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About The Author

Fred Damas Mkama is a trader at Global Financial Markets specializing in Forex Trading since
2019. He is the C.E.O of LOWKEY_FX and the founder of ADVANCED PRICE ACTION Strategy. He
is a Pro Trader based on technical analysis and market psychology.

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2 LowkeyFX
Me being a psychologist not only explains my research focus on the actual participants in the
market, it also makes me acutely aware of the numerous relationships, research and otherwise,
this research has rewarded me. I am extremely thankful and indebted to everybody who has
been involved in my research and who has contributed to this book.
If you are interested in how psychology influences the forex market, this is the book for you.
This book sheds light on spectacular market phenomena as well as on subliminal psychological
processes in trading decisions. New insights are gathered from psychological theory and survey
research studies.

Forex trading is one of the most lucrative markets in the world, with trillions of dollars exchanged
every day. However, with such high stakes, it's no surprise that the market attracts all kinds of
players, including those who seek to manipulate and deceive others for their own gain. This is
where "Forex Market Dark Psychology" comes in - this book aims to provide readers with an
understanding of the tactics used by manipulators and how to protect themselves from falling
victim to them.

Since the market is made out of people’s decisions. I think psychology is the biggest driver of
the Forex Market, more than anything else in the market. The charts we are seeing are the
results of people’s decisions. Most traders believe technical analysis is more effective than
market psychology which is wrong. The movements we are seeing in the charts are results of
thousands of peoples decisions ( mass psychology ) 85% of those decisions are made out of
technical analysis, 14% Fundamentally SO WHO IS THE 1% ?

This book will help traders to identify manipulation tactics used by other traders and investors to
gain from retail traders losses, We can call it illegal trading………..

3 LowkeyFX

1. What is Market Psychology?

2. The psychology behind losing money
3. The Dark Market
4. Market Psychology Vs Technical Analysis
5. The ONE %

4 LowkeyFX

What is Market Psychology ?

Forex market psychology refers to the mindset and emotions that influence the behavior of
traders in the forex market. Most traders get emotional but have you ever asked yourself
where does it come from ? These emotions and behaviors can impact the outcome of
trades and can result in either profit or loss. The psychology of forex trading is critical
because traders must be able to control their emotions to make rational and informed

One of the most important aspects of forex market psychology is managing emotions. Forex
traders must manage their emotions effectively to avoid making rash decisions that could
lead to losses. Some of the emotions that can impact forex trading include fear, greed, and
anxiety. Fear can cause traders to exit trades too soon, while greed can cause them to hold
onto trades for too long. Anxiety, on the other hand, can cause traders to avoid taking risks
and miss out on potential profits.

5 LowkeyFX

Cognitive Load and Decision Making in Trading.

Cognitive load refers to the amount of mental effort or resources required to process and
store information in working memory during a task. In forex trading, the amount of
cognitive load a trader experiences can have a significant impact on their decision-making

Forex traders are constantly required to process and analyze vast amounts of information,
such as market trends, economic indicators, news events, and technical analysis indicators.
This can create a high cognitive load, making it challenging for traders to make informed
decisions and avoid cognitive biases.

Research has shown that high cognitive load can impair decision-making ability in several
ways. First, it can increase the likelihood of cognitive biases, such as confirmation bias and
anchoring bias, which can lead traders to make suboptimal decisions based on incomplete
or biased information.

High cognitive load can lead to decision fatigue, which occurs when a trader's mental
resources are depleted, and they become more likely to make impulsive or hasty decisions.
This can lead to over trading or taking on excessive risk.

High cognitive load can result in decreased working memory capacity, making it harder for
traders to retain and process relevant information. This can lead to information overload,
which can impair a trader's ability to identify important signals and filter out irrelevant

To mitigate the negative effects of cognitive load on decision-making in forex trading,

traders can adopt several strategies, such as breaking down complex tasks into smaller,
more manageable steps, focusing on relevant information and reducing distractions, using
checklists and decision-making frameworks, and taking breaks to recharge mental
resources. Traders can also use tools and technologies that automate or simplify certain
aspects of the trading process, such as algorithmic trading and risk management software.

6 LowkeyFX
Overconfidence is another psychological factor that can contribute to traders losing money.
Many traders overestimate their abilities and assume that they can outsmart the market.
This overconfidence can lead traders to take risks that they would not normally take,
leading to significant losses. Traders who are overconfident may also ignore warning signs
and fail to take necessary precautions, leading to further losses.

