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Kuwait Oil Company (K.S.C.

HSE Group – Safety Team


Document Title: Test Questionnaires on Permit to Work System Document No: S – CL-8/03

Prepared & Issued by: Safety Team - HSE Group; Kuwait Oil Company (K.S.C.)
Rev.No. 0 Date: 7. 12.2003 Rev.No. Date: Rev.No. Date:
HSE Group - Safety Team
Test Questionnaires on “Permit to Work System”
These test questionnaires on “Permit to Work” has been compiled with the
intention to test, the generalized knowledge of individual employee or
Contractor personnel in this regard. The approach may assist in authorizing
them as a Permit Applicant, Permit Issuer or Worksite Supervisor in
conformation to identified roles relevant to PTW System. However it does not
cover the entire regulatory part concerning “Work Permit System” as elaborated
in Fire & Safety Regulation. Moreover it is essential to refer Fire & Safety
Regulations for further detail on the subject. Safety Team takes this opportunity
to suggest the following points:
• The questionnaires can be used by Asset Owner or Controlling Team to
test the generalized knowledge of individual on “PTW System” prior to
authorizing him / her for the identified role under Work Permit Procedure.

• The questionnaires & its model answers may be applicable for various
categories of works and associated precautions but not exhaustive to test
the individual’s competency, certification and skill for the work.

• The model answer is a guideline most pertinent to the respective

question. However the performance of examinee can be suitably judged
by the examiner based on skilled required for identified roles. Moreover
the qualifying marks for authorization to various roles shall be locally
decided by the Asst Owner / Controlling Team.

• This authorization of individual employee or contractor personnel by the

asset owner / controlling team must be documented and recorded in
compliance to a comprehensive PTW procedure.

The enclosed questionnaires & its model answers are open for every
opportunity to add appropriate and relevant questions, clauses and notes to
improve or upgrade its utility. For that purpose, all such addition should be
forwarded to Safety Team for review and suitable inclusion.

HSE Group - Safety Team
Test Questionnaires on “Permit to Work System”
Test Duration: 2 Hours. Total Marks: 100 (Sections: - A=25, B=50, C=25)

Name: …………………………………………………………………………………

Designation:……………………………………….. Employee No. ………….……..

Company / Contractor ……………………………………………………………….

Contract No. ………………………………………………………………………….

Controlling Team: …………………………………………………………………..

Signature: ………………………………………. Date:………………………….


Marks Obtained: …………………………….. Result: ………………………

Name & Designation of Examiner:…………………………………………………

Signature of Examiner:……………………………………………………………..

Test Questions on “Permit to Work”

(Each Question carry 5 marks)

1. What is “Permit to Work” procedure?

2. Enlist 5 main responsibilities of Worksite Supervisor related to PTW.

3. Enlist 5 main responsibilities of “Permit Applicant “. (A Permit Applicant is a person, who is

authorized to raise or obtain a Permit)

4. Enlist 5 main responsibilities of a Permit Issuer.

5. Enlist types of Work Permits as per work category.

(Each Question carry 2 marks – Tick mark the correct answer)
6. Hot Work Permit is required for-
a) Welding
b) Burning
c) Grinding
d) Any work involving source of ignition or spark potential work
7. Paint Spraying or hand painting is not permitted during:
a) Dangerous situation in the plant
b) Radiography Work
c) Hot Work
d) All of the above
8. Equipment & Vessel must be ………………………..before entering.
a) Gas freed & purged
b) Drained & dried
c) Wetted & drained
d) Drained & vented
9. Equipment to be worked must be prepared properly such as –
a) Positively isolated from all sources of energies.

b) Depressurized, de-contaminated, flushed or purged as per job requirement
c) Valves isolated & Vent or Drain kept open / close must be marked on enclosed
d) All of the above
10. A person working inside a vessel must wear a ………….so that standby man outside the
vessel can keep a contact with him.
a) Mask
b) Lifeline
c) Helmet
d) Boiler Suit
11. Hot work can be permitted if the combustible gas test result is-
a) 2 % of LEL (Lower Explosive Limit)
b) 10 % of LEL
c) 0.5 % of LEL
d) 0 % of LEL
12. Excavation Notification followed by “Work Permit” is issued whenever there is need to
dig / slit trench the ground………………………:
a) More than 1 meter deep
b) Regardless of depth
c) 2 meters deep
d) More than 1 foot.
13. A Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) shall be used where there may be -
a) High Concentration of toxic substance
b) Oxygen deficient atmosphere
c) Environment considered hazardous to life
d) All of the above

