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Author - Anjell
Publisher - Karya Seni
Year published - July 2018
Writer - Farniey Fauzi
1. Synopsis
2. Theme
3. Character and characteristics
- Main Character
- Supporting Character
4. Setting
- Time
- Background

The story begins with an innocent beauty named Nurissa Rose waking up from one-year
coma. Rose had a tragic accident one year ago. The accident put her in a one-year come.
When Rose wake up she doesn’t remember anything that happened to her. Poor Rose doesn’t
even know her name, who is she was, and she doesn’t even recognize her father. The doctor
told, Mr. Nuriman (Rose’s father) that his daughter is now suffering from amnesia.

Three years passed by, Rose’s live a normal life with her father. She was happy though she
still doesn’t have her memories back yet. Her mother passed away because of uterine cancer
when she was only 15 year old. That was what Mr. Nuriman told his daughter. But sadly,
Rose doesn’t remember what her mother looks like and all the sweet memories they had

One day, Mr.Nuriman had a heart attack and the old man died on the spot. One week after
Mr.Nuriman’s death, Rose found out that her father was on the verge of bankruptcy and all
his properties were now given to a man named Dheo Han or Fateh in Islamic named. Rose
was not satisfied with the news. It made her curious more than ever. Rose knew that Dheo
Han was a business tycoon and the owner of a luxurious hotel called La Prince.

So without waiting any longer, Rose went to La Prince Hotel to meet Dheo Han. For the first
time meet at Hotel La Prince, Rose get in on his office without appointment that make his
assistant named Mrs Nancy angry. On the hotel, Rose asked Dheo Han, why did her father
give all of his properties to him? The tall mysterious man gave her a very simple answer.
“Collecting properties is my hobby. So when there’s an opportunity, I just grab it.” Rose was
not satisfied with his answer. But she doesn’t respond to it. Dheo also told Rose that Mr.
Nuriman owe him something very valuable and it was time for the old man to give him back
that very valuable thing. Rose was shocked by the statement. Rose only bagged Dheo Han
not to do anything to her beloved café (I’s café). But he also gave her one requirement, if
Rose wanted to save I’s Café, she must become one of La Prince employed. Dheo wanted
Rose as his personal housekeeper. Rose was shocked. But to save her beloved café, she
agreed to Dheo’s requirement.

As the plot evolved, Rose started to have feeling for Dheo Han. The man’s aura seemed to
have a magnetic force on her. And he secretly had deep romantic feelings for Rose too. Rose
also had a feeling that she knew Dheo before. He was someone close on her before the tragic
accident happened. That was what Rose thought. Meeting and knowing he was like a deja-vu
for Rose. While being a housekeeper, their approach is closer causing many hotel staff to
think they are related but at the same time they like each other. Their approach happens when
they share the same birthday date. The man tries to help Rose to remember her past and the
condition for that is that Rose has to go out to eat with him and is only allowed to ask one
question a day.
After that approach, Dheo made a small surprise at I cafe for Rose which is a cafe owned by
Rose's father and mother. That night Rose sees Dheo playing the piano and that makes her
remember a bit about her past. During the dinner, Rose was given the opportunity to ask
Dheo 2 questions. After learning a little about his past, Rose found out and began to gather
information about her.

One day, Rose meets an old friend named Shahril. Their first meeting was at a popular
bookstore. After that, Shahril tried to manipulate the situation in which Dheo was an obstacle
to their relationship. He also manipulated about the death of Rose's father by showing the
cctv clip in Rose's house. Then there was an argument between Rose and Dheo that he
dreamed of. Their argument did not go on for long after Dheo revealed the truth. Because of
that argument Rose also found various secrets kept by her father.

One day, he missed his father so much that he entered his father's office. He walked around
his father's office and he saw a locked cupboard. He looked for the pair of keys and he
managed to open them. In the drawer he saw many papers and he saw a paper with his name
written on it. She read every kind word her father said until she burst into tears after reading
the marriage certificate and knowing the truth that she is Dheo Han's wife.

After the accident, she went to Dheo's house to ask for an explanation and the man to tell her.
This made the relationship between her and her husband improve. One day, Rose wants to
see Dheo paint about himself and the man starts art again after 2 years he left the world of
painting. After that, the family conflict happened due to the return of their enemy named
Shahril. He kidnapped Rose who was going out with her best friend, Fahim. Their car was
blocked by Fahmi people and a shootout ensued. The accident made Rose faint because she
hit a rock while Fahim was shot. They are locked in a secluded place. Rose wakes up from
her coma and she finds her theme. Shahril kidnaps Rose out of revenge against Dheo, he
plans to kill Dheo. This incident caused bloodshed and resulted in the death of Rose's best

After the incident, Rose was admitted to the hospital due to heavy bleeding. At the same time
she found out she was pregnant. He looks for his best friend and he also asks Dheo what
happened to his friend.

After leaving the hospital, Rose locked herself in the room day after day causing her husband
to worry about her condition. When, out of concern, she asks Rose what happened and Rose
continues to say that she has recovered from her amnesia. She asked for an explanation from
her husband for keeping secret everything that happened especially about the death of her
first child which resulted from an accident 4 years ago.

There are no more hidden secrets in their marriage. After the incident, Rose and Dheo also
celebrated the baby that will be born in the world.
The novel Dheo's belongs in the adult and contemporary romance genre. Like Dr. Alpha
Male, this novel also has modern-day fairytale vibes even though the story has a dark mood
in beginning. The story has three romance tropes, bad boy and innocent girl romance,
forbidden love, and a second chance for love. The story is written in Bahasa Malaysia, but
most of the characters' dialogues are in English and some are even in Italian.

