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Revelation Church

Intro by Apostle Gershen & Bishop

Psalm 90:16–17 AMPC

16 Let Your work [the signs of Your power] be revealed to Your servants
And Your [glorious] majesty to their children.
17 And let the [gracious] favor of the Lord our God be on us;
Confirm for us the work of our hands—Yes, confirm the work of our hands.

1 Timothy 2:1-4 AMP

1 First of all, then, I admonish and urge that petitions, prayers, interces-
sions, and thanksgivings be offered on behalf of all men,
2 For kings and all who are in positions of authority or high responsibility,
that [outwardly] we may pass a quiet and undisturbed life [and inwardly]
a peaceable one in all godliness and reverence and seriousness in every
3 For such [praying] is good and right, and [it is] pleasing and acceptable
to God our Savior,
4 Who wishes all men to be saved and [increasingly] to perceive and rec-
ognize and discern and know precisely and correctly the [divine] Truth.

I exhort therefore, first of all, that supplications, prayers, intercessions,

and giving of thanks be made for how many men? For all men. Now note
what it says. First of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving
of thanks be made for all men, for kings, and for those or all that are in
authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and
honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior,
Who wishes all men, not some, but all men, to be saved and to come into
the knowledge of the truth. Hallelujah!
The ministry of intercession is for all men. God wishes for all men to be
saved. I believe that we are gathered here to intercede. For the past ten
days, we have been coming into the presence of God; we are fasting and
seeking the face of God, for Him to do what He does best. God specializes
in the miraculous. He is a supernatural God, and what our human capacity
can’t do, our Almighty God is able to do. We stand in a place of interces-
sion this morning. 
In Ezekiel 22:30, God says, ‘And I sought a man among them who should
build up the wall and stand in the gap before Me for the land, that I should
not deroy it, but I found none.’ 
God starts in Ezekiel by saying, the prophets, the kings, and the priests
have all despised my Word. They have despised My Law. They have done
crazy things in this land. Because of the iniquities of the prophets, the
priests, and the kings, as a Holy God, I am about to pour out My holy
indignation upon the land. But if I can only find a man—which is neutral
and includes both men and women because man is spirit—that can stand
in the gap so I won’t destroy the land, God is actually saying I will pour out
My fury upon that land; unless I find a man to stand in the gap, it will stale
my fury, My wrath, and My holy indignation. I will hold back from what I
am about to do if I can find one man to stand in the gap.
This morning, we stand in the gap. Revelation Nation: We stand in the gap!
In Revelations 5:9, He says Christ has redeemed us with His blood. Out of
every tongue, every people, and every kindred, He has redeemed us from
all nations. That is why we have in our revelation church brown, white,
yellow, and everything in between! I believe that God is for the nations.
Dr. King said 11 AM Sunday morning remains the most segregated hour
in America because that’s the time blacks go to their own churches and
whites go to their own churches, Latinos and Asians all go to their own
churches, but in Revelation Church, we are countercultural! We are going
against the grain because Christ has redeemed us from every kindred,
tongue, people, and nation: black, white, brown, yellow, and everything in
between. But not only that, He has made us kings and priests. Somebody
say I’m a king! Say it again: ‘I’m a king.’ Now, as a king, you reign in life;
you dominate everything. Say: ‘I dominate’. You are the master of every-
thing you survey. He has given you, as king, authority, and you have also
received power, because authority without power is not enough. Say with
conviction: ‘I got authority, and I got power’.
Authority is exousia, the right to, and power is dunamis. To reign as kings,
you need both. We tread on serpents and scorpions. Out of all the power
of the enemy, nothing shall by any means hurt you because it’s given you
and me authority and it’s given us power. We got both, glory to God.
There is nothing that should overcome a believer in Jesus Christ, because
greater is He who is on the inside of you than he who is in the world!
The Greater One lives on the inside of you. And so you got the victory in
Jesus’ name. But we are not called to be just kings, we are also called to
be priests. Somebody say: ‘I’m a king and I’m a priest.’ Say it again: ‘I’m a
king, and I’m a priest.
As priests, we stand in the gap. We stand in the gap on behalf of our
families, on behalf of our country, on behalf of the nations, and on behalf
of whatever God puts on our hearts to intercede for, we stand in the gap
as a priest. That is why we are gathered for these 30 days of fasting and
prayer, to stand in the gap. Because a holy God is looking upon this earth,
and He’s looking at humanity, and He wants to bless us. He wants to pour
all His blessings upon us. Especially if you’re a child of the living God. The
only thing is to find the right people to stand in the gap, and you and I
are those people. I want you to understand that with your kingly authority,
you bind and lose. Whatever you bind on this earth is bound in heaven.
Whatever you loose, it is loosed in heaven. That is why you need to be not
just a priest, but you also need to be a king so you can execute power and
authority to put the devil where he belongs. As you put the enemy where
he belongs, you step in as a priest, and you enforce God’s blessings upon
humanity. That is what we are about to do this morning.

The question is: Are you ready?

Prophet Lovy Elias

Thank You for this hour, we thank You for this moment. Thank You for
the grace You have given us to be in Your presence. We know that Your
name will be glorified now and eternally. Cleanse us and purify us of every
unrighteousness so that we may receive from You that, which You have
destined for us in Jesus’ mighty name.

