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Table Of Content
 Definition of Pollution
 Types
◼ AirPollution
◼ Water Pollution
◼ Noise Pollution
◼ Land Pollution
◼ Radio Active Pollution
 Conclusion
 Reference
 When Harmful Substances Contaminate the
Environment it is Called Pollution.

 Pollution refers to the very bad condition of

environment in terms of quantity and quality .
Types of Pollution
There are Five types of Pollution
 Air Pollution

 Water Pollution

 Noise Pollution

 Land Pollution

 Radio Active Pollution

What is Atmosphere

 Atmosphere is the life blanket of Earth.

 It is therefore essential that we know more about
the atmosphere and the ways in which it is Polluted.
Causes of Air Pollution
 Major sources of Air Pollution
- Industries
-Automobiles and Domestic fuels
-High Proportion of undesirable
 gases, such as sulphur dioxide and carbon monoxide
Effects of Air Pollution
 Human health
 Animals
 Plants
 The atmosphere as a whole
How to Avoid Air Pollution

❑ Use natural Gases, like lpg autos

❑ Do not Burst Crackers
❑ Use less Amount of Fuel for Vehicles
❑ Use electric stoves
Definition of Water Pollution

The Contamination of water with undesirable

substances which make it unfit for usage is
termed water Pollution.
Causes of Water Pollution
 About 40% of Deaths worldwide are caused by
Water Pollution.
 Water Pollution is Caused by organsic and inorganic
industrial wastes and affluents discharged into
 Noise also causes anxiety stress reacation and
Effects of Water Pollution
 Diseases like Cholera
 Malaria
 Typhoid (spread during the rainy season )
 Aquatic life gets destroyed
How to Avoid Water Pollution
 Rivers should not be used for washing clothes or
bathing animals in.
 Harvesting of Rainwater to meet water
 Dams &embankments must be created.
 The rivers must not be contaminated.
 In sacred river like Ganga the dead bodies
shouldn’t thrown.

 Noise can be simply defined as unwanted sound.

 The sound is pleasant or not depends upon its
loudness,duration,rhythm and the mood of the
 Noise pollution not only results in irritation and
Causes of Noise Pollution
 Traffic Noise
 Air craft Noise
 Noise from construction and civil engineering works.
 Noise from the Industries.
 Noise from other sources.
See what is this?
 Picture shows : Noise Pollution
Effects of Noise Pollution

 Hearing Loss
 High Blood Pressure
 Stress
 Sleep Disturbance
 Color Blindness
How to Avoid Noise Pollution
 The Government should ensure the new machines
that Should be noise proof.
 Air ports must be away from residential area.
 The Sound horn symbol is to be in School Roads.
Prevention of Noise Pollution
 Pleasant Home
 Bhagavan Baba says “Silent is God”.
 We need to talk sweetly to others.
 Talk Less Work More.
 Sound affects our ears so loud noise should be
Definition of Land Pollution
 One fourth of area is covered by land is Called
 Land is a earth which is occupied by people for
shelter,occuption etc..,
Causes of Land Pollution
We can classify major sources that lead to land
following Categories
 Mining and quarrying

 Sewage waste

 Household Garbage

 Industrial Waste
Land pollution pictures
Effects of Land Pollution

 The Land Cannot be construct house

 Man cannot be farming
 Ground water will gets Affected
 House hold Garbage like putting Plastics
Prevention of Land Pollution
 More and more land should be brought under
 Trees should be planted everywhere.
 Waste matter should be disposed immediately
 Avoid drilling the Land for more underground water.
 Avoid using more fertilizers and Pesticides.
Definition of Radio Active Pollution

 Despite the Advantage of nuclear as a clean

energy, the big concern is the resulted from
nuclear reaction, which is a form of pollution
called Radio activity.
 Radiation (Laser-Rays) will from Radio Active
Causes of Radio Active Pollution

 Nuclear power plants(Ex:Neyveli,Kalpakkam)

 Nuclear Weapon(Ex:Missiles)
 Disposal of Nuclear Waste
 Uranium Mining
Effects of Radio Active Pollution

◼ The Diseases include blood in cough

◼ Ulcer
◼ Swelling of bone joints
◼ Cancer
◼ Lung Cancer
◼ Skin Cancer
◼ Bone Cancer
◼ Eye Problems
How to Prevent of Radio Active Pollution
 Avoid Constructing Nuclear Power Plants
 Avoid Using Nuclear Weapon
 Have Proper Treatment for Nuclear Waste
 Avoid mining for Uranium to a minimal
 Much is being done to control, monitor and rectify
damage done by pollutants.
 The problems are diverse and some are only being
recognized but it is important to keep a close
control over pollutants so that we can maintain the
environment in an acceptable condition for future

 Wikipedia
 studymafia

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