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In the name of Allah, the most beneficent, the most eternally merciful. Alhamdulillah, We are
grateful to the Almighty Allah for giving us the strength to complete this case study. We would
like to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rohana Ngah
throughout this assignment for the guidelines, monitoring, and constant encouragement for
us, her patience allowed us to make sure we grasped everything we needed to know about
how to complete this case study as well as the time invested so we could finish this.

Not forgetting also to all my classmates who helped us complete the assignment and share
information. We would also love to express our precious gratitude to our families and friends
who have generously shared with us their creative ideas and wise advice in various phases of
this report. Each one of them has contributed a lot indirectly and directly in this report. Last
but not least, a special appreciation goes to each one of us for giving the best cooperation and
useful resources for this group work, despite our busy schedules.


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................................................................................... 5

1.0 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................... 6
1.1 BACKGROUND OF STUDY ................................................................................................... 6
1.2 PROBLEM STATEMENT ......................................................................................................... 7
2.0 COMPANY INFORMATION ......................................................................................................... 8
2.1 BACKGROUND OF THE COMPANY .................................................................................... 8
2.2 ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE ...................................................................................... 10
2.3 PRODUCTS/ SERVICES ....................................................................................................... 11
2.4 TECHNOLOGY........................................................................................................................ 12
2.5 BUSINESS, MARKETING, AND OPERATIONAL STRATEGY ...................................... 15
2.6 FINANCIAL ACHIEVEMENTS .............................................................................................. 17
3.0 COMPANY ANALYSIS ............................................................................................................... 17
3.1 SWOT ANALYSIS ................................................................................................................... 17
3.2 CONSUMER TREND CANVAS ............................................................................................ 19
4.0 FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION ................................................................................................. 20
5.0 CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................. 22
6.0 RECOMMENDATION AND IMPROVEMENT ......................................................................... 23

Figure 1: Company Logo....................................................................................................... 8
Figure 2 Khairul Amin Bin Kamarulzaman ............................................................................. 9
Figure 3: Organizational structure ....................................................................................... 10
Figure 4: Quality Control On Raw Materials ........................................................................ 12
Figure 5: Cold storage......................................................................................................... 12
Figure 6: Weighing process................................................................................................. 13
Figure 7: Cooking process .................................................................................................. 13
Figure 8: Bottling and sealing process ................................................................................ 14
Figure 9: Labelling process ................................................................................................. 14
Figure 10: Media social Sambal Nyet .................................................................................. 15


TABLE 1: SWOT Analysis ................................................................................................... 17


Entrepreneurship in the technological realm entails seeking, exploring, and ultimately

launching brand-new markets. In order to meet consumer demands, resolve issues, and
generate new value, this process necessitates the implementation of cutting-edge scientific
discoveries and technological innovations. Entrepreneurs in the technology sector are those
who see the opportunities presented by technological advancements and are willing to take
the risks necessary to launch and develop a technology-based business. In general,
technological entrepreneurship refers to the use of technology strategically and
entrepreneurially to start and expand successful firms that positively influence the economy,
the creation of jobs, and society.

We decided to choose Sambal Nyet Berapi for this case study after doing a bit of study.
Owing to the fact that this sambal is quite well-liked by some individuals. To guarantee that
the sambal is cooked properly and to a high standard, the preparation of this sambal dish
requires a considerable amount of time. The technology of the machine is set to cook a huge
quantity of the ingredients needed to make this sambal; therefore, the ingredients are loaded
into the machine. After that, it will go through the process of being bottled into glass containers.
Because this sambal nyet is only available for purchase online, the bottle will be carefully
wrapped and sealed to prevent any accidental spilling or leaking of the sambal. Sambal Nyet
is well-known among consumers in the age range of 18 to 50 years old. The Sambal Nyet
manufactured by Khairulaming is marketed towards consumers who are under the age of 18
and do not yet have the ability to make online purchases without the supervision of an adult.