God is good, and I know that there is a special message for each and every
one of us that will bring us closer to the purpose of God and it will cause
the Lord to lift us from where we are to another place. Always remember,
and I say this all the time, that our being before God is never by accident.
It is purposeful. If you woke up and are here, it is because God wanted
you to be here. If you are watching this, you are watching it because it was
predestined. It was predestined. It was the will of God. Before you knew
who God was, He had already decided that this was going to happen for
you. Now we are going to learn something today that is going to be quite
special. How to navigate to the destination that God has for you.
Now, whenever God has decided to give somebody direction, how do you
receive that direction? How do you know God wants you to go left and
right? The reality is that many of us have not reached the place where we
can hear the voice of the Lord or perceive the voice of God audibly. God
always speaks audibly. You not hearing audibly doesn’t mean God didn’t
speak audibly. You see, many times we pray, Father, I want to hear you
clearly; I want to hear you louder. That is not a prayer request. It’s a matter
of developing your spiritual nature, your inner man, because His voice is
like many waters. When He speaks, it’s like lightning and thunder. It means
God is extremely loud, but your perception of God is the issue. The more
you become sharp at hearing God, the more audible it becomes. I always
use this example. Somebody who does hair notices everybody’s hair: That
was bad hair; that was good hair; oh, that hair could have been done
better. Who messed up your hairline?’ They can see all that stuff; why?
Because they work with hair, they can notice it. When you walk in the spirit,
you also notice something. What? - You notice the spirit.
So whatever you do is highlighted. You only see through your gift.
You don’t see through anything else. Once you understand that, it becomes
easy for you to yield yourself to the side of how to hear God, because if
God is spirit, it means if I walk in the spirit, then it’s easier for me to start
perceiving God. And if I don’t, then I miss God. Not because God is not
An example is when you’re in fashion and you like to dress up; there are
clothes that speak louder than others. Some say ‘that’s just too much’, but
there are people who pass by and do not notice that it was too much. For
them, it is just cool. They won’t perceive that it was too loud. It must be
extraordinarily loud for them to perceive it as ‘too much’. But it can be
loud, whereby the colors are jumping and screaming, but they will never
see it that way. They’ll think, ‘that was a cool outfit’. It didn’t say anything
‘loud’ to them.
When people talk about discernment, they think it’s common sense. Dis-
cernment is not common sense. People sometimes say, ‘use your discern-
ment’. That’s wrong. Discernment is not something you use; it’s something
you ‘see through’. You don’t decide when discernment turns on and off.
Discernment is not a feeling—I just feel like something is wrong—that’s
called a feeling. That is called emotion. That’s not discernment. To discern
is to tell the difference between a clear distinction and not a blurry dis-
tinction. A clear distinction between this spirit and that spirit. That’s why
it’s called discernment of spirits. Meaning that if I have discernment, I
don’t judge by my feelings. If I have discernment, I don’t judge or decide
according to how I feel, like some people think by saying, ‘that didn’t
feel right’. Many people who haven’t met God, don’t know that God isn’t
about feeling right’. Have you ever seen anyone in the scriptures meet an
angel or meet God and say, wow, this is so beautiful? Almost everybody is
having a heart attack! It’s scarier than seeing a demon. It’s definitely more
frightening than seeing a devil. It’s more frightening. An angel appears to
Daniel, saying, I was like one that was dead, and he touched me and gave
me strength.
When you see God, you want to die. You want to be swallowed by the
earth and shout, ‘take me somewhere!’ I don’t want to be here. It’s not an
easy thing. It’s not an easy thing to see angelic beings or to see God. It’s
actually easier to see demons. Why easy? You see them; they just look like
creatures. Some of them like monkeys or gorillas. Some also look like men,
but you feel a negative, dark kind of thing, yet you can resist. It doesn’t
make you pass out. In the presence of God, you feel like all the strength in
your knees is gone. It’s not an easy thing.

You know, I always remembered this encounter when I was taken to heaven.
I was at a garden, and I still remember how the chairs were set. They were
always set in a circular kind of way similar to the Hollywood Bowl. Only
these were garden chairs—the most comfortable garden chairs that were
better than any couch you have ever sat on. In the center of them was a
podium, and one of the prophets was speaking. I don’t know why I was
privileged to be in that meeting. I sat, and as I was listening, I was won-
dering, why am I in this place? Then I saw the Lord. When the Lord Jesus
is walking, it’s like He’s everywhere at the same time in heaven. It’s like if
you see Him over there and you turn to another side, you see Him over
there, you turn again, and everywhere you look, you will see Him. It’s a
very strange thing. It’s like He’s everywhere. Everything is in synchroniza-
tion; anyone you think of is coming to you. There’s no disorder, even in the
thoughts. I remember looking back, and I saw him like He was over there.
Then I looked again. He was so close to where the pulpit was. Everyone,
without even looking, came off their chairs and bowed down. The one who
was speaking without even looking behind said, the Master is here, and
everybody threw themselves down. Jesus said, ‘children, sit, sit, sit, sit, sit’,
and He ushered him to continue speaking. I was wondering why there was
an open chair at my spot. Then I saw Him coming down to me, and He told
me a lot of things about my work on earth, among others. Then I was sent
back. What I’m trying to explain to you, in short, is that there is a reverence
beyond your recognition that will put you on your knees whether you like
it or not. It’s not optional. When people say if you meet an angel, you ask
him, are you from God or from... I’m like, you haven’t met an angel. You
think you’re going to question an angel like that? You will know! That day,
your discernment will work when it didn’t before. That day, discernment
will work through fire and force. Without any choice.
Isaiah 30:19-22

19 O people who dwell in Zion at Jerusalem, you will weep no more. He

will surely be gracious to you at the sound of your cry; when He hears it,
He will answer you.
20 And though the Lord gives you the bread of adversity and the water of
affliction, yet your Teacher will not hide Himself any more, but your eyes
will constantly behold your Teacher.
21 And your ears will hear a word behind you, saying, This is the way; walk
in it, when you turn to the right hand and when you turn to the left.
22 Then you will defile your carved images overlaid with silver and your
molten images plated with gold; you will cast them away as a filthy blood-
stained cloth, and you will say to them, Be gone!

