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Project management Skills (20PM01T)



1)Define Project and give the Example

It is a Temporary endovarance under taken to create a new product or service

Example: Construction project, Automobile project, Irrigation Project

2)Write the Characteristic or Feature of Project

* It has unique in nature

* It is Temporary in nature

* It has Specific starting time

*It Has Specific ending time

*It has Certain risk and Uncertainty

* It Required Specific Resource

3)Write the Classification of Project (OR) Types of Project

i) Based on Type of Work

a) Industrial Project: eg- Car Manufacturing Project, Steel Production Project, House
Construction Project

b)Development Project: eg- irrigation Project, Health Project

ii)Based On Project Value

a)Mega Value Project(More than 1000cr):eg-Airport construction project, Mining Project

b)Large Value Project(100 to 1000 cr): eg- Apartment Construction project, Road Construction

c) Medium value project(1 to 100 cr) eg- Software Development project, Textile Project

d) Small Value Project ( Less than 1cr) eg- Residential House Construction Project, Street Road

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Project management Skills (20PM01T)

iii) Based on Project completion Duration

a)Long Duration Project(More than 5years): eg- Hydroelectric power Project, Irrigation Project

b)Medium Duration Project ( 3 to 5 years): eg- Fly over Construction Project, Apartment
construction project

c)Small Duration Project ( 1 to 3 years): eg- Software Development Project, Road Construction

d) Very small Duration Project (less than 1 years): eg- Construction of House Project, Street
Road Project

iv) Based on Phase Work

a) Fast rack Project: eg Construction of Appartment Project

b) Normal Track project: eg; Construction of Dams

4) Define Project Management and Mention the Roles of Project manager

“Application of Tools Technology and Knowledge to the Project is called Project Management”


Technology Project Management


Roles Of Project Manager

 They will Responsible for Planning the Project

 They Will Co-ordinate and Control the Project Activities
 They Will Responsible for Project Deliveries
 They act as Bridge Between Company and Client
 They maintain The Co-ordination between the Team members
 They are Responsible for Time management
 They are Responsible for Budgeting
 They are Responsible for Team building
 Issue Identification and Resolve

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5) write the obstacles or Problem in Project Management

 Scope Creep
 Lack of Communication
 Budgeting issues
 Lack of Accountability
 Unrealistic Dead line
 Lack of Skilled Labor
 Lack of clear goals
 Inadequate Risk management

6) Write the Benefit of Project Management

 Reduce the continues reporting

 Helps to maintain Good working Atmosphere
 Identify the time limit for Scheduling
 Identify the Methodology
 Early Identification and resolve the Problem
 Improve the estimating capability

7) Define Project Consultant and Give example

“The team or Agencies which provide the Expert project management advice to the external
Business is called Project consultant”

Example: TCS, Deloite, Duster, Bain and Co

There are 2 Type of Project consultants

I)In house consultant: the team which is present with in the organization they provide
management strategy for the project management

ii) Out house consultant: if the team Present with in the organization is not capable of
handling the project then external agencies will provide the project management guidelines

8) Define operation and write the deference between project and operation

“Operation is the Repetitive ongoing work process that Produce the same output is called

It is a Temporary endovarance under taken to Operation is the Repetitive ongoing work
create a new service or Product process that Produce the same output is called

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It is Unique in nature It is Repetitive in nature

Risk is High Risk is Low
Skilled Employees are Required Skilled Employees are not Required
It Has Specific starting and ending time It has no specific starting and ending time

9) What are the Characteristics of Project manager

 He or She should be flexible

 He or she should be Adjustable to All circumstances
 He or should Be confident
 Good Communication Skill
 Good Team worker
 He or Should Maintain the Co-ordination with Subordinates
 Broad Scope of Personal Interest
 Ambition and Forcefulness

10)What Are the Roles (OR) Functions of Project Consultancy

 Preparation of feasibility Report

 Providing Techno Economic Report
 Preparation of Detailed Project Report
 Detailed Engineering Services
 Testing and Monitoring
 Progress Report Periodically
 Checking the Quality of The work
 Project Monitoring and Control