On January 6, 2021, Khairulaming Brand introduced Sambal Nyet to Shopee, where it

quickly became a consumer favourite. The factory of producing this sambal at Kota Bharu,
Kelantan. The main product produced by this company is Sambal Nyet in bottle sizes. The
sambal continues to be a consumer favourite and sells out very immediately. Khairulaming,
whose full name is Khairul Amin Kamarulzaman, is a Malaysian chef and entrepreneur who
rose to fame on Instagram because of his signature Sambal Nyet. According to him, since the
product's introduction Khairulaming has been successful in selling one million bottles of
Sambal Nyet, resulting in a total profit of RM14 million.

Sambal is known for its vibrant and bold flavours. It typically contains a combination of
chili peppers, garlic, shallots, shrimp paste, lime juice, and various spices. The spiciness of
sambal adds a unique kick to dishes and can elevate the flavours of other ingredients. Sambal
is a traditional condiment in Southeast Asian cuisine, particularly in countries like Indonesia,
Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand. It is deeply rooted in the culinary culture of these regions
and is often considered a staple accompaniment to meals. Sambal can be used in a wide
range of dishes, making it a versatile condiment. It can be served alongside grilled meats, fried
rice, noodles, vegetables, or even as a dipping sauce for snacks. Its ability to complement
various types of food makes it highly popular among people with different taste preferences.

The extreme heat that sambal provides might be pleasurable to certain people. Those
who love a bit of heat in their meals might thank the endorphins released in their brains by
spicy foods. Another reason sambal is popular is for culinary exploration many food
enthusiasts and adventurous eaters enjoy trying new flavors and exploring different cuisines.
Sambal offers a unique taste experience, particularly for those who may not have grown up
with it. Trying sambal allows individuals to expand their culinary horizons and discover new

The majority of people are familiar with Sambal Nyet, and some even hurry to get it on
Shopee. People gathered around Shopee in large numbers in order to make a purchase of
the sambal that has been the most popular during the whole century.


People adore eating sambal for various reasons, including its mouth-watering flavour,
heat, and adaptability in enriching the whole dining experience. There are a lot of people in
Malaysia who enjoy eating sambal but are too lazy to make it themselves. There could be
several reasons why some people may be lazy to cook sambal or any other dish which is time
constrained. Making sambal frequently involves laborious processes like lengthy cooking and
activities like cutting and grinding spices. It may be difficult for people with demanding
professions or hectic schedules to find the time and effort necessary to create a sambal from
scratch. In today's fast-paced world, many people opt for convenience foods or ready-made
condiments to save time and effort. They may choose to buy pre-packaged sambal or other
similar products instead of making it themselves.

To make sambal, we need to be well-versed in a number of different cooking methods,

spices, and ingredient combinations. It's possible that some people would prefer not to prepare
sambal because they lack the expertise or confidence to do so, and instead opt for more
straightforward meals. Traditional sambal recipes frequently call for a diverse assortment of
ingredients, some of which may be difficult to locate in particular areas of the world. People
who are unfamiliar with the components or who do not have access to them may feel
discouraged as a result of this. It's necessary to remember that not everyone will have the
same motives or challenges when it comes to preparing sambal or any other cuisine, and
these reasons may differ from person to person. Therefore, this sambal Nyet was introduced
to fulfill demands.


This case study is conducted to obtain all the necessary information on the selected
company, especially on their products or services. Other than that, the purpose of this study
is to analyse the process undergone by the company to produce the products. We also
intended to study the selected company based on consumer trend canvas and SWOT analysis
by determining the strength, weaknesses, opportunities, and threat involved to identify the
problems faced by the company. With this analysis, we will figure out the best and most
suitable solutions that can be taken by the company to cater to the problems.



Figure 1: Company Logo

Sambal Nyet is a company based in Malaysia, established in early January 2021 and officially
registered with the SSM Companies Commission of Malaysia on

Company’s Name Sambal Nyet Berapi by KhairulAmingBrand

Address Head Quarter:
25-3, Jalan Wangsa Delima 10, Seksyen 5 Wangsa
Maju, 53300 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan
Kuala Lumpur

First Factory:
Kota Bharu, Kelantan.