Now hear me by the Spirit of God. I want you to hear me with your heart,
and I want this to sink into you. The closer you are to God, the more God
will give you the bread of affliction. Whenever God loves you, it pleases
Him to afflict you, not because God doesn’t love you but because there
is a place that God is trying to get you to. Without the bread of affliction
and the waters of affliction, without going through affliction, you don’t
mature to the point where you can hear a voice. The reason you don’t
hear a voice behind you, the reason you cannot perceive the voice of
God, is not because your spiritual eyes have not been opened or your
spiritual ears have not been opened. You are rejecting the process that
gets you to the place where you begin to hear and see. No one can deny
their idols unless they have gone through the process of affliction. When
you hear the voice, you will realize that your idols mean nothing. Gold will
mean nothing to you. Silver will mean nothing to you. But these things will
continue to matter to you until you decide to eat and drink from the cup
and the bread of affliction. That is why fasting is beneficial; do you know
why? You’re afflicting yourself. I don’t know if somebody’s hearing me.
Whenever you choose to afflict yourself—not punish yourself, but afflict
yourself—according to scripture, you are yielding yourself to the process
of being molded. When you surrender yourself to the hands of God, the
molding is not pleasing. Because you give yourself to Him, it means that
He has the freedom to do with you what He wants. Many of us will say,
Lord, do with me what you will, but in reality, we are saying, Lord, give
me what I want, not ‘God, do with me what you please’. Your cry becomes
authentic when you realize that it equals affliction. He doesn’t begin to
hear you after an affliction. He hears you when you cry. He will answer
you, but the answer won’t be to increase you immediately. The answer
will be to put you through the bread of affliction. Then, after the bread of
affliction, you will hear His voice telling you to go left and right, and from
then on, your teacher will not depart. God departs from you because He
has not molded you to be with Him. For God to remain with you, you must
be broken like bread. You must be afflicted. Your affliction is your shaping,
your affliction is your molding, and your affliction is your preparation.
Most of your afflictions are not caused by demons. The problem is that the
church has glorified the devil too much. Everything is the devil; everything
is satan. It’s like a song: Devil this, devil that, devil this, devil. Because you
don’t understand that the reason you haven’t been dying is because the
One who is afflicting you is not afflicting you unto death; He’s afflicting
you unto life. Sadly, the modern concept of being a believer is to be soft.
Everything just has to work. Everything has to be good. If you ever meet
anyone who is seasoned in God, you will see them doing well, but if you
look at their affliction in their life, you will understand why they are doing
well. Many think that such people just appear out of the blue because
they were nice people and God blessed them, which can happen too, but
you have to remember that our greatness in God is not measured by the
wealth we possess; it’s measured by how many lives we can impact con-
sistently. How many lives can you save? How many people can you bring
to Christ? How many people can be delivered? How many people can be
healed? How has God shaped you? Did He shape you so that if you touch
somebody and that person has a devil, they will be set free even if your
eyes are not open?
If you bless somebody, they will indeed be blessed. Whatever you do,
the side effects are huge. There’s such a big consequence to someone
touching you or you touching them, and this consequence is positive.
It’s a positive reinforcement of what God is doing. What do you think gets
you to that place?
Jesus received the Holy Spirit. The first leading by the Holy Spirit was into
affliction. When He left the affliction, He became powerful. Then He was
told: He was no longer led. He was being told, Go here, go there’. I must
do what my Father says. Before that, He didn’t know that. There was no
‘I must do what my Father says’, until the affliction was over. Abraham
received the promise after affliction. Your cry hasn’t been real to God. And
the cry doesn’t mean tears; it’s talking about genuine prayer. Nothing is
pure unless it goes through the fire. Nothing is pure until it goes through
what? The fire. When things go through the fire, then we know who you
really are. You know, sometimes people say that death is fire. No, people
always die. Whether you are Christian or not, somebody has lost some-
body. That’s not the fire. The fire is a test of your faith. The fire is not:
who offended you? The fire is not: who insulted you? The fire is not: who
resisted you? The fire is not: who went against you? The fire is your test in
God! When things are good, is He still God? When things are bad, is He
still Lord? When things turn against you, when you have been delivered
into the enemy’s hands, is He still your Savior? That is the real fire—when
your husband walks away from you, when your wife walks away from you,
when the whole world spits you out because you have chosen Christ. That
is the real fire. Not the fire of ‘oh, I have been dumped—you can find
somebody else.

Different kind of vessels in the house of God

2 Timothy 2: 20-22 AMPC (KJV uses purge instead cleanse)

20 But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but
also [utensils] of wood and earthenware, and some for honorable and
noble [use] and some for menial and ignoble [use].
21 So whoever cleanses himself [from what is ignoble and unclean, who
separates himself from contact with contaminating and corrupting influ-
ences] will [then himself] be a vessel set apart and useful for honorable
and noble purposes, consecrated and profitable to the Master, fit and
ready for any good work.
22 Shun youthful lusts and flee from them, and aim at and pursue righ-
teousness (all that is virtuous and good, right living, conformity to the
will of God in thought, word, and deed); [and aim at and pursue] faith,
love, [and] peace (harmony and concord with others) in fellowship with all
[Christians], who call upon the Lord out of a pure heart.