14. Heavy lifting with cranes in hazardous area will require -

a) No permit
b) Hot work permit
c) Cold Work permit
d) All of the above
15. Scaffolding work in hazardous area will require –
a) No permit
b) Hot work permit
c) Cold Work permit
d) All of the above
16. A work involving use of radioactive source will require –
a) No permit
b) Hot work permit
c) Cold Work permit
d) Radiography Permit
17. In case of dangerous situation at worksite or adjacent facilities -
a) The work must stop immediately

b) The workers shall report to the designated Assembly Point after making the
worksite safe.
c) The work will not commence until cleared to do so by the Permit Issuer.
d) All of the above
e) No need to stop the work
18. Noticing a potential hazard the work can be stopped by -
a) Permit Applicant or Permit Issuer
b) Personnel from Fire Team, HSE Team or Safety Team
c) Any person can advice to stop a work, on noticing a hazard or potentially
hazardous conditions.
d) Any of the above
e) No one can stop the work
19. The equipment, instrumentation or electrical power supply can be isolated by -
a) Any person associated with work.
b) Nominated & authorized person only
c) No need to carry out such isolation.
d) Worksite Supervisor
20. Gas test at the worksite can be carried out by:
a) Any person associated with the work.
b) Authorized gas tester only.
c) No need to carry out gas test.
d) None of the above.
21. Gas test shall be conducted by using –
a) Appropriate, duly calibrated and reliable gas detector.
b) Observing gas smell in the work area.
c) Any gas detector irrespective of its duty.
d) None of the above
22. Gas test shall be carried out prior to authorizing -
a) Hot work permit / Cold Work Permit
b) Confined Space Entry
c) Vehicle or Mobile Plant Entry
d) All of the above
23. The worksite where hot work is to be carried out, shall have minimum –
a) Two fire extinguishers of capacity 9 Kg. Monnex / 12 Kg. DCP
b) 2 ½ “ diameter duly pressurized water hose connected to fire hydrant.
c) Both of the above.
d) Any of the above
24. Excavation work below 1.2 meter depth will additionally require ‘Confined Space Entry
a) True b) false

25. A drawing / sketch of proposed site must be attached with Excavation Notification -
a) To identify underground / aboveground services

b) To specify precautions required
c) To assess potential hazard
d) All of the above
e) No need to attach a drawing or sketch.
26. The Confined space must be positively isolated from all processes & utility system by -
a) Blanking or spading
b) Disconnecting the lines and blanking open end
c) Any of the above
d) No need to isolate
27. Prior to authorizing or starting Radiography Work,
a) A three-dimensional control area shall be designated and marked by barrier &
radiation sign..
b) All non – classified persons must vacate the area
c) All other permits within the controlled area or as specified by Permit Issuer
shall be suspended.
d) All of the above
28. Work Permit can be authorized by -
a) Any person associated with work
b) Permit Applicant
c) Permit Issuer / Asset Owner as instructed in F & S Regulations
d) Worksite Supervisor
29. An authorized work permit can be endorsed by
a) Any person associated with work
b) Person (shift controller / asset owner) as instructed in F & S Regulations.
c) By authorized gas tester
d) No need to endorse the permit
30. On Completion of Work – it is to be ensured that
a) All tools & equipment have been removed as well as housekeeping completed
and worksite has been visited by Permit Issuer & Permit Applicant..
b) All isolations are removed, system / equipment purged and commissioned as
c) Both of the above
d) None of the above

(Each Question carry 5 marks)
31. Enlist 5 important precautions for a hot work activity.

32. Enlist 5 important precautions for a cold work activity.

33. Enlist 5 important precautions for a Radiography work activity.

34. Enlist 5 important precautions for a Confined Space Entry Permit.

35. Enlist 5 important precautions for Excavation activity.


(N.B: Not to be handed over to Examinee)