Second Factory:
5207A, Jalan 2/44 Taman Desa Kemumin, 16100
Kota Bharu Kelantan.
Business Sole Proprietorship
Date of Starting The Business 06th January 2021
Contact Number -
Email [email protected]

Figure 2 Khairul Amin Bin Kamarulzaman

Khairul Amin Kamarulzaman, 31, is the founder of Sambal Nyet Berapi. He goes by
the commercial name Khairul Aming and he was born in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. He is a well-
known social media chef with a total follower of 3.7 million. Although his business is based in
the food and beverages field (F&B), Khairul Aming does not actually have a formal education
in that field. In fact, he has a major in Mechanical Engineering and a minor in Material and
Science Engineering from Vanderbilt University Nashville, Tennessee. This knowledge has
given him the benefit of understanding manufacturing science to start up his sambal business.
He has said in one of his Instagram post that he became interested in starting his business in
order to apply his engineering knowledge into it.

Truthfully, Khairul Aming had launched another sambal business in 2017 after
spending two months in research and development. Unfortunately, he had to shut down his
business which is known as Sambal King as he had face a few downturns. The first chaos he
faced was when all 200 bottles of his sambal were damaged during transporting and delivering
due to the products’ plastic packaging. After that, he also made a mistake of rushing to open
a production centre as he received quite a high demand. He spent his life-savings to afford
the necessary machines and to hire some staffs. However, for a few weeks after that, he
received almost little to none order from his customer, which forced him to shut down his
business and move out from the production centre. Not just that, he and his sister who was
his business partner at the time had to sell their refrigerator and chiller to counter for their

Since then, Khairul Aming took four years to create an image online and to build his personal
branding. He posted his short cooking videos online to gain followers and online engagements.
Thankfully, his consistency and hard work paid off as he managed to succeed in creating a
new brand which is Sambal Nyet Berapi. He also spent that four years to learn from his
previous mistakes especially in terms of product packaging and company management.


Khairul aming Bin


Ahmad Fadhilat Fitri Bin Ismail


Figure 3: Organizational structure

Khairul Aming Bin Kamarulzaman was the manager of this Sambal Nyet with his partnership
which is Ahmad Fadhilat Fitri Bin Ismail as his company secretary. When it comes to running
a business, having the right organisational structure may assist expedite operations by
delegating certain duties and responsibilities to particular employees or departments. It
guarantees that resources, such as staff, time, and knowledge, are distributed in the most
efficient manner possible.


Product Name Picture Price

Sambal Nyet Berapi RM13.90


In Sambal Nyet by Khairul Aming company, there are several technologies used in processing
sambal nyet. Firstly, the Quality Control (QC) needs to be taken to make sure the quality of
the raw material such as chili and onion is in good condition. Then after the Quality Control
has already been approved, all the ingredients will be kept in cold storage for one day to make
sure the consistent freshness of the raw material and didn’t spoil it.

Figure 4: Quality Control On Raw Materials

Next, the company use cold storage to make sure the raw materials can sustainable and make
a consistent freshness to make sure the raw materials can provide a good taste and good
quality of sambal nyet.

Figure 5: Cold storage

After the raw materials such as chili and onion already get out from the cold storage, the next
process will continue by weighing the raw materials using weighing scale. The reason
weighing process I to make sure the the quantity of the sambal nyet recipe can be followed to
provide a good taste by their own secret recipe.

Figure 6: Weighing process

After weighing process, the cooking process will start. All the ingredients will be cooked in one
of the cooking technologies which is known as cooking mixer machine. All ingredients that
need to be cooked will be mixed to easier the manufacturing of sambal nyet. This can produce
more quantity in one time which increases the productivity in the business.