11) Explain The Process of (OR) Stages in Project Management

There are mainly 4 Stages in Project management

 Initiation Stage
 Planning Stage
 Execution, Monitor and Control Stage
 Closing Stage

i) Initiation Stage: It is the first Stage Project Management process it Consist of

following Sub process in it They are

 Appoint the Phase Owner

 Make Go OR No Decision
 Write the Project Charter

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 Assign The company Resource

 Appoint the Project manager
 Manage Startup Meeting
ii) Planning Stage: It is the Second Stage in Project management Process it Sub Divided
into Following Sub Process
 Identify the Project objective
 Develop The Build Method
 Develop the Execution Strategy
 Check The Resource Availability
 Develop The Project Schedule
iii) Execution Stage: It is the Third Stage in Project management Process it Sub Divided
into Following Sub Process
 Issue Instruction
 Monitor and Control
 Manage Scope Change
 Manage Build Method
 Issue the certificate of Completion
 Manage Configuration
iv) Closing Stage: It is the last Stage in Project management Process it Sub Divided into
Following Sub Process
 Verify the Commissioning Process
 Manage The Receiving Process
 Manage the Commissioning Process
 Manage Handover Process
 Manage Project Review

12) Write The difference between Project objective and Scope (OR) Explain Project
Objective and Scope With example


 It is Defined as the objective of a  It is defined as It is the Part of Planning
Project Determine the achievement one that Involve Determining and
intends by completing a project Documenting List of Project Goals
 It Determine the out put for Desired  It Determine The Range of
Operation Applicability
 During Planning Phase objective are to  During Planning Phase Scope is
be known to make plan analyzed
 Object During the Process are Clear  Scope Can Change Even after process
 Example: Objective of Homeless  Example: Scope of This Person is
Person is to by a Home Amount To buy a Home

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1) Define Project Administration and Mention the Tools Used in Project

It is the Process of execution of project activity effectively and efficiently
towards the achievement of Project Goals is called Project Administration

Tools Used in Project Administration

 Microsoft Project
 Gantt Chart
 Sky for Business
 Trillo

2) Define Project Team and Mention the advantage of effective Project

It is Defined as “Interdependent collection of Individuals who work together
towards common goals and who share Responsibility for Specific outcome “

Advantages of effective team

 Helps to make Good Decision
 Helps Speed up the activities
 Provide the clear roles and Responsibility
 Ensure the smooth Progress of the Project
 Individual and mutual accountability

3) Mention the Types of Project Team

 Initial Project Team
 Designated Project leader
 Core Project Team

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 Full project Team

 Project stakeholder
 Project Facilitator

4) What are the factors consider while selecting Team members

 Knowledge of Threat to Biodiversity
 Knowledge about Political Social and economic context
 Experience in skill Developing Strategies
 Experience in fund Raising
 Good Communication
 Good team Worker
 Should Understand the Mentality of the team

5) Define Project Design and Mention The Steps Involved in Project

It is the process concerned with developing the project schedule Technique
and Also Preparing the schedule for the Implementation of the project

Steps n Project Design

 Conceive the total Physical system and its natural Modules
 Identify the Connection Between the Modulus
 Developing the control system using Information

6) What is the advantages (OR) Uses (OR) Benefit of Project Design

 It gives the complete idea about the project
 It helps to adjust the usual Delay
 Helps to identify the different Phase of Project
 It helps to co-ordinate the Activities
 It is effective tool for Planning and Implementation
 It helps to Plan project Economically

7) Define Work break down structure and mention it’s stages

 It is incremental decomposition of the project is called work break

down structure
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 In this main work is broken down into number of small jobs depend
upon size and time required for completion of project
 Stages in Work break down structure is
 Project
 Sub project
 Task
 Sub Task
 Work Package

8) Prepare a Detailed work break down structure for Construction of

9) Prepare a Detailed work break down structure for Software
Development project

10)Explain project Execution plan (PEP)

“ It is the document that explain the objective of the project that want to
achieve within the time” is called Project execution plan