Section – A
1. ‘Permit to Work’ procedure is a formal written system that utilizes a document (Work
Permit) to control work by means of potential hazard identification and risk
The work permit is also a means of communication among various supervisors or their
representatives belonging to Operation, Maintenance, Sponsoring Teams and Contract
personnel, who are involved in work preparation and / or its execution.
2. Responsibilities of Worksite Supervisor related to PTW:
o He does not start any job requiring a work permit until it is authorized &
o He understands limitation and restriction of work permit in order that the work
may proceed safely.
o He does not leave the work site during Hot Work, Vessel Entry, Radiography
& Excavation Work.
o The work permit is endorsed as necessary and responsibilities are passed to the
oncoming worksite supervisor at the shift change or handover.
o The job described on the work permit is completed and the worksite /
equipment left in safe condition if not completed.
3. Responsibilities of Permit Applicant:
o He will enter the required information as stipulated in the Permit before
submitting it for approval and authorization.
o He will submit application considering the required preparatory work and
authorization formalities.
o All personnel under his responsibility are advised of their responsibilities under
Work Permit System.
o He will ensure that no job commences until he is satisfied that the Worksite
Supervisor fully understands his responsibilities under Work Permit System.
o He must have technical competence to consider and guard against potential
hazards associated with the work activity.
4. Responsibilities of Permit Issuer:
o He will ensure that all hazards associated with the proposed work have been
identified. He will visit the worksite prior to authorizing the permit.
o He will assure that prior to commencement of work, the worksite has been
safely prepared, examined and all specified precautions has been taken.
o He will confirm that work permits, which may interact or affect one another,
are cross-referenced clearly.
o He will examine the worksite whenever work is suspended to ensure that it is in
safe & acceptable condition, and prior to restarting the work leading to work
completion as well as return to normal operation.
o He will ensure that in case of shift change the handover procedure is properly
followed and permit endorsement and transfer of responsibilities have been
o He will ensure that Permit is closed out properly.
5. Types of Work Permit:
o Hot Work Permit

o Cold Work Permit
o Radiography Work Permit
o Confined Space Entry Permit
o Vehicle or Mobile Plant Entry Permit
6. d), 7. d), 8. a), 9.d), 10. b), 11. d), 12. b), 13. d), 14. b), 15. c), 16. d), 17. d), 18. d), 19. b),
20. b), 21. a), 22. d), 23. c), 24. a), 25. d), 26. c), 27. d), 28. b), 29. c), 30. c)
31. Important precautions for a hot work activity.
o Workscope / potential hazards have been discussed among Permit Applicant,
Permit Issuer and Worksite Supervisor.
o Paint spraying or hand painting is not permitted during performance of hot
o Cold work likely to affect a gas release must be suspended.
o Total isolation from flammable or toxic gas / liquid must be achieved.
o The hot work site must be free from hydrocarbon or combustible material..
o If the work generates spark or hot chippings, the work must be suitably
o Hand tools that may generate spark due to friction shall be made of non-ferrous
32. Important precautions for a cold work activity.
o The equipment to be worked on shall be isolated from all sources of energy.
o The possible impact of the work on surrounding area must be assessed and care
is taken not to issue a work permit, which could impact on safety conditions for
other work permits in the area.
o The required gas test shall be carried out immediately prior to commencement
of work and at the interval specified by Permit Issuer.
o Based on detailed work description, the hazard shall be assessed and
accordingly precautions to be taken to enable the to proceed safely.
o If continuous gas monitoring is required the availability of a properly charged
portable gas detector must be assured at worksite.
33. Important precautions for a radiography work activity.
o A three-dimensional control area shall be designated and marked by barriers &
radiation sign.
o Prior to commencement of radiography, all other work permits within the
controlled area shall be suspended.
o All non- classified personnel must vacate the area before radiography work
commences. Radiographer shall wear duly calibrated “Dosimeter”
o Identified UV detectors shall be over-ridden.
o P.A. (Public Address) announcement shall be made 30 minutes prior to
radiography commencing advising all non-affected personnel to make safe their
work place and vacate the area.

34. Important precautions for Confined Space Entry:

o The confined space must be positively isolated from all process and utility
systems by blanking / spading / disconnection.
o The electrical isolation must be carried out if the confined space is equipped
with a source of electrical power.
o The confined space must be tested for oxygen levels, flammable vapours, and
toxic gases prior to entry and at a minimum every 6 hours subsequently.
o In case of emergency inside the plant, the confined space entry must stop
o The area around confined space must be barriered off and warning sign posted
in English and Arabic.
35. Important precautions for excavation activity.
o Excavation Notification must be supported by a primary work permit duly
authorized by permit issuer.
o A drawing / sketch of the proposed excavation site (showing all above &
underground services) must accompany the excavation notification.
o If a cable or pipeline (although not shown in the drawing) is encountered
during excavation, the work must stop immediately and permit issuer informed.
o For excavation below 1200 mm, a confined space entry permit required and in
some circumstances gas free certification also.
o A cold work permit shall be additionally required where only hand excavation
tools are to be used. Whereas for excavation tools using powered tools will
need a duly authorized Hot Work Permit if the hot work is to be carried out in
hazardous area.
o Mechanical excavation is not allowed inside the plant / facility or within 5
meters radius from any underground facilities.



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