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A Distributed Linear Least Squares Method for

Precise Localization with Low Complexity in

Wireless Sensor Networks

Frank Reichenbach1 , Alexander Born2 , Dirk Timmermann1 , and Ralf Bill2

University of Rostock, Germany
Institute of Applied Microelectronics and Computer Engineering
University of Rostock, Germany
Institute for Geodesy and Geoinformatics

Abstract. Localizing sensor nodes is essential due to their random dis-

tribution after deployment. To reach a long network lifetime, which
strongly depends on the limited energy resources of every node, applied
algorithms must be developed with an awareness of computation and
communication cost. In this paper we present a new localization method,
which places a minimum computational requirement on the nodes but
achieves very low localization errors of less than 1%. To achieve this,
we split the complex least squares method into a less central precal-
culation and a simple, distributed subcalculation. This allows precalcu-
lating the complex part on high-performance nodes, e.g. base stations.
Next, sensor nodes estimate their own positions by simple subcalcula-
tion, which does not exhaust the limited resources. We analyzed our
method with three commonly used numerical techniques - normal equa-
tions, qr-factorization, and singular-value decomposition. Simulation re-
sults showed that we reduced the complexity on every node by more
than 47% for normal equations. In addition, the proposed algorithm is
robust with respect to high input errors and has low communication and
memory requirements.

1 Introduction
The increasing miniaturization in the semiconductor field is leading to the evo-
lution of very small and low-cost sensors [1]. Due to their small size they are
strongly limited with respect to processor capacity, memory size and energy re-
sources. Several thousands of such sensor nodes get into wireless contact with
each other and form large ad hoc sensor networks. A wireless sensor network
(WSN) will be placed around a field of interest or within an object. The sensor
nodes are able to monitor different environmental parameters and to transmit
them to a beacon or an infrastructure node. WSN enable new applications such
as timely detection of wood fire or monitoring of artificial dikes.
The resulting data are only meaningful when combined with the geographi-
cal position of the sensor. Possible positioning technologies are the Global Posi-
tioning System (GPS) or the Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM)
[2],[3]. These systems are however, due to the size of the equipment, the high
prices and the high energy requirements, unsuitable for miniaturized sensor
nodes and could only be used for a small number of nodes [4].

In this paper we present a new approach to energy-saving determination of

unknown coordinates with a high precision. Using this method, the calculations
are split between the resource-limited sensor nodes and the high-performance
base station.

This paper is structured as follows: In Section 2 we give a basic overview of

the methods for positioning in wireless sensor networks. In Section 3 we describe
the position estimation based on relationships to known points. Then, in Section
4, we examine the complexity of three classical solution techniques in order to
compare them with our new method. Next, we present in Section 5 our new
approach to split the least squares method with the aim to minimize the load
on the sensor nodes. Furthermore, the new method is analyzed with respect to
complexity, memory requirement and communication effort. After discussing the
simulation results in Section 5, we finally conclude the paper with Section 6.

2 Related Work

For the above-mentioned reasons, existing positioning techniques (e.g. GPS) can-
not be integrated on all sensor nodes. The number of nodes with known position
has to be limited. These nodes are referred to here as beacons, with the remain-
ing nodes classed as sensor nodes. For the positioning of the sensor nodes we
distinguish between approximate and exact methods.

Approximative Localization Many approximate approaches for the determina-

tion of sensor nodes exist in literature. These algorithms are resource-efficient
but also result in higher positioning errors. Examples of such approaches are the
hybrid methods [5], the Coarse Grained Localization [6], by using local coordi-
nate systems [7], the Approximate Point in Triangulation-algorithm (APIT) [8],
and the Weighted Centroid Localization (WCL) [9].

