
-She is an elegant young lady
-For Elisabeth she is nice and charming
-She likes Darcy
-She doesn’t like Mrs. Bennet because she thinks that she is horrible
-She hopes that Charles and Georgina will marry one day
-She detest Elizabeth
-She is jealous of everyone who pays attention to Darcy

Lady Catherine de Bourgh

-She is a very rich woman
- She is Darcy’s aunt
-She is a tall and formidable woman
-She thinks Mr.Darcy admires Elizabeth. She is angry with Elizabeth because of Elizabeth and Darcy’s

Miss de Bourgh
-She is Catherine’s daughter
-She will inherit all of Lady Catherine’s money and property
-Elizabeth thinks she is arrogant.

-He is an officer
-He is a good person
-He is handsome and a gentleman.
-He is looking for a rich woman to marry
-He isn’t as good as he seems, he was a very bad person with Darcy
-Hhe made Georgina have a bad experience
-He went to London with Lydia

Mr Collins
-He is Mr. Bennet's cousin
-He is rich
-He is a pastor
-He wanted to marry Jane at first
-She thinks that Elizabeth would approve his marriage proposal
-He finally married Charlotte
-Elizabeth says that she is an unpleasant, boring man.

-She is Elizabeth’s friend
-She lives near Bennet’s house
-She is 27 years old
-She wants a rich husband
-She wants independence from her parents
-She married Mr Collins
-She is living with Mr Collins now

Places mentioned in the novel:

-Netherfield park
-Bennet’s house
-Lady Catherine de Bourgh’s estate

Chapter one: A Rich New Neighbour

Words in bold type:

excitement: (noun) alboroto; emoción enrenou; emoció
Rented: (adj) Alquilada LLogada
Estate: (noun) Finca, propiedad Finca, propietat
Upset: (adj) Alterado, disgustado Esverat, disgustat
Grateful:(adj) Agradecidas Agraïdes
Looking forward to:(exp) Desear Desitjar
Pleasant:(adj) Simpático Simpàtic
Charming:(adj) Encantador Encantador
Pretended:(verb) Fingió Va fingir
Rude:(adj) Maleducado,grosero Mal educat, groller

Questions on the text:

1) Why is there a lot of excitement in the Bennet house on this specific day?
Because she heard that Netherfield Park has been rented.
2) Who is Charles Bingley and why is he especially important to Mrs Bennet?
Charles Bingley is a rich young man that lives in Netherfield Park. He’s important to Mrs Bennet
because she wants one of her daughters to marry him.
3) Where did the Bennet women finally meet Charles?
In a party
4) How did Mr Bingley act? How did Darcy act?
He acted charming and pleasant, and Darcy acted arrogantly

Focus on …

A)Modal verbs: Must marry/ Coud relax/ can meet

B)Saxon genitive: Bennet’s House/ His wife’s life/ Husband’s behaviour

C)Connectors: Therefore/ But didn’t tell/ According to

D)Present Perfect/Past Perfect (Continious): Looked forward to the party/Netherfield Park has finally been rented, Bingley has


E)Adjectives/False friends/Phrasal verbs: Wonderful/ Handsome/ Rude

Chapter two: A Visit to Netherfield Park

Words in bold type:

Vain(adj) Vanidosa Vanitosa
Carriage:(noun) Carruaje Carruatge
Argue:(verb) Discutir Discutir
Mud(noun) Barro Fang
Flirting(verb) Coqueteando Flirtejant
Cared for:

Questions on the text:

5) Describe the differences in character between Elisabeth and Jane

Elizabeth was critical of others and Jane always thinks the best of people.
6) Why did Mrs Bennet refuse to let Jane use the carriage to go to Netherfield Park? What was the result
of this?
Because Mrs Bennet needed it, she finally decided Jane to go by horseback.
7) Why did Elisabeth decide to go to Netherfield Park and why did she stay there?
Because she was worried about Jane's illness, who was ill. She stayed there because she wanted to take
care of him
8) How did Darey’s feelings about Elisabeth change during the visit? How do we know that Caroline was
In one moment, Darcy began to see Elizabeth in a different way than he had at theparty, but then he
thought that they could never be together because they belong todifferent social classes.