Figure 7: Cooking process

After than that, it will continue with Bottling and sealing process. The bottle will fill up with the
sambal nyet which already cooked. The machine use to filled up the sambal is Liquid filling
machine. This machine can fill up faster beside can control he quantity needed for any product

saiz. After sambal is already fill on the bottle, the bottle need to be tighten up with the cap. The
sealer machine will be used. It need to be sealed to make sure any probability of spilled or
spoiled on sambal. Thus it also need to make a quality control (QC) again to make sure all of
the bottle in a good condition.

Figure 8: Bottling and sealing process

Lastly, the labeling process is needed to include the bottle with a brand sticker. An automatic
vial labeling machine will be used. This machine will automatically label the sticker on the
bottle immediately. After finishing it, a quality check will be made for the last time before the

Figure 9: Labelling process


Sambal Nyet By Khairul Aming has been actively advertising its products through
numerous social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, YouTube, and
Telegram in terms of business and marketing. Aside from that, they use social e-commerce
platforms like Shopee to promote their products. As we know, Khairul Aming was one of the
influencers that have many followers reaching about 1 million followers in TikTok. Thus, we
can see the influence that given by Khairul Aming was one of the most powerful attractions for
customer buy power. Other than that, the testimonial, videos, and pictures can stimulate client
interest and gain their trust. Furthermore, this company maintains an active social media
presence, which might help in expanding market reach and increasing customer loyalty. For
operational strategy, this company will offer a reasonable price. We can see the quality of
sambal is very good and always receive good feedback from the customer who already buys
sambal nyet. Systematic work by this company also gives a good sense in business. We can
see the content created by Khairul Aming on his factory and how the company conducts the
production is very good and systematic.

Figure 10: Media social Sambal Nyet


Khairulaming or his real name is Khairul Amin Kamarulzaman, a former Instagram

celebrity chef who is now an entrepreneur from Malaysia, is well-known for his signature
Sambal Nyet. On 6th January, 2021, the Khairulaming Brand debuted Sambal Nyet for sale
on Shopee, and it quickly became popular with numerous customers. Customers still love the
sambal, which frequently sells out in an instant of minutes. On early launches of the first sale
of the Sambal Nyet product, Khairulaming gained over RM1 million in profit. Three months
after earning RM1 million from their first sale, he reinvested the money to open the first factory
measuring 14,000 square feet in Kelantan and run his production rate from 1,000 bottles of
Sambal Nyet a day to over 4,000 bottles a day. He still aims to increase his rate of production
to 100,000 bottles a month to meet his demand. Since its release, Khairulaming has sold over
1 million bottles of Sambal Nyet and earned a total of RM4 million in profit the highest ever



TABLE 1: SWOT Analysis

Strength Weakness

• The founder is a famous social media • Only available for pre-order or

influencer in Malaysia reservation
• Provides online shopping platform • Lower rate of production against the
• Active in social media marketing actual demand of the product
• Made the delicious and spicy Sambal • Limitation of purchase order
Nyet in Malaysia • Not enough experience in handling
• The quality of product is a priority business

Opportunity Threat

• The founder earns millions of • Vulnerable to counterfeit

followers in social media. • Required safe packaging for shipping
• Most of the regular customers are and delivery
from the social media followers
• Sustainable of tremendous demand
from online platform

The founder of Sambal Nyet, well known as Khairulaming is a social media influencer
by active in making a content of cooking and foods recipes. The product of 'Sambal Nyet' is
being sold only in online platform, Shopee. Their business account in Shopee almost hitting
half of a million followers which makes it as a medium of huge market place for selling the
product. In addition, they always remain active in advertising their product in social media
marketing like Instagram, Twitter and TikTok. Moreover, Sambal Nyet is truly delicious and
spicy that meet the most Malaysian appetite and taste. However, he also makes sure to
maintain the quality of the product, especially in terms of hygiene and taste.