Exact Localization In contrast to approximation methods, exact methods use the

known beacon-positions and the distances to the sensor nodes in order to calcu-
late their coordinates through the solution of non-linear equations. Using a min-
imum of three beacons (in two dimensions), the coordinates of the sensor nodes
may be determined using intersection. The use of more than three beacons gives
more information in the system and allows the refinement of the position and
the detection and removal of outlying observations. The least squares method
(LSM) is used for the solution of the simultaneous equations. The LSM produces
B1(x,y) sensor node
base station
d31 d41 d51 B5(x,y) P(x,y) = unknown point
B(x,y) = beacon
B2(x,y) dij = distances
r2 r1 between beacons
r3 r5
B4(x,y) rj = distances between
P(x,y) sensor node and beacon

Fig. 1. Sensor network with one unknown point and beacons as reference points. Here
beacon one was chosen as linearization tool.

accurate results, however it is complex and resource-intensive and therefore not

feasible on resource-limited sensor nodes. Savvides et al. described methods to
overcome these problems in [10]. Kwon et al. presented a distributed solution
using least squares whereby errors in acoustic measurements can be reduced [11].
Ahmed et al. published a new approach to combine the advantages of absolute
and relative localization methods [12]. Moreover, Karalar et al. developed a low-
energy system for positioning using least squares which may be integrated on
individual sensor nodes [13]. A general overview of distributed positioning sys-
tems is given by Langendoen and Reijersin [14].

We demand exact localization methods that work on tiny sensor nodes with
high limited energy resources. To achieve that, we transfer the complex calcula-
tions such as matrix multiplication, matrix inversion, and eigenvalue determina-
tion to the base station that can be e.g. a powerful desktop computer or a more
efficient node in the network. Consequently, only simple calculations have to be
executed on the sensor nodes. Additionally, we reduce the communication and
memory requirements by optimizations of the proposed algorithm.

3 Background: Linearization and Least Squares Method

Estimating the position of an unknown point P (x, y) requires in two-dimensions

at least three known points (see Figure 1). With m known coordinates B(xi , yi )
and its distances ri to them we obtain:

2 2
(x − xi ) + (y − yi ) = ri2 (i = 1, 2, . . . , m). (1)

This system of equations must be linearized with either Taylor series [15] or
a linearization tool [16]. Although the linearization tool is not as exact as the
Taylor series, it requires no mathematical differentiation and it is suitable for a
distributed implementation (discussed later in Section 5). Thus, we use the j’th
equation of (1) as the linearization tool. By adding and subtracting xj and yj
to all other equations this leads to:

2 2
(x − xj + xj − xi ) + (y − yj + yj − yi ) = ri2 (i = 1, 2, . . . , j − 1, j + 1, . . . , m).
With the distance rj (ri ) that is the distance between the unknown point and
the j’th (i’th) beacon and the distance dij that is the distance between beacon
Bi and Bj this leads, after resolving and simplifying, to:
1 2
r − ri2 + d2ij = bij .

(x − xj )(xi − xj ) + (y − yj )(yi − yj ) = (3)
2 j
Because it is not important which equation we use as a linearization tool,
j = 1 is sufficient. This is equal to choosing the first beacon and if i = 2, 3, . . . , m
this leads to a linear system of equations with m − 1 equations and n = 2

 2 2 2

(x − x1 )(x2 − x1 ) + (y − y1 )(y2 − y1 ) = 2 r12 − r22 + d21  = b21
(x − x1 )(x3 − x1 ) + (y − y1 )(y3 − y1 ) = 2 r1 − r3 + d231 = b31
.. (4)
(x − x1 )(xm − x1 ) + (y − y1 )(ym − y1 ) = 21 r12 − rm

+ d2m1 = bm1

This system of equations can be written in the matrix form:

Ax = b (5)
   
x2 − x1 y2 − y1 b21
 x3 − x1 y3 − y1     b31 
x − x1
A= ,x = ,b =  . . (6)
   
.. ..
 . .  y − y1  .. 
xm − x1 ym − y1 bm1
This is the basic form that now has to be solved using the linear least squares

3.1 Solving the Linear Least Squares Problem

Due to the fact that overdetermined systems of equations with m >> n have
not exact one solution for Ax = b, we have to apply the L2-norm [17]. This is
also called the Euclidean Norm, which minimizes the sum of the squares:

M inimize
||Ax − b||2 . (7)
x ∈ <n
To summarize (see Figure 2), linear systems of equations can be solved it-
eratively using Splitting techniques or directly with the normal equations or
orthogonal factorization. Existing techniques are numerous but often the dif-
ferences between them are small. For this reason, we focus our studies on three
popular methods - normal equations, qr-factorization, and singular-value decom-
position. For all others we recommend [18].

