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Read the story and answer questions 1-19.

1 In the jungle, a dog was sleeping comfortably

next to a fire. He was the first dog to ever be born
into the world and he was a happy dog. All he ever did in the
beginning was to sleep like a baby, until a squirrel discovered him.

2 The curious squirrel, as squirrels generally are, scampered down from his tree to
examine this strange creature he had never seen before. He looked at the dog from every
possible angle and, when he was satisfied that he had examined the dog in its entirety, he
smiled to himself about what he had discovered. He ran off to tell all the other squirrels
about his strange encounter.

3 Word spread to all the animals of the jungle and soon they were all involved in a debate
as to what kind of creature it was. “It’s not an elephant,” said the elephant in all his
wisdom. “Thank you for that insightful observation,” responded the squirrel.

4 “It’s not a giraffe,” stated the shy giraffe. “Not an antelope either,” cried the kudu. Soon all
the animals were asked by the squirrel if they knew what it was. The wise old tortoise
knew what the creature was, as she had been around since the beginning of creation.
“That’s a dog,” said the tortoise and on hearing his name, the dog suddenly awoke.

5 He leapt to his feet, looking terrified at all of the animals around him. The dog was furious
that he’d been woken and charged furiously at the other animals, snarling, scowling and
snapping his jaws! The only animal that didn’t run was the tortoise – she didn’t have to.
“You won’t catch me dog,” she said as she withdrew into her shell, “but from this day on
you’re condemned to chase any creature you lay your eyes on.”
[Adapted from Amedja Tripod African Legends -]

1. Who woke up the dog?

____________________________________________ (1)

Grade 6 English HL Test

2. Name any two characters in the story.
_________________________________ (2)

3. According to paragraph 1, who was sleeping like a baby?

_____________________________________________________________ (1)

4. Where did this story take place?

A In the squirrel’s tree house.

B Under the giraffe’s tree.
C In the animals’ jungle.
D Next to the dog’s tree. (1)

5. Which word in paragraph 2 means that the squirrel “ran” down the tree?
____________________ (1)

The sentences below are in a wrong sequence. Number them (1-4) as they
appear in the story.

Sentences Answer

Soon word spread to all the animals of the jungle.

A dog was comfortably asleep next to a fire.

The only animal that didn’t run was the tortoise.

The squirrel studied the dog from every possible angle.


7. Write down a phrase in paragraph 2 that explains the word “entirety”.

_____________________________________________________________ (1)

Grade 6 English HL Test

8. Explain the meaning of the phrase “lay your eyes on” in paragraph 5.
________________________________________________________________ (1)

9. What is the story about?

A How curious squirrels ran down the tree.

B Why the giraffe was too shy to argue.
C How tortoise withdrew into her shell.
D How the sleeping dog was awoken. (1)

10. Summarise the story in five main ideas in the order as they appear in the text.
Use your own words.
Use 60-70 words.
Number of words_______ (5)

11. What lesson can be learnt from this story?

______________________________________________________________ (1)

12. Write down the synonym for the word “found” in paragraph 1.
____________________ (1)

Grade 6 English HL Test

13. Complete the following sentence, referring to the text.
If the tortoise did not have a shell, then the dog ...
______________________________________________________________ (2)

14. Write the following sentence in the present continuous tense.

A dog was sleeping comfortably next to a fire in the jungle.
______________________________________________________________ (1)

15. Write down the nouns in the following sentence.

The squirrel examined the strange creature.
____________________ (2)

16. Combine the following sentences using the given conjunction.

The tortoise did not run. The tortoise went into her shell. (because)
______________________________________________________________ (1)

17. Add a prefix to the word “comfortable” to make it an antonym.

The dog was very ______ comfortable sleeping on the thorny bush. (1)

18. Paragraph 5 uses alliteration. Write down three words that illustrate the
alliteration. (1)
_________________ _________________ ________________

19. Identify the figure of speech in the following sentence.

John is as wise as an elephant.

____________________ (1)

Grade 6 English HL Test

Study the advertisement and answer questions 20-27.

We’re looking out for you!

Your donation is
Guide dogs are:
needed to train more
guide dogs


20. Which organisation is advertising here?

______________________________________________________________ (1)

Grade 6 English HL Test


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