 It explain Resource required for completion of the project such as quality,

cost, benefit etc..
 It doesn’t explain about operational Procedure
 It is Prepared by Project manager and approved by Project owner
 Project Execution Plan Consist of
i) Contracting Plan
ii) Work Package plan
iii) Organization plan
iv) System and Procedure Plan

11)Explain a) contracting Plan b) Work Package plan c)Organization

plan d)System and Procedure plan

a) contracting Plan :

 It is the first stage of PEP

 It is done by Owners with some agencies

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 While doing contracting plan owner should choose what time of contract
should done
 It should involve examination of alternative

b) Work Package plan:

 It is done after contracting plan

 It is the smallest Division of the work
 It helps for better organization and management of project
 It help to channelize the work in one direction

c) Organization plan
 It is basically to do list for organization
 It list out the plan of work for organization growth
 There are mainly 4 stages in organization plan
 Strategic plan: set the broad long term goal
 Tactical plan: set the short term goal to achieve long term goal
 Operational plan: set the work standards
 Contingency plan: Prepare the backup plan if primary plan
d) System and Procedure Plan :
 It is the last stage of PEP
 There are mainly 7 subsystem in this
 Contract management
 Configuration management
 Time management
 Cost management
 Fund management
 Materials management
 Communication management

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12) Explain Project Dairy with its Advantages

“ It is the document that help maintain the all Records of meeting and key
point Discussed and Decision taken in the meeting Date wise” is called Project

Advantages of Project Dairy

 It helps to Derive the Information of the meeting
 Information in the dairy help to justify the Decision at the later date
 This Record help to defend against non admissible climes and
 It Helps to Prepare the follow up Register
 It helps to Relief from brain work

13) Explain project Execution System

 Once system and Procedure developed for the project it is the duty of
project manager to take off the work smoothly
 Project Execution system is more concerned about external Intervention
 External Intervention will be off following type
 Project Direction
 Project Co-ordination
 Project Communication
 Project Organization
 Project Control

14) Explain The importance of a) Project Direction b) Project Communication

a) Project Direction:

 It Refer to the use of authority to channelize the activity

 During Initiation direction was provided by the Project manager
 During the project initiation project manager should give the following
 Scope of the work
 Specification of work
 Basis of the work

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 Division of the work

 Schedule of the work
 System and Procedure of the work
 Budget of the work
 System and Procedure for work
 Control of work
 Authority and accountability of work

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Unit 3: Project Life Cycle

1)Define Project Life Cycle and Mention stages or Phases in Project Life cycle

Starting to ending of an activities of the project is called Project Life Cycle

Stages or Phases in Project life Cycle

 Initiation stage
 Planning Stage
 Execution stage
 Closing Stage

Closing Initiation
Stage stage



2) Mention the components of Project

 Cost
 Scope
 Time
 Resource
 Quality

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3) Explain Project stages (Phases) or Explain Project life cycle

i) Initiation stage:

 It is the first stage in Project life cycle

 It is also called as feasibility study stage
 In this stage acceptance or Rejection of the project will decided
Components or Sub-stages of Initiation stage is

 Prepare a Business case

 Prepare a Project Charter
 Feasibility study
 Assign the Project manager
 Assign the Project Resource
 Project Review

ii) Planning stage:

It is the Second Stage in Project management Process it Sub Divided into Following Sub Process
or components

 Identify the Project objective

 Develop The Build Method
 Develop the Execution Strategy
 Check The Resource Availability
 Develop The Project Schedule

Types of Plans are

 Project plan
 Resource plan
 Risk Plan
 Quality plan
 Financial plan
 Acceptance plan
 Procurement plan
 Communication plan

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iii)Execution Stage:

It is the Third Stage in Project management Process it Sub Divided into Following Sub Process
or components

 Issue Instruction
 Monitor and Control
 Manage Scope Change
 Manage Build Method
 Issue the certificate of Completion
 Manage Configuration

IV) Closing Stage:

It is the last Stage in Project management Process it Sub Divided into Following Sub Process or

 Verify the Commissioning Process

 Manage The Receiving Process
 Manage the Commissioning Process
 Manage Handover Process
 Manage Project Review

4) Define Risk and Mention types of Risk

“Risk is an event having some degree of uncertainty attached to project.”