Solving Least Squares


Gauss-Seidel Richardson Jacobi Normal Equations QR-Factorization

Fig. 2. Classification of common methods to solve a linear system of equations.

Normal Equations A trivial solution of the least squares problem is to recon-

vert after x. In this case, the unique solution of Ax ≈ b is given by:

||Ax − b||2 → AT Ax = AT b. (8)

Solving normal equations is a good choice if the linear system has many
more equations than unknowns, i.e. m >> n, because after the multiplication
AT A the result is only a quadratic [n × n]-matrix. That decreases the following
computation and makes it easy to implement in software. However, the numerical
difficulties that can occur sometimes determine a completely wrong position,
which leads to orthogonal techniques.

QR-Factorization Orthogonal matrices transform vectors in different ways

while they keep the length of the vector. Moreover, orthogonal matrices are in-
variant against the L2-norm, i.e. errors are not increased.

The qr-factorization transforms overdetermined linear systems of equations

of the form Ax ≈ b in a triangular system with the same solution, because it is:
2 R1 2 R1
kAx − bk → ||Q x − b|| = || x − QT b||2 , (9)
0 0

where Q is an orthogonal matrix (meaning that QT Q = I) and R1 is an

upper triangular matrix. This factorization is a standard method in numerics, is
robust and stable to execute. In addition, the processing of rank defect matrices
is possible.
Singular-Value Decomposition A second method that we want to explain is
the singular-value decomposition. If A has full rank and is a [m × n]-matrix with
m > n, then we can transform Ax ≈ b in a diagonal system with the solution:

S1 S1 S1
||Ax−b||2 → ||U V T x−b||2 = || V T x−U T b||2 = || y−U T b||2 ,
0 0 0
where U is an orthogonal [m × m]-matrix, V is an orthogonal [n × n]-matrix
and S is a diagonal matrix. The original algorithm has been implemented by
Golub and Reinsch in [19]. This algorithm is also robust and stable to compute,
but requires high computation effort due to root and eigenvalue operations.

4 Analysis: Complexity of the Methods

In the following, we will analyze the complexity of all three introduced methods.
Although the literature offers numerous specifications, later we will reduce spe-
cific parts of the calculation. In order to mathematically define the complexity,
we count the number of floating point operations (flops), which is commonly
used in literature. The required number of computation cycles strongly depends
on the hardware. Therefore, we count for every operation one flop whether it
is an addition, subtraction, multiplication or division3 . At this stage, we do not
consider copying-operations in the memory, because this operation depends on
the individual implementation of the algorithm.

As before, we will confine the explanation to two dimensions. Due to the

linearization with a linearization tool the matrix A and the vector b have (m−1)-
rows. For a clearer understanding we calculate with k-rows and substitute at the
end: m = k + 1.

4.1 Complexity of the Normal Equations

The linear system of equations:
−1 T 1 2
x = AT A A [r1 − r2 + d2 ] (11)
has to be solved. We divide the calculation into the following complexities.

1. Multiplying the [n × k]-matrix AT with the [k × n]-matrix A leads to n(n+1)

flops4 .
2. The [n × n]-matrix, resulting from 1., must be inverted5 with a complexity
of n3 .
It should be noted that in the arithmetic unit of a processor a division is a more
complex operation than an addition. We will focus on theoretical analysis.
Some operations can be saved by multiplying a transposed matrix with itself.
The inversion of a matrix is very complex with n3 flops (see [20]).
3. The [n × n]-matrix, resulting from 2., must be multiplied with the [n × k]-
matrix AT , which costs 2n2 k − nk flops. This leads to the precalculated
Matrix Ap .
4. The matrix Ap must be multiplied with the k-vector b. This step has a
complexity of 2kn − n flops.
5. The calculation of b needs 5k + 1 flops.

With k = m − 1 this leads to a total complexity of 15m − 5 for the least

squares method with m beacons and n = 2 unknowns.

4.2 Complexity of the QR-Factorization

Now, the complexity for the qr-factorization has to be studied. First the partial
matrices of Q have to be determined, which in our case for n = 2 are limited to
only two matrices; Q1 and Q2 .

