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Practical Research 1 Jose Rizal Institute (Orani)

11-HUMSS A Mr. Ezekiel John M. Recto



Author(s) Title Year Publisher Description (Note: This basically

explains what the book or article
you’ve found is about. This part
must be expressed in your own
1. Alsup, Janet A Case for Teaching 2015 Routledge This book argues why literature
Literature in the must be taught more vigorously in
Secondary School: an education system that privileges
Why Reading Fiction STEM subjects. It enumerates the
Matters in an Age of benefits literature has on students,
Scientific Objectivity identifies the barriers teachers
and Standardization combat to teach literature, and
offers creative teaching solutions
and innovations for students to have
a more enjoyable literary learning
2. Araya, K., Teaching English 2017 Redie This study investigates the adequacy
Campos, P, Literature in Costa of English as foreign language
González, E., Rican Experimental (EFL) teachers’ training to teach
Marín, G., Bilingual High English and literature or English
Rojas, K. & Schools: EFL through literature.
Sánchez, C. Teachers’ Academic
3. Attridge, Derek The Singularity of 2017 Routledge This book defies the historicity of
Literature literature—that literary classics like
Iliad, Beowulf, or Uncle Tom’s
Cabin are valid cultural reflections
of the societies and time periods
they “represent.” It challenges
teachers, students, readers, and
critics to look into the ethical
importance of literature and to
determine whether there is
something worthy to be called
4. Batchelor, Opening Doors: 2017 The Clearing This article persuades English
Katherin E., Teaching LGBTQ- House language and literature teachers to
Ramos, Maria, themed Young Adult incorporate LGBTQ-themed young
& Neiswander, Literature for an adult literature in the present
Samantha Inclusive Curriculum curriculum to cater to the learning
needs of students who identify
themselves in the LGBTQ spectrum
and those who came from LGBTQ
5. Beach, Richard, Teaching Literature to 2016 Routledge This book offers teachers a variety
Appleman, Adolescents of approaches to help teachers
Deborah, & effectively instruct adolescent
Simon, Rob students to read and interpret
literature. It specially recommends
the use of young adult fiction to
draw the adolescent reader. Most
importantly, it gives perspective on
literature learning assessment, a
known obstacle in literature
6. Chun, Dorothy, Technology in 2016 The Modern This article delves into the influence
Kern, Richard, Language Use, Language of technology on linguistic and
& Smith, Bryan Language Teaching, Journal literary expression and maps how
and Language teachers may use technology in
Learning teaching language and literature.
7. Derewianka, Teaching Language in 2016 Oxford This book shows how teachers can
Beverly & Context. Second University Press help their students see how literary
Jones, Pauline Edition. texts reflect real-life language use; it
challenges teachers to use literary
texts that will help students forge an
awareness of language.
8. Fowler, Roger The Languages of 2016 Routledge The author of this book contradicts
Literature: Some (Originally the separation of language and
Linguistic published in literature in most academic
Contributions to 1971) discourse. He refutes that linguistics
Criticism must not be used to interpret
literature. In fact, he asserts that
language and literature are close-
knit and that there is a continuity of
language both inside and outside
9. Ghazali, Siti Learner Background 2016 Malaysian This study investigates how learner
Nhorliana and their Attitudes Journal of ELT background (i.e. gender,
towards Studying Research socioeconomic status, and location
Literature of school) affects a student’s
attitude toward learning the English
language through literature; its
primary assumption is that students’
proficiency level has a direct
connection to their interest in
studying English by literature.
10 Hall, Geoff Recent Developments 2015 Springer This chapter talks about the
. in Uses of Literature evolution of literary texts that
in Language Teaching readers enjoy and the multimodality
of literary forms technology offers.
It also provides creative insights for
teachers who want to engage second
and foreign language learners in the
study of language through literature.
11 Hayn, Judith Teaching Young 2017 Rowman & This book investigates the
. A., Kaplan, Adult Literature Littlefield popularity of the young adult fiction
Jeffrey S., and Today: Insights, genre and its implications on
Clemmons, Considerations and teaching adolescents and young
Karina R. Perspectives for the adults in the classroom. It explores
Classroom Teacher the different issues today’s young
adults imbibe through literature,
such as environmentalism and
gender identity. It also makes
suggestions on how the language
teacher can wield students’ interest
in this genre to teach English and
12 Kelly, Peter & Snapshots of 2015 International This article compares the language
. Dorf, Hans Language and Journal of and literature teaching styles in
Literature Teaching in Primary, England and Denmark to delve into
Denmark and England Elementary, and the differences of how language and
Early Years literature are taught in both
Education countries and how educational
policies move the linguistic and
literary discourse in the classroom.
13 Leland, Teaching Children’s 2017 Routledge This book gives teachers
. Christine H., Literature: It’s perspective on incorporating
Lewison, Mitzi, Critical! children’s literature into the
& Harste, curriculum in a way that helps hit
Jerome C. the goals of 21st-century language
and literature learning.
14 Ling, Sii, Ling, Types of English 2016 The This study reports that in teaching
. Mee, & Eng, Literature Teaching International literature, teachers favor an
Chen Siew Approaches Preferred Journal of information-based approach over a
by Teachers in Language moral-philosophical approach and
Secondary Schools in Education and paraphrastic approach. The teachers
Miri, Sarawak Applied do not favor this approach because
Linguistics of the students’ backgrounds but
(IJLEAL) because their students would get
higher scores in the standardized
tests when an information-based
approach is used.
15 Mustakim, Siti Teacher’s Approaches 2015 Malaysian This study examines the experiences
. Salina, in Teaching Online Journal and practices of five English as
Mustapha, Literature: of Educational second language (ESL) teachers in
Ramlee, & Observations of ESL Science teaching Contemporary Children’s
Lebar, Othman Classroom Literature to Year 5 students.
16 Ochoa Reading Logs and 2015 How This study explains how reading
. Delarriva O. & Literature Teaching logs can be incorporated in
Basabe, E.A. Models in English literature teaching models for
Language Teacher teachers to discover students’ depth
Education of perception of the world around
17 Short, Mick Exploring the 2018 Routledge This book analyzes the interaction
. Language of Poems, (Originally of readers and literary texts. It
Plays and Prose published in examines how literary texts affect
1997) readers based on how they
comprehend them.
18 Simanowski, Teaching Digital 2015 Transcript This chapter deals with digital
. Roberto Literature literacy’s increased demand as a
result of the growing popularity of
digital literature and the apparent
decline of print literature readership.
It helps teachers adapt to the
literature learning situation of the
21st-century classroom.
19 Tehan, Patricia, The Place of 2015 The Reading This study reveals how students feel
. Yuksel, Dogan, Literature in an Matrix: An mixed about the inclusion of
& Inan, Banu English Language International literature in an English language
Teaching Program: Online Journal class. It also highlights that students
What Do Students who are presently enrolled in a
Think About It? literature-infused English class
understand its logic and its
importance in education. It aims to
give teachers some perspective on
how to teach diverse groups of
students based on how they view
20 Widdowson, Stylistics and the 2014 Routledge This book explains how stylistic
. H.G. Teaching of Literature (Originally analysis can be used to better
published in interpret literature as discourse and
1975) to extend the perceived meaning of
a literary text into the reader’s own
life and experiences.

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