Overconfidence can also lead traders to take on too much risk. Traders who are
overconfident may assume that they can handle greater levels of risk than they actually
can. They may take on larger positions or use more leverage than they should, believing
that they can manage the risk effectively. However, if the market moves against them, they
may find themselves exposed to significant losses that they are unable to manage.

To avoid the dangers of overconfidence, traders must remain humble, maintain discipline,
and approach the market with a healthy respect for its complexity and unpredictability. By
doing so, they can develop strategies that are more likely to result in success.

Trading to recover losses

Traders who experience losses may feel a sense of panic and anxiety. They may be
concerned about their ability to make up for their losses and may feel a sense of urgency to
make up for their losses as quickly as possible. This can lead to impulsive decisions and can
cause traders to take on more risk than they can handle.

Another reason why traders get emotional and trade to cover their losses is due to a sense
of frustration. Traders who have experienced losses may feel that they have made poor
decisions or that they are not capable of trading successfully. This can lead to a sense of
frustration and can cause traders to make impulsive decisions in an effort to prove
themselves or to make up for their losses.

To avoid making impulsive decisions based on emotion, traders must develop a

well-defined trading plan, manage their risk effectively, and maintain discipline. They must
also remain focused on their long-term goals and avoid becoming overly focused on
short-term gains or losses. By doing so, they can develop strategies that are more likely to
result in success in the financial markets.

7 LowkeyFX
Trading to prove yourself to people and the media.
A trader may engage in trading to demonstrate their abilities or success to others, rather
than for purely financial reasons.The need to prove oneself to others can stem from a
variety of sources, such as social pressure or the desire for recognition and validation.
Traders who are motivated by these factors may become overly focused on achieving
short-term gains, rather than adopting a long-term approach to trading. This can lead to
impulsive decisions, as traders may feel the need to take risks or make trades that they
may not otherwise consider, in an effort to demonstrate their skill or competence.

One of the dangers of trading to prove oneself to others is that it can lead to excessive
risk-taking. Traders who are driven by the desire to prove themselves may take on more
risk than they can handle, in an effort to generate profits quickly. This can lead to
significant losses, particularly if the trader lacks the experience or expertise to manage the
risks effectively.

Another danger of trading to prove oneself to others is that it can lead to emotional
decision-making. Traders who are motivated by the desire to prove themselves may
become overly emotional, particularly if they experience losses or setbacks. This can lead to
impulsive decision-making, as traders may feel the need to take action in an effort to prove
themselves or to avoid embarrassment.

To avoid the pitfalls of trading to prove oneself to others, traders must develop a clear
understanding of their motivations and goals. They must focus on developing a solid
trading plan and approach the markets with a long-term perspective. By doing so, they can
avoid making impulsive decisions and can manage their risks effectively.

Setting realistic trading goals

When traders set unrealistic goals, they may become overconfident or impatient, which can
lead to poor trading decisions and potentially result in losses. Unrealistic goals can also
create a sense of pressure or anxiety, which can negatively impact a trader's emotional
state and decision-making abilities. Some traders make plans of what they are going to spend their
withdrawals on before trading which leads to bad trading decisions and taking high risk trades.

On the other hand, setting realistic trading goals can help traders maintain a healthy
balance between risk and reward, and provide a sense of accomplishment as they work

8 LowkeyFX
towards achievable objectives. Realistic goals can also help traders stay focused and
disciplined, as they provide a clear direction for their trading activities.

To set realistic trading goals, traders should consider factors such as their level of
experience, their available time and resources, and their risk tolerance. Goals should be
specific, measurable, and time-bound, and should align with a trader's overall trading
strategy and long-term objectives. By setting realistic goals, traders can increase their
chances of success and avoid falling victim to unrealistic expectations or pressure.

Trading with what you can't afford to lose

One of the key rules of trading is to only trade with money that you can afford to lose.
However, many traders still ignore this rule and end up losing money in the financial
markets. There are several reasons why traders lose money when they trade with what
they cannot afford to lose.