Wooden Vessel

Listen to this: ‘ a great house.’ Remember what we were reading in

Isaiah where he says, The citizens of Mount Zion’? - That means God’s
house. Mount Zion is the mountain of God, which means God’s house.
That’s where God dwells. Therefore, in the book of Timothy, we are told
what is in that house. Listen to what the Bible is saying: In a great house,
there are not only vessels of gold, but there are also vessels of silver, ves-
sels of wood, and vessels of earth, meaning clay. Some of these are only
used for special occasions where honor is due, and some of these are used
in a place of dishonor. There are vessels for honor, and there are vessels
for dishonor. If a man purges himself, then he can become a vessel of
what? Honor. Meaning that your use in the hands of God is dependent on
how much you permit God to purge you. It’s not dependent on God; it’s
dependent on you. Let me give you an example:
A vessel of wood is somebody who has refused to go through affliction.
Because if you put wood in the fire, it’s gone. If you are a vessel made of
wood, you cannot survive the fire. If you are put in the fire, you will burn,
and that means you will be destroyed. You will be of no use. Hence, the
best place God can use you is a place of dishonor. A place where there
is no glory. A place where there will be no testimony: I went through the
fire and the Lord was with me; I went through this trouble and the Lord
saved me. If you are a vessel of wood, you cannot and won’t have these
Some of these translations I don’t like because they’ll say, instead of purge,
‘stay away from sin’. It’s not staying away from sin. It has a completely dif-
ferent meaning. You cannot purge yourself. To purge means ‘to cleanse’.
Doesn’t mean ‘to abstain’. That’s why we say, ‘What can purge our sin?’ and
not just ‘wash’. ‘To purge’ means ‘to take away the memory of it ever being
there’. That’s why you have to be careful with translations because words
have meaning. Even though it’s trying to give you the same meaning, it’s
not. The Bible did not make a mistake. The writers did not make a mistake
in the way they wrote it. That’s why it’s important to know the words.
Abstaining from sin doesn’t make you a vessel of honor, even though it’s
commendable. It’s a good thing to stay away from sin, but that’s not what
makes you a vessel of honor. If you are a vessel made of wood, you will
not survive fire. When difficult times come, when God wants to use you
for something great and He puts you in the fire, you will run because you
know the fire will make you quit. You would rather save yourself than go
into the fire, because if you go into the fire, you know you will forsake the
God that you love.

Earthen Vessel

The vessel of the earth is a good vessel; it’s not a bad vessel. It’s not the
best vessel. It’s in the ‘okay-category’. Why? Because the earthen vessel
is easy to break, and often when it is shaped over time, it can change its
form; it shifts sometimes. Because of that nature, God must break it again,
smash it, and rebuild it in order to reshape it. The problem with earthen
vessels is that you are stuck in your ways, and therefore it’s not easy for
you to be reshaped.
When the Lord was talking to Jeremiah, He said, Jeremiah, go to the pot-
ter’s house. Jeremiah goes to the potter’s house, and he sees the maker
or potter shaping things, and sometimes they don’t turn out the way he
wants them to. So he broke them into pieces and did it again. God said,
Israel is in My hands like clay. Why can’t they let me shape them?
When you’re an earthen vessel. These are people who are stuck in their
ways. They are not people who change by fire, because if you take that
vessel and put it in the fire, it becomes even harder. You put it in the
furnace; that doesn’t make it shapeable. It makes it more resistant. The
fire comes to test and purge. If you’re an earthen vessel, fire makes you
harder. It makes you stick to your ways even more. I’ve seen believers met-
aphorically on a Titanic, a sinking ship, and they will continue to play their
violins until they drown because that is what they are used to. They are not
willing to change. It is a mindset of ‘because my father did this, my mother
did this, this is what I know’. Everything else that is being taught does not
align with what I used to hear, so I am not into it. You know what you are?
You are an earthen vessel. You are not fit for any use of honor. You desire
to enforce people in your own traditions, in your own ways, according to
what you are used to. Not what God is saying, but what you are used to.
You say things to others like, ‘You don’t need prophecy; you just need the
Word of God; you don’t need healing; you’re going to heaven after all; you
don’t need money because money is mammon, but yet they work a 9-5 to
get money to pay for their bills. They will say you don’t need nice clothes,
you don’t need this and that, but you notice the people who say this are
people who can’t afford it, and because they have not been able to afford
it and to live a certain life, for them, everyone who has that is evil. I say it
again: Everyone who has that is evil in their eyes. It has cemented them
in lack. It has cemented them in stubbornness. It’s like they’re enforced
into it. The fire doesn’t make them better. It hardens them, and the longer
they stay there, they become black and dark, meaning that their condition
worsens. Not only do they become hard, but the color of their hearts also
changes. Wood will burn. It’s still useful in the kitchen. When your special
guests come, you don’t give them a wooden spoon. The plates you use—
like me, I’m African—in my house, everyone knows you don’t give me
food in plastic. Disposables? - No, no, no, no. We don’t do that. That’s just
our culture, isn’t it? Yes, it is. That’s why you have to find China for special
occasions. When you have guests, there’s a way to honor them. Many of
you have vessels of stainless steel that you serve to people, right? Yet if it’s
a proper place, every utensil will either be pure silver or gold.
Earthen vessels are fleshly people trying to be spiritual. Wherever they go,
they resist everyone. Unless you can fit into them because they are bowls,
they can never mold to you; you have to mold to them. So they are not
useful for anything except that which can fit into them. Everything that is
outside of them, they are not into. These are carnal people trying to be
what? Spiritual.
If you don’t adapt to this truth, if you don’t know this truth, if this truth
doesn’t enter you, then I’m sorry, but you will have such a hard time with
things that you should not be having a hard time with. You can’t keep
going to the same place that has been giving you bad results for years and
expect a different result. It’s called insanity. It’s 100% insanity. The word
you hear from earthen vessels doesn’t make you grow. It doesn’t make you