 Risk is always future event , it may occur may not occur

o Risk is increase with time, complexity of project and Price

Types of Risk

 Project completion risk

 Budget Risk
 Political Risk
 Market Risk
 Quality Risk
 Internal rate Risk
 Exchange rate risk
 Technological Risk

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5) Mention the Risk information gathering Techniques

 Brainstorming Technique
 SWOT analysis
 Root cause analysis
 Delphic Technique
 Expert Interview

6) Mention the Risk Assessment or Risk Analysis Techniques

 Sensitivity analysis (OR) what if analysis

 Scenario analysis
 Simulation analysis (OR) Montecarlo method
 Break Even Analysis
 Decision tree analysis
 Game theory
 Delphic technique
 Game Theory
 Historical Record
 Monetary analysis
 Interviewing
 Expert Judgment
 Cost and time estimation

7) Explain Sensitivity analysis (OR) What if analysis

 It is done when sales or Investment deviate from the expected value

 It indicate vulnerability of project
 This method is based on NPV and IRR value

 It indicate vulnerability of project
 It shows where further action to be taken
 It Reflect the Concerns of Project evaluator

 It shows only what happen to NPV
 Here only one variable is consider for analysis
 It doesn’t gives idea about how project will change

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8) Explain Scenario Analysis

 In this method only one variable is changed at a time

 If variable are interrelated then this method is used
 In this method most commonly 3 scenario is used that is
 Optimistic scenario
 Most likely scenario
 Pessimistic scenario

Steps in Scenario analysis

 Select factors around which scenario can built

 Estimate the value of each variable
 Calculate NPV or IRR

9)Explain Simulation analysis (OR) Montecarlo method

 It indicates the variation in basic factor like time and cost

 It provide basic information about NPV, sales, and Production
 Following are the commonly used Probability distribution in simulation analysis

 It is versatile in nature
 It can handle the problem
 It indicate the variation in factors like cost and time


 It is difficult to model the project

 It Provide only Rough Approximation of NPV
 It is difficult to understand the model

10) Explain Cost Risk analysis

 If the cost of project is exceeds the budget of project it leads to cost risk
 It consider the different cost such as labor, materials, equipment, administration etc
 Simulation method is used for Cost Risk analysis
 Cost Risk analysis consist of following steps

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Cost Risk Management

Planning Cost Risk Management

Identify the Cost Risk

Perform qualitative and quantitative analysis of cost risk

Planning the cost Risk Response

Monitoring and Control the Risk

11)Mention the Objective (OR) Purpose(OR)Needs of Cost risk analysis

 To Identify most likely cost

 To estimate the over run
 To estimate optimistic, pessimistic and most likely time
 To Know the cost risk Exposure
 To identify the Risk in project

12)Define cost and Time over Run and Mention causes or Reason for cost and time over

i) Cost Over Run: if the cost of the project is exceeds the Planned budget is called cost over run

Causes OR Reason for cost over Run

 Improper Technical Knowledge

 Improper Biding Knowledge
 Increase in cost of materials

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 Increase in cost of Labor

 Wastage of materials
 Adverse weather condition
 Extra item of work is done

ii)Time over Run: If the project completion time is exceeds the Planned time is called time over

Causes OR Reason for time over Run

 If plans and Specification not Received by contractor

 Unavailability of Resource
 Unavailability of technology
 Improper financial management
 If Extra work is carried out
 Adverse weather condition
 Wrong initial planning
 Accident on site

13) Mention the effect of cost and time over Run

 It cause lost to profit

 Create the disputes
 Reduce the quality of work
 Create the stress in client
 Bad Reputation

14) Mention the Method of controlling the cost and time over run

 Indentify the over run

 Procurement cost control
 Negotiation with vendors
 Sourcing the materials
 Proper utilization of Resource
 Reduce the wastage of Resource
 Increase the speed of construction
 Stock reduction
 Proper sizing of project team
 Adopt crashing and fast racking method

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Unit 4: Project Planning, scheduling and monitoring

1)Define Project Planning and Mention Needs of Project Planning

“It is the blue print for the execution of activities of the project” is called Project

