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Mosquitoes are widespread flying insects that can be found almost anywhere
in the world. There are more than 3,500 different mosquito species in the world. They
can predict our homicidal intentions so well that they can flee and vanish only
moments before a fatal swat. The Philippines is a tropical country  which is the ideal
condition in which mosquitoes can thrive. They can ruin a backyard camping or a trip
in the woods with their itch-inducing bites and presence everywhere. Mosquitoes are
one of the deadliest animals in the world. The disease that mosquitoes carry and
transmit to people they bite, on the other hand, kill 725,000 (Gates, 2014).   Nobody
wants to be bitten by them and suffer its itchy bite. Mosquito bites are not just itchy
but may also be dangerous. Mosquitoes are well known transmitters which transmits
various vector-borne diseases 

such as malaria 15, dengue, filariasis, yellow fever, chikungunya in humans and are
a perennial problem in the Philippines (Bavani & Srimathi, 2015).

One of the most common mosquitoes that can be found here in the
Philippines is the  Culex Pipiens (Common House Mosquito).The Culex genus of
mosquitoes is covered in brown scales at the thorax, legs, and veins of the wings.
They are generally dull-colored and the tips of their abdomens are usually blunt.
Their eggs are brown, long, cylindrical, and rests vertically on the water in rafts of
300 eggs. These rafts are measured to be 3-4 mm long and 2-3 mm wide. The
development stage from egg to adult takes over 6-10 days. These mosquitoes
typically live and breed in polluted stagnant water. They like to feed at night and rest
indoors after having a blood meal. They also prefer darker colors, but they can fly
longer distances than the other two mosquitoes discussed here.

 Personal protection from mosquito bites is currently the most important

measure to reduce mosquito-related diseases (Das et al., 2013). A way to prevent
this problem from happening is by using mosquito repellents to protect you from
mosquito bites and help you avoid possible sickness. Repellents based on chemical
insecticides are commercially sold in the market to help reduce and prevent mosquito
vectors. With mosquitoes being responsible for the transmission of many diseases to
humans and animals in the world due to rapid urbanization and poor water
management, the potential for an easily accessible and non-toxic mosquito control
program is much needed.

Mosquito repellents are substances that prevent mosquitoes from being in an

environment. They are widely used and are very popular. Synthetic  herbal 
repellents  have  a  number  of  harmful ingredients,  which are harmful  to the  health
of  human beings when inhaled or ingested, and are harmful to the environment
either during the process of manufacture or during the use of these mosquito
repellents in an average household use (Bahadur et al., 2020).There are various
types of synthetic mosquito repellents used in the market; these are manufactured on
a large scale by industries. They are available in many forms, from creams to lotions
to oils, with incense sticks being one of the cheapest.

You can find a lot of harmful ingredients in synthetic herbal repellants, DEET
being one of them. DEET is a standard additive in mosquito repellents; it  is used  as
a very popular pesticide. However, it has several very bad effects  on  the  health 
and  environment.  It  is  toxic  for pregnant  women and  can cause  foetal
abnormalities; it has neurological effects and  olfactory effects.  It is also very  bad 
for the  environment, particularly  fresh  water fish and zooplankton (Bahadur et al.,
2020). Chemical insecticides containing DEET are not safe for humans, specifically
children because of the probability of skin irritation, hot sensation, rashes, or allergy
(Das et al., 2003, quoted: Mayoora Soonwera et al., 2014). 

Another harmful ingredient is synthetic pyrethrin. Synthetic pyrethrins such as

allethrin and transfluthreine are synthetic derivatives of naturally occurring pyrethrins
derived from Chrysanthemum cinerariifolium. They are fast-acting pyrethrins that
have many side effects like anxiety, tremors, and convulsions, and some individuals
are allergic to them (Bahadur et al., 2020). 