1. The calculation of Q1 needs 25 k 2 + 92 k − n + 5 flops.

2. The calculation of Q2 needs 52 (k − 1)2 + 29 (k − 1) − n + 5 flops, because we
do not need to consider the last line in the calculation.
3. The multiplication of Q1 Q2 A, where Q1 and Q2 have the size k × k, needs
2k 3 + 3k 2 − 2k flops.
4. The calculation of b needs 5k + 1 flops (see 4.1).
5. For the calculation of QT1 b it has to be considered, that only the upper two
rows are needed for the multiplication. This leads to 8k − 4 flops.
6. The calculation of Rx ≈ QT b, by back substitution, requires exactly 4 flops.
Summarized, the complexity of the qr-factorization is 4m3 − 5m2 + 13m − 2

4.3 Complexity of the SV-Decomposition

The sv-decomposition is more complicated than the previously discussed proce-
dures, because a determination of eigenvalues is necessary, which has to be de-
termined using several methods. In principal, 9n3 + 8n2 k + 4k 2 n flops are needed
for the computation of U, V and S referring to [20]. With n = 2 this leads to
8k 2 + 24k + 48 flops. Additionally, x must be determined with S1 y = U1T b and
x = V y. Finally, this leads to a complexity of 8m2 + 25m + 54 flops for the svd.

Now, after discussing the standard methods, we will explain the new approach
for distributing them in wireless sensor networks.

5 New Approach: Distributing Least Squares Problem

Linearizing non linear equations with a linearization tool has a significant ad-
vantage. All elements in matrix A are beacon positions B1 (x, y)..Bm (x, y) only.
Moreover, vector b consist of distances between the unknown sensor node and all
beacons r1 ..rm and distances d1 between the first beacon and all others. Con-
sequently, we split the complex computation into two parts - a less complex and
a very simple part. First, we precalculate matrix A into a different form, which
strongly depends on the solution method and will be discussed later. Then, with
this precalculated form, a simple subcalculation starts. This splitting method
works in a similar fashion with all three solution methods.

So far, in sensor networks it is desired to execute the entire localization

algorithm on every node; completely distributed. With this assumption, the pre-
calculation of a least squares method would be exactly the same on every sensor
node, because matrix A is the same for every sensor node in a static network.
This wastes limited resources and produces high redundancy.
Now, with our distributed approach, the high-performance base station executes
the complex precalculation and the resource-aware sensor nodes estimate their
own position with the simple subcalculation. In this subcalculation all sensor
nodes use the same precalculated information combined with their individual
measured distances to every beacon. This assumes that all beacons are able
to communicate with every sensor node directly. This is difficult to achieve in
real environments, due to obstacles and limited transmission ranges, but can
be solved by multi-hopping techniques [21]. Thereby, beacons send packets over
neighboring nodes hop by hop to the destination node. The number of hops is
an indicator for a distance to the beacon. However, the focus in this paper is not
the distance determination, but the localization process. Before we describe the
methods in detail, we will postulate the entire algorithm.

Distributed Least Squares Algorithm

Step 0: Initialization Phase:

All beacons send their position B(x, y) to the base-
Step 1: Complex Precalculation Phase (central):
Base station builds matrix A and vector dp .
Starting the complex precalculation (result strongly depends
on the solution method).
Step 2: Communication Phase (distributed):
Base station sends precalculated data and vector dp
to all sensor nodes.
Step 3: Simple Subcalculation Phase (distributed):
Sensor nodes determine the distance to every beacon r1 ..rm .
Sensor nodes receive the precalculated data and vector dp ,
built vector b and estimate their own position Pest autonomously.

In the next section, we will adapt the algorithm to all three solution methods
and analyze the results in detail.
5.1 Reduced Complexity

In Section 4.1 we already analyzed the complexity of all three solution methods.
At this point it is important to know what we can save on the sensor nodes
without complex precalculations regarding only the remaining subcalculation.