Needs of Project Planning

 To define the works of the project

 To reduce the risk
 Improve the efficiency of work
 To understand the objective
 To provide the basis for monitoring and control

2)Mention the function of Project Planning

 It should Provide a basis for organization

 It allocate the responsibility
 It provide the means of communication
 It Provide the co-ordination
 It induce the people to look ahead
 It provide the basis for monitoring and control

3)Explain the steps in Project Planning

 Collect the all the available date for the Decision making
 Define Each alternative and analyze the impact of alternative
 Select the Proper Alternative

4) Explain the Project Planning methodology

There are 2 method in project planning

 Planning by Incentive: It involves the controlling of economic tool to push

the economic resource towards achieving the goals
 Planning by Direction: It involves giving more importance on the direct
participation of central planning authority to achieve the goals

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5) Write The Difference between Single use plan (One shot plan) and
Standard Plan (Standing Plan)

Single use plan (One shot plan) Standard Plan (Standing Plan)
 It is applicable for Non  It is applicable for Repetitive
Repetitive Project Project
 It is flexible in Nature  It is not flexible in Nature
 It is set by low level manager  It is set by High level manager
 It is not object and Policy  It is object and Policy oriented
 Eg: Project Report Plan  Eg: Human Resource
Recruitment plan

6) Mention the Different types of plan and explain

There are two types of plan

 Single use plan (One shot plan):

 It is applicable for Non Repetitive Project
 It is flexible in Nature
 It is set by low level manager
 It is not object and Policy oriented
 Eg: Project Report Plan
 Standard Plan (Standing Plan)
 It is applicable for Repetitive Project
 It is not flexible in Nature
 It is set by High level manager
 It is object and Policy oriented
 Eg: Human Resource Recruitment plan

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7) Define Project Objective And mention the characteristic of objective

“ It is defined as What you achieve at the end of the Project is called Project

Types of project objective

 Performance objective
 Quality objective
 Cost objective
 Compliance objective

Characteristics of Objective (OR) factors consider to set the project objective

 It should be Realistic
 It should be measurable
 It should be time bounded
 It should be specific
 It should be agreed upon

8) Define Project Policies and mention the importance of project policies (OR)
Analyze the importance of project objective and Policies

“It is the General Guide lines for the Decision making is called as Policies”

Importance (OR) Needs(OR) Objective of Project Policies

 It help for Project Planning

 It help for decision making
 It reduce the risk
 Help for smooth take of project
 Help for better monitoring and control

9) Mention the Feature (or ) characteristics of Project Policies


What is the Principles of Project Policies

 It should be based on operating area

 It should be flexible
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 It should be Stable
 It should be specific
 It should be understand able
 It should be written document

10)Mention Tools Used in Project Planning

 Gantt Chart
 Network Technique
 Project Design
 Time Estimate

11)Explain gannt chart/Bar Chart (OR) Analyze the importance of gantt

chart(OR) How Gantt chart is use full in Project planning

“Gantt chart is graphical representation of Project activities along the time

line is called Gantt chart”

It is developed by Henrry Gantt in 1903

Features of gantt chart are

 Horizontal rectangular bar will indicate the activity of the project

 Left side of gantt chart will indicate starting of the activity
 Right side of gantt chart will indicate ending of the activity
 Dotted line in Gantt chart will indicate Project review date
 Numbers on gantt chart bar will indicate the number of employees
Required for the activity
 Arrow mark will indicate the percentage of work completed

Advantages (OR) Importance (O) Benefit of gantt chart

 It is easy to prepare
 It is easy to understand
 It shows the Progress of project
 It is used to schedule the manpower
 It is used to manage the Resource
 It helps for project planning
 It helps for Tracking the activity

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Disadvantages (OR) Demerits of Gantt Chart

 It can’t be used for complex project

 It has physical limit
 It doesn’t explain about interrelationship
 It is difficult to update
 It is time consuming
 It is confusing

12)Explain Network Technique (OR) Explain Network Technique in Project

Scheduling and Planning (OR) Analyze the Importance of Network technique

“The pictorial Representation of project activities in the form network using nodes
and arrows is called Network Technique”