Deodorized kerosene is another example of the harmful ingredients they use

in synthetic herbal repellents. It is used as the suspending agent or solvent for  any
mosquito repellents.  It has  toxic effects for the respiratory system, cardiovascular
system, nervous system. It is a confirmed carcinogen for animals and has been
suspected to have carcinogenic and mutagenic properties  for humans as  well. It  is
very harmful for the environment.
 In contemporary years, as dengue cases rise, there has been an increasing
public concern about the safety of many chemical products, instigating a renewed
interest in using natural products of plant origin for mosquito vector management
(Pavela, 2018). That is why we proposed the idea of making incense sticks that is
non-toxic and can be easily accessed, especially for the people who lives in rural

Incense sticks are long cylindrical-shaped fragrant materials used for

spreading aroma in homes and temples during the worshiping of deities, and are
sometimes also used as an insect-repelling agent. (Yadav et al., 2022). Incense
burning is a traditional and common practice in many families and in most temples in
Asia. It is not only used 

for religious purposes, but also because of its pleasant smell. (Zhou et al., 2015).
Incense comes in many forms, with ‘joss sticks’ being the commonest choice for
home use. Incense is made up of a mixture of fragrance materials and herbal, wood
and adhesive powder. When incense is burnt, pollutants including particulate matter
(PM), carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen
dioxide (NO2), volatile organic compounds, aldehydes and polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons (PAHs) are released into the air. Incense burning is considered a
major source of indoor air pollution; the amount of PM generated by incense can be
up to 4.5 times of that by cigarettes. (Wong et al., 2020).

Natural pesticides, also called botanicals, have a high potential as an

alternative to
synthetic pesticides and their associated negative effects (Wezel et al., 2014). Plant
essential oils and their constituents have also been suggested as potential
alternatives to currently used insect control agents because they are a potential
source of bioactive chemicals that are perceived as relatively safe by the general
public, pose less risk to the environment, and have minimal human impacts. Various
plants’ essential oils, in general, have been documented as significant natural
sources of insecticides and insect repellents; numerous essential oils have also been
documented to exhibit acute toxic effects compared to insects, including mosquitos
(Pavela, 2018).

Citrus maxima is widely distributed and cultivated in Southeastern Asia and

the East Indian Archipelago with the English common name of pomelo. According to
the description made by (Swingle and Reece, 2015), C. maxima has the biggest
flowers (with five sepals and petals and 20–25 stamens, with large linear anthers)
and produces the biggest fruits in Citrus, which are oblate-spheroid or sub pyriform
with large, thick, wrinkled seeds. The fruit usually has a thick peel and very large pulp
vesicles compared with other Citrus species. The membranes enclosing the
segments are very strong and can easily be peeled. The weakly adherent pulp
vesicles can then be separated. Citrus maxima presents additional distinctive
characteristics compared with other Citrus species. Young angular twigs, leaf
midribs, and large veins and petioles are often pubescent. Leaves are “large or very
large, oval or elliptic-oval, with a blunt point at the 

tip and a broadly rounded base, often subcordate and even slightly overlapping the
winged petiole. (Dugrand-Judek et al., 2015). 

Citrus grandis or Citrus maxima, widely recognized as Pomelo is widely

cultivated in many countries because of their large amounts of functional,
nutraceutical and biological activities. In traditional medicine, various parts of this
plant including leaf, pulp and peel are used for generations as they are scientifically
proven to have therapeutic potential and safe for human use. (Anmol et al., 2020).
Philippine citruses have uses from healing baths to alleviating dizziness and nausea.
When you're nauseous, Philippine citruses can send you over the edge. The scent of
Citrus Maxima (Pomelo) is easy on the stomach and can help dull your nauseous
feelings.  It is also because that the lemon balances out your stomach acid and
resolves the root cause of nausea. 