Silver Vessel

Now the vessel of silver is a sanctified person, but it’s an instrument for
common use and not for special use. Remember that wood and earth are
vessels of dishonor. These ones are like disposables. You don’t throw away
silver because it’s valuable. Still, it is for common use. That is why your
money was silver in the past. Everything was mostly silver. Gold was the
star. If you had gold, you were of another class. Jesus was sold for 30 pieces
of what? Silver. Silver is what people use for common things because it
can take a lot of damage and still be okay. You know, many people don’t
realize that gold is soft. Very soft. Gold is not hard. The purer the gold,
the softer it is. You must add silver to make gold solid. Hear me by the
Spirit of God. Silver is very durable, but it is not for special occasions. It’s
for common use. It can be beaten, thrown away, or put in the fire. It’s very
durable, as it can survive anything. The issue with silver is that because
it is common, how you represent God will not be different from another
person somewhere else. You will not be highlighted because you’ll be the
standard. You’ll be at the same level. You will all be of common use, and
you will be generating people after your kind who say, ‘Wow, this person
is anointed’, but if a gold vessel comes through, everybody will turn to
the gold vessel. The issue with the silver vessels is as follows: Because you
can endure much and have taken so much beating, and you have been
there for a long time faithfully, it’s easy for you to be offended, as you will
think it should have been you and not this soft person that came out of
When you read the story of the prodigal son, you realize that the prodigal
son was a vessel of silver. He was a silver vessel, and because he was so
useful to his father, he expected privileges from his father. Their weakness
is never their work ethic. Their weakness is never their ability to endure
difficult things. Their weakness is that they operate without divine revela-
tion. If you give them something to do, they will do it. But they will never
do it beyond the scope of what they have heard or what they have been
assigned. For them to go beyond where they are, it is impossible because
they are good for common use.
So even though God can use them all the time, their usefulness is in
the common area. The older brother hears that his younger brother is
back. He resents his father for celebrating somebody who has come back
because the vessel of silver will want to earn its place at the expense of
others. They’re not bad. Their point is: I have worked so hard; I pray more;
I fast more; I do this more; you can’t. They’re fake; I’m real! That is always
where they come from. They measure their relationship with God based
on their efforts because they are for common use. They don’t know how
to move in grace. They don’t understand how to receive the grace of God
because, for them, it is about: I live right, I do this right, I do this, I do
that, because they are always being used. Their resentment always origi-
nates from that place. I do, I do, I do, I do, I do, I do, I do. I must, I must,
I must. Also remember that silver is hard as well. So there’s an element in
them of being stuck in their ways too. Additionally, because there is no
softness, the sensitivity towards the heart of God is also technically not
there. They are pure, though. You know you can be pure without hearing
God? You can be clean without perceiving God. They’re indeed pure, but
they don’t know the heart of God. Their perception of God is that because
I have gone through hard times, everybody must go through hard times.
Because I have suffered, everyone ought to suffer. Because things have
gone wrong for me, they should go wrong for everybody. That is why
you’ll always hear them say, ‘The devil is always fighting me’. Even though
they are vessels of common use, meaning that they have power over satan,
all these vessels do have power over satan. The problem is that some
break because they cannot survive the fire when they are tested by God.
Temptation they will overcome, as you can escape temptation by the grace
of God, but the testing of God they will not survive as they are vessels of
common use. Everything for them is by fire and by force. Everything is by
force. Everything needs fighting. Everything needs a battle. Everything!
The devil is always fighting. They say things like, ‘You know what?, I’ve
been up praying all night fighting the devil!’ The Bible says He gives sleep
to his beloved. One night this happens, I can understand, but every night
all your life? No, something is wrong. You are picking fights.
All cannot be fight, fight, fight, battle, battle, battle. It’s becoming almost
a song. It can’t be like that. Where is the God that protects you? Where’s
the power of the Holy Spirit that makes every demon bow? What is it for
you? You’re always dodging bullets; you’re always on. Where’s the armor
of God that makes you even ignore their arrows as they hit and drop? Why
is it that you feel you must battle all the time? The issue is that you are a