Normal Equations We assume the constellation of the network in Figure 3

with sensor nodes, beacons, and a base station. On bases of (11) the base station
precalculates Ap = (AT A)−1 AT and dp = d2 . The matrix A and vector dp are
sent to all sensor nodes. Together with the distances r to all beacons, which
every sensor node must determine itself, the subcalculation starts:
x = Ap (r12 − r2 + dp ) (12)
This computation requires 8m − 11 flops.


sensor node

base station

Fig. 3. Splitting the normal equations.

QR-Factorization Here, the base station transmits the precalculated matri-

ces Q, R, and also vector dp . With this, every sensor node reduces computation
to the following:

1. Creating b needs 4k + 1 flops (We use the substitution k=(m-1) again.).

2. Multiplying y = QT1 b, where QT1 is a [2×k]-matrix and b is a k-vector needs
8k − 4 flops.
3. Solving Rx ≈ y by back-substitution finally requires 4 flops.

Summing up, the subcalculation requires a reduced complexity of 12m − 11.

SV-Decomposition As the third method, the sensor nodes receive from the
base station the matrices U, S, V and dp and have to compute:

1. Creating b requires 4k + 1 flops.

2. Solving U1T b, where U1T is a [2 × k]-matrix and b is a k-vector, results in the
vector z and requires 4k − 2 flops.
3. Then, y is calculated by back-substitution of S1 y = z. Due to the two zero
elements in S1 this requires only 2 flops.
4. The last part of the calculation requires 6 flops, where x is determined by
x = V y.

Adding all together leads to a reduced complexity of 8m + 1 flops.

To compare all complexities Figure 4 was created. The complete solutions

of the least squares method require much more operations than the reduced
methods. Especially qr-factorization and sv-decomposition would exhaust the
sensor nodes resources, because with only 50 beacons more than 104 floating
point operations are required. In contrast, the normal equations are less com-
plex. Obviously, all reduced calculations decrease the complexity and make the
localization on resource aware sensor nodes feasible. However, a low communi-
cation is also demanded, which we will analyze next.

5.2 Communication Effort

As already described, communicating between sensor nodes is critical and must

be minimized. Particularly, sending data over long distances stresses the energy
capacity of sensor nodes. Communication between base station and beacons is
less critical and must be preferred if possible. Therefore, we classify communi-
cation in two phases. In an uncritical phase, all beacons send their positions to
the base station. This causes no energy loss on the sensor nodes. Additionally,
in a critical phase the base station sends precalculated information to the sensor
nodes that have, in theory, to receive only. Practically, transmitting/sending is
never lossless, due to errors in the transmission channel and protocols that re-
quire acknowledge packets etc. Furthermore, the base station cannot reach every

10 160

5 140

Communication Effort


10 80

2 60
Complete Normal Equations
Reduced Normal Equations 40
Complete QR-Factorization Reduced Normal Equations
10 Reduced QR-Factorization Reduced QR-Factorization
Complete SV-Decomposition 20 Complete Computation
Reduced SV-Decomposition
Reduced SV-Decomposition
10 0
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Number of Beacons Number of Beacons

Fig. 4. Complexity of all complete and Fig. 5. Communication effort of all

all reduced calculations in flops. reduced and the traditional method.
sensor node in one hop, which demands multi-hopping over some nodes.

Normal Equations Here, we focus on a theoretical comparison of the algo-

rithms that is, for the moment, independent of protocol definitions and media
access operations. Hence, every sensor node must receive the precalculated ma-
trices and vector dp . The communication effort directly depends on the used
solution method.
At the normal equations the sensor node receives matrix Ap and vector dp , with
[n · (m − 1) + (m − 1)] elements. This results in receiving (3m − 3) elements.

QR-Factorization This requires transmitting QT1 with [2·(m−1)] elements,

matrix R with only two elements and also dp . Summarized, (3m + 1) elements
must be send in the critical phase.

SV-Decomposition By applying the sv-decomposition, (3m + 3) elements

must be transmitted, because S1 consists of two elements, U1T has [(m − 1) · 2]
elements, the quadratic matrix V consist of two elements and vector dp of (m-1)

We compared all communication efforts in Figure 5. The communication ef-

fort of all reduced methods is relatively low, comparing to the traditional method
with much computation overhead6 . The direct solution of the normal equations
minimizes communication. As an example, with 50 beacons not more than 100
elements must be received.