When traders trade with money that they cannot afford to lose, they are more likely to
become emotional when making trading decisions. Fear and greed can cloud judgment,
leading to impulsive and risky decisions. Traders who have a significant amount of money
at risk may feel intense pressure to make profits quickly, leading to a lack of discipline and
Trading with money that you cannot afford to lose can lead to excessive risk-taking. Traders
who feel that they have a lot of money at risk may be more inclined to take on more risk
than they would with money that they can afford to lose. This can lead to larger losses and
can have a significant impact on a trader's overall financial position.

Traders who trade with money that they cannot afford to lose may lack the necessary
experience or knowledge to make informed trading decisions. This can lead to poor trade
execution and can increase the likelihood of losses. Traders who are new to the markets
may be more likely to trade with money that they cannot afford to lose, as they may not
fully understand the risks involved.

Trading with money that you cannot afford to lose can lead to psychological distress.
Traders who lose significant amounts of money may experience anxiety, stress, and even
depression. This can have a significant impact on their overall wellbeing and can lead to
further emotional decision-making and losses.

9 LowkeyFX
To avoid these pitfalls, traders must adhere to the rule of only trading with money that they
can afford to lose. By doing so, they can approach trading with a disciplined and rational
mindset, which is essential for success in the financial markets. Click Here for more info

The role of social influence on Forex Trading.

Social influence refers to the impact that the actions, beliefs, and opinions of others have
on an individual's behavior. In the context of forex trading, social influence can come from
a variety of sources, including friends, family members, social media, and online forums.
When individuals see others making quick profits from forex trading, they may feel
compelled to do the same.

One of the main ways that social influence leads to a rich quick mentality in forex trading is
through the promotion of unrealistic expectations. Many traders are lured in by the
promise of high returns in a short amount of time. They see others making large profits
and believe that they too can achieve similar results. However, these expectations are often
unrealistic, and traders may end up losing money instead of making a profit.

Another way that social influence contributes to the rich quick mentality in forex trading is
through the use of social proof. Social proof refers to the tendency of individuals to
conform to the actions and beliefs of others. When traders see others making money from
forex trading, they may feel pressured to do the same. This can lead to impulsive
decision-making, such as placing trades without proper research or analysis.

The fear of missing out (FOMO) is another factor that contributes to the rich quick
mentality in forex trading. FOMO refers to the feeling of anxiety or unease that arises when
individuals feel that they are missing out on something that others are experiencing. When
traders see others making quick profits from forex trading, they may feel that they are
missing out on an opportunity to make money. This can lead to impulsive trading decisions,
such as entering trades without proper analysis or risk management.

Social influence can lead to a rich quick mentality in forex trading. The promotion of
unrealistic expectations, the use of social proof, and the fear of missing out can all
contribute to impulsive decision-making and ultimately result in losses. Traders should be
aware of these factors and take a more rational and disciplined approach to forex trading.
It is important to conduct proper research and analysis, set realistic goals, and use proper
risk management techniques to avoid falling victim to the rich quick mentality.

10 LowkeyFX
Greed is a natural human emotion that drives us to want more, but in the context of forex
trading, it can be dangerous. Traders who are greedy often take on too much risk, and this
can lead to significant losses. For example, a trader may see an opportunity to make a large
profit and take on a position that is much larger than they can handle. This is known as
overtrading, and it can quickly wipe out a trader's account. When a trader trades an amount of
capital he can't afford to lose,he will be emotionally attached to his trades, he won't be able to respect his
strategy,he won't be able to hold trades for long.

Another way that greed can lead to losses in forex trading is through the use of leverage.
Leverage is a tool that allows traders to control large positions with a small amount of
capital. While leverage can be a powerful way to amplify profits, it can also magnify losses.
Traders who are greedy may use too much leverage, and this can lead to significant losses
if the trade goes against them.

Greed can also lead traders to hold onto losing positions for too long. When a trader is in a
losing position, it can be tempting to hold onto it in the hope that it will eventually turn
around. However, this can lead to significant losses if the market continues to move against
the trader. This is known as "holding onto losers," and it is a common mistake that many
traders make.

In addition to these risks, greed can also lead to emotional trading. When a trader is driven
by greed, they may become overly emotional and make decisions based on their emotions
rather than rational analysis. This can lead to impulsive trading decisions that are not
based on sound strategy or analysis.

To avoid losing money due to greed, traders need to be disciplined and have a solid
trading plan. This plan should include risk management strategies that help to control the
amount of risk that is taken on in each trade. Traders should also use leverage responsibly
and avoid overtrading. Finally, traders need to be able to control their emotions and make
rational decisions based on analysis rather than emotions.