Features (OR) characteristics of Network Diagram / Network Technique

 It is superior than the gantt chart

 It shows the interrelationship of activity using nodes and arrows
 It is also called as arrow diagram
 Network is drawn between nodes using arrows

Advantage (OR) Importance (OR) Benefit (OR) Uses of Network technique

 It handle the interrelationship of project

 It identify the critical Activity
 It identify the critical path
 It helps to Handle complex project
 It is easy to update
 It help for better scheduling
 It indicates the starting and ending of an activity
 It helps for Resource allocation
 It helps to control project cost
 It helps for better execution

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Disadvantage (OR)Limitation (OR) Demerit of Network Technique

 It is difficult to understand
 It doesn’t define operational schedule
 It is complex in nature
 It is time Consuming

13) Mention the objective (OR)Purpose of Network Technique

 To identify the inter relation ship
 For better Scheduling
 To find the critical path of project
 To find critical activities
 To Reduce the total cost of project
 To Reduce the production delay

14) Define the following i) Node ii) Event iii) Activity iv) Dummy v)Duration
vi) Critical activity vii) Critical path viii) Total project time

i) Node: Starting or ending of an activity is called node

ii) Event: Starting or ending of an activity is called event
iii) Activity: It is basic unit of network represent the individual operation of
iv) Dummy: It is the operation in network it neither require any Resource or
any time
v)Duration: It is the time required to complete the activity is called
vi) Critical activity: Activities on the Critical path of network
vii) Critical Path: longest Duration path of project in network
viii) Total Project Duration: Total time Required to complete the Project

15) Explain the Time estimate and It’s component

 It is essential to fix the time target for each activity
 It helps to complete the project as per the schedule
 It gives the maximum benefit
 It can be done by doing work break down structure

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 It depends upon factor like work content, sequence, resource,

constraints, and data available.

Time Estimate has 3 components

 Optimistic time(to)
 Most likely time (tm)
 Passimistic time (te)

i) Optimistic time(to) : It is time Required to complete the activity if

no problems area rises
ii) Most likely time (tm): it is time required complete the project by
considering the Normal consistence and Problems
iii) Passimistic time (te) : It is time Required to complete the activity
if problems area rises

16) Mention the different approach to the time estimate

 Time study Approach
 Previous Project Data
 Estimating approach
 Range Estimate
 Estimate from vendors and Contractor
 Allocated and Committed Time

17)Define Project Scheduling and Mention the needs/Objective/Purpose Of

Scheduling (OR)

Analyze the Importance of Project scheduling

“Process of Listing the Milestone, activities, Deliverables of the Project is called

Project Scheduling”

needs/Objective/Purpose/Importance Of Scheduling

 It helps To Know the nature of project

 To Emphasis the Cost monitoring
 To ensure the co-ordination

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 It helps to Know the Importance of the Project

 To obtain the commitments

18) Mention the Techniques/Methods Used for Obtaining the Information for
conducting Situation analysis

 Surveys
 Document review
 Interviews
 Listening to People
 Observation
 Problem tree
 Brainstorming
 Informal Conversation
 Transect walk

19) Explain Situation Analysis

“ It is the Process through which characteristics and Problems of

community is identified” Is called Situation analysis, It Involves
 Identifying the Problem
 Defining the Problem
 Finding the Characteristics of Problem

Following are information required for community problem/situation analysis

 Population characteristic
 Administrative structure
 Economic activities
 Culture and Tradition
 Transition Rate
 Socio-economic facility

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20) Define project evaluation and mention / analyze the importance of project
evaluation (OR) why project evaluation is conducted (OR) mention the
reasons to conduct the project evaluation (OR) mention the objective /
purpose / needs of project evaluation.

“ It is the step by step process of collecting , recording and organizing the

information about project result is called as project evaluation “


“ Process of collecting the information of project result “

Needs / Importance / objectives / purpose / reasons of project evaluation.