5.3 Memory Considerations

Normal Case The reduced calculations must be feasible on sensor nodes with
a very small memory, mostly not more than a few kilobyte RAM. In our case,
the memory consuming operation is always the multiplication of b with the
precalculated data. Without optimizations this would be for the three methods:

1. Ap · 12 · (r12 − r2 + dp )
2. QT1 · 12 · (r12 − r2 + dp )
3. U1T · 12 · (r12 − r2 + dp )

In the worst case Ap , QT1 , U1T , and r plus dp must be stored temporarily
in memory before the execution on the sensor node can start. In more detail,
[2 · (m − 1)] + (m − 1) + (m − 1) = (4m − 4) elements must be stored. On common
microcontrollers, that are presently integrated on sensor node platforms, every
element is stored in floating point representation as a 4 byte number. Accord-
ingly, with m = 100 beacons, already 0.796 kb must be allocated, for localization
”Complete Computation” stands for the classical method, where all beacons send
their positions directly to all sensor nodes. Thus, every sensor node must receive at
least two positions to determine its own position that results in 2m elements.
only. Normally, the localization task is part of the middleware that has to ex-
ecute many more tasks. Besides, temporary variables are needed that increases
the memory consumption. Given these facts, we studied the critical operations
in more detail and will describe optimizations in the next section.

Optimizations In reality, input data for sensor nodes arrive in packets and will
be disassembled into a serial data stream. Due to problems in the transmission
channel (e.g. different paths or transmission errors) a sorted order of the incom-
ing packets cannot be guaranteed. The data can arrive in an unsorted form and
the calculation begins after receiving all data.

However, the reduced calculation has a further useful quality. Individual cal-
culations of Ap ·b can be executed after the arrival of only some elements without
collecting all data. Only one accumulator for the position Pest (x) and one for
the position Pest (y) of the sensor node is needed. If we define W = Ap , QT1 , U1T
independently from the specific method, the following multiplication will always
 
w11 · · · w1(m−1)  b2 
    
w11 · b1 + . . . + w1(m−1) · b(m−1)
 ..  = .
w21 · · · w2(m−1)  .  w21 · b1 + . . . + w1(m−1) · b(m−1)
With wij (i = 1..2, j = 1..m − 1) and bs (s = 1..m − 1) the following as-
sumptions can be made. If elements with j = s are available, an immediate
multiplication of wij · bs and a subsequent accumulation in Pest (x, y) is possible.
The index i distinguishes into which accumulator it must be written; Pest (x) at
i = 1 or Pest (y) at i = 2. Finally, the optimized reduced calculation requires a
worst-case calculation time of (m − 1)/2 if the elements arrive in reverse order.

To avoid the case of unsorted data it is also possible to send the elements
wij , ds in appropriate tuples, e.g. w11 , d1 ; w12 , d2 ; . . . ; wij , ds . In best case, space
in memory has then to be reserved for only a few temporary variables and two
accumulators which reduces memory consumption to a minimum.

5.4 Example
The algorithm is intended for implementation and execution on a sensor plat-
form. Due to this, we have represented the results in Table 1. We assume m = 100
beacons and n = 2 for the second dimension7 . Furthermore, we assume that a
floating point representation requires 4 byte of memory.
The direct calculation by normal equations requires minimal computation
whereas the calculation by the qr-factorization requires lowest data traffic. How-
ever, the normal equations are numerically instable and the sensitivity of the
It must be considered here to add x1 and y1 to the final coordinates due to the
linearization in (6).
linear equalization problem can deteriorate. Remarkable are the saving of the
calculation for the qr-factorization and the sv-decomposition, because the precal-
culation requires the largest expenditure. Summarized, this overall comparison
shows the potential advantages of the new distributed approach.