11 LowkeyFX
Fear is a natural emotion that affects everyone, including forex traders. Fear can manifest
in various forms, such as fear of missing out (FOMO), fear of losing money (FOLM), fear of
making the wrong trade, fear of losing profits, and fear of the unknown. These fears often
lead to poor decision-making, resulting in significant losses for traders. One of the main
reasons why forex traders lose money due to fear is the fear of missing out on profitable
trades. Traders may become anxious about not taking advantage of a particular
opportunity to make a profit, leading them to enter trades that they are not fully
comfortable with, resulting in losses.

Another fear that affects forex traders is the fear of losing money. Losing money is an
inherent risk in forex trading, and traders who are too afraid of losing money may not
make trades that have the potential to be profitable. This fear may also lead traders to hold
onto losing positions for too long, hoping that the market will turn in their favor, which
often leads to even bigger losses. Traders who are too afraid of losing money may also set
unrealistic stop-loss orders, which may lead to premature exits from profitable trades.

Forex traders may also fear making the wrong trade, which leads to inaction. This fear is
often caused by over-analyzing the market or the fear of making a mistake. Traders may
become paralyzed and unable to make any trades, leading to missed opportunities for
profits. Similarly, traders who are afraid of losing profits may exit profitable trades
prematurely, often resulting in missed opportunities for even more significant profits.

The fear of the unknown is also a significant factor that affects forex traders. The forex
market is unpredictable, and traders may become anxious about not knowing what to
expect. This fear may lead to traders second-guessing their trading strategies, which may
result in missed opportunities for profitable trades.

To overcome the fear that affects forex traders, it is crucial to understand that forex trading
involves risks and losses. It is impossible to eliminate all risks associated with forex trading,
but traders can take steps to manage their risks effectively. For instance, traders can create
a trading plan that outlines their strategies and risk management techniques. This plan
should include clear entry and exit points, stop-loss orders, and take-profit orders. Traders
should also set realistic expectations for their profits and losses, and not allow emotions to
cloud their judgment.

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The concept of dark market psychology in forex trading refers to the use of unethical and
manipulative tactics by traders to gain an unfair advantage over other market participants.
This chapter will delve into the specific tactics used by manipulators in the forex market. It
will cover topics such as insider trading, front running, spoofing, and wash trading.They
may also use psychological manipulation techniques to exploit the emotions and biases of
other traders.

Traders who engage in these unethical practices may be motivated by greed, power, or a
desire for control. They may also be driven by a need for validation or recognition, or by a
sense of entitlement or superiority.

It is important for forex traders to be aware of these dark market psychology tactics and to
avoid engaging in them. Trading based on sound analysis and logical decision-making,
rather than emotion or manipulation, is key to long-term success in the forex market.
Additionally, regulatory bodies such as the SEC and CFTC work to identify and prosecute
traders who engage in illegal or unethical practices.

13 LowkeyFX

Insider Trading
Insider forex trading refers to the act of trading foreign currencies based on non-public
information that is not available to the general public. Insider trading is illegal in most
jurisdictions, including the forex market, as it gives an unfair advantage to individuals or
entities with privileged information. Eg Just imagine if you had access to the NFP news results
before they are released.

Insider forex trading can occur in different ways. For example, it can involve employees of a
forex company or a financial institution who have access to confidential information about
the forex market or specific currencies. Such information can include details about
economic indicators, financial reports, or upcoming news events that could impact the
price of a currency.
Another form of insider trading in the forex market is when a government official, central
bank official, or another influential person has access to confidential information that could
impact the price of a currency. For example, a government official may have knowledge of
an impending economic policy change that could affect the value of a currency.

Insider trading is considered unethical and illegal because it violates the principle of fair
market trading. It also undermines the integrity and transparency of the forex market,
which relies on the free flow of information for traders to make informed decisions.

Front running
Front running in forex trading refers to a trading strategy where a trader takes advantage
of advanced knowledge of an impending trade order from a client or another market
participant to enter a trade ahead of them, with the intention of profiting from the
anticipated price movement resulting from the order execution.

Front running is considered unethical and can be illegal, as it involves using confidential
information to gain an unfair advantage over other market participants. In the forex
market, front running can occur when a broker or a trader has access to information about
a large order that is about to be executed in the market.