At the current situation, the product is only available to be purchased on an online

platform by making a pre-order only. It is because the founder is still in need to manage with
the current rate of production that unable to fulfil the insatiable demand of it. Regarding the
minor of sambal production, they put a limit of purchase quantity by allowing four bottles of
sambal to be purchased per person in order to control the prices and be fair to other customer.
The founder of Sambal Nyet is also new in the business industry which makes him lack
experience in adapting to the huge market.


The biggest opportunity earned by this company is the founder of Sambal Nyet is a
famous person in social media which making business marketing comes at ease. The founder
earns over millions of followers on social media platform such as in Instagram, Twitter and
TikTok. Most of their regular customers are from his founder's followers in social media.
Obviously, they just made a sustainable of tremendous demand from the online market


The most common threat happen was the counterfeit of product. When the product is
becoming most popular or famous there is anonymous who is going to gain a profit from your
brand in illegal ways. Counterfeit products are illegal copies of genuine products that are made
to look like the original. They are often sold at lower prices and can be difficult to distinguish
from the genuine product.


The Consumer Trend Canvas is a tool used in market research and product
development to help identify and analyse consumer trends. It is a visual representation of key
aspects of consumer behaviour, such as their needs, behaviours, motivations, and aspirations.
The Consumer Trend Canvas typically consists of a series of interconnected boxes or
sections, each representing a different aspect of consumer behaviour. Some common sections

• Needs: This section identifies the consumer's needs, desires, and pain points.
Understanding consumer needs can help businesses develop products and services
that better meet their customers' needs.
• Behaviours: This section looks at the consumer's behaviours and habits, such as how
they shop, what they buy, and how often they use a particular product or service. This
information can help businesses develop marketing strategies that better target their
• Motivations: This section explores the consumer's underlying motivations and values,
such as their desire for convenience, sustainability, or social responsibility.
Understanding these motivations can help businesses create products and services
that align with their customers' values.
• Aspirations: This section identifies the consumer's aspirations and goals, such as
achieving a certain lifestyle or social status. Knowing these aspirations can help
businesses create products and services that help their customers achieve their goals.

By listing these different aspects of consumer behaviour, businesses can gain a deeper
understanding of their customers and develop products and services that better meet their
needs and preferences.



Lower production rate against higher demand

When the rate of production is lower than the demand for a particular product, it can
result in several challenges for businesses. This can lead to stock shortages, which can
frustrate customers and result in lost sales. Lower production rates can also result in delayed
revenue for businesses, as they may not be able to fulfil orders and generate sales as quickly
as they would like. When customers are unable to purchase the products they want, or
experience delays in receiving their orders, it can lead to reduced customer satisfaction and
negative reviews.

Purchase quantity limit

Regarding to small production of sambal against their higher demand, this company
decides to set up a quantity limit of purchasing the 'Sambal Nyet' per person to promote
fairness and give more customers the opportunity to purchase the product. However. If
purchase quantity limits are too restrictive, the business may miss out on potential revenue
from customers who are willing to purchase larger quantities of the product. This can be
particularly problematic if the product has a high profit margin. If customers perceive that
purchase quantity limits are unfair or unreasonable, it can have a negative impact on the brand
image of the business.

Vulnerable to counterfeit

Businesses that implement purchase quantity limits may be more vulnerable to

counterfeit products especially for famous brand. If a product is in high demand and purchase
quantity limits are in place, there will be the other anonymous trying to produce the similar
product and copying the brand name in order to create a selfish profit by relying on the
product's fame. If customers unknowingly purchase counterfeit products that are falsely
represented as legitimate products, it can damage the reputation of the legitimate brand. This
can lead to reduced customer trust and loyalty, and possibly reduced the sales.


In order to address the issue of lower production against higher sales, the company
can consider to upgrade production equipment and technologies. It can help businesses
improve the efficiency and increase production output. For example, investing in faster or more
efficient machines can help reduce production times and increase output. Moreover, involves
in regular reviewing and optimizing production processes can help businesses identify areas
for improvement and implement changes to increase production output. improving the rate of
production requires a comprehensive approach that involves optimizing processes,
technologies, and human resources. By continually evaluating and improving production
processes, businesses can increase their production output and improve their
competitiveness in the marketplace.