 It helps to identify success factor

 It identify the actual changes
 It identify the needs for improvement
 It demand for responsibility
 It helps for effective demonstration of project
 It identify the progress

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1) Define Project Control and Mention the Objective/Needs/Purpose of

Project Control (OR) List the Purpose of Project Control

“The Process of controlling the Project activities to achieve the desired goal” is
called Project Control

Purpose / needs /objective of Project Control

 To control the Progress of the activity

 To control the Performance of the Project
 To control the Project Schedule
 To control The Project cost

2) Explain the Steps in Project Control

 Set the Target for what to be achieved
 Measure the What is happening
 Compare the what is happening and what should happen
 Take the corrective action

3) What are the Problems in Project Control

 Improper co-ordination and communication
 Lack of experience for manager
 Poor control and information system
4) Explain Mile stone chart
Graphical Representation of Important activities of the project along the
time line is called Mile stone chart

Steps in Preparing Milestone chart

 List out all major milestone

 Place the mile stone on chart
 Track the mile stone status
 Develop Mile stone Details

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 Continuously update

Uses / Importance of mile stone chart

 It is show start and end dates of project

 It shows key delivery
 It helps for client and stockholder approval
 It shows important meeting and presentation
 It show the Key dates of project

5) Explain Critical path method (CPM) (OR) Analyze the Importance of

CPM in Project management
“It is a sequence of activity which require greatest normal time to
accomplish” is called CPM
Objective / Purpose of CPM
 To find the difficulties of project
 To assign the time for each operation
 To determine the starting of activity
 To Determine the ending of activity
 To find the critical path of project
 To find Critical activities of the project

Uses/ Application of CPM

 Used for Production planning
 Used for location and warehouse delivery service
 Used for Road system Project
 Used for Traffic schedule
 Used for communication network

6) Write the advantage and Disadvantage of CPM

Advantages of CPM
 It provide analytical approach
 It helps to achieve the project goals
 It find the critical activities
 It helps to find the Critical path

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 It avoid the wastage of Resource

 It avoid The wastage of Money
 It Provide the standard of Communication

Disadvantage of CPM

 It doesn’t suitable for Complex project

 It doesn’t handle Personal Schedule
 It is difficult to estimate the completion time
 It doesn’t handle the Resource allocation
 It’s not always Clear
7) Explain PERT
“It is a event oriented Network diagram used for Planning and scheduling of
Development Project”

Features/Characteristic of PERT
 It shows the individual task
 It uses all three time values
 Arrows Represent the Activity
 Time is direct Controlling factor
 It is event Oriented
8) Write the Advantages and Disadvantages of PERT
Analyze the importance of Program evaluation and Review technique
(PERT) in Project management

Advantages /Importance of PERT

 It Improves the planning of Project
 It helps for Decision making
 It Helps improve the inter departmental Co-ordination
 It helps to manage the Risk
 It enables forward working control
 It can be used for Rescheduling
 It helps to concentrate on critical elements

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Disadvantages/Demerits of PERT

 It is time consuming
 It is expensive
 It can’t be used for Repetitive project
 It is not always true
 It is based on Beta Distribution
9) Write the difference between CPM and PERT
 It is Activity Oriented  It is event Oriented
 It is not time consuming  It is time consuming
 It is not expensive  It is expensive
 It is used for construction  It is used for Development
project project
 It can’t be analyzed statically  It can be analyzed statically
 Cost is the Direct controlling  Time is the Direct controlling
factor factor
 It is suitable for Repetitive  It is not suitable for Repetitive
Project Project
 Only one time value is used  All three time Value is used

10)Explain Project Review

“ It is the process of Verifying the activities of the project to ensure the
project is implemented in correct specified pathway or not “
“ It is the process of Verifying the activities of the project” is called Project
Function/Objective/Purpose/Roles of Project Review
 To verify whether Project is implemented in correct path way or not
 To verify the impact of project
 To measure the quality of Project
 To guide the planner
 To guide the administrator
 To verify the safety aspect
 To verify the adopted methodology

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 To verify the outcome of project

Steps in Project review

 Collect the all the Data of project from beginning

 Estimation of Cost benefit and Profitability of the Project
 Compare the Estimated cost and Expected rate of Return