14 LowkeyFX
For example, if a trader knows that a large buy order for a particular currency is about to
be executed, they may enter a buy order for that currency before the large order is
executed, driving up the price. Once the large order is executed, the trader can then sell
their position at a profit.

Front running can have negative consequences for the market as a whole, as it can
undermine trust in the fairness and transparency of the market. It can also result in losses
for the client or the other market participant whose order was front-run, as they may not
be able to execute their order at the desired price.

Regulators and exchanges have implemented various measures to prevent front running,
such as restricting the use of market data and order flow information to prevent traders
from gaining an unfair advantage. Forex traders should avoid engaging in front running
and instead focus on trading based on publicly available information and analysis.

Spoofing Trading
Spoofing in forex trading refers to a manipulative trading strategy where a trader places a
large order to buy or sell a particular currency with the intention of canceling or modifying
it before the order is executed, in an attempt to create a false impression of market
demand or supply and manipulate the price of the currency.

Spoofing involves the use of technology to place and cancel orders quickly, making it
difficult for other market participants to detect and respond to the manipulation. For
example, a trader may place a large buy order for a currency, creating the impression of
strong demand and driving up the price. The trader may then cancel the order before it is
executed, leaving other traders with buy orders that they may not be able to execute at the
inflated price.

Spoofing is considered a form of market manipulation and is illegal in many jurisdictions.

The practice can harm the integrity and stability of the forex market by distorting the price
signals and undermining the trust of market participants. Spoofing can also result in losses
for other traders who may have placed orders based on the false impression created by
the spoofing.

15 LowkeyFX
Wash trading
Wash trading in forex trading refers to a manipulative trading strategy where a trader
simultaneously buys and sells the same currency pair, or multiple traders collude to create
artificial trading activity, with the intention of creating the appearance of market demand
or supply and manipulating the price of the currency.

Wash trading is considered a form of market manipulation and is illegal in most

jurisdictions, as it can distort the price signals and undermine the trust of other market
participants. Wash trading can also be used to deceive investors by creating the impression
of market activity and liquidity that does not exist.

Wash trading can be carried out in different ways in the forex market. For example, a
trader may place a buy order for a particular currency pair and then immediately place a
sell order for the same amount and at the same price, resulting in a net-zero trade
position. The trader may repeat this cycle of buying and selling the same currency pair
repeatedly, creating the appearance of market activity and liquidity.

Wash trading can also involve multiple traders colluding to create the appearance of
market demand or supply by buying and selling the same currency pair among themselves,
with no intention of taking a genuine trading position.

16 LowkeyFX


Market psychology and technical analysis are both important components of forex trading.
While technical analysis focuses on analyzing charts and data to identify trends and
patterns, market psychology is concerned with understanding the emotions and behaviors
of market participants.

Market psychology can be seen as being more important than technical analysis in forex
because ultimately, it is the collective emotions and behaviors of traders that drive price
movements. Technical analysis can provide valuable insights into market trends and
patterns, but it cannot predict how traders will react to news, events, or changing market
By understanding market psychology, traders can better anticipate how other market
participants are likely to behave and adjust their trading strategies accordingly. For
example, if traders are feeling bullish about a particular currency pair, it may be a good
time to go long, whereas if traders are feeling bearish, it may be better to go short.

Another important aspect of market psychology is herd mentality. When a large number of
market participants all start behaving in the same way, it can lead to market distortions and
create opportunities for contrarian traders. By understanding herd mentality, traders can
identify potential market inefficiencies and take advantage of them.

While market psychology is often seen as being more important than technical analysis, it's
important to note that the two are not mutually exclusive. Technical analysis can provide
valuable insights into market trends and patterns, and can help traders identify potential
entry and exit points for trades. However, technical analysis is limited in its ability to predict
how traders will behave in the future, and by incorporating an understanding of market
psychology into their trading strategies, traders can improve their ability to predict how the
market is likely to behave.

Some key elements of market psychology that forex traders should be aware of include
fear, greed, and herd mentality. Fear can cause traders to panic and sell off positions, while
greed can lead them to take on too much risk. Herd mentality can cause traders to follow

17 LowkeyFX
the crowd and make decisions based on what everyone else is doing, rather than
conducting their own analysis.

While both market psychology and technical analysis are important components of forex
trading, understanding market psychology can be more valuable because it allows traders
to better anticipate how other market participants are likely to behave and adjust their
strategies accordingly. By combining technical analysis with an understanding of market
psychology, traders can make more informed trading decisions and improve their chances
of success.