Limiting the quantity of a product that a customer can purchase can be a useful
strategy for businesses, based upon the situations where demand is high or supply is limited.
To effectively implement purchase quantity limits, businesses should consider the specific
circumstances of their business and their customers. It may be useful to set limits that are
reasonable and aligned with customer expectations, while also monitoring inventory levels
and adjusting limits as necessary. Additionally, businesses should communicate the limits
clearly to customers, and provide clear and consistent messaging across all channels.

Counterfeit products are illegal copies of genuine products that are made to look like
the original. They are often sold at lower prices and can be difficult to spectate from the
genuine product. There are several solutions that businesses can employ to help avoid
counterfeiting of their products such as provide secure packaging by using tamper-evident or
anti-counterfeit packaging. It can help to deter counterfeiters from replicating the packaging or
contents of a product. Other than that, apply for product authentication such as put on QR
codes. It can help to verify the authenticity of a product and deter counterfeiting.

By employing these suggested solutions to the businesses, it can help to protect the
products from counterfeiting and maintain the reputation of company name and the products
in the marketplace. Good production is essential for the success and sustainability of any
business, and it is important for businesses to continuously improve their production
processes and apply new technologies and practices to remain competitive and relevant in
the marketplace.


In conclusion, SWOT analysis is suitable to be done to analysis the strength,

weakness, opportunity and threat related to a company. For this case study, we have identified
the problems and weaknesses associated to Khairul Aming Brand which are low production
rates against higher demand, purchase quantity limit and vulnerability towards counterfeit. To
solve the first issue, we recommend the company to upgrade their production equipment and
technologies. We hope that the technology can help this company to improve their efficiency
and increase their production output. Next, in order to overcome the second issue, we
recommend the company to set limits which are reasonable and aligned with their customers’
demands and expectations, while also monitoring their inventory levels. They can adjust the
limits regularly according to what is necessary as well. Not just that, they must communicate
with their customers clearly regarding the purchasing limit and provide a clear and consistent
message across all available channels. Last but not least, to counter with counterfeit, this
company can come out with tamper-evident or anti-counterfeit packaging which can aid to
deter counterfeiters from replicating their packaging or contents of their product. We hope that
this case study is helpful to make our fellow friends understand the uses of SWOT analysis.
We also sincerely hope that this company can grow bigger than they already did someday.


Based on this case study, we would like to suggest a few recommendations to improve
the quality and productivity of the Sambal Nyet By Khairul Aming company’s business process.
Hence, we outline the problem they are facing together with ideas for improvement and with
the hope that these improvement ideas will be beneficial for this company and can help in
solving and reducing their problem.

Increasing Production
As we see right now, the shortage of the sambal nyet always happens when the
product is already announced for release. Therefore, the company should consider another
new factory to create more production of sambal nyet as the demand for this product always
increases. Before they decide on opening any factory branch at the location, they should
ensure the factory is the place that has a strategic place that can easier the manufacturing
and production strategy. Thus, opening another factory can improve production, as the product
always gets demand from people around Malaysia.

Increasing Employee And Team In Company.

Sambal Nyet By Khairul Aming company nowadays had mentioned about only 60
workers are working in the factory. Thus, we recommend that this company increase their
workers to ensure productivity can be better. The worker can gain more experience beside
can growth the suitability of work in the company better.

Technology Improvement
Technology has played a pivotal role in streamlining and optimizing the production
processes in the sambal industry. Modern equipment such as automated grinders, blenders,
and mixers have replaced traditional manual methods, increased production capacity and
reduced labor requirements. These advancements have not only accelerated the production
process but also ensured consistency in flavor and quality. Moreover, the integration of
specialized software and systems has facilitated inventory management, production
scheduling, and quality control. With real-time data analysis and monitoring, sambal producers
can make informed decisions, minimize wastage, and ensure that the production aligns with
market demands.


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