vessel of silver. The vessel of silver is always complaining. That’s another
common trait of the vessel of silver. Always complaining. Father, I have
been faithful.
I have been taking care of everything in your house. You have never even
given me a lamb to celebrate with my friends. Yet I’ve been here slaving
for you every day.
They don’t walk in divine revelation, and due to this, they don’t even know
what belongs to them. They are so used to a hard life. Everything for them
must be earned. They can’t just come to God and receive from Him. The
Bible says in 1 Corinthians 2 that God has given us His spirit so that we may
know what He has freely given us. Freely! Vessels of silver want to purchase
everything. Everything must be paid for. Everything must be earned. All
must be this way. It must be that way. They love to hold on to their purity
because everything for them is by their standard. This also makes them
vessels of betrayal because they had to go through a lot of fighting. They
don’t know they are silver by grace. They’ll want you to go through the
same process that they went through, even though you might be wood.
Even though you might be clay and you need to be processed and change
your level. For them, everybody has to go through the same thing. By
this, the moment you fail, they will expose you. The problem is that some
people are stainless steel trying to pretend to be silver. They’ll come out
and say, ‘Ah, that one is this, and this is this...’ and then the next week you
catch them red-handed, doing the same thing they were blaming others
You know, sometimes the testing of silver—because they are created to
go through hard things, battle difficulties, that kind of treatment—is never
with fire. Their testing is to test their purity, to show them that you are not
pure on your own merits. You are pure because of God. So many times,
God will allow them to fumble and stumble to see if that will soften them
enough to realize that it is not you but God who helps them. It is God who
keeps them.
There are so many people who love to preach holiness. I don’t know how
you can preach holiness because holiness has nothing to do with sin. I
always tell people this, as it seems people don’t study. When you don’t
study, as my bishop loves to say, you become narrow-minded. You become
that because you can’t think beyond where you are. You have no room.
So God will allow you to fail. He will set you up to mess yourself up in
order for you to know and understand that even you need grace, despite
your character and despite how you can go through a lot of struggles and
battle many situations. Understand that being silver is not the level God
wants you to be at. Silver is what everyone can be.
As for holiness, who can be holy? Doesn’t the Bible tell you that there is
no one holy besides God? God is not under the law, so God can’t sin. The
concept of sin doesn’t apply to God. He can’t sin. So when the Bible says
that God is holy, It is not talking about what He does. It is talking about
the innate state of God. In other words, holiness is inherent to His nature.
That is just God. That’s why we say, You are holy. We don’t say You do
holiness. You are; it is an ‘I am nature’ within Him. But that has nothing to
do with the absence of sin, it’s just who He is. When He says, ‘You are a
holy nation’, He’s not basing it on our deeds. He’s basing it on how He has
set us apart for Himself. It has nothing to do with what we have done. The
Bible says that the holy prophets and everyone else sinned. Hence, it is not
holiness you should be preaching about, but purity. Yes, purity. We need
to live pure; we need to depend on Jesus being our righteousness and
not say, ‘You need to be holy, you need to preach holiness.’ What is holi-
ness? If you ask them, they don’t know. They will think holiness is purity.
God has declared you holy. It is not what you become. It is what He has
declared you to be. It is a declaration of God over you that you share the
same nature with Him, not because you have worked for it, not because
you have labored for it, but because He has decided it. It’s comparable to
me giving you your citizenship: I am an American. Now you’re an Ameri-
can. You can live in America. That’s what holiness is. Nobody can live holy.
It’s crazy. The Bible says that everyone under the sun sins, so if you are
sinning, does that mean that you are not holy? You are still holy because
it has nothing to do with sin. That’s what the Bible says—be holy without
what? A blame. This means you can be holy with a blame. The point is to
be holy without blame. The scriptures say,’ Be holy without a blame’. God
has chosen you. God has loved you like David: David was holy, killed his
friend, and became holy with a blame. You are still set apart. Therefore, be
holy without what? A blame. Therefore, when people say ‘preach holiness’,
they don’t know that they are actually saying ‘we have a lot of guilty, holy
people’. Let me not digress further and go back to where I was. Let’s go to
the vessel of gold.