18 LowkeyFX

Becoming a successful trader requires a great deal of discipline, patience, and a solid

understanding of the markets. To be a 1% successful trader, you must be committed to learning

about the markets, analyzing data and market trends, and developing a sound trading strategy.

You should also have a keen eye for risk management and be able to control your emotions

while making decisions. Successful traders continuously monitor their trades and adapt to

changes in the market, often updating their strategies as necessary. It's also essential to have a

long-term outlook and avoid impulsive decision-making.


Develop a deep understanding of the markets
This means staying up-to-date on the latest news, trends, and economic news that can impact the

markets you trade in. It also means studying historical data and market patterns to help you

identify opportunities and make informed trading decisions.

To stay informed on the latest market news, follow reliable financial news sources such as
Bloomberg, Reuters, and CNBC. Also, keep an eye on economic news that can impact the
markets you trade in, such as interest rates, inflation rates, GDP growth, and employment figures.
Studying historical data and market patterns can provide valuable insights into market trends and

19 LowkeyFX
potential trading opportunities. A well-defined trading strategy is critical for success in the
markets, and it should include entry and exit points, risk management techniques, and a clear
understanding of your trading goals. Staying disciplined is essential when it comes to trading. To
stay disciplined, stick to your trading plan, avoid making emotional decisions based on fear or
greed, and manage your risk carefully. Lastly, learning from your mistakes is crucial. Use your
mistakes as an opportunity to learn and improve your trading strategy. Keep a trading journal to
record your trades and analyze your performance. You can also seek feedback from other traders
or join trading communities to share your experiences and learn from others.

Understanding your trading personality

Forex trading requires a certain level of psychological and emotional resilience, and being
aware of your own strengths and weaknesses can help you develop a trading strategy that
works for you. By understanding your trading personality, you can identify which trading
style and approach suits you best, such as long-term investing, day trading, or swing
trading. This can help you make better trading decisions and ultimately lead to greater
success in the forex market.

Forex trading involves making decisions based on a variety of factors, including economic
indicators, technical analysis, and market sentiment. However, the human element of
trading, such as emotions, personality traits, and cognitive biases, can also play a significant
role in determining the success or failure of a trader.

Each individual has their own unique personality traits and tendencies that can affect their
approach to trading. For example, some traders may have a high tolerance for risk and
prefer more aggressive trading strategies, while others may be more risk-averse and prefer
more conservative approaches. By understanding your own trading personality, you can
identify which style and approach suits you best and avoid making decisions that are not in
line with your natural tendencies.

Furthermore, having a clear understanding of your trading personality can help you
develop a trading plan that is tailored to your individual needs and goals. This can involve
setting specific targets and risk management strategies, as well as identifying the types of
market conditions and trading opportunities that are most suitable for your style and

Overall, understanding your own trading personality is an important aspect of successful

forex trading. By being aware of your strengths and weaknesses and developing a trading

20 LowkeyFX
plan that suits your individual needs and goals, you can improve your chances of making
profitable trades and achieving long-term success in the forex market.

Have a well-defined trading strategy

Your trading strategy should be based on your goals, risk tolerance, and market knowledge. This

could involve using technical analysis, fundamental analysis, or a combination of both. Your

strategy should also include entry and exit points, stop-loss levels, and profit targets.

Your trading strategy should also include entry and exit points, stop-loss levels, and profit targets.
These should be clear and based on your analysis of the market. By setting clear entry and exit
points, you can limit your losses and maximize your profits. It's also important to manage risk
carefully by setting stop-loss levels and avoiding overtrading.

It's crucial to stick to your trading strategy and avoid making emotional decisions based on fear or
greed. By staying disciplined and following your plan, you can improve your chances of success
in the markets. Learning from your mistakes is also essential. By analyzing your trades and
keeping a trading journal, you can identify areas for improvement and refine your trading strategy
over time.

Practice disciplined trading

Successful traders are disciplined and consistent in their approach to trading. This means

avoiding emotional trades, sticking to your strategy, and avoiding the temptation to over-trade or

take on too much risk.