11)Explain Performance Evaluation

“It is the Process done periodically to Measure the performance of project

activities” is called Performance Evaluation
Performance Evaluation can be done in 2Methods
 Economic rate of return
 Book Rate of return
i) Economic rate of return:
Cash flow+ change in present value
Present value at the Beginning of the Year

ii) Book Rate of Return:

Cash flow+ change in Book value
Book value at the Beginning of the Year

12)Explain Project Audit

“It is the formal review of a project to assess the extent to which project
management being upheld” is called Project Audit

Objective of Project audit

 Provide the clear status of the project

 To creating the awareness in Project staff
 To identify the Quality Problems
 To reduce the cost and time overrun
 To identify the generic problem
 Developing the Experience in Project management
 To provide the good information system
 Establishing good information system

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Steps in Project audit

 Collect the data of all the activity of project from beginning
 Prepare the Statements of project present and future status
 Conduct the Preliminary analysis and present the Report

13) What are the function of Project Auditor

 Provide the clear status of the project

 To creating the awareness in Project staff
 To identify the Quality Problems
 To reduce the cost and time overrun
 To identify the generic problem
 Developing the Experience in Project management
 To provide the good information system
 Establishing good information system
 Commenting the current status
 Forecasting future status
 Prepare the action plan
 Verifying the project methodology

14) what are the Problems in project auditing

 Misleading the auditor

 Providing wrong information
 Incorrect Documentation
 Out date Documents
 Absence of delivery specification

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1) Define Digital Project management and mention the application of

digital technology in project management
How digital technology are making the positive changes in project
“The application of new technology like API, AR, VR, Cloud, IoT etc in
Project management” is called Digital Project management
 Helps for Project planning
 Helps for better scheduling and time tracking
 Helps for better communication and collaboration
 Better preparation of budget and dead line
 Helps for process tracking

2)What are the Recent Trends in Digital technology in Project


 Location based analytics

 Social channel utilization
 Touch point optimization
 Digital marketing
 Analytics
 Domain specific Trends
 Platform Philosophy
 Big data analytics
 Social integration

3)Define Cloud Technology and Mention application of Cloud Technology in

Project management

“It is the virtual space to store the data exist on internet” is called cloud

 It helps to secure the project data

 Helps to big data of project

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 It helps for compatibility with latest version

 It avoid project failure
 It helps for mile stone mapping
 It helps to share the data

4) Define IoT and Mention application of IoT in Project management

“Process of connecting the Physical device to the Internet Is called IOT”

Application of IoT

 It helps for complete monitoring

 It helps for Process control
 It helps to create the Project data
 It allows the super deep analytics
 It improve the expectation in stack holder

5) Define Augmented Reality(AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) and mention the
application of AR and VR in Project management

Augmented Reality(AR):”It is the real time use of information inform of text,

graphics etc with real world”

Virtual Reality (VR):”it is refer to computer generated simulation in which person

can interact 3D Environment”

Application of AR and VR

 Used in civil Engineering ,and Architecture

 Used in Marketing and Sales
 Used in Education System
 Used in visual Industries
 Used in Automation
 Used in Manufacturing Process
 Used In health care
 Used In defense
 Used in service support

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6) Mention the Benefit of AR and VR

 Increase the competitive ability

 Reduce the cost
 Reduce the time
 Reduce the errors
 Enable Remote collaboration
 Reduce the Project Risk
 Facilitate project Monitoring

7)Write the difference Augmented reality(AR) and Virtual Reality(VR)

Augmented reality(AR) Virtual Reality(VR)

 Combination of Real and digital  Totally Artificial Digital world
 Users Experience Partial  Users Experience complete
Immersion Immersion
 Special Device is Required  Special Device is not Required
 Latest version of OS is Required  Special Software is Required
 Initial cost is low  Initial cost is High

8)Mention the Application Cloud, IoT, AR,VR, in smart Cities

 AR provide the navigate system in Smart cities

 AR eliminate the language barriers
 AR improve the sight seeing experience
 Provide social Network for Citizen
 Used for Traffic signal System
 Improve the Energy Distribution
 Used For Smart garbage transportation
 VR helps in Emergency management
 AR and VR help in Design and Prototyping
 AR and VR help in Distance Learning

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