The cover also shows two bloody hands holding a bouquet of white roses. It tells readers that
Dheo's is a romance novel with dark vibes. The elevator pitch " Sejuah Manakah Duri
Sanggup Berkorban Untuk Mawarnya?" How far a thorn is willing to sacrifice for its rose?
Give readers a very intriguing feeling. Rose and thorn are used as the symbol of romance in
Dheo's. Rose means innocent, gentle, and beautiful. It symbolizes Nurissa Rose as an
innocent beauty. And thorn means rough but kind-hearted. It symbolizes Dheo Han as a
morally grey hero. I believe the elevator pitch suits the bad boy and innocent girl romance

Dheo's is the most romantic and beautiful romance novel I ever read. Everything in this novel
is just so romantic and beautiful. The plot, storyline, and characters are all beautifully written
and created by the author. Reading Dheo gave me the same romantic feeling while I was
reading Dr. Alpha Male. Both stories talk about love, kindness, sincerity, sacrifices, and the
meaning of being with someone special.
Character and Characteristics
Main Character :
Dheo Han / Muhammad Fateh
Dheo Han was a cold face handsome man with a mysterious and enigmatic aura. He was very
tall, masculine, has dark hair and eyes, a unique style of talking, and a scar on his left
forehead (but the scar did not ruin his handsomeness at all). He also mixed Italy and China
with is her mother is chiness. He was not like any other average guy. He is a leader of mafia
group in Italy. He had enemies around his belt. And a lot of people were scared of him. He is
such a sweetheart. Behind his mysterious and enigmatic aura, he is actually a sweet,
romantic, and loving man. He loves Nurissa Rose dearly with all his heart. After the author
reveals who Dheo Han is in Rose's life, the character changed from mysterious to romantic.
He willed to sacrifice everything for Rose’s happiness. He also comes from billionaire family
named D’Ambrusio at Italy which is mafia family. He is very talented person in the field of
drawing and playing a piano. He also want to be Muslim after knowing that Islam is the best
religion, because of that he married Rose.

Nurissa Rose
Nurissa Rose is one of the best book beauties and heroines an author ever created. Even
though Rose is innocent and gentle, she's still sassy and smart. Rose is the kind of girl who
speaks her mind. She knows what she wants and what is right for her. She's not an easy girl
for anyone to bully. Rose is also a kind-hearted person. She doesn't judge Dheo for his past
and background. She accepts him for who he is and is always willing to face the storm with
him. That's sweet! I believe Rose is one of the book beauties every girl must look up to as a
role model. Dheo call her ' Mia Bella (my beautiful), 'Tesoro' (treasure) and 'dolce cuore'

Lucca is Dheo Han's hunky sidekick who looks like a Giorgio Armani model. This character
is not just a handsome face. Lucca is also intelligent, quick witted, and charismatic . Lucca is
a bodyguard for Rose and he one of trusted people for Dheo. He vibe look likes Dheo but
Lucca not coming from a rich family. Lucca had a difficult life as a children, he was not like
any other childhood. He was thrown out of the family because his father wanted to marry
again and his mother died because of his father's actions. This suffering makes him a cool
person who never cares about others. After being thrown out by her family he met Dheo and
he became best friends since meeting Dheo when he was 8 years old.
Supporting Character :
Fahim is another lovable side character in Dheo's. Fahim is Rose's best buddy. He was first
portrayed by the author as a soft dorky guy with glasses. But towards the end of the story, the
author reveals that Fahim is actually one of Dheo Han's men. Dheo secretly hires him to
become Rose's bodyguard.Fahim has been a good friend of Rose since university days. He has a
soft and one-headed personality. He wears big glasses and many people like his attitude but his mouth
is quite spicy. Sometimes his leaky attitude is released when Rose is disturbed by the departed man.
He was the only male friend that Rose's father accepted. At the same time, he became a bodyguard
hired by Dheo to look after Rose for 4 years. He became Rose's outlet and he was a friend who always
made Rose happy. It was always hard and easy for Rose to make all of Rose's suffering and loneliness
known. All problems and information about Rose he will convey to her husband. Every year he will
gift a cupcake to Rose on he's order.

Mr. Nuriman is Rose's father. He is a father who takes care of his children. He is also a strong
person about religion. He owns a company but all her assets or properties have been given to
Rose's husband after he went bankrupt due to debts with the bank. He paid off the debt with
the help of Rose's husband. He has sacrificed a lot to keep his son happy. He is also a faithful
person who does not break promises.

Shahril (Shark)
Shahril is the villain in Dheo's. This character is so purely evil. He has so much hatred and
revenge in his heart. Seriously, I hate this character a lot. He is just too evil . He was Rose’s
ex-boyfriend while in London. He is the third person who wants to destroy and separate Rose
and Dheo. After 3 years, I met Rose again. He took advantage of rose then. He also fights
with Dheo for taking a rose from him, causing a conflict that resulted in loss of life.
This novel uses a linear plot, which is a linear sequential story plot from the beginning to the
end of the story. It is not specified the year when the story in this novel takes place. However,
based on the environment, culture and society, it is likely to happen from 2013 until 2017.

The story used Italy as a background. The story begins with the meeting of Rose and Dheo at
the University of Nottingham, London. They study in the same course as art. After that, they
met and fell in love. They did an assignment together about two hands reaching out on the
Eiffel Tower, Paris.After the accident, Rose lives in Malaysia while Dheo lives with his
family in Italy. A 4-year separation leads to their first meeting after Rose's father dies. They
met at a famous hotel called La Prince owned by Dheo. After that, they decided to settle in
Malaysia because of their love here.

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