Disciplined trading is essential for successful trading. It involves having a clear understanding of
your trading strategy and sticking to it. This means avoiding emotional trades, such as
panic-selling during a market downturn or buying into a hype without conducting proper
research. Emotional trading can lead to irrational decision-making, which can result in significant

21 LowkeyFX
To practice disciplined trading, you should develop a trading plan and stick to it. This plan should
include your entry and exit points, stop-loss levels, and profit targets. It should also include your
risk management strategy. By sticking to your trading plan, you can avoid impulsive decisions and
ensure that your trades are based on analysis rather than emotions.

It's also important to avoid over-trading and taking on too much risk. Over-trading can lead to
losses due to transaction costs, and taking on too much risk can result in significant losses. You
should manage your risk carefully and ensure that you have sufficient capital to cover potential
losses. This may involve using a risk management strategy, such as limiting your exposure to any
single asset or diversifying your portfolio across multiple assets. By practicing disciplined trading
and managing your risk carefully, you can improve your chances of success in the markets.

Manage risk effectively

Managing risk is critical to long-term success as a the real world anything we have or we

use has Its risks,and all in all we can not control them but we can manage them,the same law is

used in the market.

The way to manage risk is by using stop-loss orders. Stop-loss orders are set at a certain price
level below the current market price, and when triggered, they execute a trade to limit your
losses. Stop-loss orders are an essential tool to manage risk as they help to prevent emotional
trading decisions, which often result in significant losses.

Risk management also involves monitoring the amount of capital allocated to each trade. A
general rule of thumb is to risk no more than 10% of your capital on each trade. In addition, you
should avoid taking on trades that exceed your risk tolerance or go against your trading strategy.
By managing your trades carefully and avoiding excessive risk, you can minimize potential losses
and increase your chances of long-term success.

Successful traders often use position sizing techniques, which determine the number of positions
to trade based on the amount of capital available, the stop-loss level, and the volatility of the
asset. Position sizing helps to control the amount of risk taken on each trade and can help to limit
losses. By incorporating position sizing and other risk management techniques into your trading
strategy, you can effectively manage risk and increase your chances of long-term success.

22 LowkeyFX
Continuously learn and adapt
Successful traders understand that the markets are always changing and evolving, and it's

important to keep up with the latest developments. To stay ahead of the curve, traders need to

continuously learn and adapt their strategies to changing market conditions. This could involve

attending seminars or webinars, reading trading books, or networking with other traders. By

keeping up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices, traders can stay ahead of the

competition and increase their chances of success.

Another way to continuously learn and adapt is to analyze your trading performance regularly.
This means reviewing your trades, identifying what worked and what didn't, and making
adjustments to your strategy accordingly. It's important to be open-minded and willing to try new
things, even if they may be different from your current approach. By analyzing your performance
regularly and being willing to adapt, you can refine your trading strategy and increase your
chances of success.

Networking with other traders is also a great way to learn and adapt. This could involve joining
online trading communities, attending local trading groups, or connecting with other traders on
social media. By networking with other traders, you can learn about new trading ways, share your
experiences, and get feedback on your trading approach. This can be invaluable for identifying
blind spots in your strategy, discovering new opportunities, and refining your approach.

Learning and adapting also means having a growth mindset. This means being open to new
ideas and perspectives, embracing challenges and setbacks as opportunities for growth, and
seeking out feedback and constructive criticism. By having a growth mindset, you can maintain a
positive attitude even during difficult times, remain focused on your goals, and continue to learn
and adapt to new conditions.

23 LowkeyFX
Be patient and persistent
Trading is a marathon, not a sprint. It takes time and persistence to achieve consistent profits as a

trader. This means being patient during losing streaks, staying focused on your goals, and putting

in the time and effort required to succeed.

It's important to have a realistic view of the market and understand that there will be ups and
downs along the way. During losing streaks, it's important to stay calm and focused, avoid making
impulsive decisions, and stick to your trading plan. This means keeping a level head and avoiding
the temptation to chase losses or take on more risk than you can handle. By being patient during
losing streaks, you can avoid making emotional decisions that could lead to even greater losses.

Staying focused on your goals is also essential for being patient and persistent in trading. This
means having a clear understanding of why you're trading, what you hope to achieve, and what
steps you need to take to get there. It's important to have a long-term perspective and avoid
getting too caught up in short-term gains or losses. By focusing on your goals and staying
committed to your strategy, you can maintain the discipline and persistence required to succeed
as a trader.