Golden Vessel

Here is the beautiful thing about the vessel of God: Anywhere you place
gold, that place becomes valuable. When you become a vessel of gold,
even if they put you next to wood, that wood becomes valuable. Remem-
ber the Ark of the Covenant? It was made of wood, and what? Gold. It
was laid out with gold. All of a sudden, it carried extra value. Everything
put together with gold increases in value. And it is the only stable form of
currency. When there is a crisis, everybody runs to gold. When there is a
problem, everybody runs to gold. If somebody wants to look official, they
have to have gold. The golden scepter—everything to do with gold brings
honor, and everything that gold touches brings honor. Gold may just say
‘good morning’—it will be the best good morning because gold said it. If
silver says ‘good morning’, it will be like, ‘Yeah’.
I remember the prophet TB Joshua would do a mass prayer, and he would
say, ‘Say good morning to my destiny’. People will be saying ‘good morn-
ing’—a simple prophetic decree—meaning ‘my dawn has come’, or I am
welcoming my new beginning in Christ’. He would say that suddenly ninjas
with demons are being delivered and sick people with tumors are being
healed. Simply by saying ‘good morning’ because it was a vessel of what?
Gold. His good morning was not regular. A simple ‘hello’ from gold or a
handshake will cause something to happen to you. Gold will look at you,
and something will happen to you due to being associated with it: it will
increase your value. Nonetheless, gold has one weakness. Before we get to
the weaknesses—which are good, positive, and negative—have you ever
realized that gold is the only metal that a human being can put in their
body and the body will not reject it? It’s the only one. If you put silver in
it, your body will reject it. Any other kind of metal, your body rejects, but
gold, your body accepts. You can literally eat gold, and your body will not
fight it. That’s why, when you go to Salt Bay, they have gold-plated steak.
You can eat a $5,000 steak because it’s covered in gold. They will put in
gold flakes; you eat them, and nothing happens. You can literally swallow
gold and your body won’t reject it; you won’t generate any kind of sick-
ness. It will stay; it can stay in there, and your body will accept it. The body
does not reject gold. Every other metal in your body will push it out. It will
reject it. There will be a reaction to it. Pure gold is what the body accepts.
It means that gold is what was supposed to be on you. It is why heaven is
paved with gold, not silver. Let this sink in. It means it’s the only thing that
you’re supposed to have in you, and I’m talking metaphorically here. It is
something that you can have within you, and nothing wrong will happen
to you. Yet here’s the weakness of gold, and I’m going to finish with this.
The softness of gold is an advantage because gold is always ready to hear
God. Gold’s softness makes it easy to be molded by God. It doesn’t resist
God, even when it has been shaped into whatever He wants it to be. It can
still be bent easily. It’s soft; It’s not hard. It doesn’t mean it’s not strong.
It’s soft, not weak. You can bend it and move it so it yields to God easily.
The problem is that the world can take advantage of this softness because
gold is sensitive. Very sensitive. You know, one of the reasons many of you
don’t hear God is because you have a heart of stone. You have learned to
suppress emotions, not to govern them. Emotions were never meant to be
suppressed. They’re meant to be governed. They’re meant to be watched
over. They’re meant to be led. The moment you don’t rule over them, they
become your kryptonite, even though they are the element that helps you
perceive God. They become your downfall. 1 Kings 13 tells the story of a
young prophet who was told by God to go into the city and preach, and
when you are done, leave the city and go. When he came out of the city,
he decided to sit outside instead. An old prophet that lived in that city
came to talk to him and told him, ‘Why don’t you come and eat with me?’
He said, ‘No, God told me not to eat or drink with you’, to which the old
prophet replied, ‘I am a prophet as well.
Well, if you are also a prophet, why didn’t God speak to you while you
were in that city? Why didn’t God use you? The problem with gold is that
it is too trusting because of its soft nature. It’s too trusting. Some of you
need a little bit of silver. Just a little bit to not be easily swayed, as being
gold makes you easily swayed. The nature of the vessel of gold is that
it easily bends due to its soft nature. If it’s poked, it can complain. Not
because it loves to complain, but because it’s so used to being treasured.
The moment somebody stabs it, they say, ‘But I am...—they get hurt. They
don’t get offended. They are in the realm of hurt. You’ll notice prophets
who are crybabies. It’s true. Throughout scripture. They never complain to
men; they complain to God. They were crybabies before God all the time.
I know I’m one of them. Because of its soft nature, It’s fragile. That same
nature that God needs in order to direct you left, to direct you right, to go
up, and to go down is the same nature that satan can take advantage of,
and because gold is pure and it desires good for everybody, the problem
is that it is also incapable of discerning many times who is for them and
who is against them. Because gold can mix with any other metal and still
be gold.
In finishing, what vessel are you? What vessel do you choose to be? This
is a serious and profound question. What vessel are you choosing to be?
Before God can speak to you, He will afflict you. Because the affliction is
not to destroy you; it’s to lift you. It’s to change your dimension. It’s to
elevate you. It’s to bring you to that place where, when men see you, they
can see God. It’s easy to be common. It’s easy to fit in. It’s very difficult
to stand out. At the same time, it’s easy to stand out because that’s who
you are. You are not like everyone else. During these days of fasting, my
question to you remains: what kind of vessel shall you be? What kind of
vessel will you be? What are you choosing to be? Will your afflictions make
you better? Or will the afflictions destroy you?
The reason why it’s very important to know these things is that whenever
God begins to elevate you, bless you, and make you more, the battles will
also start increasing. Yet the battles are not designed to kill you because
you cannot be destroyed. Nothing can happen to you. The battles are
there to position you to realize that this nature I carry is not the nature
that God wants for me. He wants me to be more than what I am right
now. It is a profound thing for you to be able to hear God. Remember:
the purer, the better. If you are wood, you hear God on the wood level. If
you are of earth, you hear God of the earth level. Meaning whatever your
nature is, that is what He will use to speak to you. He will use the maximum
force needed for you, according to your level. When you become gold, He
doesn’t need to fight with you. The reality is, you can become whatever
kind of vessel you desire to be in his hands. The problem is, will you decide
to be that? That is the real question. Will you decide to be that, or will you
allow the enemy to take advantage of you? Let’s look at Isaiah 30.

Isaiah 30:19-22 AMPC

19 O people who dwell in Zion at Jerusalem, you will weep no more. He

will surely be gracious to you at the sound of your cry; when He hears it,
He will answer you.
20 And though the Lord gives you the bread of adversity and the water of
affliction, yet your Teacher will not hide Himself any more, but your eyes
will constantly behold your Teacher.
21 And your ears will hear a word behind you, saying, This is the way; walk
in it, when you turn to the right hand and when you turn to the left.
22 Then you will defile your carved images overlaid with silver and your
molten images plated with gold; you will cast them away as a filthy blood-
stained cloth, and you will say to them, Be gone!

Do you realize our father Abraham began to hear God because of his
affliction? The more he wanted a child, the closer he drew to God. And
when he got the child, he had the biggest affliction of his life to establish
him in it. The moment you reject affliction, you reject your teacher. The
moment you reject affliction, you reject what? You reject who? Your teach-
er. So, the Bible says the Holy Spirit will teach you all things. Understand
that it comes with affliction, because that is the teacher that is not going
to leave you. If you’re teachable, He’ll be there. The good news is that you
don’t remain in the place of affliction for a long time. It is as long as you
choose it to be. If you catch the lesson quickly, you come out of it quickly.
The longer you resist, the longer the process. The reality is that the pro-
cess can be as quick as hearing the word and changing your heart. That is
the reality. Let us rise up.