5.5 Noisy Observations

Estimating the position basically requires beacon positions and distances. Due
to various error influences, e.g. imprecise measuring of the signal of flight or de-
fective GPS-coordinates, the applied algorithm must be robust to input errors.
For this reason, we studied the behavior of the described methods in different
simulations concerning noisy distances r and noisy beacon positions B(x, y). To
realize this simulation, we substituted the exact value by a chosen random value
out of a Gaussian distribution rappr , Bappr ∼ N (µexact , σ 2 ). The exact value was
the arithmetic mean and the variance σ 2 was a parameter. We always simulated
with 500 nodes, where 5% were beacons and the rest sensor nodes. We executed
numerous series and averaged the results to avoid a strong influence of outliers.
We created a test field with the size 100 × 100 where all nodes were placed by
a uniform distribution. We determined in all simulations the averaged relative
localization error.

In a first simulation we compared the achievable precision of the three meth-

ods that solves the least squares method. Figure 6 shows that with exact input
the error for all three reduced methods ranges only in an interval of 0.5 · 10−14 .
Following simulations with noisy input showed the same differences, leading us
to continue simulating using only the normal equations.

Next, a simulation with noisy distances was executed (see Figure 7). An in-
creasing variance of the Gaussian distribution resulted in an increasing relative
localization error up to 6% at σ 2 = 100. The standard deviation is relatively

Table 1. Performance comparison with floating point numbers and 100 beacons. The
communication effort and the memory capacity in the table refer to the reduced meth-

Full Reduced Savings Communication Memory

Algorithm Complexity Complexity Effort Capacity
[flops] [flops] [%] [bytes] [bytes]
Normal Equation 1497 791 47.16 1188 ≈ 1588
QR-Factorization 3951302 1201 99.97 1204 ≈ 1588
SV-Decomposition 82556 803 99.03 1212 ≈ 1588
x 10
3.5 7

3 6
Relative Localization Error [%]

Relative Localization Error [%]

2.5 5

2 4

1.5 3

1 Least Squares arithmetic mean 2

Least Squares standard deviation
Least Squares standard deviation
QR-Factorization arithmetic mean
0.5 QR-Factorization standard deviation
QR-Factorization standard deviation
SV-Decomposition mean
SV-Decomposition standard deviation
SV-Decomposition standard deviation
0 0
1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Repetitions Variance

Fig. 6. Localization error with exact input. Fig. 7. Error with noisy distances.
14 15

Relative Localization Error [%]

Relative Localization Error [%]



0 0
1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Variance Variance

Fig. 8. Error with noisy beacon positions. Fig. 9. Error with complete noisy input.

In more simulation series we studied the error for noisy beacon positions.
This simulation describes the behavior of the algorithm in a slightly dynamic
network, where the beacon positions can change after the precalculations are
already executed and transmitted to the sensor nodes. The sensor nodes would
determine new distances to the beacons but combine them with wrong beacon
coordinates. Figure 8 shows the increasing error that rises over 8% at a variance
of 100. The standard deviation is also higher compared to the previous simu-
lation. Defective beacon positions influences the results strongly, but normally
they are not the main problem. This means that the algorithm is able to manage
slight changes in a dynamic network with an acceptable error.

In a last simulation we increased the variance for both, distances and beacon
positions. Figure 9 shows the result. Here, the highest error occurs, as it was
expected. However, these results show the robustness of the algorithm.
6 Conclusion
We have presented a new method for exact localization in resource-limited sen-
sor networks by distributing the least squares method. Usually the calculation
of this method is very complex with an increasing number of beacons. However,
the use of the linearization tool enables us to split the complex calculation into
a complex part, precalculated on the high-performance base station, and a very
simple subcalculation on every sensor node. With low communication traffic the
base station sends precalculated data to all sensor nodes. Sensor nodes must
only receive data and compute their own position autonomously.

Simulations show that a complexity reduction of 99% (for qr-factorization

and singular-value decomposition) and 47% (for normal equations), using 100
beacons, is achievable without increasing the communication requirements. More-
over, we described optimizations where the algorithm starts executing as soon
as the first data arrive at the sensor node. This allowed high savings in the
required memory capacity with only a few kilobytes of memory considered. Cur-
rently, we are studying the algorithm in extensive network simulations. In future,
the implementation on a real sensor platform is planned.

This work was supported by the German Research Foundation under grant num-
ber TI254/15-1 and BI467/17-1 (keyword: Geosens). We appreciate comments
given by Edward Nash, which helped us to improve this paper.

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