Being patient and persistent requires putting in the time and effort required to succeed. This
means dedicating time each day to study the markets, analyze your trades, and refine your
strategy. It also means being willing to learn from your mistakes, seek out feedback and guidance
from other traders, and continuously improve your skills. By putting in the time and effort required
to succeed, you can build the knowledge, experience, and discipline needed to achieve
consistent profits over the long-term.

24 LowkeyFX
Stay Motivated
Trading forex can be a challenging and stressful activity, and traders may experience
periods of losses or difficult market conditions that can test their motivation and resilience.
In such situations, it can be helpful for traders to have strategies for staying motivated and
focused, such as setting achievable goals, maintaining a positive attitude, and seeking
support from other traders or mentors.

In addition, maintaining a healthy work-life balance is important for avoiding burnout and
maintaining mental and physical well-being. This can include strategies such as setting
aside time for hobbies and other activities outside of trading, taking breaks when needed,
and maintaining a healthy diet and exercise routine.

In summary
To be in the 1%, you need to have a deep understanding of the markets you trade in, a

well-defined trading strategy, disciplined trading habits, effective risk management, continuous

learning and adaptation, patience and persistence.

Trading is a long-term game, and consistent profits are not achieved overnight. It takes time,
effort, and discipline to succeed in the markets. Being patient during losing streaks, staying
focused on your goals, and putting in the necessary effort to succeed are all crucial for success.
As the poet William Arthur Ward once said, "Persistence is the twin sister of excellence. One is a
matter of quality; the other, a matter of time." By embodying these qualities and following the
principles outlined above, you can increase your chances of becoming a 1% successful trader.

25 LowkeyFX
● Don't ever think technical analysis is more effective than psychology.

● If you are emotional in taking trades that means you're trading what you can't afford to

● Over risking is the slowest way to win, Risk management is the fastest way to win.

● If you think a huge capital will make you profitable, you're wrong. If you can't manage a
100usd account, how will you be able to manage a 100,000 account?

● The best mentor is the market, not your strategy.

● Don't make plans on how you are going to spend on your withdrawal before trading.

● The market is made out of people’s decisions so psychology is the biggest driver of the
Forex Market, more than anything else in the market.

● Emotions lead to bad traders. Bad trades lead to emotions.

● Forex is not a rich quick scheme, the sooner you realize the better.

● Trading is not about being right, it's about being profitable.

● In trading, what is comfortable is rarely profitable.

● Social media inspirations can either build you or crush your psychology.

● The best traders are not afraid to take risks, but they always manage their risk.

● "Trading is not about being right, it's about how much money you make when you're
right and how much you lose when you're wrong.

26 LowkeyFX
Forex trading is a challenging and complex activity that requires not only a solid understanding
of technical and fundamental analysis but also a strong psychological mindset. In this book, we
have explored some of the key psychological challenges that traders face when trading forex, as
well as some strategies for overcoming them.

One of the main psychological challenges that traders face is the impact of emotions on
decision-making. Fear, greed, and impatience can all lead to irrational decision-making and
poor trading outcomes. To overcome these challenges, traders need to develop emotional
intelligence and the ability to manage their emotions effectively.

Another key psychological challenge is the tendency to overtrade or take excessive risks. This can
be due to a desire for instant gratification or a fear of missing out on potential profits. To avoid
these pitfalls, traders need to have a well-defined trading plan that includes risk management
strategies and clear entry and exit points.

In addition to these challenges, traders also need to be able to handle losses and setbacks. This
requires resilience, patience, and the ability to learn from mistakes. Successful traders
understand that losses are a natural part of the trading process and are able to stay focused on
their long-term goals despite short-term setbacks.

Ultimately, developing a successful forex trading psychology requires a combination of

self-awareness, discipline, and perseverance. Traders who are able to manage their emotions,
avoid impulsive decisions, and stay committed to their trading plan are more likely to achieve
success in the forex market.

Forex trading is not only a technical and analytical endeavor but also a psychological one. By
understanding and addressing the psychological challenges of trading, traders can improve
their chances of success and achieve their trading goals. With discipline, perseverance, and a
commitment to self-improvement, traders can develop a strong psychological mindset that will
help them thrive in the dynamic and challenging world of forex trading.

27 LowkeyFX
Since the market is made out of people’s decisions, psychology is the biggest driver of the
Forex Market, more than anything else in the market. Welcome to the ONE % @LowkeyFX

28 LowkeyFX

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