This is a time of great reflection because reflection is also prayer. Prayer is

not always talking. Prayer can be done through meditation. Prayer can also
be a great form of reflection. If you cannot sit down and think, ‘Hmmm,
Why am I in this position? What am I doing? Why am I still in this place? Am
I what the prophet described? Am I what the prophet described? Which
one am I?’ I’ll tell you the truth: gold is very rare, and there are very few
of it.
You must be separated by God, not by yourself, as in, ‘I don’t want to be
around people. I’m just going to find my own way. I’m just going to figure
it out. I’m just going to spend time and get it on my own; I’m just going
to leave everybody and go and be on a mountain somewhere to figure it
out. That is you being an earthen vessel. That’s you being clay. I can do it
on my own. Silver, on the other hand, wants to be used. So he’s good at
following directions. When you have an earthen attitude, you still don’t
understand what spiritual life is.
The reality is this: you can be in the fire and stay the same, as God will
not let you be destroyed. He’ll pull you out, give you time to recover, and
throw you back again. That is why, for many of you, your life goes up and
down. It’s like you’re breakdancing. It’s in waves. You become 14 Karats; He
leaves you; this is good. You transitioned from silver, and you’re becoming
more gold now. He gives you time, throws you in the fire again, and pulls
you out when you’re 18K. He keeps you there, and you’re getting closer.
Gives you time to function as 18K, throws you in the fire again, and you
come out as 20K. He pulls you out again, throws you in, and you come out
as 22K. Then the last stage is 24K, and you are the purest you can ever
be. What vessel do you want to be? As we worship God, I want you to
analyze yourself before we pray. Learn to analyze yourself. The issue is that
many don’t examine themselves. Many are not honest with themselves.
The most important lesson of honesty is to you first, not to others. Can
you be honest and truthful with yourself? Not with others, but with whom?
With you. Because that’s where it begins. While you analyze your heart,
we’re going to be worshiping God, and then when we come back, we’re
going to pray.

Thank you, Jesus.


Lift both your hands to heaven and say, ‘Father, in the name of Jesus, today
I come before You, and I pray, Lord Jesus, that I will be transformed and
that I will be changed. I reject being at the same level. I reject being in the
same dimension. I desire to be a vessel of honor. I desire to bring glory
and honor to You. When men see me, may they see You. Lord, I desire to
be a vessel of honor. Today, I accept Your correction. Today, I accept Your
process. My Lord and my God, do a work in me that no man can. Lord, I
want to please you, but I also want to represent You. I want to represent
You openly. I want to represent You to the masses. I want the world to
know that if You touch a man, they will never be the same again. Father, in
the name of Jesus, I want to be uncommon. I don’t want to be of common
use. I want to be uncommon.’
Lift your voice and begin to pray.


Before we pray our prayer points for the day, I want you to understand that
we are on the 10th day. Number 10 is the number of the law. Number 10
means establishment. The law was established.

When you give to God, say simply, Lord, as I give today, I’m giving con-
sciously, understanding what I am doing. As I give today, let me be estab-
lished in what I am pursuing. Let me be established in what I am coming
to you today. Let me be established. Let me be set in. In the mighty name
of Jesus, let me be sealed into it so that I will never be moved again. In
Jesus’ mighty name.

Let that be a genuine and truthful prayer. If it is not genuine or truthful,

don’t give it. May God bless you, and may the Lord increase you. In Jesus’
Prayer points I & II

Ezekiel 3: 22 AMP
The hand of the Lord was on me there, and He said to me, “Arise, go out
to the plain, and I will speak to you.”

Father, lead me to the place where I can hear Your voice constantly. Align
my spirit to your Spirit, and may Your mighty hand also rest upon me, that
I may do the impossible for Your glory.

Say, ‘Father, in the name of Jesus. Lead me to where Your voice is. Let every
situation that has happened to me and that has come into my life lead my
feet to where Your voice is. Father, I pray in the name of Jesus that I may
always find myself in the midst of Your voice. Where Your voice is, there is
bread, and men shall not live by bread alone but will live by the bread of
the Spirit, which is my Lord Jesus Christ. So I pray, Father, in the name of
Jesus, that everything that will drive me from Your voice be removed from
my life. I desire Your voice. I want to walk with Your voice. May I become
like Elijah, knowing that the Word of God was with Him. That the voice
of God was with him. As Your hand rests upon me, as Your mighty hand
rests upon me, may divine understanding, divine revelation, insight, and
foresight, even in the understanding of God’s language, be given to me in
the name of Jesus. Lift your voice and begin to pray.


Ezekiel 37:1-3 AMP

1 The hand of the Lord was upon me, and He brought me out in the Spirit
of the Lord and set me down in the middle of the valley; and it was full of
2 He caused me to pass all around them, and behold, there were very
many [human bones] in the open valley; and lo, they were very dry.
3 And He said to me, “Son of man, can these bones live?” And I answered,
“O Lord God, You know.”

Father, your word is on my lips. No situation is difficult for you: nothing is

impossible when I am with you. Father, by my word, let every dry and dead
situation come alive in Jesus’ name. What was lost, let it be found. What
was stolen, let it be returned. I restore every lost opportunity because all
things are mine in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Say, ‘Father, in the name of Jesus. As I raise my voice today to revive those
things that are dead, let those elements hear me. Let those situations hear
me because all things have ears to hear. Even mountains can hear. Even
the sea can hear. As I speak to my situation, let it not be any different. As
I raise my voice now, let things begin to shift. Lift your voice and begin to
Closing prayer

2 Corinthians 13:14 AMP

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God, and the fellowship
of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
Psalm 23:6 KJV
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life:
And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

Father, we thank you for this powerful moment, for this powerful time in
Your presence where we have learned, matured, and grown. Lord, I pray
that Your perfect will comes to pass upon each and every one of us and
that we will continue to grow and become all that You want us to be.
Father, be glorified now and forever in Jesus’ mighty name.

I love you. God bless you. Shalom.

©2023 Layout • Design • Redact: Joanna Ortyńska |

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