Focus on …

A)Modal verbs: Why shouldn’t he pay?/ You should be careful/ I can see

B)Saxon genitive: Bennet’s house/ Charles Bingley’s home/ Charles’ sincere

C)Connectors: Finally/ That evening/ As soon as

D)Present Perfect/Past Perfect (Continious): I have never felt/ I have never heard/ I have got

E)Adjectives/False friends/Phrasal verbs: Quiet/Big/Perfect

Chapter three: A Marriage Proposal

Words in bold type:

He’ll inherit:(verb) Heredarà Heretarà
Closet:(adj) Más cercano Més proper
Compliments(noun) Cumplido Compliments
Support:(verb) Mantener Mantenit
Engaged:(noun) Comprometida Promesa

Questions on the text:

9) Who is Mr Collins and why will he inherit everything the Bennets own after MrBennet’s death?
Mr Collins is Mr Bennet’s cousin and he’ll inherit everything the Bennets own after Mr Bennet’s death
because he is Mr Bennet’s closest male relative, because they have five daughters
10) Why has Mr Collins come to see the Bennets?
Because he wants to marry Jane and Elisabeth
11) Who is Lady Catherine de Bourgh?
She is Mr Darcy’s aunt
12) Why do you think Elizabeth refused Mr Collins’ Proposal?
Elizabeth refuses Mr Collin’s Proposal because
13) Did Mr and Mrs Bennet have the same opinion about Elizabeth’s decision not tomarry Mr Collins?
Describe their reaction
No, they haven’t. Mrs Bennet wasn’t happy while Mr Bennet agreed with Elizabeth’s decision.

Focus on …

A)Modal verbs: Your cousin can take/ We can’t tell/ Would not cacuse

B)Saxon genitive: Darcy’s aunt

C)Connectors: Well, My dear, The next morning

D)Present Perfect/Past Perfect (Continious): She hadn’t expected, You have got five, You’ve prepared

E)Adjectives/False friends/Phrasal verbs; Rich, Young, Wonderful

Chapter four: Mr Wikham

Words in bold type:

Stationed:(verb) Destinado Destinat
Persuaded:(verb) Convencieron a Van convèncer
Was jealous of:(exp) Tenía celos de Tenia gelosia de
Join:(verb) Alistarme en Allistar-me en
Let's not share

Questions on the text:

14) Why did Charlotte agree to marry Mr Collins?

Because she wanted independence from her parents
15) How did the Bennet girls meet Mr Wickham? What impression did he make on them?
They were walking down the main street of Meryton and then they met Mr Wickham. They thought he
was handsome and pleasant.
16) How did Darcy and Wickham react when they saw each other?
They were shocked
17) What explanation did Wickham give to Elizabeth about his reaction to Darcy?
Darcy's father said that Darcy should help Wickham in his church career and give him an amount of
money. Wickahm said Darcy didn't do it and, because of that, they don't like each other

Focus on …

A)Modal verbs: How can you marry, Would never be, She would only marry

B)Saxon genitive: Charlotte’s home, Neightbour’s house, Darcy’s behaviour

C)Connectors: At this time, While, The next evening

D)Present Perfect/Past Perfect (Continious): Had just arrived, She had seen, He has got a large house

E)Adjectives/False friends/Phrasal verbs; Handsome, Happy, Strange

Chapter five: Bad news for Jane
Words in bold type:
Chance:(noun) Oportunidad Oportunitat
A while:(noun) Un rato Una estona
Was involved:(exp) Tuviera una relación Tingués una relació

Questions on the text:

18) Elizabeth suspects that somebody is responsible for Charles' rejection of Jane. Who isthat person?
That person is Caroline
19) Who invited Jane to go to London and why?
Her aunt, Mrs. Gardiner, and her uncle, Mr. Gardiner, because they think that if Janegoes to London
she'll forget Charles
20) How did Jane finally see that Caroline was not her good friend?
When she talked to Caroline.
21) Mrs. Gardiner tells Elizabeth that she is worried about her friendship with Wickham.What did
Elizabeth answer her?
That she was not in love with him because she didn't suffer when she saw Wickham talking with some
rich ladies.