A substance found in pomelo peels called Limonene oil is dangerous to

mosquitoes and several other insects.(Selvigan et al., 2020). It can be used as an
ingredient in incense, which when lit and released into the air will deter mosquitoes
within the smoke's perimeter. Drying the pomelo peels will also give you a nice citrus
scent. Pomelo peels are also flammable, so the dried orange peels will burn longer
than paper kindling. Insecticide is a drug or a combination of substances used for
killing insects. The majority of plants have compounds that they use to protect
themselves against attack by phytophagous insects. It is common knowledge that
many protozoal bacterial infections are spread by bug to man communication. There
are numerous ways to combat these infections, including the use of preventative
medications and the eradication of examines the carriers. An insecticide is a
chemical that is lethally harmful to insects when it comes into touch with their bodies
or ingests them used in insect breeding grounds. They are utilized in home,
industrial, and agricultural settings. 

An insecticide plants are now developed because of their potential to have an

insecticidal effects, most of these plants are from the family of Meliaceae, Rutaceae,
Asteraceae, Labiatae, Canellaceae, and Annonaceae (Miller & Koehler, 2018). The
ethanolic extract both from leaves and seeds of the family of Annonaceae have many
researched that it has efficacy against some insects, especially of vector diseases 

mosquito (Chorge, 2021). So the researchers of this study will use sugar apple as
one of the ingredients to make the incense sticks for mosquitoes. 

Sugar apple or Annona Squamosa is belonging to the Annonaceae Family. It

was also introduced and became popular in the Philippines which is called "atis".
Annona squamosa has insecticidal activity (Wezel et al., 2014). Annona species,
such as sugar apple, have been proven to be promising biological insecticides
among tropical plants because of the presence of ACGs (Ma et al., 2017). All parts
of  sugar apple plants can be used as  insecticides (Mondal  et al., 2018). Sugar
apple which contains active ingredients as vegetable insecticides are raw fruit,
leaves, and roots. The active ingredient works as a contact and stomach poison and
is as an insecticide, repellent, and antifeedant. Sugar apple seed extract has  been
used  to kill  Aedes aegypti  larvae (Wahyuni  et al.,  2015). Sugar  apple seeds
solution  with liquid  electric method  had used  as an  insecticide against the
mortality of Aedes aegypti (Novasari et al., 2017).  But the use of sugar apple seeds
cannot be obtained throughout the year. Sugar apple  seeds are only  available at
certain times, from January to March.

 This tree has several medicinal uses, especially its leaves. According to
different studies, the leaves are having insecticidal and mosquitocidal properties
which is capable to kill insects and pests. One of these properties is called borneol.
According to Duke (2018), borneol has the possibility of effectiveness as insecticides
or repellent. It is a essential oil with bicyclic organic compound that belong to
essential oil and has a natural Insect repellent. The essential oils of sugar apple or
Atis (Annona squamosa) possess phytochemical contents that are highly insect
repellent ingredients due to their relatively low toxicity, comparable efficacy, and
customer approval. . In the  form of  extracts, sugar apple is used as antifungal and
antioxidant activities (Kalidindi et al., 2015), inhibiting the 

growth of Escherichia coli bacteria and Staphylococcus aureus (Tansil et al., 2016),
antihyperlipidemic in humans (Rofida et al., 2015), and to control leaf-eating pest  on
soybean  (Indiati, 2014).  Sugar apple  also used  as an  insecticide. Annona
squamosa seed extract can be used to control Aedes albopictus and Culex
quinquefasciatus (Ravaomanarivo et al., 2014).

Natural extracts of this plants is widely used to control pests and insects in
organic farming. In addition, the atis leaves also possessed anti-pediculosis or lice. It
was also proven in killing cockcroaches (periplaneta americana). Annona squamosa
leaves revealed to possess different mosquito larvicidal effectiveness against C.
quinquefasciatus. The leaves are also having acrid principle which helps to repel
mosquitoes because of its hesitating aroma. Extract from Annonaceae Family have
been tested for control of Lepidoptera, Hymenoptera, Coleoptera, and Diptera,
especially against Spodoptera frugiperda, Plutella xylostella, Aedes aegypti and
stored grain insects.The researchers moved to conduct this study to contribute help
in decreasing the number of mosquito-borne diseases by protecting our families
away from mosquitoes.

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