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Mobile App Reverse Engineering: Get started with discovering, analyzing, and exploring the internals of Android and iOS apps
Mobile App Reverse Engineering: Get started with discovering, analyzing, and exploring the internals of Android and iOS apps
Mobile App Reverse Engineering: Get started with discovering, analyzing, and exploring the internals of Android and iOS apps
Ebook249 pages1 hour

Mobile App Reverse Engineering: Get started with discovering, analyzing, and exploring the internals of Android and iOS apps

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About this ebook

Mobile App Reverse Engineering is a practical guide focused on helping cybersecurity professionals scale up their mobile security skills. With the IT world’s evolution in mobile operating systems, cybercriminals are increasingly focusing their efforts on mobile devices. This book enables you to keep up by discovering security issues through reverse engineering of mobile apps.
This book starts with the basics of reverse engineering and teaches you how to set up an isolated virtual machine environment to perform reverse engineering. You’ll then learn about modern tools such as Ghidra and Radare2 to perform reverse engineering on mobile apps as well as understand how Android and iOS apps are developed. Next, you’ll explore different ways to reverse engineer some sample mobile apps developed for this book. As you advance, you’ll learn how reverse engineering can help in penetration testing of Android and iOS apps with the help of case studies. The concluding chapters will show you how to automate the process of reverse engineering and analyzing binaries to find low-hanging security issues.
By the end of this reverse engineering book, you’ll have developed the skills you need to be able to reverse engineer Android and iOS apps and streamline the reverse engineering process with confidence.

Release dateMay 27, 2022
Mobile App Reverse Engineering: Get started with discovering, analyzing, and exploring the internals of Android and iOS apps

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    Mobile App Reverse Engineering - Abhinav Mishra



    Mobile App Reverse Engineering

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    First published: April 2022

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    Dedicated to the late Rajendra Singh, a passionate teacher, accomplished author, and learner who inspired many, like me, to seek knowledge above everything else. To my wife, Kanika Singh, for being the support I have always needed. And to my mother and father, for being role models to me and for motivating me.


    About the author

    Abhinav Mishra is the founder and director of Enciphers, a cybersecurity consulting and training company. Abhinav has over a decade of extensive experience in finding and fixing security issues in web, mobile, and infrastructure applications. He has performed penetration tests on more than 500 mobile applications and has discovered thousands of critical vulnerabilities.

    Abhinav completed his engineering degree in 2011 and since then has been involved in penetration testing and securing applications and infrastructure. Prior to founding Enciphers, Abhinav worked with Fortune 500 and giant tech companies as part of their security teams. In his spare time, he is a traveler, adventure seeker, and drone hobbyist.

    I would like to thank Manoj Jain, a skilled Android developer with almost a decade of experience, and Mohammad Haroon, who is a passionate iOS developer with 12+ years of experience in developing Swift/Objective and C/C++/C apps. Both of them assisted in developing the SecureStorage app, used in the book. Their contribution to this book is highly appreciated.

    About the reviewer

    Anant Shrivastava is the founder of a research firm named Cyfinoid Research. His last job was as a technical director for NotSoSecure Global Services. He has been active in the Android security field since the early days of Android development (2011). He has been a trainer and speaker at various international conferences (Black Hat – USA, Asia, EU, Nullcon, c0c0n, and many more). Anant also leads the open source projects Android Tamer and Code Vigilant. He also maintains the archive portal named Hacking Archives of India. In his spare time, he likes to take part in open communities geared to spreading information security knowledge, including the null community, Garage4hackers, Hasgeek, and OWASP.

    I truly believe all of us in the technical world are standing on the shoulders of giants. The giants for me are the open communities, such as null, Garage4hackers, Hasgeek, and OWASP, where access to information is unrestricted and people are interested in helping one another. I am deeply indebted to all the communities and the people running these communities. I am also thankful to my whole family for providing all the support and tolerating my busy schedule and still standing by my side. I would also like to do a special shout-out to my son, Aarush, whose smile gives me a reason to keep going.

    Table of Contents


    Section 1: Basics of Mobile App Reverse Engineering, Common Tools and Techniques, and Setting up the Environment

    Chapter 1: Basics of Reverse Engineering – Understanding the Structure of Mobile Apps

    Technical requirements

    Reverse engineering fundamentals

    Android application fundamentals

    iOS application fundamentals


    Chapter 2: Setting Up a Mobile App Reverse Engineering Environment Using Modern Tools

    Technical requirements

    Tools for the reverse engineering of mobile applications


    JADX – Dex-to-Java decompiler





    Mobexler virtual machine


    Section 2: Mobile Application Reverse Engineering Methodology and Approach

    Chapter 3: Reverse Engineering an Android Application

    Technical requirements

    Android application development

    The reverse engineering of Android applications

    Extracting the Java source code

    Converting DEX files to smali

    Reverse engineering and penetration testing

    Modifying and recompiling the application

    Code obfuscation in Android apps


    Chapter 4: Reverse Engineering an iOS Application

    Technical requirements

    iOS app development

    Understanding the binary format

    Reverse engineering an iOS app

    Extracting strings from the binary

    Disassembling the application binary

    Manually reviewing the disassembled binary for security issues

    Using Mac-only tools for iOS app reverse engineering


    Chapter 5: Reverse Engineering an iOS Application (Developed Using Swift)

    Technical requirements

    Understanding the difference between Objective C and Swift applications

    The difference between Objective C and Swift from a reverse engineering perspective

    Reverse engineering a Swift application

    Installing the Radare2 framework

    Using the Radare2 framework to reverse engineer a Swift application


    Section 3: Automating Some Parts of the Reverse Engineering Process

    Chapter 6: Open Source and Commercial Reverse Engineering Tools

    Technical requirements

    Tools for mobile application reverse engineering

    Open source mobile application reverse engineering tools

    Commercial mobile application reverse engineering tools

    Case study – reverse engineering during a penetration test

    Case study – reverse engineering during malware analysis


    Chapter 7: Automating the Reverse Engineering Process

    Technical requirements

    Automated static analysis of mobile applications


    Performing a static scan on SecureStorage

    Case study one – automating reverse engineering tasks

    Case study two – automating test cases to find security issues


    Chapter 8: Conclusion

    Excelling in Android application reverse engineering – the way forward

    Excelling in iOS application reverse engineering – the way forward

    Utilizing reverse engineering skills

    Exposing unreleased features in an application through reverse engineering


    Other Books You May Enjoy


    Mobile application reverse engineering is an important skill for penetration testers, malware analysts, and application security professionals in general. This book talks about how Android and iOS applications are developed, how to reverse engineer them, different case studies of security issues discovered through reverse engineering, and how to automate the reverse engineering and analysis part.

    The book helps in understanding the internals of modern Android and iOS apps and how you can reverse engineer application packages (APK and IPA). Here, you can start your journey of creating a reverse engineering mobile application.

    Who this book is for

    This book is for cybersecurity professionals, security analysts, mobile application security enthusiasts, and penetration testers interested in understanding the internals of iOS and Android apps through reverse engineering. Basic knowledge of reverse engineering as well as an understanding of mobile operating systems such as iOS and Android and how mobile applications work on them are required.

    What this book covers

    Chapter 1, Basics of Reverse Engineering – Understanding the Structure of Mobile Apps, talks about the reverse engineering fundamentals, common terminologies, and Android and iOS application fundamentals.

    Chapter 2, Setting Up a Mobile App Reverse Engineering Environment Using Modern Tools, gets you familiar with the tools used in the reverse engineering of mobile (Android

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