Focus on …

A)Modal verbs: Would not marry, Darcy wouldn’t return

B)Saxon genitive: Bennet’s house

C)Connectors: Then, One morning, Soon

D)Present Perfect/Past Perfect (Continious): I have decided, Has admired, Hasn’t got any money

E)Adjectives/False friends/Phrasal verbs: Frequently, Good, Strong

Chapter six: A surprising Proposal

Words in bold type:

Sickly:(adj) Enfermiza Malaltissa
Formidable:(adj) Que imponía Que imposava
Suitable:(adj) Adecuada Adequada
Struggled against(exp) Luchado contra Lluitat contra
Astonished: Asombrada Sorpresa

Questions on the text:

22) Why did Elizabeth agree to visit Charlotte?

Because she was bored at her house as Wickham was busy and Jane was in London
23) What was Elizabeth's impression of Miss de Bourgh? Why did she wish Darcy tomarry her?
Elizabeth thought that Miss de Bourgh was thin, sickly and arrogant. She wants Darcyt o marry that
woman because Elizabeth hopes that he will be unhappy
24) What was Elizabeth's opinion of Lady Catherine?
Her opinion was that she looked tall and formidable and she was very talkative and authoritarian
25) How does Elizabeth find out that it was Darcy who convinced Charles not to marryJane? What is her
Because Colonel Fitzwilliam told her
26) What two reasons does Elizabeth give Darcy for refusing his offer of marriage?
She doesn't love him and she has a bad opinion on him

Focus on …

A)Modal verbs: I can’t visit, Couldn’t stop talking, How could there be

B)Saxon genitive: Charlotte’s house, Lady Catherine’s daughter

C)Connectors: The next day, On the morning, The next evening

D)Present Perfect/Past Perfect (Continious): Elizabeth hadn’t met, I haven’t seen, You haven’t got any money

E)Adjectives/False friends/Phrasal verbs: Sickly, Arrogant, Unhappy

Chapter seven: A Letter from Darcy

Words in bold type:

I won’t bother:(exp) No molestaré No molestaré
Envelope:(noun) Sobre Sobre
Managed:(verb) Administró Va administrar
Will:(noun) Testamento Testament
Revenge himself:(verb) Vengarse Venjar-se
God bless you:(exp) Dios te bendiga Déu et beneeixi
Didn’t blame:(verb) No culpó No va culpar

Questions on the text:

27) Why was Elizabeth surprised that Darcy wanted to marry her?
Because they haven't got the same social status and she thinks she is not suitable for him.
28) Why did Darcy write the letter to Elizabeth?
He wrote the letter to explain what happened with Wickham and why he told Charles not to marry
29) How did Darcy explain the fact that he hadn't wanted Charles to marry Jane?
He said that he didn't see that Jane was really in love with Charles or that she didn't love him as much
as he loved her
30) Why did Darcy hate Wickham?
Because Wickham tried to marry Georgiana just to get her money.
31) What was Elizabeth's reaction to Darcy's letter?
Elizabeth read it until she realized Darcy was a good person

Focus on …

A)Modal verbs: I would marry!, I can’t believe that, It can’t be true

B)Saxon genitive: Boy’s education,

C)Connectors: From the moment, The next morning, First

D)Present Perfect/Past Perfect (Continious): You have got a, She had said, We haven’t got any

E)Adjectives/False friends/Phrasal verbs: Arrogant, Confused, Suitable

Chapter eight: At Darcy’s House

Words in bold type:

Wasn’t in good spirits: (exp) No tenía la moral alta No tenia la moral alta
Grew up: (Verb) Crecieron Van créixer
Surrounded: (verb) Rodeaban Envoltaven
Housekeeper: (noun) Ama de llaves Majordoma
Mistress: (noun) Señora, dueña Senyora, mestressa

Questions on the text:

32) Elizabeth decided not to tell Jane the real reason for Charles Bingley's behavior.Why?
Because the truth would not change anything it would just hurt Jane's feelings.
33) How did Jane feel after hearing the true story of Wickham's behavior?
She was surprised about Wickham's actions
34) Why did the sisters decide not to tell anyone the truth about Wickham?
Because he wouldn't come back telling the truth would not change anything
35) Why was Elizabeth worried about Lydia's going to Brighton alone?
Because Elizabeth thinks Lydia is too young and that she will get into trouble
36) Why did Elizabeth's feelings towards Darcy change when she visited Pemberly?
Because she realized Darcy was actually a very good person

Focus on …

A)Modal verbs: Couldn’t discuss, It would only hurt, Can’t marry

B)Saxon genitive: Darcy’s letter, Darcy’s elegant house, Darcy’s propsal

C)Connectors: On the first day, Therefore, The next morning

D)Present Perfect/Past Perfect (Continious): She had heard, What had really happened, I had only prejudice

E)Adjectives/False friends/Phrasal verbs: Shocked, Wonderful, Respectable

Chapter nine: AnotherVisit to Pemberly

Words in bold type:

Embarrassment: (noun) Vergüenza Vergonya
Blind: (adj) Ciega Cega
Owed: (verb) Debía Devia
Debts: (noun) Deudas Deutes
Nastily: (exp) Con maldad Amb maldat
Didn’t lift: (verb) No levantó No va aixecar

Questions on the text:

37) Elizabeth was surprised when she met Darcy’s sister, Georgiana. Why?
Because he knew about the horrible story between Georgiana and Wickham.
38) What did the Gardiners learn about Wickham from their friends? How did this changetheir opinion of
The Gardiners thought that Mr.Wickham was a victim of the evil of Darcy, but they knew all the
truth about that story. Then they realised that Mr.Wickham wasn’t as good personas as they
39) Why did Caroline behave so nastily to Elizabeth?
Because she was jealous of everyonr that Darcy lookes at or pays attention to.
40) What did Caroline say after Elizabeth and the Gardiners left the hotel, and what effectdid this have on
Because she thought that Elizabeth has become uglier

Focus on …

A)Modal verbs: He must be very angry, I would like, She couldn’t decide

B)Saxon genitive: Darcy’s sister, Charles’ sister, Wickhm’s debts

C)Connectors: Just then, A few minutes later, The next day

D)Present Perfect/Past Perfect (Continious): I haven’t seen, Hadn’t expected, Had changed their opinion

E)Adjectives/False friends/Phrasal verbs: Unpleasant, Uncomfortable, Strange

Chapter ten: Terrible news

Words in bold type:

Willing to: (exp) Dispuesto a Disposat a
Questions on the text:

41) What does Elizabeth learn from Jane’s first letter?

She learned that her sister Lydia has run away to Scotland with Mr. Wickham and they
were getting married.
42) Why does Elizabeth feel that she is responsible for what happened?
She felt very bad, because she thought that if she had told everybody the truth about
Wickham after she heard it, that wouldn’t have happened.
43) Why does Mr Bennet apologise to Elizabeth when he returns from London?ç
Because, Elizabeth warned Mr Bennet to not let Lydia to go to Brighton alone, but Mr
Bennet allow her.
44) Wicham is willing to marry Lydia on one condition. What is it?
The condition is that they must agree to give him a certain amount of money
immediately and another sum of money every month.

Focus on …

A)Modal verbs: Elizabeth couldn’t believe it, He shouldn’t be, We can’t trust him

B)Saxon genitive: Wickham’s friends,Wickham’s regiment, Bennet’s house

C)Connectors: Two days later, The next day, As always

D)Present Perfect/Past Perfect (Continious): I’ve just had, Darcy have changed, Wickham had also left

E)Adjectives/False friends/Phrasal verbs: Slowly, Good, Immediately

Chapter eleven: The Truth About Darcy

Words in bold type:

Demand: (verb) Exigir, pedir Exigir, demanar
Pain: (noun) Pena Pena

Questions on the text:

45) What does Mr Bennet think about Lydia’s marriage? Do you think that would be thetypical opinion of
any 19th century mother? Why?
At first, he didn’t agree because Lydia and Wickham had a very bad behaved, but
He finally accepted. This type of marriages were very common in the 19th century
because, people marry to enrich themselves and improve their social group.
46) How do we know that Lydia does not feel “horrible” about all the trouble she caused?
Because, when the young couple arrived, Lydia was noisy and wild as always, and she
didn’t seem worried or sad.
47) List three ways Darcy helped the Bennet family
-Darcy went to London and found the couple.
-Darcy spoke to Lydia and tried to convinced her to leave Wickham and return to her
family, but she didn’t agree.
-Darcy paid the money for Lydia and Wickham marriage’s conditions.
48) According to Mrs Gardiner, what was the real reason for Darcy’s helpfulness?
Mr Gardiner said that Darcy had got another interest in the matter. Darcy wanted to
help her loved; Elizabeth.
49)Mrs Bennet is delighted to see Bringley but she is rude to Darcy. Why does she treat
both men so differently?
Because, Mrs Bennet didn’t know all the things that Darcy had done for the family. She
thought he was still arrogant who had insulted Elizabeth.

Focus on …

A)Modal verbs: Wickham would soon, Lydia must feel horrible, How can he demand

B)Saxon genitive: Wickham’s conditions, Mrs Gardiner’s answer, Her mother’s behaviour

C)Connectors: Then, The next morning, But

D)Present Perfect/Past Perfect (Continious): Had he done, She had rejected him, I haven’t told you

E)Adjectives/False friends/Phrasal verbs: Delighted, Embarrassed, Charming

Chapter twelve: Mrs Bennet is Delighted

Words in bold type:

Over and over: (exp) Una y otra vez Una i altra vegada
Menacing: (adj) Amenazante Amenaçadora
Fault: (noun) Culpa Culpa
Dares: (verb) Se atreve a S’atreveix
Apologised for: (exp) Pidió perdón por Va demanar perdó per
Judging: (verb) Juzgar Jutjar

Questions on the text:

49) How does Jane’s engagement to Bringley improve the family’s status in theneighborhood?
If Jane get marry to Bringley, she would have enough money to have a luxury life and
can support her family.

50) Why does Lady Catherine come to visit Elizabeth?

Because, she heard that Elizabeth intended to marry her nephew Darcy and she didn’t
believe it.
51) Why doesn’t Lady Catherine approve of Elizabeth’s family?
Because, she said that Darcy must marry her daughter. It was decided when they
were children and Elizabeth was coming to from a poor family and in Lady Catherine
opinion, she has nothing to offer him.

52) After Lady Catherine's visit, Elizabeth and Darcy get together. Why? Explain the wayElizabeth and
Darcy reacted to his visit
Mr Darcy thought that the feelings of Elizabeth for him had changed and gave courage
to him to dare to ask for marriage regardless of what his family says.
53) Why is everyone surprised when Elizabeth and Darcy decide to marry?ç
Because nobody knew all the good deeds Darcy had done. They were still thinking that
he was rude and arrogant.

Focus on …

A)Modal verbs: She could tell, He could still love, Whatever I can

B)Saxon genitive: Bennet’s house, Darcy’s aunt, Elizabeth’s astonishment

C)Connectors:But, At first, A week after

D)Present Perfect/Past Perfect (Continious): Everyone had thought, You haven’t changed at all, Her eelings had changed

E)Adjectives/False friends/Phrasal verbs: Delighted, Indifferent, Suitable


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